Stratford Times, 19 Mar 1890, p. 6

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scoumenetninaniitialitiite ttiiee te nal din oe HAND, 'LENO a HEL PING Abundant 'Degartenttan for 'pane Deeds That Ennoite the Doer. Men and women are coming more and More to recognize ut they are notliving solely fer theriaely Selfisiiness is bad; sytapathy and a desire to help otl@rs are goxnl.. Never before was there so much | charity shown to the sigk, the newly, the | friendlies. And yet, @harity does not end with the bestowal of fod, c j thing and shelter; it bas only done a part of ita wor The world ia fulltof neglucted children, of discouraged men; of women who are heavy adi wiht care and wor- row, and others whode naturally bright minds are starved sod dwarfed.. Ma- terial charity-migit help some of them, but their greatest needs lie often in the 24 direct -syeapathy, care, intellectua stmt Hife.- "A nay need" 1 cheerfate corre: spo re is someone in the world wh r ond. There' may be ae ay-inthe nei = hoor nw need of cotrect mora oe cood woman ought te get that child tider her influence, = There may be a man whom sickness and SOS (enema . reverses have broken down: some one should seek him out and put him on his feet again, not by a gratuitous gift, but by helping him to employment or restor- ing his confidence in himself. There may be a woman--ahb, there are legions of wowen,-who bravely struggle on under poverty, sickness and sorrow, who need aympathy and encouragement and a Way to earn something with which toimprove the eondition of their fatnilies. Who will helptheme--They are all around --Fou--you will not need ty jook.faF, Will Yo US Poa plain: cewing, or bake your bread or do your weekly clean- ing--some thing for which you can -pay them? Or, if their minds are starving, will you give them some of your books and papers. with the injunction to pass them on when they have done with them? We know personally of a poor family who owned not more than two or three books, An agent came around and of- fered the mother, at a low price. a4mall work on civil government. which. she earnestly desired to possess for the sake of instructing Wer gréwing boys. She had no money, but, much against the wishes of the father, whouid not think such things were necessar%, she bartered some domestic product for the coveted volume, As she satdown and turned its _paxes lovingly, afid found there just the ---- ec atdil 10. rst. place ene of which she felt horsctt 'SO urgently in need, in order to be an intel- ~digent. instructor for-her children, her otions me her and she wept lorig, influenced by the privation she had __ undergone and the present joy of poesess- et, RRS e tre a Dette tereea hier AM ae be pa oe And that one book proved a very great help in the rearing of her sons and daughters to ar {ntelligent manhood and womanhood. This instance is only a sin- gle one ina thousand. There are others who experience a thirst for wider knowl- ede, asoul hunger that is pitiful, and which many, even though poor in this works. cold easily relieve, if. ~-they-swould.._This is a phase of in which seo who have not money to give can help. There are many highly ies who cou "alms, but who class of women hungry for tntellocadal things, and feed them from their rich store acquired by education and travel, or who could visit them and talk with them singly while at their work.