Quick Relief for soe geo Had suffered with wail I sacl Telieved me gemerkebly Asela Torangeas, Glen Aimond Que Simon sells cheaper than the cheapest ; 60 say them ali. The Palmerton town council hate pur a Waterous steam fire engine -_ five "hundred feet of hose at a cost ee of DEAD MANS MEE Then correcting himself : * Three locks, without counting this dial _ three revolving circles beari ing I letters, A newly patented syetem. . by combinations ot letters." i ¢ tarned to the y cousins will Pe Mg said lex * we ought, I think nee what it contain, Ww here are the "M. Joratnie i invariably carried the ood Bitters; whict t owny. and I am now rk he, - he + before their arrival. * wh iD dead. , in the drawer of "Rabie mh After a moment's silence rmed, * lowering his voive : * Fins '| these keys, Cor the safe this very nig "+f it in an order om at you give me, sleur Habiot The sccre tary bowed before his new mas- ewe ; we must open... Mon- ter. And the latter was not satistied with * inventory bf What the apartments contained, He cast a glanee into the atiic and then de soon to. the. cellar,..where many large --_ "tases, filled and marked with the nan great wines of Bargenty and Lore Tea aux, made him a tome, Meanwhile, in oat ormity, no.doubt, with © the last instructions given him by his maa- ter, the valet de chambre had written to the © yom wed Séleure to announce the death . of M. | nie In So ornind, towards 10 o'clock, under papers bier nat img Jed for the performance of a pre he duty, ye Cordier resolutely aniaeed 'the tat & death chamber. 'A cloth as White as 'snow covered M. ie'a face. The ay nuns were seated by the bed, ' Prayin Secretary ransacked all ture, and in spite of the presence of the Sisters: of Charity, who were surprised and somewhat scandalized, he did not hositate nip ane his haads @ under the ay hg and bolsters upon which the dead man lay. bas -- The aadacious secretary withdrew in a state of t ihoreuah discerns ture. " Thave not found them," said he to *¥ou-have not half tooked = "Tam certain that they are not tin the room." "* Where are they, then ? " Only Clement, the valet de chambre. can tell you that; he is the only one here vce -- xt M. Joramie's entire conti- sia The old fellow has not and never shall have mine See where hols, ¢ -- . secretary started to goo $8 tga I in go with ae resumed In othe ante-chamber they found the steward and five other servants ** I do not see M. Clement," said Rabiot. ~ hour ago; answered - ward. " v here did he go :" * Up stairs in his room." ni cor has ey gone to bed," added. ne Possibly, for he must need rest very the Cn three entire with Monsieur " He will to find him , addressing a servant. the servant knocked at his toe The door opened and the astonished old valet drew back to make room for the visi-' tors. ** Leave us," said Rabiot to the servant, toa. 5 E at] 2 AYYT Pir | " ve "a ingalt an old man, one who has) master faithfully for thirty-five at 7 ; id ee i ~ Lad t tand,' et th headache, and i peas: I could think of without pr 0 My Bardock -- the. farni-® "It ig no anawered| the servant th eerie? Clement get upon 'his feet again, and perwered, sil wits bis imperturable-calm- } dear, » es tans conscience fe ve you these keys, fou took them from % Yes, and take caré not to -- any tains act of = paca er e; do not forget that I am ** Not quite yet, sir.) "Eh! what do you "I mean that M. Tenens' s cousins have pot yet been put in fon of their iv ¢ heritance r thames toe day when M it Joseph Rabiot shall ge be master in bis shall longer." rani ne wil ae er you," The heir bay itd ' am the = men tat. left. h 'im, Clement mniled and at 1 be shox uldera, ted this scene," ought it would not --_-- until to- morrow. He is in @ burry, M. Jose bh biot ; does notieven wait till M. Joramic uM buried, befoge examining the con I untlerstand ; the others + morrow, and M. Rabat "bat It would 2 do much taken irom To divide is a terrible word to "Go try the keys of the safe, M. Rabiot; ge. go! ¢ locks art strong, doors thick a l,-ahd thé letters ef the dial kee iy their 34 ahead; no one will isturb you in your villainous work. M. sa amie will not rise before you in a shroud oat * Robber!' your », lacerate yoar f tar i your erfl conduct will the seoret, be After th's soliloquy, Baudoin sat down at bis table, t tool his pen arf cdtrity began to J loseph hI Whe In the Rabiot and Henri Cordier waited all the servants had gone to their rooms, fino. sound was any longer to be heard mansion they crept into the dead 'man's study and garefally bolted the two Be dn Ts, letting the heary tapestries fall- over * them as an additional prec aution. Arm ed with tho famous keys, Rabiot iked toward the The secretary lis ht ed his way. The first thing was to place the three keys in their respective f ks, This task was neither difficult nor long, but when it came to turning the ke they resisted all their efforts. ts idently, there was a secret apring to be loosened a by means 24 one of these numerous words "that could be formed from the movable fixed-upon the the three revolving safe. cade, + ea us try," muttered Rabi he dial was a little UN _ radius, Boni x from the centre to the circamfer- tet apaepal resumed Rabiot; w March ; let us try March," He brought the letter Minto the groove ourthe largest. circle, the letter '. frome the third ci er Rohe had ke m also from the fires slrclen whe letter a sae the es circle, and the letter H from the thire Having his combination, he tried to' turn the keys, but, as before, they resiste: i, wenuty times in succession Rabiot re- ed: the-trial; each time with » wey. word men and always meeting the same failur He was as aaa boiled lobster "and out of breath, and the sweat ran down his brow and over his od t each new disap- ait nt he -- his teeth, ancl ee the door copes ris pat day did my cousin eo sick Y" he asker } i secretary. ** Thuraday, the eighth of March." "T can dono more, but yet I will Let us try the figure He tirought the five letters into place, the nays turned no more than be efore. * Thursday now, Thursday !" he said ina wens yoice, composed the word, Still no result. This time he --_--- a aredtal 'eaih. He felt himself conquered. a é could not keep his eyes off the dia | Mechanically, without even seeing them, he slipped six ais into the tg When he had read the word that "formed, he gave a lea I see bat recovered, however, and. dry, nervous ous 'Aa snapped from between " Who knows!" continued he ; "perhaps 'that is the word." His hand deol neo pray vapaloge the -- but they remained in the same Rabict took them out ina bach cht tnteeey te terating the word that n into bis own face, and ee sd ba granting. peng a geal "yea fare not very early, my dear 0 eine "hurry to notify he murmured ; Cordier, I believe that you have found the * eotisin | by his wife, and Fourel by his daughter, who had Jong-been an old -maid. them "Of course, Monsious, we shall have to "'! aa wt § continued the peasant, looking + what was it that told you nae ag Figg as maa you not taken a ¢ were in M. Joramie's room when little look at them. last." * The eRe rtigee, occurred to * being here. anything, since we me. In the yor who I had no rare to ete k to are heirs by the same title **That is well said, Cousin Rabiot; but now that we are all th se it will be all and hia tight for us to m the a "No; and will an "ie it," replied tabiot bypos titically ; we are the heirs, it is true, but- we have hot been put