& ™ ? m | : 5 71. v % ad * 4 aie i : - - 4 Sins : fli . 5 iS gare ha Sg . sti f ¥. : : aaa : 4 a) WS BOERS. BOOK-BINDING. 'The Troubis Nero Toek. |FINE SIGN AND FIGURE PAINTER . BAYE svery sre, ally for Muse, Law A useful example Of the peoper Coa, Wriurmeros axp Sr. Pariticx a a 4 a and aria 1 an of the voice is to eee ina nig 4 Une) Steattord, March, 198. eeT-ty H AV E Y OU PAI D berks raved Pent and oa aaj aterm quarter. ¢ Emperor Nero, -- = * Picturesqae Canada" from as is well sea, believed hinself fo be iB. F. YOUNGS, THAT -- f: ot per Votan Pull vttee Ret on application, & great artist, a notion of which those: , =e W t were: got likely to dimbuse him, Co*Tsactoa saxo Borepen Litt'e Account Yet? nih harks STONE, act His dying words, "Qualis artifex pereo!" yascrac th LER of Doors 1 sub 8 Blinds, & __ ise Bis ver PRIO STORE, show. that he had at least one feature of ME General Bu iiding Suppl fy 3B aud : : Corner at hve ao Guranie atrecte the artistic temperament. He songht)" oes) rate, 1899. aThty If jou hurry upanik pay ut before we "Strattord, Feb. 2, 17. S81-ly fame ty mans -patia-in pootry,diddling- . ee. driving and other branches of the tice J. R. KILBUBN, tan get tt sent to you, we will charge Ao... THE sarieuterke Cart bet vey he wa we Whslesale aed Retail Dealer © It's easy to dye Interest from time of last Rendering. Stratford Building relationa.' The imperial virtuoso was sPortinnd and Thorold Cements, with Diamond Dyes dl --AND Particularly vain of his voice, » rh hE Sewer Pipes. Culvert Pipes, Because so sim lee ee i eat é po AND-- . ean well imagine to fave been eoft pat : P 3 Old stand = CEES We . pee faced SA VINGS SOCIETY sweet, qualities which often enough ac- company a cruel nature He was proportionntely precious a possesion His system is} worth quoting. In addition to such gea-} eral measures as attending to his liver,) and abstaining from such fruits te his voice, we are told that at nigtit we to lie on his back with a small; late of lead on his stémach This was probably for the purpose of | checking the tendency to abdo: ningl} breathing, the less perfect way in respi-) tation for singers. In order to spare his voice ali unnecessary fatigue he gav eup. ing. his troops and ceased even * to address the senate. As in later tifnes! there were keepers of the king's con: science, Nero gave his eolce into the' keeping of a phonascus. He spoke only in the presence of this rocal director; whose duty it was to. warn him when} his tones became too loud, or when he seemed to be in danger of straining his}. voice. To the same-functionary w trusted the formidable duty of ties ng) . the emperor's eloquence when it became}. too impetuous; this he did by covering the imperial orator'a mouth with a nap-* kin. It. must have needed' no small measure of courage to apply this effect- ual method of "'closure" to the arch ty- rant of history when intoxicated with the exuberance of his own vocalization. Contemporary Review. Tom Museums of Houschold Products. The connections of the oldest tradi- tions are afforded first by language and 'Jegends, for the study of which "no mu-| seums are required. Next to theso'in, value are material objects, parti: vularly' usefulones, with which are associated antique designs and mythic--sometimes superstitions--meanings, and which also -in their forms, décorations and apptica-' tious give very definite views of their, age. It is the purpose -f.. the projected mraseanr' SSaturines* household goods to astiast these Sbjecteaet t the only purpose. for there are many stages in the historicai development of peoples which hate left their traces in dreas and furnishings, but the principal one. A museum of costumes and household goods will, therefore, close the cape - tween ethnological 'and seums.on.the one side and between e oth nological and historical museums on the. other. It will do for our own people what have done. in' relation' to 'foreign peoplés, partic-' ularly to savages; ve .recorered them from the tombs and dwelling places of primitive times,' and will give for the common life and conduct of the peoples what historical museums have furnished as to their ec- clesiastical and courtly life.