AR TEMS INTEREST TO THOSE' EN- GAGED IN FARMING. INTERESTING Facts ABOUT EMPER ORS, KINGS AND PRINCES... Pref, J. W. Roterison, Dom inigt Dairy Some hisabehon of Covrt Li*--Qnee Commissioner Talke Aboot' Cows and Christine. of Spain.-The Empress o¢ es Their 'Cost--Notes aad Citppings on Austria and her alicieg Expedition | aenetest aud Other Subjects. --A Dake Without a Dachy. i three months wil, barring William at Portsmonth . ' His agar ee Giepia ¥s the moat; n Port ree than they have done for years past. mace, down even t Every bird killed "means" more in cmekig. tes is Kew York World ight. (Evers waesan who wearuh dead tir eee of the barracks. beg: aan ornament in ber aiak a encouraces % ye ens quarters aud etding with the dormity destruction of the 'al creatures, tae the a the wash house he noted the quatr women Would reject all such ornacients Ther tity_of water consumed daily and the mannet in which it is distributed, In the cantee 'would do a service to farmers and prevent . 1. joann _ il Parenti lang! or, itis onde riy was com » sty 4 be beer. | e@i lots reeiilts Fail Fairs. *) Beant. Pare, 0.4. 2S: "Krdaemes. ng é si. pert, tet hate. ryt », Kia's, Ot. 910, s 14 15. 21 22, Oct, wwe, Ort, k, Weed bridge, Oe. Brite, Rott * Mining Wewe. } ? t t i- ' , I CG. FERIA MULUAL F. SeTakuteuZD tre, we ACT OF Pe Rtamart, fasure+ Bahoctines, Morcnaad ¥ a tee, ve ataaathen ap ve the case Gr prendum bute svebem. LOSeR8 PROMPTLY ADVUNTRD AND ParD. ROARD OF DIRECTORS: | James Trow, Eej., M. P., President, 2tratfort W. Mowat, Esq . Dagker, View President, &t-atford ' Thomas Kea . Sutide doer, #, Strettord ames Corvoran, hey. Strat Wm, Der hhern, Beg, hngg Bi Clerk, Stratton . Rewer aaaty te deel sary te use Straw y, diarrhoea, u's Mistake. People midis veal x rE Te ur elect dvicnofthe Jowell Know, sUpated come berry | « 9 JOKER, « } George fipde, Eeq., oa Deputy Reeve, stake often witht 'ron al te ae a Ni spread Solicitors ~ Murer Me 'CHAS ty "at ast a Stratford, Aug 22, 4:85 Ss 5 Sad be. UI mo of anytitfig t tranhaverss ' was fourm! t * the ete inch--a resus". tha tins . by che i finest Pyaar org steel. There are busy braing and hands constant ly at work to redace the ps way of 1 facturing. t the pure metal; tive to succes is very a erful, mine Mr. A. B. -gesant ha oie ioe keer ake mg + thine sper tin a poi loom rvont jen coe adj joining the admirably organize' canteen, ue lots, instead of one large one aka the emperor weat to the little tbe: autre on vi ' Ohad OF ties His ary seek" yoaite etal "J russian dru - 'Phence-he mov gue w Jersey Stat+ "Agricultura Society, with alert and troy step to the grocery bo year ago, balloting forthe best three store, and spent some time go'u behind the for general one of each color, counter, making | presi minut: .quities as t¢ in favor of the Brighton, red; Word- the price of various sorts of poy ons ard ok. and Niagara, white; and few grape .the profit made on them. Then bis majesty growers in that State would to-day make any went to the kitchen and examined the ranget alteration iti. the list. in the cook house; then tq Une sergeant's mess, Date te, erally. founda brisk demand' with its little ibrary and its billiard tables, flor pers, "benk cadieh Rn Elion which excited the emperor's warmest. ad: agrees summer and fall, 'Thess "cropsowhe nm: __ planted in summer require richer sil thau te early spring? ait It shoul be remembered, too, that seeds sown in mid-summer must be _cavered deeper than in spring. Sy What shail we say of the "their boys sud girls go away from 8 4 Seaham bequet, or for Poli ree bd tie & their 