FETE. | Stutte ines pate grr gnaensins Sova sce) MORE FOLic# WANTED. at he afibarent. tothe police com: | St ag uh "i two policemen te tw look after é eity, the 3 of Stratiord, ix some whaicia 'varie Uf it haw wot, it bas at al = ssi ted "that eghpeney a TS akg residents of this city Cari MeMillian Kittridge x "tes : -- and office were ray to kingdom sing tro-men the feastithity cf-engs oe 'net thought of, this paved the way ment. for's eecoid oppointm: We do cot say that it was well that the birclary bappen- ea, we: weare exqeedingiy thankful for the iceman. The vonder is Ow iat we could do bboer acl tro so long, And now that we have had w ints both = fire equmitted sania e: Btwn aia ik from the post office, thetappoint- posi ne thore police should he urget Ss the market.apd poline cominittee. hit sdpeome aed = capable pe = Noa be Cavaian force, that: two-tres:can: properly "While they are on their besta in one ena town @ murder may be committed, ----s bargiary eke plice,- or a fire occur at} ead igg tren end fron where they. ee then where are the y are good men, but unlike t ate upabla olor. Iriah- . Hf there had been NY * aarne time. pone ati 'St men plaved-on- the} ce forces La the first plate, and a-sigued ier heats, as the reqairements of a f thia size show the necessity for, por Potter's death would not bo as it is to day, shrouded in mystery, If he was wet foand| the police would have observed, in all pro- y. sume ane stirring 'st that un- memly beur, «hich would have aronsed is picivas and some on one wont: hike: ty Have been arrested. hat crime is increasing nse gee every whete ole pecple wil 1 have aclinow- ledge. For ss avity's yalation incresjen with ai] clarses and conditions of humanii ty * foeking..to it, crime nat-rally enough in- eresses ctvo, Take all the largew citles | in Can aia wu ak as Tovonte, Mont:es | apd a rit is oly ts sane patrol this oR aper, in.swo | ES iatace: tar nyrcH its ck. Mrs. Birchalls Quiet Manner of Life-- Mi hid Curiosity Seekers--Birchail in hu Crit, Weodstock, Sept. 12th. -- A repor rter had ivlege of seeing Tirchall in hia ceili with the uaderstanding that he the. ter day, as the goveru should not be interviewed, mert have to deiler Cameron ou the subject. bir: salt: 4 cell in ne of the apper wen chk ape has "4 bo risenera, save pr oxtmity of rl -- d the " unavoidable detention" that oe from the inte iron door between them and liberty. ce!l is neatly em and decorate] with jicturés bon ad plants: A barge wrst- table littered with papers oocupie? gue rote and behied it this moraing sat his cer leoking as oe prema and elf- posse rising young barrister with & good practic 's calmly awaiting iivy clients in his private offive. On one tist of uncommoa abitit He aspen isa good des! of his time in ma ing' pe rn "ae or huntiig scenes and Jiighiy.- eek meby. - denking wash draptoys of Scat oo . marching Petter eI: would:-nat that the mental strain to sally be aman ic euch a serious position is subjected would "Fagin: to tell ou his-* Hf comin eh and e- but Birchall is evidentty not that sort of a young person. He is look: i Renwell murder liar hss turn- ed up in Hamilton. He i i a boy who says he saw Benwell tiurdere "ol. Benwell, father ot F.C. Benwell, the murdered young man, was to have Eagland to give but he did not. Arcangenents were made-to meet hin in oe that the benken- hearted father is dy: g. From the latest reports itis. hardiy likely that Col Benwell wilt survive to hear the Wrdict Counts Astatael Bail is haviag a novel ig air these ro he Every mail brings batch of letters