A ate Cash' and One Price. 'BOYS' Short pants made from strictly Al-_Wool-Tweeds and Serges. Tweeds stripes, checks and plain pat- terns. y ou. get them for about what tht cloth would cost you. Boys from 3 to 14 years of age, 75¢, $1 and $1.25. They'll help out your boy's suit when the coat and vest are good and the pants _are gone. 150 pairs to choose from, We've just finished stock- taking and have laid out-a table of Odd Garments, which ". are selling at 1% and 34 prices. Men's Pants in this lot, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Ym off Furs, } off Boy's Overcorts, 1-5 off Men's Overcoats. "Th a few weeks |' we'll have the Largest and -Finest Clothing Store west of Toronto. ' WE MOVE IN MARCH. | BURYING OF THE DEAD. iH Tight --and darkt CHANGES IN FUNERAL CUSTOMS " DICTATED BY GOOD SENSE. Women No Longer Fapected to Attend Fuperal Services, Nor Meo to Stamd with fared fleads by| the Grave- No Long Procee |r mn of Caurrliges, The undeftakirs of this city announce that funerals ar¢ no longer what. they used tobe. Worn are nok ere pected to at 1 them, and « exceptions Urevd Thi ; 1tof this fact wa ree lit alwetl publicatin ina Philadelph ofat er of intervies takers in that ci i "fein tett R i tet} " \ pt | fi miVvil at i, } lished in ace lance with [ wiehice of the dead Wonthue howd = baows f practical and sen turn of mind, Her ject wa p pire weal mw mt late at her funeral of women who n ieht, if it were bad aveather, Cuiltfact disease of a serihvis nature . -- AS PHILADELPHIA, Until very recently numerously at- tended funerals had been very common in Philad@phia. Scores of carringes fo lowed the decease | isan or Woman to the grave, iid men a. | wonenstood around on the damp ¢ vund in all kinds of weather while the coflin was lowered into its last resting place. Philadelphia is gradually awakening to the fact that this sort of thing is dangerous. Strange to-say,-it appears to. by due to the under- takers of that city that these changes are being made. Evidently they are not se calculating and selfish as various writers of fiction have portrayal them.-- The more carriages there are at a funeral the bigger the undertaker's billy is, yet the Philadelphia members of the profession seem to view this fact with indifference. Said Mr. R. R. Bringhurst, one of the most prominent of these gentlemen: "The custom in vogue here of a large concourse of friends and relatives at: tending funerals is a very foolish one, Male members of the family only should accompany the hearse to the burial ground, and I am glad to see that this plan is being adopted by several fam- ilies of this cits. Ladies should not be taken to the burial ground, for more than: one reasern,either-in good or-bad '15 Mazteet Street. 15 nnouncement----- Extraordinary ----_---- , POWELL & HAMILTON Will Open the Finest Selection of New. Spring Dress Goods, MILLINERY, MANTLES, --AND -- Genéral Dry~ Goods Ever Shown in Stratford, -- ABOUT -- DOWNIE | The pupilein SS. N25, Downie, who- took the highest number of marks in the reapective classes dorivg ithe month of February are :--5th class---Jennive Worlen, . Kate Ridley. Sr 4th-- Maggie Dunseith, Addie Haings, John Worden. Jr 4th--Gertie Hoskin, Hattie | Johreon, Willie Worden. Sr 30a --Gdorge pews Robert Danacith, John Watltie Jr Sid -- Belle Haines, Maud Heyes, Kobt ) Hamil mn j BRIGHT, Daowsen Haenarcr ts a Cistexy.--Mrs Joseph Wilson of Bright, « station on the Tatlale hgesiags of the (. Ry, come ted snictde bv drowning in her coetert ar last Sunday mornipy at five o clock Mer hushaad nijesedl her [OF & few miovter ons fund her ov stated She trie! ewicide by poisoniog « few months be he 1 veluncl a for gome tine pat Lard family of nine childrer athy ol ! ity at their ESOT EN About 2 o'clock eon Wednesday wreek the employees of Nera factory were start fied ey witoney rach tel pet gh the , Warlding Tine Het hi dris tog ay ako! | Yor the intos hondred rene "7, Séastae th @|™ avy leather two foot belt Tike a ribbon e. and striking the ceslis actory. Fortunately no dne was injured, the force of the flying pieces were cnecked | by the belt, or- they would likely have damaged the walls of the fae tory. ~The engine released from its fond at once