Stratford Times, 20 Aug 1890, p. 8

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i ol . a ied ee 'Smet sage ce agement entre - SR nee ciate Pe 2 Special Prizes; --"S iH a Eavetroughing ~ Harry «: deal, RS Loretto Convent-- Lady Superior. Racursions--John Brown. 4 ay ge Sh« A fcPherson. 7 " yanty 51 Davidson 4 Hewat pefenta curt & ares & me Things that are Mean--Toiten Stammering | ard Stuttering---Prof. 4 Watch for Announcement--J. W 4 e Temperasice and General Insurance Bee ga Weddell, fou ane going to ect gal next wee ek -- a ee sta doeald, i Es = * THE ( pet ADLAN ~ BANK OF COMMERCE. BsTAat tay. Mead Office, Teronto. Gs 'pits ai (Paid Up) Six Million D olinr '$5,000,000. Re*t, . . $800,000 General Mazager. ASU ED Z. WALES, STRATFORD BRANCH: as neers Seay ianmnnetsn all t eo sited States 4, "Oren ARTMENT Deposits of #1 Od an¢ »pwards reoeived, and cur- ran of interest allowed. 4 Inte*est added to the principal at 'May and November in cach year. aan evar att giten ty eattertion -of comerer- cial p sper and farts mage «ales notes. . MAYNARD, JK MANAGER: the end of STRATFORD. C0 to 6 OS ta 0 ides, per c posesecaceat Bheeptkine, cach.... Hay, per ten Weod, per Core .... 6.5. 2 OOto4 Miss ae len Siaclair of Ninette, Man., writes that she has used Bardock Blood "Bitters for loes of appetite and headac he wit the createst benefit ips it. Her experi- ca by the paeARAN. eB Bis * -- F apaslic tor headacke. A Danghter's Influence. I had a very severe attack diarrhves Wild Strawberry, success, &s less than tvo botth =--"ftis work its weight: in Cotd. Mapcaret Wes "eels Gnt Mes. EPI I i eit DAS PAVE RE oe Fra * aN, $i eattibg hit 4%. grading" ta, Blain, building bridge, he HL & b. hail "~~ $18; Chas Lupton, grading LS FE. H.& BD. halfc 22.58; Con Meadows and A. Mursey@ 'ding T 3 EL oH. & DL half cost, 2°; ' r > one third cost of buildin E. H. Z. bn i ou : M a n tract, St. om 'Donald, repairing ntract, nuk Oxf xa road, -- tile culvert, $10 23; = in, Op p lite , lot 5, con 12,1m TSU at FL , < { Aaucere se rel gabon re rrdand ddd ered aatinuatca oii adhoot ratsé en or icf ing of oak i}. A-] parties In arrea-s ith engi neer 's fees will please ry the same to thé rk en ¢ fore the 15th day of Septem- t Will be pl ced on collector's roll be cA ext meeting w per centaided. Then wiil be held on th sleet Monday in peneen at 1 o'clock p. m.-- ?. Surru, Clerk. Dunster's Debts 3 pate 46--A- meeting ¢f the creditors ef Ge ree Dunster, lumber mer- chant aad contractor, was held yesterday in the oftice ot Mesars Rg. & Brown. 2 epresented, Weelrice The cre titer s were ta w mitt scarcely reac statewent of Dunster» affairs, considering that he has only been in businces two years, startied the n. eeting. The creditors © pects! and Euptzre af 3 a ao ah viet at Stratford, . Next rivit Wuerson Horm, -avetstT ». Key ¥ * | a CONSULTATION FREE, mond Office, 192. King St. West, Piles icire 8 '5 | @ 7 Fistula Laoag rare 8s hon Au } eas H. ROB - snes joun MUR THOMAS At =i MON, ,CURNELIUS KENNEDY HENRY FOLIO, JOSEPH 84 sheet: D, WM. Meo HENRY HON Tera, ROBERT THISTLE PETER ABRUGAST, JOHN BRADSUAW, W. H: ROW LARD, JOHN WOOD ¥ {YOu > JAMES BALLANTINE, tg ae "St THOMAS 3 HaxC HOL, > "? carry ali the ' } nd a8 ri * rd =} e though ssid pipe bad beea cunk. below the SUME CLOTHING SELLERS are BEAN. special Prizes. level of the hotgaan of the ditch when )i~ plac a there, end th ny were of yor that _ ae 4 _ a walet..thse io *' . = -- OLLABS TWO tack. Cous sequent ly bo sctior | wee cohen re DOLLAR a to replacing anid tile by larger oles | That's how MEAN CLOTHING eta | 2 ; - Messrs é lye aa Mc auily vapersed they iitete us ' Six ne te - rh ae i meee . i ea St ? 