---------- ae (wet ew : (SS eee ey Ta ieee 1 ' | | sTRA TFORD HOME Mewonral , CHURG The acnual vestry actin i { the oon xregation of the Home Mem "ge Charcsh Stratford, was held in the charch oe evening of the Zith of ype There wre 2 Mattes Joho, (4. Carpenter, ( Brazier, P End | Rad ). Roberta, J. Jacobs, George Frederick, I. Harvey, or, C. lex, G: A McKenzie, EF. HH. Farrow er Sere. The Ber D. Deacon, M. (Rector) oveupled the chair and Leone the meet ing with prayer. In hia opening address "to the vestry he said it was his pleasing anty to congratulate the congregation on ot prosperous condition of the It was by far the best financial the congregation has since of its operationa--the re- year the ceipts being $200 in exces? ot any other ized. The been 6 families who have left the congre- gation and 9 families have been added to our number. The Rector then os work in the parisl : « a resume «f his' er the last year as Total number of Read te, - Peayer | in families, 84 times. Baria Bap- tiems, 10. Marriages, 4. Prtsched 152 | sermons, Delivered 9 addresses, . ed over #0 candidates for confirmat the *"Young People's Helping oye "Mission "Gos Gare expenses of the iabilities to the extent congregation of $630 . e pres. ent liability amcunts to $409.08, of this the is pow due ; 9 balance is due in from July nex 3 Warden,' presen saben waa.thon presented and financial Joueph Johnson, the tétgyrman's: sagiecand read as follows :--- PINANCIA' STATEMENT. Arrears of eabecrip tion .§ 0 Envelopes and suscript! ons . MSs Collectiona...... 0... cuscecsceneeens ie Xmas Ofertory Ral Latier Ald....... 1 65 Donation 4. -- - bo Donation Mr A. J. Paley. seniegubewse 167 21 Donation for word... 5 0 Pale of old fener........ a0 From Y.P.1 Society for Carpet.icc. 44 oo 5 , ftvepadra te Charoh... .... 10.02.0022 a ae 72 ' Bal Srumakesen Geuen aon 10 00 Transfer of Property...... -... wees is Printing account of 184-35 .......... io Y. P. B. Scclety for carpet, &e.,.... 4 00 Synod Assersment..................+- 20 Sunday School for ®, 8. purpoecs.... 32 16 CO re me d stool . ld 3 secon sa ti Tota'..... $1,143 12 'The slahant2 evort of Home Memorial rendered' thie this ath Sar of Anti, 1500, Allof which is respectfully su 3.3, JOHNSON, D MATINEW. | Wardens, LACKOSSE CLUB ORGANIZATIONS, At the anaual!meeting'of the Stratford Lacrosse Club, at the Commercial, on Monday evening, Mr A. T, Macdonald in the chair, the o for current year were elected thus: Honorary President--- W. R, Tiffin ; president, W. H. Criffia ; vice president, A. T. Maclonald ; secre. tary, J. A. Macfadden ; treasurer, Ww, Jefirey, jr; captain, 8. MeCu Executive committee --W. H. Neil, W. Miller, W. 8. Watson, H. J. Gibson, W. A, Moore and the officers. ma com mittee--A. T. Macidonald,S. McCutcheon, w. Jeffrey, jr, J. A. Macfadden. Grounds comimittee--W. H, --_ ». MoCutch membership fee was placed at $1. A ie was ado hat Mr David Hogg. honorary pea of the elub for the years 1887-89, a sincere friend of the * Ange ub and a enthusiastic supporter remeved frem Stratford, the Se"ilvetiort Lone Lacrosse Clab desires to on record at this the first opportunity, its sincere tat his departure, and to assure him that he has tion and he lub photog ns $3.0 the clu ovograr of 1588. et framed and forw A motion was Leg weds thanking the officera for their services, an secretary, 'o and Mra Dufton of thelr pe and sincere good wishes for. his re TheS 4janiors) met on Monday evening, 'a 'statement shewed that all liabilities had been and a left in the as o lows: H t, Walter Mil. ler ; ent, Mu. J ; ei t, M. A. Macfarlane ; captain, 7 C,-W & J ; the wind is, so tm mortal life-- A moan, a sigh, a sob, 0 