NORTH PERTH LIQUOR LICENSES. ] The License Cotamissioners abd Inapec tor for North Perth meet at the cffice of G. G.. McPherson, chairman, in Stratford, | Tuesday afterocon we k, to consider appli cations for hotel and shops licenses, the following parties beng recipiente :-- =tratf 'ora. "Wier A. A. Goots, Queen's John Gray. Terrapio Walter Holmwoo4, Albion, Jaa Wileon, Central Jan Wilson, Wilson Howse, M. F, Sullivan, Stratford. J. W Dayle, Windsor, J.M. Seort, Royal. Geo Hookless, Cabinet. W. BH. Bhore, (3 months to enable bim to procere suitable tenan') T. Hagerty, Commercial. J. O'Grady, Victoria. M. J, Dillon, Crown, J. M, Wileon, Mansion. P. Tobin, Ontario House. R. M. Caider, Ceites' . A, H, King, America... D. Matthew, Matthews', J. Murphy, Dominion. . L. D. Longhi, (beer and wine saloon). P,F. Daly, ( sHors Jaa Kennedy Jas Coreora Waleb Lros. U'Fiaberty " Qulrk--4 North Kasthope. C. R. Yost, (Amulree. Lsrae) Kby, (Shakespeare) J. H, Killer, (Gadehiil.) . Johns Mohr, (do.) Kuice Geo. Foott, (Sebringwille) Sarab Hill, (Wartburg.) Jacob Hrunner. * Jobn Harioff (Mrnaner station) C. Wickie, ttowteck }3 meaths extension. Henry Miller, jr, (Toppina.+* ~ ; CP Gore.) . "Jona John H. Huothig, (Milverton station.) Sarah Hawthorn, (Midibesk,) P. Mulcahy ' John Adama, (Bethleb:m.) HK. 'Friedman, (Carthage.) Chas. nely (Newton.) Phillip Kathig, (Newton.) Louis Smith, Tyrone.) John Rupp. (drunner.) Milvertos. E. Gartung, J, 8. Smith, C. Hasenpfiag. Eima. . Alt Huggins, (Monckton .) A. H, Wynn, (Newry,) ¥.. Joeger. (At wood.) R. Graham, (Atwooa.) Uaad Con Zilliax,(3 months) SHOP. J Madili, (3 months.) Wallace. M. Daum, (Gowanstown.) pp mvassawanyeenteseumne: SOUTH PERTH LICENSES, The board, of License Commissioners for South Perth, consisting of Messrs.T. H. Raze (chairman), J. 5. Melatyre ana James Prinfiville, with Mr Jobn 8. Cop. (Inspector), met in the Grand Central otel, St Marys, on Friday lasc, when the i j licenses were ered : Logan-- Taverns--John Longueway and Henry Veitor Blanshard --Taverns--Joseph Stevens-- granted when. pre Martha Henry and W. J, McIntyre--granted. Downie-- Taverns -- Richard Chowen, Theo Rohbfrietach, Jacob Schellenberger and A J. Pigeor. granted, Patrick Len- fon -- aor ar granted, William ----- j ibbert--C, Pend t and W, Nevin, taverns --grante < MeGrath- ted conditionally, A. Hirt granted; D. O'Leary, okey = Fuieriee~ Tavetne--Jobn A Kerr----de- ferred, George Hoch and James Cousens gran ted. (sch Easthope -- G. N. Kanffman e ), V. eis (Shakespeare), J. ree cd VE k) Edward ee! Gavin k), Ow = Jung (Tavistock), and ary Moore (Shakespeare)--gran Se Mas A. Beattle & Co., and Jobn --granted, Joan Catncart, granteu. The superior merit of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as an anodyne expectorant is due to a skilful combination of the most power- ful ingredients. Nothing like it has ever been in | yond. | inews, it was out oas Wo resent Whrehoise. J.d. McKenus, landing here semi-monthly, we see them p--granted; F.Carlin, tavern--granted | come and go by the dozen every twenty- sondlitionally. four hours, for more of them are owned itcholl--- Hotels, Frey (Royal), | in La Crosse than at any other point be- Potts | tween St TH a St. Paut, an bath Collison and Charles Firth~granted. | "C2 ee ae "i + AN OLD PILOT'S REMINISCENCES. What Capt. J. W. Campbell Has to Say "" Aboot the Upper Miseles!ppi. Capt. J. W. Campbell, of Fort Madi- son, Ia.,a pioneer pilot of the upper Mis- sisippi, writes thus about.the past and present: "I emerged from the hazel brush in northeast Missouri in 144 to jtake o fret pwep ab the wide w, rbd be- Having been infatuated in early youth with the cat fish and drift log Snag but natural I showk ' | nautical pursuit, Consequently I "rift. edon board an upper Mississippi steam- boat and ixg¢an to serve asa cul pilot | along shore Letween St. Louis and Fort Snelling. The first duty of a cub is to designate the difference between fore and aft--larboard and starboard--azid with brains enough to determine if the current of the river runs to the north or south, " then permitted to-enter the pi- lot house and take the