ns ATLANTIC The ce RISKS. iJ Beme of the Pits SPR from Early Months of the Year * 'Trannatlantic steamship owners have become quite exercised over the frequent reports made 'of ice during the past ten @ays. The Rotterdam, Scandia and P. Caland are the most recent arrivals that | -- have sighted thes danger ede encountered during their last vovagos @crou: the orenn between latitudes 45 ders, and 47 degs. (and longitudes 44 dogs. and 49 degs. The most definite de- scription of any of the icchergs encoun- tered was that at a distance of three miles they appeared to be about 1090 feet high. Next to fogs, or perhaps together with fogs, there are no more disastrous expe- Fiences relate than those we -hear-of-in & connection with ice encountered during & passage across the ocean, and it can- not be wondered that in these months, when fog is at a minimum and com- manders of vessecla have time to devote their whole_ attention to battling with the elementa'and trying to reach port on time in the face of the tremendous gales that sweep over the ocean, the report of lee should arouse their feara and re- double their caution. With the low temperature of the sen- son, both of the air and the water, one great means of detecting the presence of . ice is to a considerable extent denied the navigator, and the deafening gale dead- ens sound from a distapcee as it whistles 'through the cordage and smokestack | guys, so that the roaring of the sea at. the base of an iceberg cannot be heard until it is almost too Iate to avoid con- tact with it. The ice blink, which fre- 'quently renders ite floes visible, even in y -Hight,.can perhaps be relied upon to indicate their presence, although the blink that attacks the strongest eyes of the brightest. of. lookeuts when he is trying to see something through driving sleet and snow, effectually prevents his secing to any great distance. The ex- perience of the past few years has not recorded ice at this season, -but accounts of former years show that it is occasion- ally to be met with and unhappily, asa rule, disaster is included in almost, every account, so that it need scarcely be men- tioned that great circumspection is nec- f rents to be found in the seme wage -peotion of which often -becoming tran- - sient and contradictory owing to ener] of wind that affect the surface of the water very strongly as far os they ex- tend. In January, 1818, the brig Anne left the harbor of Greenspond, Newfound- land, in the morning and in the evening of the same day got among ice; proceed- _ed. thus about forty miles and at day- light next morning was completely beset, with no opening to be seen in any direc- tion from In this stato she continued about fifteen days, drift- ® ing with the ice about sixty miles south- éast by east, or about four miles in ev- ery twenty-four hours. The ice had now -become very heavy, high above the sur- "Fare WT Avot Lwonty ernie tare bere wercin sight. She was altogether shut in twenty-nine days, in the last fourteen ef which she drifted from latitude 46 deg. 57 min. to latitude 44 deg. 87 min. before tremendous gales of wind blow- ing the whole time from west to north- west. In the course of this two hundred and eighty mile journey more than one hundred Jarge islands of the solid blue "Greenland ice" were sighted. On the 12th of March, 1826, the brig Ajax, when between latitude 42 deg. and 44 deg., weather thick and cloudy, with squalls of hail and snow, ran right "ty between two reefs: of ice, jammed to- gether apparently in a solid mass, and hen daylight dawned: thirty icebergs 150 feet high were found surrounding _ little craft. The crew got up wood- slung them over the side to 2" being ground into toothpicks by the surging masees of ice. Spars, bales of cotton and lengths of cable were one after the other added to save the brig from destruction, * [Tn January; 18H, Capt. Burroughs, in the ship Sully, met with an iceberg in the Atlantic in latitude 45 degs., longi- tude 48 degs. Later years have proved the rated above, and this year of exceptional weather, both peas and ashore, bas thus far been pro- lific with reperts of ice encountered in the same general region that it was : 4 met with in the cases cited, The theories lately advanced that the arctic current, which sweeps along the northeastern shores of this continent and the island of Newfoundland until it loses itself under _ the heated waters of the Gulf stream, das had no existence the past few months, and that consequently the Gulf stream has come in nearer our shores, will hard- ly stand when subjected to the searching light of scientific inquiry, And ao prac- tical refutation of this theory can be found in the changed positions of the ~ jeebergs thus far sighted, which show plainly that they are being moved by ecein currents in the direction hereto- fore taken by this polar or Labrador cur- rent.--New | York Herald. Tis Heart Out of Place. * Physicians 'at Springfield, O., recently , with interest, a young man whose heart is on the right side, but who, nevertheless enjoys good health. A dispatch gives his name as Brolin, and quotes him as saying that 'when he was a little boy he was thrown from a farm wagon, and two wheels passed obliquely across his chest. for some time from the injury, and be- ® heart was shoved over to se ite presen enly trouble he has experien was two yeurs ago, when he had pneu- He was ill. | wep Ww. J. BUYERS, a in the | FINE SIGN AND ) PIGURE PAINTER Com, Weuaiseros axp Br. Parnica Sra. Mrattord, March 3, 198i. omi-ly BF. YOU NGS, Cc ONTRAC | anaes a 0) Albe: eatto ey Feb Amth, 1890 J. R- KILBURN, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer 5 Portland and Thorold Cements, Sewer Pipes. Culvert Pipes, FIRE BRICH, &c. VARD£ OFFICE. ALBERT Sr. STRATFORD Tom axp Briton pda dienes Reek, Hide deo Suppl Factory 243 and READ-MAKER'S 32 © YEeAsT aves Fans To cove Sartcracnm FOR RALE CY _ ALL DCAL" FS, CITY WALL PAPER AND PAINTING HOUSE. WEABLY EV BEY a last y is seld out, and i have just received a Fane copetr of NEW PAPER direct from el which will be sold at to walt all parti Painting, Graining, Papering Calsomining, Glazing, ete. Mixed Paint Ready for Use. WM. CASSON. Stratford, Feb 15, lst. HORSE. BILLS Printed to wile re wait, In the Neatest, most Attractive Style, and at Lowest Prices in the County, at THE TIMES Office STRATFORD. Stratford Livery Stock Co. --ANp-- HORSE EXCHANGE. (Late J. W Dorzz.) Handsome Tarn-onts at Reasonable Prices Polite and Courteous pope Telephone.in C..nneo DANNIE CONNOR, ae ad 3%. a8 ad @ » frp', 'FOR Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness aprane Chafing Bruises Scalds © Piles Burns Wounds Insect Bites AVOID ALL IMITA- TIONS, THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. « USE PONDS EXTRACT DEMAND POND'S Ex- ACCEPT NO suesti iTUTE FORIT It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because so simplee It's safe to dye with Diamond Dyes Because always reliablee It's economy to dye with Diamomd Dyes Because the strongeste It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never faile You ought to dye with Diamond Dyese - Because they are beste "Succesdul Home Dyeing" giving tions for all sm i Diewwa S Leyes, sent_free