Stratford Times, 1 Oct 1890, p. 7

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ron: it Ihave reat more than I hove w Mies Hay Detective My ve Thare. hice pce Hac Tene kaon «! hat explans tions 5 a an give to tae Jury of these new things. ve --I never Mr. Bal. % was ached commerningy the z examination. war Q~ Were No Pa » ates meet aud hed te p tia ris 5 the jail. I taken aioutid to see the soneag i) were Jon stairs. Ree ian BAD. . Tat 'the wou vail: taay for w Mr. cms They looked like yeang men, » etatthcr then that 'in the wicter, tu not #0 facim the summer. Bewett pubs bury im the road cad waked me if 1 could see the boy Lom my window at the ppt 4ndicated. | sae--tim remember the week when that body «Wa fous Pid ot see atngers about that werk. Wae ip the woods chopping most of the tire or the Tuesday I beard two shots Gred. I saw two men coming alene wa men ootme ont and walked west. When hupters ire rene gins otter, it o tie tr task, 5 pears a © hatiters. in tine cot ke ve wes tbe ' " t ter 1 I 'knew _hinw previo rgbraoers ! io the rom aa Bonet i Aaa Ae w that the m4 afier i ott th ott in dock is the nian who waa at '= own the rosd. : tion on ths! i fr Ns n° Fi tine 7 a'viock a think-I sid 4 wae a dark ost ght, a tesa ty me jai at kKoow how er----3t was getticg fark. I often pedis a+ sale assert i ayic thing ge b¥.7 to Rabba. vi atthe Wee ltovk races, ot aman looking ?~ be Bitar stock Q= How do ve ses the x like Birekali. (date? A iirained Mondsy wht end ' . B. Joves --Live st Drumiz, Lived Tue ake + ght waee nice sight. at Eastwo a l7th of Feb ~ ian Join Fredentiurg--1 was a witness io raat ~threre wrens ihn) said was Lord Setoerset. i thie case at Princeton. Liive in Eienietm, ; waa leiwees Ail past two ara t 'Pref ict. TCR abAt Wile trom car pisre Alice Bah was ier ar sip } to where thet me wasfound. I rememde outlay ijth was beret | t ail onthe Governers road. - 1 was Sats 4 ii age two men who Oo were going going east as well. I overtook them Thad never He was stand with another man in the | seen them before. They siked me if they corridor, QF Ever vaw him since, A-- could ride and I said they could, This Piper rpeedyiernck hem surs,.that is the i was on the 17th I carri¢d them abouts A ~Yeu, Q--No doubt: abootit. (mile pact Wi Nien ie ov a He the siightes --Poiat him out, | then ge helmeiethe tide em a niaided toward Birchall. alked « as { raw them going veh. fixed the date owing ext enti Cisaeie wend. They had Spent cctiing er that-day QS Tht het-ae Eee tiga you tel hen the other agent tte pi Nei ither of thove men were Mr, Birchal think I went to jail in} Could not say for" certair, bat | Cannot give ins Smith, Miss i 4.--No! Mare' OY ihary Swarzie --leaw the prisoner at . son the AF ig the sfp-, tion, Saw him since and see him now in He had no very 2 cs ieties and his seers were ves up. [saw him inen ai the "To Biscketosk: os said T° thought "hist _Wourers were tight. I did not see Detec- a eheainndocnith- Se ptiscn- He spoke to once. He said to Birchall took this way. There were 4 the prisoner in the corridor, .--L am a brakesman on the with the ear and 11 months. I was on No. é the 17th of Feb. inst. ciety Jury sbat-connections you made A. --We left Weodsteck at2 29 at 338, Hamilton 5.35, and arrived at Nisgare "Falls at aa ae 10. That i We were 8 minutes late at oodstock ; <3 nai in oy ET Paris; Ham- > eve 5, arrived at Nig «ra Falls 14 minutes Q.-- Did you see the ticket Bloc astock. sisoner pearly reed, day in the street since he cai ere. | d before im tls mat- 1,30) mila! ter My avetog re run is about r wees. in my e€xanrustiona isgara Palle that I gg 5 -- at Eastwood. Mr, Osler.--I saw him before the 17th h -. Ww Woote: ack. lepeke ,to him on the j ally paiese---L told Mr, Ha: + po notwed Birckall on | To Osler--I was teaming there about 6 or7 days. They sot ctf about half a mile pact Mr Ferg ajone. One o em as bslec--That's unt a ve th fam corry to say. One of them Thad 4 jite grey hair you eaid before. And ene je aged mau. Wit it was 10 o'clock. James Atkinson-- 'wo yeung Men came a atayed until about quainted witn one of them Kobert Cal wert: other. man's name was. was-Haker. 1 am not aware bony they badany parti- bj . : or rshey ck ERRSreere cedure bei received from + of a beviee bakers ! i t & nen meg 0 eo deeb Be ack if i" ie a the bia biood ex ee re ete i d mafic tedd P ac q ere ite ath. or mit en i To 'Osler Caldwell 'sg mother lives tn the f (ya. -t trates hich fone ceo iagty oe vill a page oO get On a spree. as tb tion tieh as to whe the ecend wae i H = t a bad m ¥ «lor after death: Me. ©. eis nota ise. emt ty q i. : To Blackstock -- "Don't yon know he was Silaees aeeersl fines if 1, war net bp the teary: 2 co lor of a bruise that be jadged ite ag: but "+ tried for robbery. W--He dag never con- | x. arn meted nat the cole Rene rainy anus a) victed. I believe th>y had the wrorg man. | cowidered. 