{ir TOU SBE IT --IX e TIMES' | This : Sees ta | ives STRATFORD, ONT... WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1890. / 'Ko. 769. : City Local Rrevities. New potatoes ot on a the market. Raspberries plentiful at 1c, per quart. The ¥Y.M.C. A., intend having a big Mime in September, Mary Keily of No. 7 Ellice re: marks instead cf 34s. Mire. Warburton of * | Visiting friends down east. | - Mr. Robert Downs, Seaforth, is visiting at his home for the holidays Mr. F. H. Marshall of Dercy Va, is visit ~ Mr, W: R. arehiall's he cheapest and be™ piace to buy your | proceriesis at O'F laherty "fe Quirk's. A nanitemeicdceal Foresters took In the ; demon stration at Hamilton, Monday. Miss Henderson and Miss M: Kes uf fdatowel, are visiting friends in the city, Mr. John Doig of Southeast step; has returned from his trip to the old country, . , Cheap Simen is giving ined tneneinn, Sofi nnd. seo for yourself, he a oo i ceived 498 wire rare ea Clarke & Brovktes*+ 'advertisement will repay perusal. They are offering some it bargains Bros. for- bargains in binder Retrigerstors and hanlware of i hiads cb Mrs. Panlia snd Mis: Newtin, of Wood stock were the questa of Mr. D. Matthew, Nile St,, last wee A number of rel bing k residences are erected this sea A ver y_ hand- gome one is being Gaile @ tn Eriast The fire Wednesday night last, turned "out tobe ina-straw- pilo in. Mr. A. Jef fees! s back yard on Urunswick Street. 'easre, WW, EV Kelleher and L F Kel- Sisbes Galt, have been the guests of Alder- man Gcodwin Milten street fur the past Week. A number of weeds have been cut down throughout the city, but there are too many 'eft yet. Let the good work con- ue T Huber wil be ready for basiness i ain iaside of the next wae He has -- }-owd-mear..bis.old stand in the larvis block. The A. O. F. paraded to the Congrega- --tleesi Church, oa Sunday where an appro- ste Sermon was ned to them b by-the Mr Rarsel Atkineon of this city is filling ] @ responsible position in Scandrett 4 place of business London. inson is a popular and edicient clerk. _. Those who do not believe in adv "shoal dren into Hoffmin cor, are Mi ood store : mvudad aad ing gooda very "= kak eens oF the* eennier Adver-- _tiser has made its appearance. It is a -speditable paper, but Low two papers are succeed' there is their funcrat. O'F ety & Quirk announce in this that they have re ceived a tency line ef choice crockery which they are deter- = to run off at cost for the next thirty 2. warn the residents thereabouts. shameful condition. 1t would be a great improvement if it was flush The statistical year book of 'Canada for 1880 has just been iveued by the Depart > ment of Agriculture. I: gives the Domin- coy ppalation for the year ending 1589 5,975,855, compared with 4,345,509 in "Tss!, whet the last census was take Mr. Isaac Watling has returned from atrip to England. He went home pur- posely to tce his father and mother who "Spestile -in_ the. great__metropolia of the world. He was away Dine weekr, during which time he visited Suffolk, Londo and -- medi and spent a very pleasant fellow-c lish for himeelt' an en a wiatle repatation a asap expert solver of "brain-twisters cial re; tation as Song a finest quality of any manufactured. And with a popecet agent as Mr. Beck is, their gammer pascal Mr. E Igar General Passenger agent of the G TAR, sends ene Sts omen Set of summer resorts reached by the Brana Trunk Railway,taking in the Thou- gand islands, the Northern Lakes; the Midland Lakes; the Adiroudacks; Saratoga the Catskills; Massea Springs; Jius- Lcd and White -- tevery Fe rate worthy cf note asa wummnen Tesort. rates are very low. Livings' '08. worthy citizen, he made a capable chair- , man of the Board of Works, and Tue Ties wishes him '« fall measure of pros- perity in his rew field. A recent issue of the Canadian Musical Journal contains. this item ;-- There are and player of fair ability in classic Stratford who are both willing and to peta cba together in musical ere = years 88°5 dene