wheel, while his senior-lights his pipe, and being consti- tutionally tired seats himself on an ele- vated bench in the rear and looks com- placently on. Presently, under the ma- nipulation of the verdant cub, the wheel begins to spin from right to left--left to right--hard upand hard down; he strikes with his clumsy paws at the revolving wheel with the awkwardness of hia ma- tured namesake and involuntarily his pedal extremities come in contact with the spokes of the inner circle of the wheel below, thereby illustrating the re- sults of centrifugal force by throwing him outside of the pilot house. "But after a few more experiments of asimilar kind he becomes more skillful, and with less exertion guides the boat steadily along, and then begins his great- est. tusk by learning the shores. that he- may distinguish unerringly one localit¥ from another in the darkest night, after | whieh le is dlirected-to-observe the fol. jlowing landmarks: 'Head of Island, Foot of Bend, Cut Bank, Willow' Tow- head, Big Hollow, High Bluff, Point-no- Point, Dead Cottonwood Tree, Tall Syca- more," with many more, all of which by association become indelibly painted upon the panorama of the mind, an when they are recognized by the cub they become welcomed companions to him in the darkness of the night--a warning sentinel by which hp avoids the breakers and reefs ahead. *'He is now prepared to stand a watch, is noJonger dubbed the cub, but is«en- titled to promotion ond receives the cog- began for one to learn than at present, for the country above Prairie du Chien was un- inhabited, except by Indians and a few white traders, but now we have villages and cities from ten to twenty miles } apart, wath yoxernment lights located at every difficult crossing on the river, While on my first voyage I was directed on passing the head of Coon slough to hold ber on Wild Cat bluff, where now | nesties beneath its shadows the prosper- oua village of Brownsville, and on as- cending ten miles farther up we land on the east side of Prairie La Crosse, con- taining then but two houses, The upper one was occupied. by a Mr, Mirick, used and 100 yards befo¥ stood a log hut tenanted by a Mr. White, while the bar- ren sand tanks intermediate were dotted with Winnebago wigwama. "On this bleak and lonely sand prairie of the past we behold at present a mag- ical change. The name is abbreviated to pliin La Crosse. Instead of two resi- dents, we find here now a population of over 30,000 people. We hear the sound the buzzing saw of mills less than a hundred yards apart for over five miles up and down the river, while in front along the shore are millions upon mill- ions of pine lumber and saw logs await- ing to be towed down the river to supply the increasing demands of the great south west. "In place of one solitary steamboat companions in days of yore, with the fledglings of today, have organized a pilot assuciation here with over 150 mem- bers, who question the propriety of the government in appointing an meal whom they deem inexperie "Again we are underway, passing upon our left majestic bluffs arising sev- era] hundred feet above the water'sedge, while upon our right we view for miles in the distance the valley of Black river, whose pine tiaber kas since added mill- ions to the wealth of the pioneer settler. After steaming eighteen miles farther up this rock bound mountain shore TI ob- served pine trees growing = a ledge of rocks, and on the the face below was the e Catlin,' f n, my thoughts reverted quickly back to child- hood's happy hours, passe] in gathering eg along shore for this great Amer- fean traveler, an ever welcome guest at the savage wigwam or princely palace. We cross over to the right hand shere, and the valley isin our rear, wane te front we behold the greatest curiosity on the Mississippi river, a conical island mountain, 700 feet in peett, © commonly 'called 'Mount Strombolp,' 'but by the early French yoyagera La Montaigne | que trom pe a l'eau."