Wantei--J. M. Seott. ' fh Do diney -omhith. Orerreoate--Telton Hros' Horsen Wanted -- Forbe« Broa, | Imme'#e Excitement --Hyslor Opera KRouse--Mr Frank To hae. "kd Painting Hease---W. Casson. | ¥ your Groceries W aleh Hroe'/ Fatdasa of Cal Liver O1- --Seorr'a, Show Cases For Ssle+-J.-H- Daften. Have you Phid--W. & F Workman Be Liaw Ne. 6----Town of Sc. Housekeepes Wanted Received 'Lately --J. H. Naxmyth & Co. + Classic. City Bhasind Bar's r Obleerve the Turn Card of, Thinks. 'view. Auction Sale Me Phdteen 2% Stratford Sasing and Building Society D. B Barritt. tits Week | ee OTE ARNING-SOUNDED. | Will it be Heeded in the Proper Quarter? -- respectfully ~ but firmly calls the attention of the Oooservative Government at Ottawa (Hon. Mr. De wid ney, Superintendent Genggel of Indian Affaire, particularly), to the undesirable state of affaire prevailing in the Con eervative ranka in this section, and t Tue Times the causes which-bave-Jed and are leading thereto. It iso well-known fact in Stratford that t~-Alaalom Dingman, who last yéar received S1,700 of « salary a3 eo called "Teepector of Indian Ajeucies," and #1, G95 for apacetl ins tiverwitt-thes alio Owns the Strat : expenses in connec the Conservative party cannot and "will pot countenance ft any tenger.- Something must Conservative party here, "and artillery in the very heart of Conservatism. acandal effectually, the Ottawa Govern ment peed not be surprised if the traitor these people are striving so hard to carry out . Therefore, it behoves the powersat Ottawa to coa-iler this matter carefully art teat with i promptly. last Sunday referred to ** bratidy 2m sdiebh, th at 3 young ten are smashed with nowa days That may have wen the fashionshl dick in Talmage' * Brother Talmage HES CLNADIAN~ Bal: ix OF COMMERCE. j Ectamisako 1607. MEAD OFfricc, TCRONTO. _ CAPrTa: itu': Ue) DoLLas" B. E. WALKER, General Morager. STRATFORD Frise 8 Sewer AL HONKING HLS ESS TRANSASTED, FARMERS COTES. 2 DRAFTS ISSUED PAYAGLE AT ALL POTS mW ARO THE Gath dS mn, JHE UNITED. STATES, GREAT OMITAM, FRANCE, 6 RMUDA, ae SAVINGS GANK DEPARTMENT. CEPOSITS CF 91.00 ANO UPWARDS RECE'VED, AND - Stratford "Times. "BUTLER & EWEITE, PECPRIETORS. H. T. BUTLER, Editor. Terms; a --s Year, in advance. Wepwesnay, Fer. 1OTH, £860. Se THE MULL RIOTS. It 1s to be siete that a demon- stration, the like of which took place at Hall last week, should have oce1r- red in ( It--will afford food for refiection to those who imagined that the days ef martyrdom have passed ever since the st+ke and the faggvt went into disrepute ; and that the spirit of persecution went out with the flames of Smithfield. Al- though the consuming zeal, which ~-----by-some.inay be looked upon as fool- | hardy inits way, prompts the Evan- s to go ib into « place like element "predominates ; French are religious zealots and po- litical fanatics, they should be pro- tected. Atthe same time it does appear passing strange that with od fierata wewrpaper, aithough it-ap pears in the pames of two of his sons, as publisbers,--art d professing cute erdig to be a Conservative paper ! It is also a lamentable fact that Zhe said newspaper and its present managers have done. and ara doing an in calculable amount of injury to the Con vervative party in thisiection. As an evi dence of this, we point to the beggarly at tendance at the annual meeting of the Stratford Conservative Association which convened in.thiacity,last Thursday evening, where "ising bisa at most, Liberal-Con- Ibis to be regretted 'that in a Couscrvalive erty Tike Stratford, in a Conservative riding like North Perth, which has from time imme- morial been true to the priaciples of Con- servatism, that at the annual meeting, and on the eve of a local election, not twenty Conservatives out of some 1,000 in influential Conservative speakers pointed out at that meeting, when he said : --" Was it nota shame that sach feeling existed that this city, tarmed out. As one of the most' be done to ; deal ate the gloomy cloud that hangs oter the which threatens every moment to discharge its If, something is not done to croeh this ots influences at work accomplish what THE CURLING BONSPIEL ~The. bénapiel which began on Monday was a grand success, Owing to the tankard vompetition not being c: oni ple ty or Ches lay Gait abd Kincardine cla though entered, were unable to atten 'i "The games Wingham vs. Berlin ea Monday ; score, Wingham, 34; Hright vs. St Mary- on Menday évenihg playdrs, St Marys---J, D. sloor J M.