jump- ed into high speed until the stream was shut offatthe boilers, The wheel was 18 feet in diameter, witha 26 inch face, made up to two heavy cast sections weighing over sixtons. It gave the ehaft it ran on a tremendous wrench splitting the heavy stone to which its journal wea bolted, and in spite of the engine being firmly bolted to wao.id-etone-bed, it drove it an inch out heres oer) the exhaust pipe. Th y tive weeks to shorn one be a "heavy expense to the firm. Inia for the firm who were pushing their business forward to» good- position, and for the men, who will be Iaid off during ao time when it is almost epee een A -4FON? TON, Another of those pleasant affairs occur- red in thia neighbourhood, being the union in marriage of. Mr George Hope, of Ayer, to Nettic...eldest daughter o Me (jeorge Murray, The presents were nomerous and costly. The ceremony wes performed by Rev George Chrystal, of this village The young men who went off on a pro- apective wedding thip have returned. 1] suppose the next time the one goes he will return with the others. The many friends of Mr Alexander il pd a Ther se gaat rom bors Wee Ss ee an saa 1 ta iri ideas wll eo funny gar d timbers of the | JENEK®S DREAM, onke had: a -- are amt 'ew other trite Ks thought be opr ity Ts rive, ame n the _miditie ral it we a doughiy lire *hamry eee oe she bite cra! cy nachos bak 3 oy ~" r surly: : ) ML emureces wae -- taughing. He aecounte che rhe yo Fs i Weware of Initations, which Neate fin ', vue ---- age Alwars ax for are Little Sugar-coated Pills Anti- illo ud Granuics, One a Dose. SIGK HEADACHE Billous Headache cure erce's Fieasant seemeie Ty Petits They ze gently lnxatire. ia ywoording to ize of Gone. Sroniiost, Cheapest, fastest to take, 2 cents a vial, by druggista. Copyright, Fespr by W me wy Se ord ero MED- bCaL_ Assoc! rn nine "re ois Main Bt. iutaio, NY. Sir Jobn Macdonald, sayt the Ottawa Journal, came down to the House restored and refreshed after his Inte respite, *"' o white rose in hia button-hole, as bright and chirpy as a youth of twenty." Dr Montague, the Conservative M. I"- elect for Haldimand, took his seat in tle House of Commons Tuesday. He was in- reduced Mel Eusex,. au Col Tisdale of Simcoe, amidst vociferous applause. --Mr Heason, M.P., took the i ae ous Mulock to task in committee Tues 5 Le on af unparliamentary temeark made the latter touching Sir {%. Langevin ant the Annapolis post oifice. "Mr Heagon 4 re marks came in well after Sir Hoctor put fe os : weather. It subjects them to 4 great -- i) ' _ 2 Leomn regret that he jurposee aoew: S throu acing nervous strain to seo the aly of some ' he ae '- fiad ge rgoer ae t gars = maya the spe inte wheatin ard Pa 2 ONE 6 AT o ts bea 4 a nove stuc ling price : a os member f their famile-ov some relative . far from the place wliere he has so many /C - agonnd Toronto, might be interesting lowered into the ground, and time and f 3 unflinching frien ur free trade fri nds just now, On time again I have seen ladies faint from Mr Michael Brennan pirpors removing "Marek 5th in Chicago, white whens opened this excitement, - : : ' with his family to the ited States, | at 7Sjc, closing at Thic bile in 'To- "Sometimes there ia a hitch in tha In the: Store Now Occupied by THORNTON where he has bought au excellent farm, ptt. the ruling price tor me same kind of dropping-of the.coilin,.so.that causidera- ; bier hone ee mae -- fis many friends} wheat) was S70; a-gain- of Scents and, a in the es as he has Thornton & Douglas, : ; ble dif§eulty ts occasioned in getting it & DOUGLAS, aS...2.. Clothing House, aes pe ' fraction in favor of the Canadian farmer. Crotrnes, Hats anp Fur-| *traightened ont. Accidents of this na- i in their sha, RP Ree | Bad blood causes dyspepsia and dyspop- ture aré very prolific of nervous pros- N 4 5 M k t S t Downie: Sen. 4th--James Thomeon od sia reacts by causing bid blood. So both NISHINGS. tration, and women should not be sub- O, arkKe tree . go on, growing worse, until the whole James Gibson, 152; Bella Cornish, 144 ; Arther White, 115. Jun. 4th--Fran kie system is poisoned, .The surest mosns of Beil, 130; Newton brie ond ae by * | relief for the virtim ia a thorough and per- 4 ; 104. | sistent course of drer's Seep mie Thompes, 187; Wile | Murray; 130-;--Harvey Lamb, 109.