Stratford Times, 5 Mar 1890, p. 14

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5 ivr, as the it of (faces, snd spears flashed befare my eyes. down his hand he plucked the spear from : E \) 1 to ge ae 8 ae Ss cag "1 folded my arms and stood calmly wait- wherever it was ead. and iveld it aloft ser neg! aia ah wae nla f -- - Meanwhile the warriors were looting img the en: nm a moment it would "The spear is red, is: it not? Watch, men. a led up. ig vite 7 piste me "a ' 2 i the wagons, including my own, having |bave come, for the warriors were mad watch! it grows white!" scadie: ta pdb tk eri re oul ted os first thrown all the dead Boers intoa ®t seeing their champion overthrown "Yes, it grows white," they said. "Oh! words: oe aight 2 that, me 7 2 " heap. I looked at tlhe heap: all of them-thus.casily. [ut-presently Uirough 'the it grows white." Neale iged a , = Cone henge peti ~ were there, iogudits the two stout fraus, tumujt I heard the high cracked voice of "It grows white because the blood. re- or _ seni be sn bb subaaatei '= peor things. But 1 missed oe boly, jIndaba-zimbi . turns to whence it cane," said Indaba- are frm t *1 boa warig poe te ne erates aha tieet tle Mana Dtha a daughter, little... sand bgek, you fools!" itcried: 'can zimbi. "Now great spirit, hear me. eteie's aiid = Selines tt eS: = seas = H. RIDER HAGGARD. Tota, A wild hope came into my heart # spirit then be Ried! Sse ariiowl: the-breat has - gone. Out fat x at Kay aA thd amevenireend ad reais , that she micht have escaped; but no, it) "Spear bim! spear him!" they roared of thy mouth Yet bear me and arise. &™ = a ; : pao Sis chook wha not possiile. vuld only pray that #2 fury. " see if-he is a spirit, Awake, white- spirit, awake and show hie 3 on the preceding n e Medivat, Dr. D. M. FRASER, Orcs ---At hit Residence on Downie. Road ¥* Stratford, Oct. 10, 1582. ach-la v.G. YEMEN, MD, L.D-8: oO FFICE :--Mashet Stree', ttravfard, Ont "Sheath date iTiat J00. So ee Ee By Author of "Colonel Quaritch, V0." "Mr. = re Bh SF RT ye Drs. HIPPLE & RID. she was-already at res thy power. Awake! arise unhurt! head . i began to respond cheerfully to this imposing. invocation Méeson's Will," "A Tale of Thre _Liona," "Allan Qualtermaia," "She," "Jess," ete, a. | Justthen the gr Zutu, Bombyane, | who had left my side to indulge in the congenial oocupation of looting, came "Stand bak." cried Indl a zimbi "Not sof ist, Macumazalin," A. E. AHRENS, L. D. Ss . out-of a wagon crying' that he had got 9541". "and [ will show you if he can be Indaba-zimbi PEARLS, ; -- Fille ri Hh hi reall . ook » hint. and - firs he 2 REMOVED to the New Buildiag on ' pont the "littl white one." Llooked; he was kil." Pwill kill him myself, and call I took the hint, ang -first held up. By [To Be roNTIXeED.] H pict eeee omer Sor ites roca Ye $$ 1 carrying 1s cht -Tota; gripping her him back to life asain before your eves. arm, then liftel my head and tras fall Stratford Teleph ee cComnertion. Now the Zulus, finning in the shape frock in one-of his buce black. hands *Stacumazcthn-trist te he --whivndecd a2 thir : } Stratford, Nov 11, ised = zre-} of a bow so as lo wrap the laayer round He stalked up to where we were, and)! ty ear inthe Sicuta tongue, which 'He Lives!) by the bead of T'Chaks, DAVIS -& VAN BUSEIRE. sen aah DR SHAVER on thre sides, were within wipe held the child before the chief. "Is it the Zolas did wot understand Trust es!" roorad 'the soldiers, stricken Fi SGINEENS una SURVEYORS. STRATFORD = ania. ane ov o ter raron broke . . l t ust - r , . , : yards, and a= fn Mn every Wagon roke dead. father"" he sail. me: knecl on the pram before me, ond wi ur, He 4 ag ant Market and Eric N IGHT MESSAGES may be bft af Orron, tongues of fire. /Over rolled a number wi) ciuhd weil ase. the child was Wet Tsteike-at sca. with the spear, roll) Then slowly and with the greatest dig Pn im Co peg alba sey Wey Coart Hows, cr» ep seer tea9 : Na SED aele ' ell see, the chiki was ™ m i * i. - =a nal | me, ea 7 ' reidence, Kirunew et, one block cast of City wf the lmitetwa, but the rest cured little. not dead, but had been hidden away, and Yer lilge one de: en, when you h ar Fs y grore, 5 etehi 1 my ga Drainese; heads, Bridzes, ete. r4-1¥ Hei $@° Telephone Uonnection On. they rushed right up the laager, fetutecdk with: fear my volte nea Trust me--itis arms, yawned like one awaking from A. Hepburn Stratford, Sept ith, tee, TH striving tw force s way in. But the Thochief glanced at it carelessly, and your only hope leary sleep, turned, and looked upon A SCHITECTORAD Designs Plane of Public and Dr. W.N, ROB RisSON, i pliet yrang with ee after vol- "ata: | Having no choice, 1 nodded my head them unconeernediy, As I did so, I ne Private Buildings ae ae iy Late OF RCUTLAND, | ry, and, packed is the Zulus were, the ,,,. ae nein * 'in asse houch © h 0 é fulntest cee it old) Indaba-zimbl was almost 'leally, and in pormpective, and, if 4 fo wi FFICE HOUKS:--From [2 noon to 2 p.m; ¥> ; | BG a a " Find out with your kerrie. in assent, th uch © had a t th faintest ul 1 that ld Inda zim tes - Vitis ae sari Work attached, with, Bpecitestions tn, ECR BOUND Tree Fs nese Se p a hop ! <3 and sting on this hint the black devil idea of what be was about to,d 7 lhe fainting from cshaustion, [ens sof per detal A, HWERPRURAN, Mtrattord ML Mi eton's Bich, Market ftrest, Stratfors, smail shot did frightful execution. Only held up the child, and was about to kil! tumuft fesened- somewhat; and once «piration stood upon is brow, his limbe Mtrotferd. Cnt. 1, Tad na rotario ong man ever cot on to a wagon; and as it with his knobstick. This was more he did-so I mawa Boer woman strike 0, J could bear. 1 sprang at him and him on' the head with an ax. - He fell struck him with all my force in the face, said Indaba-zimbi, addres€ing me aloud, more. With a how! of terror the w hole, Svavarons, oF Orranio), Seeks Cate rk or le eee back, and slowly, amid howls of derision little caring if I was speared or not. He and covering his eyes with his hand, regiment turned and fled across the rise" Oy WEL BSNWGIMEDR sf sttended to Ofice and :--Downle St., from the two limes on the hill side, the : : "hes d fotcive These chil- so that presently we were left alone with} near the GT, K. Station, and opposite the Hesd- i dropped Tota on the ground. Fe ee ee re oe f : 12 ntat | Provincial and Dominion Land Surveyor | ing Room, Siratford. eri Zolus drew back. "Ob!" he said, putting his hand to his dren are blind with folly, and think the dead and the swooning child. | Bridge Construction and rintend -- "Let us _-co, father!" shouted the sol- nose, "the white spirtt has a hard fist. How did a spirit slay Bombrane with an mssegai?--Spearttim, raininaker, and we shall see," ha . "The Umtetwas will go after the oxen yr whispered See enough of ther." he' answered, "and we hare trembled and his breast hemred. more the warriors drew back. | Asfor the Zulus, they waited for ne "Great white spirit--spirit of victory," thee mortal because thou hastdealt death "[low on earth did you do that, Indaba-| (Mesnem oF THR Association JOSEPH KIRK. -- or PaovivclaL Last DESTSts. Odidis |Jows' Risch, "Market Square St ratty Stratford, Get. 15, 1s<0. +t "J. A. DEVLIN, M.D. "DR. B. B HAWKE, diers.on the'slope, among whom I was, ,;, bt w cht = upon a mortal whodared tostandacainst timbi?" | asked in amaze. | RADUATE Trinity University, Fellow Trinity to their chief, who come up. "You ark Ss eee. Design to kneel down before me "Don't ask me, Macumazahn," he, wi ereatord fan's 30, 1630. Str G sag gg ag] Demeriar -- 5 have sent out the little girls to. - cheered:,and..laughed. and let_me_pierce thy heart with this gasped. "You white men are very clever.) a _ | dellevuc lenpital and Po'yclinia, New York, they are frightened. Let us show them «yes! yest" they said, "let Bombyane speat? then, when ¥ call upon thee, arise tut you "don't ww Fk ge : Hotels. : "Operce: tedinnt City Hall way." : t ite s for the child, Let unhurt." (There are men in the world who can = . ; "No, no!" the chief Sususa answered, = rp tererigimiade | I knelt down, not because [ wished to, make people believe they see things --_ ~ Sj ee i aalkee Ldeecn di poe pee? Bing sine sage = yenica 'or-a tI hesi but becatise I must. 1 had notovermuch which they donot sce, Let us be going Goes Sow is DR. BURT, wil gra women, omen whance had 1 inst this black 9 faith in Indaba-zimbi, and- thought it-while we may, for when these Umtetwas (CORNER of Waterloo and Ontano Streets, VETERINARY SURGEON. and infirm. are good enough to fight against Boers!" pit 7 had ptomiend poor Hans case probable that he was in truth about to have got over their fright they will come, Ceo: ce "a it The attacking Zulus heark the mockery |), child if I could, and what did it mat- Sake~ anc end of -me.