Stratford Times, 8 Oct 1890, p. 1

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'ei nxt in taker = the fist ult. Geo: Nixon, tei YEO in Gry, - on bis : o will be thee wat ai extremely cold Cog 'Mr. Thomas F. McGuigan, city clerk of areas ; 7OL. EV; STRATFORD, ON!ARIO, IO1OBER 8 1890, "ths, Marriages and Deaths. BIRTHS. on ALLAN--In Feluays ston, the pm hb ait, the BK tae un Zs ah wit 'fe 'uation aa \ it : n he sot halt, the wife of nthe 2 ath uli, this wite ot Tone | Sedans ae in wet atowel, on ie {ith ult, the Waerm athe Re ith ult, Win, Hel a daoch*er, walken. Helenka, of & ue? th ult, ofa srock?is Being: rl, pea see 19th ult, the ofa PETES h | the 19th ult,, the wite ofa Ure am taen ss the th ult., the wile of wants unos Rey eh ot emg the wife of the afe the «wife ter. Miteblon we 20th ult, the of a won. tom the 2H Inst, the 'wife of Wm MeCuilough, ne sl a a. me asars MeNein, of MARRIAGES. d ory Tan 0 SON ames" Recto ue son the 2d alt. ni Rev. W.J Ta 'a} lo Mary ary, to Sarah Heo Lin deel ot ¢ {the ~»- AURANORET--FAIRLESS--At the residence 6 pias Gea tinesy Piet Michigan, W.L-Farnom -- Bo ptis cheng) oe moron Burvort to Minnie M. Fairlees, bete sate maith, B." " pesiew om ott pag r reas x ing sister shpat c Angelo ae +" a ot Stratford. EOWEKLY--EORKA BE the wees ar ult,, 0; ign *, ae ne ds Abit corer} che Sorwabell, all of sv ord _-- ON-<F DOWD. At Sur atterd, Rn te 3 2ith 3 ' Li nye Panton, , of ly * arrkt U ps = iy Hoke SAC th th set tence ott he pride' * eee farther ean the tt * Many James Ox ivy ta Christina met hee 'st janes? Rex tory, ; he tt, by Rev. w.J, Taylor, heck! finch, 0 : au Mor rys,t0 Mary seukny, oft xf bt FISCH - CoMPRELL-- Atst J mee Rectory, Maryr, on slags rete » by Ke Taylor . ~ Marve, to Mary Campbell, ipl pe: } city have been tk AROUND TRE CITY, Another Rumeved Libel Suit. The proprieters of the Herald of this tened with af action for aoe by the pabsi-ners of the Canadian Queen for the pubti ath noof a letter on Sept. 13, which veflucted upon the manner in which the Hatter c oaduc vei ase prize competitions, --Uicbe of Satur The Meneodinh Lilies' Concerh. com imenting ou the concert in uoatreal sp ery highhy of the troup collectively and individually And it is said by tho-e who listened to them last Beason that no criticism cculd be too favor- "able, The ra vske y The Potter Inquest The Goronor's court met last Menday evenirg and after examining Gilbert Rob- ertson, who gave no imps wiant evidence, again adjourned til! Nov. l7th. It is ub- derstood that the adjournment was owing to the coroner having received a letterfrom one of tie most, important witnesses, stating his inability to be here last eyen- ing. WN Warburton He- Appointed. tbe following i isa circular i: ssued "trom instilling N. Warburton anther Freight and Paswenger Ayent :-- Erie & Huron Railw ay Managing Director's Office, Sarnia, Ont... Sept..23,.1890,- Mr. W. N. Warburton has been appoivt- edd Gettoral Preight and Vassepger Agent with office at Chatham. Communications relating to freight or passenger Lusiness should be midreated to him J.J Ross, Managing Director. Approved, FE. O. Bickrorp, President, The above ia as comp'ete a vindication of the character of Mr. Warnurton