from al! sorts and con- dices t te the the bar st: over the Provinee are woulug for tickets of admission. If one Hallo these rejursta were granted the cress issued very strict instractions | ined 2 3} j yan # "placed™ amongst ™ PALL ASIDES, AN KXCKBDINGLY ena? ¥ POCKET THAT WILE OCCUPY THE ENTIRE 2 Criminal and 17 Civil Coarse' Clear- headel Address hy Mr Justice Hase-- Rumford Pleads Geailty, Sentance De- Qucation Dis. __The Das caine tPorth_op: ened mt the court botise on Monday before bis Lor -- Justice Race The docket in a very beavy one, on? being two crimin- al aod IPvivil caseg, which will occupy the courte time the better part Mr, -Xmelivs Irving, .4).C., the crown provecator. There: are no lee that six Q. Gis. present, and many other prominent, legal men, THE GRAND JURT Foreman, Sanderson, ex-reeve of Bianshard ; Jemes Clark, George Capling, Peter Dewar, William Feeney, Corretius Rennedy, John Kelly, W. Ker Samuel My ratt, A 'eres, ash Rothwell, & z. Rutherford, J Sheard, Jchn § Sproule, a sia ses Wm. Thompson, Sidford Tatham, J. In addressing the Grand Jury, hi 'end ship took occ on to remark t the re- turns handed te by. the Shesi it showed that they had twa erimipal cases to deal with, one ee for munder and the cther for -- ir fe pointed-cut-that- it wae their 4- uty ts tok atter the tnt amd of the brent charg se with offences sae mat mks hey would enquire into he finte and " presentment make aa to whether the facts az they had been pre- nted to them revealed treactes of the ae Touching upon murdor his explan ations were fuil and acevrate. Referrivg ts the sending of paapers to the jail, in bis opivion it was abso'uteiy wrong.that people whose condition wae ruch shat they were P ter tenkeatier theme verted t erimivals, endi ing tind whose only ia View it wae wreng ; he wonid respect their pinion. tf ic is wre ngsee that itis rizht el, aod thet f ends here oo matter what the cost may be ° CAIMISAL CASES Queen ¥ Runt : <1 ison tor their old ge gol, crue Was poverty. acuta thar or ®iee, ie Crown, M¥ agen v, se) sietty Pury Meacch the yelice court recopdsand what @e you find * mio Rae probably one: of the most tent police forces in America, yet THOR] mae amcent hs of crime committed there. i be without. the palice of whith came from Hatt tht is * Geo. pee, ef Galt, joo ALaunty,.. dies thas Birchall ia t morning. gent election Care. E. Aetenes 0 Speke), Bess. Ny Mong 20RY Cases, wr Arner W. Ford for detomnian t. Pare nee red Ls Hh action arising oot ot the hited _... aot _gaa_and anol _R eat, of just ig Ba dl the "feces The crim 'val repelation cf cities ; apbe lex Ke final: Or ttreiee procs tte at) 'abonld be taken to 'ataas 'the eurretit et its bead, even though in a rlight Ps y Having nsre police appointed, 2 of the preent day and educa. m to have na check u e Tey gro#s rather thak diniinishes. Evext the geal, the penitentisrics aud the scvtfold seem to hase fost all the terrors they ever Z committed tat Se aaRT pan te 'bhawh Many perpotratcd in the dark and middie * Ard that teo in @ country which yiter Seats pene being one of the. th ink ing pereon ¢ > be wtrne delinestion of , tinple aseubaa they may appear to all Iaw-a _ citizess. So iftheyonl, ' ptitentiary snd the rent tare as-it "fost. their texte) ra_for the. erimius!s, 'aed religion aud ehecatlog un abic_ to do wnything for ue, the next best ig to de ia to engage a Fe vigor: eus and healthy "cops" supply itv them with long range chot guna me oak batune, may be unable ri all times to nnin- tein pesre and -- crime, but with s ook- baton they would