--But--reatiy-1-was-pack-te loot the wa then _per-| : 447 Office opon day and night. ly of their fellows, and ter? As well die now as tater, How- %° Worn with fears, and the horrors of haps they will begin to ask questions that FR a arg Sample = again witha roar. But the Boers in the over Thad wit enough left to make a the night and day had so shaken my _ [ can't answer." | Mi "Rtome for Commercial Traveliers. Good WM. STEELB, _Jaager had found time to load, and they ¢,.0; of it, and intimated tothe chief ®¢rves, that I did not greatly care what And here I may as well state that 1 stabling and attentive beatles, F. MAGARTY, [V7 SERRA RY, SUBSE. COneunte = ve met with a warm on; . that. 1 was quite befell me. When I had been kneeling never got any further information on Oct. 10, 1883, _ 406-ly his office trom Topping to the Indian, their fire till the Zulus were packed like witiins to condescend to kill Bom thus for about half -w-minute« this matter from old i. But - ~The Terrapin. -- arnt Squace, Ceewieere, os sheep in a kraal, they loosed into them ., .ondition that if I did so the child's Zimbi spoke, iI have my theory, and here it is for NTARIO Stratford, JOHN GRAY, Prop- the Queen's Hotel iain 0 with the roers,.and the warriors fell in tite should begiven tome. Indaba-zimbi "People of the Umtetwa children of whatever it may be worth. I belicve QO Tito. The lewt Brands of Wines, Liquors, little heaps, But I saw that the blood of intorproted my words, but I noticed that TChaka," he. said, "draw: back -a little' that Indaba-zimbi mesmerized the whole. Ales. eto. Dow's celebrated ales NOTICE. the Umtetwas was up; they did not 4, woutd not look on meas he spoke, Space, lest an evil fallon you, for now! crowd of onlookers, making them believe ee ina A 518-ly STERLING. Ve ee mean to be beaten back this time, and |... .,vered his face with his hands and "he air is thick with ghosts." 'that they saw the agsegai in my heart -------- Jer Hotel. = THOS. . Veterinary Surgeon, the end was near. See! six men had spoke of me as "the ghost" or the "son They drew back a space, leaving us in' and the blood upon the blade. The reader ues isan, Weae | Um NeT S the Reard ot Ares andl Ape ewibars, and leapt on to the wagon, slain the man be of the spirit." For some reason that I a circle about twelve yards in diameter. may smile and say "Impossible," but 1 OFF Del Un, Prepriter. eat accommeda- | fre pc Sues cosmmee to a]! owners se Hores - hind it.and | into the laager. They | .we never quite unde. the chief "Look on him who kneels before you,"| would ask him how the Indian jugglers ton for the Travel ing Fuviic, Mr. Doyle will be | and ot ticated that 'be le pee were killed there, but others followed, oconted to the ducl. I fancy it was @ent ont * Jisten:-to do their tricksunless it bs hy mestyerism.| IF se eeas bia eeone friends --, pervs to tract all variow dloenean with which v and then I turned my head. But I could |,....u80 he believed me to be more than ™yY words, to the words of the witch-' The spectators seem tose the boy go Gabi Hotel iain temproved prmctph ot ry ast "hot shut my ears to.the cries of rage and was anxious to soe tho last flider, the -words~ of the--rainmaker, andor the basket.and_ there pierced with ee aie caida FO nas cep nage nao fore g be Bh death, and the terrible Stree! Sree! of or Bombraue: "Tnidata-zimbi; daggers;. they séem_(o see women ina pit eral Bova wr hear NA mn we baown, pp a knowledy deans, w tee best . the savages as they did their work of a7. them fijht," he said, "Givethem You. He seems to bea man, does~he-trance-supported_in mid air upon "the! cm pat the bar. Oynters. semnolies._to4_relicring the sme, also having « murder... Qnen only 1. looked. and. ais-and-no-shields: the child shall 900? 