Sr ek tas es Sor ge % Stratlord Giwes Werxesinas, Ca. HERE SUSPICION IS WORSE THAN DEATH. JSesticze Mac Mahon gently checked Biack stock, @ UC, while that gifted learer von pea tebuke by Kiet ok. --Lorant And iti es 3 pot dritt ate + "The entire vere teprimans for tive defence : +i appatent cy tty Mistake Guy er, thor aubly coped tet bone ay Yers Ave ot Bat eve: vet wits in e & a oe est Gruiaciont Meer A wOMA e Chara tended bu tare & 22. ON Use oy " lad ly Hea toapy adnirers naw that ahe ne ver ha xis hee werkehed hir Woman's character ww of @ vers nigh dtan MaKe. Sit did -- wits thet the averace ff. wo a5 a evety Wronz," says a talent. write r, "which the histories or man have teticted on We 9 at, the inzovent fad comfort ; for inneeetice ip ail wrobga, against the stro kes oft men's injugice is never v:fold anil Where Soman 's one 2 i tre is wore feo deatl "ih hick alone the recent wife of Caesar yor Agee Themen who ther Criusinals Ge Bet LADS tet wyer 5 sulieresi ages have Bever washe who set his cloven hoc! on Woman's honor worthy the name : f mau TH 'BIACHALL DRAM. ticanrrane lg iQ ons aos sinemin TY BIE it i went at once to , ed-itto Magi sock et iS SRR Ne tions hfe, --What was its ap- Did it retain its stifivess? A. a ed Yess recerntly-lanudried shirtfront ? ' Meight 2..A,--L ik would. Q--You ssw nothing of these articles at time that is f A ---- Q --When ara qos the elger esas dick it Was it wet and -- beaten more or it is seach ? a --I_ don't kiow. ' -~There ie: ; about the are of the body hae: : ea the swamp? A. ~ _ »+Ne, ae ra by ek it Ball again « qecntioned the witne ig » kia non to show to what extent the shirt front ae e = dit see any tracks about the body was firat found. f acigar in the holder, road opposite this puint where you { und the aw ooking east. and tha way Witenes explained that he wes not dene his Kxe, Bagh hat in Waekin ig with a ragged there? A. --No. Q. --It -- a3 ifithad heen re? _ William Crosby, be magistrate who was called upon by the Elveri ige brothers found the box FEVE! a fErE > re iete a] Ithad no RESEE ¥ ~ | eadiicseict _ haivcs filled A with mow send fn " cred » re wie Shee Pushy tie «ff come thes (ary in the morning he fir st Sreiged ratte th: mark by whict h he could He apyarentty found the mark, ace cdectar iy "theen the sate shoe the aight of Feb. 26 he ssid a -- « * to Mrineetan te Heatil iy the be dy. What "ay lo you for ihe stntivn Witne s went with Birchall te the © sept sme pres diz telegreph -ihee and poe Tatclea to the Woodsteck and other paper, Whea L had finiehed | passed the hianks over to him, but be shook bis heaci,savin Tam too nervous." 1 teld him that I write the message fe r hnien if h dictate itt; Lut he" ever to Paris, aud on the way he to that he wanted me to take charge oe! i enee, that he was wi ling to spend consiver able money in husting up the culprit Jet then Mr. Murray entered intre- te Hirchall as Devective Mu Fay. and z chall, '* Come rig ht on Up. @ talk with ' prisoner say * te speak mith you --- in this man's (meaning witness) presence This sepeluded the ree n'se examination of 1 ness and Str. one thocet- that ber ticket would expire oa bhe then west en te dever: be tao ten who "aad mm ~ccrl ef her, their dreas aud, generai sppearance. One had op 8 far cep and the ther & ac ddeuthad over- at She Went on to state how the two young men *hoin she saw ih the train were dresved. In cresé-exsmination Mir. Blackstcck made a good peant. When in reply to = question che ote ted that sbe had had read to her from the Woodsteck Sentinel Keview Nive Lovkhart's evidence, when in fact the teve: gave evi-elenee anti to day. A.bert Hayweood--I saw two young met get otf at one aiation at Eastword on the 7 abet forty in the iatérnal, parting the sealp until the ex- terme! ~ertion bral cot beeen broker Shere oe were ruts ah "thete witneas very cl rely to dtstipng we ht the