--At- lanta Constitution. ' Oatmeal. The mz ranuti icture of oatmeal from oats is very different from the making of flour from wheat. The cleaning process- Eo) ve mug nore Ixbor and: re «quire more tin eand machin- ery, the oat kernel being incumbered with its hull, and more bulky and diffi- cult to separate from foreign substances. After cleaning onl before hulling, the Litas da an operation «le? still more y eyed ial mae chine ry, time and carcTul attention the *y are cooled and sent to the hullers. These are stones with a sharp grit, and the hulling process must be carefully managed, as it is important to avoid breaking the kernel. Good ma- chinery is required for all these opera- tions. In preparing the meal from the kernels the rolling process has almost entirely superseded the former method of steel cutting, as the rolled meal may be cooked much quicker, requiring less than one-quarter of the time needed for the cut meal.--Good sou pkeeping. er an Ancestor. The Washington correspondent of The Philadelphia Record writes: 'There isa noble old manor house on an estate not far from Washington, recently purchased by a rich Washingtonian. The other day he asked a party of friends down to see "it, and prondly displayed its attractions till they ail e -xclaimed with delight--de- light all the more keen because every- oats are crit manding and requiring After drying thing Was more or less dilapidated. When. he had exhausted the house and the gar- ouden, ha.said to his guests: "1 bought an | | best = H erator, / i? j av Harring j dens request. | Hamilton lay the matter anon ee posite lot 8 beatin. & Alo MEETING OF STRATFOD PRESBYTERY. The P reativtery bf of Stratford met in Knox eburch, Stratford, on Tuesday Rev Mr Grant of St Marys, mod- in the chair, Seasion records sf Avonton and Cartingferd were pre- and Measrs F. Campbell and dented i Callin appointed to examine them. The wil front Meyantic,Que, to Mr G wrdon ron Was Bet aside at Mr G r- It was agreed that Mr of sup; slemzetst éf Harrington before the Central Com- mittee in Torente, A minute in re,ard to the late Mr Patton's death was placed on record. The report of 5. 5. committee waa submitted by the con- Vener, Mr MeKiotie, and adopted with thanks to Mr McKibbin. The session Avonton aml. Carlingford kept. "Tera: tendered his resignation of his charge to Preabytery and the usual steps were jt taken-in-the premises and the congre- 'gations cited to appear for their interest at. the regular meeting of Presbytery in May. Rev Mr Cameron gave in. the report on Sabbath observance. The report. was received and adopted and -- Mr Cameron thanked for nis eon Millbank seasion submitted a res tion from the esngregation in reference to its -- ability. Presbytery - journed atl p.m. to 2.15 p.m. reassembling commissioners to Ganeral Assembly were appointed as follows : Ministers----Turnbull. McKibbin, Cam- ron, Perrie, Pyke ; -- elders -- Chalmerk, Taylor, Ramsay, Ross, Rey. Mr McKibbn, then addressed the Pres- | bytery on the resolution of Millbank congregation and discussion on the mat- ter ensued. It was finally agreed 'ti appoint Messrs Turnbull, Hamiiton aud Baird as a committees of Presby- tery to meet with the congregation in regard to it matter and report at Hext-meetin he-repert-onm temper- ance was submitted by Mr Tully and received adopted, and Mr Tully, thanked ing the sime. Mr Panton! gave in the report on the atate of religion, The report was ott pond adopted, and Mr Panton> thankec his services. Mr Panton was te [ to prepare and read «a paper on the state of lg at next regular mevting o* Presbytery. Presbytery then ad- journed te meet in Knox church, Mit- chell, on the Monday preceding the | second Tuesday in May