1 tell, you, children of the Umtet- point of a single sword In themselves plan mee Mg Bang ne -- eg7-tt oe: todas deus Bienen saw poor Hans Botha "standing on a jt) him who con " wa, he isno man. He' is the spirit who' these' thitgg@rare not» possible: they. vio- = Wictorin Hotel. ---- | each organ in its healthy diseased condition, on smiting down amen with the butt vaya yes!" cried the soldiers: «Let #ives.victory to the white men; he it is ate the Inws- of nature, and therefore 'Victoria y | may favor hiv niet games ane. all_he = ™ or Tisseg abs 'ye e we them fight. Don't be afraid, Bom- Yho gave them assegais that thunder must be illusion. And so, through the HD Salar wtneatar: heereomis carat hee mes on lar attention given to dificult wards him like tongues of steel, and j,-on6; if he isa spirit, he's a very sual) 29d taught them how to slay. Why glamor thrown upon them by Indaba-, Travelling public, 4% moderate The ~Ouaaiaalaanane iyo I pA ie ap egies ita a pag ts ieee were the impis of Dingan rolled back at zimbi's will, the Zulu impi seemed to see Liquors and Cigaes always Kept at the bar are, Thoroucht meee ee turned sick with fear and rage. But «| never was frichtened of man or the Blood river? Because he was there. me transfixed with an assegai that never, "Feb, 18 'ely poten iy "Mail oe Tel : alas! what could I do? They were all peast, and Tam not going torun away Why did the Amaboona slay the people touched me. At least. that is my theory: ~~ ~~ _ Royal Hotel. " a Sto peomatip, veghiareg cy = dead now, and probably my.own turn from a white ghost," answered the re of Mosilikuaye by the thousand? Be- if any one has a better, jet him adopt it.! ARKET square, Stratford. Ev RESIDENCE AND OFFICE: ba -- only my death would not goubtable Bom! , as he d cause he was there. And so I say to Proce pisnstion lies between illusion -- mM? tien. for the Sueeten J . _lases Rorat Horsn, - - STmaTrorp. BO BWifte "4 blade.of._his. bangw : that, had I not draw m Gmgic of a most imposing ¢ 'ter, and Sample-Koous. VERT MODERATS The fight was ended, and the two pen coe = -- en > the laaker-by may gto baat 1 BreLer to accept the first alternative, a ES beeen 719-48 lines on the slope broke their order, and = Then they made a ring round us, gave three hours ago, you would have been Lae See : Bie i ---- Stenifote Se 20 "TR a --; = ae moved down to the an Y me a similar und set us some ten uered--yes, you would haye been' CHAPTER VL MANSION HOUSB, Stratford, Legal an "Financiat. we were there, and a dreadful sight it paces apart. I kept tay face 2s calm as blown away like the dust before the ~ r WAS not slow to u. Paoranre. - was. Many of the attacking Zulus were | could, and tried to show no signs of wind; you would have been 'burned up "¢ take Indaba-zim-| - -- B. SYDNBY-8SMITH dead--quite fifty, I should say--and at fear, though in my heart I was terribly like the dry grass if the winter when! bi's hint. About, Oe he cir, RATES: fh por day. Bee least a hundred and fifty were wounded. afraid. Humanly speaking, my doom the fire is awake among it. Aye, be-! a hundred and Duration', Feb 11th, 1800. Ta-ly | Stratford, March 5, 1899, stay some of them mortally, The Su-. was on me. The giant warrior before me cause he had but been there many fifty yards to the) CALDER'S HOTEL, -susa, gave an order, the dead men were had assegai from a child--I had your bravest were slain in overcoming a - left of the Sense, - - - Srmarroas. JOAN B. HARDING, picked up and piled. in a heap, while no experience of the weapon. Moreover, few--a pinch of men who could be! was a little del ype | BARRISTER, , eo, those who were slightly hurt walked off though I was quick and active, he must counted on the fingers. But because }) where I had hid-| M* CALDER ta jaform his old Patrons | poy W. HL Roberts' New Block, St, Strat. to get someone. to tie up their wounds. have been at least twice as strong as I loved you, because your chief Sususa is den my horse, to) oo ig ae eee eeee Hotel on Erie | Sumttord, Nov. 26, 1880. 725-1y But th se cases met with a' sw: . cet ' e wore was. However, there was no help for it, my half brother--for had we not one gether with one! street, ta the buliding. formesty ocoupled. by the MABBE & GEARING, different treatment. The chief or ONE go, getting my teeth, I gtasped the great father?