sh Grats : sas nn ' : ae t : 1 ; ot ponessie oe pe hvac them th art = meri FOWLERS ;SUMME PAL rt has ain" they pe | Nr : 2 aie ed sanumoret DR. LE s RGOODS y Sixt een! he i cre wilds & w liek re ait Lincs sstased tH or 3 Weep, ity ye say bead ow 7 yey: but as cacti wins Us his own ata andi bad part eEXT: ne e eepemggraiae pl "etBbeinspa" sult Svivin Be unc ees KASTNE R BROS. Bat we canmot weep, though the pbiid be Be 9 ' te 1: ho asi befor a, ee i , inte 1 F eit ! : S| Wear nom cay fo he warm we iy the <hadowed door. . me ne i HO wv ther with "a ----. line af: : Listen ! Goel fashioned a he tee -- he anid = fis ; & 4 i ER summer goods wh we + Baik % with eape:? + att iciera Morbus will offer at a ec Than softly -- the soul of aliiaid and there I foatal ali tue felles = sp To dweil i a there, atal even the farnitar ss And always os watetex! it--guarded it so; Both day and night; - The Wee soul grew as your lil Splindid and white. Itgrew, i say, as your lil grow, | Tender and tall; ----_ otsenet, *sNow, tiie les 0, And gently he shat the eg Ars ohe pight, chiwerl ti: TS "ate roc Aish more light > walk uprigh Gua father's td." hee ls too low, jt. eats --Fee the ehiid; eerd- ett? 7 aink-theve retarted with halls ard the. te wl late when we rose from the ne "aml before parting "{ wish te speak "The dew A migit said I te the Cunt, Ts" said "he, iat wot?' and be tislked mie of **Pasenbiv > bt rant at More rou ated more Ligit for the sald you cw omamt Yee « "sity 'Ab, " paid the ¢ 'y know 'that Tear : {hr the opinion of tik 20> and surning t ward ber i Oaly sixteen tat I jike you, vp i deare that you shoOghl do as welll' And on Gels high row, whene apasp & not think ill of ine." a stopp dand begag! "Werighttry sii She anriios ix tween. } to pull anew oan lis pi; was silent and wa<a tine when i wei. po j ied with waved é Tes. Pee: but for four years Lt TX Ht "Possibly it soem: s "he com pots," A PISTOL N On, ; tifued, "that Pditine ~ janet em ot Taby we migut int din reas i ) that stupid drunkard who er the camde- 'as I know by expere We were locnt a in «a seal] ten. All Indra at my bead © You, taxis that having of practicOame very : know the custotmary if an officgr of the! the choice of weapons I had his i life n my The best hodfever hk 'line ; in oarere rig it 'isdrill, then dine with bands, arel at the sew time [ weuld run the every day, nud te the General « be ata Jewish inn, aod in the risk of baing mine. TP coukt - ace my mod- the edgr of a kaif evening a bore of punch and cards, In this "8 noteven ote bquse thst bekd feria a. acieaien ef Unis momeks | petites: we all met at che anothers buleur own. Only cha smong us was ubt of the He was men of about %, and' that ix why we steer him WwW Yeteran | ona gat gave him a certai honceal sept of of, terious hung over his existence; he had the" Russian; and; moresver; be had-tut-box a policeman's hat or casquet it was pierced i a ballof him for five w.thin an inch of bis bead, "You know," «aid Sylvie, festall hinwelf in such a miserable burg, served in the ---- regiment of bussars, My you. and characteristics are known to you awe ba know that [desire to be first in everything. anold black surtout In my youth it wes an irresistible des "Duels in Gur regimen: were daily affairs, @ foreign name. Before uel time he had gorved in the bussars, aud happily ; but nebualy knew why ho had hy the servis te where be led a ifs whiot?was at ouce sad expensive, Whenever he left the hos went on foot. He wore fecdnsestaalan always open to the officers of - $tds true, aes ed by an old soldier, but to offeet that bb che No one keew of the means or the resourted of this person, amd pene dared ask bim abs om them. His Hlrary consisted in a large p Lene sence froely., ne ait noking that they_be returned + returned a borre book. ata pide et aod th be wa kk - of his rooms wer as fui oles oe honey-cxants they. were rv Fiddle with balls © A rich ullection ot piste: was the «nly luxury of the room he cecu pied, and the pe fection with whies ke could han dle them: was such that one day Tak ine ing a promsition te shoot a pear off the head ft caes eft = Te, it was > meeney ae of duyis: : that is what © wili call bina given by one ofthe | --nover took part i at part of them, if ey oe of us asked hima if he had ever all the ladies acd more, ferght, ie wonutd onewer Hore sid withs dry fatty of the hous) who was & close and "Yes: . 