- me RESET RT ey With what you get for these we eAlhte "TE [er geartt oraee Joquent protesta'in favor of] " Mamma," sald Eugenie, " the landigrd A DEAD EAD MAN'S MILLION go on anot her week. . vacien More "se as been here." He lhed Tuth.ooean ait a ry : yee i i\ .. + "* You must keep your strength, my! Suddenly --_ a gentle knock on the! 'Ab! eas i lay ahead white <d} i er child therwise it is vain for you to be | loor. ** The janitreas made me go down to her me Sait fa in Had he o ar eg Ne Ps righ 7 ' «a yous Lcd vay earnayi. gemne™ tad atin yoy mun] Engeie went to op cet ee tated Dao (2 ee rn teem ates nat et (ST. LAWRENCE CANALS. some embarrassment oa & mtinaed 1°" Pee ea as ol ue an artist, he would become one, The smal! P " coufiggd to my bed o armobair. You]. ' tt a speak softly, In vain I implored and supplicated ; z Bie "eraaclarg oe ie mee = aust 1 rendy te tabs ipcyour oyedl marty al pty d be ages re yu 'i "mamm y is} be man fs stiles" ve hays oaly to grow. RAPIDE PLAT Divi 310N, "Ves ' fs on = gg see for work will come; thhy cannot last for-| wk Have you anything to say tomet"| "* He will wait no longer?" {10 Be Costixcen. } ° "Giles. ng ae 08% " ne =F continued they ver When I-see you. contented and a, is 7 ¥ 'In four days, if we do not pay, we are' o -- ---------- Notice to Contractors. its ef rd aa bend tom fea." inatanc grote [ shall get better, recover my strength |' W hat is it? 'o be tern od ae al '. : 4 _DAVIS & VAN SUSKIRK. 4 ped snes We will work together as we ase: "The sda down stairs in my office;]| " Perhaps you not know how tote SALED TES DERS a: essed to thé un hat als shee ot" ~ fi F ---- rr i ese rm ape nS you." 'eelaeined im, to explite clearly. Pa teg tL One. AT RAETRD 3 ty ner te the. - tam renee 'in her a 'ti Papin giving Her, no a Be . " Pinank (iod, with the exception of M.| " Tat, Madame Grulet, he knows very told him all, explained all, dear "on > cfs Hington's Mork, Market And Brie Canal si - . ncaa ' Dryer Mpeg > TAREHIeHt." y ' . Rebiot, our landlord, we owe notning t:| + nother ; he would hear nothing. The man = Dr watch, the i day of Joly next, tor the eam Bi Flo saw that she w " é uf ory SY one; so far we have been able to gee sa "U ndonbtedly ; in spite of-that, he is] s ™ma; sle of marbie.® 1 rainae, Roads, Bridges, ate. 6v4dy ave of w diftiock, wiere,-ete, at Morris 5 pat she wason the point of cry along with what we had here. After al! | fetermined to see thes you or your mother The ine slid raised her eyes to heaven, : an " Atte oe ie on, "it ciadd Ragete ] " f » = . thow much do we owe the landlord? Twi} na wished to come upstairs, bat I pre ind a plaintive groan espaped her. a a ite werk w ve dfvided n' ; al tas tolee elle, ea = added, ; kly, ie ith Mjuarters rent--two hundred = and ifty I ented him for the sake of Madame Sadun The young pt | took good care not'to Motels, cane tthe bem toget tr . with plans amd arliongg hk s gre SRE See poe ad that is a a know that the slightest thing upsets] 'er m ther that the landlord had proposed "--. ~ 7 specks: ations of the reaps works, cas be eam coe, % Soe and vou will work | ver. a hat she éome to his horee, and tnd even Queen's Hotel. m and after W th daw of July reat, tad taken from | his pocket ceed in pa 4g The young girl hac A beg gun te remble all vited her to breakfast, giving her thus to ( ORN " pt $ aires atid Ontano Streets, Strat. nt Meera ar whe : toe : emi Me pee = often - Iments, tas or Cee Ive | iver, and her heart bea 4) would| oderstand at