wtorm, strife." Much of the ill that flesh is heir to may be--if not totally oblitersted--greatly alle- nausea and i i i it | of the A Hil i E | rd cf : nt a An Agricul F All last fall the farmers of Connecticut inveighed bitterly -because the w weather was ruining their potato crop, They had just begun to follow the ad- vice of jeaders in --_---- ral experi- ments, and had substitute] potatees for "bobo hith h al prom dean unsati~- factory crop. Jack Frost us--io get alung so easly that the tobacco plants would cet nipped before they could le But now they hawe aban- Jack Frost does tet to come atnill On the other hand, weather raiood the potatoes, In September it was reported that not half the farmers were digging their ta- bers lecause they found them rottcs, and it was prophesied that the price would go out of mght. If a man could get enough to keep him through the harvested doned talacce ] wel ' dande lion phenomena come re ports of the farmers finding that the health of the undug potatoes is greatly improved, John Elijott, of Plainville, dug two bush- | els of excellent potatoes from his garden which he had abandoned as worthless inthe fall. Henry Hellam, of Goshen, put two or three men at work during the holidays, and recovered nearly a third of an excellent crop which had ap- peared to be on the verge of dissolution in September. John Gamp, of Corn- wall, is now showing with delight sey- eral bushels of 'as fine potatoes as were ever raised in that old town. They were given up for rotten a few months ago, but the Open winter haa restored them. Edward Manchester, of Winchester, set his hired men to.work this week digging over the oh pateh, with encouraging ty . | sul, wntil the Trost came 'on Thursday and put an end to it. He will renew operations on the first-warm day.--Wa terbury (Conn. ) Cor. Nev -w York Sun. _ Weund Her at Last. Thirty-three years ago, a dispatch from Montreal Milliam Henry Says, Parker sailed with his newly wedded wife from Liverpool for Canada in the ship William and Mary. On the voyage Parker was yr overboard and was mourned as drowned. Two years later the widow, who had come here, married again, and several children bleased the union, A few days ago an elderly stran the house and asked for seek his fortune. He did so, writing to his wife at her parents' home in These. letters she. never. re- reply -and._believed her lost also. Time brought prosperity, and at last he determined to search for his wife in Canada. He came on and soon locat- ed ber, only to find her the wife of an- other. A long consultation took place between them, and then Parker depast: ed, leaving a check for a large sum and his blessing. Railroad Accidents and Human Life, During the year 1888 accidents on rail- roads involving human life were: Pas sengers killed, 315; passengers injured, 2,188; employes killed, 2,070; employes in- jured, 20,148; other persons killed, 2,907; oteer persons injured, 3,602; total per sons killed, 5,252; total persons injured, 25,888, But the reports do not cover thé total mileage of the country; only 92.792 per cent. of it. If the accident rate was the same on the roads not reporting, the to- tal number killed was 5,693, and the total injured, 27,888. These are the returns made by the railroad companies them- selves, and they cannot well be suspected of exaggeration. Neither is there, on the other hand, any reason to suppose that they are not,in most cases, complete and prepared with perfect good faith. An idea of how great the risk is torail- road employes is shown by the records ad Brake-|-. men. Onein & of the 10,052 members is killed yearly and one in 60 injured. A brakeman has only one chance in 4.7 of being allowed to, die a natural death,-- New York Herald. A Presperous Meggar. A beggar, who for thirty years has "er . 