as the President and Mansging Director are able to publicly sokuowis ige. The unpleasant- nead aroae entirely throuch auditors whe hove been diemiased from the service, and it will be gratifying to know that at the first opportanity the management reinafat- Mr, Warvurton in a position he oe previous to the appointment of Mr. M. C eon. ~-Batoisa Canadian EN. t Lis age, ev Mr. " Jas. Fanson of ary KB, eldest daughter of Binbrook tn Pe fiord, an the nt dicho, ae a C gouge 20th ult of Wallace, . DONA CADAM--On the Ist inst , by Rev. * ! Campbell 4 ie B. Donaa. 'rede nald, to Mapper Mead la McAdam, both cf the Township of Gr mictio. Pag igo by & ns, = "Sor the 1th alt,,-on--lot_ 18, cae . 'Nes ¥ goddabe, aces 75 years and Su. "voy in Logan. o the t3¢i ult, the infant dsughterf aged +0 yea' SELLS--In Peele on the Zst ult., Thomas Ke'ls, aged £4 yea noaths. mat t son J. dD. parca aged 4 weeks sna 2 days. PISCH--At Stratford, on the 22nd ult., wila c ne john Pinch, awed 3) yea: MAT IBDN. Marjyr, on the tm ult, Robert Sovtt st . Mathieson; mary A. Tn or cry. Mr. J. Rankiu's aew sedans on Erie St., is progressing well, Mrs. Wm. Yeandle, of Avon ward, had the misfortun: ashort time ago to fracture horrightankle. Consilericg heradvanced years the breas will Le a long time ia heal On the contrary cvery lice is recuced some below cost, some at wholesale figares and the bulk of the stuck ata alight ad- vance on wholesale prices. - The kittens climbing a tree in the picture at the entrance to Market street, are so natural that several dogs have stopped and see to eapeny them. Cale & Son were the a winter of last year we geason, and it behoves people to took | ahead , and prepare for it in the matter of cloth- Vancouver, B C., formeriy of Stratford, was married there last week to Miss Minnie ie groom was assisted" by his brother, Dr. 'Modelgas, a former resident of this city. The Brantford Be osc ags Baya: Me. ar acartes, apd some months ~ congratulating him, present promotice, will pigeon wil At a meeting of the Presbytery of Lind- "ga, weld in in that town last week, Rev. Johnaton decided the Lindsay con. aad 0s be acuta the call. | Sty, W. H. Graham, B. A lar. is promo< PERS sONA = Mr. F. bg of Boston, is home on a wo weeks vis. Misa Ida me Te returned from a pleasant visit up wes Me. G.JW anh be is visiting friends in Hamilton, Misses Haines apd Hetherly, of Tees- water, ate visiting at the i aa of Mr. R. Abraham, Avon ward Nis. T. Watling, of hoon Ward, ia visit. ing friends in Grand. Rapids. Misa Hattie oe = Detroit, is Visiting at Mrs. Dr. Yeme Miss Lizzie Downey, ey Seaforth, sa has teen the puert of Miss Kate Carlin, turned home yesterday, after ao nieecent sit. - Yemen, have re n fear ul trip to Detroit. Misa 4. MecKionun, cousin to Mra, Yemen retarned Lome « ith them Kichardaon and family who have been visiting friends'in Boston for the psat four weeks has returned, says the Wiatton Echo. Mr. Richardson. in one of the most popular Conductors on the road. The Kankakee Daily Times of Wednes ny Oct., Let eays --dira, Wm. Blatchford and Mrs, Ww right and family, of St ratford, Ontario, = Viz iting th ung fai! y. of J. R. Biatehford. str, o has been here for a couple ot mind ay