Stratford Times, 17 Sep 1890, p. 7

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gy . he - Si Tia told re" : ree - Phis is scarcel: i VS WIV: ane So ¥} fe Het & Do 'cod ten tek chat he aia not tell me 3 SHAPES oh aay SAREE USE: MERGERS TARSR + ERT ac cxa " That taguy opinion. Nevertheless, Tio ae this young urs thas vs that von ha Oi; r .. thia favor. some against him. pheck HOt Wish id ¥ whied draws the yoneg ma * Pow ibty," « atest? at pure ime "His behavior t ix perio er, and never says Tit an un:bee ymin ts your presenes it would be aweacit te * $0, and, beshles,; you would not eulf a * uw 5 eenai * Then I will ave niy atios "4 | They will k von in ball " \ ia "aha! ali: santiiden AKG @N higet} cee ae * may nnn My -- Mwtane man mist love your dan; wy] ce not say thik ki te does het the widow, more and more re j Laur ean this yotn, C "ty AP TE R ghter < "anawered saw zeae Rabiot waa ina state ¢ Anastami: , Smee x bo. he intentions very ; rh ect ane. For turiately there | that this young ny un is a fit Breer y he jhe, ae, villi i Wet + mat Bie. Me Lacien ie <i le any uv © What done this What is his posliions wsieur - Nace cate hk ped, eet + ith ot titres tet we woth can epopietic| stoke He sabes a flask inegar gaits ng ae brow aad [teraple %, tuk dee Pp Trento the acid fumes, and thue ausceeded in driving sway the! hia! Bion whicts toad rashed. ta his roi dd, eh iy Gver," satel he, returnine to cAnaa! arses) a kre nw oe what he: ins tell me alant biinself, Too much credulity." ik hign incapableob dying." rery well Thoea te sas wit fe ; + haa neither -- bor mother." a Has! he a fort an No, heia poor. oT acutainendati iow, for one » with a young girl with a, ' _nnless Se ean give _his| " shy "Are you subject to atta ks of dizzingss, ber "as "s n hy, no; this sary ever canaaene' to me ime A aber ay an fect." 'Shes rivreet pe] nS A * af now that Ti :ain "Yo. relleck. sci too in cs first moment of surprise I felt frig ght: | 10re a fatality: in this mattor ; +iiaY rauly Ti thts young ~ naa; who stands tr? the way of our plans, the brather of Denise, bat he is the eer of the painter, Georges Ramel, aud the pro Count' do Soleare, M a vramie's executo These are blows which we could net ¢ jpn from | _, But what is there to y? i the tirst time abe Hs ie ina, fine thr eben aathing bat itlaabnon. *t ore gnrie vey aity carning soniething ? yet. ' Mi ithing tut how does he live?" tege 0) * Ho bias powerts if friends, among others the Count de Solenre.' * Tive me vant de Soleute 1" exclaimed the! chance. ' Ne Sp Be Seiden: Nee idias* "Tf there ia anythi ing Neo est hou iy T have olten hes ard. r there iy 'aneehting wis of hiss he is @ gencrous man, who oes," Certainly. This young man ~~ nich oud, bsoln ately driven away, and as & Well, the Count de Salers! is ia freed _ possible. of M. Lucien, whose tea is ve! We shall succeed in it, Ramei, the Count de soleare '¢ son-in- eo ' iF oe for you have atu Bitay thie wand i : You e been very adroit, very 6 and che aaaatay retelwe iv yor Pp arin your role 'admirably; keep on. W } to say, Bsc crer | a 4 the trieud of M. Georges Kamel, iaamernaclt vost tha Count de a The a aeretee mordeatly lowered her" = happy thoug en you made the | a to Madame Lurean, who hasten- to accept it, that you furnish her with! inlorsbation eoncorning Lucien Morel." i "T saw the opportunity that that would = Di a the rans man tell you that?" ae " Te "Tam simoet sure that he has not de- colv ert ine, * You call him another mame. ** Undoubtedly ; his orel.