next at 7.30) p. m. NORTH EASTHOPE. The council met on Monday last. A rayne: tition end ¥ in Came' re ae on A. R. "Hala ratepayers from North ie, av Fasthope, and :also cby:; f -Bouth, Easthope, praying that the necessary aken to U.S. motion of Mr Seri 'seconded A Me Hay, Mr George Hyd "Lestpe ap arbitrator sin a of Norch ve er in terms --_ of the Pi Public Seboole Act, A by- hen =e confirm Mr Hyde's Feb Sostasa fora grant | and 3rd_con, deput reeve aad ic Heoaie wes 9p pointed £0 'ramine with sige To ate to them to be in the Messrs Thomson} to clean out ditch on 2nd and 3rd con., opposite lots 43 and 44. 35 were rer On motion of Mr Rennie, second Mr Fraser, John J. Bannon was steve timber on sideline 35, cons. 7 and &, for the sum of $5, Bannon to have cill the lat of April, 1991, for ite removal. Communications were from Mr Idington, township solicitor, re copy of the evidence in Gilwon ve. North East- ved by Mr Fraser, seconded b wert heque™ {oF Stare x issued by the reeve for payment of copy no ty evidence re Gilwon va. North East- --Carried, Mr Hay dissenting. On motion of Mr Falk, seconded by Mr Fra ser, the acGoant o F. VanBuskirk, P.- Le &, fae professional services and witness fees in Gibson vs North East ope, amounting to $111.10, was paid, M+ Hay dissenting. On motion ol Mr Hay, seconded by Mr Rennie, the reeve and deputy teeve were directed to attend the meeting of the arbitrators re the Ellice and North Easthope drainage assessment to be held at Gad's Hill on the 13th inst., and to attend from time to time during the continuance of tne arbitration and to procure such evidence as may be requisite in that matter. The following additional cheques were issued :--Wilttiam Easson, bridge on townline, Nort. Easthope and Stratford, 31.50(4 of amounc}; 4. Merry- lesa, _ Co., statute labor, $2; J. Kirk, P. L.S., services re Central Drain on ac- count, $100. A by-law was passe--to con-. firm the following appointments :--Fence- viewers--H. P. Schmidt, C. Edt, J. Kel ly, jc., Joseph McMillan, D. Fisher, J. Callin, J, Camerou, J. Curtia, A, MeGil- lawee and H, Neeb. Poundkeepers--.. ans J. Crerar, Ww. Makins, G. G, Oliver, J. ppert, je, C. H. Kn ¥. Gian P. and James Macinesta, x ir. Pathmasters P. Steinbach, S. Re - Han.ilton, G. field, Paff, J je, J. Crerar, Neeb, J. Sinclair, J . a. Rob » T. Ban Blam, J. Fisher, A. McKay, J. Quinlan, cure me. F became emar tated from joss _of appetite cud impaired digestion. fF had pearly Pest tire sense of Smolirend | Catarrh s 8 a blow! disease, Ur expelled from the systet at te coca be no cur thie Is dangerons malady. , Therefore, +2 ; e effective satrnent is. a tharoush cour : of Ayers Seseapatiiin-t best of a} blood purifiers: The sooner pi beg' in the better ; delay is d a. ad 'Ty ras tro able l wit rer eb various ---- dees . urth for ¢ bottles of this medicine « ured me of bega few this trouble ues at complaint and com--. -- Jesae letely reste vy cbeaith."" oges, Heolman's Mills, N.C. "When Ayer's Garsaparts Was rec- ommended. to me for.catarrh, I i = p \- clin pl a. --_ ita ae tried » y remedies, wit tite Cor ne efit, I had t no y taith that anything would seTrsy my system was badly deranged. I wa about discourages, hen a friend arged me poss Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re- ferred nie to persons whem it had cured atarrh. After taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine, Lam convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is throtigh the blood.' flea H. Maloney, 13 River at., Lowell, Mass. puis ~nt Ris cone