som: ation w aad which has The engagment of Mr 'Teendet as Barbe Paseenyer train ¢ prt Th eer 'Komeo ward to roe EISEN city Locrt. Brev ities. Erciting News From Tessie epoust faut Puirs sran.toa, S ~~ 5 Li int ' Lowi n, 'Ser Exet 17, 4s, Trunk nation Girani The fotlowing i«t ceipta for the week xe return erate re- onihiny id sniy 10 1890. '1s S earbings Ss 54, 133 Sits at wari Total trsin earnings S414, 085 5 8408.2 7s Tnerease DSt0, 86,010, Annie had the eett,- At en sotyrtsinsnnnt --_ in thie city last week oi tthe *p akeots was delivering anorativa. "* What same,' he asked, in e ef his lofty ne soshead fights; '* what ame is heard wherever men Gongregeste, in th im, tie inert, or the Kings hugh- way?" Tora was o well turned sentence and he Kaew it. Bal all iis "effect wae irretrievably spoiled by a conscienveless little b ay in the ve, who remarke:l in a loud whisper: "Little Auuie Rooney," udie Subacribers Atten tion. Those who do not receive.their paper regularly, will confer a favor by making the fact known at Tur Trees dthee. Fhe route boys are nearly all new hands and when they miss any subscriber, we wish the subscriber would inform us at once of the fact. da Cases young boys are in the nabit of stealing papers from door steps when the delivery boys have made their 2: --~Any-cases-oi-this kind that. comes under our notice will be. prose- cated. = tion aie , lett a the resi teen Bs t,. Souteties intendi we Mae Wilton aoe 'St, Lactge "Y 4 Ae Can. es in ing ly, has been given Wildgaet of to take part io Decoration" Day "service care tone A ron: 'oronto who runs a baby farm there was here last week and desired to take the etveren ing a very high opinion of baby farms, informed him that they could take care of orate. _____. The Path of the of the warm, The storm on a layed a number of pranks he residence of r - F. Neild, leoomntivs foreman, of T. RK. waa struck, but was not badly dau pol A young man who was on the la- crosse grounds felt the electric fluid, but was only momentarily stunned, The most it iteresting La a of all was the telephone ' riber-calied up -someone ceveral time 4, coand the agent made the con- nection but warned the subscriber that he would not bo tespousible for accidents. ven the agent tried to ring the subseri- up agua he failed to connect. bail came down in bucketsfall drenching the picnic party a: the grove. VV { Very Sa? Cas, Thore who bave been readers of Tuk Tous for a -- of nn will remem. ber Mr. Benjamin Grant, who kept a china store and who subsequently sold out to " Peter Watson. He had two daugh. ters, obe of whom was named Misa Flora. They teft for the Northwest where Miss Flora became a Mrs. Mackenzie, her hus- band being an agent of the Hudson Ba mpany. During his absence a wee aco, Mrs. Mackenzie gave birth to twins. The following day she was found by some neighbors, life being quite ig whiie beside her lay the lifeless body of of her ba while the other was etill all alive. Deceased had a wide circle of friends in tratiord.. who -will with her premature dem The Evening Herald to be Discontinued The Daily Herald of --- evening contained three announceme: lat, that the publication 'of that editica would cease on Thursday 31st; Sadi that a ther of the ee proprietors had been admitted as a partner ; 3rd, thet a building 20x60 would be erected on the market square, To use The Herald's own lan- guage: "We must acknowledge that if we could be aatisiied with glory only, we ---- continue the Sent edition. ee hat is too ~~ the daily is discontinu ea simply beanse after carefully sifting the yen we --_ reached. the more money without it." my Sher Sarda it did not pay. The Herald _--,* readable paper and it it certainly d a "fate. + Knozr Church Matters. On Fiday last Kev. Thomas McPherso was paid $1,500 i in full age ge of his claim against Knox ged ot city. He at once sent $1,000 of the smeube to the treasurer of the Aged and laofirm Min- istera' Fund. His intention was to send the other $500 to Manitoba Catlogs, to