--Rudolph, Virshow in | Popalae Science Monthly. eae Against Lack. Mr. Iluck--Say, Mariah, now that your uncle haa left you a little money,| you just go go and buy all tho property 5 you Stratford Livery Stock Co. The can get hold of in Frogtown. peo there are selling out for almost nothing. and moving back to the city. Mrs. Illuck-- What are they selling out for? "Cause they're nearly eaten up every. there fs Polite an summer with flies. The flies the to "Huht Then why do you want meto 2 'a. buy there, I'd like to know?" "Tl tell you, Mariah. You know I'm the unluckiest feller that ever lived, don't ae ene say = If you'd dig or 90F@ Ey es By ek ail ye reek re Catan on some Chinese desert. I do believe it] ameness you'd buy stocks that was bound to rise in a month, the world 'ud come to an end before the month was out." "Jesso; that's me. Weill, rou go bay property in Frogtown. You'll be buyin' it; I won't. See?" "But the flies?" "Tll go there an' settle down as an agent for fly paper, an' there won't be a fy there this summer."--New York eekly. Seperh and Vacucus Orientaliem. I have seen certain dancing girls eyes, found depth, exprens calm only eh: but the ealm, the emptiness of the desert. It is the same with the men. What ad- mirable hich turning over within them the grandest thoughts in the world. . But tapon them! and there will bu only the spay bee beer glass, the deserted sepulcher. Beas embers henge sone eR _of what does it really hold? Of the =iInsect sence, I should iy, of all passion. ity which is - tion of the nothingness of man all pri ad their looks, their attitudes, a ph ager er res a stat the ty is . ie accord with wearer and his functions; with the tay too, by its color: and then the sun! There is an immense ennui there in the sun, which consumes everything.--Cor. M. Gustave Flaubert. earefui of so; and! other-food--as-he--fancied ta be injuri - it will seek out ob-* -- of the present as historical museums, = ALN. terisces: FIRE BRICK, &c. YARD & Orrick . al. BE ar ST., STR ATFORD De} Be , RE te WAAL 4 Rs FE: 3.85". > " {eit Fang 1) Gat So" 1 ee FOR SALE LY «CITY WALL PAPER AND |. PAINTING HOUSE. CNP Eaeey | EVERY. ROLL OF PAPER I put in hast yon * SEA + aul ven RS, r is seid out, ve fr feceived a fresh supply of NEW PAPER direct t whieh will be sold a! to 'muit all parties." Painting, Graining, Papering Calsomining, Glazing, ete. Mixed Paint Ready for Use. WM. CASSON._ 'Stratford, Feb 18, 3800. --IF YOU WANT A-- Fine Stove, a Good: Stove, |And one that will give you every satisfac tion go to A. Brandenberger, Jn the Market Square. Stoves sold "on Weebly and Monthly Payments. |All work ordered, promptly execnted and satisfaction guaran A. BRANDENBERGER. To the "Retail Dealers of the Sounty of Perth [--poxt PAY LARGE wild babes err JOBSERS you the tolowing 1... articles, via :-- Brilliant Self: Shining Stove Polish, Ivory Starch Polish, The Little Wonder Powder, for cleaning gold and silver Plated Wa and Howard's Brosen Perfo e, JAS. HE! MPHILL, Manufacturer, LISTOWEL Post Office, At Manufacturers' Prices, ress all communications aad orders for the above articles to addrees, these 'can be seen dn my circulars, + T am shstributing at present. 727-13 (qiVERCSTA. HORSE EXCHANGE. (Larz J. W Dorzz.) 