what price she could pay 7 _ ford Qntasto A. GOETZ, Proprietor, Pt: otta; , ae é ladi i . . ! i p the end of a year wr | oreak. Bs heir debt tenet ord, A am 1, aioe Bey : inate f ona there mint be attached . at come, }do st + ait An | ws Redes - ** there Certainly fear of unmasking the odious ° ~ | th tual signatures of the fall teme, Confaved, ashamed, shew to resus Hall be out of debe | oe ears «7g ieiee g's. - 3 Commercial Hotel the mature of the occupation and restitence of cade , he landlor: c ad, ha it ou are thi sughly frightenéd': do not be} versonage did not retrain her, ont simply a var paevd a +. | member ct ame. on nthe -ited Sap e Lucien almost forced the coia jute to ig oper . snd rides "aia certain ty ufraid, Mamzalle y, Saeeain, MI. Rabiot will ecling zofs ie, sd M _-- io Genmpecel Hascaen nee che jue on a che artered ty sn Uanade $0 the oom B: Te te gaalid-not-anpprese-her-tens Will not refuse to take his pay }uat eat you 'ome, you wil) tind an ans "My y child," Sener the Mfvalid, after a' ---- and attentive hostlers, T, HAGARTY, Fe. peel : "You shall retarn it to'me herenfter, bo tong = eee -- es it make seristen iter fe ee ddd. wave w dads xu wen oe, silence, " place the table in front of Btrattord, Oct. 10, 1383. 406-1 = you are ont of your difficulties," said **So, my pet, conuveae' and ho ope You | de own behind the jan itresa But asthe lat Eugenie hastened to obe | ----V---- -------- Re Aa Sag man, gently. Will take the two articles I spoke 'of, ee Li}: er went inte the rooms of atenant on the} *' Now give me a sheet ry note-paper, pen crsey Hotel. orate . . them, and br ny some previsios na Go, myltirst floor, Mademoiselle Lureau reached snd ink." { oF e¢ ktm and peers Strom, Fovente, = '* took hin hand, and, mening at him ¢hild, go quickly, we are hungry '" the room alone, where she found herse if in} The young girl en ed paper, ink and pen' tion tor the Travel try. Pavite. Mr. oye wild be iiatead of obeying the wang girl drew a} the presence of the fandtord, 4 ee her mother. : } _ pyrte oe t his Stratford friends "aly ittle fuot-stool up to her mother's feet and| The man was sitting down; he rose, anc ' amma, to whom are you cing to the Qacen City ¥ i weet. dod neg wiped her eyes 2 and 'started for the dat down upon ne Then gently resting her! without taking the trouble to bow to the] write? 7 = ! Wa abempt | the lowest ef aay tends ea vind " arms upon the sick wornan's knees she said] young girl, sald abrupt tly : ** To the landlord," | MANSION HOUSE, Stratford, By onfes, * Lacien eecorted her to the door of the to her '*Are you the daughter of the Widow| '* Te that mae 1" | JOHN M. WILSON, Paor ee bah € , "Yes, a 4 crs th <, bowed smi an< whe heey 1, Dens mother, didnot guthis moruing U pi © 1 unde xtand, mother, you are going to O* ae iene OL DEST Fs Ths "#h por day. HOUSES ------* af 'ie Ss 3 mbling, she rapidly descended th * don whom I have already made somany| " by sell, 'then, when are you going to pay| «ld your sup -apseganaly to mine; but, I tell Serato Fob" 14-1 -- ; ' CHAPTER XIL useless calls. I tried ccaeathine new, } me?" . you, it will do bo good j en. _ 3 = _ | Co. 