Stratford Times, 30 Jul 1890, p. 2

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pemereeey ')*had" water with no spparent evil _lcommequences, snd - i. is starcely pro- } STOLEN RHYMES. The Girts of 90. In fact, their operation tyrdisorders of thie ania nie a rr IES rans 3 RULES nae LOOKING FOR Tor A "BRIDE. | 3 PRA 4 CHICE. Seas fe RED a8 peeeaaens 5 ~Proleaatoaad io =" olies-witax: MER TO" THe: THRONE_OF. "OF RUSSIA IS by dogmatic aes while common seusp is COMING HERE- 2 med Yanai be fa "without -- Phis' eas mBce fi vs the f a kom. The Royalties ef Barege Have Been of tmedicioe a5 ' he chan fied Searching fer a Fit Mate for the Yoong oyeneas oer] the mere ead thas Cearewitch -- His Probable Witea been tly established © . or aboway"s veld conpernad a ee cad in European court sbidins so kare hp the Ces is sending the * Cxarewi round 'the world: Canada | Petersburg bat fon of a bride for ese a goodly number + Already been en- | Hintorenstion on the sulsject. 49 #'thankless bask tind ix little shert-of. or hee, 'ot ditt, i Bien & diligent search after specific Indeed, it te threst .tP-sinfor- wiiati: on on & tia, And a aaréf. '"analy- sit of our feelings in thi instance Li. probably, a the fact that our anental aliitude towards the Doetoris not strictly one of UnmaAGd gratitude, "The wesaht ta our own easy Cantent fail to be 'ee an wr te Stratfand Eerie k Reussttocte sacha ea cr cH thd G Pups ts . alt a akid that liey have made ni tatse pre* tencee, They have mule af ) extfava garde s parity Jee th from ita recently arrived at Cadiz, has stated the presst at on the voyage he- attacked with maligant fever, accom with vomiting, purging, and terrib- ~pain and constriction of the bowels. = Bonen Sg bape déemed him past , as alast resort, a box of Holloways Pills was taken from the cap- tain's medicine chest, and @ doee adminir- send to the sick man.) Frem that hour, according to his own account he began to oon and before the ves el entered the harbor of Cadiz be was quite well. io ote like this remler arguments ur- weary, and with such facts the jontnats at *t Mex ~, Brazil, Central Anerica, Peru, Chit, - Buenos: Ayers, ved. sll Spanish Kmerics literally teem. Nor isthe repu a of the Ointment, as % mean? of er trating bietches of the alin, sorotia, anal eon. dinaedates, lose ie ereughly. pes lows WET Far 'with cinfidenes ' "s a means of bhai for they jl gsterant tabinnt hod. ladion uve it w re noving eupertictal ft, are aWar tee RONTUM Fh af fe the" for mannfacturing p: arpuss ¥, wil for are iow thewater-was-a4 gxal as the}. paiea: and it was from wholesde users that the company derted the much Rreater part © f their revenue ; but an : Goant-feaction of ther ins cue. da fact, comes Sean ison private vacrs. There is thereford littte ground of eomplaint. 'The company do Bet pre fess te supply a pure potvle artic te aha the public pene LAD ieee ~The 4 te sa Of A yar water "sappy | i i", Lowey: Yer, onc hike that rr i Se werage, pressing for solution, ant if a private company docs aot foe st is its interest to prevale such, the duty devolves on the coune:l. f; contanntnntio which sa Ee rains ot Stas | aise ditference, a3 8 rule, Tae seal sede' as eretl as tenants on this. subject ts a plorable. It is only by the greatest care and some expenditure of money "hat a pure water supplyvcan be secured svithin the compass of an ordinary build- tug iot im thickly populated sectivns, but even the space at disposal i is sane zed itis et she well 'and the outbuildings within a "fea, feet of cagn other The moticat health officer has in- "Gieated 'how the company can imprere aur ly Sample No 1, good," was taken froma 2 four neles up he river, dil, ia quite ade "yuate to the ae of the city for years ty come. It it torbeseen whether-the gee the hint and that early. they don t, then it clearly dev: Aves on the council