Stratford 'Times. Bho Stratjord Times ae a woo ished every Wed peeday, at the citice, winds - scription price by #1 oh per Lag enn, parable in advance. 9.50 if hot #0 _ 4 for the Stratford pone atineld Ke mate £0 5 Post Order, Bank Cheque Money Order, srontinuaners -- =maaweenber that | the panmenee must be noti letter when » subseri wiahes As | paper | stepped, and apreaienet ioe he pant afohiet when rent oney xpress Mlnays give the the name of the Post-office to which your paper is sen' The Courts have decided it all subscribers to held responsible until are (ye; and their papers ordered to be . ) does exeryone ; and thes: if you will we xont-eats epee us a ble rod: let it paw. nity to make right y do. ments Ad. to will pot hold himself pupeernle for any errors which may appear 'oe a naib] will not hold himeelf responsible for views in the contributors columa "Adeortinnments specific meerted until fortidden and charged wiscievaee dvertiacments ee: A shalt weaeh- tie "oie ty : epee anda yeas attatest to (ensure pa ptic Stion it - ee aug of contr: act ad Avectivernents sbould a change will be en esha the TAs Name and-Addeves of the writer must gerompany a nr ie not for publication, __ but as an evidence of { Ketters to the Publisher should be addressed to [ B "THE TIMES, Srnatronp, Ont. Telephone No. 21. Weonespay, JuLy 23, 1890. a = oven = ------ a =-- wend TO OUR FRIENDS. "Peis now neerly three mopths since Tue Times came solely under the seawrat of the present Manager, and we think we ean flatter ourselves that so far from hav- fing lost anything ia pid or interest, it 'fas improved exery. respect dur: 'the "interim paeeee to through the excitement of a genera elec tion. Our cause lost, both in this country and in ihe province generally; but this is an event which should not depress us, best era See armics. had been more decisive than it has been,it should rather impel us to new efforta e with increased energy, than lead us to deapindency in the Conservative cause, knowing 2« we do that we-are contending for the welfare of the country and good ernment. es) the election campaign it will not be denied that Tur Truss rendered good service to the Conservative cause. We have, indeed, received the thanks of the leading members of the party both in this esti -- outside for the energy with conducted our share of the cam- Be sonny to the electors were made and we tis "prs shen ord reasons sense 20 wan af Cyt te iaeehiiies supported. In this country, however, influences were at work to which we have = -- to make special reference now, but were so powerful that patriotic bein s could not prevail against them. Re power ofthe whole Ontario govern- ment was against us, and corrupt means were not Wanting to inflaence the election, and it went against us by a small -- We shall have before om! another con- Dominion lorty yeors directed the ship of state. is neediers to cay that it will be necessary or all o our friends, and paar ogee for the atives 0 aunty of Perth, to have airorgan which will -- the cam- tory to t contest with It is our firm deter- government depends. y to perform, to contribute his sha) towards his country, and that duty he eannot fulfill unless he be able to cast intelligent vote. It is by constantly read- fing a weil conducted journal, such ag we iptend Tre Times shall be, that he will be able to fulfill chat duty. We make this therefore to all our friends to inter- est themselves in asing the circula- zs. We hope-every elec- this to and has at heart your interests, advocate them without fear or compromise, Sabscribe out a moment's delay. We must aad ,sthough the present mana- has had-some years' experience in eu through his alliance with T " . bis present effort to conduct it 5 in a position altogether new, and entitles him to -- ec sey ta Ae of of the existence which cighis wer the hands of the losses are ag pig ren egg upon of his own lighilities. For this Allbour subecribers new and eld may r upon that they will have fall value ic thelr ans nual sutecrigtion, by receiving