3 bat he 8 rs ae lila + fons we re Very disagreeable 'a that» such qu We became convitiow di that his conscience ' pim with the deatiy of a viesia of. the fatai art that be so perfectly professed. And, be iiles, be bad never given the ieast evidence of cowardice, for there aro mea Whos» very manner allays such fosyicionsa meager He came on foot, his coat ou my wife wight not hare ti psn aga his sword;and saccompanie he cune Ten of our fellows ate at the house of Sy reine in hand bis md tlie a with wilt cory vant, Bat one day an adventure happened that ei prised us. ~ drank epee ae the tabi wont-the piey" "AN usual be pisyed silently, never asenothan and he lost through the being cheated asked an ex jon; Syivic paid no attention to him and commenced te deal. The. officer lust patience, and, taking al that angelica mach tobim, Then Sylvio took th crayon and re Wrote the . The oticer, excited by = the play, and the raillery of his com- Fades, believed himself grievoudy insulted agudioa fit of anger took a candelabra threw it at the heat-of Syivio, who -cainiy it. We were all confusion. hl arose pale with an rv aud his eyes flashir i > the aggression we The officer upon going out saul to Syivic that having insu ted him be was- tg a give, soch oa as he might ask. Toe next day upon going to drill 'we won-' if cane instantly, I . eration upon the grandeur of 1 rd I coakd are: : naished him. wg Abe risk of loud: ' lite t coat uit tin vo dcr it, and wes have par' tees, bat I teli you the-tru Homentnd bs eats | i barge take RedER i he wi "said tuesCount, "* ae a doned b cont "Yes, it is tree. risk my life. Six sears . the face, and he who slapped me is yet alive" put it on his head: I kx sind at Sylvio witi cearpetaction:; he one loaded, and he we ut tinwed: Bat I have no right to bath "Amd how dithe "Wel, soul; fom iustihe woumy owned awe a M$ upou ory eiua, @ pir tol; the befure----pal! the fly wascru "That is i EIEN, age I was slapped in Who is he " iio? . aaa Ee Leklteck vc his i acd charac' My curiosity was excited to the highest "You know Syivigt? cri ot the Coatit, "er Loaiapathimeinehedheiiie' had great tativence pire" Were you bi ver Tefeated™ "Take Bidhding to bs Tet , upon our y rhetoric Something mys) "I was once," -akd Syivic, "and thisisthe "Whyshoold fu» ure. ky st himt He proof of the duel." He rose and drew -- aand I were friends. Ne wae received into T ligne not beard ut se you ¢ * *) x bal B eo and our regiiGental «65 "that I have Wes ¥ and you prot ably toki you a strany "That ofa slap in the ceived f" "Yee Did he tell you ie ire. slinuerd, inevery duci I was - principal or, whoskapped mans of two or three dishes quepare. gece: ant. I was reyxsing upon iy th Dt at "No, never,' the time when a young man ofa | Mestrises family- perma mae se atinbold he lookin at the Count: It name--catered aneus "Ia my whole tt pier sotiow, lipagine ' of. me and he began to. © 4 ship; bat I received bius coolly with ind fferetice. I hat life f "atl never seen a ba "Yea, it w was 1," it apr agitation, ' youth, intelligence, venir of our Los coreters" "¥ *u_knotr it "s w." 2 orrvetos ae Ay ear ier oT tet Te ea, ee on Uignithons purty the more grand. name mar it_ always makes me that be bore, and you may then Understand iL seteiiieiahiacc iliac SS eae a itis pri ached vectjation war to shout tho phice that be imu ately took among My position was menaced. ae VER Les, | as. "No." wild the Cor mitivate nix friend pow he was ry . se him. be, phy sure of putting 4 tee "i, AIT at Oiee apn ari They apoké much how 1s! Sane at