Stratford Times, 16 Apr 1890, p. 1

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eter namie lh ve SRE eS pawwewestrh Te ae =F we pee Stratford Gi AN Dp COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. step er ee eee S anena age a Ne ON Nae SN NN ie Tin 24 ' mes = VoL. Xv. STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16,1890. No. 745. Se nm City Zeral atems. James Stewart " this city, will try his fortune in Ch The principal 'streets were scraped last week ; needed it badly. 'Saturday was soolly the first spring day we have had this season. fir. J J.C. Fox, ees the marine called Tux Times last Frida Melomaber the band concert on onthe 23rd -- Have ycur seats reserved for that marron 'Tharp, before Me. Ju ie er cero Tow nee osc all been Interest in the Y eg '« Associa. with the Gent Meth: otw of beild ian dens bore Ole one here. e -- lord who én theprice'of' sugars at nm Bros. Call see for yourself, Walah _-- ia the Big Bargain House of this ci : Cheep Simon -- _ he can ole almost anyone in the dry goods trade. Nee ee eae "a 'clothing, boota and shoes. Marrow. FW. Gearing, barrater, a ~somewhat isposed weeks. He was able tobe about for the first time Pegg on daughter of Mr ope TWidees, 2d see Menaion boven, had was freel draw a crowd. aoe of Rev Father Ronan, oe ea cee stig dates shah of hr ae, 0 eit e rev gentlemian looks h St. Tames' Sanday School is in a pros. ae condition, Mr. J. Yorrick, Rs ize him if you want shoes, honest dealings one price for At fourteenth annual of the Woman's Foreign M in H ton last week, the following Strat- fi ladies were attendance :--Miss Moderweill, Mrs. Mrs. J. C. W. two wi 7 Py F, A. * Campbell. Mr, Adair has im- -- very much since going to the The gg Foresters gave an enter. tain Th the day i < observed on pr a --- ia the aedn "pnd en her sounnatlane shave always were run in Friday nig they evidently the top part BE ! i z i | FE kee it f i Eg F gis iri ut i tint 4 wetorm Guving _ spoiling 'the or we had last Wednesday night. It is a hard mat- one hour in advance. Field, garden and flower seeds, all new this season, are being at J. H. fasmyth & Co, 63 Ontario at. ~ Get one of seed almanacs free. The Orphans' Home authorities in this importations to the west. be « good place for the whole of them. city Local Hews. Hard and soft maples are 'out ii in bloom. Woodastealing is carried on to a great extent in the city. Col. Hulman, of Béettaville, has been in the city for the past week. "Talk about your Moses," -- eggs sold a 8 ig x siozen taat Saturday, Jooke, of Rebecca st., beets one neof her arms on W ednes day last. Mr. T. Willoughby, of shops, had one of his feet badly crushed last week. De. Angua Nichol is visiting his brother, Mr. Hugh Nichol, Her Majesty's custodian of Nichol castle. menting of the Guelph Conference of the Methodist church will be held in Stratford, June Sth. Mr. G. Harrison, son of ex-Premier Harrison, of Manitoba, was the guest of Ald. J. E. Harding lact week. Mr. John A, Burns, recently of this a writes from St. Catharines to say that he is meeting with good success there, How do you know that ---- Middle- ton has a f memory ? se he was air ul when he was in the North. "Teoraton & Douglass are now properly located, and doing a rushing trade. eir stock ia now complete and their store in good order. Mr Martin Forbes, general ticket agent of the G. T. R., Toronte, and Mr Edward Mingay of the Queen City, were in this cit on Monday. Father" O'Connor, of -- Cross, is reported seriously ill from an attack of Ia grippe. He was at one time stationed here. Mr. Henry Y. Krahling, of Norval, N.Y., has arrived in the city, and will begin' operations with Mr. John Krahling, as cutter, at _--_ close *' Complalti i a the number nemanes at in the habit of Two places on Onterio street are in a wretched atate, . The last number of the Penman': Art Journal credits Mr W. J. Elliott of the Central Business College, Stratford, with excellent penmanship. He is « 'clever penman. We have still a | --_ of ote ip perce eri th velco perl pan = pad eat abe hg Giveit a seit. on poy ned The Woodstock Timessays: Miss Small of Guelph. = in town on Friday, endea- vering to ta with the make arrange central school, to conduct nll in calis- rage-seee similar to those conducted by her aie Wan Magee, G.T.R,, ee ill for the past. six months. lef: benefit of his health, We hope to ae a friend re' af the in report otems in s short time fully recover- 'oa they have 230 papi and 26 teachers | ed-- His and family in in' this - attendance. Sy dong his absence. The Canadian Musical Herald is the I! property, 'Ingersoll avenue;*} latest addition to vocal culture in a. | Woodstock, has been sold to Mr D. W. It is a neat 12 page journal, well written | Cumming, 'of Birtle, Man, (formerly of and only $1 per year. H. G. Shaver is ng for $2,755. mming, who