Mp pey © off the college indebtedness, ba i conversation with a reporter he ot Tad learned that the college "ned ecently been left a legacy that paid of all ite debt. He therefore deposit- ed the remaining $500 in the bank and will devote it to seme of the other achemes of the church, A mectiny of the congregation was held the same evening to. consider whether or not the congregation wie! in a poaition to call a minister. Rev. J. L. we of St. Marys, presided, and 'Mr. atyre ae ag 'secretary. A director a eared tocall minister was passed > an attr "es ae: inna ag Pads mousy. It was then suggested that --He hss -- been energetically 4s; ballots be ed around to see what the S woek the association. Not j feeling ef the congregation was with re- content alone w end directing the society's band, be bas igre an orchestra as & compocent Sy thle fall. oo euly ~~ % ata to the various elergywea who nate renched before them elie. the pulpit the ase- Geckarad vacaat, Lhe resulg of the ballot "was 20 S55 "EW. T774 " youngrer," mnt | chairman of the Board of Health not hav- the foundling here as well ea they could ia [ City Loral Brevities. Happy Greaturca be day oy hot Tie sigh at tl T h | f I As ft had on | | | iz wal | ew man, a man > ity upon chairman, Pron"t Moukey with the Legal 3 Burs Sow The people wiil remember an elderly ent bate Wii eye park gl bask wea 41 L. th ity OM, vari Urniture and aca" HEWITT Saath caeae ada ua aown Poulch Ho wis hroag P ' bes we the P.M, Friday, ¢ harge | with the improper.usc ofa trade mark, or more property of setting goods ufajor cover of a bet tle containing Tune % Robertaon's trace mark (a (ox's head and two sperting whips), He admitted to having sold the vatnish ina bettle that had been given to hias The P.M. imposed @ fine of $100 Thos bv the theet « koowrtto be tried in the weet = Pop bottles are freely used in carrying clectrictry amd hatel- men- and bartenders thould keep thelr weather eye open, Imus has f Pretty Sight, Commercia} greenhouses, aga rule, are anything but attractive during the sum mer monthe ~Thia, however, isnot the ease at Baraham's greenhomses on Water Street. One of these noqses is filled with choiseat geraninms in culti¥stion. Every plant is in full blossom aad some of the are-enormous ¥ ye #the colors me zle the eye. _Bositdes frand gera iums ia a lot of beautiful gle and Sable achsias the-finest er..seen. another houve is a Jot of tne foliage plants such aa begonias, coleus 6. Mr. Burnham ae special preparatjon for winter ply wante-all once, as known an Mr. B. is-ope of the best dec- orators. wountry, oe haaaidles ore of the choicest atocks of plan A Reliable Upinion. Str-Joseph-Hi in con with dispatch which announced that the Cinaitinn Pi acific. rell ana companies, the latter being the com- pany that meee terminal accommoda tion to the Grand Trunk and several other comp. anies ente ting Chicago he point of iesug wae whether the Wa- bash had the right to bring in the traffic exchanged with the Canadian Pacitic without paying adiitional rental. Ae a matter of tact the Canadian Pacitic dor not run its trains into Chicago, they meve ly exchange traffic with the Wabash com pany at Detroit, nearly 300 miles east of Chicago, and the Grand Trunk was not a party to the legal proceedings referred to, and did sot interiere with any Canadian Pacific rights, real or fancied, which they might posses Army Lieut. In The Tarcen. James Haunt is Lieut of the Salvation here. Central Telephone office. ke to the Lieut, and asked him to de- slet from making such an ancarthly cf) as there was a person very ill in the corner block. Thenoise continued with unabated fury. Sunday it was continued. Agaiu the police -- to stop the racket, but the army were stubborn. Monday evening they not onl: ence ar upa but blockaded the tnroughfare. The Chief became about tized of trying to rea- ap with them and run the Lieut. in. As he entered the dark hole he shouted Glory Glory Hallelujah, the door was cl and he was left to meditate