trui y clean Lancoe at { r family re oding, as wre lias one win 6 cate %! ests of every y clase in the eosumiunity ery Te oo you _ swan J. "ks EITL. nO TUE BERETS Hu Wet. TRIAL Mr. Oster Will Prosec cute The Eminent bagged onte OC, wut en gd the Crow aerenany ys Tria Mr B. B, Usler, Q. 2C., has accepted a re- tainer to conduct the prosecution in the Gue againat J. Rex Birchall, now in jail t Woodsteck on the charge of murdering = ung Benwell, The trie! will begin Sept. 18, before Mr gen pene ey nee e ago _ would scary he ly antend Birchall, Les believed that Mr. ieee Meredith of oo don will be the counsel for the defence. MH OSLER AT WOODSTOCK. Woodstack, July 16--Mr Osler, in com- pasy" Sr-Ball,-the Crow n Attorney © of | | Oxford, Dective Murray and Mr William Davis, C.E., paid a visit to the scene of the y afew days "60 inter- sae mrviety until Saturday last, when Mr Rabb to Woodstock gave the names volts fons young men who were aa the swamp at the time. of these is now in the States, but the cher one is still here yand will be be called as « witness. a WONDERFUL spoiling INTHE SKY. Racing Pigeons deing Trained the Detroit on Races. me Several venowned od breeders are already training champion homing pigeons for the Detroit International Fair and Exposition exhibits and races. The show of these beautifal birds will be ey large and fine. B the famous breeder affalo and various other ints. Mr Burnham will exhibit his method of train- He wili being bh an 72 0 fo: with his Crazy Quilt, w ize-in New York, This bird is a and lue spotted, His racing birds a w being trained, and flew from Fort Wi dct Indianapolis, The eno ite 8; a Kor Wayne, = ; Bryan, 150; Dandee, 210 ; Detroit, 245.-- Detroit Tribune. a ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. List ore Soecott F Fa at the Btecent Fol tio. successful ad number required to. WAR 367, half of 'en total. One nendeal and thirty six pupils wrote, of this number:58 were from Stratford "public Schools, 14 from--Stratford Seperate Schools and 8 from rural Schools: Grayson Alexander, Stratford P. 8.. owing is the list: list of pupils who werc the recent aye 's, The o . Crerar, No 2, N. emit re John Dillon, geatlord bce oy Fred B. Deacon, Stratf Charles Eule. man rofl dt. Andrew Easson,U, "No. No eX. Hasthone an Arch J Finch, Stratford P'S Alex W Fisher, No 8 N Easthope. . Peter Gibso Samuel ectite: Stratford PS. Andrew Monteith, 4 > MeMillan, No2 N Easthope: 446 Lundy Nornabell, Stratford P'S -438 John C Patterson, No7 N Essthope. . AUG Arthur Rogers, Stratford PS 386 Fred Rogers John Ruppert, gt 7N N Eas Juncan Stewart, No 1 N Easthope , . Edwia Seiferle, Stratford Sep Sch.. J Ed ae Hearne Stratford ng, Stratford P 8. " eee aa Maggie Cast, Stratford Public School 303 Maggie e Callin, Nol N Easthope.... 488 hae pete NO2 N er e+e --400 Dansmore, Stratford PS Msgs | Dunseith, ai 5 Downie.. ....317 Nellie G Edward, No 3 Downie 495 Ethel Fuller, Stratford P 8 'O Fraser, ae Lena Hall, Mary E Kell Clara Kelly, Agnes W Mills, Stratford PB.....++349 Mary McTavish, 'loasie C McKow Lizzie McKellar, Roaa, "Katie Rowland, . Ch: 1 Stewart No. ' N rah 358 Amelia Strale, Stratfor Bella Stewart, ' Bertha Shore, 373 a eA Sith, U No SN Easthope Hi 2 ane Scott, No 3 Nellie Spence, Stratford RS 30 Eliz E Thompson, U No 6 N Baste & pil Lizzie Giant No 9 Downie ......-. Maggie Taylor, No 9 Downie | Olive woes "Stratford PS. Emma Watson, Stra -- PB ives : Mamie Wood, No 6 Downie.......... a oe How to Live Well. 100 doses for 100 cents, Burdock Blood a ta ache? Take Burdock se = uy impure t---Take--Bardock; Are you Costive? Take Burdock Blood Are you Bilious? Take Burdock Blood Bitters, Dyspeptic? Take Burdock tere Blood that Mr} tion | of L opened, | and | Pep EPYSA § E TORY OF A TRIPLE CRIME. Ie INTOLTES secRDeER, ARSON, AnD. A SIRES INFIDELITY Arrest of « Young French Canadian Woman Near ton, whee is Aecenes arine Conspired acti Hor ian a te Kut Her Husband and » or their Mf Conceal the Crim (New York Daily Sun.) A report from Boston of a recent --_ tates that