te previde a pure wate: supply as soon as practicable, + AG STRAZFORDS CIVIC HOLIDAY, _rerepecatnns. = actively ta" hand tor the anneal tocrnanent the various compesing the Grand, Trank railway brigade, which will be hehl in roe Agricultural park, Stratford, on the <i is holiday, Sth-Angest nest This we arnt is the second annual com petitic: nm the first having taken place at \ontreal An innovation has been introduc ced this 'year in throwing open more than half of the amount offered Toe prizes to all volun- teer fire gene ay it Pat hoped that this wide and ompetition may stimulate a healthy 4 riv alry in efficiency, thus a a broad and general good: Already, we understind, several of the beat companies in the Dominion have ---- we ii inten om _ _apresent, the list wall open unti two days before the tournament. "The dacrosse been the custom for many years that the civic holiday be devoted. to. excursions from strong endeavor should of Stratford to show the city in ne also by their presence at the ---- manifest their wel tion of the endeavors of = the scour and a to make complete success an en: able holiday. ee AROUSE THE LIVER when torpid setth National Pils, a pia gas -biliows sugar-coaind, et ging ving nde Mh Farm, ad. . - eekly the Toronto ' 100,000 A pare supply is not te be ths-or not or 5 Seatache * | fore- Psat th t pply. Aa ie hefora, | kohatance; arid the soiree of Buppey ras open te hmper- Predvctng ext sriat inlier tice, and known ali wh peated watt rf ti i ti Tse Pee ste + veh y. aT saaki Mai snap ried for ** Want' aivertiseigents. If you ot a tituation, a mechanic, a busine: oy machinery, le ees ifyou have lostor found anyshing or if you Wart t flud out where anyone | is, a Twattis ein the Toronto Daily Mail aud read the advertise- ments on the third page of that paper, sds he charge iz tro cents a word each in rtien, or ten conta a word fer six inser sina-Adieleatn ph toad Awd ei tabaed Canada). of the Londen Collegtate instimte, formerly the arration' High School, and the beard of are at daggers drawn Ata ant meeting of the teastees a re > th Principal t na meg gry ¢ Sant: RiP ater some Ae FERRI. Principal Samuel Woods ruatecs, AONE. WR j ing mei Education Department to investi. gate the matter, which we maderstand it has. declined to do. Anwng the more vigorous ot Mr Wor nla' ponents were Messrs E, H. Johnston and ion Ik. Cook, two of the Collegiate Institute trasteess Aa everyone knows, there trastees are ap pointed by the city council. So, aa the ree Presa ost the thor th occurred fn htter bo ly that ng 7 Bes Tit Were eneeteeted, '*\ corte singly, while th sion Monday night last was brought int } gentlemen were asked t by guatic mS ae Lrustecs, arly siti y hand in their re srely vogeteble ingredients. vga in their action, they. stimalste aud strengthen the bowels and a necretany © orgs one. Farly on Tuk aTny morning Mr Andrew Dillon, whow t sit aoe Was néar Robb's echool-house, in t ont inte his yard, apreutiy | in wits wonted health, A short time afterward one be hia sisters went to 'orhim, shocked to find him lying on the ead Tifeless. He was about 70 years of age and a bache lor. It is a sad coincidence that about: two years ago an elder brother, Daniel, who lived with him was found dead in his bed. . Hoth brothers were quiet people and good aiti * I was troubled with Catarrh for over -e years. various remedies, an: as treated by a oe of physicans, but vecslean no benefit until I began to ta ce Ayer's Sersaparilla...A Aiew of medicine curedme." Jesse M. Boggs, Holman's Mills,N. C. . Hot *s Pills. --Weakening weather. --The suitry summer days strain the nerves of the feeble and decrepit, and and tases ease may greece unless some res most it -ettained_the. reputation. ~~ Mir-Heary--Wade, ofthe On.! ov agricultural pena . Another ¥ easing fca- ture to me has been to et the