--Chicago Timea. Misleading Statistics. * Too implicit a trust should not be Capone stated that the death ae of some Axed is but eight, Som or twelve per thousand inhabitan' rng moment's consideration will show that soch figures are fallacious, fora death rate of ten per thousand means either that every child born reaches the age of- 100, or that the average age of all who die is 100. It is. certain that there is no community in which every child that. comes into the world will pass safely through the many dangers that beset childhood, and therefore a death rate of | DAVID CAM PBEL eee y-0. Can you do Better. When attacked by croup, sore throat, , Theumatiom, beuralgia, *prains, Onl? give satisfaction, "it in a agree in in power over pain, and is the safest and best retuady where soarness ao inflama- exis at. Sick Headache j* a complaint from which many suffer and few are entirely free. Its cause I indigestion and a sluggish liver, the cure pp Pang BA is readily found in the use of Ayer's Pills. "I oe found that for sick headache, a disordered condition of the 'h, Ayers Pt are the most re- y; uel C. Bradburn, -" BE ar the = of Ayer's td tas for om justiaed im 6 saying that they are aa ex ent cathartic and liver medicine ag eg ee the claims made for them." 1, M. D., V. P. Austin & x W. Railway Co., Burnet, Texas. "Ayers Pills are the best medicine aaa bo oe regulating ~~ ---- craered stomach ape | _ r uttered for over three years fr eadache, ~ diguation, and constipation. appetite and was weak and nervous most # the time. Ee. three bozes of Ayers Pilla, t the same time dieting <~ I wa wa acompletaly cured," a atsacuiak te come rs with indi- tion, consti ---- and headache. A eh an ts) A gen used in small dai to health. They They are primp ad and effective." --W. H. Ayer's Pills, FRESPaRED BT Or, J.C,-Ayer_ & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. ROOMS TO RENT. OTTABEE & for Legal, aden tee Yards trom the J. FBANE PALMER, Over Tem Ties ofhee. STORE TO 'LET. w> Seog wrTHtoU ¢ ROOMS--Suitable for race A CITY BAKERY, Near Court House. _ Btrattord, April 23rd, 1890 Lisette HOTEL TO RENT. spans WELL KNOWN ; LENNON HOTEL, on the road, and aleo a WaY HOU =) For further particu Apply to ; PATRICK-LENNON, Stratford P.O. Stratford, April tnd, 1899. 7 T of the County of Perth, Acres, more or tem. Good Dwelling, Barn and Stables. cany. W. 8. COWAN, Onto. : EDWARD "TAYLOR, oo July 24, 1889, FOR SALE OR TO RENT. agg toh ora ANDA HALF -- DWELLING conapted Wy lam iapiean, oth ane sansend y Mrs Ach wen, with one acre a cna ot ned, land, good stable, with one all Sin. fp gecory oun t purchaser. wou land, whieh is excellent building site. -- pply to IDINGTON & EALEER, Stratford, April 8th, 1890 FINE FARM FOR SALE. mpae NORTH HALF OF LOT FIFTEEN, tn the CON. of the of MORN taining Appl ROBERT BROOMFIELD, Galt P. 0, Or to Wa, o ARINGER. Premiss. Stratford, April 22nd, 1800, Tee ST. JEROME'S COLLEGSB. Benum, Onr. Ts COLLEGE OFFERS splendid fa.ilitie students In Ita CLasscaL, Priiosorican ComMEMciAL Cots srs, Trams :--I[ncluding all necemary expeows for board ---- $123.00 per annum. For par ree Rev. L, FUNCKEN,CR,DD., _ ly 30 Ontario-St. SIGN OF THE-- "|BIG BOOT. THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. A Large: Lot of Women's, Girl's and Childrens Felt, Fox Boots, --TO BE SOLD AWAY-- Below Cost. 'THOS. LAWSON 'Ss 30 Ontario Street, Living in a Fool's Paradise. M ect slight symptcns of dis- ease, a agg oe will health. Troe nature will aid, but she eae ee bo aitek be ee Pee Blood Bitters, from 1 to 2 bottles of which is sufficient to cure any case of ' "Sa WAGONS! Hottowar"s 'ruts. --Enfeebled Exis tence.--This' medicine - embraces every sttribute required in and do mestic remedy ; it overturns the founda, tions of disease laid by defective food and impure air. In obstructions or congestions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or other organs, these Pilla are especially serviceable and eminently successful. Should be kept in readiness in every family, as they area medicine without a fault for young persons and thiwe of feeble coustitutions.. They never cause pain, or irritate the most teensitive perves, Holloway's Pills are the best purifiers of the blood. and the best promo ers of absorption and secretion, and can move al] potronous and noxious particle from both. solids and fiuids. A Cure for Rhearetiam. loan recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil as a sure cure for rheumatism. I had it ROBERTS, THE. JEW ELLER, Is offering special Bargainsia.