in a pen 7x6. T. Richardeon went hia bail for $200. The case willcome up [hareday. Bye and- bye the army will learn that other people have rights as well as them, and the soover they Rog thas ides in to their heads the bette PERSONALS. Miss Harding is visiting friends in Chic- ill Jones, of Drigien, ig visitiOS, an Erie St. cS Mr. Chas. Worth of Landen, formerly of this city, spent Sunday here. Mr. James A. Macfadden is beliddying in and aboyt Detroit. Mr Clark es of - New York, is home on his vacation, Mr. Frank flyde, was speading several days leat week visiting at his home. here. Mr. John WhyteSr. of Mitchetl has left ona trip to the Northwest Miss. Lupton bas returned home after spending a pleasant time in Torcnto Mies White and Misa Robinson of St. or s, are spending a few day with friends z "Ai. W. Hepburn, wife and 'family were enjoying the ool breezes at Goderich Jest eek. Mr. J. M. MeKays, wile and family aod Miss Tarnbuil, were visiting at Brantfor', last week. Mies. L. Winkier, has cothicaie pleasant visit at Caiedon Hills, Gcelph 'oma other points. Mies Tress: ae eto avd Miss Ida visiting Miss Jda jotham; Jones, Eric a > Barrie Model Schovl, - og ia of his 'cethociaione mays the Waterloo cng ie 0 ee Chronicle, interest | Rev. R. Johneon of Lindsay. The teeting "*P°* | adjourned till Tuesday, August Sth, H as hie apres ton that Wertheime r kiase 1 ly Dr and ~during the a 'would clear the room is these theatrical dlapla: jon will be cou meee at once.--Point Mr...Inp, M. Moran, headniaster of the | THE DUNLO BV URGE UASE. EVIDENCE AG 1S sT TER OF THE = LADY DPUNLE She Seema te ilave ane Dunto Things on Several htt hg ddehne Akai Th a Kies le a ed Asse a Ay nat Coachman Sav Lesvos, July ewer oof bbonte De tective Clark furt ance af the Set st eal ter theye ther testified, giving it SUCCUMBED TO HER INJURIES, ain miaerty Tady Hoerribly Rurne!d and ted ornington "Nonerrs , the. (Panner. ) 2. 1 PLEASANT SURPRISE PARTY, r sere ta Cow toal 'opel ar Rail -- ninbagin nog Obtained Hia Bride in the Classic City. The Alouy: e-que. New Mexico, Morning Democrat of a recent date contained this Pocky past hegtilying Ace TK RE por § items inca ) at oe sured the painfal and terrible deat 'A Tost pt py eal serpeles 2 party w *] of 3 She , 4 en aa aCOat sieneer, a ng ld eggresg be piven G. A. Hancock and his beautiful oes a Ta, Shewan, an aged | brite at the San Felipe hetel last Frida ups ing alone about two miles] ai oie aera his--fsi dl and a half town the boundary near Listo- | oathered at th re tel t a Seotir 4 wel .on a farm lately purchased by 8 ah the Hotel to pay Seer respeces Ja ames senton, brother cf the deceased. to the popular railroad map, and hi truly eurprixed aa waa alao his esicemable 4 vw jn tt } unknown means the bara situated not rt wife When the callers were sli om however, "ght trom the dwelling house, took tire between | pied there ap Be i bes r ties ns oF. re hiss, nor d tid he | two and three o'clock cn Saturday after for the a Mr 'Thomas R. Gabel, gigvting, whi ft noon, and the flames spread rapidly. | who, on gett ae the attention of thes m kiss bad pioveded it ee 'Hannes in When the alarm was given Mr. Shewan | ,,, stut.é by ids , a" a Wiested con-deratte supeyance at succeeded in releasing and removing a| ! Mr. George A. Hancock--It is my good tHnay character of this evidence and | in | borse and attempted to untie the cow. | fj rruue to Rave. been selected b: pe dulged in a bit of eaccasm at the expense | Not succeeding he went to the house for a] jo, of your feilow employecs to plete to of the counsel for the prose beim iw = -- to ' t ae rope Meanwhile ars, youacordial welcome upon your retern then proyed that Werthemuer ied ewan got the animal loose and cut 48 | gmony us aga Lened ct, and.to «aprees to Lauty Vunlo in her apartments on Han. | '8F 48 thedoor -- Frightened by the flames, you rit 1 to your aa wife 4 heart over equare and elsewhe re, but no ev idence | Which were blazing about the door, the | \ishes for your letaea | ha piness and med vas produced to er yemained in | COW could not be got past and the old laly, ees ° P ewer Mr th: rerat {aa . her : peecciate! hi we are In the Complex ~~ Iemitadics appeared who tentiti red ty Lady-| izing her great danger stayed too long and vomcins of daily life--the unifori and junto's pel Tact propriety whitean inmate | When. she did rash through the blazing | cordial relations that have always exis of their houses. Another witness was | doorway ber clothing was a mass of flames. obi us--has formed-a heed al. friend. Alexander Lumsden, dramatic agent, who obtained an' engagement for Lady Dunly and her sisterin Manchosterat $40 weekty. Lumsden swore that Wertheimer kissed Lady Danlo four er five times in his pre- sence, and, when playing oa the piano to wether, he had trequently eon he r head on Werthemmer's shoulder, while upon one occassion in St) Jutn's wood he had de- t 1 the lady raising hr cheek fc r her companion to kiss, while at the same time both were smoking cigarettes and dripking champagne. When Mr. Lamsden got into the heads of Lady Danlo's attorney, it was speedily discoverad that his loquacity and excelicnt memory were sharpened by the fact that he had been paid a percentage on tne Manchester engagement contract, and so, as he expressed it, he felt justitied in giving his evidence against the lady. He admitted having told Wertheimer he had been treated badly, but denied say- tag i he a ar Bet & pony from rs, attern ancarty, for swearing that ke had <i Wertheimer in Lady Dunlo's._bed-room, he last witness to- day waa Chas: Nunn; Werthei mers coachman, who testfied to having driven his -- and lady Dunlo in a cab vi no' t-his-; éts Were. locked In each other's rms, The witnéss' contluded his testi) mony with the appve:'ative remark that he saw no harm in that and would have done the same thing himeell if heenjoyed anopportunity. Judge Hancen ex bial as deeply annoyed by the demon- atrations of the spectators and directed pe a sufficient number only be admitted orrow to fill tho seats, and said that ate ~ --- 6 SMORESTACK SPAHKS. "The Canadian Pacific is about to issue! new stock in connecticn with its Pacitic steamship project. President Van Horne, of the Canadian Pacific, expresses himaclf ag greatly pleas- = with the general indications of prosper- noted along the westery section of the lide since bis tastgvisit. The people of Owen Sound are trying very hata to get the (rand Trunk into their town. dbey seem to have an idea that two railways are better than one, and that seems to be. an idea that prevails pretty extensively. Mr. Baker, G T. R civil engineer, of Stratford, has beomataking out the ground fur the uew station pletform here, which will be 300 feet long, and situated aloag the track east cf the casino, Work there- Edward Post. Genoral Manager Hicksse anit -- of the G. Rt. have tendered to Richard Quinn, district freight ageut of the G, T. Railway, the position of Cana- representative in England for the Grand "Trunk Company, with headquar- ters at Liverpool, itisiikely Mr. Quinn will accept, The Grand Trunk Kailway company figures on having trains -- through the tunnelin November. At the present rate the work under will be quickly completed. Then thero are the ap- to the tunnel, but these are only tion of so much werk husd- red and reventy-three feet of the tunnel were completed last week, leaving les than 700 teet yet tv be comple aa The Port Huron workman who,now goin the tunnel every morning will be working on Canadian soil in a day or two, bat it will be under Water. ee LINES On the = m4 Mary pended who died oe 28 The followiog touching lines were writ- ten by a writer os signs, »!. C., Stratford. They @ «St. Mary' s Journal of last week. A one from ae ha kone, 'a Se we loved ise A 'asc a Vacant inwee ole W hic + never can be tilled. God, in his wistom has recalled The soon tis love had givee And though yamoulders Lers, The soul is safe in he aver. Jesus, A ape aver S be atte ar ing Wer le that