= re eee Secieeseeen sii ~ . SPaNkne <tr * thr m dn ECHO row THe ranu. - OREGUNS WHITE: WOLE. Jomet "ninet fergi rm plucgin" = ns wg ate sf lala DESCRIPTION OF A BATTLE BETWEEN Ap' thing' cos ©rong an' | 'most wast to com WOLVES AND .ELKS. out like a Turk; Butenddentiike ber face'll cum atwizt me as r Mae steers, Several Kaochers of Southern Oregon Start an" the chests they all took dy cgee! up, os Gant cs a Hunt Afier the Masnuderead Their Sheep Pioeks and Meet With an Ex- eiting Adrcenture. Carnage An' I turn my head one side to keep the aun from cnt 4p° then --well, through the furrows them ole ox oO mite jes flies! my eyes, ions coftnnitte! by the white wolf in their herds thata grand bunt for theae dariny Wik orzunized., Tiw uthern Orevon is the an' clear, An' 'turnin' o'er th thick lo lier way © pints o thorns 'at layed J taaraudets wall uf = 4n* paisbont-like a-a: lin' on throughout each - Taming the Pama. Mr. William Lant Carpenter gives in A Philosopher Relates an Instance of Their "2ture an account of a tame puma which Wenderfil Self Coutrel, was exhilitedin Montana. Mr, Wittich, "Tt is not along the broader lines of so- the owner. of the puma, had devoted cial life alone that wecan trace race char- aghteen months to the training of the acteristics and distinctions," said a seedy @0imal. Proofs of this training were looking individual in front of a Chestnut given one erening at.the store of the treet 'hotel, buttoning up a well worn fal] O¥ Der. overcoat closely to his throatso'astocon- The beast mot having been fed for ceal the still more worn summer coat be. (Wenty-four hours, its master neath, and drawing on, with careless fas- Pieces of Taw meat over her nv tidiousness, a pairoft kid gloves that wer= mouth, which the puma did not attempt tatlv in nest of repair. Itis feneral te-eatnnil the word was fiven- as lo a ippearance was that of a broken down deg. Occasional man or a ward politician who bubatwistef the ear bys b subsisting for many months on W434 Cnough to control her. cpectalunsof an app Antment whon When newt was placed a few yards the civil service law. is repealed: his air @W4y. the puma fetched it by word of . CHINESE PRESENCE OF MIND. mae ial, Wittich attempts were sporting Mr. L wl ut the « whdts ina OFT ERCENO thr in the country, and is tooking beast, often attain- ing five feet in length antl nearly as large as a vearling strength shi are remarkable, and his courage My boys weedy beaded knew our tremblia undaunte d. fo bie for vhaneled we've received throughout the) = ACnowiny him to be a rather tough cus toteonm day, tomer fo tackle at close quarters, the When ral poor feet jes' seemed to want to lead U8 hantins party, which consisted of half a Gut Anes lg all our troubles fly away ea Uowen of the neighboring stock owners liaglot we cla amd a correspondent of The Independent, fa when we gether 'round an' gaze at "inother's™ went thoroughly armed again® him with |hunting knives, revolvers and rifles, The Thode ole fave smiles at wi ex cur voices drop cunning of the aninial in evading pursuit , Sowa bow, : 'is incredible, and after chasing a couple an as a Rey eae et ate gee wine all night we found ourselves no peer But then we feel we can't appeal agin the Su jthan before, so just at daybreak a helt wo Sedge, }was decided upon and breakfast was Who Snows wot indian to rest the loved eaten undp immense pine growing in An' eo the enp-o" peace an' joy ant happlocms we 4 Darrow g between two rocky crags about a quarter of a mile or a litthe more jin length and through which a little shal- lies Child tump cotne up ao' mop Te lag bear Ap' that's wot i pres . I set on' gaze ren! hard at that ole 4 alt. mal at rh Eaggh tit yf iy TCs! alii -- =~o be found : ornmidabl ar nightfall beyins to cal) us to our evenio and | Sq, when ¢ carl. i> / mere Terocity down the book an' gaze at "mother's fotygrafft \low stream trickled over a pebbly bottom, --K. C Tapley | We kept as quiet as possible, for the Consiatent. {tracks of different animals: in the sandy #¥bu can't-teash an old jbanks of the stream showed that it was tricks," anid old Jul wey, of Yel-% frequent