in possea- "And tue M. Joramie utter this word ; tion fe cannot and ought re iia the valet, bac! lectly. a movement, eyes, ain | heme g by death, rested fixedly on Yas "oy, face, We ae apg straightened up as though of B notary" ere ing inside of him "1 bel ieve that cousin is righ mah is ses no Ae eevee bw ortets At AN Fgura 5 * there must be a notary, did I not rs sto divine his thought! ey, and the product ere that we are titude of other things besule These Words convinced Pari: isted no donger. nm the whole, cousin," asked Fourel, 'at what tigure do you estimate the estate! 'Faith, I do not know; no one has thoroug shly acquainted me with our poor cousin's affairs, **He was said to be immensely 1 ventured secret." "T recall the igcident, and in picturing to my happened and waking myself what M. Joramie meant, it occurred to me that, having entrusted the keys of bis safe to ( 'le- ment Boudoin, he was reminded bint before lying z a the word necessary pen it. * Your reasoning was admi rebl ile, Cordier; you shall be well paid for thi The secretary bowed continuec 'We will immediately teat ery. But, now [ think of it, kno ow how to on the word," Lisa Monsieur Rabiot, t, who in self the thing as it ich." we have Rabiot "? do just seen Anastasia. te seph oiselle s0¥- "Wel 'ousit Zabiot,' res not "in our opinion, how much does ee Hitteen, per rhaps "_ ** Enough, cousin . farmer's wtfe ; '* say ho more, or send mie into a swoon indeed, twenty . enough," sereame you will great step tol viding it be the right one bis re is Claire, thout ane, seurity ; and cler ; M. Joramie bas 'gan asa offices Those three are the only way: "Come on." sal He started for the « room, when suddenly a ond. was he war' , saying 'We are M. Joramio's rel t ; Babs tale graphed us to cuime usmedi re We e; where is our car it rabiot The person named stood moti if nailed to the floor he mi wry face that ihe secretary could ne ot he Ip laughing. * They are here already," chal "i oor xrown very pale, and kK; y limb. Her emotiou was rk in a notary's * vat bemenet ----e ver eyes aed sanctimoni: = she the uy t zg * Twe uty tnillions , lions for ua! Having nothing more to show them, R sbiot lead his relatives back to the draw- sicly; room, where they seated themselves iat pe 7 5 and unceremoniously on the soft sofas, "© Madam versation : "We have Almost seven mil- coarse are Parizot resumed the con- just seen very beautiful things, said she ; there is nothing but wealth ere. e will each take our share, if that "They did not Seah retinte, -- you, of a portion of the linen, say nown I would not have been fy suc as a half. As for the rest of the -- it is ' ne opinion that we had better uc i2= Joseph Rabiot smiled ssaaioe iy. He had sc nt said the se words hen ** For my part, I want one of my wa the door opened, and two men and two women bustled into the room. *Ah! there he is, there he is, our dear cousin's: " said Parizot. "Each will Bet his watch, Cousin Rabiot ¢ "T have no objectio: "IT think," continue: nd the farmer's wife, "that there is no necessity to divide the furniture. It is much too magniticent for as Both together the women fell on Kabiot's neck, and he was unable to repel them, cach of his hands being held like a vive by his cousips The two cousins were flanked-- a Parizot, The farmer wore a grey felt has on hiis will estimate pe value of the rege iron-tipped -- on his feet, andover vercoa avy maroon cloth, a % Siena of glossy bine linen, The farmer's wife had brou abt out of the clothes press for the occasion, a black ya ment which she had had made some «<oszen terwear tam you or ; you share of the ficuite Madame Parizot remained si re." aut -_ E ple. .from the. = try, are not chpakte of eotinating the