way he was dreseesi er February lest Ine witness "| ther bazy on the, point of bien siti | At Piincetem he *' cogmize the woat o » | Benwell age which was produced ear lic --[enin the examination}, He remembereit PS' | Uhe coat Benwell bad on, bet when Bisek ott | stock tated that not more than a week | ago four genticmen, ameng whom were Mr. } Helmuth woo bad cape coats on, ha ire Witnear} coucd tot remember. dete the joorned for lunch court resumed at 2 o'clock. ) Louis Drego, the ticket agent a¢ Niagara } Falla wae called. His evidence only went that two ticheta were sold [cx ; Eastwocd on the I7th cf February last. dt ha Crosby, of Benuheim, saw the two eferred to hear the blacksmith + hep on the Ijin ot '4 recognize hat oot WW | court ad ahh be bit wal Ini se a thug f rade Ou.dols v1 fall for the cross-examination. low he thawed out the body; saw o re | of its being dragged t i ; i. He could not positively say whe ' pttmen wre starched bullet wounds in the back of the head, but did not particularly ae the cloth. Ing that night. © prizoner at! Princeton, but could not re ied a wheter | Birchall asked | or fora Nor hee Ine he clothing or n memory sittle wa telus not ask you for a descriptio: be and pe th Rg she you hax mht: if 'm, alrais. ts remember, Q --You fou ranged With Bir- chall to exbame the body, and he returacd from Paris the next = and at once identi: fied it ta: Yes~ when Bir ehall standing with you at the edge of the grave, gazed u dead face of his "hig are arm into: yoars.and.: he said, " It is him," did. you for an instant Prone' that the emotion was feigned? _ A.--No, I did not. Q.--You tae bis sorrow was genuine? -- ir Birchall did '| of the cloth- bin he said, oat Yc James H. Swartz, undertaker,Princeton, in answer to Mr, Osler, that when he saw the body in the swamp it was ly- ing on the branchds «f two sapi panta_were unbu the bottom of the lege. coat were thrown baci, ed tke shirt was ee and ae of the salgeed off, w the marking was likely ye: be, arm sleeve vas filled wi re --Yes. Q.--How natural = the face ? pee it was just as recognizable, as far I could see, as it was at first. Birchall 'am to identify it; he asked me a ques- tion about whether the body was buried here; I asked him if he had lost a friend end was like, I asked him if this young fellow was in the habit of going to houses of ill-fame. a kind of hesitated a minute an ple im, it appears tome that both Mr. Benwell and himself are independent and that he need not be put to any ---- if Mr Benweil were indeperden Te tile utified {that » + Pox, of Satioamel t. Lirchall ab. Paris. unt Was dece grees OF or stow so) Taaw bim i ia "his 'toffin, if in the heel fror any paper or t auld dtbaickein.taan, Seeeaeh "he didn't just ge s me from Tous, but he sent me bis ba tickets to get Rate out of bond' February last. Saw dead body cf one cf perature that ais; | the gegen eka at Princeton cemetery zh masiniut 3 eH de | | Saw the er sake kastites tenipersture © 'rast | Cannot think of date wonbige eectinenaeane oeeeren ess eae p@ttho borin jail. i, dine hi icheaet Serie Gn) poad before on the ovcasion ee he Sate on Feihn i gee and hat produced} Can (the day t! todjan inch of suew | w er theee were worn by the a hal fatle Mu t tha (Here the witness took a -- vi ly ud Benwell were recalled but the evi- | fit and had to be a:sisied toa seat. Cros ; de « of po taectheut N Teta wa soe paxton oF the Puahcebits cemetery | ¢xamined hy Blackstock. -- Did not dest. salt that he fancied that one night that sonr » | fy Benwell with clothes <n in photo, but en -- eee Osler--W | did when I saw him ia coffin. When I founded on. the stepping of a buge 4 as him bead the a he had a on and gighn Pi wl 1 : Seer: | sation Natit the es epeoner | no dog thatof Benwell, I aske: a Le made a) Kenwell had aed ' rv stamp | light complexion: 1 the oy I awor baton. It was og Land 1 