* 7 -----Holiow; 6 been ¥ ¥ 4 Be deci 'its ground, and a dying hog-wassoon! YANKEE 100. AL NAMES. Who Was Lard Chesterfiehi's Sent | , : BOOK-BENDING. Rane oiattatnntncie! THE LADIES! | , te SOME OF THE opp TiTLes By OES MY oer ieee \7 y rot ing wpe tiger + ora mieval «te i lary lik | an r ro repair d, and bles WHICH LOCALITIES ARE KNOWN. frration tol ght tor | Awnith faeting aca noah "HA Ee Y¥ O U PAID scat oe soca it epg om the Iuat * Lord t ier -- per * price a - ae ; How he 4 THAT -- How Kite Eud Was Naméid Where the Get A faye ; ; f rhis#en (The Cempieaton, Verteet Meath and a WALTER STONE Hog Wee Res Gewn by & Trala--Ned in caf a aes bel -- womar - Superb Physical Beauty. Little Account Yet ? PS naplahe : absare af tie hate & Uh Levu et } tis VOUNZ | : ts Me snenabinn:e Comtriintion-- Srey Leneseme, persen is much t be-pitied. Ife is one A great London tacuucal bone cons hr aa . = Barbary Coast and Christian Shore. of the most eminent victims of parental | "Can you direet me to the Richardson ambition, thé determination that is, ta | peighhorhoad? caida wapaper man, make a son what vou think you would | tramping along.a dusty country road like him to be, not that he was born to | last suromer. Two farmers lean ' on be, What Philip. Stanhope might have their-rakea and Jooked at each other in- bee n, we need .mot "waste our time in quiringly. Nothing very striking, prol- "Rie wuigess ne sgpborpood? Never ably. At best he seems to have shown : eyo tayst signs of- bring an--inferior Gibbon: his moan the C OOP Used wa Ric 'hardson o father 'rT is always felling him (athe live there once. spends too mur th-time-orer-his--books,-6o It ia just this way 'allpore re New Eng- that probably he had areal taste for eru- land. Ever led into dition. But that was not at all Lord localities and ne! ighborhbods be aring odd Chesterfield's idea of aman.~ **The clois- and distinctive names, Often they are tered pedant," "the illiberal pedant," is more than odd; they are quaint and ec- the object of his, unceasing scorn. He centric, and sometimes laughable. This dete 'tinined thal tiv son ehoutd-tead-the same Coop was bounded on the east by same sort of life that he had led, but be the Rock o' Dundee, on the north by the so much more successful in that he should 'City, a solitary house, standing where have had the advantage of all Lord Ches- fourrdads met, and on the west by Shada-_tertield's experience, gee. And so it is in every town, there is Unfortunately, the scheme of educa- an unwritten geography of New England. 'tion which he devised was far from well THE HOG'S GREASE. jadapted to carry out these idena. At Boston may have at one time been its-root there was.a fandamental error, blessed with queer subdivisions of this Lord Chesterfield held a theory, of which sort, but they have now nearly all been he flattered himself he was a living ex- swallowed upinthe North End, the West ample, that everything except poetry can End, South End, ete." Lynn, on the be- acquired, and, as in one place he other hand, abounds with thein. "Thére thanks Ged ¢hat -neither-he nor his son are Rail Hill, Breed's End. Blood Swamp, | was born to be a poet; for practical pur- New. Light Hill, Pan Swamp, Vin he may be safd to have believed Hill, Sadler's Rock and Pudding Hill, 'that everything, not merely facts, but This last name came to be applied from feelings, net only outward habits, but the fact' tint the father--of--Preserved fraavs.of mind, ouly waited for a vigor- Sprague, who lived in this section, wag ous will to summon them and take pos- notel for the quality of his puddings. session, This was a radical error of his, What. is. now ket: sqitare wasonee-lut-he believed it with all his heart and __ known as Kite End. It received its name soul....It_is wrong, but nevertheless it at the hands of the late Joshua C. Oliver, may bea highly useful lesson to teach Wie published o litte. sleet known as while the mim is in its acquisitive stage. The Tattler, and, out of spite, he nick-)/Then it may act asa powerful stimutas, named the locality Kite End, and its peo- but it may be abused, and Lord Chester- ple Kite Enders. field certainly abused it.