Le ac beed, it-want tothe ghers ax. «dollar and a half. -. The evidence tata a nb on aN ERAN Lt, AR ES ltl in el i 4 hiemsoms , Yon rosy streamers dia, | =| more than thirty feet high, and & b 'The reapers even song, j * NEGRO BOYS ATTACKED BY BEARS. THE KILLING OF GEN. JORDAN. es Den, Where He Was Found. Along the south bank of the Warrier river, in Tuscaloosa county, there is a ' tract of land, some 8,000 acres in extent, which is 'a strange combination of | swamp, hillock and dense forest. There are little patches of forest where the fo- | Hage of the oak and poplar trees shut out the sunlight at noonday; then there isa cluster ef little hillocks, some of them comes a stretch of swanip, so dense an The music of au evening hyma tu, 80 dismal that enly the most daring 'The joyous day proiong. | ee teitisd sind Baa Yahen tote Bears', * « hunters will penetrate it, This locality | Vielest Mam, and the Saddes Death That Overtook "Him at Last. A dramatic sequence of eventa lay be- hind Wie recent as reo Jordan in the streets of Ayres. Jordan was a violent, some, unscru man, who had ex- perienced all the ups aad downs of an adventurer's career. He was born in Concepcion, Uruguay, iu 1893. He was educated in the Jasuis college, in Buenos hen Ayres, and in 1941 en the Argen- | q tine army aaa licusenant. Ta the, revo- lutionary times of 1549 he.was cotmmand- ant of his native town: He was umpop- ular, even among hisown people. He} 'was quarrelsoms, imperious and inso- -- and always ready to meet any re- ntment which his condust excited with, in challenge to a duel. In the disturb- | lances of 1831 he took sides with 'the: tyrant Rosas against the rebellious Gen. | ef his chief he Hia most atrocious crime was the murder of Maj. Cusas. Mb the shadow of this crime | jhe passed the lags years of his life, and jin crip: asienged of he met a violent eat as the prefeot of the city | | of Palmas, in the sentinel Bntre man of great wealth. Iu 1873 be made \ «trip through the province for the pur- ane TM shadows dartding = ia the hunters' paradise. In the notches) Across the : __ | of forest there are thousands of squir-| *™* = 'TUl toll and pain are sleeping i rels, turkeys, coons, rabbits and a few : = -- deer. In the swamp, bear, mink andj * i Sweet daisies in the meadow, other animals are found. Tho swamp is; 1 ceans to pluck covered witha dense growth of cane-| oe ig Prermestgcles Siee neneas, brake, and in this black bears are found; i (in large numbers. The ey on ahs} | ' and ardent longings, ' young stock of the farmers around . Marrdeny cs afro re swamp. . Crowd through the troubled brats, | Just below this _ewamp there are sev-! Feral large | i entirely) ee res Seen, by negro labor Living in little cabins, | : vulgar * r Striving for something better, -many of them very close to the swamps) Ms, Climbing to rounds untrod. or forest, there are probably 200 families! : And thus, O meadows daisied} of negroes. The little children of these) ; : Sweet flelds with Sowers bright, 'negroes have no fear of the dark can far blossoms |brake swamps or the dense forest; as der the stars tonight ciobe _|Fesult they often gut lost. Several 'dna Ortental Saddles. In the matter of hard riding tne sea- soned and expert European will always fer the Oriental, for the latter is hea vi- ly eastern. saddle, which tires the horseman from the - ramped position he is forced to main- teins, the,.sLirrup.teathers- are: "that the knees of the rider are but three inches below the level of his waist. The eastern saddle has its advantages; the rider cannot be thrown, he can rise in the great shovel shaped stirrups, and, standing firm asa rock high above his saddle, can use his curved Aword or spear with advantage, and can actuaily fire an effective shot over his horse's _croup at a pursuer with gun or pistol. . Thesword of the eastern horseman is curved and highly tempered; it is car- ried not at the rider's belt, but nader the surcingle that binds the thin blanket that forms his bed at night dowa on his dio, The reason why the tal horseman ishardly ever thrown is simply that the pommel of the saddle ig furnished witha high peak; which