resort of wild beasts, and begged *ure enough before the meal was finished Folks ought todo what they are brought, up to." | He did not remember-at the dinner party. Hisknife went to his mouth a tected his youngest son, knife at his lips, "Eating with your knife, sir? Leave, "the table!" thundered the él | just: deft, © " jadge. | | creature "You'll eat bread and milk till further than the elk found on ihe Pacific coast, their mother. "He ate with his ife," ; old ino slopes mae Sree so, apparently thinking return "So did you at the dinner," retorted ©@@#lly hazardous, he brushed forward Urs. Dowey, severely. . jand was followed the next moment by "Don't | know it!" returned the judge. |* oem poe Le six, ten--it was im- te x re voll to Bog Dut before our rifles could be brought boy won't teought ook None of? the shoulder new actor appeared on my children was brought up to it, and if oid oe eres wolf, = nbs ~ ert its ce ee victuals artic ever saw, came howling' from A-they learn --| lt of smal ready spoken Youth's Ouecidian. mov ofe fork of, howling frightfully, and sprang on a wn drinking near ita mother, which loudly as the wolf bore it to The New "Finger" Prayer Book. Henry Frowde, of Oxford university,|*%¢ gtound. This seemed to be the sig- has designed a series of prayer books, the nal for the rest of the band to appear, novelty anil merit of which consist alike|*24 they came yelping down the glen in in their diminutive size and the beauty Pairs and threes, their b eyes of their binding. It is difficult to believe 9" B@ping mouths, with smoking, loll- that a book of nearly 700 pages will go iM tongues, proclaiming that they were into the waistcoat pocket or into the purse,|"@"ETY- Inspired by the same feeling but such is thedelicacy of the workman-/°f CUtiosity to see what would come of ship and the compactness of the binding] tbe wolves during the attack every man ' that no difficulty will be found in such a! forbore to interfere and quietly watched method of carriage. The tiny volume,|#¢ combat that en: bound in morocco and velvet, which Mr. For the clks, which had at first scarce- Frowde has called the "Finger" prayer ly seemed to comprehend the intentions book, weighs about three-quarters of an of the wolves, soon collected themselves, ounce, is only one inch in breadth, three #4, tossing their great heads, began to and a half inches in length and one-third P2¥ the earth with their fore fect, mak- 1 | his work without stopping for a moment ™uch he is able to pay, I can always Wwusthatefomon|, : jastsauntern cama, and peruutted the scot to have g enjoyed 1 sumptuous Se talen frou: her mouth by her master, but, according to his own state. "he fordicd he liuner, ras he would a cat. nent, he was teither, A very fine doy, a croas between a 'Lam astudest of social science," he Pele setter and a pure Se. Bernard, 5 atid, "and nothing delichta me more than Fe@ss Whi, mame) Druce, is on inti mate and even affectionate terms with the puma. who allowed him to remove mest placed ppon her jaws, and to eat it On one occasion the pana, who is often allowed to range the house, the dog and Mr, Wittich slept.together in the saqwe bed, and the master was wak- eoaed by the puma attacking some one tosttdy national peculiarities and char- ileristics as tev are revealed in the trivial occurrenees of every dav life, "To iHustrate, E-went into a Ninth street Chinese laundry the other evening. The heathen had neglected to send iy linen home. That, lbowewver, did not strike me as arace peculiarity; it is rather a class characteristic common to all laun- drymen,no matter what their nationality. But something occurred white I waited that did atrike me. goes to sleep alongside her, and kisses "It was just About dask. The streets bet, and the puma responds with a were crowded with people going home Short, sharp bark of grecting. The from work, and in the room halfadozen Puma follows her master through the Chinamen were busy ironing at different streets or the town, but has torn to tables. A coal oil lamp that hung in the Pieces several strange dogs when unac- bulk window had just been lighted. A companied