Stratford Times, 5 Mar 1890, p. 13

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How to Keep ao Cat. | A lady in the northwest. settion bas "recently taken m of an. old houses' To her great sorrow she found the place overrun with rats and mice. Rats and mice of the wariest and most suspicions kind, tco. Traps were' set in vain. She dared not use poison for fear the rodents would die in the walls. Her kitchen was presided "] don't know what I am to do, Maum Becky, with these rats and mice," 'kaid the lady in despair. "War matter wid er cat?" "But we have no cat, and before we can raise a kitten large enough to catch rats they will have gaten us out of house and -------- i "Wat matter wid een" Jim out or h a serine, Becky? <A strange cat wouldn' Citay in the house five minutes, if Jim should catch one." Miss Lizzie, Maum Becky' 'n' oer to year you talk «0, Is I done raise you up fum ir baby, 'n' see you mar'id 'n' a don' know how kip strange cat in house? Lemme tell you an" don't you nebber furgit. Fus' you ketch de cat. Den you tek er ol" boot Iaig; 'n' head fus' down 'e boot laig. hin' laigs froo de straps, des' so he kyarn' use he claw, Den you put éat haid un'r |- yo" ahm, so, an* walk back'ard to de firs' stepob po'ch. Den teker kyarvin knife er a 'n' Den *n' bury tip er tail in 'e hole. Fo' God, dat cat nebber leave er place so lang dat eat-tail_stay ine hole."-- Washington Points for Husbands. Do not jest with your wife upon a eubject in which there is danger of wounding her feelings. Remember that she treasures every word you utter, though you never think of it again. not speak of sdme virtue in another man's wife to remind your own of a fault.. Do not reproach your wife with personal defects, for, if she has sensi- bility, you inflict a wound difficult to heal. Do not treat your wife with in- attention in company. Do not upbraid her in the presence of a third person, women. Donot be stern and silent in your . and remarkable for sociabil- ity elsewhere. Remember that your wife has as much isa sensible woman she should be ac- quainted with your business and know your income, that she may regulate ber household accordingly. not withbold this knowledge in order to cover your own extravagance. Women have a keen perception. Be sure she will your selfishness, and, though no word is spoken, from that moment her respect is lessened and her confidence diminished, pride wounded, and a thousand,-perhaps.unjast, sus- picions created." From that moment is your domestic comfort on the wane.-- Domestic Monthly. Trial by Jury in Russia. The conservative press in Russia never looked favorably upon the system of jury trials, and always urged ita aboli- tion, The fact that political offenses were not tried by jurics was constantly use as an argument against the entire system. And the new minister of ju tice in Russia, Mr. Manassein, in-obedi- ence lo their appeals, has just procured the enactment of a new law taking out |. of the hands of juries a large number of important criminal cases. "But this only strengthened the hands of the conserva- tives and encouraged them to demand further action in the same direction. On the other hand the liberal press is no less dissatisfied with the proceeding, and per- fectly agrees with the conservatives that if the trial by jury is good at all no ex- ceptions whatever are either just or ra- tional, and that if it is bad for some things it is bad forall. There, however, the agreement ends. Whereas the con- servatives hope to succeed in abolishing the jury trials in Russia, the liberals de sire to obtain for it full recognition.