sires element' is rigorously show here is made st and even horse racing, « lowed at the Royal, though liere iso great interest excited in ani cat in the whole long. With us agricultural feata: of the display ave too often naa y Pre teint page et the TIPO Daily f- another was Prin granddaughter o een Margaret of Prussia, youngest rie "of the the! Emperor of Germany, and the Princess Hel) ene of Montenegro. He has been betrothed | by the eeenern, in fact, to half the prin- cesses of Europe, inclutling, . besides these al- realy mentioned, the Princess Alexandra of Greece, who was married last summor to the Czare witch's une le, the Grand Duke "ino Al iteh, and Pr Sophia of Pri sia, who is now the Duchess of Sparta, For atime the Princess Mand of 'Wales was talk- ed about as a bride for him, byt it wes db» cover~l that they are first cousins and the Ortholox Church positively forbids such unions, THE CZAREWITCH--GRAND DUKE SiKULAS oy} RUSSIA. It will be romiemberead that the neg ie tions for his marriage with the Princess ¥ garet.of Prussia proceeded satisfactorily for @elgugtine. But the obstacles to be over come were apparently too many, thongk tel! date of the marriage at one time was red HoanAT for the' Antumm of Mi) or the. be ginningof 1801, It was sald at the time ta wt the Rector of the Ecclesiastical Seminary at Rt. Petersburg om 1 -- orders to join the! Bisvors Margaret to prepare het for he aa entry int a the Grek Cha Church, nl! that th swochthins: Betis you're yust too - 'omeet or any-.| There's nothing sweeter, really, than an Earl, Unies, perchance, it is a Duke or King. '" What boote it that se big tt in decay ae 'cep the weather from your poble Or that acini tone and tenor of your Ia hardly what tt cagit tobe just pow? "Much is forgiven in thisday of ours length "There's something, we contd ini" titled Bull, forget that fearfyl shame shoulders, _We o once Bigewd | on ~ --Jobu K Kendrich Benge i in in Harper's Bazar. De Poyste!'s Reflections. In the stately par) or, alone, I sit Patiently waitpag, my heart's delight Frim upper ha)'sbing enatches of wit, And childish bughter: the moments fit-- Wilf that girl ever conte down to-night! Nie The o andle-stich k inaker Are coch of them wearing the noglige shirt, Lutdanudrywen hate it x ad Ltn it, For 2 Ts stiiaae wo vitally trart; Th " i nahin phone -- On stare ced colle wad < If tweren't forth ves terrible ne <a go shirts Bervice © of a famous silversmith in Mo: Se } reported that the German Em pe had no objections to the union, r is sister's joining the Greek Chureh, bat ut F : seats ik Wasa Te porta' from Berlin that "it ': re Santer hae SaAr? too ye vung to mo ry, while it is believe vd that me fr: ate ws Rett Respects: Ber oars LA kindold man wit) a macner cran on pas sing tramp str tehet oot his "or ha be icved iu the good old trath "Be niust leara to respect himeelf, forsooth." il SER 1 hand; The doc was in consum: but me, as a last Ayer's 'Cherry Pectoral. was cured, and my health remai J Darien, Conn. " Several years ago, from California, by water BO was conkue al to sysician on board considered bn tang. Happe ning { ; Be ites i. "nin it fe y hes -» Middle rte havea erat 'of that disease, the cough is weterally relieved by this e "J have nacd pe tt oral with the best ect | ae 'ice. ton, Iwas severely ill. tion, id and --_ 8 they could a do nothing for me, - peyote try this medicine two or three After taking ns good ames Birchard, ona passage home . I contracted a cold that for seme days Tay state-Tecim, anda my ,_ I think of ber brushing her soft brown hair, | jay v t : lUppling fa waves over shoulders white, ion.' Junction, Va. Or calmly selecting a gown to wear, ct boosing eack detail with tender care ¥ 3 ms Bo mares Wiilthat girl ever come down to-night? 