2 + . @ heen a familiar figure in St. Peter's, at Rome, has just died suddenly from apo- plexy. The Roman correspondent of a Londen daily curious cir- cumstances in connection with this man, whose name was Pietro Marcolini. He was the only mendicant who was per- mitted to follow his calling within. the church itself, Pius IX having granted him that privilege. Leo XIII confirmed it, and also, like his predecessor, granted an audience to the beggar, who was lame and afflicted. When ini was re- ceived by Pius [IX Lhe complained of the cold he felt within the church, where- upon the pope bestowed upon him an old warm dressing gown of his own, This sprmenty however, the beggar wore only occasions, and the more solemn festivities of the church. He had been repeatedly offered large sums for it "by f bot -always refused to part with it. Marcolini left an estate worth 50,000 frax Captured. a « Sheriff on a Nicycle. A week ago a young woman calling herself Josie Ellis, who has been eni- at Gilbert' yed sad affair tas Gast a gloom over the curred in the history of the town for many er mim amity. rector of Seaforth The funeral took place Monday r.erning, he remains were interred at Locan. His Lordship gether with a number of others, and left for Manitoba. ng stallion and a Percheron filly. geour; L. Dansyn Bon, Gertie McKnight. Miss siggy ae Hepburn, Miss Craib,. --Chas Haines, Emma Whitby, Lalu '| Nal Miss Wier, --R. wf 'Tomerts M. : ¢ Campbell. ST. MAKYA. | a Rev T. W. Magahy, the bewly appoins- od incumbent of St James" Episcopal church, St Marys, died ¢n Friday morn ing aftera short Ulness-of five days. Th: en tire community. The re# gentieman had tt oved to this town on!y @ few weeks age Seaforth bat betore he was properly tiled two of his children were takes down with diphtheria, a no aeouer had they recovered than he: was muidenty taken ill hime ei with inflammation of the bowels, and ow, ae a Wind He o the tragic affair, av caeihie 4 his child-en lies ndition with diphtheria. ina precanioisa cr has of This isthe saddest matter that years, and the family aml friends of the deceased haye the sympathy of the entire The decensed was former! aed ne of Huron, conducted the ser "The Argus reports that Mr John Thomp son and Miss Cameron of Blanshard to rchased tickets from the C. P. R. agent last week Mr Thompson took as car load of. hausehold gooda along with him, Registrar Whelihan, of this town, re shipped a ca: of four horses to oines, lowa. The stock com prised two fine Percheron stallions, « Clydesdale STRATFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Avon.--Miss Duncan,--Jas. Easson, L. Dierlamm, Roy Lloyd, Clara Dierlaratt. Stevenson, --\W. Brown, Maleta Soott, L. penton jo Cornell. Falstaif. - Varkarten,-W illiam Gertie C ook. Misa Greenley,-- . Workman, Lovie Salvadge. Misa Wallace Onan, Addie Tout. Praritier,-tiilbert~" Hardigg: C- = Ruby Jones, . Hamlet. --Miss E, L. Walker,--LScrim org, Mabel Rose. Misael. he npate, Annie ss "Mins 1] Hep burn, --W. MeNabb, Lawson. \iiew M. Patterson,---laa, Sanita, Aewie Johnaton., Mie Johuston,--W Workman, M. Brooks © Misa MV. Johnston Geo. WeLb, Evw Holca. - Romeo. --Principal,--E, McDonald, E. Watton, FE, Wateon, L. Nornabell, Miss E. Walker,--John Picie,. Addie Leadlay. Miss Garden, -- Robt. Forbes, Mabel Paw- Miss Welly,--Geo, Smith, Carrie Hoffman. Miss B, Dent,--lavid Michie, Mise ett, McNight, Mabel Nareey. Sipes, Carrico espeare, --Misa Read,--A. Haines, Raird. Misa Tretheway,--W. Carrie Ne E. Roge "ae 30 Ontario-8t. --SIGN OF THE-- BIG BOOT. THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. A Large Lot of Women's, Girl's and | x0: Childrens Felt, Fox Boots, --TO BE SOLD AWAY-- Below Cost: |. THOS. LAWSON'S 30 ¢ Ontario Street, -- CHOICE -- AND -- Low Prices. "Any Grocer building a trade on lowness of price, without regard to good quality and honest quan- tity, will have to keep get- ting new trade ail the while, because his new trade will.teave him for more reliable stores." 