ae pan when I first saw these two men, drs EF . had" conversation wit tim, upon which | the 3rd con. fier Saacriptice ol of a a oceasiod he stated that be bad no idea who! comm ilteak the roturde | men who her place on the 17th of ,° Ht Phetnater ¥ etide werely went to | February was that one of them was a tall that dt head an interview with HK ae ia welah rat ey a tal on ice | gen -- with an ulster = the other Pine Pond, and « ij ore a light ov that Ree en the ere Further that vie north through the fiel avknowiedg o him that iat man had a a cap on. é tween 12 and 1. k the Tcuott mew & prisoner as Lord } Thcmas Perry, of the 4th con, of Blen- , heim--Saw two tracks through the fold. One was larger than the other. tracks ran along to the Governor's a 9 then northerly. Cross-examined.--My son was with m on that occasion. Place wh where } people 'do go frequently. Guess it was Murray who thought tracka were extraordinary. "Me fixed the date, on the 17th, hecause there was a cheese meeting at East Us ford in bot Lerten I tre be surprised it any © passed over my trelds zo- ing to siechobaidion. They wou!d go south 2ott h that la, ecrge ° Perry < i of the former x it- ae, an, Selina in cros#-examination tended j to show that there was a.road a short way helow the tracks. John Pellow was on Perry's place on the 17th of February last, ana saw tracks | accross field. ' Arch.baid Edmondson saw men: going Weoodstoek;- 95, at} easton the ith of February' lest ators 9.30, and long befire that ssc there oe Herry's farm. "It was near one o'c! a darge crowd anaious to gain admittance. | the dftertioos. They were s€parated, one Birctall APP ared in court drez in gn { S ittle iv frent of toe other. Could not dark 8 He was clean shaved aud ex | enone 'behind had in frout Lisht es - : he man on a t cole: hitited th ie same enon indifference = | cont and light "si -- inate ensign color ard style (hat produced), To Blackstock--First mentioned the | fact of seeing these pouple after the an ' quest was held at Princeton. Mex it to some of the men about there. | not pay much attention to the men. y { got out of aight pretty quickly, 1 woud j Be t proves to awear to the clothes or to 7: ine Were going ds, The smaller It was fometime be- ersee desc: "t"peeler" of Nia aq" He stated * * and , {xarveilatce ' a ot ub m in bed at Ral: twin' sequentiy eral in his bearding house, keys produced, nd to fit Honuwell's bacon Grand Trunk station agent at » testit ed to the passing of Bir- A bets aa of letters Troms Niagara Falin. ic were pat | = by Mr Osler Y'Dea, a w Mr Baidain. for the purpose of ot be yinee the Pte tien for "expert testimony: 0 punter is "an atterupt had been ar made to dixgnise the bane The court was then adjourned, as trial. Velly sat at 'the barrister's wae He wore a light striped tweed suit, patert | leather bects, and sported a very fasby : button-kok be suqaet. Charles Beawell was | in court whd sat next to ig ty atts ory | general Cartwright. Hew as dressed a dark suit and wore s Heis v Mrs. Iirehatl nor Mr. W > on what was said be- large attecdance j Mr - Osha tives in oF per a oe piVent sehen md iby tle lawyers for the pri, © * waatrced fi fead of barley with a sone Ts to be to throw doubt upon} homo atent balf_| the relintility of all witnesees. two gentlemen on tre | Conductor Poole's evidence sigh little | -- vide of the road geiag tows d the light upon the matter. . He we to 7warp. This was on the town line that the uy He would A take a nemmbouse tt; won | ft | jared Yas anything said about | aances ? between ous pote weil ac this and i bet ili t f PEFEEGETS Med 3 Evgibst Pagers. 