value of all the things here, find it a good plan, dear cousin, for us to employ oxpe rte. iusband. The cooper was rather dressed than his cousin--black pantaloons and waistcoat and a scanty frock coat, whose wrinkles and rumpled cloth showed that it was seldom used Mademoiselle Anastasia Fourel, slim, with pale, thin lips, pointed nose, clear and piercing eyes, and ang: alar throughout her person, had exactly the air and aspect -of-a- religious ascetic. --Unider the queer head-dress, which fitted ever a of her head aad covered ber cd every "he t was impossible to see a hair. Io her close r tae farmer' wite contin i 'ent, frock-shaped dress she isabel like za pole rigged igus "1 absolutely insist, absolutely, hat The two couples came sapithe, having seni shall be a sale, a public sale, at auc- met unexpectedly in the Orleans Station, * r which they explained viot, who we That's the idea," affirmed Fourel. seemed surprised to see them all. So you wish to scatter the furniture of '* Ah! indeed," said Rabiot ; ' you must OUF cousin, Wits Teaves need refreshments ; something to eat shall --_-- ta 4 Lapel ae a a a every day." be served immedia te " Every day," ech Flourel, "in acta | ly. He was looking for a way to getrid of ere." -- ered Bariset, %* thar all," seatipes Madam. Parizot, | her li more decently of business men we shall not get out tall and --_ except at the cost ot a good, round a "Well, Cousin Rablot, we stall have the oe with which to pay them," rejoined ** For amy I ree with cousin's wife and aor of what s a what will _-- hap; 4 Ob! t wot fac my \"*my wife and then hu mire the 'oa tifal things, and all the wealth it wa Come, cousin," said the cooper, " curious; we must satiafy tiem." "They "tho t no more of M. Joramie he been inthe ground « hun- "We will talk of all these at the Rehioh wan enptired and had to submit. on" end be ol have proper ** Well, come," he complete satisfaction ; the beautiful furniture of Cousin Joramie LH eet aT eees 'eee Ee é j sj SRre Un F rf : Lit Ps it af BH iE it cE 3 F Hy it " ie not to do saything except in the presence t and an tic vasly te heaven, will he not (TARIO throne, he us simple people--I refer to myself and (5° husband, ilent @ mo- MA r- ment; ¢ then shaking her head, she said in sample-Ke nes : conn: > 'Ob! if we put -- into the hands (NF. UP Miltiones" crea "The justice of the peace," stammered rbiot. "1 have come to seal the dead ets according to the law," apteten: ate. The stapefied Rabiot, rolling his big be vildered eyes, took three stepa backward. man's conchided the CHAPTER V. THE SRALA There was a moment of silence, duri ng which the two c vusins Poe their fomale relatives came in. pprararce drawed ie effect of restoring Rabi ot's self-posses- aly don," not = a beg your ut I do fi ining seals here." 't i= the Jaw; you certainly are not tonerame of ia! said he to the jus- see any necessity of {fo Be Centisven.} A Tiip to Maxitoba. Leet year I went to Manitoba on the C, . RK. tot Pert. pe Vinnipe re i wa At ow itters cure the » water of the Bolsover Ont. DAVIS & VAN BUSKIRK. [ NGINF PRS and SURVEYORS. STRATFORD & 5 ged We SfOCK «, Market and Eri Roads, Gri tees, ete OT4-ly j hate 5 constant washing and rubbing. the sealp and hair Edite? Sraatrons Toes Sin,--!I have, as you know, for some tinde advertioad in Canada and the States & preparation for the hair called © Doren- wend's Hair Magic." I have received some thovssnds of flattering testimonials from these "ho have oved it as to ite merite as eo restorative of gray or taded hair; alee as & protester of the growth, and a certain oure for Dandr om A great n y of-my correspondents as the quest On ecbhing i mjurte ia the sa to the growth of the ¢ however-- causes over