rove trent t certain Fite t tay would certainly exer- a persu asive ivflaence upon that ciaas (who under ne clroumstenses treat [> Journ. More ales are wanted, more long range shot gins and more heavy oak Batons. -------- Rev. Max Fartninc of Woodstock, ad- Geesses 4 letter to the Hamilton Spectator. Be hopes that the public will remember Gea? ii is Hirchall and oct hie wife who fs @0 tris! acd concludes: 'All will admit that whether ber husband be guilty or no, abe is ia a most sad position, and de- getvesthe sym and protection cf very percon, ¢ ly of woman poe protectcr, oe I bon a only right ice 40 write. this, .to shiata a Gefenceiesa waned from being wrongly public." -- Rgreat many more robably not aware sah la wife must have bore: guperfivial reasoners, i ef the fect that Bi Beown that they had no farm when she | Wir, wes pretending to buy wall fapuce ai Niagara Falis. Tha bes ewindling operations there eeems to Mile doubt: The'way it strikes an cri observer is, that the public arc s more com ie i for the knew = joes net pretend not "tlle as he has to be oe tel aor an undertoker in adjourn a pb hipot Rice--ap action for den: diary > relerred to tive B. of Ww. aw eee scores In its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. "ein Sabnen wer ea et ee en ues Estrayed. - ME yg by «© premises of t undefelgned Lot 7, in the Township ct tEltice, FOUR SPRING ¢ Cxtves, ve whe antoneytey. Any per- ce SU) be ot aitaals by rewarded 'and any one Ctainion 'the ca alter this date will be ecu ee " P. BANXO Lot. 7} Con, 4, a. traliond P.O, "Strattord, 'th Sort 1803." MEN. Bae at be travelling to well rao Par ed Nursury Stock. 2 ee Gs pie mission paid week: -* free. Special atten akere mever fai} to tion giver. to at acce for make --_ ae ovoid Waite me - particu! ---- ytobidbba UM, Nareus. (Ths ) hevee te relish le) 'Servant Girt Wanted. A servant girl wavted to 400 €0 weneral hocw work. = Tate office ' THE CITY AL DERMEN Now = trey have the t Horses W hat do they ropese Downy With Them The regula: necting 'of the City Council Wan "helt Mortey evening" VES Harding; Hepburn and Dunzmore were absent A petition fram Mr. E. J. Rueith regard- well.mear. his residence Waa referred to the B. of W. with power to set. A petition t to have siddwalk on the "POT Bike ot A thert street: Jasla ? AUTUMN 1890. Slide Teorouta, Ont Ayn rn markets, Zaste i ----------- The Leaders|in Low Prices, i turned from the I 4 ~~ Our Miliners have re ..|. 08, & 'ides d we are preparing for our semi-annual millinery opening, the exact date at reduced prices. , an } ISCS. | ; hand daily ines of Goods | i fall purch in due time It al ock of J | ing to nue to Be rb os * ' Pi ASKS are sco hdse celumhs / d ordes: 160 -- orgy eethae the un miter is to be kilet in the livery sta The Niegara Falls Record ag reaponeible for thigpatag mph, fegpratnn, ths wunker, Detec C. -Blyvest, Toronto, %a> here this week looking ap the recer! of sume of the witnesees in the Birchall case. was very reticent snd would not talk, fucthor than to say he h ad beeverni- aioe litthe- bones for the pr tien te chew, and that they would have to make -- a niugh stfoger case than they did at t-e preliminary hearing in order te isited. Niagars. moat hong: Birch il. He -wisited Falla. ™ xy TR. {fsio_sa-well_as this side he- fore returning to Woodstock." The Sentinel Review say #:--The corres- pondent of « city paper, who has been here writing up the Birchall case, has the bad.. taste «40 velet in uncomplimertary | hex te. tie way io which Mes. Birchaii j aid her sister, Mrs. Weer