Salt return home with them next week The Sweedi: h Ladica 'fron un 1 Stockho Im will appear ia Stratford, on Thursday the i6th just, The exeire collections mm the Stratford district ry | the month of September were $9,535, Tiere is ce so suitable for our climate as plenty dl pi afar coat, cape, storm coilar, or any of which affords good protection to the vital points goods cai be had at reasonable prices icon A. J. McPherson the ness ier. ' The Stratford Coullegiate Institute Board has engsged, "until New - \ear's, W. of Toronto, ™ honor graduate la modern wad Eoglish of | Terento Twenty to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. J. B. Wilson's remova!, Mr. Alex. HepUuro, Architect Las com. Netad ns, and let the contract of © Dr, WON Robe berison's buildivg on Downle St. Se an east corner of market +quare adjoin- ing W. H. Roberta jewelry store as' fol- lows:--J. D, Schmidt, owe La be pene tore and Dr's offic® Second flat will be snitable for dwelling house or offices. A misleading paragraph appeared. in a city paper last week in referring to the fakira who infested the fair grounds fair day. It read :--** In Stratford, alas ! the Mayor of the city, cen issued the t against awindling and it is-well that there is, but that does not in boris reg certainly has a right to rom cutedioes, be titisan coution payrr inet of man ie to w ier or not the fokir is 'ete is goods for * ald ve that he is going todo the fakir sei whea he purchases hie wares. 'Ve sub- st if suy one needa vestection fic es the "avarioke as "ch Tewore fovte there = NORTH PEYTH FAIR. Aa Goon EXTRAIT MIRRED 4s iso AL | rru TE RAEN { A Geed Showing of Dairy Products tn | et nag nt Pinplay a Bd Prats Hat a Very Small Erhibit of Live Stock | Te would be a atrang> tl ung if it-did not = rain on one or beth of the "day a for the holding of the North Perth Pair. It almays. does and | thie yar hasbeen no ex i evption to the ule "The fair this year Wat in many respects a goodone The in tide exhibita were good such as fruit, vegetables, butter, ete The outside ex- hibite such as horses, cattle and pigs wers not =p to former years. The prize winners are: HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood maire--tieo Wo vis, Foal--Walter Rae, Thomas D Scott, 3 year old gele ding or filly--Jno Arinstreng 2 year old gelting cr filly -- Walter Rae, D "Scott, J Busch. Colt Geo Woods. Span--Geo Kr tearoer, Chas Farmne, A MeGillawe. AGRICULIURAL, B-ood mare--W Rae, Arbogast. Foal--F 0D Meadow 8, Attchisopn, Jo Kuhne, G: Iding or fily, dyear od. J Arbogast, I' Art ogast, J 'raser. Gelding or tilly; 2 year old Win Hodge, J Kuhne, J Larimer. Colt--A Danamore, H McMillan, J tay. Span-- G MeLeod, J Basch, D Me Millan. GENERAL D Seots Armetrong' J Kubkne, P PURPOSE Brood- mare--J Brooke, KE Denkin, H Packham. Foal--J Brooks, S Smith, J Armstrong. Geld ing or Filly, 3 year old- E Dwkin, P Garduer, J Kelly, Gelein ur filly, 2 year old --B i Payton, C Thill, W Bell Vo Hod. G__ Kreaimer, Span "Ht "Mts 'il'an, DD Litt, CABRLYGE aoe mare--D Bei}, D W Clark. Russel. Gelding or G Dervis, R Harripgton old -- Hamiiton Brow, Dunseith. ; teith = Span--P D Greseibehl R Tarnball; We srefay dew or i. tom Ed. Clay S Campbell, Mille