1! th iat oe Adam Oliver--I reside cheat four miles - A : ia band po ' ea me t from where the body was found Two | poo \ ios rupaited would covet a0 Wi; po nen routed me cut of bed on a Tuesday or - tit Weenesdav night. They said they want- Set aria). blood in a edto go to Princeton to buy horses. I { soma - - the have oan through 'ae siege 'or tWwen > U nee I have f. ee It has rb rey there is To Osler--Keads a witheises former evi- denee Statiior that the two men were on the spre You never pete he men, did not = paucigniie their years. A ni It might hate + breete Mb c Thurs nilrew Your i ania rarier aT tive hatt- a tnile from Princeton. eard soine strangers about our house on Thee ¥ morning. Iw in bed they rapped at the I asked who was " Sk repaie a atrangoes, Saw tracks. To T remember It was Thursday, ast ) in iad been out ot beret gary tern the night The t fs. Don t think boots of 'dneonie thas i had seus 3. "To Oster--Hew..tracks on Saturday. Anil was satinfiedsthat those tracks had he qhing te do with the case or we wouki not have brow azht tu tlie weict She ae wedid. We =e tras sks lending > pee ha the "Youn: bemby Cahiweii wx i} saw armed . iia. He soetuied to be ons -I eft gaged ou the ns ) Feb. Saw one get ihe fi nt acd beng tke at Woodstock. org belicve 't noticed the ; sie --. ¢ ave fy er to the jury. jo. wad t you a Mey Dir. Mearne--- Nz. Osler, in qaestioning prisoner cn train. Q Have youany may io | nigh, ruled oat otbers Rearas--- Hr, Onier. im qaeeticiing t o. There were oniy a hiected to the obi " need : . aim that dsy Fire: | s } knows the picgecibhen is se aera fon : ai i. * paschen, + Rice: x, a bee se is the exsoking "car f+ Mr. iin some books. Think he jd bought "A Tremp abroad" and some cigars. | The book was sehi betaedén Paris and | 'Hemiiten Beats. ore ' WAS Flltio we an-bour. Prsceer got olfat Niwgara Patia | He told me his pame was Smith. -tHe said | ence ito meet a brother at Niagara -- He wre dark cluth«s: and e@ dark Hie wore shoes seuicentis F His panta were turned ays at) He hed a emal He sal it was ep = | Lj be bettors George Cramb--Tickes agent at Nisgars | Falls, test.ligd as to stamp used at the' pot at Niagara Fslis, stumps of om sites produced, ehowing two | oat 2 been sold on tha lith of Feb for d To Mathstock---Ones and a while an em- comes in the office. ir, Osler--That's the case my Lord for the Crown.- THE DEFENCE. « Court resumed at 20'clock. Mr. Black~ | r the defence + war not in this country at the time, efnie # Fvore he was in the ee fatter end of October "1888. i hitim ftrait-after leaving | 7 tilt > 6 ; _ Sears past. ' Aiddwee ist swor | deccasod | He ~ Tetags fy if + Laey tom wernete rad no lage were U a if there were * tracks were bot be sk eny thing « else i iying theee a two men an The walking ' Osler --H what track a3 tortie. : aiter e Was le crusts we inches, a a karnoogeht? vact bean Tuecde, -What is your position at know Sua ud La £ {any sack trail. TS Ovler--i i= t no been sf unting mmuck for Jobu Statile--Know vere body was j found. Have been angeretin | themifor the pest X ee of janes: ease af any see the last = oe eee er. If the been de not cut mito, the knife pasid through a comer ¢ - nok wounds. were inti x er ound wus « t tals fhe ward Seige and 'Sead et tribe epos an unerin OM but that there paacananis cae, ie. Charti of Toronto, ca in of a beatthes young han shying < death it ditiealt to ta « bruise on a dead bo inflicted before or after death t sen nu mu by_Mr. Upon exkni ation Of a whether t bruise were, © ' be great test o bern 'ieffieted after death ange of the coke © wy hiee of livid without warginal a At the bruises were ty # of ee bb Ay ju ieases of a gud 3 judging it A --Of course, joe --Yes old not inflict it , be 'th is > beth at Teja aaa ante in is is yore =o drath or im- --And you bed would be able to sae ot it ateelf to whom by but 1 im thie cae had ¢ e la was torwar re sci ith sitn k--- how, | Furnace Work a specialty. t an pears pa a iw ast Metigeen say o be temetiberet the dat ey the 15th of Soeur. | 12 celoek A. SMITH -- ' iB: as vw largest and best dis splay of ANT a ate aoe Has again BUCK'S STOVES ans He aout S _ FURNACES. 