° Weir, S. Sparling, skip Chalmers, W Somerville, <b. O Ld Andrews, skip, 15. Evans, T. Reisberry, W. Re Stewart, skip, 16; °C. Dalgleish (Cowan, Geo Dushan, J McKee be Marys "inning by «ix Tur raday morning Goderic! and Harriston tried conc heateens, the latter Winting by 2 The oxbe re s were---PaFia Fe Goelph ; Paris, 44; Grelph.3 Vaterioo v Heiyh!: 22 fer the former 'aa 47 for the latte F Tuesday afternoon Goderich tri ions with Harriston, the result bei ing 40 fa ir ms extreme pre dra Grits are striving to sake a mountain outof a mole hill regard- ing the expenditure at Rideau Hall., and fonls te fo nd because $1,100 is paid for domestic napkins. Taken altogether ther, the had been the means of splitting up the Conservative party in this section ?" The speaker said a great deal more, but is a canse for the language used on that occasion. Never was there a time in the history of the party that there should be united effort and action amongst all its members. Now is the time that all who profess and believe in the principles of Conservatism should put their shoulders to the wheel. From the advent of the //erald's present managers into Stratford, up to the present date, they have kept apa steaiy bat sly cresade~ against -the..re-nomination uf Mesers. 5S 1K. Hesson and George Hess, the Conservative members for the Domina: ion and Local Houses in North Perth. They have waged an abusive personal warfare against Tux Times, especially against its editor when occupying the position of Mayor of the city. His party fealty they dared not impugn. Now they are attacking its proprietors and pro- minent Conservatives ta the law courts. With the aid of a Grit lawyer, also an oficial of the Oatario Govern- tives who won't back up their treachery by oe their father's paper ; and violate consciences by acquiesc- ag ia tke vostiag of the public chest to maintain their business !! sinners ga Mumerous in Oitawa City * asthe sands on th sea shore, the Evanyelists should pass by the Otta- ba beathea and strive'; convert the Hub "valley. If they persist in go- ing there, it will be the duty of the powers that rule to afford them that protecti'n to which every British subject is entitled whose lot is cast under the Union Jack, even though it be done at the point of the bayo- ~ net, And the sooner those who wish to become. martyrs, and those who would inagurate a war of persecution understand it in that ght, the bet- ter for the peace of the community. The time has not yet come when even fanaticisn is to be gagged, and reason hoodwinked. MR. HESSON ©: ON THE XN. P. ince 1°? Conservatives in this city who have beam wach all thetr lives, mew who} oi have fought 'the battles of the party in its infancy; who have stood by their guns in the prime of their manhood ; and who, although they have suffered in the courts, in their pockets, and in their business, are as loyal and as true to the party as ever they were, but they will not attend the party's meetings ia Stratford at present, because they know the /Irrald traitors will infest the room with; their presence!! 'These influential members of the party are aware ef the seeds of discord and jealousy that have been so carefally disseminated by that hireling sbect's present managers! They know that the paper ia maintained by public money alone ment, and that it and its owners and managers ate treacherously doing their the above is eafficient to show that there | .. who is | those forever = received from the present Ottawa Govern- * $31 644 last year, which io on ition to fur. house, was for. re repairs, ac. see how economical the Grits have been in this respect In Bh i wd xpended $67,000 on the Gov one ral's -- over and ee hin official salary In 1875 the sum thus in excese, salary and cost of secretary's ar : and in 1878, their last year of office, the Grits expends? $68,603 over the prose foe eala- ries «f the Governor General and the Sec- rotary 'solice..'