'So says the." Monetary Times," andsosayl. While itisalways my aim to have prices in all lines as low as possible,--quality I recog- nize to be of first import- ance, and judging from results, it is pleasing to me to notice that good quality and honest quantity are being tully appreciatedjby - my customers. -- Prompt Delivery. L. SCOTT, same axp PUua-- ed Connect! r te Hicate.--Those to whom 'i the changeable temperature ina protracted period of tris] should seck the earlicet iv ss opportunity ef removing all obstacles to meme z il health, his catling Ointment, Sef rut 29 i upon the skin, i« the If you are, have you most reliable rei -~ r overcoming all , liveness of the v atand ¢ hem aineey, v Sonne ciennt | Kennedys Hand Book of evdieasy on wi rth, gomy honing iz, ws ually e€ e€ Ss : an 7 prevailing at this seasen, nay be arrested : as soon as discovered, aud every wpe S e banished by Holle sway' simple and effec: tt h Ss p tive tanta sent. ~ Chis Olnterent and Pills CO 1S on Ly are highly commended fer ~ poset | with wt they successfully contenc . with influenza ; they alle an neredibly If not, W hy haven't you pP short time the distressing fever and teas ing couse. 7 I have bought the Entire Edition, and will sell single For all kinds of Garden See. obi moultiph copies for 30 days at 15c. a copy. It contains 148 National ers, rete and top onions, all war N wed trast aa} sound, go to Watan | DOCS lusic to most of them. Toric Sol Fa to many. x Bnos., where they + H ovarytblag chee. « Come early. We havé only'a limited number to sell. 4 Catarrh | Until the poison is expelled -from_ system, there can be no cure fof Shis loathsome and 8 a blood disease. ARE YOU SCOTCH r= A. T. MACDONALDS, 32 susidlaratcisi Oddfellows' Block malady. Therefore, the only effective ae is a thorongh course --theteist of all blood siaitiers. The sooner ;0u begin the better ; delay is dangerous. "I was troubled with h cohort for over two years, I tried v and waa treated bya rai clans, but receiv fit until i md restored m oggs, Holman's PR ae Ay = perenne a Was rec- tarrh, 1 was in- § oe } ged viele beet a sd had no faith that wri woulkl became emaciated from of "anoetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly los of amel}, and my system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when ad agen uraed me to try Ayer's ae a, and re- ma : whom it it had cured half a dozen am convine ed doubt. ite bet TeHprodtes, fe of comarr®. After bottles of this aan ine. Ayer's Susayil Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. * Price @1; sfx Bottles, 5. Worth $40 bottle TO RENT. W care Sonera Saas my SOHN BROWN. Stratford, April 8, 1fg0: _ Tabat a ° for as Trem oie, re sere star viento ths Post Omen" J. RANE PALMER. Tus Tore ofbce. mm TO RENT. in rear of DVELuNe HOUSE on 'Would pester farm otvagy nd conld pay rent in farm work. Apply JON saan _Strattord Apri Sth 1890 HOTEL PROPERTY FORSALE ro SAl LE that ve Jnabte Bh grape known a4 thie hg vga HOUSE, on Erie street, doing one of the bun eos ia this city. particul apply t JAMES DUNN, Or J. E. HARDING, QC. Stratford, Apr}! Sth, 1880, Tilt AVOID- HUMBUG. And Save Money by getting 1 Free Sample JAMESGORGORAN = Sells at 12% Cents and 25 Cents per Ib., and compare them with what you