~ Lucien; he must have family name is KD ve given your information to ithe widow Lureau concerning her daughter's) Leitad she will ba in ar greatest hurry-te+ give him his formal smnissal--that is, i | +t Be Morel; Joseph-- nec oe gave s sudden start, and he surprise réndered he r speechless for a a cme said she at last; "his name-is' aie Siar el =Was he born in Paris Y" if " No, but he came here atv a very early) 'ad TPrgotten those. | age with his father. Lig mother had been! Well, we, will You could | "dead two or three yea: ¢ was born in a! this very evening ink Seni the widow Late, village, He told me the name of = a I ine regarding Lucien Morel, but regarding __ fli dot remember kel 7 at any rate, ¢ honor of his family ; nevertheless, de- aif my--haate. to. end. matters with the; eiiudod wien atarted| lover, yon will wait three days ; you must) Then, recovering her- ear to nap had time to ais "the promised | aving lost his father; H forma: to since, he now has no family " 'Thave rit there, in this drawer of mr ** He was not an only child, he has a | sesh: three long columns of a Blois journa brother and a sister, both a little older than) the reading of which willinterest the widow | himseH." HLurean and her danghter enormously. And He is certainly Soingers 8 brother, thought thea I know sométhing else still, which I! the rm: gh bor. en aloud: ** His broth or wi ill tell you of ; this also bac very int exe "and aster are ae in' Paris; withoutdoube The wilew's a "T Jo not think so, At «ny rate, if they 'they are, she will not beritate a ccna: are in Paris, M. Lacien dees not -knew it, |Once rid of Lucien Morel, we shall be com- The three chitdren were Separated ata very plete ogee : the situation, and can pro- gay ig. page 'einice" been-in-Yaria,.ceed as as possible towards the tinal M. Locien has seen neither his brother or result. sister; nuch more, he has never beard any '*Within three months Miss Eugenie ting of them, and does not know what has Lureau mast be Mrs.' Joseph Rabiot. Then, | become of therm.' pone' happens, we shall have nothing | + it is very~ strange," sak Mase Pur: | nies "But we Rips wandered very H more violently atil self, she resumed: Fert far es '* Cousin, do you see nothing to fe from the subj of our conversation, {from - - this young man and his wealthy come back to it, ite I tell you, my dear jfriends 2" Mai amo Lareau, to nee ro eyes wide! ** No, cousin, I defy the Count de Sole on and be on your What you|and all aed aanatl that he may have bare juat, told me of M. pear Morel's high) hades thegountry ever to sear that | connections does not reassure me; on the w Lureau, who is i nt of her cont raey:. You canpot look upon ths enother's 3 name, is the child of Claire Guerin | young man as Eugenie's future husband." yand that. Claire Guerin was called Bean- The ae mother lowered her head. 'Soupir, and lived on a farm at Naudval. Remember that he is only 20 aud de. The*dead are very dead ; they do not re- | pendent upos people of bigh position who/turn. However fine the ears of the Cotint | ect bim. a the Count de Soleure de Soleure, -he will never hear Claire { now of cr acynaintance with you ? * No Guerin's voice issuing from call yma . Lucien thought it-best to say!' By the way, cousin, I hieed Inst night nothing to any one about the visits that he a house at Ville pg which we went) is paying wa to see together the other j You ase, he is concealing. That bodes! 'lam oenet contin, for that small nothing good, os hare a span right BE Eee 1 me intini 7m ge toranspect hiv intentions: ce-more I atis why I decide: -\of a that I thought ¢ the } epen it, in spite friend, see you on your Eran 'that ne I shade: ft pane my daughter, never." YessFou have right to rely on her _ dence lection. and. 4 gg piv t " feels for you; bat a young girl is weak, Iu your presence M_ Lucien icabactane well, oe Did you hire it ahs ge name!" y befall yourger < chil, = jaar I took not to commit pholstering To you I have left the p tase koow, have ne riz of} te suche # Whatyou just *|\ the me price a Tittle | 'de Solenre, a philanthropist, sok Yam fetat ~ his house a few, pours ago in, cotisey|LeTe of bpabres faye & most < oendact has ror the » their ivi the et orphans er ..s620 . San. of ontister | ™ ttieane, was Sent was * she murmured. ne igh! [ae thing of here is he? No one kn » siccerted in nan rf, t seieiis r "wat en whet hes-the un fortunate xi ir] dor " She is wecus "] it robbery and murder. ** Both father aud..daaghter 5~ This i igat family of criminals." © A servant on the jealous, it older than herself, and rowed mort for her. She began by stealing her com- panion's jewels and money ; then, find! ng !