1 ' nw fation, . At the subsequent march back the emperor respectfully saluted the flag, torn by oo and shell, that was carried part: him, and pass mart was over and Sir Leicester Suiy th How far in the fovare the sire t emi may be there is no tellin Romsove two-thirds of without dina ution 'of aes Vast struc' ee a, iy tts eieneramad ter eorve provided room were sup iied, would be cor inoreatnd,.. ti entere! apon. a very ruch pir & at once cried cathentanticaliv, "Hate aff! and. - Cheer for tie ua perar 4n.f fusion of slows flowers mizht be haul Tight ¢rice the Inniskillins had thelr bear-kins on at theirown door, with little setters, by sim their bay 4 with three ronsing a wea atiag a fow nice ma aes 5 "Hurraks!' the inspection came to an end: ate you yet ~ a pleasure it is to go into a clenn, newly white-wasbed hen Queen Christine of spain. eeu hee clean up_ is naw, Wes Sl ular Spanish ates xe oareo take the place of the lessened wergh Octe ii Coa ae ay te crhathe-atte vba, SAT ROSS LAK Ue nt tb ms as sie Thi wil outs Strange fact that a woman, ated a foreiguer, _ brs bods i hi va bap me or aise : y ily o MME Machitine: suOLE con con vide bulidings pes painted, the inside = the reins of goveroment siceessfu u) yi Seiced ta indents auton eovagar wick iF - bum--sippsing always its eTantaT" ne traly repreented--could be thrown acrest stream: aud ravines tospan which is now possible The capacity of stearmstrips imilarly enlarged, Not only wout . Ta esece, 4 aeee wash a hands in a country «© uoderminer ee -- Spat by political intrige+;seys ti Pall Mal out fresh say spite The Gazstte, "Tyo roarvel, if marvel there be," tion would be lowered ti many ways, Was the repir; car e jaodia. the, are and pe for oan, and speed and safety simplest piauner : isal'n: Th! "Catodtathine te "The queen maintains her position becaus coehipete tenginecr as to the advintages t: she is be ee opposite of an intriguing and be gained would produc as showing diiticut woman, She tells no falsehoods of belief at first. The Eiffel Tower as a con ing fe the hypocrite acout her, is at structive feat would sink into~tnsignificase: nd modest as she is honest, and there * fleni for architec reine advance woul] be ™ isnobody in Spain who is not c nvinced thay all bat uslimited Air navigat..a wot re 'F sh op tale taten be. to-do der best for the country. Th) forewart with a bond --if feasible at all- "soma is sa esikgteitionsss 'Mort, but 1 mix- queen's pop alarity---especiatly wih "th? when t amateri earn fodder will he eaten, up entitely by the cows. Do not let it beeoie black and. moldy, It may be very convenient to leave it'in the fiel is, but before the winter is half gore much of it will be soaked with rain,' Lee cokht hiown over or trampled, Corn ry is an. € t -- mi if ts goed, brig jf tow that Biri ; TU ae a & Ploeg Bitters 3 Bh les tieleare atany at sic constipation, does Hot Warrent us in neglecting to use it et the right time, Use it row = " le Seal "idogieiia Feder ation. Will present = eppertanity to extend the fame of De. Fowler's Extract. of Wild Strawberry the etaitinn remedy for chol- era, cholera morbur, colic, cramps, diar- thera, dysentery, ge all summer com- plaints, to every ofthe Empire. Wild Strawborry never faite, . --Baquat RiguTs: All have equal sights in life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Put miny are handicappad in the race hy dyrpepaia, bil- icubness, | erereyy hervens d.obility veakness, oc! «te fy. remies be ME Pieood. Bitters cu sate ua. tals nefits ou wll suiferc re aot tization, . re ea Wisdom ooo fireat aud timely wiedor "- eee