have paid 25 and 50 Cents per lb. for to pedlars and gift tea companies, of the TEAS that Stratford, July 24, 1889, HAVE YOU PAID --THAT-- Little Account Yet? 4f-you hurry.up.and. pay it before we. can get it sent to you, we will charge no Interest from time of last Rendering. Old standing accounts will be placed 2" Suit without further notice, W. & F. WORKMAN. fe SURELY CURED TO THE EDITOR: ~ __feease trie I have a positive remedy for the satel. TA sLocum, mc, na ~ 198 W oe sree et Po oe, Aang! | EDWARD TAYLOR, -- July 24, 1880. STORE TO RENT. ee UNDERSIGNED efors for rent that com- Ontario st, between M. McCAULE LEYS E] Butcher 5 Sho» and W, Sparc inde aoe bang yma pace Splendid ceilar connection. Rent moderate. Apply to nm ROFFEY , Stratford, Aptil 2, FOR SALB OR 'TO RENT. epmsrenss AND A BAL BALF BRICK DW rag jag nine rooms, on Jame+ Mre McEwen, with one acre ont omamen to suit purchaser. Or which ls excelent building site. Apply to IDINGTON & PALMER, Stratford, April Sth, 1590 m4 * A BARGAIN. Houses and Lots for fale. pba wo Bie ch, near Oreasay grocery cheap. UNDERNIGNED ba has Two Frame Houses Sburch st ad and T 'One Acres of Seventy- five are cleared in the state of cultiva- ol aw Arg a Bearing Orchard ; Good Welle Ove mile from berath ; a eae UNDERSIGNED offers tor for Sale or Rent the aif of = T, Uxtord Hoad, im the GORE OF DOWNIE, containing 50 acres--15 acres and under culti 15 acres, bush land, hard peers wood. Good frame house and frame barn. Apply to JOHN McEWEN, On the Premises, ibaa --F YOU WANT A-- |. Gold and Silver Plating. | Disconeenes guar ape af Eas in Fine Stove, a Good Stove, iJ. uM. roy the Kiectro Plate will the. horn ct Hite cant cores, more or for « few months, éo less. Good Dwelling, Barn rH Stables. Terme | And one that will give you every satiafac. | -- pat the 8s + wok mo Silver and rs tion go to shabe article looks before plating, a es ferent inte & piose'et shaste ana Beane' Sea bs . acid ah tae alee pone yey Revdinee won na. vais Sater eed pommiateie MONDAY, @ist April, 1500, for the delivery of whosk, cannes oe Genaban. of thie, ne a ae tes year th Heed gn con aresngy, sts, ox states deere 0 day. plswente, feck ban ts pad "Aericaltar ~2B a T. D. N., BOX 714, STRATFORD. Manitoba and the Northwest Tervitories. Stratton, March 4 1g90, © lati Suppl can nk ag of delivery, 1 ie "tat be bad by appaing 5 Se tines, F. BLOXAM, Ind Olio, Wieniper. iid SLATEH ROOFER. may -- AD DEALER 1x -- (or for any portion of each of goods) : - y oF tor all the coods called for in the | Canadian & American Slate gach tender mast be accompened by anaccepted | BOX 107, om 67 MILTON STREET, Cheque in favor of the Superintendent, of ™ Indian Affairs, cn a Bank, for at least oa Gio S ereep Somatrechce | PAs eater into & contract bused on such tender, when on hand. Did ahinate socks =i tenn the work contenc'ed for, "I the tender be not |* wee sere weet. --- returned. =--6| 6g Yard :--Near G. T. BR Station. eth ete atest inches, snare fence amare | eo < thecostact teetontisteder | «WW A. MYERS This adretioomten te tet aos asibel Ny bi Printer, ana no claim for ponsenee by any sews General Merchant, Huron-St., ee eee Renn ak eee ee a J 8 SOW OPES FoR BUSINESS. He hes any- L. VANKOUGHNET, ge papi Sree: ae: Deputy the Superiatandent- General and PEED. A. Brandenberger, Stoves sold "on a Weekly and Monthly Payments. --THE CLASSIC CITY-- SHAVING PARLOR. Diane tomers old and will receive the ver best attention and work if they petrontos hie. A. BRANDENBERGER. ue ES JAMES HARTLEY, vod Manages, ag Stratford, Feb 18th. 1890, T37-ly AGENTS WANTED. TENDERS. MART, EXERGETIC MEN to posh the ale tn Give him a Call. Best quality of Gita Gates