--Cum--}-- "+ a eee ELLICE, The Council met at Wartburg on the jected to them. "It is a striking fact that half of our funerals take place on stormy days, when itis positively dangerous~ for -any-man,; hot to mention gear to stand for a long time on ound until the interment is Piciehad 1. This city is, how- ever, getting to be somewhat enlighten- $5 Market-St., Stratford Ont. J. H. DUFTON, ~ Our 'Stock, when completed; will be the-most-- attractive in the city, and'will comprise all the new -- ed he subj of funerals, e ' ; + e vious © Wo. 1, Old: Albion Bloch.| sar ago thare were forty or aftyear-] Styles and Shadings in fine Dress Goods, Silks, meetings ere. rend and agued "by th signed the : . every funeral, but now this The Treasarer submitted wlotter *s Fiages to : nore sereeenon raacuteaoeacenneneteoeenemccewnap na ber is reduced. to.about eight...Of ev ee from 222g sureties, which was read 'poe course, the more people attend 'funerals Mitinery, Mantles, &e. - P Kastner in' wed the better it is for the undertaker. His Council -------- of the sult, Kest- Music Books. business is advertised, and he comes in Seeike Th Cn Hes ted sok the * for the burial of those who are taken ef Deswls skoaid' bi coesatted CHOICE Salth's Nuiardeon's Geta aed many Others, Our | Sick and die because of the exposure at prisce vee will find to be the very lowest, Wealso| the burial ground. But we undertakers obs Bre on the shortest | DAVe sympathetic souls like other classes of humanity, and I for one advis@%ll my patrons to have the funeral ceremony at -- the house, and then let only afew gen- , tlemen of the family accompany the : cil the destitute circumstances of the New Hymn Books. body to the cemetery. Tyghe family, who are said to besick ana "Triumphant Songs No 2," by Excell. Und ertaker J. Ii Knowles expressed Our Prices will be the Lowest ina the doatitute, A grant of $10 ant, teste: link the same sentiments and added: as made. Mr Crawford gave the We have made our selections with the greatest respecting the matter township Auditors, with detailed and ab- stract statements of the Treasurer's ac- = o = counts for 1889, was submitted, carefully examined and adopted, with the peo directions for " publication, The Mesar; Brown bro to the notice of the Coun. care, both as regards Style and Values, and have no hesitation in saying that --AND -- Low Prices. = -: "The exclusion of ladies-and friends te pointers on management of roada, Cenaren Hye gt funerals is an adinirable policy to City. ® raphe! compision "s xg Laem oe depth taaret Geoewand Seles, seslhlniae Ta adopt... This city is just awakening to easterly of the south branch of a The., 00c. and $1.00 cach, in either Tonic-Sol-Fa or A > ; the Maitland drain, and also of Par de- re pus Motatl ' an, A er 508 the Vaal that a big funeral is a Vig TOM: suse Ai a rend 90 .nnd 41: tn plorable the 18th and 14th concessions. "The Conn: cil promised to give the matters their best consideration at the proper time. Mr As a rule every funeral is the cause of the denth of at least one person 4 who attends it," New York adopted the new custom -- some time since. . Save-in-the case of men of great official prominence, few Wrapping Papers and funerals, with the exception of those of Twines. foreiguers. and persons of the. poorer class, who accept innovations in such matters slowly, are largely attended, "Any Grocer building a trade on lowness of price, without regard to good quality and honest quan- tity, will have to keep get- ting new trade ail the i] > Hymn B ; tla aaa Miss Anperson and Miss PritcHarp--who have always commanded the Leading Millinery Trade of the City, for Davin N. Hoos & Co.-- with a broken bone, and had bad sickness and death in hia family, and was unable to pay hia taxes for S89, -- the Collector corroborated M ermann's men . 