LT? XOW OPEN FOX BUS Give him a Cal'. "= Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRETARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $2; efx bottles, @5. Worth @5 a bottle ~C *" ile' 4 Pills for acidity of the stomach. Labor Jtems. Sudden accidents often bef.Iartizanes, "farmers and all who work in theo air, oredas the exposure to cold and damp, cduc'ng rlieumatiem, lame tack, "stiff Cui its, lameness, etc, 'Yellow Oi! is @ ready remedy for all such troubles It is handy and reliable, and can 'in- termaity or --_ -- - NEW -- Lumber Yard FRONT STREET, "Just East of the Old Port Dover Station.' HE have cpened a Lumber Yard <2 undersigned fpened, Hemiek~ et pone 1 males, i 1 and 2 Lath. Building Trade mi coneatt their own interests prices" * tell teniber Ant nog "GG: = pen den op for some y part of the city caning MAUNDRELE: *¥ CO, Atastaioek avd Asencterd. 'KASTNER BROS. Are this week ibs out at Half Price An 'cette number of 'odd lengths of All Wool Dress Goods and Cashmeres and Odd Lines, Preyicus to showing New..Spring Goods. | Inspection invited by KASTNER BROS - MITCHELL & SEBRING VILLE. Highest Prices Prid "for Farm Produce. BY-LAW No. 6, A. D. 1890-- For Closing Up a Portion of Carling Street, in the Town of St. Marys. LOT "Ne FIFTEEN IN Wwe MBER THE EIGHTEENTH WoCESSIUN OF THE an aoe _ ANSHABD, IN THE COUNTY OF been laid out and surveyed, and a 'ap of ea with said Survey, was daly vied 3 nthe Registry Office of the Gi 'NTY or PERTH On the 12th Day of MARCH, A. Db. 1861; AND, Wurnesd, uucilanD KELLY, the Cuvee a Let, is desirous Lot, in iH he said Sa -- 4 wunictpal Capel of the OWN mrs OF a S, to pess a to stop up, t Sr erued of CAR- tine "STREET bs hia Al ne Easterly Limit ot Lot Number 211, prox eres ieerhe riy 64 Feet, ao t lap may be > Axv, Wienaas, it is fe fent to accede to the said request, to sto; ut said oa or actin of cn lage be it, the Manicipal Council, ot of the TOWN OF "OF =T. MARYS. ia 'Council nga "ape poe by virtue of the Statute in such case and provided : a a CARLING STREET in oe oe samc is herel teby altered, b: " erteon, M. ern F. Wettlanfer, J: Mohr, or portion of ancestor with this place. Come and let A. Dahmer, 4. Hyde, J. D. Sa ay =k Or Tse er ee toe me introduce you to him.' So they all Horst, D. MeWil eg Thomson, "a1 if eo En followed him toa secluded spot in the | Wilhelm, J. McMillan, J Cook, D. Camp- oe evoy, rr oe ong 4 roger ad cbr esi grounds, where they found a fine old | bell, C Qainlan, G. McCallam re Wett-y ary, r > far ble vault tuiit-into the-hiliside.-The-Hauter,-Win <a H. Wiamer, J. Mo(al. |- 203. Test bat prt of ortion Progr args host opened the rusty iron door, and they all passed into the cobwebby darkness. Presently they made out-on the left hand shelf a skeleton lying at full length, with a tiny snake's nest in the breast bone. 'That's Col: Plantagenet,' said the host, 'who built > an aud this tomb.' " Gouked aa a Critic. s 'regards singing in particular, I scone heme heard Gounod. say to.a young girl who meant to go on the stage, and who, while gifted with natural abilities, as 'well as careful training and intelligence, spoiled them by a thick and heavy ut- terance: "The musical voice is better ; *and better the more nearly it approaches- to spoken words. A purely vocal note, however beaut must be varied and made distinct by ss which sione supply expression, dramatic sentiment, warmth and life. A pure, clear and "Fortnightly 5 Review, ' distinct utterance is the first law of the art of singing. i lum, A. Paw, oltman, --J--0 Don: journed.