-- The Transatlantic. Red Tape In "Talk about red in railroading! Igot tangled up in it while in New York," remarked State Attorney Mit- chell. "We took a train on a little railroad 'to one of the summer resorts, and Mrs. Mitchell, feeling ill, I asked the brake mah to turn one of the Rallroading. Lepoke'to the conductor, and thathe would delighted anip off tek yo' finger 'n' dig 1#' hole un'r step ape j : the beauty and accomplishments of other |- her esteem for you. If she Arex ou for subecriptions on alvertisements ther work done at thie office, will sddrese? the - publishers. done in-every instance. pie ce The Carnirat. The skating rink presente: dan animated scene Tuesday evening week. There ware pretty large gathering of skaters costuined in variegated styles, the grotesde as between two rinks, chosen by the presi- dent of the club, ir A. F. McLaren, aod an eqanl number selected by the vice pre sident, MrU. E. Neomyth. The players and the points were : President Vice-President M. Fraeer, K Kardies-W ilmo*, 1 As ee ; ws A. F Moleren-k 2 €_E. Measapth- ok 10 srry Tw T. K.P. Trew, Juba Hoesie, c. M E + mame J. sree HM. Juba do bn Wenbe "skip 13°) W. Mayuaid, jr--#k 9 a , Majority for the President, 6 whota, Ovituary. "Alter & Tou Tiiness whieh he-bore with calm resignation, Mr James Dewar de- parted. this life on Thursday evening fort- bt. im.the 68th year of his age, amd his remains were consigned to" their last reating-place in Avoudale cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Mr Dewar was tom in Perthshire, Scotland, ago,and came to Perth in Canada d6-years since, settling first in-the vicinity of Cromarty in the kta cf Hibbert, where he followed farming for some years. e has been a resident of Stratford for several years and wasa well known and respected ¢ n. He was aman of good intelligence, » shrewd observer of public affaireand passing cvents--an honest and honorable man whom to know was to_re- «pect He leavee a wile, and sons and daughters, ove of them being Mr D. Dewar, a well-known resident of St Marys fer spe years, It may be truth- fully said of the deceased that he lived respected and vaied regretted by all who koew him. Peace to his ashes FLLICE. ' The following are the names ef. orl aes beat scholars in each class in the R. Separate school = 8. No 7, et unde care of Mr Fork: Johanna Crowley, "Brigid Onniar ar we Sed --Nellie Corky Katie Crowley ; janior 3rd -- Ann Michael Cro ; 2od class-- 'fve O'Brien, Thomas Carty. MURNINGTON, The following sre the names of the best pupila in 8. S. No 6 for as month wf February :--5th class--- ames Dowd, Letitia Dowd, Wm R. Doed ; Tay, ' ee 3rd class--Mauad Waddell, Katie erson, Lizzie Dowd NORTH E£asTHOPeE. The names of the pupils who took the highest number of marks in their respec tive classes for February, in 5. 8S. No 5, are the following :--Senior 4th--Caroline Hamel,,M. Mohr; junior 4th--Wm Ehnes, M. Schoenhala, Heury Cook, John Cook ; -enior $ed---Alice G. ITyde, J. Fatk, David Heyer, D, Wettlaufer ; !unior $rd--John eoning, El. Falk, Clara Falk, Ad, Reck senior 2ad--Theo Becker, Wm. [Ker 5 Cook, Lea- Wettlauler, Llenry Kuechtel. The peed ge are the names of the pupils of U. 8. 