Stratford Times, 4 Jun 1890, p. 4

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ne maar -- Tt A A TY IOC RIES A ATT ER OTT BTL VT BY ROT INRA RTRSY T= re was nominated as a joke. T Stratford Gaimes. Ahrens haa not the first quatitication for ine the position, as his mover and seconder Phe Btratford Times is published every Wed. | knew when they put him up, and to almost ees prion 41 w pe oan, payable in the last moment it was thought he would advance. 41.00 if not so paid take the hist and resign; but he is deter- Payment for the Stratjord when vent | mined to ran, to the consternation of NORTH PERTH. To-morrow the electors of the North Riding of Perth will be called upon to ex ercise their franchisee. Before doing #0 we ask them to consider, as to whether they thal in the first place the song and { their support | dance candidate ia worth There ps nota man smong st you, intelli gen? yeomen as you are, who would uot make a more iitting represent stive in the than the man who i Oatario Legislature nab he tf Times, By mail, should be made by a Pust-c itive Money k Cheque, oF Draft, or Express Bhacmiti nwancea. --Hengober that the publisher must be notifed by letter when ae ahecriber eiahes his paper stepped, and arrearages myst be pad gice the name Which your paper is #er Tike Corts have deciddd that al] subscribers to Rewepapers are held respousible ur til arrear- ee paid, and riered ta be mtin wed of the Post-ejfice to et thelr pape mo ryohe ; and . We ah t eoes we will cheerfully perrect them if you will le we t write ue a but if pou Gansét, thee write 3 3 De not qomptal any one «lee, or jet it pare nt a8 early opportunity to make right ettivements ex- d- laws A se had on appheation to hold him «i . self reaponsible tors which may appear in 4 legal The Pubiisher wil pot Td himett views os prested i Ube conist 3% Katters to the Publisher shoult be addinmed to THE TIMES, STHatroxp, Oxt if column Wapnesiay, June 4, 1890. | «'$HE TIMES MANAGEMENT:~ Some weeks sinct, we made the an- peancement that Mr. Butler had retired from his joint proprietorship in Tux Tises, amd that until permanent arrangements ahould be made, this journal would be published under the management of Mr, » Keeitl, wko had hitherto been associated with Mr. Butler. @ince making the dbove announcement, fii, Butler's paper has passed out of his bands, and Tue Times pewepaper will continue under the sole "management of Mr. E. J, Kneitl. fie great Gonscrsatiye party, which," w leadership of Sir Joba 4. Mag: ~ under th which aims at securing a good-government fer Ontariv, requires in the flourishing city ef Stratford, the centre of a populous and thriving community, an organ which Will meet fully the wants of the age, and will > be apace with 'the progress of the country, <.. edeacaticg ot the same time the interests ek the Conservative party, whose success imaltimately connected-with the welfare of the public._ _ It is curintention-to. make Tus Tus all that is required in order to fulfil this t Purpose. We intend by carefully observing the 'not usually do such things-in-thie-egey ot the oountry in all ite meee a te notice what measures are necessary to be 'taken to advance the welfare of the whole Dominion, and especially the Province of and such measures will be strenu- ously advocated by us at all times. We shall carnestly advocate whatever will contribute to the development of the material interests. of Ontario, especially theese of the manufacturers and farmers, @he two great interests on which the pros- perity of the Dominion mainly depends, and the working classes will always find in Thx Trvsks a strenuces advocate of the righta of labor. These various interests do not in reality elaah with each other, for we are all mem- bars of one-body, and when one member wafers, all must suffer with it. 1I¢ shall be eur endeavor to reconcile them so that the welfare of cach class shal} contribute to the welfare of all. Tux Trx«xs will be a strictly moral paper, which can be read with safety and profit $m the family circle. It will continue to £, Stet besnuse these are the principles which will many staunch reformers, It rests with you, electors of North Perth, te say by what majority the good natured dentiat shall be relegated to that oblivion from which he sprang Make the majority so large that it will teach such presumptious people in the tuture that