ord "VoL. KV. etinitenansaiipmee vnbatonarttier ee ee "STRATFORD, on TARIO tae , WEDNESDAY, Su PTEMBER 17. 1890. ar ener waren Births, Meas snd Paths Wetie ait Rieti Sack odin T a fewe jee asd Treatioe are inaert ~ AI RTIS Seca pr uRy Pe! _ mh, om the #4 tows on Bake of » sen, onary. Ha Tyrone, on the Sth tasticthe wite of : doha (Fisrady, Jr, of 2 dacvutter ~ FVERG ots an-Alen tes tot, sae wife of 7 Alex Younz, oe @ daughter cs rhe Mth otis She aa inet, the Sew 5s r. ape or the ard zt po Foes aime, of a vines 'ts Wale a ard ath inat., the wife of Hick nes, of a Oa anty tu Maiasdocs, a the "Meh (net., the wite of of Mr. 8 E Oakey, of a een so Aine Ica inst: wife of Mr Geor ow Bh Stratford em he 2 "the wife of asin ofa das om thes 6 helt ie the wite of W at y Ofer ~ Ti Paere y h R Kew, 0 & danyhrer x the | +4 oe aa YKRIAGES si ig ig td ILLIAMS.- it a xs nig Oe en tte wet uit, ie eran anne sie the sah * Gigs Sarah: «iate Gand dar sett iormesty of Log i Sou wrvnats y a ¥- RBOTT Corinreterds othe 1th te hy Rew H. Bercy, of Mitonar, ure elated by » ©. Bduned's. # vb. of Ful arte x, Hew Palaw | M, Adil, 5 y Pe] Mies riley, * ie et Histh, on the 10th bf cf the bag rs Teasers = ue ek s Riges Eig. mucrchant at UNDE se! erie IT. FETC et Ate Tebaenee » mother, io Listowel, on the Mets Ld io W, Ortwein, rf. Uiteon : Ditas Ellzabet!s Ava Prichey, onsite Meh =~At the K man . Cathelle "ie seria Margtiette, on eth at, the . OFelsvey, M. P., former'y "of Maidetone, to Mise Atni¢ O'Shea, of Ma vqecthe. seen toot -05-the wie ot bs ia jor D Sipeiet axed. 'e years Mich. on che 22th A. Reetheik, * $ee u Palye aon, on the bat inet, Broley, of Pergus, ag d ib years a io KNOWLES 16 Palmerston, on the tot. adel ne, infant danghter af 'W 4a omar, aged I Sih vl, Faar, bev her, Frank ¥ he Sed i + hatitie) E frutt. < Sng ef Foun , Dutton, of Bivcheli aged 235 AP nein 3 days SWAS _ tht wet, on th John Swan, ar and re in Jor x 78x. sy tor -- a, 2. ong Joh -- on, CarMage tsk, © th ot, wth o tath ult, Cromarty, aze, > fa Straite 40 500m, MACPHERSON - and, aral-Gordon, =e of Ke ed 76 5 mokuabe a Sal: site ct, bg ash ae ire,' Bagland, sie ho! azed * KER te Fuliartcn, on ses "th inst., cungest son 6! n ' sad Mary J 4 2 nronths ond 4 MU rer ct in re ~ he thciret , Sarah peare. VANDEICK-- In Liston! om the Sth Inst, suit 5 Hdk, awed 6 years, > mantis RISDEN--At ae envio on the Sth inst) ghia . aired G2 COOK ---1 ii maces, a oS "the a. Samuel, ar Year and Wm. est Ward, § mon! CRETE New rig. on the pecacag th : 5 Joho -- Sew tine 'Gerth, eed 16 years, & KELLY --1n Kinkora on the 12:h ult, Nery, e'dest daughter of John iF. ear ee ge 9 days. --In Stratiort, on the eat, Agnes ora danghter of Hen: yO Jennie Le- vett. ag on the 6th is Thomas Gecebn John A, ane Kerr, Tenry En Bok merhet was wee largest for itandanes at the vention bi a paenwen last week. iiag bales Eat i real live Cow . They Ate ct Be ae ad Hodd, was Millers Convention mag he Woods held Divivion Court, Wed- There were 50 cases in all Presred hag jadgment Teniménpes._ The adv't of A. Smith, , dealer ie thaware, stoves was of this iseue of Tue a -- will auaece "next week t for the most sccurate e and ~ > that day. The 3isfF'a't. Band of Duthsm, paged | the city Monday, en their wey to | = where thay te enna io pey i e ooine air . They treated the residents the vicinity of the Sept mig iii Wiel ; : Bt Sa Seo. Térrer, son of Mr. J. G ol Poca haa ward, formerly of thi, honcts st the } ht ity, te, Last winter. ene aie De Coo sane geuens luni Ls _ the wife r ft... : | Jarmera cau ger 2 a AROUND THE CH. + fell fair season is uy nue ce al wit be ¢ th UR annotace ic. od Wri ight eat to. Maxsecile G, A Powell's opesing « oth of tiia month, Wait aod ie | the last call. } | 26 cents will pay youu th for watch atid iodine : nfectirg § Valene cia Kai at O'Flaherty | Just te hand Prime Néw aitts, the fret of the <eason, Draper Taber. ete., ffrto J) » Ding interr ri tot ig a Can- now sou can af- sup tor the sty ee the orchestra ins sings ioowntte tad Gevernment wake fur tenders for a r yeare mail contract, between, At ec Mitchell, ated ietween Doaking snd See adv t in this isear. j ~Misa- "MeCossaiclt of Bramzton; favored { the. iarg gs 'eyetion at St. Jatues Churely vith. a solo aac sy seeping. She _ # rich aod perwertni v A Torowte evank gaye that be saw Ben ot. He 10 ast be elpseiy ritiod wich the Individual ia this city ow who poor Potters ox mee Ripee® = has for some weeks summer oe at: wil be held. 