Tia Dyes are sold everywhere, mailed cn receipt of price, so 'qxnts u_& Co., Montreal, Que, ; A cook BOOK slates W sateen te et ook Our new | TRATFOR Post Oia fin al Wednesday and Friday, 10 20 a m. Tuesday, sy, Miura pad Saturday 4am, Daily OLD co COUNTRY "MAILS. ownas via Halifax Packet closes every Thursday closes ever Mentor, basa open to Money 'Order and Savings Bank Office ia open Pi nay Prey my Gages WILLIAM BLAIR, Postmaster. A, M. KAY, , Assistant, Stratford, N 4, 1888. o7-ly eT en contin Zestnn ute Vaned te Gere Renee of RAS Os & FOR MAIN LINE =~ Eapren FOR MAIN LINF WEST.--3:25 a. m.--Exprees. 265 a. m.--Mixed. Ey oy YOR BUFFALO.--8:35 a' m= --Expr 3:50 p. m.--Ex "2:00 a. m.-- Mix FOR PALMERSTON, WIARTON, SOUTHAMPTON 'AND KI INE -- to's ma -- p. m.-- Expres. a) Expreas. FOR PORT povna Yeas. ie Py * Between Stratford and = n a 5 & HICKSON, General M A. FP. PHILIPS, keut at Btratfo Ey Ticket Agency. Special Colonist Trains TO CANADIAN NORTHWEST INFLARRATIONS wend Sa a at an The great physio- discov A i great discovery of the nineteenth century was an alterative for the purity. ing of the blood. These is THIS 1S une ONLY Harvey's cirsulation: theory , a PA | N BIGST KIND. 2 SY eee, oo cmp} in ORM POWDERS; CTIONS Stomach, Liver bid or a@Pile, _ z |Removed, | BOOK-BINDING. : i MAVE every facittay to tor Binding Mule, Law Beoks, Pertodienla, @e., jo Firet-Claee Materts! and Workmaneh avid books repaired, and bleak a ru'ed, printed and bonhd to ang " i turesqtze Canada" -- r 7 ts Full peice list on application, , __ WALTER. STONE, Baier. KEEPING, Co rreayoe are. Tr ties Growemar, Bes artangalbon mrrrcial Arithmetic, o& Ripder and fitank flock Marnferteres, = Pentiamship, Commercial Law, Sqwiling, Shorthand, Typewriting, Boxiness Pract e, Forces UTON'S DRUG § 'STOR Facharge, Banking and Cifive Dri!! ar Subjects tanytt in the Eu-iness Training School in car eoae-e nee me | caeeaetiaaats city, It la tree that Educatios reanent tn harasses and a refinre in adversity, Thie school haa Stratiand. Feb. 71. js37. l-lF study th ery ther ap itil al. ttraine ~ ne CENTRAL: en apd ladies for positfine of tru it's progress has fHE magenta «| U s I N ESS ~evers Stratford Building i, that :--" Thorough work ie sure to tell.~ The Winter | ' a sees te tee oe most gocvessfal in the his Cc O L L E G E --AND-- tory of this Institution. Between three and four hundred Students SAVINGS SOCIETY are annually-enrolled at the School, Sheol teachers, as a role, invariably select this School when they desire to leave the Profession and enter Business Life. The pring and Summer Term is an excellent time for @tudents to enter, as the Classes are usually smaller, and the Pupils receive more personal attemtign. Cataloguds, Journals and Specimens of Penmanship, malled free to all applicants, by W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. BUY YOUR GROCERIES -- AT WALSH BROS' --IF YOU WANT---- BIG BARGAINS. We Sell Teas Cheap. We Sell Sugars Cheap. We Sell Syrups Cheap. We Sell Tobacco Cheap. RAISINS 8 Cents Per Pound. WE SELL ALL THE BEST BRANDS OF Port and Sherry Wines, Irish and Scotch Whiskeys, Brandies, Rums and Gins. WALSH - BROS, Sell Good Goods Cheap and don't you forget it. STERLING MACHINE OfL. The Best und Purest in Canada, -- MANUFACTURED ONLY BY-- "WW eMILLAN; KITTRIDGE "&Co.," of Petrolia? PETROLINE Oil in the " Market, and equal to American Water White. or sale by all Frst-Class Dealers. se xucnee OFFICE--At Stratford, near G, T. R. Freight Sleds. the New Patent Process Illuminating Oil, is the best | | 5 ge SOCHETY- is prepared to make i mons destring to build of parchase. Ketter -- . yn offered and more favorable srrangement- made for repayment of either lange or eos wa wumea, thereby interest, than cam he ob eles here. Pome w to build arrange for a vances to be -- to pay for the buliding = I work progre Full may be * tained from the ihe Manages W. R. TIFFIN, D. B, BURRITT, _ Beatiord, Feist 1800, _ D. D. OLIVER, Resident Pianoforte and Organ uner,. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. The best of city references Every job guaranteed. Orders lef at A. T. Macdonald's book and = ionery store, Oddfellow's block, nie-st., or at Calder's hotel, Eric. St. will be promptly attended to. Agent for*-New and Beoond- Hand Pianos. D. D. OLIVER, Praxo -- Stratton', Oct. 22nd, 189% 720 ST. sat cel 1'8 COLLEGE. x, Ont To haa y nPFERS -- en ts Classical, PUILOSOFTICAL anf Comwnncia. ates oan. ng all necessary expenses fr board and Tultion, $123.00 per annum. For pa ticulars Rev, L. FUNCEEN, C.R., D.D., Presiden' 705 ly --IFr YOU WANT-- GOOD MEAT A CIVIL BUTCHER Next door to H. T. Barker's Grocery. Stratford, Feb 25th, 1280. COUNTY OF PERTH. --o-- i Removed. W. H. ROBERTS Has Removed to his New Store, on Downie St., Two Doors South of the Commercial Hotel, Where he will have a Large Assortment of New Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, &c., &c.; Always in Stock. Cheapest and Best Goods in Stratford. Give me a Call. W. H. ROBERTS. Tle Stracford, Oct. 73, 1889. | CURE FITS! «ee Wh meccy ip stop toms 4 we, and tee » Marble and Granite Works. GAnser. s re ge ge Bnperteey ent > dian Marble end Graaite Monuments, Tomb stones, Mante! Pleces, Wash Stands, Counter Tops, &o. Juseriptions owt in English and Sept. 15, 1876. 2e-ly {nocess the Best Test of Wart! PILLS AND wInThiti- pap na ge Gwe: Tiere remedy to Cure the ° suschele pa sone yan dh or Falling Sioxnoee a fieioag tig. | warren oe acure. neweap Shae .Entrortnl ul maaticine | aa oace cpt fe Shai lod te will omen 9 1 te aCOG you or & cure Ss ses EP Ae ace Fo PRPs a . els "3 NEMVOUS Sit re tm . te y | " SYST salactacet ie wert: n t fet soothingly ow tie Don't Forget to Call and Inspec as promoting DIGE STION ew) areiind'tioy 9. nédowlng the ball y aL | atreneth and Ur. Nervera He ~ bliers, Laeitude and GENES BILITY quickiy yicld to the potent for ell known i) they are amily a mbacerene bern en g --CHOIGE STOCK OF -- sean fats eevee Any ear ia USENET 5 art is) ul 3y! 4} Croker and Shatin. Which they will sell at Cost. . Liquors always on hand, including Whiskeys, Brandies, © Ports and Sherrys, Tr om Gins, Holland Gins and Champagnes. Also the Best Brands of Ales and Porters. Try our 25c, TEA, it is better than you can| 50c, Allother kinds of Teas/ x he elsewhere for proportion, ¥G00D SYRUPS very low. Breakfast Gems, Johnny 7 Cabs: Sugar Corn Cake, in Packages at 10c. O'FAHERTY & QUIRE'S| REMEMBER THE PLACE RED FRONT, MARKET SQUARE. They also keep the finest lines of \* Just to hand a choice lot of Graham Han A WORLD-WIDE REFTEATIO® | It heals every. kind - SORE, ULCER wou RD more sexs Fiban any othe sd ty a 5 peLetrating powe fer {tievaiuable | in all maton Brose AND tera DISfasce, wy and As| hia Iaelne hewn ar a a andl br- STSCI wna anal a rors, AS aad for » exeruoia!iog tort REEEMATIE, corr rar ay sapien a it Is-umanrpat Ine Sour! aud every "penis sur Manufacture! _ y at Pr wind Lecwae 533 OXFORD ST, LOND! ma ate at dy 1 + &? . oe "Oyen bhex @).8 t,o mt enta, W news SL sad he poner om a é | i a Tt a. Ah Tull. ye oorche " = we the I's tedaa 2 arn "Uh aos ord» ech, Lowden, they 8 <span Trade Marks ot a abt and ners ero i Otis: Sen ad Oued deen Le