-- vert Silverware, and Fancy Goods, Py ic. The Best Assorted Stock of W atches, Clocks, 'ete., etce., In the City to make Selections from. Near the Commercial Hotel, Downie-St. W. H. ROBERTS, Practical Jeweller. Treasurer oO» Tuesday, Wednesday, *4turday of each weal. im. Wau. DAVIDSON, Co. Clerk. Marble and Granite Works ADSEY & SHARMAN, Impor'ers and manufacture Forr rol Cam on . Tomb Sept. 15, 1876, THE 7 Stratford Building SAVINGS SOCIETY HIS SOCIETY ts prepared e to persons desiring to at or purchase, letter " s may be oma sums, thereby stopping obtained elsewhere. reone wishing to build may arrange vances to be made to pay for the building aa the k progresses = Full information W. BR. TIFFIN, President. Stratford, Feb 16, 1800. -- NEW -- Lumber Yard FRONT STREET, Just East'of the Old Port Dover' Station. Desiree eats x Dp. B. BURRITT, Manager 737 of Pine and Hemlock NEW GOODS Just to Hand. Large assortment of English Confectionery ; Combs and Brushes, of all kinds --sT-- E. J. JOHNS' DRUG STORE, Market Square. Mratford, Fob 10, 1890, Tau WAGONS! 'TT OLD RELIABLE SHAKESPEARE WAGONS Still bold the fort, and are almitted to be the acd Lightest Runcing Wagons im Canada, Iron Axles, arid the Celebrated Self- Oiling Steel Tabolar Axles used on ae and Spring Wagons when Ordered, een ee fp acon pean of in hook neaity oF Seasoned Lun prepared to supply the above Wacom fot 2 g a 'oe which cannot be ex- celled and KICES BUGGIES and vist PRICES uf superior quality and finish yeon MILK WAGONS and the BEST TRACK SULEY made in Ontario, to orter on short notice, GEO. MINCHIN, "ete __A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. a Pellerin te im yet neers es ior lone slat ware 3 hand, ready at ae ILLER. is Penny Da TAKEN INTERNALLY. it ences nierr, 'PAIN-K rm, Diarrhon. (rom Pe es ouseD "EST ERS ALLY, wae' Fealds apd React i ae pop trig tere bg Pain i she e a aod Lheumatiom. the orld A toa 2S Casts ren Borme . Beware of Counterfeits and Imitstions. dnd tthe doctor ity. Seeing said w Bar- dock Blood Bitters advertised I tried it, and after taking three tottles feel per- health. - Mrs J. H. feetly Saider, Klienburg, Ont. FOR Rough of the Skia, -| buy elsewhere for 50c. Shampooing the head, Pimples and Shin Diseases, wee Prof. Low's Sulghar ARE YOU SCOTCH ? If you are, have you Kennedy's Hand Book of Scottish Song ? If not, Why haven't you? I have bought the Entire Edition, and will sell single copies for 30 days at 15c. a copy. It contains 148-N Songs. Music to most of them. Tonic Sol Fa to many. Cometearly. We have-only a limited number to sell. A. T. MACDONA LDS, 32 Downie-st., Oddfellows' Block STERLING MACHINE OIL. The Best and Furest in Canada, -- MANUFACTURED ONLY BY-- McMILLAN, KITTRIDGE & -Co,, of Petrolia... PETROL, the New Patent Process Illuminating Uil, is the best Oil in the Market, and equal to American Water White. For sale by all Frst-Class Dealers. ga) BRANCH OFFICE--At Stratford, near G, T. R. Freight 8! eds. AVOID HUMBUG. And Save Money by getting 2 Free Sample of the TEAS that JAMESCORCORAN Sells at 12% Cents and 25 Cents per Ib., and compare them with what you have paid 25 and 50 Cents per lb. for to pedlars and gift tea r |companiss. Stratford, July 24, 1889. | CURE FITS! east veer hemp poy 5 MEAN pe reTee oS ee eee ee peres Don't Forget: to Call and Inspect OF. & Q's --OHOIGE STOCK OF --.*. Crockery and Glassware, Which they will sell at Cost. They also keep the finest lines of Liguors always on-hand, including Whiskeys, Brandies, Ports and Sherrys, Tom Gins,. Holland G ins and - Champagnes, Also the Best Brands of Ales and Porters., Try our 25c. TEA, it is better than you'can other kinds of Teas in} proportion, GOOD SYRUPS very low. REMEMBER THE PLACE , Jast to hand a choice lot of Graham was | Breakfast Gems, Sdiaay Coke, Sugar Corn Cake, in Packages at 10c, O'FAHERTY & QUIRK"S | pe: es