is imease of need; these high peaks are dangerousin the extreme to a Euro- pean'sidea, but the Asiatic cannot ride -.. Withoutthem, the. wealthy. ~-they-are.javishly. ornamented. with sil- ver, gold, enamels and valuable gems, The eastern saddle, giving a very firm seat as it does, enables the horseman to At the sound of the shooting the five On her deathbed use his gun with good effect. Gane is frequently shot from the saddle, and the, antelope is usually hunted on horseback and shot. The great shovel shaped, eastern stirrup forms a firm platform, "for the foot, and its" pointed cornior ts 'ased in lieu of the spur tiiroughout Asia | are unknown in Centrai. Asia, the mention of thespur, the) woods and kept walking until they were 'Yordan's name of which still romaina, is frequent in Persian poetry. ~--Cinad | Wari The Counting Pelican. Houzeau de la Haie tells of a pelican living in a"fsherman's family at Santo Domingo that was fed upon the refuse' of the fish cleaning. Looking for ite ee the boats to come back. The Bshermen| rested on Sunday, and the bird acquired | so clearn notion of the return of that day, when it had to fast, that it would not stir from the tree on which it was, accustomed to spend its time. It is not. necessary to suppose that the pelican had learned tocount the six days at the ond of which its masters would not go, ishing: but, while it really estimated) daily the time when it must make its exoursions. : shore, # was informed! Mahlon. D,.-Turk,.cf Oley, six miles s Somdacn Tid cobinote, of the return of Sunday by observation | 4! what was going on in the house, as, | for instance, by the fishermen putting vn their Sunday clothes; in the same) children have been lost in the swamp 101 | n day and night at a time. One day" last week the two boys of | Perry Taylor, colored, aged 4 and 6, left poe homeearty one morning and wandered off into the forest. They were not missed. until noon, and then their parents felt: no uneasiness about thei. andevibithe ewoarboys had "hot re- Taylor and his wife were alari- ed, but they could do nothing until morning. Next day they organized a searching party and penetrated swamp and forest. There were somo Gfty people in the searching party, and they covered several miles of the swamp Night, came and forest without finding any trace of the missing children. The second day the search was continued, and probably 200 negroes joined the searching party. At about noon cf the third day five negroes, who had penetrated a mile further into the canebrake than the main searching party, found the dead bedy of the oldest boy. He had evitontly been killed Ly a bear, and his flesh and cloth- ing were badly torn. The main search- ing party came up and- began to seare for_the..youngest_ box. A few hundred yards from the spot where the body of the oldest boy was found the party ran into a_beara' den. . and two female Learaand fivecubsa. The' okt bears showed fight and were shot dead, several of the negroes being arwed. cubs had huddled close together uuder, the upturned roots of a fallen tree. They jwere dragged* out, and there, half snotherad" by the young bears, was the 4year-old negro boy. There was not a 'scratch on the boy's body; but he was a starved anid was very weak. he child said they. got lost in the 'tired, and then lay down and went to jsleep. He was awakened by hearing his | brother scream, and, looking up, saw. him in the clutches of a bear. 'tle fellow was too badly frightened to. run or make an outcry. 'He lay still and saw his brother torn to pieces. Then the 'bear turned to him. He screamed an a te de bpd, The bear 'pais its nose in his face, and latter smelling him a while, caught his 'clothing in its teeth and started away 'with him. Tho bear carried him. to the den and dropped him among the cuba, where he remaine "il until found by the searching party. 