ROADSTERS. Biood mare --David Bell, John Bem mp- sey, Kobt. Porter. Foal--Hy a John Dempsey, Wm Dancero ar old frldie meg Ail Sux... Geo Lack worthy. Wn ark, Wm Stein, ~ 2-year old "gelding "or filly--J c Weber, John Rankin, WW Hoister. Colt, 1 year old--G Robertson, T Stewart, J Ballantyne. Pair of Diivers --H Stewart, J Dempsey, J R Thompecn. CATILE, Lane 8--vbuauaM. Bail, Ban 2 years old ae C li, 3 years old ard upwarde-- Thos Ballantyne & Son, cLass 9--AaYnsHIkE, Milch cow-- Michael Ballantyne. 2 yeare old---Michacl Ballantyne. 1 year old--Michsel Ballantyne. ealf---Michael Baliantyne. Ball Michaei Balianty ne. CLASS 11--GRADE Mulch cow-- Geo Wood, Jas Cierar, W Battershall. fer, 2 vears old--Jas ; - Heifer, 1 year old-- >» Wood. Heifer calf EK MePhesson, W 1 year old-- cn Crerar. Heifers Heifer, Heifer caif-- Alex McTavi-h, aa! MoLavish, Battershall. CLASS 19 ay BREED, ~ Steers, 2 yeare old--Jos Crerar. Steer, 1 year old--Alex MeTavich, E Donki Steer calf--Thus a « Son, Alex aaa Fat Steer--Thos Ballantyne Fat cow or heifer--Thos Ballan- on & Son, Jas Crevar, Best herd of cvaitle, any breed or bieeda--Thea Ballan- tyre x Jas Crerar, Alex W Smith. SHEEP, Chass 13.--LrICcEsTER, Ram, two years old and over---Adam Thomeon, Mra E A Somers, eatling ewes--Mrs E Somers, Adam Thomron. Pair ewe lambs --Adam Thomson, Mra E A ciass 15,--socvTHpowy, "Ram, 2 years old aud over--Jos Salkelad T12- Ram, | year old---Alex Telfer, Jos Salkeld, Ram lamb--Jos Salkeli. Pair breeding ewes--land 2 Jos Saikeld. Pair Shear- ling ewea--Alex Telfer, Jos Salkeid. Pair ewe lambs--1 and 2 Jos Salkeld. CLASS 16. --sHROPSHIKE, Ram,-2 years old and over--Alex Telfer. Rem Jamb--1 and 2 Alex Telfer. Paiz shearling arenes Telfer. Pai ewe lambs--Alex Tel CLass 17,--LINCOLNS, Ram, pair breeding ewer, pair shearling ewes and pair of ewe aes and 2 Wm Oliver. CLASS 18 --OXFORD DOWSs. = pele breeding ewee, yer shear- nf ewe lambs--A ~ Ram, ling and pair of Whitelaw, Guelph. SWINE. CLASS 20, --BERKSHIRE. Boar--Jno Dunbar, as Hyde. Sow --GeoA ee Jno A --J Siyee Boar-- * eee Sow--1 and 2 Jno Lem- CLags 22.--yorxsnine. Boar---David Ha: ae. Sow--Geo A Boar---Geo A A fide, David "Hare fowle---J Ple- seh, Pletsct, 7% "4 , rowan J Pletech Hemhurgs, D MeNicho!, 'a A. Matthews, biack breasted or other reds --- A shstthews Lantamea, atne--Ko Tar -- Mather, Ws as Wilson ' a Wilson, EG Smith. Piymouth rocks -- Hy Neandle Geese, Toulouse Rogtsh, gray yer, Céere, Ti Docks, a lesbury ; AA Steele. Ducks, common Ducks, any other variety ; "en fowls ; Joa iller, D McNichol Pair ¥ Johnston, D McNichol. Noaek D MeNichol N ntwerpe ; . MC Hoftmrre WT CLASS 25,- CHICKENS, Pair dorcings, white; A A Matthews: Laugshans ; A Johnston. i 2 A. atthewe Leghorns, fmeyver v Sache ~ 'Yas +totane ey oh hal AA Matthews. Fantail pigeons ; »nes; Andrew Tumblers ; Wm Pouters ; D ~~ ae Rabbits ; Variety ; Brahmas, hight ; Hy Yeanille. dark ; A A Matthews, . J.C Huck horas, white ; J Pletech, Join ahs hive, i oriaga brown: Joho Aitchison, J Pletsch, Bantams ; soho oe D MeNichol I $ im Steule dottes ; W Sanderson, E ti Smith CLASS. 