a man must have some qualifications, which the present Grit can- didate hak not, before aspiring to such a position. He was elected as an Alderman, jt is true ; not that he possessed any mark ed qualifications fur even that position, but because he was # goud-natuured, hail fellow well met. It was very wrong in the first place to have him put up for even that position, We feel very sorry for the doctor, to think that a man cap be so com pletely carried away by so Jittle flattery as he has received. He will te lett at home fostudy allthe newest wrinkles in dentistry on the Sth. VOTH FOR HEds. MORE INTERFERENCE WITH MENS CONSCIENCES. A number of very brilliant people argue that the fact of Mr. Charles Stiff, one of the officials of the Grand-Trank Railway, having sent out two inspectors to ** state verbally, to the agents that it would be to the interests of the road that the Mowat Government be sustained," is no evidence of the Grand Trunk's using undue influence. Then why were the inspectora sent out ? If the Grand Trunk officials desired every man to use his vote as his conscience dic- tated, why interfere at all? People do} without having a reason for it, And the reason is, as both Sir Joseph Hickeon an? Mr. Stiff have stated, that the Mowat Sovernment has been friendly tp the Grand that there is so much love between the two, so much tenderness and yearning one for the other, why did not the Mowat Government exert its influence last winter when the men in the shops were working half time? Men with large families to support earning $5 per week? No, they did Het care" about exerting: theie-influ- ence, as they had nothing to gain. But now the fate of the Government seems. to be in the hands of the Grand Trunk men, We have no desire to influence the men one way or the other, bat we do wish to point out to them course the Grits are adopting to coerce a large, an intelligent and influential. body of men to vote against their own convic- ttons, Of course, these two officials whom we have referred to are too cute to commit themselves directly ; but the inference--*"' Ir WOULD BE TO THE IN- MOWAT GOVERNMENT SUSTAINED. ;" impression does that leave on your mind, dear reader' MEREDITH AND MOWAT. The following is from the at H i the-unfair, -npmaniy.cand_onprincipled } th Ridgetown is owned and | Canad: be the safeguard of the prosperity of the Demizion. meat in the past, and we request enll re? e _ = that they lly in the H E E il a ue i Lis bE 4 E 4 i it E i I ft 4 f vh58 t f g [ 3 i ( 2 a F- & if i i i | aie Hit k E ' : i E i EE GERMAN ELECTORS BEAR IN MIND. German electors of the North Riding of Perth bear in mind that Mr Hessis « re presentative German, born in the father. land ; one who speaks your language and who represents your interests, And it is to four interes€ and to the interests of your childreti that he should be elected. and we want to see him elected by a rons ing majority on the Sth. Do notlbe de- ceived by any faise cries of any one else heing put up as @ representative of your nationality. There ie only one and that one is George Hess; one of yourselves, representative German ood a workingnan A man who is placed in a position to know your wants and who will always champion your cause. Dear in mind that George Hees haa a long parliamentary experjence ; bear in mind that in voting for George Hess you are supporting a German; bear in mind that he ts worthy of your sapport aod worthy of your confidence; bear in mind that George Heas advocates German being taught in the public schools if French is to be continued. Kewemnen THAT EVERY VOTE t cast ron THe Ke- & FOKM CANDIDATE MEANS THaT Yot AKF OrProskd TO THE TEACHING OF YOU OWN LANGUAGE IN THE SCHOOLS oF THIS Pro vince. Every vote cast for a Grit candid ate means that you sympathize in that view of it. Doyou! Are you willing to sanction that sert of thing' Are you willing that your taxes shall go to suppurt the teaching of a foreign language in the public schools ¢ f this Proviner, while the right to teach German is dr nie tte you If yourre vote for the Grit candidate If you believe, as we feel persuaded you do, that you a8 Germans are a5 mech er titled to have German tanght in the schools « French, then vote for George Heas Mr less says if Gettian most not be tanght French shai} pet be taught a } fi the setroots, either. not be. taught in the schools, but the