'young bears made any effort to hurt the 'child. --~Biemning gham (Ala. ) Letter, itewer Than a Fish Hawk. from this city, is the owner of five large fish danis. troubled by the depredations of lhawks, which have made frequent de- There were one. male The lit- p., FOUNE Casas, whom you Neither the old or,* did not heed them, Of late ho has been greatly heart fish | pose of selling 1,000 sheep and a large) ° strip of woodland, In returning home iwith the proceeds of the sales in his ketu he passed through the region helt] by Jordan's troops, Jordan heard of his presence, and ordered that he shou It was done. Jor- dan received Casas in his tent, questioned "hit as to his possessions, and then, ge out a word of Jed that he should he mtn Casas was tied to a tree = dlaughtered like a sheep. Jordan seize] all the nroney found on the dead saa boly, and afterward stripped his victiaa's family of all their property. Justice is pretty leaden footed in the Argentine Republic, especially when she is after generals; nevertheless, she be- gan to overhaul Jordan alwost inmedi- ately after the despoliation of the Ca- sases. One by one his crimes were turned against him until in 1873 he was imprisoned in Parana on the charge of murdering Casas and Gen. Urquias. By | S bribing the guards he made his from jail and left Parana iu the diaguise of a beggar on the arm of bis daughter. a © 2 asd limself over the border for ears, After the amnesty of 1883 he returned to Buenos Ayres, In the meantime the young soa' of becomes man: He had: Been many binck days since the despolia- tion of his family. His mother bad died of a broken heart, in extreme poverty. she made him swear to avenge his father's murder. A keen ip Struggle with the world to ebtaim food nd clothes for his sister and hinsself kept this oath fresh in young Casas emory. He knew that Jordan would "come back to Buenos Ayres some day, and he watched carefully for news of his return. A few weeks ago nows of Freappearance came te Monte- | Video, where young Casas, as a reporter, waa making a fair living fur his sister and hinwelf. Casae went at once to uenos Ayres, One Saturday noon Gen. Lopea Jordan stepped from his house into the most crowded street of Buenos Ayres for his "inidday stroll. Some hundred steps Tron Tas inera +9 cag "Tar Sprig be * fore him and asked: " ft you Gen. Lopes Jordan?" # ee am Aurelio Casas, son of Maj. murdered ° sixteen ago. Iam come to shoot you." en. Jordan stood quite atill and spoke a fe w words of apology. Aurelio Casas Ile motioned back the gathering crowd, drew a revolver and shot Gen. Jordan in the throat. Gen. Casaa fired a sec- It passed into Gen. Jordan's eart, and he fell dead to the ground. Some one shouted "Murder!" "Il am no murderer!" shouted back arms . B° ond shot. "yay as the dog knew when his master, 'scents upon his fish preserves, where Casas, who remained beside his vietiz's vas going to hunt by seeing him with, his gun and game bag. In such in- stances animals show that they have the, faculties of associating ideas, of observ- ing consecutive facts and vorrelative connection between them-- , Things which have been proved by abun- lance of other evidence and which lemonstrate not less intelligence than times made a rapid descent into the yong mintance with the ten signs expos- ng the first ten-numbers or the uso of a ystem of numeration to express larger wambers. --Popular Science~Monthly. Im Due Form. -ourt, many years ago, for stealing a 'oung pig out of lis neighbor's pen, said vig, or shoat, being alleged to be worth was conclusive, and the establishing a, 'awim some 8,000 or 4,000 German carp of | various sized. The other day, intending i-' to abate the nuisance somewhat if 'ble, he took down his shotgun, and with a supply of buckshot secreted bimee!f in the bushes beside one of the dams. Pros ently an enormous bird soared overhead, and after circling around slowly three pond, Just as it omerged from the water; with a fish in ite talons Mr. Terk let, drive at it with a lozd of buckshot and. killed it instantly. y. "I have merely killed the maa , who killed my father," Then he threw down bis revolver and walked away. Subsequently he surrendered himself to 'the police, The body of Gen. Lopes Jor- " dau was carried to his palace, which had boon built and furnished with the pro- ceeds d ber crime just avenged.