--I came to you, I warped 'you belonging to the, ceo ob The vg agen south of Tis die ths of his indunas each case, and ; hed a prayer, and waited. |Then you prayed me and I drew the Boers, and my! siththe cholees of everything. The bet Liquors | E3""pank of Caaade. Sowtiwe if it was in any way bad, the man was 'The giant stood awhile looking at me, spirit forth. you were not satisfied saddle and bridle.) *#pt at the bar. ' ER. Proprietor. J. P. MABEE. . W. GEARIFG taken up and thrown into the river and, as he stood, Indaba-zimbi walked when the victory was yours, when the Thither we went! R. M. CALDER, eratiord, Augast16, 1508. "ely which ran near. N f them offered i i j i [eet ee eae = ich ran None o m across the ring behind me, muttering as Spirit of all you had taken asked but one lcarrying the A. 0. SHAW, B. A: any objection, though one poor fellow iyo passed, "Keep cool, Macumazahn, and little thing--a white child to take away £ swooning Tota in, The Stratford Hotel. ARRISTER, . CONVEYANC: i . ai ' ig, se : : F | CXORNER OF HURON and r.. MICHAEL streets, | B a ee swam to shore again. He did not stop wait for him. land-xacrilice to himself, to make the my arms. To our joy we found the C has boon eriitted thecugheut, and is sow | on 2h ONre:--Upeteire Worth's New Bleck, there long, however, for they pushed. As I had not the slightest intention of, medicine of his magic of'---- horses safe, for the Zulus had not seen! to furnish every accommodation for the La nee ioe pes ps saga him back and drowned him by force. | Gonmmencing the fray, I thought this) Here I could hardly restrain myself] them, Now, of course, they were our yale. ie ee =... can ie, | Suattord. rs The strangest case of all was that of ood advice. |from interrupting, but thought better, only means of locomotion, for the oxen pry te Wines, Spirituoun aa Poe : the chief's own, brother. He had been) Heavens! how long that, half minute of it. had been sent away, and even had they secedrinks. Give mes ¥. .| G. W: LAWRENOB & SON, captain of the line, and his ankle was ! -It-happened many, years _ago,|_ "You said him nay; you said, *Let him) been there we could not have found time ord, June 6th, 1588, -- BQ4ABRISTERS, Atiorneye-at-Law, Solicitors in ' i " " . aaah Public smashed by a bullet. Sususa came upto but the whole scene rises up before my fight with onr bravest man, let him fight to inspan them. ---- he. + 2 him, and having examined the wound eyes as I write. There behind us was With Bombyane, the giant, for thechild.| 1 laid Tota down, caught my horse. ONTARIO HOUSE, | og. w. rawnesce. Wa, LAWRENCE. rated him soundly for failing in the first tjs6 bloodstained laager, and near it lay 40d he deigned toslay Bombyane as you) undid his knee halter and saddled up Pp ronln. ---- Btratiord, Feb. 3, 1580. "ly onslaught. the piles of dead; round us was rank bave seen, and now you say, 'Slay him: As | was doing so a thought struck me.) * + prie The poor fellow made the excuse that pa ce of plumed savages, standing be is no spirit." Now I will show you ifjand I told i aT aT ei to the THE Bak py navony the best Wines, Ra See it was not his fault, as the Boers had hit i), silence to wait the issue of the duel, '¢ is a spirit. for I will slay him before] jaager and see if he coutti find my double, | Large vtables and an attentive | 1B i him in the first rusi. His brother ad- 144 in the center stood the haired Your eyes, and call him to life again.| barreled gun and some powder and, "SUs%, ; i Crowe etemnee mitted the truth of this and talked to (4); omy po d_ "Btratford, Oct. £2, 1889, 70 «|. PRANK Palen ¥ ; chief and general, Sususa, in all his But you have brought this upon your | shot, for 1 had only my elephant 'roer') 5 7 to Lend 7 him amicably, _ | war finery, a cloak of leopard skin upon *!¥€s. Had you believed, had you of- anda few charges of powder and ball) THE CROWN HOTBL, Stratford, Jan. Se8-ly "Well," he said at length, offering At his feet lay the sense- feted no insult to the spirit, he would! with me. | Conxxen or Warzazoo axp Dovno Sra. Money to Lend, . hima pinch of snuff, "you cannot walk. teas form of little Tota, tomy left squat- have stayed with you, and you should! - He went, and while he wasaway, poor! B <a that be bus | ALT Ressonable Rates of Interest, on Farm again. ore ted Indaba-zimbi, nodding his white have become unconquerable." Now he! little Tota came 'to herself-and began. to M..2. 