'PERTH MUTUAL F.L Co, 4 ce Went elsewhere. I had an idea, but it was! " Monsieur Rabiot, Madame Grulet must} '"' Who knows? | 'The Strat tfor a Ho tel. : MOTHER AND DAUGHTER abad one and I did not succeed. Never jhave told you, " stamrfered Eugenie. hie een by = CossER or HURON and 8t., MIC HAEL etrecta, Se It Md | lient! tated theless, dear mother, where I went this tisnot a question of what Madame Rabiot, mother; he has no heart, and he is een rebt roughout, now | Insurés Baudings, Merch nation, Manufactorics and Waa an olf, Dut excelentiy stuatec' morning I found a ray of sunshine. Grulet has told me," he interrupted rudely, | Wickert. prepared to furnish every accommodation ter the all other description of Invurable Property, a that M. Joseph Habiot owned on the) « What do you mean ? * but of what reply ses. stt going to make, | ' Wild beasts may be move eg | travelling ¢ public. Lange stablre aed all conven. on the case oF pre 'lam note nyse, 4 @ Heaubourg. "It consisted of three de " Perhaps you will scold me," she said) W he rn will you pay m The Dog girl shook her he - pest Ales, Wines, 8 Beings 4 --o > -- Loesne reourne : ae bi ere ee a. _ a caieee hesitatingly. '* I have never concealed any- My mother nnd hone sick for several] " There are men more formidable Gian! gas dithe "thee en ane auniae vee, MPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID, os rem 3 gown | months, sir; an com Igte the- misfor-} ts, abe murmure tor. ROARD oe DIRECTORS: a "Madame Luréau and" her dan; gitar tived on ar ate eter ont ail =e oak a oe Pst = **-You tell me that this intractable land- --prettond, June 6th, 1888, 648 James Trow, rag ak testi oe Sa __ fn the building at the rear of the ane on not dail von that hed met anold camrade mt of work? How dad that concern} lord has no baci and a it is to his heart, | : _ Roms Orr .~ sitios Poe = me Stratford -- : the fourth 'and highest oor. "They amed. Fernande, nor did T speak you me? We have to look for.work. to his conscience, to the gol feelings that ON TARIO HOU oe, ' a, Keg, Slesktord. 4 pied three rooms, if you call @ room nthe this, inprnin, of. She. step that I had deter-} 'I have bectied for it e¢erywhere. he must have wil within him, that I am! ERIE STREET, STRATFO fim. Dav aon, knq., County Clerk, Stratton. : 4 pond and dark retreat to be found in cats ta "Oh? it is ply. 'Wie lazy that es i he, Sed 7 He has no-wife; ne 7ehilds+ "Py TOBIN, p Prop d Saikci Kou. 2x-D'y.. Rteatiore. - "Sore hich,-thoy..shamelossly adorn "44 eM Goi+. where have-you been to" ingr'ty da." the has d a mother, and in the dryest Tt BAR fe su; ed with the best Wines, =F oomeag TV ae By gh Be with the name of kitchon. | * You shall know, mother. Why did T] "Oh! sir, you are cruel," said the sekaghtonss the memory of Los mother remains, Ry prt alex Mclaren, Re "j., Warden Co. Perth, Cromarty The kitchen in M. Lureau * flat had these ane it from you? Fernandes told me that I|girl, It is your cause more than my own that I commodious stables and an attentive | jyicg Jones, Kaq., Mitchell ; ; Trai re net hed aad oo cou d earn twenty fravéau day." ~t<-And big tears filled: her eyes. ; om. gol to plead, ~~. 'hi I may. suc- Strationd, Oct. 22, Lesa, 30 here, Sh son, on Segety Rover Month Hat . owe t in {tone could scarcely nigger ing what?" asked the sick woman,| "I know only one thing," continued |cee may not; but we shall see. It Henry Doering, -Sivetn a day, and that two persons ple hardly sit with a ps, Fe start. Joseph Rabiot, 'that we should pay when|seems tome that I 'have a happy inepheaitons LAGER LAGER Dankere-- Canadian Bank ci © ; wean in it, + --** Wait, mother: Fernande told me that,}wo owe." I must _-- the attempt." Solititors--Mesere Mc rere & Da Davdece. 