'inte the caatier ectigtaucad of ip con | erot the Ws.b, Pus | AROUND THE city. ! Treenty-fee Cent Trial Trip ipieted sone During the month of August 163 bons 5 year. iginen Now is you fhe in Officer * On the Ca. pet." Report haa it thet Barn fas betes a t et othe. bome Nerth Per nthe ¥ rhib ition. r Threu pes otter Mitchel), are» i rh @ mist "| AROUND T2E. CITY. | TY. Lu M Lica: apd Lieut Col Hen. Maj BiH be he Puuveday to examine f eo Veroanio Mis Fatios, whteh mist ae court of tnqaity or a court ae aid (hat the Cauec uf ine vitices be the carpe? "$s purtiatly : ae * to agme ind cormts language Ueei} tha Siperior oftice: ures na well which will he after the court gita, Wilh Ae on WAS ioorared Tat it was 460 ipveet! b fewuive & fimtoa ng "on ~teda Layim-an. ev. De, tiriffin" aad Mr. Terotto, vodlence Mm Jolin are carrying on * the Torcnte ot church... cx+mpltions... 1 Docwor rests his claim for exemptions to ccl stastical property exclusivily ow the property is ured de t tuuld th sycagogue, the tu: ksh om aque, Chinese jomhons, | and even the | temple Gs * Aytmer, Krigace 'watt. advance | theds in' erest she Strotrord [resthytery. / Moanitay laat che Presbytery met at sie ihe ationtanes being small, owing Mrs Ma phesvon that diy, and, ate token of respect « saved the meeting aij Mr Tully wav: aes, ophersop...in . t t tee 4 will be held in Knox church, estford, on Lith Nove! er. Disposing of the Appeals. The te in the arsesament from the ant His aR ken hats re of the ailiwery department 't Movers Duggan Bros. store. A-wheel_came.offa 'lorry loaded with VWadosed vedowed: abe: ay | last, on Ontario street. Abcuc half that rmicunt were spoiled. They were the pro- perty of 'Vo Beondenberger. Remember thal Beadabaw & Co, offer some extra prizes at the coming fall [sic for te Ik is mot every r that gund for butter. advt "in another Sov A inh *& Koes eotutan Nine firenen will leave for Lindsay aud one for Hamilton all to take post- tions there as ongiacers. Tas following are the nemes of the § ntlemen who will atiord: 1. Tasaer.to Genres Narsey. Ro Young. 3 "Hough, J. Logan BR Wileony¥ >, Bain and D. Murray to Lindsay. "te; John F oediling, of Tavistock, em- ployed by A. Smith, tinsmith, at the resi- ae se of Mr. James Dunn, in couree of tion, fell fucm oo seaffold on Saturday, aed received severetuternal injuries. was taken into the residence of Mr, E-. Koeitl, snd was kindly gared for, He has since recovered auificiently to be removed- to hia homew Paris Star--Transcript :--A meeting of the iscrosse cocicty waa eailed for Friday night, but therawerenot enough. preveht i "Phis-t# met -oredit- ing 'that St rat for = ald glay a "return ia Paris, Tieants ghould stick te this bargain." _Ameotiry of the directors of the Me: sh ani s Inet ¥ era ina to dic mating ih MVC e _ t sb purpose; but there seems to diverts of Sens at to the feasibility of & pre) THe as wie the t bility of amelga- Ue xtiiute wah that of the Y. PUM es is pleased to notice the Mooney, of Maidatone > J. Kneitl, bas anccess fy iF padre: i the entrance examination to ve Tigh Soh rool at Wi ndsver, er the a..class.of..fiftonn Considering that the separ man ia only eleven vea)s of aga, Tus Tres can esfely predict for him « sncceseful educational carer The Chaatau: i Literary and Scieutific Circle met last Friday evening in the Y. MC. A, parlours to re organize, when oficers for the year "909: were elected {cia the intetition to hold their eon meetings atthe game place and. all w would ike to spend their spare hours z 8 judicions course of study would dowel! to accept the invitation held out to-them to join its memberehi A few evenings ago a citizen of Romeo ward was aroused by a noise cn the = i! Lis residence, oa if some one was to get into the house. He searched for his revolver, and found sl) the chambers empty. The would be thief had evidently o confronted by two burglars ? VERSONA saad ise Annie Rowe, of thia city te visiting. aToose -Mr_R_ Beatty, of Allendale, was_in. the, ch city Sunday. Chief . of Police Williams, was in the city last week. Miss W brary the artist has returned to the pate has resumed her clases. Mrs. and Miss nhc lh . -- city, are the gueste of Mra, S. Irw Wiarton. Mra, James Lloyd of 'tr ford Bas re turned home sfter visiting friends in Galt. Mr. Robt. Boyd, of Tue Times com- r ee: ataif is » ht aceing at the Provin- of deailiin, "We acd Mrs, hid nepannet of Chicago, daughter and scn-in of Mr. Thomas Stoney, are-visitiog Sa . ae Mr. A. Damas, of the G. T R despat- 3 office thia city, haz accented a post tjoa'on the C. . KR. at Nerth Ba Mr G. 3. Tare r, of Point Edward, Tux Tinasa p'easanteall Friday. | boking as young as he did fifteen yeareegs. Brag lattic Nortiaber, OF this city whe : Pert Huron ave wis rat last. D. Weodsiie, sae o the hardest Mr. < Workers "in the Cong-\ative itereeiat | Court et Revition to the Judge have been "ae act to (xomption Fon texation, Mr. sllam ot question .. com- jen aemse 1 istof view, apd h reed bia pierical of. ae Mes the ppoment ta Lake sofuge i in the orn: ene the <arnta Canadian pate ie " Merican Chartey" Thie "*fakir' «be held forth on the -- square hore last sprin is roped ia a amber ot people at Beusscls last week, The Lest.ia dadeccdig $0 dbuays o--'* Tha am catneae a ceil yet done in "puch a End atured Way ihet the swindled hardly are where they were unital the _-- twas the Wa; Gets Come Up With, gaint les iat the and Charley drew a reve ver etd auvined wand sundry--not-to-money-with the | show + Loformation was laid aguipst "De." beds : Sevaaing ity Ads MeDonalds for thi aad on Saturday the falir p'eadec belore aaa trates Graham and Speur yy ne costs, ame uncing nn ate at "40 wana as about 80 or 360. The whole thing wos case of the biter. getting bit. au ate nishing thirg that people wili de gambling and sil «ciods of fakes res quod moacy to game." Experi ence is the oniy thing to teach some people wim lon. 'The strevess Concert. ' Messrs Huyh & Roberts Skioner Hamilton are eserving of liberal pra age for their egterprise in bringing enormous expense, wo Canada papier «f Dirauca Fe tieaves 1a the C: patois of eros pe sua ra created a furore leading cities ia Us Orehestra thai plays. « pectuiac to iteeif, which everv ¢ aprreciate, du git q fiom the Soriptio 1 isis im every city*where Straves is io appearthere concerts --_--_ the mest fashionable and suce t given in Canada. Every ree of music whdecan afford it, should go hear Straues, in one of the citles he ys in, The concerts will be given ia Montreal on the aiterno°u and evening of Sepiember Ith, Ottawa evening lich, oe aster rmoeon 'T8th and to be sstul eve Loadon evening 10th Mees A. & S. Nordheimers, in of the above cities, and ail partiéy Who intend going should write and secure scats at once The Nert Entrance ee de The next entrance mination for ad. miseicn to High Schools vad Coilegiate In stitutes will te held on mber 22nd" 23rd and 2ith. aaplicaata.s intends te write iseaare send in their nares to the. head of the lostitute 'or High Sehsed 5 at which they propose to write, on or before December Ist. Examunation papers will Le set io Litera lure on passages from the see adc lessona from the Authorized Fourth Reader: -- Pages. 31--32 43 --55 1 . Pictures of Memory. 