irritation and removes the oily substance which nives strength to the hair. Under heat caured by Son wearing.of heavy headgear is alse in will tend to dry up t th hair, will cause dgndrall, falling out of the hair, grey o1 faded hair, 'and tinally bald. ness. Of course there are other cagies, as diseases he reditary, tendencies, &c.; but the first mentioned are the main most common, fr Dorenwend, an eminent German | bs yeician, has given to the world, us substance absolutely iof the hair, It is ade d irogaics at $1 per neces#ar now sold by all 'A. He pburn, : © HOIMTECTCRAL Tastent Plans of Po and ~ Private Bs t « pratically, and in oatettl work attached, etail A. iF tb t eh . is Hotels. Queen's Hotel CUORNER of Waterloo wae - tario Streeta, Strat aad A 2, Proprietor, nh Ly ford Ontaric _ Stratford, As lo. Lei * Commercial Hotel, soed. Ont. Samp! Tzaveliers... Liacsi 3 tabling aes attentive hostlers T. HAGALRTY, Proprietc Stratto 14, O: 19, 133. The W6-1y Terrapit Stratford, Saeere GRAY, Pro Py et Brands of Wines, Li Ales, Cigars, cto bow's celebrated Moutreal pied en draught . Stratfor?, Dec 9 1855+ 18 ly Jersey Hotel. R. ef bing and Sagara Streets, Toronto, West J 3 DOYLE, Proprictor. Pest accommoda- thon for Traveting Prvite. ; te: +tit happy to meet hie ft the ) Queen C city Royal Hotel. RKET square, Stratford. Every accomm: eon for the Travelling a First =~ Alea, Cigars. Larvest Stables in the City. OHN M. ATT, Pe roprictor. Stratfora' dane 20" Lisetaiadl moda- Large MANSION HOUSE, Stratford, JOHN M. WILSON, Puor in the ¢ Stratford, re FOF pe ber th oT ESTALLISHED HOUSES RA : per day. 11th, ben. _ TM-ly The Stratfora Hotel. C= _ oe OF HUKON and 6r.. MICITARL etrecta, ol tted th ut, and is now pre yaset to tut tor a and all con bar is supplied with | the om eiling public. ewe in connection. mn Abe, Wines, _ Spiritaous oe Temper- eacall. M. F. SULLIVAN, nena ON TA RIO. HOUSE, | t | | " Tent ve receipt of addreas, "fee that each raprer bears - seal and signature of the manuf "en ce to any A. neice NWEND 10: ¥ gmt. Sorento, -- , April 22.90 Medion. .D. M. F RASBR, --At his Residence on Downie 103 and Toront crnice Stratford, Oct 10, 1883. 405-14 J.G.YEMBEN, M.D., LDS. Or "Fi = Waiket Pivect, Stratford Oat" Stratford, Jan . Bist, 1890. Taely _ D. D. GOLIS, M. D, OM. FFICE.- ces Pore orth's Drug Store, Market Street, Stratford Stratford', May ve ie). 7io-ly Drs. HIPPLB & BIDT, D3 arate, ee us Block, Market Square rel A. B. AHRANS,L. D.S., DENTIST, AS REMOVED to the New Building ow the Office over Express ratford, Nov 13, 1889 . 876-1 __Dr, W. = ROS Sea oans )PFICE HOURS: --From I2 noon to 2 p. m.; Sp. m , end vee to Dam. Office sleet Block,; Market Street, tario _Bteatton, a 15, Ised DR. B. B. HAWKE, G® DUATE Trinity oni omy. Pig Trinity Boating ber o' Physirians ur tario, Sehoves Hospital and Tolye lista, New eae Bacarra College ne Sane 4 Orrvcr: Indian Block, Market St., opp. City Hal} N at office. Stratford, Oct. 22, 1880. YY ETtERINARY SURGEON. Office.and Infirm ary : House and Mansion House. Livery and Boarding Stable in connection £2 Office bce pon day and night, ly WM. STEELE, bg Use Beroag 8." Condition Pow- 1ers for loss of sppetite in your horse ena es age rae oa yards Yellow Ol Ibis & sure ath chapped hands, swellings, sore throat, Sis Geo Ward, Josephine P. O., Ont. amen Be ors the throat and with the Of Tt cever fails, At i= ge "V- Ontario College of | Bu has removed his office trom Veterinary Sengooee) he ntario Street, Stratford, sext to the Queen's Hotel Legal and Financial, -- B. SYDNBY-SMITH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c., Idington's Stratford, March 5, 1889, @87-ly Oa SB. 3. HARDING, Mensnahn tant ea os Senay @. Ww. La' Masket W. MOWAT & SON,