8. No 8, North Easthope and Ellice, that took tre highest num- ber of marka in their respective classes luring January and February : foarth--Adeline Smith, Kaiward Ratz,' Jacob Schmidt, Henry Motr and Oliver Killer. Senior third Clara Killer and Henry Ruiz Junior third--Annie Mohr, Henry Witzel, George Sinith, Fred Killer and George Kneisel. Geo T. Odbert, teacher, NEWRY. The following is the standing of the pupils of the Newry school for the month ot February, The cxamination was on the work gone over during the n.onth : Sth class, maximam 600--Charles bor om --lam trison, John Farrell, 353; Albert Gray, 316; Joho. Fullarton, 32; James Danbrook, 290. Junior 4th, maximam 600 --Edith Alexander, 457; Kittie Allison, 423 - Charles McMane, 413; Robert McMane 403 ; Fred Wynn, 398 ; James licksou. 399 : Minnie Johnston, 383. Senior 3rd, arles lter, 230; Jimea Simpson, 162; Eva Gee, 157. Part 2nd-- Laura Sim son, Melbourn Ges, 4. ~oribers when remitting to as, either | Thies should be 4 ia the Stratford rink Monday evening wer k | Sentor | Junior fourth-- | ) Tndigestion| 8 not only a distressing complaint, af igael{, but, by causing the blood to techie depraved and the system en- is the best cure for Indigestion, even 2 topredemenatar Some.ol the cos when complicated with Liver Complaint, ag Seu ee peat and artiatte is proved by the following y. The judges decided on the fo llowing os from Mrs. Josepls Lake, of Brockway the beat disguises : wwiies : ly Music, | Centre, Mich.: = sabe Miss Irene Dey ; 2 Sweet Girl Graduate, | "Liver eomplaint an n indigestion Nisa Mary Orr ; Girls :--1, Spaninh girl,_ made my a burden Fir more oe Woods; 2, Uritasnia, Georgie ae = "ae ce. For more ihaa Gentlemen : 1, Indian Le reduced simost toa skeleton, pote iy iy Beckford ; 2, Fisherman, James ade; had siren ys drag caine abeak. Boys: 1, Highland Lad, Hy Pethic; 2 ,inds t food Karl Lof Leicester. Wiltie ¥ Words, | tha Seon Sooge Pa -- m4 ns da all. within the time ate several Curling Match. i Pe nSvnD fee A friendly game of curling was played | to do HS sac8 ily ry eg! commencing te Sarsapa- rilla I could see an improvement in by condition. My appetite sate retp =i with it came the Sige the food taken, m po Bead after a few has given me Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass - Price $1;-stz bottles, @4. Worth @5 a bottle. ee KASTNER BROS. Are this week clearing out at Half Price An-immense numler of odd lengths of All Wool Dress Goods and Cashmeres and Odd Lines, Preyicus to. showing New Spring Goods. Inspection invited by KASTNER BROS MITCHELL & SEBRINGVILLE. Highest Prices Prid for Farm Produce. . AUCTION SALE. I hed} svescriser | prem- hes, whieh provides'a newes-fallir he supply of «pring er. The remsining 60 Artes ant wood Terms casy, erp = sy bes od mire 9 years o! ect chain bharnows, jako a quamity of dry 'om ibe r, re bin «qua untitics to eult | purchasers, |, TEUMS there "w ck, de. =? months' credit will be given on q j pr 1 iz credit Abeer JOUN EEARSON, JOSEPH STOCK, Proprietor. Tan Auctioneer, Ellice, Fe b b 25th, 1800 BY-LAW No. 6, A. D. 1890-- For Closing Up a Portion of Carling Street, in the Town of St. Marys. WV BEREAS. LoT "NU ere EIGH THE TOW COUNTY OF FIFTEEN IN ISCESSION OF NaHIP OF BLANSIIAND. IN THE PERTH, laid i La nthe Registry PERTH on the 12th Day of MA 1861 5 AND, Whexmas, RICHARD KELLY, the Owner t, maximum 500 --Barbara Melatyre, 320 ; | of por a la desirous of aitertonr -- emrelernaeet ds er ag < hishotm, cs ei of the Tow « or sy ants, to or e 1 chael ardecn, m+ ag ww te atop pt part or of CAR- zie Fullarton, 160; James Gilmer STRERT lying Bast of the 158; John Lesley, | 63. Junior Wittothaulekea -- 500 -- Willie Holmes, 381; | Asp, Wirmanas, it