83 4 explain how he had seen two ian. an of |' nto ves the tad con. Cann = deacribe the whom resem led Birohall, on his train on! Dal not eve their faces, their bacas the Ith of Mebrusty last v toward me Cannot say-bow they how the dark completioned man had a! retsed. One had a long coat ca. light overcoat on. (Overcoat produced.) | To o Blackstock. --Teaw eo party go by my ot recognize clothes, Locking at | place once, and somecne said it was Lord Birchall to-day, he has a strong resem. | 5O™*! aei's party. This war about a jcar lance to man F saw on frais, ago. To Os ler--They were driving to Mica Lock hart--Looking at the priconer ; ¥4'ds pine pord. here to-day, he is the man I saw cn the}. To ekstock--There =-- a get off = a pe man. ecked .overco --¥ and het produced (a ore felt one) looks like the hat. Saw rote Sy at Prin as which was the a body I saw on train with pideenes. could not be mistsken. Cross-examined by Mr. Blackstock. who I believed was: Birchall on Others in the party on that occasion. Ellen Fallon--JI remember the date ie- cause I saw two men n pass. ere Was & ball at Princetoa ney night -- poept) the two nm occasioned I was iting at the 0 Bn er enne es -- ghee rehall as you saw him on that aay 7 A--Yes.. He was i t Es ba tt ! ? man in Woodstock jail Re - the prisoner | Oaly sas him co tie 4 4 Aebha.. one Made as Yee & about th: "have rent ome vriy fair horse which | think Mi do os Very goed servicer. tee i a gent 'prods kind rege. ds, beleive ans 'Tons gave dope and wil think, rg wer your, TR wiht Lient-Cal ey tora gana iitanse, (aboge it tlc we chal havea waxy suse W sete Spear ; = hur we farri "ee i 7 ali rigtit sod write trom Canada goby one 4. © morning Re ven wid bie feed ond with han hecth ad regards, yours truly, 4 wel] Jubn Fost 9 ip cros-ewanns srmow acd sleet an the ifth > ' < et, aad ae nad be * ee ris crned ap tt wea t% b 6fF one rey stat .. bat have hit: bow * A. ~~ Ves s, you saw him? ~. « whether ors. a, Birchal) had a prion garb on Shas. Bux veon °nd Con ¢ le shat . Coll Birchall on the Governors road ween two and three o'clock wan, we I hax 2. a fare any coed ek Ware mip Gene. a ae ae ease "None wha as somerset h. d been opened om the 10th uf Lith of December, gehenett new the were olivi p-E Beept w Es) Ofer as they sicw the yuades whieh the deceased tare oe Mr, _ om contend<d that connection nm Mr. Mulerteh por tnt = "an ey ms to there tiie ae aceon Ritue % evidence of semen ing toe i: ite ited. ne in amy ents & . Dew de tween Meclicrish ad Tieonse, be 'eich jeune LB need wu 'tans > -- Bameaipus, Masnecy bo Bas Nose Dran Ma paper i F a aw Rind reads, yours very, truly, "JK The neat letter eas: Dean Ma. Mriur : iter of you erday wei's cockion. as Ca ting for ncerely yours, 3. BR Binemaus Th ' Dean Ma. Matsurisn, - 4 bere was another:-- bad bees oy roming on 3 three taanth trial, and rte if re is 'shen be my stop, only tails is quite ramelen ich ¢ J not go on he 23th. Thave po i. OF couree if Mr. Bena Siege ee tines. 78 Brecuane The following letters also 'ain read ~~ Bausmpen, Mapensy ame hy ig~ . B Nov. 23 192 ve - As bam jook oe toe plnevet mr bee sage be mhodvs boca with me ed five years on mi f wand awian with 4i06 enyital te tabs my bro share Hf you would like t> talk matters over with oe I oa Wooe, 3. K_damy. 27, 1800, ay Daan fan, --I am sending Four i Q--® aw Q--And wheie did With my; grandfather, a he : co yuu Soak Aitgate A: Shay tret.c gt cee galley He Vt ot ruts at ee thie going hat he would peta hae + peer towne - ~Yea, os ee used & speak of ome up ood shook -- What did I ack it wae Sothers:t or Dude "ile 'ached aud said, dont ye mats was in bg tr Whst wane yer fo post and save it te Hary am my briet- my Lord are to preas these points as thes ave im. ut ate Donte hip-- Very well go on. bid Davies @ ever pay you an ial atten- -No sir, wev 4 Was pees < t P+ awd ther H ay attheend ofthat tise. "hat doy uthes ct! rb ? i ent bs poyment And I» tainty mo ow an eof k ar of the ait a lady porte put her m er on Phe only her exclaimed! * "Ged biews 5 niths evidences TEGRE BARE step. oe Cromwell--Live about 3 of from the station at Eas! _ >