, be 5 ct , aoe Smee TR Bs is «> ms nat a MM mn i 1, pete she said'to herdelf that if this catas-| - Always crooked--The Ictter 8. ne trophe was to happen she did net pro} 4 .. The dox looked at her % father wistfully, | Pa ata poaks.of COP ee" Rammary Puntebment. TYPOGRAPHICAL WIT. pee In the matter of tolerating social nu wal The Deg and the Lan di sschita lade hadhence prearosbie Sts E hemard-ph edstiont pedigree, carefully trained, and in all respects of well nigh tor Will Appreciate. ideal excellence save for ote fault: he' A rapid comp will distribute more let- woul i lambs. He was "beaten, he ters'in a dagthane mail earrier can dia was imprisoned, the body of the latest tribute in } month, although a com lamb which had fallen' a victim to his Points Thst Every Practical Printer-Edi- £80063, Aipericais arg accu of "being t people, bu a very long sufferin ever their own pra tie be ready to.cry: rve every case like 'the fo hk P wat ogee bas to read all cf bib letters before cis- of which comes fr fury was fastened afound his neck as a tributing them. Fortanately for some read --_ ope sat eet ' ary : mdce of shame, but all t no avail. His peo} ple (married and: sing sley, mail ear S074 ¥ Shas oth uth a ds Out of Als nistreés conqluded that it was impossi- riers are not cogeicn aa te » do likewise, 'tee# pi : an ip ie nitig Spero. jle 'to break bira of hig faalt and that Like mail carriers, c omps | are Hable t - elit _ pre done Soa oh oe shé must sell him. drop letters into the wrong Wx, occa ne a ag * is emcee niniert in th While matters were In this etate a sionally. ble--¥ es tome "al ered d = Iriendiy farmer-who had upon some Oe, Questionable--Y? " - . : * tagion got into his bead the fact that the! . Circular letter--O. the a pot a smoking carriage," said An open letter--C, Fowhense+A hen coops Tailbearer--The letter Q. | "Tm not amoking," retorted the new 'comér, "Eodure say my cigarette will Casgmates--P rinter friends. keep till we get to the next st: tition." "Tobacco smoke makes my mother ill, that her dog @ fall mponsthe lamb) Compositors abé the only class of mach ' and tear it ia 'reeh finib? but having who work hard and take their c's at the. -- Dmust ask you to put out sour clg . in the past -hed satch experience with sasve time, and who set standing/ nis 6 taistresé was fond of pets sent her! wy coseet, all gay with ribLous and | 'ooking as innocent 4s innocence itse Af. | The lady was in on She expected | "Tn not smoking, and I shall not do | The long and short of it--I and T. Good printers dre never hard Qises Never counterfeited--Printers' quoins. Cc oP yperfaced types of mankind+In- j ! '«Then I'D. make youl" said tho lad, 1 Fis face had grown pale, and fis lie rose the other put aut a forniidable fist which would probably have crippled 'his oppo- Double leaded articles--Cannon loaded nent. With grape and canister. And now a strange thing happened. gideutly req ta tear) A printer's parse is never jo fal) bur The berly arvise tt ad hitherto remained vthe pretty innécSnt, " Tas slie sternly, what it has 'or more co! quite passive, but henow prodiiced sonia atiook her head and departing left the| There is this differ erence be oreo a pio thing which glittered in the sunlight: pair together on the lawn. iter and a sprinter: One works with his there was a click, and the young man She is willing to admit, now that the fingers and arms; the other with his spe with. the cigarette was qeurgy hark trial proved successful, that she had no/and legs. -- 'on wit idea that it would, and that she expected | A printer may strictly observe nol i pick up-Four cigatette and +o find the lawn strewn with the dis-|gokden rule, but the steel rule that fits throw | it out of the window," said the membered fragments of the lamb. When |the megsure of his composing stick is off Sauire." who proved to be s detective \ few hours later she returned, however, more interest to him. dressed for same ing ork. "he dog was found to have taken the Pied typo is something that printers The cigarette was Climafly picked' up lamb into his especial favor and under dislike; but when it comes to pied ¢ chick-| with both hands and dropped out of the dom," He-Isy down 'en, or even Pes veal or mutton, the case , window, Just then the train rolled into itabout, different. a station, and. the young pose to have jt pokiponed 'until she be- | came deeply attachdd to the newcomer, | and so deliberately led the lamb up to the dog, said to him that it was her dias lamb, and directed im to watch it. | vith it, he follow: iis y ohare become uncommonly fond of it! _ When opposing armies come ing. ery sorry--won't. do it in-- na way not a t all allied to flict is generally decided in favor! had no idea"--was given his liberty, 'hetinets. In aint thelamb and the dog lof the one that forces the other to 1 | which, he hastened to use by slipping at decame the closest of friends, and as long |alter the greatest amount of oe Weald want om ave the carriage.