a fine-looking French girl 21 years old, is in the cus Pinkerton detectives of this city, charged with complicity in a horrible crime in Wolfstown district of St Francis, two years ago, a crime which involved the marder of her husband and the crema- of the body to secure his removal. The husband was. shot by the brother, but managed to run out of the house. The brother followed, firing two more shots, and cut him in the neck. Then the wife and her brother dragged the supposed to the house and placed it arieees tor mattresses, and in order to cover up eu >; the mat were set on fire and the ne was abandoned, the husband was only stunned by the bullet, 'an the tierce pain caused by bt him to his senses in time He crawled to the house of bis neighbor, and soon his wife sought the shelter of the same roof, © was a acene when his wife caught a glimpse of her husband's face. 'The husband died a month later. charge his enced pyre, The papers could not be evel ed For two years e hunted for her all over New England, nine recently she rested in a little New. Hampshire village, | oe Such are the principal features of the story which has few equals in the crim- inal annals of the country. The crime was committed on July 18, 1888,in Wolfa town district, St France, P. Q.. The mur farmer -- Na- Mictre!;-who-had married Lid Montague, only five months before, Remi Montague, = ther of Mre. Michel, lived ina neighboring village, but had spent much tine at the house of his sister and her 'buy me ae r was a ejeated trom the house y the hus! On the night of the "on Mishel nad hi his wife had gone to bed, when a rap was heard at the door, Mic hel al- mitted Remi. Together they sat down and talked, and in a few ee Mra Michel came down and talked wit! sioeteges'2 father a in the United Stutes, and Hemi-La- Montegue quickly explained hie visit by ae that he had heard that Michel's father had returned the talk went on, several por Soon Remi waa obliged to o house. W hen he came to consciousness acta was lying on his back. From, behind his ear lood was oozing from a shot wound Streams of blood came from in bis neck, and across his left wrist there bia a dye dow cut. . The assailant had thrown mattress on his victim, and had he hay in it. Hees flames were creeping along, and be- fore Michel could regain his strength his ir ard were burning. With great difficulty hearose, t win to get to the aa of his Moentine s sug Be Fo ened apdyall that w ge aks, Remi had Jiearpecred, he Michael's wife had _-- at the house of another neighbor. Gosselia at about la. m., waking that lady up. The latter, not noticing that the buildings were all ablaze, asked what brought her to the house at thattime in the morning. and her attention was called to the fire, Mrs Gosselin inquired how it starjed, and Mra, Michel replied: **From-my. husband's pipe, who smokod in bed: She said that two trunks were saved, but did not appear to be much con cerned on account of her loss, » She ask rs, Govselin to accompany her to Boucher's house, but as Mrs Gossel- in was alone' one of Boucher"s daughters who was staying that night with Mrs Go siein, went wit er. On the way the continually mourned the loss of the "5 woman Co _ 309 --_ and also said, speaking of her hus * (He saved two trunks, and afterwards went back into the house, and he uttered a» loud scream,.and I really believed he was Samned ie in the fire. Poor Nepoleon he is in the fire." When they got to Boucher's house she saw her uncie, Napoleon Michel, lying down in a room just off the kitchen. Mrs Boucher orn that the firat words Lida uttered : "Why! my husband here?" aan then inquired, with no pee "Does he peak?" attitude, tg are retired for the night. During ments to varketss 16 members of the family us ae the origin of the fire and as to how her band =~ wounded. When she got to she eeiniealen had on boots, all laced, which shows that she must have taken. time to rese # raghndpe st 'ah aa with only her 0 wn that ie hrokbat Rout had been house; that she heard the trat shot, then ran out of