de arin} bas Ji ee ers aaa meet Calmiy say: rd, thy will ba done." Though cast dawns sy re not forsakeo, ough afflicted, alone, Thou ditet give an 43 res hast taken, Blessed, oh Lord, Tay will be done. PRAYER. [bat ove child bora t to o them, it dying 'a family. Her horritied husband was unable to free her at once from her mahi % clothes and only "wchdued the f tal fire nchin her with water Her head and body were terribly burned and roasted and it is pro- bable that the hot air and amoke breathed in the burning building injured her inter- nally, She lingered from about three o'clock sutlering awful agony until death cam? to her relief about noon on Sunday She remained -conscicus until about three o'clock Sunday morning, when her con- dition was recognized as completely hope- less, and an « ate administered to enden the pain. 5S a lady held in highest respect and es "sensible death created a universally deep feeling of ag thy re her ---- The deceased "hrs. A Shewan was the third child of Mr. Peter rata of Peterhead, Aberdeenshire Scot- land, where she was born in the year 1817, being thus - fase 74th year at the time of her death. - 'was married Wm. Shewan in 'Peterhead, in 1840, and -- 'to Canada with her husband in 1846, se ling first in the township of Pickering where they remained a few pam. They came in to the Sownshih of Mornington early in the prem and have lived in this hey have had in in two are livigg, = James Beaton, of Lis- towel and ler Scotland. er remains were followed | to 'the old cem- hbors. which have occurred in ce community, + «@+4----. ---- _ OBITUARIES, The death occured of Mr. Andrew Dillion. of the Gore of Downie, Wednesday 23rd He was a maa much esteemed respected. His death was caused from heart disease. The family physican Dr. Be nian her has attended the family upwards of 35 yeara was called, and aid all that could possibly be done to aile- viate his suflerings, but without avail, and he passed calmly and peacefu:ly away. Deceased wee consistent a His-faneral, Friday,.was_one of eat in the hist ory of the tewebip. On Thureday, July 17th, death remov ed one of Atwood's oldest and most respected citizens, Mrs. Zeran, wife of Wm, Zeran and mother of our townsman, Chas. Zeran, aay« the Atwood eceased was born In New York state in 1813. At the age of seven she moved with her parents to Canada and settled in Mado-, nei county. In 1853 she removed to the town ship of Elma and settled with her hechand near Trowbridge.. The family removed to Iowa, where they resided for 12 years', then returned to Atwood, -- they lived until the time of her des! a + +@r AMONG THE HOTELS, Rev.J. B. = of Aylmer was at the Albion last week. Livingstone, was a guest at the Windsor last wee Ex-Warden Freeborn was a guest at the Commercial. A.C. Me iachlin, ~John> Craber; Hy B: Taylor aud Mrs Kelse were guests at the ercial Monday, Tt B. Harris Aatwerp, N. Y.and J eaten, Hamilton are booked at the a ore Watson, _ FP. 3. Wilkins are quests at the Mansio: Mrs. Gilkinson _ returned to Fort a rg Mrs. +, Temey spent Sunday last with friends i Lond The Jul oe sot the Canadian Musical Herald, which incorporated with the Mu J 1, under the editorship of Sir W. Elli tt tt Haslam (conductor of the Herald is the only musical -- cation in exneete itia a pleasure to know that it tative one, Hoth in enna mir mechanical ¢ recutitp. The publish- ers will be glad to forward a speciiman copy to =ng of oucresders who may send their address, aie ie worth temembering that no wee pleases them ia amaae the thing that will most please somebody that has just as mnch interest In the paper as they have. Absolve, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, that being 'ead to the world, she may live to Thee ant what- ever sins she has committed. through human frailty, do Thou of Tay most mer- who is very til. erly-of D. N. Hogg a pleasent call gy te "He ie hare t his holidays and is lookiag well, Sit meng Davidson, of t the law Gru vessten i Mestoum We wnt Os time, Mr.