French language shall be taught, In the face of this, can you, will you, we as intelligent men, as representative yeemen vote for such a party? We appeal to your honesty, to your in- telligence; to that honesty cf purpo-e which has made the German fatherland a revered nation, to cast your balivta on behalf of acandidate who has at all times and occassions shown his undying love and devotion to his brother Germans When they were grossly assailed as a body and insulted by « Cabinet Minister of the Mowat Covernment, tho was it came to their defence? Honest George Hess, whom you should all vote for in a body this election. You are mostly all acquaint with George Hess. You know him. You know there is pot a more true citizen and not a more loys! gubject than he 1s in the Dominion. You know that there is not a larger hearted nor«™ in Perth. You are aware of hia misfor- tune by fire, and knowing all thir, we ask you can you in the face of it record your votes to-morruw zzainat auch a worthy - aw to's a him and support him. -- 8 ONE OF MOWAT'S FRENCH CANDIDATES MOW HE PROPOSES TO MAKE CANADA A 2 FRENCH CATHOLIC SATION volunteers, whom hedenounced as thieves, murderers and ravishers of defenceless Ht <4 4 Teeter FREES i et x The Grit party say German fahpmaiotained: itself in power by the most er ratty: be ged assimilate with the tan of have their children educated Mr Meredith, the organiste, is the enemy of our againat his min sacred to work and vote i Sactee--lown with juns. Cries of Sacree----Sac Meredith The above sperc as delivered in French and is neatt; tim report having heentaken down by of the audience, who ip perfectly familar | with beth languagen! one 22 MR. DAVIS AT SEBASTAPOOL HE MEETS WITH PNCOCRAGEMENT IN THAT USRAAN SETTLEMEST K ADRES 4 ET MESSRA SHAW AND HARKISUN 1 | On Wednesday eventing last, Mr. Davix . AC. Shaw and T. M. Harrison, of Stratford. Although Mr. Davis waited until nearly nine o'clock before he ofiened the meeting, no opposi tion. appeared. The supporters of the song and dance evidently thought it safer to. rely on the incredulity and politcal prejatices of that (in past | yeats) 'strong Grit locaity, than to expose | the weakness of their case by facing Mr. | Davis and his friends on the platform. If, however, the Ahrens party imagine that the votera in the present contest will allow any past connection with the Reform party to influence their decision, they Bre greatly mistaken. The repeated and loud applause which greeted the various speakers during the evening. shuwed that many at least, of she voters iu South Easthope, pre ferred following the dictates of their con science an-Lreasou ta siutting their ears to the convincing statements of the Mero- dith party. The chairman having been elected, Mr. A. C. Shaw opeped the iecting. Heseid that the Mowat Government had corrnpt praytives. . He went-at length into its record.. "He read ao letter that Mfr Mowat had written to one Harvey, reques- ing him to desist from unseating Mr. Dowling for corrupt practices at an elec- tion. He shewed how, when Mr. Dowling had been not only unseated bat disqaali- fied, Mr. Mowat had passed a special Act to remove the disqualification ; as he had done in the cases of several other candi- datee- whom, the courta condemned as _un- worthy of? public trust. He explained that Mr. Mowat had taken to himaelf the apS@ntment of over one thousand offices, including license commissioners, jailors, division court clerka, divi t bailiffs, &o., and that those offices should properly be the gifta of the municipal councils, as the oflicers were prectically the servanta ot the muni lity Mr. T.°M. Harrwon following showed that the French boasted that they had i ed. Preacott and and imposed upon those counties their syrtem of education, that the French civil- ization as found in Eastern Ontario, was greatly igferior to our own, and their. aati 13 Mires ous condition was he resnite. their earlier education. the pee vw by anfaceing knowledge of the English Tanguace in the sebdolr We should have a united Canadian peop., tion had'only a very small majority of the total véte, yet he -obtai -@ las majority#in Parliament. He said that the method was that which was pursued by all rulers who were determined to haves par-+ liament @ubservient to their own vin, rather than one representing the majority same way, and he deplored that so long