2 z "9]" : otate it. The Couns We sell Wholesale. We carry a Larve Stock + will have full e of our M illinery Department, sadeieoeae agreed to refund $9.61 of his can ive Mer echanta the Very Loweed Prices We ni n by wen Redalgr s there are rare- ": x h taxes. Councillor Foley was inetrocted while, because his new wi glad to quote prices. y more than three ur four carriages at > Ladi at resent in the to cause a gourd rail or logs to be placed ' the funcral of a person of good social and as 'the Young dies. P on & portion of si-delizie 20 and 21, Ri . ee ee ee --_-- rank, aiid five seems to be the maxi- vent accidents. The Reeve und Councillor more reliable stores." Foley were to cause 5 rts to be p under , C. bridge, con Petition of N, Elger 1nd esa asking to have ee Eastern Markets, Icoking out all the New Ideas in mum. The more fashionable the fam- Fancy Goods Depart- ily the simpler the arrangements aro. 35 Atalarge proportion of such funerals ment. that have taken place lately there. have omy , been only one or two carriazes besides rin,combe, Mais Bren, Clete steer bowers the hearse. Undertaker Edward M. Se- lowest prices. Tle is 8 nior said yesterday: : i . next meeting 'of council, for ne ling thee | "At three-quarters of the funerals I in Stratford, and no doubt it will save a great many » clerk was ins to than you will find them auywhere else. You! have had in charge lately, no women} notice of appoistment_on th So says the "* Monetary Times,"andsosayl While itis always my aim to have prices in ali lines as low as possible,--quality I recog- this branch of our Business, our numerous Lady prepare a by-law to grant the prayer of friends will be delighted to hear of their remaining is ecetetuhinds, 0° be Eroaeie weete ibe adoption. save 20 percent. on these gieds by buying ze , te a ted on behalf of the co tion i fi fe invite you to this statement. ve been present, &, rule they, do. « . pore nize to be of first import- pert i ge bork! pats » | noteven sitin the samo room win the the trouble and AXPCASE.. of going : 2: Toronto, as 'lew Means sr. ts Rants a a hee body of the dead. © body is usually ' ; ee Marth ses pmogsony ions Billions dict ~ ence, and Judging from pisced is the parlor, and some mate rel- Hamilton or London for their Millinery, cil ton to p im results, 1t is pleasing to me © remains there riage visitors mon! to men for opening the NG K Spring Goods. sed ds -ehastede-te-ninded. 20 rea during the snow blocade | 1863-0. Leteer to notice that good quality 7 baskets just re] "omen stay upstairs, They may come}. : ; : from Rass ached -- Meera der __ and honest quantity are house, but. they rarely follow the body | EXPRESS WAGGONS with either! tothe grave. Even when they do this, wood or iron-wheels, they do not leave their carriages." A Fixed Price, --_ One Price, es give for the engineer | __ being tally appreciated by A Cash Price, ee : ; It is not uncommon now for persons waship by-laws re tues BABY CARKIAGES--We are offering | ¢, provide mi ee ; fences, CE i provide minutely for their burials in other fences and other matters pertaining j~ the remainder of our stock tt ACTUAS | their wills, and many prudent oues ex- Will be our mode of doing BUasimesse | 20 the general government of the town. Pronet: Dell again. ¥ request that no woman be al- : : abip. following accounte were passed ; opt : very, q <, wed to follow their bodies. When the auditors, $14 each ; \e ates late actor, Chanfrau, died, the funeral . = . treasurer, $1 gabe segitaree, $12,70 at Long. Branch was largely attended. The pall bearers were all old. men, and they dropped one end of the coflin in going out of the house. The widow fainted at the sight, and a painfal scene J. ns H. Dufton, . = was the result. 'Tho new rule is to have Stationery and FANCY | the coffin sarried by hired assistants, Goods). Wholesale | | Zit" gs 'siimnn sak o ee "and Retail, K= We will have more to say next week. POWELL & HAMILTON, Fine Dress Goods and Millinery. ge age Oa Eon EO ; t, ki 50e. Seecceesic|W.L. SCOTT Corcoran drainage, §270; W. J: McGuin- s 2 5 ulnness, a to meet at Rostock on the Slat ot j MARKET STREET. larch, 1990, --domy Pranson, Clerk t the ge hase heer ton it u tious t rises Phoenix like from his ae Sir Edwin Arnold, the author of "The | aoe Light of Asia." has' been -made com- sis : this .--Theu.ip is a No. 1, Old. Albion Block, | manderot rina cgi! Order of the Lion ' equal from adime museam point of: yiew ; 2 j and the Sun by the shah of Persia, . less rooster and other curios, mes ; =