'Handsome Turn-outs at Reasonable Prices a-Courteous Attendanis. Telephone in C. nnection. me Pe Maxacer 2. 4 ana "*. IMITA- NS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. ¢ FOR Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness alle USE. POND'S EXTRACT SemAne 2 pone: s * TRACT. A id SUBSTITUTE FOR tid og 0CaldS «Piles «Burns sera = UuMNATIONS eas ree ES WORM POWDERS It's safe to dye with Diamond Dyes - Because always reliablee It's economy to dye with Diamomd Dyes Because the strongeste It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never faile You ought to dye with Diamond Dyese Because they are beste Our new book " Successful Home Dyeing * giving full directions for all usex of Th dyes, sent free on application. Diamond Dyes are sald sot aoe inden t oailed on receip t of price, ro cents, Wrirs, Ricuaaps im & Co. 1 Montreal, Qu ; ROW TT a cook BOOK claves. "Wek aes astreat STRATFORD Datrvsar a MAIL. leu) aM. Pe. a.m! | } gi ya 8 00) 18 45) Tormato .....--.0ee0n 8 0} 5 So | a8 a 8 00) } 9 90 13 " Hamilton............. 1 15 f7 | j 6 GO 44 w 9290) 9 30+ {8 co} London nea 'emus 14-10 f 1.00 930) 6 90) St. Marys ............| 11 10} 70 | Guelph, Berli } pears, New tam utr, o 8.00, 12.451 Warerloo ... ......, 8 3 1°03) Tor. & Strato weet) TF " } 12°45] Tor-@ 8. east 2. 2... ' 3 00 8 00) 12 45/G.7.R. Kast of Toronto, > | {3 $5 (1246) BAL TL Baa... ( 2% 9 30; | BAL. H. west. } 11 10 i ag onl == | forth, Mitchell, and | | 920) 42%) Dublin | 1110) 7 00 8 © D and Stratford by 8 00 "10 30) "4 20/°G. B. and L. B R'y... | 1 10| 9 30) 12 45) Buffalo... | 80! }3 4.20! Western States. ....) 110) 7 @ 9 30! i 48 Restern Statey........ | 800) 7 | | STAG MAILS. (Daily) Gadshill, Am- | } nivee, Hampeted and #. 10 30 Nithburg........ 100 ; { y, and Faie- | | | view,on Mouday, Wed- tt 4 20) om and Friday ! 3 00 * Monday, Wods neuday and Friday, 10 30 Tuesday, Thurslay « nd Saturday, 4 20 am. Dally mail from Listowel at 10 30 a OLD COUNTRY MAILS, Mail via Halifax Packet closes every Thursday * closes every mre Wet and Saturday, at &. and 7.00 p. m. R. Post Office is open to the public from 8 a m. anti Led Lobby will be open to box holders Money Order ~ Savings Bank Office ie open from 9a m to 4 - Ww. TLLIAM BLAIR, Postmaster. A. M. KAY, Assistant, Nov 678-ly wr et CHANGE OF TIME Trains are leave Btratiord as follows FOR MAIN LINE 5 phe en rt a. m.--Expreas. -- FOR PALMERSTON. 2 tm i, SOOTHAMETOX AND KINCARDINE. , a Lae "ieee FOR PORT DOVEA-- 0.06 a mn Mired. = } Betwcen Btrattond to arf tare only. J. HICKSON. ree Manager. A... ¥. *. PHILIPS, Agen' at- Stratford. ares Ticket Agency. Special Colonist Trains TO CANADIAN NORTHWEST Via Toronto, North Bay and C. P. R., Leave Every Tuesday in March and |_April. ., at Reduced Rates. Call at ieenusation the above. and tickets to all points. Accident Insur- a ~ evn ls ALEXANDER... Ticket Market St., Stratford. progress of M ig PERT RUCEIONS ¢ the Stomach, Liver oe CN ma Neafion- "e . Hetty further notice. W. & F. WORKMAN. 2m Sutt Tw? thy, ? ul BUY YOUR GROCERIES. ---- AT---- WALSH _ BROS, BIG BARGAINS. We Sell Teas Cheap. _ We Sell Sugars Cheap. We Sell Syrups Cheap. We Sell Tobacco Cheap.): 'RAISINS B Cents Pér Pound. WE SELL ALL THE BEST BRANDS OF Port and Sherry Wines, Trish and-Scotch Whiskeys, Brandies, Rums and Gins. WALSH - BROS', Sell Good Goods 'naap and hcl t you forget it. STRATFORD, ~ The Most Popular and Progressive Business Training School of the Province. TSS COURSE offered in this Sco a en is net excelled in Canada for Thoroughness; it deve elopes h udent aystematically, and ed mecate 4 for gy age in the truest sease of the w that ies & remarkable rec ond from the first day of its existe NOW Irs ern TIM a TO ENTER. 