4 che a net called kitchen pay Mie A and I said nothing to you about it because " Ab! sir, if we can." ; The mother wrote her letter, folded it, ' SRO. BACK, Mert Sys, a - ae al ae? = ce Soe 3 Brest Twas afraid that I might not succeed. I] 'If there were none but bad tenants Hike sealed it, and bey on the back the name Fy te TED LAGER ALE act PORTER, | 8"8-c14, Aug. 22, 1853 ay y cracked wall With the window yoted ty give youan agreeable surprise |you, where would the landlords be? There|and address of M. Rabiot, the landlord. | te Wood or : ogi if you wanted to look at anything but Now dear mother, listen." would be nothing left for them but to hold] That done, she called her daughter. | ed the Only Medal awarded at the Toronto Fxhibi- ~ acacia Lo Ae Bie dap tela to the "Th young relating | "thelout their hands in the street or in the| 'Here is my letter," said she to her, ton of 188% Cellar--under the Strationd Market edlical left, roofs, garret windows qrarvocentien w ih vibe had had two days|church porches." "* you will boven it immediately to the post- Taal, April 10, 1899. stay rah, p before with Fernan * You are not unaware, Monsieur Rablot, | office ; oe this evening or to-morrow ---- _ The third room, the chamber, was " "And you ary ' this painter's?" ex-|that we have been in your house for ten inpnorerns we Ul get a reply and learn our Dr. D. M. FRASER, gverage size, moderately well lighted, a dined 7 i, lind years." | LIVERY and BOARDING STABLE. | Crtice a1 nis necdence on Downie eodooking oat upon the court, 4+ Yeu;-mother,- this ** What of that?" " assole tasks the letter and went enh wonmee an Beovemprpmed was simple, neat, in « 'per. | ** Oh, . omedal! wre dau gers in} 'We have always paid promptly." The janitress stopped her as she wae" : Stahtcal, Ont: 6, 1008 mers state of ee ~--such fa do a a need s studio! 4 pe tand, you; " An excellent witwpbe should not be|pessing ont the lower a, "« What ee Dr. BURT, Vv. 8, - PROP. J, G. YBMBEN, M.D., ED. 8. ell. ot lost. ; place between you an Rabios - . ' It "had enitently been bought Td Tr Tree "duet mother, I did not know, and) "* But it is because of. my mother's sick-|idquired, * -- e- "| F You WANT A SADDLE HORSE, « stylish | ()FFICE:--Market Street, iil aireau's aaa when ao ae knew now." ness and my own lack of work." ** He must have tald you." buggy hore, team that have enap and go ord, Jan. fist, 1890. ms-ty 4 in them go to Strat ~s bie eigls t to ten francs a day. "Aba" loa you, how does that concern Not at all ; be was very Irritable. -- + -- a ead @aintnr- wer of ae the sideboard, table | woth en Sects! = oh to me. me : ---- he-taniotad an balag paid ; bev BURWS LIVBRY-. +> p.p. ELLIS; M. Di 01M. en 'Chaits oni honest} * Bat; sir, ne one can do the impossibla | * "7g Spee : Rigs ours Shortest 'Boswerth's Drug: Btote, Mariel aie "in the m4 ~ mabozany men We aes for only two quarters, ** This is but you must on ny -- Oo" Strat : ll re ~ Dedst ell otis cw pedatond upon "TT On yea, mother. "* And the third well advanced." have said somethin c4 that offended | Stratford, June 17, 1:90. Tb4- _Btrattord, Moy 14, 1¥00, 140-17 ~ which Made coosiie Eugenie slept, a ward- «a But teil me otekiy, how you were re-| " True, sir, but since you have been him, for I never pram, Yon in auch a ra { robe with a looking-glass door, of the same' ceived by Georges enough to wait a seth om allow us more| ' You know me, wien Grulot ; "you ' Drs. . HIPPLE & BIDT, ' by as 'phe a an ary chair peed " He was not oon : cae tony one of/time. We M. Rabiot; we|know that I am pee of 1 ae 4n evil | &T. JEROME 8 