--A. M. --A. M. Fiswex, clerk. That tired, debilitated fee feeling,so so peculiar to Spring, indicates depraved blood. Now is the time to prove the beneficial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses the system, restores physical energy, and in- fuses new life and vigor into every fibre of the body. © --.. Bite ) en. oenae --One bottle o ard's Yellow Oil: pac me of Senles ter all else failed. Watsox, Foay Falls, N.B, and must say I ee eee ' 'Preteaecx For«e, Four "ean N.B, PF. ROW nell, A. Danb, G. Schmidt, J. Lintner, jr, | same ap; I eaeaerer®) 2 McTasiah, A. Horne, ff Sri. for in comideration of the Sum of Koeisel, A. Hart, Hl] Qrrows OF BE MARYS, the 20mm Neeb, P. BicDonald, Pp, Wolfe, J. Me | im the said portion of @ 4 io Do a Yost, harles Brunk, Ja: esg% up, containing ONE ACRE AND Me ld, jr. . Alex. Hamilton, C. Reib- SEVENTY-EIGHT pap garth tg AN TH '|ling and J. Moffatt: "The council then | KELLY, the Owner of portion of mid Lot are said, his heirs and assigns forever, ed far ne the interest of the Corporotion of the TOWN OF ST, MARYS is Concerned. f i ri eey ni Mi is te 3 z i HE : CLASSIC CUY -- SHAVING PRRLOS. | -_-- ce TED in « tan he te-r Workmen coe tomers okt "tine be w will receive "od very lest atienticn and work if they pe ret JAMES Wak TLE ¥; Prey tor end Mavazer, fitratford, Feb i> ee acer' Meorchast Hufon- SE: a SESS. He hag, any thing you heed in the G en Liaw FE-OU-R ahd PRE dD. qaality of Goods sold at the very Lowest Prices. W. A. axe tod Sest Stratford, Feb :, 1500. deen ae --iF YOU WANT-- eee MEAT ANT A CIVIL BUTCHER; ~ Ga Te - _ Next door to WT Barker's Grocery. "Stratford, Feb tith, 1°89. T34-t8 For the Nek: 30 Days, a. ae ae THE BOOT AND SHOE MAN, Will sell his entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Valises, fc., at Cost Price for 'Cash, To make room for New Goods arriving daily. Remember the Flaos WV a St, opposite the Old Band Stand JOHN SWIFT Selling off at Cost. FOR ONE MONTH. COMMENCING «| Monday. Feb, 24 | We will offer our entire Stock -- of Teas at 'Cost: Look, What Rare Bargains. 65ce. Tea for 5fec. 60c. ' « 45e. 50c. " «400. 40c. « « $8c. a Q5c. ae ey Lena 10. " " . Be *"Give us-« call and we that _ --_ -- we say, ea "Saturday as nome eplen Chea in CHINA. "CROCKER, GLASSWARE, etc., etc, e. WATSON. Ontario Street. Ww est. 30 Ontario-St. BIG BOOT. THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. A Large. Lot of Women's, Girl's and Childrens Felt, Fox Boots, --TO BE SOLD AWAY= Below _ Cost. THOS. LAWSON'S 30 Ontario Street, @ OKI DESTROYS AN 5 Sr AL RNUS IY Sverre HE MOST! > DEL Stratford Building SAVINGS SOCIETY persons desiring to build Better may op mando adore favor either large or mall sume, th nor aenping nt be obtained eleew here. Persons may arrange ad- ¥anoes to be to pay for the 'buliding as the work' heamases sass Sanco W.R. TIFFIN, D. B. shies Strationl, Feb 18, 1890. -- "DR. Low's Wi WORM 'SYRUP ae e- mored "Tength, 15 to-30 Sigs dasrore elt hd kind of worm, -AVOID "HUMBUG. And Save Money -by getting a Free ' of the TEAS that '| JAMESCORCOR AN Sells at 12% Cents and 25 Cents per lb, and compare them with what you have paid 25 and 50 Cents per lb: for to pediars and gift tea + { Sample Coutmacton. ax AND BUILDER. anv hea RER of of Doots, Sash, Blinds, neta! ot eliding Re pplies. Factory ond Cy Albert tere Stratford, Feb Toth, TE99. --Fe-1y-- J. R.