Jones, dress and a cots... There i elighceat excuse for such aa hey bewve conducted themselves with the greatest possible modesty and decorum since they came to Woodsteck. Their aon, aud quiet manner of life has excited only favorable comment in town, and arows "a sympathies ther er = net-exist hen eame; and they bo received such kindaess end. eourtes sy haps aa they deserve. Mrs. Birchall and Mre. W evi Jenee wei t i down from Weodstock to yisit the spot in the Tree pe whe re Haawell bol was found recentiy, They the but did pot eee how to of Jcha Rabb, the Dutch farmer who says the shote that killed Ben well. i * th were." On talking about the crime rea hoping that the man who committed the deed would yet be fonad. -Rabb's oe der, which must have en pretty trying on Mre. Bir- chall: '* Indeed ma'am they have got the the 12th, states that pre li--she will no'. be present as a prioner. bat The her as ibe go before hs will be 2 eden | tort the seune ben well ip "JOHN RESISALD 'SIBCHALL. Ps Bic the © papers have bern oped the "whieh baa mistake, himee!t eae it x9 abov: and his wite wie ca her sigvatare «~" FLORESCE BIRCHALL, bi folate expected would be the cast, the arenes: alias ** Seaue -- not bear Lord the teieb +s po Hansen woot nd tes of nervousness end te as coal when discussing the case 04 be wee nk ihe time ef his arrest. The burgiare Prison bh -sotthet-- $39 aliusion, | Smtr at ti a te te katy "Arvwcti on for Over the digging of a dive: nx for plaintif, E ditney emir hoe mate ¥ arty nt eet on : ones ae nd the plaintit oriy raid for rent, out o also to be por led a Y phate mu of the Gost Ps with the » Moserip, fo ua mias r? ¢ walt defender 4. ae 'comptained benny eating tra W. tare. of enurt. Sdtugton Muller & Bitzner for from paint t at r Mossrip for plalutiff, & Fog. tor dete -- - val ont 9c and el ia aintift, endant Township of Logan v Kotk, et al--Demaue ter breach of contract ington, ba ©. an. Paliser t " tobe. a os for a Me dante ~tistsages for breach of 'and is ae = Mer plaintig, rk OO uno ter rs fen Bank a Harailton on a bt of exc i ros J Clark for deft. a°s Hilly White An arto on 'tar tor | Eat & Gearing tor pints Taste ' ont "Bares tor defermisat Sure -- AW arti Tt tr wixea © for plains fh. Sidney Sinith indie evW R.& To rece: legacy left to the yan pind the a ' . & ath, al ~ Action hance arising out cf rat fallure " ctheg tor plained Clark J. er * Meg t defe co * ., for det Harri wy. J La iterdive ha he for aint, F, "Sides 'Smith, Q ¢ t det o ™" "fer plafatit 'oratants, amiltor in " iris sil -- cig saintly, Waiker, Scott & Lees, for Metends at artis ¥ Bichand; on Tor specifi: Pe etfortisnee we Darling tor PRiaht, F. W. opt ¥ ng for trial, which id h wotien posed teenie debenaces ¥ bad to Seaviine. pak for profer conduct of of the case. At is od th acer Veral prowinent counsel in -- a dans were paid hing. ittased to an solicitors frees THE MURDER CasE Thd Grand Jury broughtin a trie bill oaplart Hevators os ee o sil etters from pecple tating to" "his previous, "teat pisined of having been jijared Sunday" evening by falling over a defootive walk on Albert St, near drill coal whichis aak- ired. W. raiuaxe on Lorne Avenue was referred a the B, of W. A letter was read from dlayleek Gea-- inj tc the effect that unicay the hore bought ttn Mec Witeor- were: "fer-s writ would boiseued. The City Clerk'? letter was read to the City Solicitor asking for bis -- which waa to the effect thet the ci notable as. he did mot thic« "the € Sentttoe were givew authority to purchate the horwea, Then mations and counter motions