le at for this county. has been in the banking business in the ™ with: @ wre tarnii~';-west, has decided to cettle. in n Tanetochens al busi- | and enter into another busin The annual meeting of the County of Perth Rifle Association will be held at the office of G. W. Lawrence & Son, in th city hall, Stratford, on Monday, the 2ist ef of April next at 8 o'clock, p. m., for eryeee ani ther Zz =-- for the large oly. pad Mr. John E. Harding, Q.C., is solicitor for plaintiff. Wm. Macklin are gl red ny sale in Toronto, a lot of prints, muslins, dress 8, etc., saved inom t the fire. Also a lot of fine lace curtains, all at agi pri Also a lot of merino an wholesale 'beans, a let of Sams neckties, linen on celigioid co! shirts and parasols, The new Canton of Oddfellows are actively practisizig the step. They hope to have a creditable display Canton season and have awakened consider- ble interest in the order, -- going ming summer. tery to refer to the pioneer fancy drill corps ot the Classic City, as paeingeent handsome in their new uuiforms. lnterest in the Taylor- pokemon seduc- has revived in Toronto, by iasued by "iy hing father of ne- freur 3: ylo® worked. at. Massey's when he here Johnston, who ia Superintendent of the Massey works, with the seduction of hia davgiuter. meeting of Massey's rate a resolution was passed: expressin ence i that he was the victim af conspiracy The libel is i based. sn die ouecletion A Reverend Forger. Dayton, Ohio, Apeil 11,-- Letters have been received from Rev. Edward ee k , et -in that ehape, if it is the better. J. Abraham Ata' City Local Hews. Benqough"s Lecture. There waa a good house to witness the editor of Grips crayon work Friday even- ing. Some of the cartoons were good, especially that of Ren Nicet. O'Donnell, "his worship of Gadshill" was quite natural The othera were als> natural. cipal feature of the whole entertainment is that the junior cricketers are in at-out $30. A Neat Trtbute to Mr. D. " Hogg. The Stratford Lacroeae Clab did a very neat act at their meeting last week when they passed the resolution they did, ex- pressing sincere regret at Mr. Hogg's de- parture from Stratford. The lacrosse club had in that gentleman one of its most en- thusiastic supporters. "'r. was a public-spirited man, and took an active part in everything that conduced to the welfare of Stratford, It ia to be regretted that Stratford has not more public-spirited and liberal-hesrted men like' David N Hogg. Stratford Bicycle Club, The annual meeting of the above club was heid at the Albion hotel Thursday evening, Mr. Mark Wade in the chair. he sec. -treas. submitted the financial statement of the club, showing a balance ot $12 93 on hand Communications from Woodstock and Hatmilton, on Wheelmen's meeta were file e officers elected for the year are :- _p ident, Mark Wade ; vice ap C. E Nasmyth ; sec -treas . Wade; Capt., J A. Macfadden ; Lat J. Pequegnat ; stagdard-bearer, C. er committee, J, Pequegnat and A T. Mu: Millinery Opening. Meenair, Hamilton «& Powell's spring millinery opening was on a gorgeous scile this year t began on Tuesday week, and lasted until the end of the week, during which time the store was visited by han- dreds of buyers. Their display exceed a prem of former -- One side the show room was neatly decorated with silks, put the opposite side with fancy broche lustres, while from the ceiling was festooned ribbons z every imaginabie size hue. keep nothing but the neatest and most stylish goods that can be purchased in the eartern markets. Their show room is in charge of Miss Pritchard, with..., the trimming department. lieut., M. B Ww ames Weston, were run in by the police on Thursday night that The. ~had, received. information they had sold some hides ESA vd Stratford" tannery. had done 80, he ea their arrest. Early Friday morning P. C, Robertson ca ht the third Kt. Friday morning, and --_ the hides from .. Yhey = They belen to Toronto. There are quite a number o and citizens will d aneak thieves about, well to bave thelr premises eafely guarded. The Leoni Elections. The indications point very strongly to the local electio off about June. Hon Oliver Mowat viet unboeomed himself to his constituenta in Oxford, and that recy tadication of the--way = wind blows. hg a the ptm 4 anizer for Ontario, is actively pe imself, and has been for the past two months drumming up the recalcitrant party men. The Grits of var 'North Riding of Perth have ape pie 24th as a day for the nomination of a candiists to fight the forlorn hope in this part of ths county, of all true Conservatives if we are ever to succeed in displacing the present Ontario he sooner thin; Government. owe pat possible to ices 80, Concert in aid of the Citizens' mand. coucert in aid of the city the is of a charm' contralto ot wal render one or ny Log Tne management, under the supervision of