by her friend Bruce. : good deal-of oil had been spilled on the Mr. Wittich believes that this is the outside of the bow! im filling it, and sud- ly puma known_to be in captivity and ienly this caught fire and blazed up, nop Comparatively tame. In training her mly endangering the red curtains draped be has chiefly used the whip. Her about the window, but threatening to Memory is short, and three weeks' in- sause an explosion of the lamp. termission of the performance necessi- "A Chinaman on the far side of the tates méich extra training and trouble, | | Some Facta About "Kelics." Charley Howard was tatking to Burke; top of his son penennns ener Kprived that any one should have the " 'Throw the lamp into the street! treasure he thought so valuable, Mr. made . the old book store, man a few evenings} ers, COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD. All the men! ro lot Mr Serimgeour fabsent throwgh olin: Vegent Of mine the Strath ' Sick Headache the regrlirmeetir zg rd C Jegiate [ieticute Leoard, ot Taesday even- pokey anpert from which many suffer ime. Prmetpral was resent r and few are entirely free. [ts cates --fsjbewlupy ac ollite Were parsed -- is indigestion and a sluggish liver, the F l}ewsinere & Son, cos tangs, &e., | egre for which is readily found in the = : ; Hitchiie Sone, oe dion, | use of Ayer's Pil cen a a ea am pts oe ine ar "| have found that for sick headache, bs orkes an, Lardy pe = iA. M ft rete a disordered condition of the ak carpeting, 3 SO W pburn, stomach, Ayer's Tiils are the most re- furniture, $21 65 ; Scriffzeour Bros, work, | liable re y."-- Samuel C. Bradburn, Ril fay ia ass, be Peincipal ve ported 223 pupils on the we le ike ot Ayer's Pitts tor I laet pont the average attencance mans *, in my practice and family, leang 210, an increase of ten ever the cr 1 at ifierl in saying that thes are an ae i@ oi wet Vear @scelient cathart | aly st th trastecs shegld | @mstaining all t's I . rs . "a --W.A. Westia 2 Le © fsa : zine vn & N.W. Rallws. Co., Burnet, Togas. = -- | Aver s Pil ior the test medicige rae iy acre . saapladhs | known to we ft regolating the mowelse o * af] v him: Cal Ya Ob \ nm td coal ne + slisea lighting the les bling esc MMi Phe " " apiertintess ae The t file yeur the ' ° ro ae Messra Steet, (Flaherty and < aoe ow repairs and supplies -- ne ' tran ef thi« eotmmitte= appatinted on Qoege fee Vi of fire protection in the institute building wasieferred to the committee on eu py lies . ' Mir Sotimgeour 4 hee r x © «pwaetion af proveliog a fyetem tin mnt hy Nember ef pupils 2 resident and 47 von resident popil« Oho the reconmmendation of the Principal, it was agrees? to engece \ ies Clark ns teachers f Jrawi g uotil the susimer holi Cava, for SO for th= term. That closed the proceedings. PCALIC SCHOOL HONOR LIST, Avon--Mirs Duncan, sr--Jno °' arson, Lithe Dicrlamm, Jr--Roy Lloyd, Clara Dveslamm, Miss Stevenson, er--C. May- . Maleta Scott. Jr--L. Panton, Fdna Macklin, Faletaff--"Wrs Warburton-- Wm Tout, Gertie Cook. jreenley -- Frank Lloyd, Louis Miss M-Kenzie-- James Turnbull, Ann Mina Alexander-- Bruce Go - Miss ( Wells. je Rankin, ordon, Beatrice Bay Hamlet--Miss E L Walker--L Scrim. Morro Townsend, ina |, Bertha Gowing. Bradshaw, Mabel Brooks, Wiss M John- ston----4i Webb, Irene Kerr, Romeo-- Principal-- Frek Rogers, Jennie Louie Landon, Miss Garden--R Gem want "SIke the Tre alarm they ered, "Fhe truth is Ehave- everything a relic ei. dean igake Rag To ia oc and one excited individual yelled: 'Take hunter wants, I have hair from the' Mi B teat dots Sinclair, "Gertie MMe. smash it to pieces! Pees -. the confusion and hubbub he wrapped . 