were the cider of the evening, abl of which were lost and Usy were left in just the position they startet ia regard to the horses es ovina KS 48 -Pinanee Coman tte ~ 5, BE 5E.E, ee ee W. Stone, Supplies Public Sebool Boartt. < Insurvasce Mereantite. -- Works, heetwork on stre ete ta isby © Ander in 730 5 azar W_ & F. Workinin, Maries re. Veter sisi h, drain -- D> een, steney smith + - Fise, Water and Lights. Heit ay phone Co., August entric Ll r Tow sens, ¢ Udy: lentth « "ee f . £,: Beart £ ePeeern, Wl Park and Leme ten ty caret Par Pay sheet om were Carp. 4s. G. MePherson, bay ee Wm, Esssoa, wor' Geing ts phen tT? 64 Go ates cous Tete 1 ts ca a Teanking > wel io well, u; plies. amis triking the rate wae read a $ cate ailar {> c ceinrahd - henture deb: taille om the or Pats "ek sc ho 1 pu ate of 4: iniils on Ew dole rate Seheol pupae the dollar for ¢ JMewiste Lnatitute pur 3/20 wills for meneral current expen? {other than the above) for the year ir? Herne tet rerpts making in a a rate of 21 n the Atter 'which the b oard seen uel Mr. Colin Me Dougal, YQ. C, of Thomas, one of the cleve:est crimias! veges in the province and a well-kno yo crow prosecuior, een retained hy the Attorney-General as associate countc! with Mr. B. B. Oster, Q. C., in the prose- cution of Rex Birchall, charged with the of Beas Mr... Macdougall. «as counsel for the defence in the celebrated Long Point mystery w a Havelock Smith wice placed al for the murder in the labors corrider. He spends hie f hie thee renting and eketenes, and tees eS with the Oftclaly his Lordship 'intimated t that be would - fully consider all ioe matters laid ie him, the---prisoner's -characjer,._He perry receive his sentence 'batovs the Court ac ting Jim ; in sections, mb Riley ending leads you down tean The fad They pale teeiree verees tumbie prema The W abyas he: prosecution of thir idm the Govertinicnt $9,000, the total-e of the two 'triate,. at- both of whictr the the dovnpied three hours in deliver The St, Thomas menting u A stated WINTER: AND ' "arriving daily at ~ HYSLOP'S Market. Square. - "New Tartans. New Plushes at 35, 45, 50 and 7oc. Fancy. New Dress Goods. New Shirtings. New Tickings. In Carpets and »Welead, .ll the newest..de-. signs: in Hemp, Wool, U nion, Tapestry, Brussels, Oil Cloths Fall Goods. ae "hNew Flannels tir Plain aad '~ in} t IRCH h will be announced i he ing t o Ir supe i all At 'Mantle line we coat trang } { { k BALL PL OU In the and are now a ifm . ; of whic _oiRESER 2p 4871 SALE Farm Sick aad Tmpleme: ts. ats (Tne. purchass : at ase we of eorece, eaTtLie. Gta be : riaif, > t+ rotbatecrs Fearing heifers, ib primes vy oa8 Vo pay fe yet "7, Snbpe ve Ho Special value jn Lace, Gui- pure, Tapestry, Chenille -and soehian curtains. Market Square, Manager of the PARISIAN STEaM LAUNDRY, iat mered into | BAKER'S BLOCK Felines ave 5 Si the about the 1th In eee aye oo band Cigars, r obaccos Pipes, Ete. i< entt sad gio tia a call, Ti. BROOKS, Stratford, Anz. 6, 1990. mama = "2 eri . HYSLOP'S ™ -H. BROOKS, -- o, 12 £2 € lane, T s, Be te Dec iney, Bie rig ram, t EBeristire door, ~ i@sprieg poms, 1S same * WSrLeNaxrs, top bution, fone measly pea} ale Pp) > pale boleg eda, r 2 aeeeet, ropes, pat wan ing pk raha, ie seta. ding Hough (ecw 1 Pit metre poe t cash, over th 3 ecole oa tarate his ie proved fciat neten - 2 thee wernt of €) for cash Ali will be sold «thous vewerce as peopriete™ has 2: eek ott be fervos. HEPBURNS Home-Made 'Bread. _- 1 e- NORTH PERTH DAVID RUBY ALEX. @ENNEDY, Aucti Vropatetar MAIL CONTRACT. EALED TENDERS, uddreseed to |Special Prizes :