--Youth's Com- us the two did live they continued to/|ter. Twell together in "affection: At aroller skating rink a short time) Killing Hie Stomach. And theremarkable part of phi tale is sr | typo attracted considerable atten- 2 "Give me_a great double barreled, pe | by his gfatefyl and difficult, babel bay ee fire, back action, drink / of soda 6 ery" ménts, "Nothing étrange," said one of! gnd phoaphgte," ordered. jp customer chrantur, [the audience, "fora printer ta be abhome} at: Keeshan'salrug store "Do with the rollers. you know what this favorite of yours is A "sub" with a battered nose, on en-} doing for you?' asked--the venerable wag & sane the other night, was druggist, as the customer drained his asked w ho had slugged him, _ 'A fellow iHing the nausea in my stom-, arsine coral alae arkod whe he he replied, "and to save/ach," was the reply. "Yes, and it's Chopin's Method. mine i's, I sacrificed mine o's." That put/ killing your stomach, too. Some of Bend.-has.-given..us.a_vividla".. to furth Detroit! of these days you'll want it copper ebb of Chopin's conscientiousness as) Free plated, and you'll want in vain. Phos- sconrposer, "He sh Senter | Shs inated Yo Xb ienati Jd tal -oom for entiré days," she says, ""weep- - t aft f ill L WI Ww ng, walking about, "breaking his pei, re There be stands, the guide, or postboy, rp Pg 5 eat A. shad -- and -- a bar see handired Ie youth upon whom'depends the trav-) the mftammable ends of thatches were a peek hae: eler's comfort for the next stage. The verance , ~ sober, Rood EEE BE: iu Tae, walain 'case of similia similibus che was_at once and forever cured | if his vice, and his fond mistress relates this parva to admiring friends with ming- ed. pride and affection,--Boston Courier. ner interviewing: beginni read" Cemperate Te spent six Weeks over 4 single pa page, \ebarpa the ner-and Lose "amie antl renowned ered i mly to go back and write that which he, friend ofthe trav eler w horides post in the] one your stomach just as alcohol would iad traced at the first essay." (Oh, mod-| east. Heis ready toamuse his temporary} i¢ ysed in exccss, You feel benefited b rm composers, read and Jearn!) As re-) 'master, to tell him "the Jocal gbssip, to | it now, but if you keep on +n time wil cards his creativeness, George Sand says quote poetry tohim, and do his: duty to! Qome when you will wish that vol had hat it descontied upon tix piano sud-the traveler and to the horses under wg) come heard 'of phosphate Of course ienly completely, sublimely, or it sang Charge to the best of "his "ability. Nat} we selLit be ait teas isa fuolish © , teelf in his head during his walks, and! urally egough the Persian postboy PF! for it, but 1 advise no one to use much oi suade. baste to divas. it by. rushing to, fers the goc iety of the native 'servant tol o¢ the flery substauce.". "Should © be instrument." ave already men- 'tliat of the foreigner, his inaster... The, itat-all?' 'In moderate uuntities just ioned the fact iat when he wrote bis traveler-who is not-io a-hurry is his de-' s¢ter a full meal it will A cinema ae ast mazurka he was too weak to try it,light, but if, thouman who posts is really but beware of using it in'excess oree ve m the piano. -In one of his letters he anxious to travel quickly, the postboy! empty stomach for if you do that or ni heing.xeady, ip-his rice ener occagion and. honestly doce 'will weed half saling' and_heeling ph a ere tay' Li Teecatscts! indicate that he composed Courier of Lyons, the gentleman in the aes "canst oa } nentally, although, no doubt, during! Jack boots, the beribhoned hat, the red he improvisations many themes oc- Waistcoat and the laced jacket. To tell| i902. The original roll, which is said to have Horses in Scotland, _urred to him which he remembered and; the truth our postboy is not oroamental, | | been kept at the herald's office, has disap' ttilized. Some times