4 _-- . 5... es st they did | pot ace Shame, Saated SUN, "Pancakes -|! Twa Dollars per Pound for : - : ---- are rded with long | 4 = - * Seri aay oak ytton at de i Hs rt name, | = ny oo @ teil which Bey the water ran " Menara SHODDY. oii 9 Bi J | f'- ~2 € yne, , Met ly and ~os reported the 8 St tise td, had exan sabes diteh on Ox 4. . | the res 1 nna Es imax, 2 i r iimis as Wat Trere was-reves-- a tine sehen elothee . .. z = hist they agreed to pay c » bactly antal the | jollars towards «aid diteh, i « st me a seri us|] n rl 1 fifi af I Ger Poorth Annas! tnt! of +2 SPECIAL PRIZES! There's ne reason for MEAN CLOTHES, | Por batter Som ahiopkes pers cee wa reagon for them | 2 tion, Oct. in their cheapoess, but if thacé then |-- Sibe. Ku o the tieaccr they're made the better. Ye 1¢é °. a8 : at wonlin's tolerate the reason for a moje 4. &10 weulre 4 1. $1] ; dicts, urrey, thent , put in that w The only room ba panes lahat $13.75; Jobn Metray, do. 810; Alex | for ther fv the room they usurp, sod the | Frame, spreading vel, centre line con. | Ving ta saving at the sj got,to waste at | a } the bung. \e F eo ere AND THE REMEDY. & all dias Robt. Me "Millan, $5.20 ; James Ba Iton, re. coe 4 ' - . SFURNITURE, VALUE , 25 00 pairing hilt pest app caches, Avo bank . My Nhe " Kastner & Co, plant, 'i sj BE. long, Dix. Court . " . P. e pppeal of Wn orter, There is 3 store where you cant buy F: _ Weilvy's diteh, $6.99; 'doha Flat sarty, shuddy-'clothes, because they don't eel EF "P weading gravel, St, Marys ro ad, contract, | them; where the have neither two fF 0; Henry Shrustecle, half cost for prices nor par . Tes for same thing, 4 Tor 3rd pri grading 4 hill and gravelling «ame T. LD. where Canadiar, Tweed doesn't marquer- F ee ay en . . ' ff % ade as Scotch, nor Yorkshire Shoddy as RFURNITURE, \ ALUE $2.50 notte op MAY" Eregch Worsted, . IS HERE. IT =ntries to be made for B ADSEAW'S SPEUIAL FRIZE, Goto A. With the quite free to loc YOU KNOW WHERE THE STORE Is, Hamilton Bros' shoe store and the Empire Tea Co'ys' in the Oddfellow's Block, and see them T. YOU ass cheap in price SCHOOL 1} Onavic: | Some in " THEY WILL L ad A. T. sortment. | SU -- SOME CLOTHS are MEAN. ; i Sradshaw.s | ------ : | "a the Som: Workmin aie Mean. - ; ! xP At ey ames ' : | : 'You Are Going to School Next Week. MACDONALD and get a fair start by buy- ing your books of him. VILL BE PLEAS SED Hi Ex NDR 1; 4 1 s ices. Could and - dozens They are there to cell if you should happen to want anything im that line. . They. are. - at and endmire, and more than that you ase welcome to come in and the n MACDONALD: SURELY INTEREST YOU. s Scribblers are large, durable atid ercise Books are the same. All LISS in stock, and all at reas- you wish more? , See tke Store? of picture s on cur walls. DON'T YOU? It's between ame on the sign is price thet" re nucess ry. ty Property. Prize Butter to ome For the boys, there 'a the twe et 2 pi Pama suite, bepinn sg at $2.00 and reening apt high «+ $7 00, ording to size and pak ity._For.the Lacon paya or yoaths tt ere = Last :¢s: cur handacr rdecial prizes the three piece saits, either short or lel 1-9 chi i? ove of t mI t'exhit ata at pants , begin atl at $4.00 ard renging wi) ase hown i This year high as 21008 Por tie rr there' the, a; NAP ET SOIT ond entet tharr-ever tweed-sack enits: beginning at 86 60 any ock of inrnttnre was never larger. es never lower than at present. tre tered & teat >| Brees | is year larger than ever. Bar popul lar oty iT | gaia in every line runbitiy 1 Shand it trom $9.60 to $15 and the costs & nd vests in all the wo from $12 te $16, and th e's no better for | ' the money ny where. r | i se | = Ng hiceh don't know sleet to sell poor clothe: | __ te than xt Vt want to know. v | ey + m+ - ere --_ 4 4 | BRADSHAW &Co., |Tolton Bros. The Cl ovnier YELLOW F ei STRATE 1, 3 and 5 5 _Ontario-St . The chin ck er an eats 5 the srnyers' grain, Tio bee-moth s;oite hi ney The ehigger Gills him full of paiv 4 But Lei- an, Maundret: & Co. Mr. Give voa the worth of Your moucy. te watt lene weund ---- socacteirmpeilinces, eee ee . Pe: Woodstock, and Fri } . . are e ad _ 1 Bat go to fs lt oe, rie, wet ay riends, open v how & i im " uti ¢ ce : . erste "AY "7 + L 9 : a LE isk Bt AN MS Oe DRELE & CO'Y The At. Clair Tunnel, ia " Aug 16. - Only 30 fee t re- = OS el www ete 4 "ia red is as FD 3} . ATt ~ ale ZS | thie tuck: |LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. "cr Aw YR ; me two shiel \ IN FELD iy =e e Ww ale t - ha 2 nee stock f ij adie vt v5 acep ena ana menese tock oO . --_-- a rt the roles sep ---- vet, wa | fea tering at PINE AND HEMLOCK BILL STUFF, i kin ds of <i pe tees} » etri rood. he reev ations al nt me we mere. es ie waka }are " particaarly stringen® agninat news ALSG------_--- 1 i. MONTHOMES peper report everal defi aed =p @tratford. Aug 11, 1800. Krie j ran ef ehrere teen clrenlatéd of late abthe ee rin DPD _ SEIN Gi en i) . So | failare of the work and the death of ec j t Ea fenie: = betinetair~ie enc pak Which we offer at the very best terms. Give os a call. Remember we are still here ae ! "pe ' "4 - o ry oc STORE TORE NT jt sined in them, and they probably origin- and doing bueiness om the very be t principles. _ oe . | ated from the killing of a horse on Friday | oy the falling of a loaded bucket upoa the | eishman, Mau adrell - he ™ umnal, | ren near y nd Retail Lam lephene co ion, F , Stratford. AT commodious Store on Oxtario "St | The Coming Ponce of the Country. Wholesale and Retai Lumber dealers. Telephone connection ro ratfore Iately occupied by A. Macnair & Co-] ; _ a ; The best beriness stand inthecity. Every; rs Cox and Kain are stil! among t) - . convenience. Rent reasonable Possecez- ' ot the County of Perth, interest- fon given crag or further par | ing ther selves in their welfare and their ti a | ne matter ef securing a ARS MET HARINE KNEITL, f he fencing. at the 108 Norman Street, success may be taken for grant Stsatferd ' the foilowing centle- a g piaced their orders with the 5 aa ciao mama rae mapa ye to be -plankd. the coming spring DR. DR.W. E. BESSEY./ ANDREW MONTEITH EX -M. P, (Formerly of Montreal) S& H. J. KANN AN, LEX K* NNEDY, STAMMERING STUTTERING POSITIVELY AND | PERMANENTLY CURED. PROF. DEAN, after years of close shady and research has dis- covered the ONLY way by which anyone who bas an impediment of speech, can, after one treatment, speak 2s flueatly, read aloud page after page from beoks as be cn as if never so unfortunate afflicted. a oe oe Ne case so hepeless but 'that a cure can casi farther inform- ADDRESS P. @. BOX 377, or call on him a' the Windsor Ho- | fall particulars and N <4 SA SN KO, ® t vertety ¢ In sutiicie a es to defy competit RIGHT AND SHOES |! AT PRICES. x UnsE--" Mr. Bilitic 3. vision NURSE TO - THOUGHTFUL PARENT. eich, Ma Suita (Looking rather astonished and. pleased) --" I have made foe the other members of my family by way. ol of - Insurance. . i oh m happy to present you with two new or al Late Assornace Cok: Thousand: - ad

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