2 The Barefoot Boy... 3. TheViaion of Misa rat red The Face 'Against the ets Looe Sarpioney VER. OST Seose 63--66 68--74 ge --76 is the Beli-ef Atri............ 14. sseced aay, Wild Bellis... . ais Cartier -161--163 eee es 2 ed ery tu the | Jeet Paar PCIe Ay totiews pore 18 4 Concerning Men and Thinge--A Week TH CLASGIC "s LoTs or LITTLE 1. LOCALS LOOSELY LINKED. ed on thout the City. --Seme- ting that wilt Tnteoeet Beenypone--Neray Nuggets * Specially Condenaet fer * Times' Reader: Life and Secon Picnics are plentifal at St. Williams, Forest boys indulge in coon-hunting tipspel meetings are being held 'at Kin nard, Rirgeville is happy now that i Bas got a lawy er. Orehord and gardea thieves are busy in St. ' ¥ . fhe Methodist church at Foreetis under going repairs, Fi rinciple Boyoe school haz rr vigti ec Orangeville and vicinity } vases of malaria fever. Dreeden of the puhite i, ase numer of Orangeville Methodist church has a new pipe or ap, costing $1,200 A football elab has been organized at the Aylmer public school. A new Drilge is being Hne, Just south of Cera A company haa heen Formed to bore salt wel! galt at Giencos. The dates of the Rininey Pair have been changed to September 26 and 27. Soe anqnet farmers are joy | over ths Rood retarns the grain #s yiek Mr. Evans, of West Lorne, has th: con- tract for the new = up at Rodney. doe terme] te wcheior- bal on the Sth P Ghetarr;--of- Peeem, millson the doliac wi in Be'Chat ams tate of taxation this year, ate on the d silese ier Embro thie " og' -ill be 10 milla, and'in West Zora 0. Carling Bros., of Exeter. scold Mr. Dam scith, of St. Marys, 6 000.Ibs of butter this week There are at prevent in a Brantford hoapit seventecn patient. al pase from The pic-nic at Sebringviile in connection with the Trinity charch wes a complete euccess, Friday last. Mise Hiordan, of Guelph, and Mins Watrerton;~ ~the Lorette Abbey, Toronto, Wednesday Last. Phe 98-year-old ron of T, 8. Stanle cede resides in Mapleton, had the m te have his elbow dislocated a few rags ago, fhe 7 year-old son of Mr, Pater Smoke, near Middlemarch, fell ef a horse recenth while- siding it 40 water and seeks ie acm, Mrs Large, who hae been risiting with Mrs. -Kerby in Woodstock, intends to re tarn to Japan aa orn as health will per- = 7 per meeting of Oxford Lodge, A., oe aud A. M., Woodstdéck, Right Wor Bro. Fred-( 'Martin lectured-on the 'Ma sonic Apron." Severs! cases of symptons of fever have come to light lately in: wel!, but owing to time!y- attention the aymptome have been allayed, The mayor of St. Marys has fesied a $200 reward for information that will lead. to the apprehension and coaviction of the' McFarlane redaced frem 33, 0, to $7,000 'ding, "reduc ed from x - 'Seen +n building, re: OTH $73000. Albion hotel 00 to § 818,000. Noir Dey tieede? mare On Sat rae, the 20th of thie mare Mr. ; weil kns opens out in-the-Carre! lh one anew and wesli ack oted gteck of dress gooda and jwullinery.Ma..Powell's long experience in the a goo 1a business » places h nin & parit ion to know when he ie eacering bar- pains: Andtrevery ence hewilk: nis lengthened ex- seed from : ead from S197 London's Great Fair. : As the time draws ne © "ter the ofthe seventeenth - Wir is mp secunta any. deult sbagedactit that ine any Fair will ex- ceed tn tatguira oan t ttre nctivencss any prev fousexhibl itimbeldin Western Oarario. hi rs Association ha« put the whole matt 'r ins aut shell whee they say in their pro- gums *t Mare tt te amure tis geatdays of teu rinatruction ened AUILU Se weet." Single fee fue the rowad tip sttrt prewail Curt ng the whe i #*ill tower rales y wil days from eich dis which apply t a rop raed card to Theos. A. Hro «ie, Secretary, London for prove = 4 "2 School Trusice Meeting. . Che Siratford pablic school trustees held their reguler nreeting cn Tuesday eveniag, all being present but Messrs Ferguson, Sharinan and Barnedale. These sccounts were G,.Duiton,' Dy instore SeDonald, = > Gorvaltas --:, *e12) Bt; Mathew