by ke-;ing Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawverry on band. cholera, cholera morkue; jury, colic, cramps, and all summer com- platats or lockeners of the ba The ui ind page 4 the Sreania Daily Maid ia peted for " Want advertisements If seu want a sitvation, a mechante, business, machinery, ing, sfyou Have Laster found enything, « rit y<u want te find out where «ny: ue is, ad ivertize in} the Torento Daily Mak ! wtp oe -4@+- > Freem: an's Worm Powders are agreeable to take, expel cil kinds ¢«f worn fron childrens cr ndalts ard ed with cut ba lished, and women of Spain--is a real power which give: binins pi 'sth and ligt utness in a degr e¢ makes cool feed. Barley contains a ape her much of the bold which she has over bea: never Kusw before, or even approxinated, dautritive. erin i pounds..._It is the y mahlects Natural tact, intelligence anc fa ted rene _ Street-cars, pico ear ' Pea Soy a foret for: Ure heres kind ong. tba Finger: ete be improved, aud sare un. ear It is bgt sti which Queen. Coristine » maintains her posi rotemgga 'in ee "power aid wear watt Tt should be brulsed,- tior Machines gs instruments would par t hay. Boiled tarley isa "Tike our own queen, the quecn regent of take t it the bene' the change, and new Be er a TUN EEE USE ta fei game tim -omes invented APs. Bo ec mabt ---- are but suggestions which ae "te each particular branch of mechanics can the meaniag of and amplify. Should tie reasonably hopesof th¥aluminum workers be renlizsl, inankiad woull seem te bave beoo emancipated from a burden of heavy mate rial whieh it bad been wrestling with for ages, ani eae erity would talk of the unspenk- ble had beea in With a ecu flock of i hgpeaie sheep the: <a ath'of ber consort, and only quite ar) ix not obliged to among § «has begun towear jewelry on state o his canine to saiicit ser tobuy a quar yr cisions, In public the queen, who is thirty m him, and + years oll, appears only with ber son, the king, with whom she takes'drives in the borbood of Madrid = The -- tro ters, aged six and seven respectively of sheep are used a far talk} Spanish, Frenck, German and Englis! : better article of meat can be secured. cas inion county, -- It, notions) hexteh: . : that the Bartlett pear is losing ground, rnd come known that the som calls Alphonse among nursery men's lists from first has sunk XIU. 'Babi,' in memory of her Austriar to thinl or x arth place, ang says:~ "The home, Spanish laties cao! begun to call thei, Wilson stra hax headed! the list for, children. by the name? which--iznorant of-it. easily polished. Transform in imagination | © decades. Whe plants itnow?! Reooniang in. ' real derivation from babe, boy--they trace the elerated roadwa ways of New York, the a few localities to it we; back to the English term, baby, or more in- tect. aod balconies before the houses, or hardly find itatall Is the peri "ttin like geclously, from 'puppy ven the' houses themselves, the lamp-prists, manuer passing into retirement the roof, spires, and d: mies, the--Brookiyr Some one makes the ne susgeition The and other bridges, to: bara! cree er er. and that such borses on the farmas are to fa The pasmnticee Austria isnot yet cured of a glimpse may be had of chy meres: worked together nearly every day daring her love of wanderiag far away : aluminum 1) ur ci ities Ludicated by t int equal the season matche lin gait- and home. ~ As soon as ber daughter, y- ties now claimed for it. The tke has ak strength. items are of mach more uch *s Valerie a maven oe heen pigturs rs wace Salat. daha spote of the importance than size, eolorand