26--M IscKLL ANKOUR, Package butter, not less than 25 e ee ~1 Jno, Kenzie, jr., 2 Geo. Wood, 3 Jus Trimm. Dairy cheese --.Jno. _C. Hoffmeyer, Lsloom__J H it Spring oe ! bashe!l-- 1 Wm. Mountain, 2A See ach Barley, 1 bushel} Wm. Mountain, $ Wm. Hodge, White cate--1 Wm. Monntsin, 2 Jno. oate--Wm. Mountain Hodge, 2 Wm. Mountain, Muir, 2 Robt gia canned, 3 varieties oF 9 in. Ro Me: Nicoll, 2 Mra. J, D.! Graham Frait pre served. 3 verietics, | jar each--] A. Burns, 2 Jas. Miller, Jelly, assortment of --1 Mra Jas Brown, 2-Joor-Re MeNicolt, Pickles, assortment ~~ A. Burns, 2 Mra, James Nimmock. loaves home: made bread (epecial hy W: m., Hepburn, furniture "Mrs: Jaa Ni mock, 8. D. Morrow. Five pounds butter special by Pradshaw & Co., furniture Sam a Hobe. Grieve, Jno Dunbar, Jno, nie, jr: GLASS 27] -- FRUITS Winter "uples, --s I gee 4 of each--Wm. ands, Litt Winter ae seoking-- inet J G Stra Fall les, desert Jas Miller, k ing. R IG tomatcea--L. Nimmuk, lection of toma toes, 3 of Mre J Briahin, J Gilisck. 3 roots of celery, white-S Witton, R Hateher, A Burns, 12 heads of yellow corn--Jno Dempsey, S E Mc i2 heads of white cert K. Ezb. each variety ior fh of capal Mrs J Brishin dua Nimmock, . £ rasishes--M C Hoffmeyer, Mra J Brisbin, Collection of vegetables apart frem any other entry--Mra Jas Nimmock, 1D) Burns. For largest: pumpkin Fir prettiest pumpkin\ Mra Jas Brown For ugtiest puampkis --Mre Jas Nimmeck, For sma'leet pumpkin--Allan Dunsmore, The last four are specials by Tolton Bros., Yellow Front -Ernest Schmidt, CLASA Bec quet, 29-- GREEN HovsR, h and-- Mra Geraniums, collec tion, in hloom--A Kurns. Hanging basket, filled with plante--A Bur CLAS 30-- ror rLaxts "Begonia, tuberous r sated, in bloom--J F Welsh, J H Roberts Be guuie, summer flowering---N Peters, J F Wee foliage--Carrie Tistevies Jai my Citmbing plant, ivy---Mrs WS Dunean, ta J Brishin Chry santbemum, pot grown in bloom--Mrs WS Du uncan, Carrie L Roberts. Foliage pliant, bard wooded-- N Sanderson, Fotisge plant, sult wooded --~N Sanderson, Maw. J Brisbin, dark, --D Burns, Mew) Brisbin. Fuchsia, liplit, "doable D' Baris, Mra J Briabin. Geranium, acarlet, single, in uberta, Mrs J Brisbin. Ger. anium, white, single, in bloom--J H toberta, Carrie L Roberts, Geranium other color, in bloom--J H Roberts Mra J Brisbin, rcarlet, double in bk om--J Mra J Brishir, Geranium, white double in ew Jou Roberts, Mre J Brisbin, Mra J Drishin, "Ceraniam, othe? color double t in bloom---J ti Roberts, Mrs J Brisbin, Geranium, 7 leaved, peda Rove an variegated raved 6 variety ~--J F Welsh, D Burns, Gar- den vase filled with plantsa--D Burns. House plants, collection not = ~-- 12-- Mrs WS Duncan, Dv ean--Thos Barfield. P etunia, ay Pari 2 bloom--Jas Wilton, J F Welsh. Petunia, ae in es F Welsh, Mra J Bris. " F pecified--Carrie J Brisbin. Window plant pele fe Wilton, Geo ravestein-- pples--E Mair, $ pideabarg--Ine MoTavieb, E, ate. no Dempeey, hein Plapine--W 'Neill, S Rankin. Baldwins--Jno a'lo N Monteith, 6 Rhode Island greenings M1 Booa,S in. 6 golden O' Morrow. Dem . omkins--D. McTavish sg fi 6 Spitzenbury --Jas Siler, A Dunsmo-e 6 W ealthy--D Dempsey. 6 Swan --N Movteith 6 Mann--Jas Ballantyne, Jno McTavish, 5 apples of any variety--A Karns A Johuston. Collection bei - 4 of ewch, 12 varietiesa--D MoTay h beauty de Jersey--D 6 Belle lucrative-- Wm Aitcheson, M C Hoffmeyer, 6 Shel- don--E McPherson,Wm Rounds. 