--New Do Net Belleve is a Fatare Life. Vhen a gypsy dies thas is the end. Iustead of being a Every meaber of the race has a horror fish hawk, as Lo supposed, i proved to of death, because ne gypsy lives who bea bak! cagle, and measured 5 feet 6 has faith ia a hereafter. Cannot Aman war nrenigned in an Arkansas inches from tip totip of its winga-- be induced w contemplate it, Me genu- Reading Cor. New York Sun. A wali Voudous a Chicken. inc gypsy ever accepted Christlanity Borrow in bis many years ef Bible and issi work among them never issionary A farmer in the upper-portion of this claimed" to have couverted oue. In al! 'county was 28 as is trus of a goedly mumber ot. long countrics, as. after a brief retiroment, brought in Since by tho equalling of a hen-on her of other folk, they verdict, "Guilty of hog stealing in he first degree." The judge remarked thas tho findi vas enough, except > aaseas the value of'the pig, and further | hat there were no degrees in hog steal- "mg He must ask the jury to retire +: ee eae paper, but were badly nonplused over "ait word "form." Finally one of them, ke had formefly been a justice of the roost in acluster of vines noar the house. oceasionally prefcs asortof attachniens te the ruling ore. |Going out, the hen was apparently trans- For instance, we hear of a*'gypsy ox- jfixed with fright and helpless in her horter" in Ohio, and the ether day a: 'near Prey. that it felled | movements. <A large snake was found good bishop of Delaware was allows! with eyes. ovidoutly set upon his christen a gypsy ebild in « eauy wear The hen continued her squalls W imington, Bus thease Mstle ky j.«ri- without moving, aa if in a nightuare, sics are all in the way of gypsy Wasa. -- ogain, and bring in a verdict in dive til the snake was killed. whon she foll Springfield | Reyublican. rom her pereh, recoveriag and flying aay, but has since been in a droop.--| Dalton (Ga.) Argus. BEE sere rere teins tion. A well of water on s farm near Har- ie is suspected that an undergrouzd wot river drew away the water. Clinton A: Suowden, of Tacoma, saw | | +, (seo of 180, plowing in the ficll. But he "gradually washed up every year by the was taken sick hin; in: Kia 19008 yet Bow of exp, bd ta Onsen phy: bi and lived but a few: months."--Atlanta mulated into a soli] Constitul | York 1 Lees und Cold. asou- ues." Mr, Snew- 'den as over 97,000 for the -- The American Iron and and Sah sil Conversazione. | It would be safe to = say that ths propio of the cleasic ety never before showed so ucational edifice which crowns the height abave the 'occasion <f given by the Literary 5 Serdidoe Collegiate Institute riday evening last. It was Soaeitig known that both teachers and students were making every effort in their power to light the large audience ty ey expected to t that evenin, int long on Friday The Taattave | flag floated gravefally iv the extending to all a hearty invitation and seeming, with its elegant ara like folds, to beckon the passers-by to edification hill. Atseren o'clock the doors wese open and not long after, the guests began to arrive; and a steady stream continued to pour in till after 3 The Inatityte+ Pp | people were not long io figding out that their highest capmentions would be more than realized The visitors, too, -were agreeably sur prised at thé completeness of the ar rangements which hal been made for them, Cloak rooms had been fitted out | where hey could lay aside their wraps, | which they coull so well Wlispénse with fin this comfortabie building ; the corri- | dora were beautifully decorated with flags &. ? 08. ' and pictures,and thelaboratyty was prepar e-| j He was a landed proprietor and a cattle, ed for chemical experiments to entertain atrangers till the concert should begin. |The concert and the elegant decorations of the large assembly hall, however, were the great attraction. of the evening. The hall was elegantly decorate | with bunting in red, white, and blue; snd countless flags, large and amall, added to the pleas- ing effect; the stage, which in its con- ee me is very plain, was, made a very ideal of home-like. comfort and ease, it was 'lon we think, ghas the atedaats displayed the greatest 'a» The names of Mrs Cahlwell, Miss Jeasie Alexander