COLLEGE, Dektists, Oddtcllows' Block, Markel Square we infatid six chatits that had begn re his pupi is This , M. Lucien Morel,} would like to ea, y - oo copes we shall not 'or me "to to any o1 BERLIN, ONT. ° _Btektort, OF. 15, 1880 . Fie - ------ h wpohalg wiittle: ange table, acta for M. Ramel » ee 7 wrong you. ey ial all not be out of work; "True, , conseque: oa I cannot ex: ' - ob tanita ti ogihy, 1 ---- --" _-- Blushing, though without apy apparent cause, [always ; as soon as I got employment what plain M. Rabict's anger. I tried again to HIS COLLEGE OFFERS splendid facilities ta A B. AHRBENS, i D.s ' _ fantenes to the wall, on a Feeenle gore tee r her mother. a ze, fethfal Deets a nhall go ort sud Cs mg 5 sd cetenee i i nearly wh bee} T etudente in its Cusssscal, Puncsoramat ad DENTIST, r cien n "apesking the ny; ap-}me, reatened to pi me out 0 coors! 'MM ERCIAL URSRS ; also SHontTuann a s- y uilding- op. ioe i porcetain ant othér~ triffes "of} nonin the little wae seh we onthe states the hes af ol Jos as lif I evor again allowed myself to | ~ of Tre a Hi" Visrtettosre Ofice ever Expres "Shes galue bought or won by Mademoiselle Eg. 7,, conclusion, she took from her "Rig Rabiot, who in the darkness of the I e}you ea id souk mother." . biveare Benne | meccert bg erage 7 Spot: hs nection. ' = in better slays at the lotteries to "be hisgost Timldly:: the. twenty-franc piec had thus far had but a poor view of Made. have been good us, Madsine wecenty $13.00 per eas - ee lard, Nov is, "189 36-1 non holidays in Paris and its suburbs." "w ang you accepted it?" said the neotlioe, moivelle Lareau's face,could now distinguish | ficulties and I thank you with all ee heart, | address . TBE W.N. ROBERTSON, | ' mother and daughter ic 9 these ina tone of gentle reproach. her fine and delicate features, k her pare as re and|but you must not draw down upon the Rev. THEO. SPETZ, C. R,DD., {u , ~ They were sonvenire,---Bach object" y-a7y iiot want to, but what could fot charming profile. Sethodaadtinnts ats a ta saan on RMD T aa. Mi rom 13-n00m. ta: 2:3 'dln ctsenameersenccunnpmaeinaen led a moment's pleasure, a day of bap- 31, ynew ao well how to offer it Besides,| '* Mtay," said he, suddenly "changing written (0 hint? fiere iS ler letter, which I Berlin, Juné i7th, 1800 Tat - apm A mi Mee toro atid r -- dear mother, it is not alms, for we are to/tone an 'attitude, "you are pretty, am going to post. To tell you the truth, I = a _-- | Oatarto a ae The furniture was completed, on pou return it" yen, "he continued, approaching the sup ff have ar = hope ; but we must try. oto - mantle-shelf, by-y mirror ina gift frame, Madame Lureau shook her head. ant and examining her with a freedom pl 'Perhaps M. Rabiot will countermand CURLINE. DR. BK. B. HAWKHB, 'Rorteal ingitation bronze, and high pandion "My daughter," waid she, gravely, 'tis as chardly decent, "why, yes, indeed, |the ertect i has given me," Gu Ww ste Suats Calversity, Zetlon Trinlty : "a good plan to distriat" the fenerosity oftpretty enough ; I might even say very)" What order?" ~ | pied ical Collexe, Mer foe. Colleges a go shad been also two beautiful porce- en, who almost always have some hidden} pretty." ** He left me your two bills, and on ba) seciwend'a Yate text preparation, | PRYst ame "ae rete ad Sate ~ Jain v. on the mantle-shelf, but these > fi i « cork, crimps and trizzes the hair | Beilevtra Uoepital am! lolyclinia, New York, motive. My experience--you will have it} Eugenie felt a painful