* a acedinpiice in an individual who haa ® thus far succeedet in eh the efforts of oats: 4 justin, vindaced... iim, | nobody knows what, to rid her abe gi rr canestic. * A newspaper has been give tinued. the preteniled po Pg " farm, Denige, became " me, con- "in which well. | you shall read for yourself what it aayn ne el read the crime on the farm at a al, ners it was in ie als the. ptsrones oe of the accu é | Morel, that they discovered pa part of what tl have tol = the vnal" from a little bor and nNedd it to caper -- '*It begins there," see F oges, Me the article with her cal You see it is entitled "(THe CRIME OF ORANDVAL," The widow read ity then silent! es paper, and let her head fall o her, Anastasia looked at shor $3 with her 'Haming ® -- What's bad be done? Pht conn what's soci 4 armured the poor mother a moment later. "Dear friend," said the widow with we unctuous voice; "I would immediately write to this young ee telling him to cease his visita lieve ne is honest ; pba in ad of that, and though hia position ~ fine -one,I w: new hep ig give iive Wes my daughter, Why, if I erat em sucli a union, my poor husband, who was the incarnation 'of integrity and' nied wouk 1 rise from his grave to curse me !" "Oh! what a family, what a family ! Re is frightfni *" "Why did I accept. the thousand I did not want to. But work waa lacking --we were without bread ; "< were in debt Ton every hand ; credit was asf we had nothing fo te ft to t was for! y daughter--for my Tad I ae vk ie continued she, sobbing. It Seb pecan rrargernen "3 weak / Ah! unhappy woman that am tha have destroy ed my child's peace a ay orever." "* Madame Lurean, you must eecape from ar Your present danger, no matter at what lovely cost." ** Esca) How «Rae to "pias f Morel the sum that lent you." on widow looked steadily at her neigh- ete latter continued in' a coaxing voice 3 1 a "Tell me, am I your friend or not?" You aro my best, my only friend." " Very well but prove it td m * How " By pleases me to do. | for y iy seeping what i for your daughter's font and happiness ; you are right ; for! benag is no time to spare if Yielding was eesy ia mother's dilemma To avoid tien Merere asia to. tasia, t, citing it, you are} is, ae a. So _ is respeptful to your sty nh aad circum. ecessary linen. -- This 3 week, the st it hia sc bat dhe cemtzl is: not al- dy cee Foi may have ruvetings Z w Nalilver she nor be would dare." "Ab! my friend, teo much confidence makes you blind." "My Ged ! you big arting me!" cried t widow, in-a troubled 'can you Shen sare ape coagcones ng; teassure yourself ; ere possible, and I should | Lacien Morel to discontinue | mcr boat i a difcala ' we to fa [eae hab wn daughter and.I are hreuvily in debt f" ? : Bot ac oomph gc games of that." " We owe a thousand ; " nice parlor. ae brave captain's widow Fo 5 to h, he showing her' ee spoiled _ Finally, dear cousin, on the day of your ssbasteeet at Ville dap & you shail " vee servant aclected by "You think of pasties Bs ana said aa she rose to take leave. ¢ next morning Madame Soiaioe came waneaiaats Widow whi afew her ear, and then her site fhe om fh soo ent sage rho | "- e oe "what to . ee Rat be ve house will be ready for I lone lec chin go al re cee lewpng|aangen" t held rooms, a stiitable dining-room