Stratford Times, 25 Jun 1890, p. 2

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wren rt "feeds throats well until & month cld, when throats ite of would try Xsilo l, it a thorough spplication. He Boies at once, and soon was all right William Windsor. Brinsley, Ont. died « one, which was nearly dead. ~ndbores said I Lellow Oi A St Marys ¢ which has obtained eioeaben tac Grants the name of being very dry in its jokes--stale eo to speak, observ recest issue :--'* At Strat ford the other day we observed Mr Davis aboard an east-bound train. Wonder if hé went to Toronto to "assist Mr Mere @ith from his new Government?" The | ' ghances are if he went tof[Toronto at all it | bol Was to visit ex-Hon (!) J. M. Gibson, and | ex-How () J. C. Drewry, who are reported | to be undergoing treatment at Toronto Hoap'ral. Hottoway's Pitix-~Teachings of Exper: } ene - The united testimony of thousands, exteniing over more than forty years, meet strongly recommends these Pilly aa) the bh st purifiers, the mildest aperients, | and toe rursst restoratives They never | prove delusitgy « ive. merely temp wary | felief, but 2) %ck all ailments of the stomach, luancs, beart, head, anc the only safe and legitimate way, by tO eradicahig impurities which are the roure - stitnent of almost every direate Tt médicina! «ffc cy is wonderful in ten i fog enfreble i eonstit ution: Their a] embrice ' ' in a t hold medicin i . . 3 > They reniove every u and «fete matter ; and thua the streagtu | és nurtured and the energies stimulated. ---- ---- = i CURES DYSPEPSIA, CURES DYSPEPSIA. | | Mr. Neil McNeil, of Leith, | Ont... mriteas; ; - 1 ROMOTES | Bean Sea For rar ani | years I suffered from dyspepsia | t forma, and after | rying ali tineans in my jarwe | ESN, | Eee eee ' by friends to try FOB. whick did ; | Twas compictay'curea | MEA Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION | Cures CONSTIPATION Rapid Recovery. Dean Srma,--I have trieg | -- B.B.B, with great enccesd the same B.B. B. | Miss F. Wreriaxa, | 445 Bloor St., Toronta AOE OD» , Cures BILIOUSNESS. | Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures "BILIOUSHNESS. Direct Proot. , Srns,--1 was troubled for five with Liver Complaint I used a great deal of mediciy me no taking fow Tam now well. Icaz also recommend it for the cunt ¥ A. BE. Dracox, Hawkstone, Ont Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. Cures BAD BLOOD Bed Bicod arise froa Deee "Site Stomach Z E f : f sf { if i i FF t 3 i i cia pt. itl trent riftctp Hi Gq Ee ! that I CURES DYSPEPSIA. ~ ' § Rube (the terror of the plains)--"'F yer ler yer go t' th' happy huntin'-groun's! Gimme that beffler-robe! I've trailed fer milge. "--Judge. i icmeemnmrthansnaisoesatyen Senenssnsieni The Kind of Parrot She Wanted. Young Lady {at bird-store)--'* Has this par- tot. any n¢ I Heb yt Proprietor--He can speak a little, but be's Soo old to learn anything new. (Hesitetingly)--Wouild he imitate any pounds he imight hear, such as a sneeze, or a tough, or anything of that kind! "No. |The girls were trying the other day teach /him to imitate the sound of a kiss, t he wouldn't do it." "|. (Decidedly)--TU take him. --Chicago Trib- Pan Uncle Bill--Did eh! And enjoy it, eh" Jack Doitiver--"T should say so!" ~Vacle Bil--That's strange! Tother day J took a tramp "bout twenty feet, to the front on me-and. pretty near ruined the flower bed with my frame."-Smith, Gray & Co.'s Monthly. No Time for Small Finances. : Collector--"Please announce to Prof. Penny' t Ihave called in regard toa little bill that has been running for four mouths." Servant--"I'm sorry to inform you, sir, that the professor is engaged on an article on 'What to Do with the Surplus,' and- cannot' be disturbed."--Munsey's Wvekly. Bill, Dad. Maud (thoughtfully, lookin= Bible}--" Bildad --what a nice would be for papa!" * Jessio--Why, I should like to know?" --"'Becauso we have to say it to him so many times every week."