is expedient to accede to the kson, 319; A! M aad part so sap up the anid part or portion of 317 Charles Duclow, 161. Senior Qad, | OSRLISG : =" it « the Munici maximum 500 --Ca.rie Gilmour, 413; "Aggie ot 343; Thomas, Fullarten, 327. Junior Qad, thaximam 400--Annie Darbrook, 317%; Charles H. Coulter, 313-;-Maud Coulter, j id Eliza Gilkinson, 204; Vinie Gilkin' ; vid © 2 ; ve Hi --be- touccommodate me, but I would | have Mase Wilke Merree*Srol Ei oe aa olay Dicken fee Mlatyre. "Toa sitendanee, 88.0. nee one No medicine in the world ia in better | repute or more widely known than Ayer's Sarsaparilla. As a safe and certain remedy for all manner of blood disorders, leading physicians and druggists everywhere re- commend it in preference to any other, Constipation and Headacie. Dear Sirs,--I suffered with ers got « bottle of B. BK. B. on trial, and | areatso eclling «a opt of chen ; Ww m ach cea that I got several bottie, yc Mrs Robert Taylor, chipka P.O. On We keep all the best brands of Tobacco and as we buy direct from the manufact- urera, O@ art always fresh. We cheap tobacco af Broa eci! cheap, * * 29 cts per re TSS enone ai} io Chea --THE CLASSIC CITY-- SHAVING PARLOR. +818 SHOP [4 Cost he TED iy & firet clas L mann t, hes runuen. and cu tomer old ant ty e the tery bet ten ami work if they pekson ize him ne + HARTLEY, Vroprietor snd Manager, aed A ~eteationd, Reh 1s th, Law W. A. MYERS, 'Géneral~Merchant, .Huron-St., sow pty FoR BUSINES le Mae any- thing eed in the Grovery Line. Fie OU Rk ond FEED, I hy Give him » Call. Best qnality of Goods sold at the very Lowest Prices. W. A. MYERS. Stratford, Feb 1, 1800. 786-8 --1r YOU WANT-- GOOD MEAT A CIVIL BUTCHER, William Wright, Next door to H. T Barker's Grocery. Stratiord, Feb 25th, 1°89, TSstt For thé Néxt' 80 Days; SWIFT, THE BOOT AND SHOE MAN, Will sell hia entire stock of Boots and ~ ~ Shoes, Valises, &c., at! Cost Price for Cash, To make room for New Goods arriving daily. Remember the place, Waterloo St, opposite the Old Band Stand, JOHN SWIFT. Selling off at Cost. FOR ONE MONTH, : COMMENCING Monday, Feb. 24, We will offer our entire Stock of Teas at Cost. Look, What Rare Bargains. 65e. Tea for 650c. 60. " "* 4be. . 50e, "a "a 40, 40c. " Lt] BSe. Bic, " "| 25c. bec, aa "a 20¢. 10¢. aa " Be, spied adiclecd ae lily will prove to you we _-- -- ree Our Saturday p Coun splendid bargains in CHINA, CROCKERY, "GLASSWARE, etc,, etc. P.W.ATSON-.-- Ontario Btrect, West. "30 Ontario- St. _SIGN OF THE-- BIG BOOT. THE OLD RELIAULE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. A Lange Lot of Women's, Girl's and Childrens Felt, Fox Boots, --TO BE SOLD AWAY-- Below Cost. "!THOS. LAWSON'S 30 Ontario Street, Stratford d Building SAVINGS SOCIETY "DR. LOW'S WORM ae has re- MARYS TAKE NOTICE! That the foregoing ls a trae of a BY-LAW | thet will be takes inte consideration ¢ the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the TO OF 8T. eee tuber tae pekinaties a eae ae Notice, for four suereseive weeks in the St Marys Jearen was' oh the da ot February A.D, 1800, and in Tan Srearrorp om the 19th pode Loder ag A. D. 1800; and; Text Novice, that the said ste thee) sme Pb me Counc] unless good and grounds be shown to the contrary. LEONA» D HARSTONE, Clerk t TOWN of ST. MARYA St. M.