6 Beurre Cinirgeaun--R Me logis 6 Beurre hardy -- S Rankin. 6 Beurre superfine--R Me ry JohnMcLagan. 6 DoyenneRussock -- -RM Lagan. 6 Beurre d'Anjou--Jno Me Tavish, D sicTavish. 6 Vicar of Wakefi li--N Monteith. Wm Rounds, 6 fall , any mere rt joao Gillock, K. Mckagen 6 ter 'pears, any other variety Bal. late, R ae, % varieties fall pear, of each--R McLagan, N 'Monteith. 3 onches of grapes grown in open air, a 4 ha Peters, R McLagan, Ditto, red hy 12 Lombard plums--N Petera, JH (Roberts 12 Mc Laoghliue--N Peters, 12 Binghams--C L Robert:, J H Roberts, 12 yellow «gg-- Welsh. 12 Moore's Arctic--i F Welsh. 12 Coe's golden drop--A Jehneton. 12 reen gages superb--(ieco. Bartlett 12 Socmant Eoek--a isa JH Roberta, 12 plums, any variety--A, Johnston, J Gillock. Colleytion of ~ Se J F Welsh JH Roberta. Collection of grapes--N Peters. CLass 23 --ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Bushel Beauty of Hebron potatorsa--Jno sere S Rankio, Bushel Rose pota iar fall fecd-- "GA Fqune geld urn tquashes, table--Geo. Davie, E. ee tees P Smith, as Ballantyne, D Hat- red--J Gjllock, Mrs agae --s 12 Jas Gillock, K Hatcher. yellow--Mre Jas Wiesenke J Gillosk wn from seta--D bro beeta, tursip--Mre tum o net n mango! ) | erts, Carrie L Robe --Jd_ F. Welsh, J H Roberts. CUT - FLOWERS, Collection annuals, not less than 6 dis- tinct varieties--J F Welsh, Mrs J Briabin, Antirrhinum: ? J H Roberts, Bria- bia. Astere--Mrs J Bre:sbin, J F Welsh. F Welsh. Bouquet, hand, amsteurs--Mra J Brisbin, Carrie L ~ erts. Bouquet, table, amateurs--N Pet arrié L Roberts, Carnations--J H Ral | xt, Coxcombs--J F Welsh, Mra J Bristin. Cnt flowers, col- lection--J i N Hol!yhocke--J H Roberts, R Marigolds--Mra J Brishin, J H Petunias, doublo -- Carrie berts, J Gillock. Petunias, single = H Ro! erts, Yin J Brighin, Phtox drum py stie single tresses Mra J irishin; J ees Boioe Tereariel, py apie tre Aeeeete --J berts. Panvic H Robe Rose---Cariel. L Rober D Burns. Stocks, single tresses--Mre J Brisbin, J H Roberts. Verbenan, _ tinct varieties, single ton es--J FV * MreJ Biisbin, Verbenas, co utia F Welsh, J H Roberta "Zionias, de uble-- | Mra J Brisbin, J F Welsh CLASS 52 --HOME MANUFACTURES, Home-made blankets--J D Graham, Miss Jemmison. Horse blankets-- --Hy Lippert, Andrew Remako, Woven quilt, home-made--Hy Lippert--D McTavish. Patchwork quilt, woollen--Miss Jemmison, Latehwoek gett, cotton--E Hanham, JG Strasser, Patchwork quilt, silk--E Mo- Vean, E Hanham Knitted quilt-----M¢s Nimmock, Frank Alexander. Knotted ult, cotton--Mrs Ninrmock. Crochet ppe Cal pert, Waleey, home. made--Hy =~ Nimmcck. 12 wo pair wookn Sayers. Two "J Ww mmock, Woolen yarn, h ure Nimmork, Geo Frame. cLass 33.