4 vei S Garg?! ai f aclaral, PeISat She's drawin: Suede slippers on dainty a 7" = Puss a ra F 1 4 = One ean't even ui So Telecine ar Highs Or. J. C. Ayor & Co., my voll, Mase. Gr panching by s int) Btusties Selby ip T'vier #% sbeotties, ¢& What mienhly * Sid liar "ease : Sy is | it e al Se it > ' Vuh F = Goal ps Goal !. Coall a nod tt ro pr le your thy ray aery nt quantiiy cf Fur Fr winnie? 6 down to-nigl hs orders e befor 2 lown t aight? Actes 2 1 at th td prices Jalf or bens et, Mithe s@uirs, atread, [nomely: , My beart beate wildiy then coases quite, . ; =e o - * ' \ .- Fad pita Laas Léathee dibebits la Bee der tdtenchenrnel pede MeVe-Hnd--ovtik; assis : 'liave L kept you waiting?!? "Ob no," J + on No. . 2° -© © &40 fiuw weily ok Ia that gow Engine pr ts = bo hula aes Romaine, in Chatter ; - © : Egg," - - - 5-30. Song of the Shirt. Srecial Ustes for rbct Special Hates P Now the taactier, = ---- , dlent every Rade Csi M. Fk. GOOWIN The decter the lawyer, the 'tuite, and the flirt; ' tutcher, the baker, Stratford July oth 1695 757-4 a few yards from the Post Office, Enqu J. FRANK PALMER, ~ Jxae. Tha. Tines-etheos ROOMS: LO RANT, SUITABLE for Legai, invareace, or Medica Oftces: over Time Trees crire; hte gtreet, ire of BOOTS: & SHOES. ink anagem a EOE socom | For Strictly RELIABLE and 'Good Wearing Gocds' © go to LAWSON'S, 'His Spring stock is complete and he. is prepared to give Big Bargains. THOS. LAWSON'S 30 Ontario Sireet, --SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. (0 SPRING 1 Ow Import tations FOREIGIN WOOLENS For the E _2iaee are now "Complete: J A WULNGIN a, Early Spring No. f Store, Albion Hotel Binok. - * sewer ee: Parmeeny : be sweeter far. And the wanderer id: "Wor'e t wo olf so liers. e ipimes- se rw 8Uh Mar reperts-t that "such an alliance would unqse ati analy, , be us por wlav in Russia," and that the C2ar's clioga were decidedly in favor of a Slavonic princess for the hel apparent; a" aed PRINCESS ALICE OF HESSE. i It ia the acceptad opinion among well-in-' formed Rursiams indeed that a consort for the heir to the throne will eventually be chos- en from ~ soaen of the Prince of Mon-! te xander IIL, it is sid, "has of te years manitaated a 'strong Te late religious bine with regard to f: i ailiances he Imperial ) with © vagara tothe fa4 of the reap ag it le sip sc: marry the tenegrin fu then he will have to choose between Priuces Alix of Hesse, Princess t of Prussia) ie one get up once. stand French | colors , pard and me; Treat the conn $2... "Tere toormne! p in tlhe pension se oe + sir to engage oben: this ace; And be got ad PITHY PARAG GRAPHS Aph; the truth comes ty pi re whmrpnecark- " a native of the Em- we Jato fel i down doet tines before he "You don't mean to say that you under Toramy "4 yes, I da » When ma and Ta speak French at te a, | know _Timeto have a powder, "Pot Inck," my soa, is when you loll nine "elevated anil boost itup on the Oth fellow with a monarchic trio, and the other fellow neglects to materialize. Eridget--"Enjoy slape: fs it! How could I, ; the t-Dd tike-yes to tell me sminit--Ilay down }-- }T'masleep, an' the minit I'm aw wake I have to get up. Where 's the time for enjoyin' it "(Is your vessel your home? asked a Ind: addresiug a man-of-warseman. "It ay ma'ant," replied the seaman, "in times of peace, but when we're ia close action we're only boarders." He iseithera very good or a very self- possessed youre man who doesn't turn more than the hues ina quilt, when his possible father-in-law asks hima to = grace at the family table, City young woman at t when takirfgy his wife to task, "that any man of the least st sense would approve of your con- duct." "sir," 1, "perbaps Pao are of the "What does the M. D. afwer your name Margare and the Princess Elizabeth of Mecklenburz- Schwerin. And this is as far as wecan go in th affairs, But Nikolas to in fw odlorep doytiar nope mentally fen": The year's trip round the world