Stratford Times, 5 Mar 1890, p. 4

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7 ". ---- Wew Adv-rtisemen:s this Week. To Rent-- P. KR. Jarvis. Half Price --Kastrer Bros. Cash and One Price--Hyslop. Music Hooks--J. H. Dutton, Parsea--i. H. Narmyth & Co. Teams Wantal--Wm Cerdon, Goat Rohes--A J. McPherson. Mortgage "ale--Hayly & Bayly. For Sale or Rent--Jobn Mek «en. Art Exhibitiqn-- Foresters' Block. 'Agents Wapted-- Box 714, Stratford. Hotel for Sale-- Mis Caroline Wiche. Notice to Creditors-- David Bleck ley. Credit Salenf Farm Stock -- Jas FProetor Gold and Siicer Pisting --3}. M [Deutter. Credit Sale of Farm Stock--Alex Brown. BAN OF COMMERCE. r EsTamicrre WOT. HEAD OFFice/ TORONTO. Capiram (Pita We) ron Dotts X, 58, 000,0u0. - - ~~ ~ #$700,00G. B. E. WALKEY, Oenern! Mroager. Six Mit Res 6 Sewers, GSN DUSIHESS TRANSACTED, faMeths © OTE DrsCoUNTEO OfaAFTS ISLUED ALL POINTS mm * AND THE PRG AL CITI'S IN THE UTED STATES, GREAT DFITAM, FRANCE, cc SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. SEPOSITS CF 8.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURAENT RATES OF WTEREST ALLOWED. at the Statiord Cine. oye ----- -- = HM. T. BUTLER, ---- pelliginfunasicsinncateamepcmaesoeeaea aaa == Tess Terms; $1 per Yecar, in advance. Wepnespay, Mar. 5TH, 1890. A STGGESTION. Of tate there has been some discussion amongst many leading citizens of Strat. ford, regarding-a matter Tne Tors hopes the Dominion Governnient will give serious consideration. There are a number of Senatorships vacant, and we have in Strattord an old and respected citizen,-- one who has at all times been identified and push we are largely indebted for the Lake Erie and Georgitn Bay railways. A man of private means, unblemished -re- ' patation; and spothése integrity, in every way capable of filling the position; 'end who cothes of un old and esteemed ment would give general satisfaction to people of all classes, and of all shades the ed of politics. ---------- s MR. HESSON MAKES IT INTER- ESTING FOR THE GRITS. referring te the farms of New England, he said: "My hon, friend will remember that in the 4] FH z Fs3 tlt i Hi | | : i # SHE "CANADIAN | THE UNFORTUNATE FARMER. " Beffalo, Feb 25 --A Warhington des. patch raya: From Long Island to Buffalo the farmers of New York have appealed from time to time fer more protection upon their products which come in clase cumpetition with the preductions of the This matter af last has been referred to the Ways and Means + Comatitee i the result that it is more than' probable that in the course of of the preparation of the coming Tariff Bill, which may be reported this week, the eedules Will be charged so that-the Canadian farmer. Canadian truck farmer and potato grower will pot have thiegs so mach his own way in the American markets in the future It is Soderstend tow that eges, which. are lrow on the free list when they are im bported trom-Careda;--in--the future will have to pays duty before" placed side by site with they American hen in the markets of New York Brveklyo, Bellslo, Kocheater and other piace « where quotations are s*ronger."" First we desire to draw attention to the fact, that the above item appeared amongst the Gilot«'s telegraphic news, in ite isue of the 26th Secondly, that the Globe is, if anything, a staunch advocate of free trade, And thus the telegraphic editor is forever making out the managing editor to bea prevaricator of the truth, Bat the truth does manage to get out once-in a while. It will keep the Globe explaining how the above article managed to creep into ita columns for the nextthree months RUSSIAN HORRORS. Russian atrocities and outrages upon itical at Kara, continue to increase in number add sever- ity. The methods adopted to compel the women to submit to the jailors are of the most Madame Sigida was taken in a node condition and ied to a stake, B death. Afd this is such horrible indigmties, it is enough to ike ype blood ran reports cold. The i into subjection, _ all-poweiful and tyranical empire like pure women to the most gross licentiousness and whip them to d while stark naked, the re- fined Europe appear quite. sub- Such barbarities and heathenish indignities equal in demoniac fury anything that the worst human fiends less worn, the curses, but the fury of every nation where women are held in veneration and mothers in Godly love. It