and a ver: hangs to to her generous friend. Sha ging Salas with tears in ae can I ever 08 for ab your kindness = me and age child * Pray, do not speak of tha' Suppore, continvel the adroit knave,a pat later, "suppose you write the letter on the Lureau; 'in ee pelalieg table, upon which lay a m, ink and paper; was pushed before aan <The. is was tin an earaloge, ® 100! iy signed, it Pty , within it. rein irosbog got yt Sonica exels aimed" gir 1 franca? yoa would suve | ad aa the, * Nothing had been forgotten ~ loner CHAPTER TL , GREAT SORROW, Madame Larean. did re st cau da he sity before--they: *t fe | oe awe epee Madan _-- Ri avis oy te with ber at toe pcre ret in ited Arowy, ' een Aigke whe had a eer ¢ sees od agai: "i 1 ral & pre: nithor aria displeas ? = | '+, taneneh- as ourchre in dependent is + you Hiaetete a a t uy larling, if vert have wn it, any t I want > what you wan yy. 3 Sunday, after* doing oak fasted that her f tive: Wiss} phe tly daughter b MS " ovemrtrelinesdL % he vad gav ve wav ghts which the Sasa "SRT tithe rpects ive rise to whirled fa her r tena came to her eyes, at as wi ? - other war weal at@ber; : . e tt a of 'steps on o~ stairs maita 'per dite, pd raising her head she listened! tively ; then, the sab: dying ont, she! vor hen a drop upon her breast and stifled ler mother watched her out of the corner' hor eye, = from time to time sadly siecle her ~She-did. tell, er dagghter "or she had "dism issed th note man. Half an hour more went by. Eugenie wuld coutain herself no longer, **Mamina," said. she, ber eyes fixed on the clock, | Lau rolen dk oem Not come ; do you not think | it know thaty- Ct aaa able to! t te fen 90, 00d will not be fer five or six yeara. for himself, That wail i take yeira tio a2 ae TASTED? Fe | mt popadar of att t b DEANS preps arations etn oe ef ipeutaark, ee Ken seve re ecotd « Tha hense tual ~ Mra, L. L. i few voare ago Tine ted weve te asd aff ad the re rorery Of wry 'strenath = ti Pectoral, | --_-- Mass. ents a x bottle #, $5. marry f He is baly i learamg to paint, and trust first estat! inh "ee a posilien or phi: Bote, 7 Go aunderctal Hotel, a BS _ we tar rece Travels 7 acentive--totiers eis Good : -rsey Hotel. , ey" tog and Asagars Stronts, Rowenta,' prove: a Proprietor. Bost wa co Fol Trevelung Paid, Me Dogle- wilt . t Rappy remde when visting to thiwt hie Stratford fi i the tiieen City Otay seitiasenang., neo MANSION HOUSE, s Stratford, JOHN M. WILSON, O*;, on IK OLDEST FeTAMUSITED MOURRR Strat Lo vob ttm ie oe = soumrhe e Stratfora eee EROF fi 0 Cc". as been refitted thetaghont, beatles the orev cling cabbie. nom SA OxED ED beet A Ales, Wines, Spigitucns F 4 stroke 'Girerae-e-enbie-- eed reece tor. Tation!, June 6th, 1886, ONTARIO 'HOUSE, ERIE STREKT, STRATFORD. PRP. T ea Proprictor. ae: et ~ with the best Wines" ey g eu Cg soaions aa stables and an attentige 7 LAGER:: Largu ether. Strat ford, Geet. $2, Tae. LAGER OKO. HECK, Market Bg yer i i AS the ayers: CRAE ected Lacke a AL and FORTE celebrated a bp Only Medal awarded at the Toron! nue ; Cellar--under the Strstiond fn Wood or tetties, x Sly ed cadena, agen 10, 1899. 'PURE ICE. _SLEET 15 PREPARED TO FURNISH ALL customers and the publie ar 4 Wholescmm quality of ICE, Leave jour orders at bin house, pestinet, May 15, 1890, 710-3, For. strictly. ReLtaBs.e and Good Wearing Goods go to LAWSON'S. | His-Spring stock is complete and he is prepared . to..cive. | QFE: DAV1S & VAN. SUSKIRE. GPa wooDst SURVEYORS. _STRATFOR: ocK, ~In Idington's Block, Market and Kak eto Dr. D. M. FRASER, At bis Residence on Doses ees G. YEMEN, M.D., L.D.8. ornes: t--Market Street, Stration!' Ont. Stratford, Jan. 2ist, 1890. "S Why, no, se Jp calle at. * ' iin obstacle, ja the "first Sunday t that. he. has not) 4 Ko, Pa it ii undoubted i n you * He would a! writt -~ nergy mane else. t peaned