Teneo, BS; G. freight, .35; James Stamp, $15; aon Chenoweth, $5975; The managing com- mit'ee reported a re arrangement of janior classes; also ~ changiog of teachers agre that the third 'con teachers vt .jani $325. ton to have Sin, and the principals of Hamlet and Psiet sf ward schsdte ta re. ceive £25 in addition to: their calary. The puniberon the reli was 1417. The nag ae ana op exainivations ty take plece Christmas, but ro promotion te Sjundoe fourth and third classes this year, The onder for slate black boards wax cancelled was aenior Neve Patrol Wagon, The city fathers have scen fit to add a patrol wagon to their well telected list of corporation hearer y It is patterned after the style of a wheel-barrow, and its cap- acity was satlnetarily tested on Saturday last by- P.-C. ex. cellent time cOmiog up 'Market. St., con sidering the small amount of practice he bas had in baodling the vehicle, and th averion incbriated ocuupant to his bended. 300- ia- vitations te & 'a ball to sh place Sept 26. Fakisa who offer a vo-called ** $0 gold watch" for $1, are operating in Lambton Teo ceats and six mills on the dollar is" Wyomitg's rate of taxhtion this year. Woodstock's rate of taxation this year will be 19 mills on the dollar. vodke jesbeing.umade-to ize-w phitharmonic society in Weodatock The plum and pear crop ia the vicdatiy. Busion, Sorivlk County, is bette for some years past The necessary deposit contest Mr Des -- County of Montmorency. Ry pag Ww hetihan, of St. rior has beet made to election in the Mary s, is fit on mare and ting Up & saperi fowt for exhibition at ee Weatern Fair." E_E. Newman cashier of the W. atford fas been a give thet rater Biby," nist similar position i in ete Guelph -- W. E. Reid has strack natural on his farm eight miles south-east of W alan ata ilepth of 03 fee Mr. Sharp Butterfield, of Windsor, will wone of the julgw of Poultry at the w mie '6 Fair Chicago. . Lillico, of Listowel, will start banker aand broker's office In Braudos, Man., in the near fatire The-mayor of Sz Throane has proclaim: ed the afternoon of Weineaday, tho 17th inet, ahalf holiday to ensble citizens to attend the Southern Counties' Fair. A lad named James Howes, who lites in Woodstock, was bitten by a dug there the r ligaments were aiso torn, he ather sea! Dr. Weat was calied in cartier? the wound, which waa 8 serious oie _. Tenders for the carrying of the n ne he- ween Windsor andthe L EE. art D. RL R, station te raternof three ye ars and ten tusnths are beicg asked fur by the Pokt Office ie sriment The oaee of 'Galler, alias Drosi, hed at Ta ashi tow = forgery ou the German Bank a goarg, will short- ly co up fer hearing ce the & out of eae * os Heweh at Toronto. Rev. JL. Geandy, Windsor, Sesatdend of the London Conference, has gone to at- Generai Coalerenes ons at Montre "He will be cima about four weeks. At a late meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the Perth Teachers' Association, it was 5 pps - hold their next- ancual teacher's convention at Stratford, on Thureday =. Pridey, Oe t, 23 and 24 bext The death i is anoounced of Mrs. Bailey, wite of Mr, ward A. Bailey, j var unlit of Rapél City, Man. d knowa to many of the city of London and Weodatock, ns she acd her husband form oie. rosided i iu both piaces. A gee club has been organized at will be known as the Donaldson, treasurer; Prof, 5. structor. A. Mathews and Robert Henderaoa, jr., of Tileon e were arraigned before his honor Judge Hughes at St. Thomas, ech da ch stealing ay, to answer to » charge 0! horse Jonas Stoner, ot Malahide ie Snty, 1888 The case was eek to euable the office bab who got Stoner's horse in trade, L. Bush, =" parse roe two other" geatlemen, have and patented an attschment td the atreet one gear, which serves both as a brake and helps enormous- Vint," in- party oc parties who tired the old a a a The new Roman Catholic Church a' Dornoch, near Durham. is ex opened on Sept: 21 by Bishop newiatedt