would only for two of the prolessedly nations of » Great Britian ani Germany for instance, to demand that of our auch barbsrities cease The people Christian and God-fearing land are necessary Christian j ness some of the horrib! meted 'e indignities that have been ou be t to virtue --In America every man has a right to his own opinion, but menety =e has an opinion seems to recoguize 't ex- cept as to himeelf. righ New York to-day is a pagan city. Tha majority of the people, and more es) 1 pecially Thom the to $13.00 the you , spent from $1 firet tiene he raz in that con- Dr. Montague's expenses were no rabid Grit, any reputation to lose dara assert | to the contrary, over his own brrstche Canada's Beaver and Maple Leaf, 7 +f BRE FE fl ie it & zt ff 9 i: Tan bey mroduet ithe and sould call Jown not only |... ~ shock - ed every now and by a murder; but what would they eres ie een: trai A Baby Wihout a-Head._ The wife of Jarnes W. Ward, of Hart- ford, lod, on Mondwy gave birth tom git baby without s head. The child bas per- fectly formed body, legs, arma, hands and feet. On the breast was a nicely formed face, eyelida clored, as if carved there. The parents are prosperout, intelligent people and have four children. A New market Tragedy. A MAN FOUND WITH A BULLET HOLE IN His Newmarket, 4)nt, Feb 27 --What ap pears to be a case of foul marder waa dis- covered bere last wight. The body of Rohe, A. Smith, merchant of this place and but reveutty married; -waeteund iathe cellar of his home late [oat evenlig With! t ft through the heart, -A-emall revolver lay beside the body ant from the appearance of the clothing, robbery had' been the object o the deed, the pockets having been emptied and the watch chain wrenched from thy, vest. It was aleo discovered that acii¢ drawers upstairs-had been ransacked small door leading to the cellar under an outside stairesse was found removed, A post mortem examination was held. ah - The Kincardine Revi. w, evidently knows whereof it speaks, when it makes the state- ment, that "'perhaps 19 out of 50 tramp lecturers are frauds. Users of whiskey, and dealers in whiskey who give drink to youths and intoxi ated commit a frightful sin to humanity and are deserving of censure H best thoes who prostitebe elnasies in the aneenp palling A Ride on a Handear. THE LORD BISHOF OF HU EXPERIENC In countries such as Canada, a bishop that ured in a novel incident at Enniskillen, t Wyciming the Petrolia Strong, men were like children. That keen mpathy with humanity, and osition of the text style. All thé ture tha' touches of ns whole world akin,' that characterized the ad - - scene, 1 the man, the were Beg between them they got to Oil City train ieft." His Lo ME KILLS HIS WIFE, MOTHER-IN-LAW AND TWO CHILDRES, Quebec, Feb 24.--A terrible murder o oarred yesterday at St Alban's, some forty milea above (): an pamed Du- i : f HG i oh i i E 2 Hd! hie : E : 4 tit F : 4 HE Hy Fi as Hl 25 i i The Professional Temperance | eed 45 oe has been adjournc le- larch, . RON MAS A NOVEL | " 'The Princeton Murder. | INTERMENT OF THE MYETFRIOUS MAN'S bODY, Piipcetown, Feb 27.----The bedy of the | @red man was interred to-day on the order of Coroner McLay. "The remaiis were st undertaker Swartz's for seven days, hundreds of people viewed the face, bat no one could identify him. The story regarding his being recognized aa Oscer Seetil-turnsoutto be inaccurate. _Detec tive Murray has made a discovery in the clothing that upsets the theory that the murder was committed while the man was andresed: thet fe waa found through the lapel of the waterproof coat thowimg too, that the shor was fired at close 'range, as the cloth was ringed Arother point worth mentioning ia that from the bruises found upon the body it i eviden}-$hat-there was a scutile before tlic Thin discovery Teada tw the wap position: that there were two men, and prohbabiy more, engaged in the crime i they Were remains yet to he found ont, Me T.@ Patterson states that two brothers called &t his place one Sunday about « month ago with o letter of introduction trom friends in the Uld Country. SThey had Insch "and drove back to Wondew ck stating that they were going to Terort> . tie did not view the body. Lt is stated that stomach of the deceased was opened there was no trace of liquor, which goes teshow that the man was sober when killed, At the inquest John Kabb, of the | 2ad con, Klenheim, testified that on Tues. | day night, after six, he heard two pistol | shots; they were faint shots; Mr Shultz heard them, and called out to " That vos a queer shot." I said, " ¥ pron ggie 2 0 up-and-down the con- cession, ly they went west; could e ig or hats. in: d until the 7th of ov, es." LATER. Niagara Falls, Ont, March 2.