Mr, K. Eardley- Wilmot, are leaving nothing to be desired by those of the citizens who may attend on that occasion. The price is all that anyone could desire--twenty- -five cents to all parts of the hall. You can, of course, reserve your oe and it costs you no more to do so, ose who desire a musical treat, and eo "feel that they can assist the band at the same time, endeavor to make it a point to at- tend. The concert " surpass any pre- vious one given here Lecal Legal. At Orgoote Hall se a the Queens Bench division, before ahon, -the erent case i a STR im vy. Abraham--Judgment on ap- »y the defendant Hoassie, the assignes City Loral Hews. The Boy with the Catapult, One can hardly pick up an exchange that has not a reference to the above, and all condemn the practice. In some cases complaint is against the wholesale slaugh- ter cf the feathered songsters of the grove. During 'the warm weather these lads get out into the wooda and everything has to suffer. In some cases the boys' eyes are ee oon windows -- and the euce enerali o reapectable moreuadg coeat be eat of 'eelling these abominable weapons to children. 'Lhe police should be invested with {ull power to confiscate these dangerous weapous in the hands of boys or where offered for sale. The je practice should be stopped. Oddfellows' Annieersary Sermon Rev. N. H. Martin, of C hatliaen, Past Grand Master of the 1.0.0 F , in Ontario, will preach the annual sermon "to all Odd fellows in Stratford, in commemoration of the 7lst anniversary of the Order in America, on Sunday, the 27th inst., in ~ James' Charch. The rev. gentleman ope of as being aclever diviae, aad ty is standing in the myatic fraternity is possessed of the best opportunities «f Later | i an appropriate sermon. There will doubtless be a good turnout of the brethren, It is ee that the new Canton will make its firs e sepearen on On the the oc n, in full parade -- toilowing Monday evening there will bea concert' m the hall of the order, for which a varied programme has been arranged. Orange Blossoms A fisiionable wedding occurred at St Joha's-church, London Leng ay a, and the groom Mr H. coreeatttt wes alee of London township. The the father of the assisted by Rev Turnbull, of eae The church was crowded preseate, After partaking of a gros kfast, Mr and Mrs on a cial to aah . a namber oe eastern ra Cru isa sister to Mr O. Wright of 'the Bank of Montreal, this city. at ual meeting of the officers of the Bong was held in the orderly roo he rehash, he fools rom t know we to leave well presen jor Adjutant am par and Hotson, Lieut's Robb," McNeil, jammg,A. Jameson snd Knox. After the. usual' preliminaries, Adjutant Beam stated that Batt band twas in goed ohiaipec' ta point of efficiency, numerically and hago cially; - The following officers we pone § at po Enis, td Moscrip and Adjutant Beam. mmitt e6--Capt's Cooke, Mosse Morphy, 6 Guy a Quartermaster Regimen committee -- t's and p. The a, is in excellent shape. Assault' Case, say the least. ble pis of how ae went across the river to see his wife * be --_ in question. That she opened oor for and mome Sineide she felled him with an uf they were, t bot laf oe a sn bam as aw ae sz living, Then the lawyers the tions were silence, while the Cadi peered over -- specs. at the obatreperous lawyers. one of them took a breathing spell, the Magistrate waved the -- ve branch, he was averted, Ba stored. Several other wikconsad were ex- amined, who drew largely on their ima- nations to defend the woman. One of witn-sses even went co far as to etate that she was washing all day, = had the axe in sight. and that it could not possibly have gone out of her sight without her knowledges This was to "a that Jacoby was not hit with the ax wo- man swore that Jacoby » fell and hurt his One of the children 4 % to this, bu the boot. Mr, Shaw made the beat of @ a Idington, in closing, societ bringing up children '*If this woman," he ** wanted to live a virtuous life, ae eo had to come here and ask the protection the court, and she -- Sa it. into a court City Loral Eso The " Queen's Own:" A number of prominent citizens are making an effort to bring the '* Queen's Own" here on the 24th of May. From letters received by several of the citizens the chances are favorable for securi only come forward with liberal sabscrip- tions to he} 'P defray expenses. Gtaister, the Hattor and Outftter. As, neat, as nobby, as cheap and fash- ionable a stock of hats as is to be found in the ~_ is at Sem. Glaister's. He has one of the best selected stocks. of neck- wear, gloves, hosiery, flanae! shirts, sus- = everything that constitutes a ts' far nishing store. Glam- ter, 61 Ontario st. Base 4! . The "orkmen in connection with the firm of Porteous & McLagan, have organ- = a base ball club with the following cere : onorary President, David Scrimgeour ; president, a McLagan ; vice president, David Easson ; secretary treas., Chas Laycock ; ca) tain, R. 8. Por. teoun ; committee, Geo Foot, Chas Wyn- datt, Arthur Bushfield, BR. 8. pls ae Chas Laycock. They are now read receive challengen from any amateur 'hab in the city or county. The Death of Mr. R. O. Rigg Occurred last Monday, at his residence, Nelson st. He was born in Beith, Ayr- shire, Scotland, and he came to America in 1852, settling in 5 He had been blind for 15 years, and died from a stroke first time three months ae. He leaves a widow, one son and two daughters. He was a brother-in-law -- Mr William 5S. Mo! brother to Ald higg who re ffis te ward, funeral ee er tha Wed nesday afternoon to Avondale Ceme " Cauld Kail Het oe is rly tredale. pin are only some pre ag tig oo details ee Hay. It must be said to the credit of Mr, > hea he saw ¢ w remarked, " the d--d enough a as Travels. Many a boy has left this --s and peace- fal city to try their fortunes in the land ~_ lies away far off in thé A Meme su Some roug! mians. The: world and-all of tife that is worth living: Some have lived it fast, others have taken things easy. But nearly all of Stratford's boye have made their mark. Mr. Thomas having reached a years. He was born in Caithnesshire, Scotland. He came to New York in and sub- sequently, acted as an tor of ma- on the Erie, the Wabash & Erie nd Ohio e came to in and too prolonged application te his work. His four sons were David A., Jam RH. Myers, Minnedosa, Man; Mra D. H. McLennan, Movtreal, and Mrs A, Mathe- aon, of the "Stratford B 'eacon, A Minister's Apology to Mr. Hess. In the local Legislature, during the great bate on the use of the French leoguage in the schools, Mr. George Heas, M. P. P. orth Perth of im- the Fren was the a ¥ them here on that date, if the people will % of paralysis which afflicted him for the | been d. 9s ie all an him. His : Sir,--A loral and ed the | or or the roof. rougher being not left. sed owner, lone the stick. above Mr. David Da: it wilt be for his as they ap the tree was willow is gone which gave to office- of destroying their Powell, who was employed i oh the Montreal | spinning" themeetven t The o in Talegran h office, writes from Melrose, Mon.| this case is all the et ee ee ana, where he holds a position on the} that it was committed: Union -- Railway, "uke he is doing | 8Ty abeence of Mr. Beotherhoot in well. He has to British Columbia, | York.--£ditor Tins. } Texas, Los Angelos, San Diego, in fact all -------- 8 over that part of the world worth seeing. YOU ARE THRICE WELCOME! - Tux Truss to learn that he is . elt doing well, ris pleased that he will continue | 7° '4¢ 2éitor of Tus Sraatvonp Tina. to do 80, Dear Sirn,--I am instructed by the Committee of M meat of the G.T.B.: Death of @ Former Citizen. Literary Iostitate to conrey S| to you their The death occurred at Woodstock on | Sincere thanks for your. | and Sunday afternoon of ames McLeod. in oa ying the reading-room Death vame as aresult ofall age age, deceased with a * oy cn Gir your peper ber of 85 the proprietor, and has years been where it stood, and an folery® to | ite The writer péper would not wiitalty era a dog, much less a busy-bod vidson to state that pt "gleaned our information, which tho publication of the item rr Hey is th thet ¢ the less he = about the in at the '* professed owner" a Teputa He wiil discover, and Mr. Salkeld also, or maple, thanks Ged, simply because it does not suit of lazy people who fatten on the sweat of the people's brows, neither ** toiling mor oo respectfully, W. H, Taxrurwar, Sec'y. Stratford, April 12th, 1890, THAT "INSANE OUTRAGE!" A LAME DEFENCE |} FROM MR. HAY. To the Editor of Tux Sraatroan Tives: er the above heading is published in Tire Trwxs of last week, in which it is cither said or insinuated that t ere was no trespass. {t stood behind a stable on the adjacent lo te growth broken down ine fenve. Clo-eness and destroy to the stable haa forced the body out- wards, so that part of the body and a large portion cf the top, three-fourths at least, extended over the lot ad The tree was not a mapie, bat soft willow, so dirty that the corpora- on provides for its removal from our ia prefer firat -- the parties sea pesteondin and talking of damcges. This Sel onbesqueatiy done. Ip any case,with or without consent, the cutting would have to an extent fatal to the life of Mr. Salkeld, who did the cut- ting, can testify to the facta. Ian, sir, yours, &c., D. D. Har. Strattord, April 14, 1890. (Tae Ties cheerfully -- lace to the explanation from r. Hay. This of wl stamp of It is necessary Tse and tion: holders the privilege whine Bisa ior re fi every er, Ald. Davidson, A RATEPAYER WILL SPEAK OUT To the Editor of Tus Sraarrony Torma, eek oe $20.20 ; Si I F i in Poacnesd 31507 ; i etEHGe e rei ef ia F é : FF

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