-- Burlington ' up from her name tha Change About is Fair Play. + vo 'you'got wo you cah ride' your bi- cycle!" \ "Yes, at Inst." ' \ **How was it at first" } | . "It rode me." { His Wants to be Supplied. ; - Nurse--Congratuiations! « A son-and "hel has arrived. What have you to my to that! Happy Father--Go back at once and see that he gets whatever he calls for, : A Bit of Extravagance, ' Employer--You were not at your work y. ploye--No, sir; it was a wasted day. "What were you doing?' . "Getting married, sir." . Two Ideals of Heaven, \ "Phe~ Persians heaven is eastty mae, | "Tis but black eyes and lemonade," Sang Moore, without alinding to The consistant home made brew. _ The Celtic version of the skies * Requires but whiskey and black eyes. ' t One of Its Effects. " year. . from date, ? note falls duc it becomes my ¢ Sense will ponder OVer the outcome, and their wares. | suit on a promissory note, get judgment Y. Commercial Advertiser, . for it is certainly a grandlone. wo» ogame je. bagewd de ss ektaaed, anni the skin, is Marriage Customs. Advances Agent. From benighted Indiana comes anew The amount of self-advertising which ts [ B*steres Ayer's Hatr Vigor. . This prepa n has no equal as a aden in matrimonial eooncenies that bide a eee ne eng ae dressing. It-k the sealp clean, cool, air to work a revolution in American "ae te and healthy, agi preserves the color, customs. t is one of those 's it te connected e have fullness, and begaty of the hair. fee mr bn" Saisie es sag om, a ¢ the of cay so: AB of.'Ayer'a Hair Vigor my hair one to kick himself because he was not sontains the girl who is not yet out person to patent it. The idea will be found in the following paragraph to a debut her brothers telegram from Martinsvi | grew thick and glossy and the origin color was restored."--Melvin Aldrich, Canaan Centre, N. H. " Some time I Jost all my hair in consequence of measles. After due waiting, no new growth appeared. then used-Ayer's Hair Vigor asd my w é Both are residents of Bedford, socia} su: g H x 'a Ferguson to collect a note for $6,000, ' But it is after debut 6 work which he gave her, she on 7 ber Sak the rend Fs, asan evi-).. Thick and Strong. jcceases; her gowns must be described It has 3 4 " Ferguson being a wealthy manufacturer." by them, and her looks continually barped Vigor is evidently agen eaten. In this simple plan we see the begin- upon. Besides thitghe aspirant to bellehood --J- B. Williams, athe fais wi nay ning of a custom that will rob the breach ust make herself attractive to all sortsand "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for of promise lawyer of his occupation, and conditions of men, for she mist aMways be drive the divorce attorney into other Tounded by a bevy of admirers, and im hi of at Wi th id { order to achieve this she will have often to nes ¢ practic a ven the maiden of obinit to being unmercifully bored. Nor ig the future is I most satisfactor) It is all I couk! desire, being harmless causing the hair to retain is 6 color, and requiring but asmail quantity to render the hair easy to arrange.""-- Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. "T have been using Ayer's Hair Vicor re that it has : asked for her hand and tpi¢ all It must be known to society at aeart, she will not chew the padding out large that she has rejected at least three of the shoulder of her adorer's coat while offers, she sobs out *Ye-es." She will look him To this plraso of advertising herself mo squarely in the eye and remark in crisp, well-bred'girl will acoode; but asa rule her busines+like sentences: "I see you are ™otber, or aunt, or cousin, have no sucb wo 35. 00: Pou are cotting & scruple, or exaggeration of ve Half Pry Ses tale ce inte veka fail to become known. soda 7 5,000 is $2,500; $960 plus §2.500 is #3,- seen that nocomrmon degree of evergy and ®, is § IM F plus § . * machisveliam are required to arrive at the 40). Give me your note for $3,400, blissful state of social supremacy drawing 8 pet cent interest, due one year To outsiders this state of things is painful without grace, secured by enough, but it would be pardonable if it were real estate or other approved security, conflued to girls whose merits-in some way and I will give you back the note on the aikenal it --~ Whose success eventually P " -- : achieved it, bfortunately itis pat. Almost day. you. marry. me, provided. that day everyoos ts thmiliar with the tite oF eee RURDCCK BLOG! NITTERS ix a comes before the date of the note's matur- t ae 5 \ , en . ; : _ and of men, too personal charmis meédicire made from root arke bet ity. If weare not marrial when the far from apparent, yor who continually pre and is the bb property dicate the irresistable att: action jhey exert six, consti afien enti Piiour iea- and will and I shall proceed to collect it according over the Opposite sex. . cure all bis dines» from a een tolaw, Half forfeit; play orpay. See?" Whether this is done in good faith or in p mple te the worst scrofulous sore, The advantages of this plan are obvious, the hope of impressing the hearer is not al If the young man happens to change his Ways apparent, but the probability is that mind, he knows the consequences... eis, they-are-mereiy following the" exattiple of therefore, not likely to be 1 cedlessly More distinguished prototypes, or--w _-- ar: . wy 2 knows?!