5S® Addresses, Resolutions, Testimonials, &c., Engrossed in First-Clars Style and at Prices to Sait. . : For and Circulars, addrees ° : W. H. SHAW, Principal. Stratfohd, Sept. 4, 1889. ONT. Removed, Removed W. H. ROBERTS . Has Removed to his New Store,on Downie St, Two Doors South of the Commercial Hotel, Where he will have a Large Assortment of - Silverware, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, &c.; &c:, Always in Stock. Cheapest and Best Goods in Stratford. Give me a Call. W. H. ROBERTS, * Stracford, Oct. 23, 1889, Tl 1 CURE FITS! == wohogee. 5 RAN i MEAN agaoioaeOHe 1 meee Ry i Save made the dinate of Pig r Treason for not now ined acure. Sead 'cba wastee ond vaotne my A 3 Office. It costs you for « trial, TF a and it pe aoum Don't Forget to Call and Inspect OF. & Q's ----CHOICE STOCK OF---- Crockery and Glassware, Which they will sell at Cost. Liguors always on sand, including Whiskeys, Brandes, Ports and S. Tom Gins, Holland Gins and Champagnes. Also + Best Brands of Ales and Porters. 'Try our 25c. TEA, it is better than youcan 6lsewhere for 50c." in repeutiain, GOOD SYRUPS very low. Just to hand a choice lot of ; Griibin Breakfast Gems, Johnny Cake, Sugar Corn Cake, in Packages at 10c. O' FLAHERTY & QUIRK'S "REMEMBER THE PLACE .. RED FRONT, MARKET SQUARE. 4 ree cbtai ord. An institution New Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, , apared to make adtances sild or purchase, Detter red az aie ove tanbeaisie srrancemente de tor repayment of vig large OF em. all sunita, thereby rloppirg taterest, be ed eleen he fe. to bufld may arrange for ad- ranées to be made to pay for the building as the 'ull information may be D. B. BURRITT, Manager Stratford, Feb ts 5 7u7- D. D. OLIVER. Resident Pianoforte and Organ Tuner. REPAIRING A SPEOLALTY: The best of city references. Every job guaranteed. Orders left at A. T. Macdonald's book and stat- ionery store, Oddfellow's block, :>ow- nie-st., or at Calder's hotel, Eric St, will be promptly attended-to. Agent for New and Second. Hand Pianos: ee SO ayy nem | le oy D. D. OLIVER, Piaxo Exrarr atiet, Oct. 22o4, 1829. "ST. JEROMB' . COLLEGE. ' he 7° ae OFFERS Lo facilities PutosormicaL and FM ong Tenws : w edaiion all necessary expenses for board and Tuition, $123.00 per annum. For pas ticulars address Rev. L. FUNCKEN, C.R., D D., Berlia, July éth, 1889. ~ COUNTY OF PERTH. --~o-- iy i ance @ Tharelaye -- and Saturday oe during rame _We DAVIDSON; Co. an : [ar and Granite Worka.| oe & SHARMAN, B, Saperiete asd ad stones eae Counter Tops, &o. 'Tovey ot in = pores and Ge Sept. 16, ie 264-ly sac eggs' the Beat 3 Text 9? Cort} aor We, PILES AND oT IT tr N° thie unlrersal mr nich | cilsa Fou Quisiic ever; Whore, PURIFY THE pes. mart tome to ti NERVOUS = Spl ool ait orl pow ful fet soothing'y the : ¢ LivER waa ta Wee ene promoting PIGESTIGON ond ras 2 iow, e endowing te whole bodi y ue Str om Su Nervons. ite wlael b'ings, ana . BILITY oo es 7 ae to the potent \ eas pl they ar. are valk They also keep the finest lines of ar Sc das her kinds of- 'Teas these well' Roar i u thelr « nie rol fOMPLAWNTS. wmoving elt obs. snetiqns, rin voanee pt ples anc boils better a ""F fsa? me? ving ? Lnown. pn pene fair a" i FE she ee cI mo MAn a WORLD WIDE EEPITATIVS Ithealsevery kind of SORE, ULCER, pe AE more oe rlainly than any other Luew whee ey ng powers irr itinvatuable in all THROAT we MEST PISRASES, and fag we? focine oenee Giantwat lon tape Bone . ULAS, at for a cine the po dos whee tortures of RII NMATIAN, Geir Bi NEURALGIA it is unsurpaseu. Itnen tat Seurf oad Sof sh iteeane. Manufacture! only at Professor Louowar 583 OXFORD sT,LG*DOR sold at Is, Ij, Za 9! id snd 3% Bs, atk ce lee d "poe, a j?eac fu, ered tae oe a 'is , a C2576 AND CARVING scree ort eee Seales Gtre me a call.