and r W arring- ton were enfficient te insure a first class concert Through some misunderstanding Mec McNally, the accompanist, was u able to play the p' Pp ano solos as was expect- ed, anil at the eleventh hour Mrs Ballan- tyne, Mrs Ahrens and Miss Day consent. ed to furnish the missing numbers. The thanks of the Literary Societf are' es: pecially due to these ladies, who so wil- lingly agreed to take part when they saw the difficulty of the committee, and their playing was all that could he desired in a programme which was equal, if not ev- perior to any ever before presented toa oe audience. The favorites. of course, were Mra Caldwell and Miss plemeniet and whoever desires re the limits ef this great sinion before having hia wanto Batisfied. We will not attempt to desé¥ilie the seycral Meces orth mme_ for appre- ciated they must be heard; rat, : Blt the sciop famous illustrations of 1 Cole dge's '*' An- clent Mariner. ~ ba late was furnished e light which on the the Inferno" in ee This part of the evenitie's entertainment was decidedly There remains only stivord to add in regard to the young :adies of the Insti- tute : they were nearly ail attired in light evenirg dresses and their presence di much to enliven the scene presented by what may be called one of the most select audiences ever assembiediin this city. On the whole the Stratford 'Coltegiate Iasti- tatedsto tee wangratnlaced on the succes ot thd entertainment. The expenses of the concert were digh but will, we understand, be about covered by receipts. SEEDS Thia week we add to out business a fresh Stock of Field & Garden SEEDS. Af this is our (ret Season in this Hine, our Stock isal NEW. Cali aud get quotations for Turnip, Mangle,Carrot, etc. J. H. Nasmyth & Co., DRUGGISTS & SEEDSMEN, Outario- Street. Still in the Field 3 We are still in the ficld with the Best Goods & Lowest Prices of any house in Sebringville. Ve have received a lot of | new goods and will continue} to receive a great many more this mcnth_ We have now a very complete stock of . Ory Goods. Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Flan- nelettes, Tweeds.&c. Gents' Furnishing Goods of all kinds a specialty. KASTNER BROS. MITCHELL « SEURINGY ELE. Collegiate 'matitute | | haustedy. owing .to_ impure' and "When the spring-time comes," we (usually find ourselves drowsy and ex. slug. gish state of the blood. To remedy this trouble, take Ayer's Sarsparilla, the most powerful, yet safe and econorhical, biood- parifier in existence. We keep all the best Sanda of Tobacte and as we buy direct from the manufact- urers, our goods are always fresh. We are aleo welling lin sey of cheap tobacco at 30 cts per Bb. ».* --A western would pos receatly announ- ced--that--he & sermon on ** Looking' Backward." He kept his word; for he delivered a discourse on Lot's wife to ~ eng congregation that assembled to A Trip to > Manitoba. Last eo I went to Manitoba on the C. R. t Rat Portage I got _ ay at W isnipegt was to Weal <l be assisted off the train. I got a bottle Burdock Bldod Bitters, and after the first dose felt better. "When I got to Boissevaia I was as well os ever. The Bitters*cure the bad effects of the surface water of the prairies. Donald Munro, Bolsover, Ont Two white met vivere sold at public anetion at Norfolk, Va., a few days ago, and became the property cf the buyer for three months. here ia a law un the statute bocks of Virginia which anthorizes thie sort of thing It was drafted with a view to the discouragement of the dan- geroua and vagrant classes. The men who are disposed of under a3 "1 liable, if they attempt to run away, to be kept at laLor by means of a ball and chain attachment, or to be sent to jail for three months to subsist upon nothing more subrtanti.l than bread water, CURES DYSPEPSIA, CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Mr. Ra: it ener, of Leith, Ont., writes Dean Kins,--For yoars erm | attered from dy ant after mid Cures CONSTIPATION My ly bowels now niov ane - n in my band hei und to everybody with the oatmeal ae I recous BBB, Miss PF. Wrrttams, 445 Bloor St., Toronts Cures BiLIQUSHESS. , Cures BILIQUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Direct