his fei seed i nn ety i inte | Lam erg a "ut shes a id you tie i oe 4%; bere ot at Whar exer et weucaed a Mi i) hR- a ririend, a4 'fa ctat theipame of bim an Hea amd ou," said 1, ft, wild same sicur knows treet Krew eA o quarried our mar hae Ste even in the regiment and anoug the ween mule snd the Countess were eut # eo whea be me despair. I wished to oimaree with bina; horse shied and she Jumped ® the ground but tomy epigrams be answered with epi-throwing her reius to me she walker grams more caustic. | was obliged | to @inil tack to the house, Upex ine there I[ ottyanmtiny ancer- Often in our conversations we wouk hd speak golf and I sneered at him. tricnd gf spine, 1 whisperdc a fhisear. Ue becanie angry fave. house to the with ribs impatienc: rival of my adversary. rise, and it grew warm, me (witness, «nd cherti city, npon speime him the object of iin OLED entered. the tion of aaa Sen. The day daw ed; I wasati, my turn. to) aboot ed with three 4 it meses, and -- ready f said he. He ha lawnitel the ar- --$ At lust, at a ball phat a visitor waited t incipal Poles of Uh! ana that he had refuset i Poort att --s< that _of the! ono beard-and- covert great a corner, sauaviergtr yay ti said We drew tur swords; the ladies disap bration in bis voice ~peared;.we were separated, and--ato lett tie it my hair rise sade aalien that I rm coger The sun began to measuring a dozen paves f corner, asking him 1 Y cannot see,' said be: 'ict toward uf] orderea one and close! t took my --_ ted t the secc aes jhand fall. 'It is too bad ' my ball, ' threw dowa s = bundred duc fused, We -- _ we leave it to chance, toaded with aball and no Then, after a minute that life in wy hands. he said: 1 WScow ne traveling carttiye rent e- at him. I his iti ¥¥ that. wy F Saat" Te wae ay tort ane bees. Lek it. Anca JR. to fire. At last I beki his of fiis pane, I We roan witht bh lus, sa tedb iis » the firey lace. = 'Youd ith & Sinister vi- ivie f said I, and I "It ty ' ar his oer placed myself iu tre quickly twat lize to enter, 'I as e light." hie done bob fad the ad oxked that I He saw that 't was # thinking of ber. Tt was a é@rightful imisute. Sylvio let hts that the pi tol is to with a cherry band." was an age to tie, *'Traly this is vot a duel; this is an as I looked at him with avidity, trying tofind it' Gaination. Iain not in the habit of shoo: him the lemst igmod ne ated me. tay heel. not prepared for death, as you do. Permit me your repas! "You do not disturb me in the least," PH? he he. "do as you wish. You have one shot t> fire and you may de it now or later. rar disposal 7 always beat > "T turned toward tante that f would nut tire that day, ge the duel oh wid not bave long {> wait was onthe," received that day Be ighers f aad 5S o, "Lam w,and then we "sali wee if death dered. ifthe lieutenant was still alive. At. mre teh that moment he arrived. "We ame bend ase bat be said he bad not tera y beard of Syivio since ee 3 the went a Syivio's Louse and meets ah hal iit lui: ne reeeired aoe oat alle was Sytvic you seemed to be = indifferent to life? A bed ; the t I bad itdown, The officer believing that be was iden I lowered my pistol |} ee as Grae: to him, "that you are sig He awaited ; ich be held ia , ing at an unarmed nrin. oupleef pieces of pepe Lat ow A Deneve -- i into the casquette he with a.+mile [sh eating ss plea-antly 5 don't know bow it hapy> then to let you finish! o¢ pitting m. my. adversary, bat picta 2" was purple; almost livid. ' "Sylvio raised his pistol ewes aud sid phe xpress on on bit Tacs I shail Wiine ne door ~ ay ond Meri took have and cams to live in this little toe, and th : urg, aud bere a-veraday has; t of revenge. maced - that pray preseuce i Now the -- Bagh wa that we are "Youn only amusing our- Mf heaven ix it true that vo aut going to Mos ine yourselves? said *You are mig lity ine It is onstian ot the Count day in playing ime again: wil ue forget, udal, be justead the ball went inte He painted to the picture and then his face he "Cotintees was pale, and aithed again. Tid thie "that 1 Al inay," He drew from his pocket the letter that be 2 Arar Go and drink a giass of water and had - Sotue one had written yeturn and then [ will intradues to you an tim thak the peers a in question had just * friend of mine.' 