7 it around tho burning Lamp and held it "that the relic hunter is the big there till the flames were completely 9 earth. Any relic he may want has | smothered. Then he quietly returned to "© Value. It is simply a question of how to discuss the occurrence, but it was %%¢ 4 man up as he comesin and am several minutes before the excitement fore able to hit him just right: ~~ died out among the Caucasians who bad _ "Take a battlefield relic," said Mr. crowded in and they were ready to de- Burke alter a pause. "1 go home, say, part. and get my wife to mark a half dozen "Now this difference of behavior in Pieces of ribbon as I want it. Then I the face of danger and amid exciting POUNd two bullets together and fasten to circumstances does certainly indicate athe ribbon. They are bullets, you know, fundamental and characteristic differ- Which met in mid airon the Kenesaw ence between the oriental and the acct: Held:---1-put-one-in_theshaweonse w. dental races. You may say that the the card and the others inadrawer. A conduct of the Chinamen resulted merely Telic hunter buys the only one, but as from oriental apathy, or you may attrib- 8000 as he is gone the drawer is opened ute it to the fatalistic habits of thought 224 another takes it. place. They cost engendered by eastern religions, or you about a dime and bring in a five."--At- may say that the occurrence furnished 'anta Constitution. a confirmation of Herbert Spencer's = theory that hurry and overwork hare To Keep Trousers in Shape. resulted in a condition of nervous insta- 4 Well dressed man recently entered a bility among all the races of the west, ading men's furnishers store and asked But whatever you attribute it to, I te '© be shown suspenders. Presently after you the Chinaman's method of action is 1¥¢ investigation he selected a certain the best when vou have to deal with a ®tYle and inquired of the salestnan how coal oil lamp that is aheut e: A many pairs he had in stock, Eight was "You couldn't lend me a dime, could the number and he took the Ist, the ber rs ete of an inch in thicknesa" "To get 670 pages IMS he wir- resound with their wild and_you, to pay my car fare? I want to.get Clerk meanwhile looking at the custom and two méfocco covers into the thick- [rious bellowing. They formeda circle to Richmond, where I am announced to &F With a suspicion as to his 'sanity. ness of one-third of an inch isa marvey 220Ut the wolves that had crowded lecture before a conclave of the Theo- There was method in the man's maid- of paper makinjgand binding. One speci- around the body of the prostrate fawn sophical society." -- Philadelphia In- rs "You see," said he, "when one men is contrived t6 hang on the clate- and presented to them a formidable ram- laine; a case is made of silver, consisting P8T of bristling heads. This circle nar- of a double cross, one for each of the vel- TWed and narrowed 'until it completely vet covers of the book, and this both adds inclosed the wolves, that now began to to the beauty of the volume and servesto their danger, for they left their keep it in a compact form. A ring is PTEY» plunging forward at adeer with added, which serves forattachment to a *"@PPing jaws and snarling in a fright- chain, An edition is alsoissued without {! ™@nner that revealed their sharp, the calendar and the occasional services, gleaming teeth. ; But their ferocious on thus reducing the thickness by one-third 8"4sht was received on the lowered ant- and the weight to about half an ounce.-- !€tS. that in turn struck at them and sent London Times. them howling back fora few moments, , but only to return again to the attempt jto break through, the -bristling wall of theirantagonists. This performance was repeated again and again, the elks clos =a © of their orders, fearful_snarling, made _it-_an--occasion __he was refused adinission, except on foot, BEVer to be forgotten by any who were ao that we could see the torn and bleeding bodies of that lay scattered about the dead fawn. | began now to betray their old "Blackfeet Indians. scohoom daneabingns.at- cur "I don't know, I'm sure," said Susie, ¥*, judgi expression Sport entured a Sarmise, "Susie," said Willie to his sister, "what are Blackfeet Indians?" "What are what?" sate poor is warranted not to fade."