35,000 Happy Thought Ranges P - rs c. in Can- " fete ccc: the de- u its pew and = d i= creasing. "HHS 1S dy using * THE ought : gironely re : seo gl Home RANGE ae % wnds pr , equal i . ; chon of . MIAT KEEPS 4 : i hand THE RADIANT OAK, wood heater. A coal and INGLE oi tH HY I N it. PA "LOUR GRATE aud SUNSHAIN SS Wood Parteuy Stover S The Master coal. beating stove in. SIX Sizes. Sa Full variety of wood cook -- alco Buck's Garnet operand Furnaces. In LAMP GOODS we have the Wanzger, and also 4 of Ha g, Stand and Hand Loupe. Tipware. Mouse ¥aniishingsn. Piumbing. Steam and Gas Fitting and Hot Aur ? lines Witter bd Ce al 4 har in because be had beeg anxious bee «xo toa au at furth > Birchall at Weoucotls comet, put the Sroct, going | east ar he nodded te the pris Tt was sbeout | Ms Metjacen said he He roerely nodded to*hin | ¢xaminat ion. nm 'Direball well. ack solicitor tev {that | it was bee Thi wed Blacks ok, ie the case for prisoner, nih ie-aeneption aioe - hoes wit- | wo! take. © as to the delivery ofa) Mahon sald that the case must go to | ight haves reply to | idence y Mr Blackstock, wat he though itt aalate brie! 'ron dct Wwe ered thatthe evidence Good News. New Premiums Free. 2 ae Serr: ptr Judge. MacMahoa, | The superb premiums sa oe with weer ei Dae sharing any priced Tea, tL rexeet that there will te an ware of cel Coffee, Baking Powder, Ete., € of noice, A.few pounds will = ore is Cae CAN secure Jeu a nice havging elie parlor table ai sil er ern cake one butter ler, berry scts, etc. Can we supply you with excellent Teas, Coffées, ete - a pcsouns and give 'phecarsaand free? Yee, we certainly can, because we Fig 'ton first 4 _-henda * Jae nine Lranch stores apd over "twenty ice, ~-No-isterv --_-- : i Tourists and othvra say Hamilton a is the finest tex in-the Bee ttore orld. £.are You mies one of the sights of the ity you You're welcome tock 'bar:boo easels. cabinets babes ite the finest we kno eceiving elegant new gocds, white facts tn pers sniede 'hen lamps, oe ies and toilet sets, sold at matchless cash prices or free with our profit- xfjoorned. - { eas, cofices. etc, We are headqu TUR Paes WEN Parsext : Campbell, xy bagi 'AS , Teronto ; Smith, 6 Thosson, artist, yale, Tereene : 'oronte 5 Pirie, Mail, Toronto ; arters for wedding and birthday ts ee souvenir gilts. ase exclusive novelties "of rare" tierit:~ Deal heres es : 3 H Tayk ' cog the oe np ae secure the benefit of our profit-sharing ic parate | syst Eggs a er taken'in exchange for goods. 'urr EMPIRE TEA CO- Oddfellow's Block, Stratford. i theme Stores at Galt, Stratford, St.Thomas, Darlin, ore os and, London, E ti Hutchison. 'Telegram, Davis, We're the largest retail tea and coffee dealer# on the contine ; ae Han it cw Ts er, -- York rect oe cas ast o'clock every evening except Saturdays during July an! OPENING! 'Our Millinery Opening Days will be Thurs- (day, Friday and Saturday, October 2nd, 3rd St cat an ead et toe cack a one abn: Ow are invited to come and see praise of the easy grace and the c chants g sa display. Selic acy and great force sad " she varionaly display et . "pottraying the, eal | | (im: Br S : character o -- ------The Leaders in Low Prices. TEN POUNDS IN OP: Hamiltoa. will clore at 7 ve Samday Sen ;b tien Globe'; Miss McDermott, | 8 Detroit Sun ; CJ London Fentinel- Revi few, Phere Woot Woo meee ca ard,. Woodstock; W 8 McLay, Standard, Woodate: k: a The Drama Miss Van Cortland .was vociferousiy re- | ceived at St. Marya Monday night, and a; like tpception was accorded some of the taf woman of the pee courage ale nat avaricious schesning | o f her rcoundye!ly hus bend, Pierre. Pierre "Trains to ae their 'only child to. a dastardly rog 'or the consideration of ten ceenead iciech, being thwarted in he decides (in order rr ma Around This Little Bijiou story is: strong, powerful, intense ; and a calls for acting of the ban at standard on 'ay EI pars afte | OF! 4S lTwo WEEKS |) prices are a es mere. 49 = : 35 and 85 cents, 35 ete e-Sia THIAK OF IT!) 2 nessle at Macdonald's ry a Plesh cee * ie = advertisement. me __._ } } B© question but that _ eee Calne ENGAGEMENT of the favorite Actress Ida Van Cortlant" and her superb company for 3 nights, 8 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, axv SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 2ud, 3rd and 4th. EMULS Opening with the Melo Dramatic wacocss : me end fall is a igen haves can bedeen atany time; we would Hie ~ CHANGE OF BILL NIGHTLY. CONSUM Hi 'i 3 : eee Somme | EE Soule gee , PALATA

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