--Lapizs' saxcr "a in, - Gent's white oetet-- inp E Hyde, Coi | L, Bea ty, J G Strasser, and original, not a in the pad EG Smith, Mra WS Dancan. ----- ot Ladies' bee hy apart from entries-Mra A EH tt King, Miss_J Pte UNDER THE E SEMAPHORE. T. R. return of tr traffic for week end- ing Sopa 28, 1890, $448,337 ; 1889, 612-- increase for 1890, $1 2.735, The Grand Trusk bas and £1,200,008 sterling of prepetual four per cent, debas- tures at 974 per cent. The stock will be used to redeem the balance of the Great Western six per cent. bonda, to meet the outlay on the St. Clair tuonel and for gen eral of the company; The annual election of the stockholders - the International Brid Joseph Hickson, Hon. E.G. 8 C. Sprague, L. J. Sargent, Jehn Bell, Sti! and E, Wragge alae ae. these 'cfficers teat Se = Spaulding ; vice-pres "cil ~ ae secretary and tr Jon Wright. The fine new ** Pullmans" 7 ceived by the Grand Trunk to 1 thels through line between Boston and Chisawe via Montreal, are -- to be the finest eve turned out by Pullman, This is saying» «reat deal, which goes to prove that tik G. TR is no laggard. Aa evidence o this, one has only to see the magniticem 'son side specials," which ate, without exception, the most complete trains it this or any other --" 24,090 locomotives st Ley _ freight cars at 665 passenger care at 5,000.. aL 423 miscellaneous at 1 Making a grand total of 9027, 123,5ar At the présent date the tooomotives ear safely be increased to 31,000 and the cars to 1,(00,000. Pew better ananbere 4 of a zine have ever been issued tober pular maga. anner, the secret of "How I Have Grow! Old"; 5 Mra, Ulsan Grant | warrior propor pored marriage to her; methods pursued by the Van sdechilte in the training of their children are ines ket. ched; Mrs. Margarit Bottome, the Preaf. dent of The King's Daughters," most admirably with what will on obj people who try to be young; A Bogardus, the pioneer Mew York photo grapher, haa an ex:esingly bright sketeb an ** Presidents I Have Photographed' Dr. Talmage has some very bright thingy for women; soning V. Sheridan, the Bos ton actress, tells how to conduct private theatricals; ** Cart | Hepes and Husbands" isthe unique title of a bright ea icia Holt, Floience tows a pac + Helle nifite in an article tellirg how te eelebrate : ites | Anniversaries"; and th daubers 4 ra m Harriet Prescott Sho Mis Ly man Abbott, Lee C Harby, Sarah K,. Bolton, Kdward W. Bok, Ellen Le Gard-,. Kate Tanuatt Woods, and & eCor of others. The Oc tober Journal is truly @ perfect model = what « popular m should be, blished, at one dollar a year, by the Curtis Pablishing Company, P' delphin, BR ARMASEARE The following is "the standing of the pupils of the Sr. division of the Shake war school = the month of 8 gar -ros IV, Geo, MeFarlene, om a aan ee Mag. Weiss, (even.) Jaco er | | Biler. Ciana IV, Jr.--Besa T, H apd Georgina Trachsel ne Cossey, alen' Doerr. Kerr, Chas. McFarlane eg Eby.: Seat Baner, Martha m. Brown, James Marra ee » Joseph Bre = oo: Rlouvaroan, Teaches To Editor Stratford Trmzs : Dear Sir,--In the Herald of 4th inst, the following item appeara: Natural Gas, Look out for the ----- on the Eatate nein board; se nwernee TOTO ORR ene meee CHEE weeeene PIONEER WELL Pe od ¥ : MA DRY MOLE, BUY Ir HAS VERY DM. BLE SMELL. Been eeee Now, i tot jst possible tered ay tne' eter which ed in Sup, Natural Gas Co'y. with z sectigng olabds hua bare that th. emell above referred to might te very materially lessened, . Yours, ete., 4 Stratford, Oct. 6th, 1890. the General, and how the = the Burdette has a first claas humorous was 2 ge sontriba tions almost without ee a fford.

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