--Merchant ground Traveler. - (Mont.) Gi ' Done by Hand. on art}--Do you draw? . ing it was time to have some 1285 a ur of suspenders for each pair of enna a a trousers and one hangs thie trousers by Beginning of a Great Industry. the suspenders from the closet nail, the An old woman, fecding her hens with dependant weight keeps the trousers in prudent care, is said to have made the shape and the 'bac' out of the knees. beginnings of the great menhaden in- Méresver," continued this practical lat- dustry in Maine. Her name was Bart- ter day Beau Brummell, "think of the lett, and about half a century ago, down waste of the time involved in the chang- in Blue Hill bay, she was one day boil- ing of one's suspenders every-time one ing some m for her hens, when changes one's trousers, let alone the she found a quantity of oil rising to the bother. top of the water in the pot. She skimmed it off, bottled it up, and, with unusual wear and tear in both an quirer. "And then consider in such a case the}* ise Koight, Miss McLennan --Sam. Bennett, Miss Weir-- t McTa M Camp- Se es ete, her The vicissitudes of climate sre trying to moat constitutions, especially to people having impure blood. For wll wush (and they constitute the majority), the best safeguard in Ayer's the nse of which cleanses the blood and strength- @ is and invigorates the syatem. Forcible Facts. oo re is overw hilliousness, sick headache, and all skin diseases. "NOTICE--A GOOD BULL FOR- SERVICE, CON. OF SOUTH EAsTHOPE, in the (my of STKaTrunw,--s minutes" t T. FB. Station rictly Cash, App'y to JOUN SILLIFANT. Stratford, Feb. 11th, 1890, 736 Notice to Creditors. In the matter ot Sam Hoffma: and Anson C. Hoffman, lately trading at Stratford, under tbe firm name of Hoffman Bros W OTicE 13 HFREPY GIVEN that the above Hefiman Bros, assigned to me for the Senetit cf thew £ vied J. statutes of Umtario, "SST, Chapter 124 =©Creditor- must file teeir claims with the ne proceeds of the estate to claim of which I shall then hare pot Dated at Hamilton th"s Ist day of March, 1590, DAVID BLACELEY, Tat Assignee 'nterprise, got aboart the old sloop that trousers. Besides, one pair of trousers ween Boston and the east coast, may be longer or shorter than another, and took the strange oil among the deal- and the suspenders, if they have not to ers of the "Hub." A man named E. E. be changed, once adjusted properly, the Phillips examined it, and offered to buy of hoisting up or down, which all she could bring him. She went bome causes an expenditure of time and pa- happy, and all summer the old gentle- tience, is_ done away with. It is in- man Bart ed and the old lady finitely pleasanter and decidedly cheaper _ in. the autuma they iu the end to have a dozen pair of braces % PURSES A line of purees, slightly damaged, will b» told at half the regular price, at JH. NASMYTH & C0.'S 500 as an addition to fore the chickens go to roost, and and other "Girl gone back on you?" pot, until "No, but her our union? "Disoui He--Wait? never! Shall it be said of Eb" - +1 He--Well. that depends on the cards J Philadelphia Inquirer. "you that you marriéd'a waiter*--Pitts- | "No. In a wintry manner."--Mer- NEW GOODS Just to Hand. Large assortment of English Confectionery ; Combs and E. J. JOHNS' DRUG STORE, Market Square. slag sod] ak a! nervous sing three bones the same tite {, 1] was ronpletely cured." word, Topeka, Kansas, dieting myse! -- Philip Loe "T was troubled for years with iodi- estion, ounsitpation, and-headache, A | boxes of Aversa Pills, used in «mall reator to bealth. PREPARED BT W. D. ICENED AUCTIONEER and Appraiser fo L Perth and Waterloo. Hales at- JAMES PROOTOR | AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, etr., ete. att to Real Furniture ~_.THE-STAR-LAUNDRY.. 8 XOW UNDER THE MAXNAGEW r Joweph A work at the ' launery Gone, xive bim « call, JOSEPH A, HINSPERGER, Stratford, Feb 11th, 160. DON'T DESPAIR. YOUR HAR IS FALLING OUT, becom' thin or gray, there is a way out of the "HAIR MAGIC." DR. DORENWEND'S I' GREAT A New Antiseptic. poul Sd ta balieves Is Teoding Dean : oftarin te = peer. an on HALL,| c: Saccharine is regarded by a French as as he eats 'his own meals MEDICAL 91 RSEe 3 bane. monde af 5 mount hed writer as . valuable A He is unable to be at home at night be- 63 ONTARIO STREET. to in * ~ . Coughs, Ae. ea USED EXTERNALLY, +t cures Pruises ag, Spellings Cuts, Fealds ee ees poe | in 4 the Arvend. , chant Traveler = 4 q Stentor', Feb 16, 180%, _ tat EXT OF ITs Hinesperrer, lowest _wosk