* Consistency, then arta jewel," as poor Sepnatcr Tom Logan used | tosay, * of the deepest dye. micicaavnliani ~Mr Mulock's loyalty motion!was injex- ceedingly poor taste First we are aise **that tow ments have bees made questioning cox diane' loyalty." Then we are informed "that thee¢ statements are wholly incor: rect, that Canadians are (trooly) loyal subjects." If the statements are incorrect, what sense was there in the motion ? if because of disloyalty there tes beea any need for such a jon moticn iteelf is untrue. Mr Mulock may mean well enough, but a amount of sus- is ov ® more and. a hoe pecrioio evidenos of which e have had at Landy" Lape, Queensten Heights and Batoche, bdaspalnee a oth ape me arrives Canadians demonstrate venir foyolty quite forcibly. ---- eee cit paper ise to observe: -- "* The worst ha ean be paid id agniost the Waeeeee sipetneni-aait for Haldimand is that be is a young We have heard tell of people who have charged that it was crime to bea young man, but never before, to our knowledge, have we seen the in a public journal, until it a) in the G/obe, Then we are info, in addition to this crime, that he has "no capacity." I other words, that be is an idiot, 3 tawa Government, with its tottering, hia If the Gavctmmeit had a ST such a person as the @ a insinua they can regale themselves with t! veges that they at a greater "idiot +18. 2 for advertising their idiocy. And a fellow feeling some- times makes such a sagt wondrous kind. --Betore that besutifal moral law called Ina short but pointed speech in the | best to surrender the Tory fort to its Grit | Ue S toh AG Wee ae tad election ~ House of Commons M y week, Mr | besiegers!! The reason being that if Sir) would come the t Hewes speaking on te Ratna Policy, | John's Government falls they will be able | the law ; wo have been waiting foc the unruly Grits, such as Milis, in a way that | t stand in with the Grit successors, where tira ai -- ey On the will, itis hopei, have the effect in fa they rightly belong! Landy, of infamous of that beantifal law Hon. O of making such boors from their silly | memory, practicea the same treachery at] Mowat appointed Police Magistrates, interruptions. In reply to Mills, who} 14. siege of Derry, but was {oiled by true | Ale , of Wi Was one " the Government were like A ae ¥ of such appointecs, who was given the wheel, Mr Hesson said :--- . blanch: to att-nd to morals of hon gentlemen were more like flies on the With the sid of the money secured from | , community, and see that no wheel when were on this side of the | the Government the Herald has dove and | lawless hotel man ad The same omy feng gmp remember it, and | i, doing its utmost te injure the Conserra- | M may have proved a safe custo- pre ler thers i bsarsatie ti REP OC of the dian of the public morals ; but be proved ouse, same thing would take | tive party many leading i batter rings e"s money, place, and wouid allow ga eyes? vee in the North and Svuth| 4. be «shoved down' Cin fines, to drift ln ate yg tpg Ridings. . What do they care whether or | £2,000 and better of which he had collect : show | Bot they wreck the Conservative party sa | ed during the year. He was -- have 25 a gene asap Thies pores fe aun: LD one 8 ae ee > understood by both Coa- lights, of the class to which Mr Black- poze Akard | servatives and Reformers in pod aad Mr' te them to . "ae ae that they are not as other : . ~~. -Ot Mr Absalom Diagmas, it Ga" te _ than compare --The bo BMenar chy oc rae ows Samia, aod one pr .twe other minor 1 os who believe that distilier Bureau the better time is taken tedate of } ee Tilo | ening tetren Beater and Strand, | ecru ng a pans WN ada was $18, "best of | Where his famuly reside. He boards at loved soything oa corm be in the State | the former place, but his family residence | to ee q spd of New farming } is in. aucun are men of great concentrated interest. M era fe cise sie ic tA wh Se itfluecce and the politicians fear them. that in the farming in- -- The farmers area class an dustries have practically wiped: ovts 1,695. is aleo allowed for "'travelling | existence and so divided that they destroy that farms are left vacant ; expenses" it is utterly indefensible. | their influence, and the ives of acres Ated, and that good | Why with that amount he could tekein « mpan. ham. Sond ing for for hich they | Contivental trip and do all the principal nection aby Coty pad IS tank aon ; ou would fas That eames of three times each pone pac ogee age pr would profi- , or he could personally visit every corn 3 table for us to