-John A Barns, St. Catharines, form- & Go., gave Tae Toes It takes all kinda of people \ world, we are the world The Stratford: excursionists 'o Pert t ball match between pick+d yan, I. McGowran, William Harkins, KR. Cullen, O. some pomtate aan and pheston. pono Kindly Co uae to make a told, and the patraas ofa uewspaper aro made up the elements of foo jenms as follows: H, Atkina, 'Viili.m Crisder, M. Cae ship which the present happy event has afturded an opportunity of tinding expres- tion in * we in w s occasion, therefore, it has seem- ed fitting that some slight reniembrance-- some memento that would in after time recall the place and the purpose of our assemubling--sccompany the well wishes above expressed, and in behalf .of ycur fellow employees, [ take pleasure in pre- sénting you with this watch as emark.of our confidence and esteem, and as the slow but sure wheels of time revolve our lives into the dim vista of the future, byw each revolution bring you nothing bu and -- ra. 'Hancock we desire to express our phen profound greetings. Linked as. she ia into your-life, sharing your sunshine and rain, she will share . ually in your happiness and success. That ber stay pleasant, with us therefore may be m assurance of our" esteenr-and present _ with a phaeton, h you both G od speed on your 7 of life. Then_the_ papey groom responded te Mr. Gabel. e said: Gentlemen -- or behaif of my wife and myself I accept.with pleasure these hand rege we I 'ensure corer Feng y. seciprocate.in.the.... good wishes with which they are accom- nied. to mect so many of fellaw workmen here to-night, It atioras me considerable satisfaction to re- ceive such friendship as here shown from tes who have so materially performance of my duties -- the past few eorepet for this Pleasant sa myself, who have participated in aflair our kindest re After these ceremonies were concluded the party re spacious dining coms and enjoyed the evening in dancing and an elegant repast. All had a pleasant time and returned to their homes wishing the hos hostess a long © happy life, fine Howard Toe roow jived a a Miss Jessie Marshall, aiden emahors of our esteemed citizen, Mr. Walter Marshall, of this city. Lhe Latest. Pe ae ven tout hase not beard about it ¢h?" do what "The Grand Trask men stayedat home wine, while « outsiders took in the pic: tothe Who te the Lately Married iil (Strathroy Age. cw To a lately married Lady --Will the lately marri- sm ot seoetiond, soe ae er of Strathro: relationshi 'naa to with her ol a, maiden or married reas and a reply to her ftier of Apel Youh, will be forthooming: Stratford papers please copy. On Dit. pa eo wedding in Avon ward. A.pic-nic on a large scale at the Queens park ge And another large hotel to be erected ins shortly. A Cran #6. it Last It sae ae i and about the city oS , that the police had a clue as 0 who = eather of the KCHOES OF F THE BATTLE. What The Politicians Find 70 Doth About During -- pap. Mayor Brewn--Cas't t tell how its going. Now if Lhad only ran m William Gordon--I'm not a Datchmas, ~ and that's the reason I could not have heen elected. it was Tories on having their laugh now. | Ald Dansmore--It will be interesting later on, eiful er is eee through Jesus Christ | Stanlev had a very pleseant dime Satur: Fin rs our Loid.--A M. C., StratFoup,| day, The London Free Press Excursica | drew large? agination da snnnsncenienerntir -- was at the Port the same day. 'The fea-} the batce and if if wehad gone ap the Mr. Joho Welsh, jeweller, left for Beant. ture of the day with the ten toads of Tories, ere have called it retri! ford joneriny: afternoon to visit his mother ¢ 'who féame from 'Sretiord was a} (aside) Kroc there might have been oe truth in ic Nps rrr coer Tat We want : Gorrespondente for this paper "-- the warronnding towns, Go A oe ; ge . be Hurley, ©: Doxey, D. Wooksita' T. ., M P, F bat Wanen Hayden, C the = Union Depot Toroate 'Tux Tokes- hie | Take, A.W. Mel G. Mclntcab, W. call Tuesday. He contemplates, W.J. ee --« io Mr two ieee