--Temple Bar. Manchester, N, H., boasts of a section ----_--_---- known a8 the Barbary Coast, 'a name} Joking with Sea Guits. given it by an old sailor. Here too, are, Sea birda are always interesting ob- found Jacob's Ladder, Pig Village 'and jects to voyagers. They fe low a vessel Phinenton square, The city itself has some times all the way across, ever rest- variously known as Harrytown, Jess and untiring, The gulls particular- ' on, Derryfield and Nomoskeag.... ly, with their Jong, swift wings, realize In the suburbs of Bangor, Me., on the the highest powers of endurance and fly line of the old Veazio railroad, is a vil- with eese against the severest storms. lage still known: as town. -- Years Some'say-that these birds never visit the ago, when the railroad was in full opera- earth except to deposit their eggs; other- tion and trains used to. drag lazily along wise they live constantly between the sea between Oidtowa, 4.terrible and the: In_ fine, weather they fly accident occurred there one morning. Aj thigh in the air, degcending with great woman living near the track was the! rapidity to seize the fishes on the surface happy possessor of a very large hoz, and of the water. the animal in its meanderings came! The symmetry and strength of the upon the road in front of an advancing, gulls are remark:.ble, showing how na- train, The hog had never been aeccus-|ture has adapted them in every particu- tome to turn out for anything, and did lar for the purpose of long flight. Their not propose to commence with a trifling pectoral breast muscles are one solid thing like an engine, | It therefore held/mass of firm, hard muscle, and™heir bones-are-hollow, having. no marrow in them. Sleep is not necessary to them, or, rather, they rest upon their wings upon all < ven to allow a. pas-jand allow themselves. to be cradled by senger to alight pa cut a twig. Out 'the breezes, whose violence neither wor- came an angry woman, branidishivg her|ries nor frightens them. On the other arms and wildly calling upon the con- hand, they seem to feel a fierce delight ductor of the train to pay for the fatally lin the fury of the storm, which, con- injared porker. In those days the con-|vulsing the waves, brings up the dead ductor of the line was of as much im-}jshes and thollusks. portance gs the general manager, and he} Sailors are very fond of plaving off a flatiy refused to pay for the hog, saving joke Upon" The ills Witichantim abrars}- slips, The ¥ take thint the owner<daght to havehept hin hovering about the away from the track. This settled the|three or four pieces of _ twine about matter, and We started his train and left six feet in length, these are tied together cher. When that train returned, huw- jin the middie, and to theend of each a ever, (icre wad 'Sorrow on--loard.-- The lm: ul ys ce f litubber or fat is attached woman hs wl take faut from the how, ti vb then thrown into the A and for a long distance had greased thie!leull comes along amd swallows one rails so that it was impossible to pass the piece; another then sees there is plenty } | i rolling down the embankment. The train eb aa wus ita custom n the htly. rr. ph re. None of the modern app Hiances to spare an swallows the next; perhaps for site inounting such obstacles were a third bird takes possession of another, then known, and the train was h pele 6° eetis they are all attached to the sail iy stalled. A crew was emploved to help vurns, whenever ther try te fly awar the traimmen, and it took hours to clean one or the other is eompebed to diszorpe the srease from the rails so that the train/his share, and this is continued tothe could proceed. Since that time the place tantalizing suspense of the poor gulls has been called Hogtown, und the great fun of the passengers and OTHER ODD NAMES. )sailors,--Ocean To everybody in the city of Portland) ------_--__--_ the neighboring town of Cape Elizabeth | Adulterated Candies. is known bythe simpler name of Poo, [je Board of Trade Journal of