- KILBURN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer m Portland and Thorold Cements, Sewer Pipes. Culvert. Pipes, FIRE BRICK, &c. YARD & OFFICE - ALBERT $r.,STRATFORD F. BLOXAM, SLATE ROOFER. -- AND DEALER IN-- Canadian & American Slate BOX 107, om _67 ~ MILTON STREET, ere = Female. Complaints" Sunburn Soreness Sprains. Chafing, Bruises Scalds Piles s. WRAPPER, USE PONDS Burns wns EXTRACT pean: AND ORNAMENTALSLATE ROOFING. of Siete, Iron-' and Feit a Sieh je roofs and Slated. Orders receive prompt atten' All work a Yori 2--Sese G. T. BR: Sellen, BIT: ently CITY WALL PAPER AND PAINTING HOUSE. EtRLY Eveay ROLL OF PAPER 1 pat in N* out, and I cadet a of NEW PAPER direct mage nf Bene * will be sold at prices to suit al) parties. Painting, Graining, Papering Calsomining, Glazing, ete. Mixed Paint Ready for Use. WM. CASSON. ~ Bteattond, Feb 18, 1800, ; 7a7- CEMAND pone 5 Ex- TRACT, ACCEPT NO SUBSTI TUTE FOR t¥- THIS {S$ THE ONLY pat KIND BON: oF suew PAIN. ® PROF 'Lows SULPHUR Soap i is recommended tm, Ca Chafes, Cherpet hands, "Prigie. oe Re gen ~~ a te ; companies. aia Stratford, July 24, 1889. --___---- sti, CONSUWPTION SURELY TO THE Eprrors areas pas ase lotorm readers above disease, By its timely ure sheasenae re seee Shane 8 eee cured, I shall a eg ah eg oe 7. Ac SLOCUG, BO, 186 West Adelaide St, TORONTO, ONTARIO. | ae "Fa ame ven, ace Paid, Har navawtnes Rtoeck con OUTF! '#7 PuEE. | We ow: Gusrantew what Bros. Pe, Boe r, 5. eS i" -_ ROOMS TO RENT.- LE: YOU WANT A-- » 5 ioe over 3 eta 2 ton aice,Ere treet oy cay Fine Stove, a Good Stove, --_ 7 PRANK PALMER, | And ome Gk will give youovery ete Tus Tors oftce. 623. tion go to For Sale or Kent, | A. Brandenberger, CDPHE UNDERSIGNED citer tor Bale oF Rent the Jn the Market Square: GOR DF DOW MIR, containing 60 sores-- 35 acres Stoves sold "on Weekly and ee ed Sc aeseut weed: Ceol trams Monthly Payments. heece ond Seame torn All work ordered, promptly executed and JOHN MoBWEN, satisfaction guaranteed. On A. BRANDENBERGER. FOR SALE. pur EAST QUARTER rER OF Lor 7. Bes loth P the County ot eh eae Aaa meet or To | te Astail Dealers of the be I a Barh and Stables. Terms af P =. W. 8 Cowan, vounty orth. : "EDWARD TAYLOR, Propet. Devries LARGE WHOLESALE 108 i fear . 7 Brilliant 'Self-Shining: Stove Polish," The Little Wonder Powder, HOTEL for SALE. For cleaning gold and rilver Plated ware, and gSitaTep IN THE Le oe OF soy ol Howard's Fromm Suiane, P sta! woodshed, &c. This hotel is doing a _~ business, isn on a leading road, and half w ys be- Manutacorr, LISTOWEL Fost ce, } tween and Milverton. Will be sold oa. . Teasonabie terme, Soe om = Mrs. CAROLINE W iORR. » Rostock P.O. Rostook, March 3, 1500... 'T30-at = _ --FIKST-CLASS-- FARM FOR SALE, --SITUATED IN THE-- Township of Ellice, Co. of Perth, BEING LOT No. 10. CON. 1, K1.LICE, containing Ha A of good lard. Sererty- five are cl in the highest state of cultiva- tion-- hal well timbered RUILDINGS--Com- fortable Dwelling House; 2 Fra . OOx55 fg One aor veiond Cy Limits, convenient to Stratford Livery 'svok Co. nd peachy # further particulars rev JAMES BENNUCH, HORSE EXCHANGE, sity Lumber Yard -- P. 0. Or! o Mas F McPHERSOS, Ae ag re (Late J. W Dorze, Nice, Nov 26, iset aegis eS Handsome Turi-onts at seen Pr RE EAD-i i72 wep: § -- CS Polite ard Courteous Attendan:s. iE. 3 t=Pelephone in C. nnection. aitven Fars Ta owe SATISFACTION ©) ' y a CONNOR, Maxacen 7 FOR RALE CY ALL DEALERS. indie -- ini sch nD FOR 'AVOID oar jure w.d7d. BUYERS, BE DANGEROUS. « -| ELVE SIGN AND FIGURE PAINTER 'Sore Eyes iseTos axp Sr. Parnick Sta. Seattord, Match 5 198. ex7-1y |Catarrh B. F. YOUNGS, ~~ Lameness if Cre ete el | ei ee ae

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