ere, seating of other. entlem ~ "saue iy to have oe light shortly tis to be Ball of 35 « iaal_l,000 candle power _each..providin, thirty. tive consumers can be aenaae iz that place. A special joint committee 'of the St. ™" arys counett a 'Of trade are con sidcring the style and size, for which it will be used, a nae and market building. ° ince the barning of the St- Marys towr= hall last week ti 'mporary offices have bees and purpos new town -- athe. oiticials, and the council will for the presen | meet in. the firegen's par "The "\oodatock Standards saya ¢ Alice S.nith, who wae at Niagara, brought back by the Crown and teft is charge of her grandfather, Mr. aioe at Easteood, until the Birchall trial o Workmen in the St. Cliir posi that when a large side-wheel -- posse over the tuone! the noise can be distinct heard by the men below, ve esvel owne? Dowling wv - apres: re © =" ea tie = - that the competion of thi tannel foF <> ver kitls the higk oe ze -scheme-at--De- trait, A V4 year-old * 'of Widow Howell, o the. west ond, Woodstock, fell from the trapese in the Coltegiate Institute gyrons. riam sud severely sprained hisankle. The Dr, McLay say: that the lad wiil be laid bi for ack era! wee Anirew Pullar, of the fir: t origi staf . "sid one of the moat respected employes ft the Grand Trank shops in Stratford, has resigned his position, and intends leaving Stratford. His intention is 'to follow farmivg in. futere ia one of the Wester: Stat De. Bonk of Weodstook, in lim On fee ount of « painfol wound inflic his thigh while breabing an old ching a here wae a rusty ley. srage his knee. in the shingle, and it penetrated ¢ t the bone. Tho wound was promptl canterized, batt is still very peinful. ~ Oar ofthe moet -reepectable and solver business men of Brantford has received « circular inviting him to correspend -with + ceitain man + » view = pirchasin; 325,000 pies of United Sts s note for $1000. address to which e wast telegraph 'ea a Meese andy' New Ox ford, Adams Co,, Pusuayivaala: A bore named Ware, engaged i mains to take *h: gas int oodatock Miss Fannie Dien, second daughter «- Archdeacon Dixon, of Guelph, was ed in St. Geurge's charch, The Song of the Shirt. . Edinburgh Af det HOBY Sco dipccs tes Merchant second ~ The selections for tne Jaly examinations of -- Haid 2, 5, 8; 9, 12, 14, and 15 of thore e and The Death ofthe ota ceeeeee 67 --88 From the Deserted \ ARE Sos 5 ook ¢ + W3--305 Se eetions for memorizatic a: ; The Sells of Shan.jeon To Mary in Bann aie %7--98 pena ntti Belle. . ieeenies perancyeas t {aa Leal, arti Light | Reds +. ob 52 grotesque posifion. On nearing the city hall, ite cecupants feet became eo in the spokes cf the wheel while his head ang over the dash board, and the driver pee unable to steer the vehicle and apply brakegat the same time, had the cons ation of seeing the occu cided pre that AVlerman 'Rigg hitch the co ation cqits during the ireskio ug unhealthy position in which the tunate occupant would be'placed has overlooked, [P.S. The corporation colts # i Le coming in on the ice. icy and " Here we BY horas of =O im eat ieee often a tight of etaire load" fog to a A. Dantel Come. to Judgment . Foe" a id the philoaopser, .~ Ya ig todo & eso otis ly to Start the he tatter go ite al ebject. By it = losded. car -can be started with -- less than half the pull be old. ww: I: will do all that is ae for Some time ago Ff. "' test baker, sud- denly left Datton, raid ee! Paige ds These itors sized Fred Best, the baker's brother, who held a chattel mo; e OD everything, forbid the bailiff selling 7 Tbe wer. ee ~ interpteader, a Bismarck on 'he ith ginwes totes scabs -- nger. een j decided in favor the creditors who sei nees and the rent of time of seizare_ the Stas rector of the Serine to pay Saen ex the phe dariag t a Sunday tsst the goods, when Presentt, tr et Preanith by Officer rier Windsor, replocing "M ov * at fiantiord ; Miss Bradiey, tinge te Windsor in