--because they are imbued with +be fickle. On!y weighty reasons will switch characteristicof the - -- him from the track. nn eo age.advurtisement, and Before. entering ..--- + into such a contract @ men of common re Ise ts natural color." --Mya. . J. King, Dealer in Dry Goods, &c., Bishopvilie, Md. hyo's Hal Vig, Dr. J. GC. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by Druggtete cud Perfumers. --whose , eet known temeny for + ry Vhy yay. fancy prices for Baling Powders with high soundicg romes when ' you ean buy a first-class Tee Baier Powder for gply 200, per 1%? Waish Bro's is the place fir arg \lue ; f --- PROF LOW'S SULPHUR SOAP ix a delightful tof: larury aa well as 4 qove curative for shin discase PURE ICE. SLEET IS.PREPARED TO FURNISH A * his old customers and the pulite witha Pure @ hateromor mahty of ICR, the season. Lecve your 'orders 'kt tits 'house, Waterloo Street, Stratford, May 13, 1890. 740-3m ' sou0w out the principles of an ancestry radestnen who proclaimed the merits of Once more it must be said that 'thus many an ill-advised match, result- this trait, vulgar though it be, is excused b ing in'misery and divorce, will be avert- the obvious necessity which there is for it in ed. The lady, too, will be spared the tbe present social order, which is ready to | humiliating publicity of a breach of pro- 5T@*P4t the semblance of a thing for its mise suit, wherein nauseating love letters ity, and where it 'san unpleasant though ; ; sro | patent fact that the "non-advertising por are read in court to tickle the tisibilities ; giris- more especiaity; unless transond: of ribald yokels. She will simply bring entally gifted, pass almost unperceived.--N, | and invest the proceeds ina spring bon- : Ba iar eae algal > THE net. Nor will the coroner have so much THE RANGAROU'S FLASH TUES: 7 My todo. The young lady with a bruised Hunters in Great Danger From the Great Stratford Building , AND. : heart and a big. gun won't figure so ex- "yo 5ers Saw the Skina Are Obtained. | tensively in tha néwspayens" "A" note of Whon brought t tay; the "kangaroo <> Tes nae ow ¢ hand will supersede the revolver; a civil 'can 'ike oo i tor the , el cheat and SAVING S SOCIETY suit the coroner's quest. ries to crush it in with his fore feet. To pre- 3 _---- In the case of impecunious wights the vent this, each man wears across his breast @ same principle can be applied, though in two or three.inch thick matting. Armed a different manner. The suitor can be With a spear, with a club attachment at the ae ke compelled to give bond for the prompt other end, they ride upon swift horses into a small sums, thereby stopping interest, than can be herd. cbtained els whinre. F Persons wishimg to build may arrange for ad vances to be made to pay for the building as the work progresses. Full information may" be ob- tained from the Manager. WR, TIFFIN, D. B. BURRITT, President. Stratford, Feb 14, 1890. 137 puis SOCIERY is prepared to make advances to and faithful performance of his part of the contract. The result will be the same. Let the press, the pulpit and the bar use With the agility and equipose of circus riders, they stand erect upon their horses and use their spears and clubs. every means to popularize the new idea, able to jump clear over the hors, 'As the : 2 ; ; stretched on the ground and pegged down to Pleasant Memories. » prevent shrinkage. The flesh furnishes meat Pleasant memories Be, ies aro.a result of the for the oe dlens ia oun soediepen il 'BOOTS & SHOES. If we have such memories now, it is because of something we did before >°°tY: nee when they have 100 apiece they | Sf we would have euch memories turn back to civilization. There are twenty | "aig ' Varieties of kangaroos, among them the blues, yy anc For strictly Reiante and "Thada terrible experience with a night bered pleasantly never presents itself at mainly in wooded sectio: > . Now I night," re the first as a memory, but asa present When the shippi are the Good W earing Goods Now onppmeyos will write a sensational duty to be attended to or neglected; and hunters dispose of the skins by auction to the o to "Why!" ang ' ourinstant decision on that point settles ---- bidders, the skins being now in con- & . : : 7 st Kangaroo hunters make . "Because a nightmare is apt to make q the question of its subsequent value asa large profit, One man is known to have *", 4, "4 i ' Rider Haggard."