ther things aipren intends to start + and ~ pearly gates of the that are offe. look: riustwead. If un- Amentani, thence early Angus" W. Wright, int Har evenly matehed give th: weakesf® animal the Wil set « at for Gi toraltar oy what benefit of a Little : advaniage with the double. Tumored tay prove a voy tree. w She js as fond « F cattaien but unfortusateiry, well asa material one. Aluminum not only does net rust, either in air or water, but i Erapress--of--Auatria. ~~ lat FRIVOLITIES C "OF DF FASHION * PROGRESS IN AGRICULTURE. finaliy relingu-sh ber scat in the sa sti ile, Fas. she has walked for some ye past are ater OE Sete tale Asstecutuuzary.. itis a good thing fora dairy max to be To the dismay of her ladies in attendance, tha afflic'eet with Jow prices once in a pias + fy empress has often rambled over the hills of makes biny took after his business. weld Boda, and through the syivan shades of thé have the creamery nian help the farmers vty Wienerwald, till her panieus bave bees furni Ling them with pooyin' information ag Wterally walked ort he ir legs, aud have beer to the sort of cows t th ohliggal to ask ir imperial taistress creamery toau may Say, ' pam sion to Rito aml p rae have gpa. with the cat empress dors not go arct ' pes; but it makes this naggg ies that she wil certainly pay a visit difference, that ita iceary man negects Ameries, a crmtry for which she has bis patron, We can Hever hope to live onthe often express: i great aimiration. losses of other men. Encourage them to keep The house in which.t ie Archidachoss Marie * better cows thatis his lest policy, Then | Valeriv and her husband will pass the first woukl enlarge the capacity of the cow, bot part of their married iife is the old. and, until Iately, $2 pea ET chatean of , Weis, w wen bought by the mings and that cow has the power of makin; 875 a and pr ched wih sufficitatly to serve as ar. Arda man bas a cow}-that brings. - him back #25. If be can mingle the, blog of teu animals ue will get on The wrees eae on 8 com. Tharet: re oa w Prot. w. Robortst " ata Dates Ceu- oat" ia ft Vertis wes 7A Stee Gee 8 uncom ILyour baby hasa very pret iy hat vd d mi ad rea si gt niddle finger. "ELT y waar than heap palret: but not ns fash sy oat ois F 11 faille Prancaise oVeR ANG mot . but notse mack wera ath ad Satee? Black may beneed with any color and material. § Trim your child's Inshes and clip the ve brows, asa gardener does a. halge 'of | and the youngster Will bare beautiful Iasine a aut brews Sebo she matures. An authority on these matters adviss an occasional brush 'a with pola soap-as a good stimulant. 'easily reached by rail Orchid jewels are the atlorunwat of the er stands ou rising feiss os iasurrounded by ilded chiltren of fashion. Oas cannot get terraces ani gamiens a2 perfect spray of the fantastic blos-o: a » *. tempera couple. iepoms -- > UNRESERVERED AUCTION SALB. 4 Aromas - lam Stok and "Inplenns --" hes recerved in- eeil wae of bow . David Rudy, auctioner, struc i _ from Mie. Al phe Kennedy, pubtrs tion on Lat & ~s ' em ie * eens t Kirstfoxd, 0 1UESBAY, OCTOBER 7th, -- 1880. aM, the fol! © Pp x g. 5 year OM, '1 pobre 3 yrs on. widings thelng 3 ae ed, 2 colte sited Laird « ~Leolts by Glemgelder, 1 celt sired ved Clay Ts Suit hactet of these mares has te pas for ee Ores. CATTLS. s inceii, $ f-1ear-oid-stec ts peardrg™ i cera, TT opr yg , ears, 13 fan', Lram, }° Berkshire boar, syyeu tie in becember ty Ye oprinat pie: Pah. ra MIL AMESN TS. slaty be nearly AS ae * Sat bain ant one eae wiles or ALEX, PaViID BKRULY, gig teh Aurtioucer Pr Estray- Came on the scishia ok 4 the subscriber, lot 13, Pre ei ana tale: papa as soon 3 naan hens Evice Sen, 12 ioe. The _ | Stable in con BOOTS & SHOES. For strictly Rettapte and Good Wearing Goods go to LAWSON'S. His Spring stock is. complete | and he-is prepared. _to give Big Barga THOS. LAWSON'S 30 Cntario Street, * in ---i' OF THE--. BlG BGOT. Dr. D. M. ERASER, a mAb his Kee etc On DAK wAE Sheses 40-14 Stratford. Oct, 10, 198% GcYBMBN, M.D,, UD es E:--Market Shaser Stratford Ov 8 Strationd, Jan. 2ist, 1860 7M-Aly D. D. 