'Monsieur, in the ame marriel a chary e seit ong girl. mare only amuse . addressing, By Ivio, are my 'Condit: tions of ears: nnothe wn again A he sent a are to shoot ge and oppress-l me, the report cameSyivio. ~Why not? 'No Iam coatent. I see "tbat oe Coustes ant almost died with enoui. And that is why exactly in a ep intis The servants ©. - at-her with fright. " ber boshand Twice you have shot 'and that I might-not doubt his aim In rat his hey ploce a playing' GERMAN OIDVN AIVv Er. it is Reports from everywhere say "it be Sine," an indispensible toilet article to all who caine & eter 'hatr, it teyts decay, and restores ztey and. worn aut hale to its original beanty opin vitall- ey. Price #1 per bottle, six bottles for #5. be hy don't y oat Imitations have seater up, look out for there 'be genuine nied z --e the mi 'and signature of the sole es DORENWEND< | ire Large Stock of Sugar on hand. to 'meet 'the demand ie: the Preserving eason, 4 Paria Lair-Works... : Toe Anal Tos Yonge St., 'Taronts, Gin: _ Send for Dorenee noe s catalogte of Hair Goods. " Stratjord, July 2, 1490. CLARK'S BRICK YARD. T have just opencd a new kiln of nD PRESSED a Well warned and well manuf u 'eared, being ou et achinw. | @ are k of that clase of brick © and others wanting DRAIN TILE Will be able to yet them ------ Apply-to A. J. CLARK, a hawt also At the Yard, one mile south of the G. T. Stratford. Stratford, June 24. 152. R. Station, 785-tf =|Cheap Simon Wonderiui Bar! iN Clothing. 'Boots. Shoes and Gents' Fur: -* nishings. There is no mistake about } me $F Simon's {is the cheapest spot in the ay -- * Simeon is. a bargain giver. Star-Cole Lines ! FAST IRON STEAMERS IARRHGKA YSENTERY AND ALL:SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF-THE BOWELS IT 1S SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS~ ae eS CLEARIN G- SALE PHA cae BURNHAM'S - TRUENEOSES During the next 30 days, in aniee tom ake rao for winter fowering piant a tock of Geraniums, Pusch: fierconiss, ¢ ta t me, wii warpaies oxen " Thin alot of rubbish fam tiving to cet rid of, bat terete class stock xe and «ce me and have oeula&® Bj hia evidence. Bixjucts cheaper then ek eau -- them. Lots of woe Sevats Fuschias, "2 tee hors i rs fa oe Sx high, 16c. each, 12 for 21. COR AALE ov sas Siratiord, July ot bi = 730 uf ~ - Prints, Flannelettes, Para-- sols, s, Dress Goods, Cas pas Henriettas, etc. Millinery at Your Own Prices, A vere choice assortment of Suitings, -- Trouserings 'and which we will sell at re- duced prices. A call respectfully zolicited. Kastner Erothers, SEBRINGVILBE & MITCHELL. SPECL Have just received FANCY "CC Which they will seli OFLAHERTY & QUIRK. a fine assortment of very low for the ne thirty days. Aled. ae sizes of P FULL LINES OF lub and Imperia batt' sf Carling's and Cosgrave's. Ales and Porters, RESERVE. JARS. CHOICE 'WINES see npn Hiram Walker's Old Rye, Malt, 1 Whiskey, also La- Bs A. _T. IS WHERE THE: PEOP " STATIONERY AND And can make you a Frame ~ . prices that w "MACDONALDS, 32 Downie-st., Oddfellows' Block. LE BUY BOOKS, Aue ARTIST S MATERIALS. (om mn en tn at A A IOI, Tle fias also in addition to these a very full and comy --~-- stock of ----~ haste and Elegant Mouldings on a few minutes' notice, and: ill astonisn you. HE HAS THE STOG AND 1 HE FACILITIES 'to Come and See Seromrenncucanee' « i A. T. MACDONALD'S. Ahks do Goop 'WORK. ee the Mouldings| sere - GROSCH Retiring from No. Ae $7,000 Worth of Boots andl 'Show - Valises,Jetc., must be Sold at Once. -- Grand . Opportunity -to- Secure = 'Scheme. -- Genuine -- cing on. is fe ia a ale Commenci ) ~ |SATURDAY. GOING OUT OF, BUSINESS BOOTS AND SHOES. INO HUMBUG. CLEARING SALE TREMENDOUS BARGAINS. BROS. & HOFF! <4