Port- duck. This is a contraction of its an-|iarid. Me., is authority for the statement cient Indian name of Purpooduck. ¢)).4 'about 6,000 tons of terra alba were Augusta has among its subdivisions recentiy impprted through the port of Rotten Row, Slab City, Mud Mills, and New York aitae, The only use for terra Britt's Cully. Suburban Lewiston iS! Iba fn any quantity isin the adulteration made up of "pateles, are-the (or eandies;and-when these two facts are Baby patch, the Strawberry cesta, the | put together they become very signifi Bleachery Hill patch, the Foundry pateh, cant, The substance is mine 'ral, utterly w a1 street patch, and fhe Gas Mouse 'jy.olubje in the saliva or the gastric juice patel 5 and the result of eating candies adulter- Portsmouth, N.H., has its oddly named 416d cannot be otherwise than excessive Dh localities, and these live nea well de injurions. 'The devilishness of the use of scribed in" Thomas -Bailey* Aldrich's | sue}y stuff in-eandios ia all the greater "Story of a Bad Boy." .One of the best for the fact that most of the candies that known is Christian Shots. The name of jare adulterated with it are used by chil- the district is super © have come! dren of tender years. The extent to which from some early settler named Christian, it exists in certain candies may be sur- who lived upon and owned the land on! pyjsed by an incident which occurred _ Chat side of Strawberry Bank creek, ag: within the experience of the editor of now calledthe North: pond National. named by the early colonist. A. wholesale seers hdc of ra) In Providence, R. L, and its vicinity [puis a m against the South there are locations known by some 'pe- Shore line for damages done a certain culiar natmes-that are not to be found in jor of lozenges manufactured by a Bos- the maps or diroctories. There are Squaw ton house and shippal in barrels over Foot Bulldog tat tine square, Shoo Fly Village, Maiden's procured some of the "lozen Prayer park and a variety of_ others less brought them to the writer for pS familiar to the general public. ="« . Tlie result of our investigation In this state Gloucester is ly showed them to consist eritirely of terra rich im these queer localities Loblolly alba bound together with a little gelatine cove is situated on the eastern side of the (oy or gum (we have forgotten which). | cape, and was probably the scene ofan Further i ti i the fact oli time feast, at which MP apon AY ® that they were "simply blocks or forms édish from eal, was the to beused in preparing cheap luzenges, bill of fare. Cat pond is probably named the method a cor bakigute simply to im- from the plant called "pussy willow," merse them for a few moments in syrups } which grew on tte margin. - Donefudg~ flavored with peppermint, wintergreen, the name applied to that strip of ete 'The astent, armed lore + ol 'Sqtam river between the cut bridge and refysed to pay any damages and the old tow' landing. There are various gon--rn, rather than risk the x. derivations of this, One is. that, thé jocident upon a law syit, bo the claim.--National Druggist. $s, wire done a ie 4 Miss Ella Green is the prettiest dium aide of rgatnog from the tune ceese that place.-- Loston York Sun. yet ee remedy is especiall of woman, and is ae ee to the needs mW Cooper most md can be pur- 's for one dollar a not have it on hand, order direct from Weis, RicHarpson & Co,, MONTREAL. A COOK BOOK bs Tamang Nag ene J yaaa STRATFORD Post Office Time-Table, MAIL. | PD. and Stratiord Ey "4 20/°O. B. and L. EB. R'y.... MM. q Tueeday, mall from Listowel OLY COU em via Halifax PacRet closes every closes every Monday, Wed- ee at 6.000 = pine ag ice is open to the ic from Sar, = 7 p.m. Lobby will be open = box holders Ont ym, Mo ey Ver and Savings Pank Office le opcn from Pam wd pm WILLEAM = Tere Postmaster, A. M. KAY _Stratford, Aang yy IMPORTANT CHANGE EOF ™ Tralne are timed to leave Mratior'd aa follows FOR MAIN LINE aaa oo m.--Exprees, 65 a. m.--Express, FOR LONDON. --1020 4:36 8:15 FOR GODERICH. = FOR BUFFALO. 4 op. "6200 a. TOR PALMERSTON N. WIARTON, UTHAMPTON AND KINCARDINE.