the bento through the eetton She fainted, and when she state came to the house was on fire e. Montague was accused of ie murder- ously aasulted him. A warrant waa is- sued, but could got be ed becir as Remi bad disappeared during the night. On the same day Michel was examined, and under oath gave Be facts aa above stated. € Victim of the crime lingered until August 15, 1888, and for twenty-seven days ofnonourishment. On the day he partook m following his death an inquest was held rdict rendered "that the said Na- in Are loent's I cent : dose, = dose, Burdock r ¢ Fy Sores "of a em. At the same vers Sishat'e father arid La fand.ghe work £5 out foral spitton for 20cts, a large pitcher for Scts; | who waa then at the point of "ee was / Lida La Mot vatagne was tried in Sher- SSS, for murder, and ge sie ar se seridesuly see rot tT : fee tes. c=, The med torend to the gallows that the gnoet who wai'not punishment beep different a ages ver- dict would have give' Remi Montague, after the mequittal of his sister y with ont, who pretended + him to the authorities to get the rewardvof $1,000 offered by the Canadian Government for the apprehension of Kemi, He ha@been in jail since that time, and ia to be t#ied on Oct, 1 on acharge of murder and argon, As #6on as Lida heard of her brother's surrender she disappeared and reached the United States. The provincial police searched for her for a year, and then turn- ed the zase over to the Pinkertons, Super- intendent Cornish of the Boston agency traced her to ergy Junction, and a watch was set, but she escaped by a secret exit, and was ost in the woods. A ago she was again seen about that same house, and when se She will be turn over to the Canadian police and will te tried for arson. The brother's trial on the double charge of murder and arson will Login at Sherbrooke on July 29, It is med that after her acquittal of the charge of murder she sought to throw the blame-upon her brother. ----_----<+ « = --_____ "THE CLASSIC HUA," Life and Scones in and About the City. Another foundling has turned up near Millbank. . crowd sat around the festive dauitton Club Monday even- were a few of the personal Skinner, of Woodstock, who grere dining him previous to his de- partare on a three years' tour around the world, twein, the Berlin. man. with seven wiveg, has been sentenced to seven years in Provincial -Penitentiary, ~~ tie mar: ried His first and lawful wife. Catherine W vols some thirty years ago at Berlin. still resides in Wallace Township, Wark on the St Clair Tunnel i is going on thea days with an expedition that speaks elogiently ot the abiity and caution of the #ngineers and --- authority. If things progress as they are doing less than two gnonths will fin 1 the shields in contact nd: ping hands the rivet The Woodstock Drivirg Park Associa tit have arranged for a three days pre. grate me on Monday, Tuesday and Wedees ayg:lith, 12th and 13th of Auguss, for purses aggregating 81,500, = " ee "Vigilant Care, Fix: lance is necessary against unexpect- imktacks of summer complaints; No rethady is so well-known .or, 80 successful in cas of diseases as Dr Fowler's Ex- tradt id ae Keepitin th heme asasafe g . . DALTON'S FAIR! The American n Novelty House. SCISSORS! SCISSORS! ; SHEARS! As a special-inducement we will offer a fall line of polished steel scissors and shears, if you now or ever expecy to need a pair of ecissors,now is the golden oppor- tunity to secure a good pair for a mere trifle, not cast iron but genuine polished steel, We still have a guod selection of those best linen oil blinds, these goods are worth $1.00 atany of the regular prices, but as We-have promised you a rouser, we will offer you the lot for 89c each, not the price for ordinary paper shades, they can be sponged of when sotled and -will-look as good asnew; 6 good shawl strap for l4cts. s a regu! ar. We shawl atrapf woOcts, nickel plated haadle; A good bird cage for 49cts, and a beautiful brass cage for $1.35 The best garteg webb elastic t rubber dress shields only Ifcts, } ene dezen