'ELLIS, M. D.,C.M. rateE- Over Bow orth' + Drug Store, Marke tecet, Stratford. Steattore, Sia) 14, I. dwt Dre, HiPPsbi & BIDT, ~ fp *STists, Qddfeliu®s' Block, Market Square Stratford, Oct. 14, Lasd mM A. B. AHRENS; 1.D.5, DENTIST, AS RE -- Et) ta the New Building: on she arke ve. Uffice over Express U \< Te cpm connection. nt Sead 361 DR. b. . HA WK, Gi senes ede eats iy M Calls answered at 6 sade OS 82 Is . BURT, Ey st ROLES, Office a ary s--ot Patrick Street, betwee: flowse pe Matishm House Livery shor Beordlag yee. dati and night, WM. STEELE, BTERINARY oe, RGEON, -- - the er licge of Veterinary Surgeons), bas " tren Tepadng to. oe Indias . Market pr henadr greased "h es teres Streak, " stradtord, next t Howid tHe teen's Hover Segal and Financial, BE. SYDNE Y-SMITH Baresten, SULIGITOR, &¢., Mington's - OST-ly Stratford, March 5 5, 1889. JOAN B. HARDING, gh ipa Solteitor, Converancer, &c. ~ Robesta" New Block, Downle $t., - » 1BSO, 725. ford. Stratford. Nov, 2 ete 7". Se PLUMBING, STEAM & GAS FITTING. ~~ a mc tn a, HAKRY O'NEIL, [prepared to execute wll work ta the SHORTEST NOTICE + SHOP NO. 999, |powss BLOCK, DOWNIE STREET. ~* FPASHIONABLE-- AND: ARTISTIC TAILORING. THE MERGBANT TAL 3 Has removed, to corner Ors in "Cryan's Biock, Downie St. Stratford, Ang, 18. 1800, ives Geen furnisted; Vaaer Se", aint tat per iece thowers; WITT worth double that sam tor the euar --_ alone, every nat adding its Yalay tothe prica of the jewel Wigs. bens reand swite'ves ca bo claased and made as glossy as new by dipping them in avapithabath, This mode of renovatioa . is quite good for the hair-dealers, as an av- ge of fifty hair fires are reporved in trad: acrabe, Twiki sand ip te @ ine of an- tile extent, cestry that would give $735, or 85. a year on, with marked simplicity and taste. theaverage Tne:l would enlarge the op portunity for protic eo reducing the cost of the feed, 1 woucd not feed a cow chrough! Withent a Dachy, . In exhuming a titls which emite an un- odor of oking gi. is may be-unfair, but it is ths xara, idea of coasting @ ouly way to account for the aumb-r of wizs, 'duke without a Duchy is a moderm French SWitches and bings destrosed oy fire every week in New York. Oak Timber. ; Oak timber 'loses shows one mate of ce ¥ about -one weight in tresaiag dry. Gradiak¢ jag seaooning considered the moat favur- eben durability and srength of timber, tieulariy for "HEE, away of to. the Pelopo. 'neat bo get a title for a member of h's fam- that DAVIS & VAN bUSKIKK. Fes eoanen SURVEYORS. STRATFORD roc Office pate Idington's Block, Market and Erie taf Drainage, Roads, Bridges, cir. Cie ly The. Ontario Wood end Pump Com pany. SHAKESPEARE ONT. FREDERICK BABCRER, Prop Pump Dealers Supplies Gene- rally. Specialties are Deep Well Pumpe, ee ee Seen ore: ---- -We = nae MABEE & GHARING, BRAsRistens. -- for the Merchas Bank of Cavada. Money to Lan. 4. P. MABEE. . W. GEARIZG. Stratford, August 15, 1538. "ly A. C. SHAW, B. A., B4 RRISTER, SOLICITO! fas &o. Office :--U) ford. Stratford. "worth. Rew noe to ban at Bix cent. = ore 41s G. W. LAWRENOB &. SON, 4 Block, }. Square, Strat |