--10:00 a m.--Mixed, Li AF J eomaom Sov aoe GRAND TRUNK RAIL' Y. The Great Ontario Short Line To Manitabe, Northwest Territories | ~--and-British-Colambia,--- Via NORTH BAY! Bo weet RATHS To all Poinw in Ganada and the United States, Ticket ie ALEEANDER, April 3, Hew great medical discovery of the nineteenth century was an alterative for the parity. a > discoveries UNTRY MATLS. ~~"): Thursday Lf you hurry up and pay tt before we can get il sent to you, we will charge no Tnterest from time of last Rendering, Old standing accounts will be placed tm Suit without further n notice. W. & F. WORKMAN. ------_$--$---- |BUY YOUR GROCERIES |= --AT-- WALSH BROS, --IF YOU WANT---- BIG BARGAINS. We Sell. Teas Cheap.. We Sell Sugars Cheap. We Sell Syrups Cheap. We Sell Tobacco Cheap. RAISINS § Cents Per Pound. WE SELL ALL THE BEST BRANDS OF Port and Sherry Wines, ~ Irish and Scotch Whiskeys, Brandies, Rums and Gins. WALSH - BROS, Sell-Good,Goods Cheap und don't you forgetit. STRATFORD, The Most fopnior, and Progressive Business Training ONT. chool of the Province. we eins pet excelled Ia ee drt» sy etemadicall and oteanses fos Becinaei truest word, thant hee sineeereenle ened ss from the first day of ite =, tbat = TOW I8 Tae TIM TO DHiTTHPR. GHP Addpewes, Revolutions, Testimonials, &c., Rngromed In Pirst-Clare Style sad st Prices to Dutt a ~ W. a. SHAW, Principal Btenttond, Sept. 4, 1880, . . pe Removed, Removed W. H. ROBERTS Has Removed to his New Store, on Downie St., Two Doors South of the Commercial Hotel, P Where he will have a Large Assortment of New Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, &c., &c., Aiengee 5 Stock. Cheapest and Best Goods i in 'Stratford. Give me a Call. W. H. ROBERTS. Stratford, Oct. £3, 1889, TGURE FITS! 2a THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES | MEAN ARADICA couse. << AWAY YEARLY. --CHOICE STOCK OF-- Crockery and Glassware, Which they will sell at Cost. T hey also keep the finest lines of Liquors always on i including Whiskeys, Livandets Ports and S, Tom Gins, Holland Gins and hampagnes. Try our 250. TRA, it is better than youcen buy alaamhare for. 50c. All other kinds of Teas} in proportion, GOOD SYRUPS very low. -Jast to hand a choice lot of Graham Breakfast Gems, Johnny Cake, Sugar Corn Cake, in Packages at '10e. OFLAHERTY & QUIRK' S ~ - REMEMBER THE PLAGE - | RED FRONT, MARKET SQUARE.|=' Abo the Best Brands of Ales and Porters.) ate 8S HAKESPEAREH WAGGONS. HE CNDERSIGNED LIne Sere i] @urrant them bo be the z Ligh tet Rneia and Moet Durable in Canada. Wide and Narrow Tires im stock. I aly Secs Seca Sow fuckers see ST. JEROME'S COLLEGE. a; Ost, RS splendid teciTitee ." ean OFFERS Comers dud all tor :--Includs board and Tuition, 6125.00 per annum," For per theulars address Rev. L. FUNCEEN, C.R., D-D., _Bertin, daly sth, Te. 705 ly COUNTY OF PERTH. --n BLIC NOTICE! The Warden will pe be ia af tendance at the Clerk's office on the Ore acd th'rd Tuceday in month, from ten to tere The will be in attendance w of each week from t-n to eae o'clock The Treasurer wil! be + afficr of » Wednewday, Thureday, Feiday and ietowing of each weak. during sane Wu. 'DAVIDSON. Co. Cane. Marble and Granite 7 Works, GpAnesy + onaneee. ieee end PILLS 'AND ( _OINTMEN) This arene | medicine | A.-F A aaa BR _THE PILLS | PORIFY THE BTOOD, | t NERVOUS S\ STF Mand wet we gov rt sane. te it ret soot om LIVER ane ROWFL4, promoting DIGESTION <8 arsimilation, ar La t whole frame wis renein mgs Nid ir. yous it Hinge, Lesstode and GENEH } BILITY quick ield to the whee a : well Lnown Pilia, 7 ae wprivalls cacy in all semovisn, wes arc Revlinte ALE coe oNTS, na! all ohttrections. skin zis Memphis Pi vile other far: es Man A wertp wipe 'REPTTATION. ULCER, aw know nee na rgucdange RALGTA it ie mi, od be a tifectured on'y Beige 533 OXFORD éT., LO "DOR umd sold at Is, 1}¢., ts Ol, as ae 34. cw hbox © ou p*. ant outs, Sikenre aa) 0, sand siaer ia wer Taser ae) .--a ut -- re - TION, = 'ile « rare ree Tnit-: hm the y are heen The Trede Marksof pe mid Mentioires a rs Dafa ore Leo, _ i- | Back to His Old Stana vere species of i