the pictures in liis' He is-shod with great wo leather! aind became so vivid-as:to~ form -real slippers, and his legs are swathed in, rae a at psc my of vallucinations. Thus;it is related that coarse woo len bandages bound with'the beginning of tho Seventeenth cen- me evening when he Was alone In the goat's hair strings; in liew of the tradi-!tury, The rplls of the horses illustrate lark trying over the A major Polonaise, |ti Ke peli 'is vhich he had just_coupleted, he saw , blue cotton peljamas; a jerkin of gayl he door open, and in marched a proces- (col lored but time worn and dirty chine pernete e i ee ih aes killed, ion of eae knights and ladies in asleeveless sheepskin jackct, hair side) the owner might claim its price. The "7 iwaitiaa val costumes--the same, nodoubé, |inward, ani a bemispherical felt skull} }orges entered in the rolls are described hat hisi:uagination had pictured whilejcap complete his costume. -- His waist is] either as chargers, or hackneys, or as .o was composing. He was so alarmed girded by a bit of cotton cloth which! being of a Welsh breed, or ie dis- at this vision that he fled through the forms his girdle, and contains his frugal tinguished simply by color. The highest wpposite door and did not venture to a 'flap jack" or loaf of unleavened | price at which achargeNs ssessed seems return. Another illustration of there toon nal perhaps a couple 'of onions. 168 be 7 0 marks, whicti, consiaaaia the lation between genius and 'insanity,-- |The postboy always po gs A his food with! Resin power of moncy with Fae t Chopin and Other Musical Essays--/him, for as often as not at the next! to other articles, was certainly a nee enry T. Finck. stage nothing is to be got but lad at gum. William de Ferrers, who follow red times even not that,--Good Words. ; teek . Old Fables. An Egyptian fable states ogo on pen The House of Torey: Accs value of a° good charger seems ptices} in a few cases, however, 24 we 'but me aunt sa soi wherthe daughter of the-last -of. 'and even_80.marks are cntered as the ragments of his prepared de teresa lthem married Josceline de Louvain, acta hackneys. Pouncede Varese, for _ a -- serpent coycealed ey EY the queemsof , had "wnumrancinum sorum pe 2 Cae 1a * Byes Count of Hiabant. {iat ( preci' xxg mar," aay ban ot tha eamsada, Mistowala ote seme ba sf ad cae aes "& "ier wa ct rt = witch hos bird ithe azure lion of Hainrult, " their eresuvnt, Leen 7 down, and throwing its full weight! \of the Percys, _and was ono of the most' 'i we. | What Are the Thoughts of the Dying? a dying person in his last momests man, mutters } 4 proper thing to eat, would you? But tionul buckskins be wears @ loose pair of) the custom of recording the description |. rooms TO RENT. = a pie age LE tor le Jerr gar Medico ver Beis of , Ert Seseoks coll afew yards ft » the beet imc " Pinegire af d. "PRASE 'EMER, ¢ Tux Tiers <t to) e ; 2 ~ aa ae prensa er ee Fr ee ' Stratford Building | SAVINGS 8 £0C IETY | ez mussccnery i my rs Py ay es pipers, et terme are offered ard more tator ot ony centephe - may be nude | tepa) ment small range, Abe rt se ote ao ee ieee tj than can i clita cell see idle ot ye wriaey arrane@rtara- qe ' ay f ne the Shek yreereas sha 4° rorbet wt SAY he abs faiecate the Mapeger. 0K TIFFIN, dD B BURKITT, Preeficnt on Stratlond, Feb [6 1580. --_---------- Se Dr. Dorenwend | , Pa ee it: is fine," it ie au Eanes eto jes ertive toatl a head of Boe It poomates growth, ar- rests decay, de BH . and worm out baie 0 its evi iaal deaut : Tr 6ix bottles for #5. oe beats the seal and signature of the sole manu- facture. eee ---- DR. FOWLERS® ane "EXT: OF ¢ ) aad Stith inthe Field | We are still in. the field leith the Best Goods & Lowest Prices of any house in Sebringville. oem AWe-bave-receiyed.a clog of. "| new goods and wil} continue -- | to receive a great many more IARRHGEA Et Tooke ee a YSENTERY py Goods, Brest @bods, MAD aL SUMMER Comptanrs , Prints, Ginghams,. Flan- + I is As manne FOR nelettes, T weeds, fe. : Gents: Furnishing Goods of W. A, MYERS, gil kinds: a specialty, General Merchant, Huron- st; KASTNER BROS. Py --_ OPEN FOR BUGIS . hs hes any MITOHELE & sehniXcyILte. you necd in the Grose PLOU R and FEE D: N B.--Highcet proee paid for all kinda Fa.m proluce, ---- Give him a Call. Dest quality of] ° Goods sold at the very ---- DRESS MAKING. Lowest Prices. W, A. wYF nS Stratford, Feb t, 1890. 