sensation, lowered |Tueslay afternoon, if you have not paid tnakes the curl proof against rem e: Ieedtan Block, Market St., opp. city Hall bad been sold with the father's watch, the jiter has taug ght me that it often pays very |her eyeaand turned away her hea: them, I am to take them to the court ARM, wind or-wet It (s cimple in ap- | Night Calls answered ab office few jewels of tho mother and daughter, and dearly for benefits received. To be sure,| She felt a strong desire to tell M. Rabiot | officer." | Sat Plication and retains ite effects for] str attord, Oot. 22, 1420, F20-4y such clothing and linen as h ait aw} been car- m ren afe not all alike, but generally thelthat his words were out of place and rude | 'The landlord warned me, Madame . dass, often wee containe nici tia ce a ried to. the pawn shop. kindoess that a man shows to @ yirl, like)She did not dare, He was the landlord. Grulet ; if, my or letter produces no pie 'oh parthing infuite +4 % BU. RT, a @ rooma bad also tained some you is not disinterested ; it is almoat always} '*Come, come," he continued, in a soft- result, you will do as M. Rabiot has told ous. Every lady who tres is once ETIR ak ~ IRGEON, Office and infirm- 4 --but one day they had sent for a second: 4), basis of a design more or less dishonor. ened voice, iy there is a way of ar-|you, and the sheriff will do his work," is SUFS to continue its use, Biy St. Patrick Street, between Ontario er, who took them all away. sing ranging-the mat 'What else can be done? We . rice 5) cents per bottle. Most Boma od "ad House. Livery and Boarding forced salo had kept them in bread for eos mother!" replied the young girl,| '* My mother and I only ask you to grant/submit to our fate," added the young mgul! : Snr heeft ere Ba" tice spon 3 day and alght: ly -- bed fortaight This was always the way. tears in her "8, "if you new Me us time.' in desperation, sevelph af price waa.) conte poss ia lt wan arayn pacer aaa ' : Now rapier and ane could read aS Morel, if you: bade " We will eee about it." toe postage. Manufactured only WM. STHELE, cme ae San o both of then If was & DeW ¥.., would not suppose - 'ne. could en ** When I am at work, M. Rabiot, I easil CHAPTER XIV. , P Vrtzet ARY SURG MA f on -added -to ro the -rest. -- nora] > evil thought. rpm , honest, very/earn five frances a day; my earni : ee aameliiatidat | DOBENWEND'S aria Gas of VF ptinay 2° ong ha tunates had not the means to buy occa- jorious for his age, ball of delicacy, . --aa|times go up to seven francs, if I take three}, THE FIRST SALE, PARIS HAIR WORKS Block Mert -- tionally « penny newepere Thave had ¢ evidence--he is a young/or four more hours at night. Only, as IL Lucien Morel had now but one thought-- | 1 | Block Morbrt Say Seraord bi idee A penny 7 Fass ing. to those whose man with a great heart. He is not rich, -_ 'ou | ea now, I must have = work * to aid Madame Lureau and her daughter fh 103 and 105 Yonge St, Toront, Cae. | 450s tne diated to After ct 4 Morel, Eugenie seme in spite of that, he is generous; it is/d Sos will = up go pe t do n ony thele vem 4 or 9 ro - =; © as A sapere nr to ertpninnriane f efepmepeeeeme 2 ot is nature." jot a; very wee will give the ou lormer view | * am wtseing quickly to the Rue Leau- The mother took her daughter's head in| janitress i uch as 4 I can for ce, You]o of poverty he was unvilling to nailors that | Now 18 the Time egal and FLinancial, Tae' Sue ahisenca' thie: witlber hail vikén anal oe looking at her ~_ eye 'ley see, Doi that