will doubtices) be of benefit cba hors pong thee and tit time to reflect. asta who Tamity 'shat the bride, for one must be ready by the time, of his return Russia a year In) preparations for the ovent, nogotiations ate being carried di for the purchaso of a paince for the Czar--the oclegant, bright-locking oa belonging to the Grand Duke eye tS which is situated a little saw up the Nova papa the Winter Palace. This, whom secured, is to be thecity resilience of tho Emperor, who will then give up the Anitechin Palace to his gon and successor, i A Long Game. Dr. Bein, a Frankfort (Germany) mathe-; ong em nae maki at ing domtnoes ten hours s day ng) could continue 115, owhich is eater tenes ane . Louis elena Prac but they sometimes tax our eredylity to its "utmost capacity.--St. stand for, Doctor!" asked yoong Mr. Too- funny, at the begets the physician, the doctor's bill had "Are you going to have your son stay. on the farm, or will he follow one of the pro ca] he'll fol- --AND-- TT Is 80 LETY le pecpar i to we dave de gt bmiid of parch ' an fhe ¥ for the ota! ta Ue Manag W.R. TIFFIN, ident. Stratford, Feb 18 1890. wu at the legs of the rider. as becn a problem with many a ion phe i burn of the that dog of the w ba attog of the SOUTH ates {STHOPE, here the reeve presen in the -- ing ornate sgen T. Ll. 4, tS; David Newel, hoct at ittig, deepening ditch S20; eraveiling, $125; o aa gravel, yey: Dan Jausi, he 28; J. Schmids, nting. lereid low a profesion." natural bent!" "Does that sem to be his "Waal, you'd think so if you'd foller the' deestric-school- ma'am around." Beware of the waman who, after you have i vainly wrestled with the car window. until your pita" buttons have . emi softly asks you to '"'permit ber," and then raises the blanked thing wit an case that shows she has handiod something heavier thana French novel. Truly it is leap year, t such a woman is dangerous, Cantion in Chambera Street. - vik, cite! m Blein ' m. Blain, arte and gra a <> 33 incivsty in the The tion by the co! a ef éraining under, the - he lote and ! aye occurred t and not a few men have been bitten. Stratford Building | SAVINGS SOCTR TY | advances ta ase. Netter vr ad- bauik pe ag the uit ta eagnats on may be of 5. Bb. BURRITT, Manager. T3T- Bicyele oa saysan exchange, have sere annoyed by dogs running out from arm houses and snapping at the wheels A_ number It to dace a imeans of effectually driving away these dogs, bat until recently non h it remained for William Sidney news. of Birmingham, says the riders _ problem. | pati caseecattiy cures esire to attack any more The counell met on a daly If. "en the. we ay 0 el, $21: ym Ww Blairs iaraveltcg and and rePag on dh oe fod and | line between the on be -granted.--(Carrird.)' y appiied for of the a resola- ech inet A '\ P SCTroeL. Everyone uses (2 06F te, this passes withex! -- saying. Every Lady will do ler own ordering, thts alse poss%u--- ters ure ote red Saal ce favorabis arrangements ie So~arie way be trade wt Fepay te ent of "tien ie Or Lut whilst it zs iri that all hirny Uhavelon akepping inverenty MAN WON ST TST have tProceries and that paild may atte ~ every housewife will her own house, all UVES of Stratlord 7 tust where they can sccure the happy compensation of largest" quantity, best quality, and lowest prices; well this wilt tnjorm the seekers that" W.L.SCOTT, 22 Market Stréet, ord Pad jor the honse- paste it in your new spring bonnet, so that the fact will not be forgotten. He keeps always on hand 7 Lake and Ocean Fish, Home and Foreign Fruits net know. Street at ae antere ~~. 2 - oe and have your milline> Green and All sorts.ct Canned Pure Spices and Baking Powders, Brooms and Brushes; Baskets, Fancy and Market. New Garden Seeds. w. cL. SCOTT, The Cheap Grocer. we: Meats, Fish; Frait-& Vegetables, mare BD

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