export te ele as ok as Oc on, $141,000, Asan distillee be did not United States. There reson iion, Me ihe tha | want a rebate. Dr Sproul as a farmer here why we should protect rmers, Dewdeey, pains-| did not want any rebate which would de- because,' in consequence taking and efficient Minister, should the value of their coarse grains. prices which farm produces give this matter his earnest consideration the amount of duty they paid 6 Co ciphertomgi re 'the | and take immediate steps to eradicate and | [P0® corn imported for ee - farming industy, which is the beat w2 bave | | this the de. | TMS mere title, He he paid im" this country, would be abs lately: forever SUS: scandal from 'aa touch as any fanmer in his county, and @blitersted from the trade of th: ¢> imtry, partment hera'es over,' men in J ithad cout him jus* 52 cents last yeag, s . the man | ¢h; of no ge sar and no capacity whatever for the important duties of his position." immensely and to be well pleased with their briet sojourn in the clastic city. The Stratford curlers, at least a number of them, with the genial president of the club-at their head, were assiduous in their attentions to their ests, and impressed the visitors averse: THE FINAL TUSSLE -- ST MARYS THE VICTORS The contest for the trophies la tween St Marys and Paris tor Ist and 2od, and between Seaforth and Fergus for 3rd prize. The greatest interest of all; of al's | COUrse, was centred in these triala,and 'thie ames were well contested,on W ednesday night, the scores between the first two be- ing remarkably even all the way through. a be Marys team by a single shot, e being, St Marys 18 and oe 15 and 18= 39 --"wsjorit Marys, one shot. Between Seaforth and Fergus the score was, Seaforth, 20 and 22 2; Fergus 26 and 23-39 ~Seaforth's majority,3 shots. The tropbies were pre sented tothe. vietors, at. the Albion hotel, by Mr McLaren, ---- of the fort -elut,-in-s and appropriate speech. The Pt was a silver trophy valued at $100; the second, also silver, valued at 850, and the third was a splen- did pair of curling stones. This closed the great bonspiel, about midvight Wed- nesday, and the interesting performance will a long nee ered. in Stratford. b treated the visitors toa danas at the Albion when the . were } cone The re brought hed: a close by the singing of " "Auld Lang yne. aes ores how well tis can fite hin. He thinks he Finally, victory perched on the banner of igs pier a P Strat- 'Ths Green, a } | ++|Immense Excitement 2. HYSLOPS Or ly sé ng, state its place b4 how suppl anted Ly | the Yarier anit 42 for tatters ve erry WOMEN AND MICE. ** Jobo Collings," ** cocktails," "son hi came Woodstack™ Bo Ml rd Penn ype - abe -s- Momen. on 4. aire of £ as : ie we m , ery -- fodorsd, , "ern ite i RS Krether Talmage, | 52-1 a oodstock "to V7 for Be antfe we pee been vary cleat} "proven that aie 7 + morn sh ald g rot pe nite ion these things, so | Tuesday evening the conte Bot some worme onstuntiy in uch . zy 'at pee ple will know what you are talk. | Harriston ys. Fergus; scor nervous, irrit fabio Prt matte mm that the slightest i bs Rerrce a0 hic -V arvay, i thing annoys and startles the m. he cause of bg shout. 9 aiditovkiceipii ee ate Re ortunate state < airs is usually t , Ueaimers, W. Somerville. some functional derangeme nts some distress. Russian atrocities of hideous character Andrews, skip, 32; J.D. Moore, J rea, Meigs bc mre ' - a range are reported from the domain of his im Oi ly, J. M. Weir, S Sparling, "> | peculiar. we saknees neident to wet perial nife, the Czar of all the Russies, | Berlia- od iy G. Potter, . B loon cerat on See din Boer goer = haa from day to day, and the only reason for] Styne, J. R. Elen, skip, 9; ¢ Mad H. | peivie ¥ or to other organic lestor ttivse persecutions appears to be a pare] J. Watt, H.F. Pierson, PD. B..Dewar "gory bd nn ne Posen od Kesrrr inborn cussedness." As for civil rights, | skip, 11. St Marys winning by a ma- tion is a positive remedy, @eabriain in ite there is just about 'e6 tmruch in the heart' of jority of 43. The ice was full Taeeday : gee ane that its mauUfacturers fy ' dines: Pe it, throw . ciate, under a gearantre of the Katlir-country, or in the janglesof | evening and Wednesday, but the game te giving satisfaction in ever; ae: ps Africa, asin the Russia of to-day. A fecemed to be enjorel