--Munsey's Weekly, ' RCUNOET.. Doing our duty hour by hour, cleared $4,500, free of living expenses, in a LA V V SON S even though the duty be an unpleasant le r 7 'A Marri Rhyme. | a" é single year,--{New York Journal. : Sec ten years we quarreled, bes | one, is what we must set ourselves to, With jong our fighting's done; | Having pleasant memories of unpleas- Flower Pot Covers, -- ' 'Two parties to a row must ; antduty-doing will follow as a matterof It ts very fashionable to cover the And now we twain are one. i ~--Harper's Magazine, t course, when the time for memory shap- Pot or vase flowers with a silver ing has gone by. | cover either on the stand or di tabla. How England Rewards Her Heroes, | ©*Peusive purchase. Home- His Spring stock is complete and he is prepared | . An Engli jical journal publist alent nl are cally complete', Take to give the following pungent little note, show- silk and a : ing how England forgets the heroes yellow silk, the latter for the lining. Join ; } whom Tennyson immortalized in his neatly in the form of an , and Big Bargains, lyric, "Charge of the Six Hundred:" then put two or three runners about five in- "Survivors of the Seventeenth Lancers below the top; put your narrow ribbon -- THOS. LAWSON'S gy hair blows all about Lincoln till he lost three now front " heed. You must really have something 4 disabled and in extreme want; Private Sree San abso oo *-5 i: in 30 Ontario Street, to them, ok Holland, of + RO resources; length, so that the bright yellow lining ap " . Landiord-- eee the necessity for . cripple, in the Strand pears A large satin bow and ends may be --SIGN OF THE-- It would be zmlmareyout Union, London; Private Burns, of North- added ty way of embalishment A mt ofa . a Decument. ' Butler, unknown, but all aged "* described recently decorated a desire to we the prisoner and very poor for several years past." breakfast tabla--New York Evening " Sg py ok y--I mean the condemned ' dallor--He is not praying aay to-day Slo hen been ont --_ a o Time. Oa His Dignity. Dick Btrapt--"I can't Mose, po rng ater an ni aie Micenate" Weak, tak bab doce' dat show dat I do er high-toned 'n' exclusive i SPRING Our Importations ve -- | FOREIGN WOOLENS For the Early Spring Trade are now ' * Complete.' iu : '| i fl i i ites fil ut elt Ht Me Hit it i i ? gf secretary, and it is the secretary a} | Whea a summons came for the bride to visita who receives the the tee : saat i ie e sedcin * i 2 Wieden i sedi 4a saci ncianctaiaiaite a sass * A Peal : PLAY OR Pay. r ADVERTISING ABELLE. | " si sg jcacwe aa oh | FIVE MINUTES FOR RECESS. .. Invention Whteh wt Revelationtm Each Society Debutante Must Have Wer Save Your Hair ES SANAGAN gas The Merchant Tailor Room No 1, above TOL- TON BROS.' Store. Keeps a well-selected and Fashionable Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds; and Goods of all kinds. +# He stands at the head of his Profession as a Cutter. Go and see him, SANAGAN, The Merchant Tailor, Market Street, Stratford. MACNAIR, -¢ HAMILTON POW ELL. Tailoring Department | Ln our selection of Suitable Materials for the present sea- 50n,. uiore Lhe ordinary care and attcntion has been bestow- ed,-- all that the most. criticad and fastidious could desire embracing all the latest shades, ao rns and Sy prevatent = for the Spring and Summer. TWEEDS, -- Canadian and Im- ported--Worsteds, Pantings, Venetians, Meltons, &c. This Department is under the management of Mr. H. W. TRIPP, Inte of Woodstock, whose reputation and ability as a cutter and thorough practical knowledge of his profession is widely known and conceded in that locality. As a specialty, his production of fine tailoring is un- equalled. Gentlemen can rely, in entrusting orders to us, upon gatis- ~ ¥ excellence of fini workmanship, Prices. at the lowest. We earnestly solicit the patronage of car friends ana public gen»-ally, "| factory fitting and stylish garments, and thor Everyone uses Groceries, this passes without saying. Every Lady will do her own ordering, this also passes. But whilst it is true that alt must have Groceries and that every housewife will order for her own house, all the honse- s wives of Stratford do not-know tust where they can secure the happy compensation of largest quantity, best quality, and lowest prices; well this will tnjorm the seekers that W.L. SCOTT, 22 Market Street, 4s the place, and set this be cut out and have your millinery * paste it in your new spring bonnet, so that the fact will not be forgotten. He keeps always on hand a wae

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