Proof. Sitns,--I was troubled for fivs ears with ver Complain', To sod mw great deal of inedici: which did me no good, anid tact worse all the t tin! = I tried an -- -- ir tenis' I a now well. Iso recommend it for Pe: ted = cus Dy oe { Sitar A. BR. ree Hawkstone, Ont Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE A Prompt Cure. Dean Srv, | was very be with rm nil -- in ae nw walled ref Pee Tf en a {EGULATES THe . . coeeys, | Eensier Steere: tk as weil as over. Axxip Runeres, Tilsouberyg, On » Cures BAD BLOOL Cures BAD BLOOL: Cures BAD BLOOBR a Biood = Wrong action ae aienee Liver, 'rides suncl Bowels HK. My sister-in-law a'lvised re t try 1. BB, With one botts it so much better that PURIFIES hy THE t eas tho-e ¥K the cause anil 1 ri blood, removing all bloc BLOOD diseases from phaple to 8 scrofule HORSE BILBS| ®: Printed while you weit. In the Neatest, most Attractive Style, ard at Lowest Prices in the County, at THE TIMES Office N B.-- Higheet prices reid forall binc# Farm produce. Dran_ Srns,--I have "trie! ACTS ge B.B.B, with great sucege4 sonstipesion. al werk LA pe "ny head: gowns stone f F not remedied in season, is liable to * exserraunge angina eee wr Dras- -- = rather than cure, the evil. pacers Pills, being mild, ee ee and strengthening in their action, aliy recommended by the Snvalty as ite best of aperients. much relief, I at last tried 'yer's Pills. 1 decom it both a duty and a pleasure W teatify that t cave deen ont -- Lng! use. For over two years past © taken = p mee very night 'before re P r eat without 3." -- G. Bowman, 3 pani FE Carlisle, Pa. "T hare been taking Ayet's Pills td usjng them in = re ly since magi cheerfully recom: sed of a safe but N ollecknal ¢ Sak John M. Boggs, Loulaville, ze ' "Por eight years I wanat atiicted w -- constipation, which a for me. Pills, and ae their natural and repniee now I am in excellent healt Ss Le lL. Toughbellen: Bryan, Texas. * Having used Ayer'a Pills, with good results, I fully indorse -- or the pur. -- for bing they recommended." T. Con M.D, "Contre Bridge, Pa. Ayer's. Pills, sh: a th Ree Ges ~ Lowel, Bidets Bold by a"! Dreggists and Dealvrs io Medicine. > WAGONS! > WAGONS! TH OLD RELIABLE SHAKESPEARE WAGONS. Stil! hold the fort, and are admitted to he the Mrongest ard Lightest Runsing Wago lion Axles, and the Celebrated Self- Oiling Steel Tubular Axles used cn Farm and ss: Ww ne when Ordere Having on tend a ~~ k of Sn er atin of Beascacd L to <> abov Gieasint t Qu. siny Lak ony celled and at LUWEST F' } UGGIES and D -- "KATS of superior quality and finish always on by ui AGUAS ond the BEST TRACK SULKY wade in Ontarie, bullt te order on ehort notice, Shakespeare, March 11, 1890. NEW GOODS Large assortment of English Confectionery ; Combs and Brushes, of all kinds --AT--__ ead; JOHNS' DRUG STORE; Market Square. Merattord, Feb 10 1460, 728 tf DON'T DESPAIR. F YOUR HAIR IS FALLING -- to Vis or gray, there ie a rhe a acuity. "HAIR "MAGIC. via GREAT NVHUGS PREPARATION, with prope wil pegloce a fie bed of ais tod hep it & natural color Greesing mag goa tcp Safle = 2 aod ty, See that you get it. AIP reliable druggiete sei) it. sure aleo that you the a seal apd mgnature of A. fousx END, the only Mfg te on all bottles. If tng store, send direct for 2 : ay eld F A. Dorenwend ie h the country over me Bair "* Manufacturer, sod when Pa | want any, this place to co to Ne ee ores cr tinan er aan@orounmnaamente dress the hair to ad) Mention tay "A POOR MAR'S FRIEND. One that witli save days of sickness and many a Dollar in time and taba a it ees -- visas near at howd, rev 'This frieest is Paxay Davis' D AIN-H ILLER. TAREN TXTERSALLY . it ev res Thesentery, Cheters. Dicrtters. ¢ rom snd Ps: ata the Pea i in Fatsiiy eure oiee tie World at Cente esr GUTrie. "Beware of Counter. ts sad Imttations, _--_-------------- EE Quick Relief for Headache. Had seff-red with tried every thing I could think of effect til 1 used Bardock rags ggg apace smote nenk, Seiegetee ten remarkably we nie Toran; a Gen. es, mes Proj, Low's Suis bur and Shin Dis Soap, # Me Constipation, | mei f * Atagteinkte te 5 Veiner' Cole, a Sadden hm = abe