32. eae Shey Town property. Apply to- "No, chief," said the wounded man. jo) and muttering something--proba- Will arise and leave you, and woe be on| cry, til she saw my face. ness from Mr. M. 'would ie he bys ery fe pny aD cooking ab Diy aatis. _ bly spells; while in front was my giant ou if you. try to stay him. Now all) "Ab, Thavehad such a bad dream,"| SOrgeeort 'fe, rable [es Ms tele wot the = And to-morrow we must walk far, 'antagonist, his spear aloft and his men;" he went on, "look for a space upo said, in Dutch; "I dreamed that the) large patronage bestowed upon hia ,| W. MOWAT & BON; BANEBRS went on Sususa. iplumes bending in the gentle breeze. this assegai that I hold up," and he lifted) black Kaffirs were going to kill me. Otte "Liguone ana CUOAae tieape im --_-- T . ee heck ios Yes, chief." : \Then over all, over grassy slope, river the bangwan of the deceased Bombyane;} Where is my papa?" Give me a call. drafte payable at par in Se bae eo Unteea "Say, then, will you sit here on the kouile. over a high above his head. so that all the! J winced at the question. "Y. M. J. DILLON, Prorzteron. | Beton. Allow 6 per interest om depeatts in aa and ppie, the wagons of the ? q the brance. the las teix years over velit, or"--and he nodded towards the j,,:0r- the piles of dead, the dense ranks ™ultitude could see it. Every eye) has a journey, dear," I said,| "er. 00,005 (we milton dotlrn) tars bes river, : lof the living, the swooning child, over: ¥%% fixed upon the broad, bright spear.| 'and Jeft me to look after you. We : pads wir oem dee Soe ym Sih Pot The man dropped his -head on his oy chone the bright impartial sun, look. For a while ho held it still, then bel shall tind him one day. You don't mind alt AGE et oer AGER | Seivals' lasting' Sem ts Oued. "We take © breast for a minute as though in thought. ing down like the great indifferent eye ved it round and round in a circle, going with Heer Allan, | H+ ooo for the wis' of SLEEMARS arena, Pr we myo Leva rem grencgloy Presently he lifted it and looked Sus: of heaven upon the loveliness of nature muttering as he did so, and still their) "No," she said, a little doubtfuily, and 'or Bottles. This «palatine 0 -- bra At that. moment I felt very glad that (had killed Bomby | | quest, they tied a lieavy stone round. his| fron on} eels suddenly the great flashed oe oonae, allibe : . t on high; now he-was Then, | y spear turned. guns were all ; he) Ww. Mows:, UWnlocks ; without i 'down Logs dropped tomy knee, and quick but it seemed as though it had passed "the victim never even winced... It was stretched out my all ¥ spear, He and brought them ina sack. There was ayaem, impossible Apt to admire the cOMFAg® O!'drovg at me; the blade passed over my| "See!" roared the Zulus. "Igdabe-|a thick blanket, -pounds p home ener re ae man, or toaroid being stra her, bead. 1 felt a weight on my assegai; it Zimbi has speared him; the red assegai| weight of biltong or sun dried meat, a sis: Meare, iy Tarde On Prt, Cromarty Stomach, the cold-blooded "cruelty of his brother... from my hand, his gteat stands out behind \ Sele few double ship's biscuits, | 74 4ones, ex-Deputy Reeve North East the chief. And yet the act was neces jinhs knocked against me. I glanced! "Roll over, Indaba- two water a tin some ee point of view. The man was staggering along *imbi hissed in my ear, "roll over and matches ; ; tverion of the must either die swiftly or be left to per. with head thrown back and to ! "And now, "be said,| Soucien- Meme Merbense © Dereds 'Viston, "we had best be going, for those Umtet- i Ey ak - "See!" eaid the Zulus, "he is dead, the moment there was silence; then spirit is dead. Look at the blood upon : A +. at yards in silence of range of sight from ; 2. y evog, be Hid it matter? They lived by war, to die! pioanti ernemaiiaal \helr oataceh doa. ~Kcill! yt wae rem asi by fierce " --

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