--J. Bar- ehell, who indentified the remains of th Princeton as Wea afrested he of being condected™ After Barchefl retur Y¥. ofthe, Uiethale. Galea oupg, tario who has beea working on this case for the last few days, had surveillance placed on the house all night and went to Buffalo last evening to sce if he could find any.shreds of information wi erence to Benweli fe. interceph young Pelley ss soon as he ived, as was ex here early this morning. When the Erie flyer arived at 7.30 this morning he stepped off the and taken to. Police. Magistrate was Hill's office,- where a consultation was held between Pelley and the Magis- trata, altar which i was arrested, ng found at 'Baldwin's houre. be re pread like fire that one of the two yourg Englishmen who had been frequently seen on'our streets had been ar- rested for the murder of the man found in the Princeton swamp, and it cansed a some light--upon the mystery. It has come to light since the srasat that Bur- chell was in one year ago, | that is with him now, and stopped at the . a Imperial Hotel, as "Mr. and Mra. Somerset, arriving years of age, hea a tired ex arou theeyer,ad is! of a jovial disposition. and appearance of bein ney educated and refleed English y- DETECTIVE MURRAY'S OPINION. Co tive has just bad an interview v ment Detective Murray, who arrived here iisomeet fe London, and has just got through wit eur ptt Douglas Pelley, w panied Barchell from England, The detective says the information he has received since his arrival here has not left the slightest doubt but Burchell is the murderer of Henwell. Murray interviewed Burchell to-night in the cell. The was Very reticent, as a lawyer had by some ined admission and told, him to shut and say nothimz. Young and oh been placed in the hands of the police as an accessory to the crime. Marray bas sent a cable to Cheltenham, Eng., to the father of the murdered man to come here at once. His father =yeet reread : F Nie bali i 2g §, a - F : ' L -~ ° : i i . | rs E fille IRE | li :|Groceries ine | His wile is a slender, rather pleasant-faced blonde, i =eez|W.L. SCOTT, WHICH WILL IT BE? Who Which is the fairest, a rose 6F a Iily? a ach ora ? ily; 'acu (Love is co and giory Milly, my playmate, | love " like o of life,) a sister," But Dora I choose for my wife become deli This Space Belongs to That is right, young man, ma the girl rou love, wy Ne if ahe will have you, fhould her bh oo cate and her , remem reaknesers, hay | a, oF be, Pleroe's Favorite Prcscrigaton te paaseme | i, is Fav j an om _ fUsaran- Seo the printed certificate of guarantee on wrapper, ¥ " iiitatod" teach uly, Dr. Copyright, 188, by WORLD's Dis. Man. Ausrx. Dr. PIERGE'S PELLETS semulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and amiss. Ome'a Bose." Sold by cents a vial. §| 'Wanted Immediately 25 to 30 TEAMS, To Draw Ice to the Station. FREES ow oo te wert TEAMS! TRAMS| TEAMS on the work are maki@ from #3 00 Licenecs to Country Teams reduced 42,00 from now to let May, CHOICE -- AND -- Low Prices. < "Any Grocer building a trade on lowness of price, without regard tg good quality and honest quan- tity, will have to keep get- ting new trade all the. while, because his new trade will 1eave him for more reliable stores." So says the " Monetary Times," andsosayl. While itisalways my aim to have = prices in ali lines as low as possible,--quality I recog- nize to be of first iniport- ance, and judging from results, 1t is pleasing to me being tully appreciated by my customers. Prompt Delivery. -- T ee aa ee ee rs vores n MARKET STREET. disturbances, painfal disor. ¢ The. Cash and One Price Dry Goods Market Square. Goat Robes ee aneeoransienee Wt Wienaeniiee Nearly Half Price, McPherson's. --s Men's Felt Boots, "<< $L60. |Men's Lumbermen's ~ Socks & Rubbers $1.05. 50cts: a pair. \Persian Lamb Caps kinds at ruina- tion Prices, yee ae (M'Pherson 64 ONTARIO ST. -- ¥ SLOP, 4. Gloves and Mits " FURS of all... see

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