by players: and } 7 paid for it will be promptly' re- Canadian named Rabenstein, who for no | onlookers sen Wednesday morn- --_ As a soothing and strengthening other acs e then of being a Hebrew --_ ing lay. resumed by Seaforth | Dervine. ed nrore ee winning-th f ae r and atteville ami the tally was 49- Bp reas become exter. di, Beale akater, 'the. moral indigniti te on ec the. g.former. aad 22 23 ioe the lattes. = J : : a him by those heathens. = 1a Voodstock and Paris, resulted in 20 ad Orher™ < neces com bassador saved him from much of the | the former and 39 for the Parisians. monly attendant upon It induces refrains iodigostis An enquiry by the Canadian | Wednesday afternoon Faris and Salocts, | sleep and relieves mental anxicty and de Government through the Imperial Govern- | and St Marys and Fergus had possession ment should be made and satisfaction de- | of the ice. Paris beat Fergus by 46 to 31 Copyright, 1h ty Womrs Des Man. Ase'x, manded. and St Marys vanquiened Set ments by 45 to The visit, | A nti - mg ~The v ry consistant ace puevent ing curlers seemed to enjoy the games Pe Pee: PELLETS ant: ro Given a, Catbarti, according" {0 ese © LOGAN. The Council met on ta ag inst., all the members The m: ead and rg dividing the Costs pol rr Seslliving to the i a sane 20 ares! 90 section No &. Lexan, a tng divided, and orized to open a es at -- ordéred t paid :-D 8 Campbell, for ser jn, 20 ner: west drainage works, ¥.°5 29; DS Cempbell, tor Tor services or and Water- ; Robt Sem: Mogk, iu fn sell & Hutchison, election pap r+, $6 51 " municipal «lection expenses, 326,25 ; n Leon- hardt, services as deputy returalt ee aa: > Gertner bre ber furnis master, G1t.; Ncntattan ier hort, Meg isi i'd evel, Me ag ag so and ot -- lots 29 and 3, poli and side 26. con, 10, 31 Wiliany Hep preemie. hauling gravel, side 1 bed 2 and 26, #5 ohn » repair of culvert cn Jeremiah Kegan, services as Deputy Returning c , 810. TL Connelly, services, ¢ F Jacob, gravel furni eaters. $70 Wm. Bauer, do , 832, council then adjourn ed, aed adjourned till Sue the let day oan Glerk. succeeded d tn putting the tintsnin ote ng en a 4 ht that person | because he is a little better hough tha farmers in this nclekhorhood id heart's He did not think that an grdin ary clod-hopper could reply to ine mean insinuaticns of a preacher of morality and ace, And, I thing -we be surprised at bis. Jirt-slinging propeénsi- have nad one of the same litter of pups in 'ois neighborhood before. Iv last wee!.'s Herald he alludes to " kissing pensities ; ' probably he wishes to take ey in that line of business, and we are cortai needs them, for when in the company of ladies his lip hangs down like that of a motherless foal He puts us in mind of a certain dog Prinnie, who trys t keep the boys awa: tees reporter trys to ive them aw ay. only difference be- tween the two is that one has @ pug nose, and the other has a straight one. They both bark, but never bite. He would} ike w r get J.L Sullivan. We think some of the little raed at ps achool would do it for a stick of candy -- Com ELLICE A jaree meeting on intending patrons at Dem s cheese factory, care vel ear oe the purpose of submitting and adopting rules and by laa, and ing officers for the coming n. Fs i | i ? z i g = CHOICE | |Groceries --AID-- Low Prices. " Any Grecer building a trade on lowness of price, without regard to good quality and honest quan- tity, will have to keep get- ting new trade all the while, because his new trade will leave him for SS more reliable stores." So says the '* Monetary Times," andsosayl. While itisalways my aim to have prices in all lines as low as possible,--quality I recog- nize to be of first import- results, 1t is pleasing to me to notice that good quality and honest quantity are the Great 45 Day's Sale. HURRAH. " Fhe~Chancé of' a Lifetime. We have purchased 23 dozen Men's fine English and American Stiff Hats at soc. on the Dollar, and are selling them. at $1. 25 and $1.50, regular price $2.50 and $3. Big Bargains in CARPETS. -HYSLOP '| Market Square, > A. J. pcg erat: © Mt Pherson. IS SELLING BOOTS --AND-- SHOES, OVERSHOES --AND-- RUBBERS, AND ALL KINDS OF Felt Sox, Knitted " Sox and Wood- men's Boots, -- W.L. SCOTT, MARKET STREET. S Wholesale Figures. -- For bargains in Boots and Shoes call on ee McPHERSON. two weeks more of ¥»