laces for five kid curlers only 10 cts perdoz. A good fine tooth comb for 3 cts, and also a pool pg comb forScts; tooth-picks Sects . package; a large variety of feat her Susters and socheap, licts, up; a large bottle of machine oil, note this price, only > best English web halter foe iSetey : ag! aur pimp ein for 10cta; base balls and Iscrosse sticks reduced down below cost, to clear the lot out; omen 1Qcts up ; great slaughter of rices onable goods going on now; preserving kettles glass fruit j a covered market baskets, berry pails, watering cans, &e, &é, cheaper than the Jae jelly tumblere 3cts, each ; ® good--curry comb for 7 cts, also a7 foot buggy whip fo for Scts; don't allow your house to be run over with mice when you can bay a good trap for ve Bensons best satin gloss -- in a chromo hie. only. Sects per il; 4 lbs be - lanudry starch ina cartoon b x caly Scts perth, the hest pre We have decidéd to give our customers |: 7 bars of the beat Electric Soap in the world for 25cts, note this price well; fall 3 lb. bar " family soap for 12cta, this "soap --is-ofa q weight, two bars ot monster laundry soap or Scts; all toilet soap 20 0/o cheaper can aght elsewhere ; we have also a large stock of rockingham ' or browté: earthenware, splendid tea-pot for lOcta,, and a bo cts each, iamond. mop stick dn brash holder only ldcts; we are a & good line of American glasaware, latest styles, corn starch. be pared corn starch Qcts per Ib. NOW FOR------ . Immense Shipment 09 Straw Goods "TO HAND. CANADIAN sTRAWS at 5 Cents. oe Biny Hats a es were lie soys br " Boys' 30e., Children's Sailor Hats at 50c, were 75c and $1.00, DRESS BUTTONS, at Sc. per dozen, were Sc. aun] No GLOVES AND HOSIERY ----WE OFFER---- ©: SPEGLAL BARGAINS | HYSLOP'S Market Square. {mporter Dry Goods and Carpets, ~ WATCH FOR HOFFMAN BRO'S & BLDER'S sGrest Reduction Sale next "week, ' 4& Somethirg new in the sale line. Int eres ting to all, Hoffman Bro's & Elder, -. 64 Ontario-St CLEARING SALE or PLANTS -- ~ GREENHOUSES. During the next 30 days, in order foe winter flowering ta, I var m: Geranhi be alotof ru class ete., at aivwes that will carprve 3 you bbish I am tryin: Com! Stratford, July 23, 1890, 780 tt HORSE FOR SALES. set en riving mare kind a centic, any tad can drive ber; sound. Apply "6 4 Wie ae i oetmaater, Stratford Jaly 3, 1800. PUG FOR SALH. ARGAIN S| Cash and ~ On ne Price. Bargains in odd garments, Coats and vests more of the pants. boys sizes, all this season's goods, the balance of the suit where the coats have been prices. suits to choose from, mostly our Own make. That is where our ready-mades differ from most ~other ~clothing, better trimmings, better mak- ing, all cut and made on our own premises, our printed Our $14 suit to order is not equalled, plenty of pat- terns to choose from. Lots of cotton clothing for hot weather wear, coats and coats and vests. Cvats, 68c. up, coats and vests, $1.75 up, terials, shapes, prices right. CLoTHEs, NISHINGS. 7 Market-St., Stratford Ont. BUSIEST "erhaps in our store Gepartenent, which is avi d we pecoerk: five the best of is cpa to our cus- tet end Ae means two things, viz., goo material, dnd Jast but not allleast, competent workmen. " a oe to fine watch repairing and satis- ey it Palais; Se y cate Dy us, soax WELSH, In the matter «f theeste estate of Rob-rt late of the Township Sf Biles : pay county of Perth, yeoman, deceased. Pursuant to the provisions Chapter t statutes of yon 1887, section be a nae parties ba teks neaioet te ait ii ty 5 k t & "al § JOHN PEA PATRICK RELLY, Dated this 16th day of July 1900, *™ -- "MISTAKES MODERN ol ott cel on Christian Bt and aimee -- 'ol. Annee Cal free. SPECIAL. EN DUCEMEXTS. Address Rev. Geo. BR. x theese ees Ingersoll, enc going to Chicago, Sign Writer, Etc., Ts prepared to fill all orders for all made from the cight ma-_ Straw hats in all the latest. W. J. BUYERS, Men's, youths' and . ~psold_ 2-3. to 3-4 regular} Full lines of men's, ~ youths' and boys' complete" guarantee with each garment, x Thornton & Douglas, -- Hats anp Fur. *