as bers of the Church of Rome license-holders, telling them when to ex- pect the " The was closed by enthusiastic cheering for the 'Queen, Mr. aod Mr. Davis. oe: Hit f 4 T z ist ves F FFE rite Fads i | er art a EE FFE i i & > ~~ F avy tt i | * possible a Vertia- T nt The oliening. ' -- "WHAT MEDICINES ARE mOsT CALLED FOR?" deed the reporter of an old druggist. "Dr. Pleroo's preparations," he repl They sold under a« itive guar. Miee that they will, in « ", give Aisfaction, or the money is Promptly re- imnded. Pavorite Prescription,' for all wove chronic woaknesses, bervous and erangements > Wotpen, la used with nfailing succes tres weak back, bear. ag-down sensations, irrewubarities and weak- ener m4 Oo the se sniie 4 the entire system, be constant, and [ am conversant sy it." peculiar te It et = ac strenog ? sand for it isc 'ith scores of cases cured t Returning after a few mome baence. ae venerable wielder of the postie re irked, the number of sursaparilias and other, ao- al blood medicines' ia kk but Dr. lerce 4 par yy Medical Discove outer vem all and it is the only blood-purifier o f the many which I am obliged te kee : oan ay speives that Is guaranteed to benefit or are in « fo money paid "In the line of Pills.' remarked the old gen- eman, "the littl Sugur-coated * Pellets' ut up by, ce a all othe both in mount of sales an 1 general aey give my cumomers. -- Copyright, IS, by Worn.'s Dis. Map, Ass*x, OFFERED f Ca- soprietors of Dr, Suge's Catarr est . ta mild, soothing and healing pro wtlea, t ures the worst matter o Sow jong ts. cages, NO Ir tanding. By drugyista, OD cen Is ntario Going To Allow Itself to be Governed by the &, T.R.? WAYS THAT ARE DARK. And Tricks That are Vain. How the Grits Seek te influence the German Vote. In this riding the Grits are industrously distributing a leaflet printed in German, of which the following is a cupy : SPRECH OF MR. GEOAGE MESS IN THE LEGISLATURE OF ONIARIO REGARDING GERMAN SCILOOLS, lowing ia. & translation of speech delivered by Mr George Tess in vegialature cf Oatario, as reported in the Conservative newspaper, Zhe Empire, of March 12, 1859: " Mr Hess was loudly applauded on ris- ing. He asked the Minister cf Education it he would say that the German populs tion--a larger community than the French population in Ontario--had at any time made a demand for German schoo .}. He stood there ssa native born German, but also as a British sub- th i (Applause. ) not a British subject he was nothing. (Applause ) All nationalities were pl He did He did not wish to see flying above the British country. (Applause ) gious question was introduced gentleman of the opposite party, that this had of Dated the 20th May, A. D. 1890. THE GRIT COMMENT THEREON. eh W, a | And let us help you to save the the of New ~_ I, Otto S village of Ni atsherg, hounts olooad t the above f HH i i ett) I rs . Fite are i Pg B Dr. Abrens, who is reir = id oP pga onl pr lead into the dark." shows what the friends of the i My he lk ! | rH ad money. "Dobe wise, and get" the benefit of the lowest prices yet reached for honest goods. Do be wise, and the | wisest thing you can do is to get your share of these_bar- gains right away quick, - They won't last long. Only a few more of those .Dado Nindow Shades left at 49cts completé. 4 10 doz Ladies Pure Silk Parasols in Black and Colored at $1.50, regular price $2.75 and $3. _ 20 doz Ladies Silk Gloves in Black and Colored at wholesale prices. In Carpets we **> Lead. | -- Hemp Carpets at.10,124%4, 15, 18, 20, 25, and 28c, nion..Carpets. at 25, 30, 40. 45, 50 and 55c. NV ool Carpets at 65, 70, 75, So, 85, goc and $1. Tapestry Carpets at 32, 35, 49, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 8o0-and-85§e. er -- Brussels Carpets at 68, 76, * 77,78, 80, 90, $1.15, $1.25 and $1,35. __ Axminster, Velvet and Wilton Carpet "at $1; $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. HYSLOP'S Market Square, _ J. H. DUFTON, No. 1, Old Albion Bloch. Music Books. We all the best Boots. &. Smith «, ole sayr Lage y others. Our pane on vy A= Wealso eep @ full stock cf Strange & Co's Sheet Music. 'Triumphant Songs No 2," by Excell. Canadian Hymnal.". . "Sacred nnd Sols," containing 70 pees iy maar Fe os gt All the cther popular Hyma Books. J. H. Dufton, Stationery and Fancy Goods, Wholesale INQ, 1, Old Albion Blocks!

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