-ys, 17th February, 1390. ; maoned 'eet in length Ms alee de destrows ett Mads f worR Flas, AVOID HUMBUG. and 50 Cents per lb. for companies. Stratford, July 24, 1889. And Save Money; by getting 1 Free Sample of the TEAS that JAMESCORCORAN Sells at 12% Cents and 25 Cents per'lb., and compare them with what you have paid 25 . to pedlars and gift tea ONSU \PTIO er ee uf = Ditters nt. ntages to begin Ts iT FRE W Ine... Ka Ro Fat per inine 'é Peery, 2 ser fhe iy bon Santee. Pay ae wae es tT, Mock : pee rim? @trantes waat we par lacarl ay ne tits WA. Be-hester, N. FE. (hie hon "ante. ia Fei ROOMS TO RENT. Sues & for Offices olfiee, afew yards om the Post Office, Enquire of J. FRANK PALMER, Tu pe cthee. For Sale or Rent, D offers tor Sale or Rent the wed Tee Us wg be pb al! of No 7, Oxford Road, im the NI acres--i5 acti ared and under cuitivation. balance, 15 actus, wood. Good f house and frame barn. JOHN McEWEN, On the Premises, FOR SALB. 'Ons EAST QUARTER oF LOT 7, In the 1éth 'Coocession of the. of ELLICE, in onay. in EDWARD TAYLOR, Proprietor duly 24, 1880, TOT-tt FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY HOTEL for SALE. Sa In THE Vit eee SS eeree ane tenting The ea --FLKST-CLASS-- FARM FOR SALE, marca OOOARERA TERS TU co Township of Ellice, Co. of Perth, FING LOT No. 10 CON. 1, Ate Cone One Handrod Acres o ood Sue Dea Mig House et) ft Also contains Bui City Li se convenient to or fu partic and Ruoning Spring One mille from st rattord Schools and Chu apply t , , d AME 3 BENNOCH, "ity Lumber Vart, S ft, Or to Mav, E. Me Ellice, Now 2a, Lam w.d. 8B U 4 ERS, BRS, PINE SIGN AND PIGURE PA INTER Com, Weriwiserow asp St. Paraick Sra, -- on the ri relents. Stratiord, Mar-h 5, 1884. @y-ly REMOVING. WwW COOK, ble A FISHMAN, a tag nove * Hagart ew lock abou oe oe tn ot March, where his id cunomans sal new find him. Stratford, Feb 21th, is. in B. F. YOUNGS, Coxtuacton axp BUILDER, W ANSUFACTUUER of Doors, Sash, Blinds, &e. G. nf Saar _Bullding Supplica. Factory 23 and 40 Albert Sure Stratford, F+ "b 1h, ida J. Ri KILBUBN, Wholesale and Retai] Dealer o Portland and Thorold ersemiga |S Sewer Pipes. Calvert Pipes, FIRE BRICK, &c. YARD & OFFICE - ALBERT $r.,STRATFORD F. BLOX AM,. SLATE ROOFER. --AND DEALER IX -- Canadian & American Slate 'BOX 107, Par AND sito ge Kg moors. pct rgyed oa Fak CITY wiiL PAPER AND PAINTING HOUSE. WS EVERY ROLL or PAPER 1 pat ia ay mapely ot NEW PAPER divect rseang wi 4 a eit to Painting, Graining, Papering Calsomining, Glazing, ete. Mixed Paint Ready for Use. WM. CASS Om Sircilord, Feb 12, 180, jas* ery Insurance, or Medical | Erie street, s Steves | Monthly Pa Tame } | x on 67 MILTON 'STREET, --~ STRATFORD, i _1P-YOU-WANT-A-- Fine Stove, a Good Stove, And one that will give you every satisfac- tion go to A. Brandenberger, Jn the Market Square. sold on Weekly and yments. All work ordered, promptly executed and_ satisfaction guaranteed, A. BRANDENBERGER. fy the- Real Doles County of Perth pt PAY LARGE WHOLESALE JOBRERS Profits, when you can get the following articles, viz :-- Brilliant Self-Shining Stove Polish, Jvory Starch Polish, ...- The Little Wonder Powder, For cleaning gold and silver Plated Ware, aad Howard's Frozen Perfume, raou JAS. HEMPHILL, Stratford Livery Stock Go. HORSE EXCHANGE. (Lare J. W Doze.) ~ | Handsome Tare-sats at at Reasonable Prices ' Politeard Courteous Attenda.:s. Telephone in C: anection. DANNIE CONNOR, Masacrn. wv 7 =f FOR Sore Eyes Catarrh 'Lameness Babi omplaints Sunny Soreness spams Chafing Bruises Scalds 7 'a fse , t 4 AVOID ALL IMITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE COANGEROUS. ¢ FA "SiMiL oF Ror WITH SUPE USE PONDS -- Theor voun's Ex- ACCEPT NO SuastiTuTe Forit ALL

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