I 'shall net be very long in bs to be da be people ts in olen ayiog of kr Us SYDNEY. SMITH ee Bree eee crane, bee seated in the «My dear child, you speak of 'Ha! b m sit up nights!' You do mot|bunger. © FBARNISTER, SOLICITOR, &c., Tdingtoore wilt somali. tte y en y Mfe lf _ much enthyiaam "youn i think; then f the te 'ou will do te 'o him, te lielp' the widow. and her ainfors March 5, Yden: . Py fe. cad ieataiiey & sesiat your own heart. .] shat ten little cayee! Well, I think that we senate 'to save t em, was not a problem | Hellebore | and. In- eT eid ahs (fd quite: is: ifereat yop gent rmlornen Bpy bees ve something better. Yes, in-|Impossible of solution. ' SJOBN |B. |B. HARDING, at ¢ Whene' thinking br, ies and enti : ye reps d in his treatment Larape deed re shall come oe peering, D be LA had but to say a word to the BV ee ou, and that he ta to you asan honest' " Well, m t y to-|Count de § Serna' terGecmme- diame t iS. Roberts New Block 3 > eget Toyo ten, 'pete Prevent hea shenld. But you do know him, and day; eee i a ll come to my else to -- Georges Ramel, his" foster. or} . Beck Powder. - 3 . 8. id -s mee as cate deceitful, ae bh eee and we will oe i ti -- t immediately any sum he! pratiord. Noy. 24, 1889. 725-ly ear cl o net 'romantic id expect you at il o'clock--yes, at 11| might ax . tinthils . This This thought fright. fright san 'away with you, watch yourself, take siclack Fos" will beahlifads topeehtc, and| - And then bad bonetuihee 'Alenia Mellin, MABBE & GEARING, ousst.. He care," om. offal." the dramatic eid va be ma Renaudi: Be wast te lec "* Mother, must] return M: Lacien M Bekele straightened suddenly, and, oe works, whe Get it Pure and Fresh ' i 20 franc piece," fo § for that oh pe be! in ae leeway: voice, mans wo ' ja' presen ce. Madam Lareas an insalt, I think: 'You have this!" Mousieur Rabiot, it'is Hot necessary ,--at-- ae appear, ety: S waxtale : Ladoer' money. af it; but with your Neen likes T I should go to your house," 7 aby Kept back ber and A pay this debt, ' "Oh! yes, yes, you need not be afraid." easier tion.) nee 'that cass, m: 0S aT SE Bace informe you of our situation," d'courage to speak words ied armly ; '"'what I irl, w: and hope to her ehild oe coin" 514 olaiion oe the young}, as she was br esp, ~~ did oHNS:, DRUG. STORE... wai hitivoyait 'the a t trasq 'the mi we abe penetll Mh carly Seeratenxs * Teck of her hair, teok a? Dash Se Seuelarill bore mete eins TATA PMT THE KEY 70 HEALTH" erying again," 'Neaghe* She came back in arter of hour, '# eta PH ther basket. full el! provisions, '5he-} ap t a bottle of wine, some sal , '* No." senethen ond kine' we lic af larded veal of tie Weta ' " Eugéiits, : youth , potatoes, eggs, batter 'and « bitiof fat}! '1 Er gat till my heen before t saa bs: beet with ere "See hel op soup for f the! "Ah gose ; true, dear mot! ry may, co lasted. dive fratce. t e spent a wrretfede or ypai oe . | ut the she bro t! ong " back in the little pry Oy the Werieete ne | sien socred brakfaat oo at te | eae : Pact ones es a Bs: ae eS HOLIDAY TOURS" the qurrent. } than a month the mother and 'daughter hed not had such « meal. | CHAPTER XII. THER LANDLORD 'By Rail and Boat. ne LARGE CHOICE OF ROUTES: -- MUSKOKA, GEONGIAN BAY, 8T. ° LAWRENCE; [- AND, SEASHO fas eae He did not even tey to resist : Lh Be _-- " 08a: He w the four fi ste. rapt nialy. <5 Taobao 2 closed the ales here. she ' . tude of tes ta Me : F 4 : * . a > mar oes P 3 poe ds nt bes for rete a: Information. £iband >~ BIpS Levitra