be We talked. In hie interest and your! own also, my darling, I thought it best - speak plainly to him." Ah, I see, I understand ; you said dis acresahle things to him ; he was wounded | ait he witt nor here--anyinere;-ex-+- felaimed Eugenie with rising color. bis No, , my child, he will not come here any! more." j. ** No mo ore! no more !" said Eugenie in a choking voice, ** Listen to me darling, and I beg you io! be calm. nothing to M. Lucien on} Sway that offend him; but on! Tharaday I found it necemary to write to a him ate te como here again, "result of your friend ship." * Feare dl what, mother : ' ms," 'ou might have come Soren this young n, = cing smile played over the young rep tied" were very tardy in writing pour letter." i * What do sou, n that I love pores Morel." el site 4 ow song him? 4 much 5s he loves me ; I len used to love my father. "Ragenis, you trig ten met Then yea! bay ° a cisewhere * j love him " nit as Where, Dieses did he tell yon that he He tas not told me re The mn how do an ave that he loves you?" *T have learned to read i in his eyes, as he has learned to read_in mine. 'Ab! ! unhappy child! am} ae Mother, if you consider it ' } | 'And how guilty I feare:| the! I's lips. Tf a -- your fears, mother," abit wpe THOS. LAWSON' Ss 30 Ontario Street, _SIGN OF THE-- 'BIG BOOT. B. # '¥OU NGS, Builder and -- Contractor. Manufacturer as Doors, Sash, Blifids, &c., &c. General Building Supplies. SHUO FLY SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS, all sizes, made to order, Fitted Factory, 38 & 40 Bibers ss me "Btrattord; June 17,1500, wM. : Ly mrzansany -6U Drs. HIPPLE & BIDT, |B ge Soria Oddfellows' Block, Market Squan Stretioed Oo Oct. "1, 1889 Tis- A. B. AHRENS, L. D.8., beta Pesca ye ¥ College, of the psirians and Su ot --s Hospital al ----s New York. z: tas a 'ket Night Calls answered at office, ae one 5 Oct. SE, 188. ---- arenes ys DR. hedged RADU ate GE edie Ca Bali featie inte pete a bondi vaice: spon day and night. STBELB, eg eS Office raat Topping to Block, Market Square, Stratford. the Weet's Hotel pCR | | Co. PERTH "MUTUAL 1 F. 1 00 PUTARLIBUED Tome, "Ws a6 aY "Py ACT OF PARLIAMENT. Inaures Buudings, itecshentiaa. Manufartorica and all other description ot intrable Propet. on the case or prewwium Lee Lucien ee I love each es you. Save ino 0 cevasion to reproach you the | firet time we saw cach other we loved each other." } Madame arias was stupetied. "New," continue the young girl, ** gee what Acs have done. 4 over my ha;piness. Before actin shoald have at least consulted mo. { Shontd simply have anawered: I love va ka cien, and you would not have written this at letter, which has certainly caused hun grea' t must he think? Oh! t be can not doubt me: rite wil tell hiin to come' to-morrow betore we ek, 9 sa casas my child, " said she, wi ith an p accent that bet rayed her anguish, '| think you love thia young man, but it is not re mistaken. Your nonkinetios 5 | excited ,and you mis * You are not se at that-age!? "Twas yee once m lf, now ¥ heart ia wot r= twlenmd meet a hant yourself you thin "7 'Little go ios po fe rant gs + nj their imagination at scan think of seoreyiag, but ae And then it passes sen, 8 --_ onable, and truct a bot iia all in in pron ina barge You love nis is the Way "you! J t { "you Vepteen ; can you really lore! so we wel | Pump Dealers :Supalies Gene- to: _ 4 of "hin, pacers Preerntos, The Ontario Wood and 'Pump. Company. -SHAKESPEARE ONT: 'e rally. Specialties are Debp Well Pumps, Porcelain lined Pumps with improv- ed bigs valves. very: Pamp made | is cdeh edict wand un} for us to prevent any com- our work with that of our teed sat- a ua necessary 'he. parison of Legal and financial B. SYDNBY-SMITH ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &&.,

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