5.2m MRS. TRACY; Marble and Granite Works. } | taving recovered trom tgs plat GAnser, & SHARMAN, Inpor-err a0' 'prepared te nd Wo. the-wanta the: public. wna of faite aod eam | HE AE emake stones. Mantel Pieces, W Sbeande.¢ 0 Tey to her customers, a aed new, Tope, Be. Ineeri cut in English and Give eetitactin . aan see | Ontario Street, ~~ 'Stratford. cd DORENWEND. Work 108 and) ge St. Torento, fend jar Dorenwend"s cotalo vgtte of Hair had Stratjerd, July 2 1:00. CLARK'S BRICK YARD.| -- "Thave jisf opened new kiln of Ra) PRESSED AN bet arate and well wancfacturd. being wile by & Sone in : rare dd bore kote file . oes pave + Warren to)@ fo 2 Qua pat mhitew ee *& a at ina cf Seek on fibers aly DRAIN TILE will be able to get them fn all +'zes apy te A. J. CLARKE At the Yard, one mite--south of the G. T.. R. Station, Stratford, Strat'o:d, June 24 1s? PEAT Cheap Simon For Bargaiis. -- ,| A, Fine: $2.50 Hat for $1. 50, 6 SIMON. is always ready tot 2 seli Goods cheaper than any one else. BEST QUALITY GOODS. "SEE HIS BOOTS and SHOES. gainst the vessel, upsct it: "The king, | thinks of chief erents "of bia a his Wrath, killed the bird, whereapon fore the melagehol ~_ _ yd jonof Northe| Persons om : wr" drownin ediscovered that there had been asmall a beriand house. It be # tedious! ptics: wi attacks, ens -- in the 4 vad . ~ "-- sea ah tetell how the Northumbrian es ping and ah as t mo- reek there sadstber stery of atime 1744 to vest in the wife of mentarily ht. back to ceascious- Sir is Smithson, of Stanw the'ness by ether injections to utter their nN ge liberated an eagle from the faunily, |1 last thoughts all ai erents Intches of a dragon. The nie who soared his dukedom twenty years evenge poison afterward. Now, we believe, the North- lot their life. Such an ether injection ; ieakiontd sagem: ns ie 'umbrian rent roll amg £100,000, or revives once more the normal disposi- he vessel and spilling its contents.--St, emarrry ae . tural tion of 5 activity, ouis Globe- made in 1744 Northumberland was very |this momep' much wild Bennie or uncultivated ant eventa of the waste, the more valuable half of the |quard mentions the the remarkable fact that Ww oui on, the Thames Beretot Bie Gerond'a .. 'a persons who, In-< Sra tnes "grave: bc ie TO geen e, been paralya een attended with more or less discon ' Qa frite et Dn etares Peake meee Mewmén, now All suet facts clearly slidw that Stanger take place, reacting upon the oad in.of the blood and the func- e organs.--Medical Zeitung. the use of the storage batteries taining a supply of electricity when- need wer this may ad. So eccome | niaal bak Tana 1 nerds Gre cl! i osterday's Le epee Sage up with a| The of the United States lose ttle finely sliced on: I can eat it millions pope agai lustepah rf of flimsily build- any number of days without ther tag .on by fin sometimes Hird they Pi ih nf out yay out. hundreds c nang: oda Goods Cheap. Cheap |Simon Faro Lines FAST TRON STHANE RS Tdlewild and Da rius Cole TWICE DAILY BET yEEN Port Huron and Detroit. Leares Grummond's dork. toot of as street, week shee at7am ard Pra, city Re- turning arriv be at 3 and 1@ p.s. fom te and ret cu ; steamer Idlewild, -- ¥.. No one can beat him semiaet > ARE YOU SCOTCH? | If you are, have you Kennedy's Hand Book. of Scottish Song ? If not, Why haven't youP }shave bought the..Entise,,. Edition, and. will, sell single copies for 30 days at 15c. a copy. It contains 148 National" Songs. Music to most of them. Tonic Sol Fa to many. Come eatly. We have only a limited number to sell, A. T. MACDONALDS, ma 3a Downie-st: Oddfellows' Block. O' FLAHERTY & QUI -Always to the Front with a Complete Assortment of Choice Groceries which they are Selling Cheap. Full Lines of Sugars for the Preserving -_Season.at. Bottom Prices. Fine Wines-and Liquors of all kinds, also the Best Brands of Ale and Porter. Agents .for PILGRIMS GINGER" "ALE, a Fine Summer Drink. A Jarge range of Dinner Setts to choose from, which we are selling very CHEAP, and a-complete stock of Prodkere and Glassware very. LOW =. OFLAHERTY & .Q1 RED-FRONT, MARKET.SQUARE. GOING OUT -OF BUSINESS BOOTS AND. SHOES. aS 1° ® HUMBUG. SSS ee er va "yh a ~ ------ GREAT ---- CLEARING SALE. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS. ~-GROSOH -BROS.--& -HOFFMAN » Retiring 'from Business. ; $7, 000 Worth of Boots and - Shoes, ank Valiées,.etc., must. be Soldat Once. Grand Opportunity to Secure Bs No Advertising Scheme. Genuine Sale Commencing on jSATURDAY, JUNE. 14, 189¢ argains. --