: We every ont dea _ would, hefare this, nett tre nn erat nan thing. order oy vything, Now that we _ gan no long t plice « elves between. bim 'ara C1} e Inertia" KE hiat were: we'wilt a i z 'I edd wat Cigar should emokr Winterbalt's oars VICTORY. the} at cigar ih the aS rRIME aust aobp tiwRs Sirk ctane | abies uaa other favodiye trande 'Addeers JoBErn 6 a Berlin. Ont eet e918 LAGER LAGER GEO. LECK, Markit Square Prue x gee fora et Se Wood or Bottles Medal awartet at the Toronto Exhibi- Mmnitord, April 10, 1890. wy . BF. YOUNGS, Builder wage * Factory, 38 & 40 Albert-st. eee ati 17, 1890, satus CHAPTER VIL ; A RAY 0% Hor: +My dear Mourilion," aid the Conuat de Bolenre had left them alone ~Sagntbes, ie story we fave jast heard ~ ghows that Raldot and his accemn- seribion.W be. Arist ould.siot pigeal, id that thee death of their vic- tim wouli be attriheted to an accident, Wretchea were wistoken; they failed fh their parpows. If it had not been noticed that 'ai servant had been threwn inte the y this cnkuown person, this beggar, immediately after the | not intervene ai in the "f bal jecn attributed to an accident a 'tizot and his pees would Im\e hastened te declare heir servant's ren name h certif Ms mic's counina | have eieat the-estate, But. the contrary happened, and the Pari- Bots have elation & aves silence, and the pao resoeboas Shel! i afer» eka oe yore ra te ' evliion, ami'per- (child, you must mart '= | thenght, that. wig sae vg, Mor you the = i omany 3 to your futare, to your b rer vet bo discovered thak 3 laire (itferia's cht a4 is here che reste, I ot with sn ch ' Bagente, ike a wet¥ad amd xsteniesi t lead, amd that yon were leaving Paris 6 tobe foveves ws ae aed any saci | daugiter, would anawer aa she ulwa' te te ix search of her. : than thal | her mother... If ne one can tell] ™ 4 bi nf you, mother ; Aone, yo began to lang + Gondier: where Clure Gueri « child waa bx aries i Pabiot went to see the prize 2 ee hat a madinan this Heart Cordier Fou will elect a place ip the comet ery' and | tl "ong found to be a persais efowicut (Ft he cried : " one. can conceal nothing there, wt my expense, 1 will erect 4 mons drevacd is a long wed dirty vant x "ment. { will de that for the hike and also | bling a sorcerer only by his habl: he e for the méther. still regretting my inability lonz, gray, uncombed beard, and ia 4 ines * to fall the Sissi err sited tw ise * tybes is name wae Loriel He hat "1t ix my intention to do more i Mi been ia the serviceof a certain Count : a- F Kannt--shaiisisttnthy. all | rini, whe was very expert, "in the ort af "TP Rabiot dhomg fot think beet take oe) COhaoet : ze troabie, JF well wee tis ont ( Jaire Gigerin'adeath | eecreta he had learned The Count Selon t certifieste «gd the birth and death certs i- } dead, ae ag succeeded him, bat on & and on} smaller acal val a 'pecret cates of ber dangivter are rectifiers ; m4 laboratury in a. cellar, chi' wi be her . Ai plage: f Taira where at night he nade bis Hqnors, which. might embarrass me. Hf [need you, I will -- % ots , : Bee es Guerin i the sold af prices varying the erie "y of his send for y ¥ ; ; ; dems sat ce * = e ' vat "That is very cool, Monsieur Count," | custo es atepay. After examin tabior But if at on a ate to be ohnent ' rd Paris Git sce eva Siae: "is. hon ever tot approved. Mour. ay "hag an idea strikes | carefully, sud instinctively ree wm ng him for several months, whatam Ito do ade it kepsenbde to fer: to 'ine, -- ben: ont Sirie-owe- sort, he dsked him to mnst eat and sleep.' bao wil Ot ge t hoe tile "Wellf" make known the object of his visit, Hahblot al, at the ead of every month nuke) ed ae sk ** Monsieur Count, rho: pose Claire {iaerin' * feaghier were not gi Ving hia same. de Soleare started, '* Yes, yes; see," said Loriol. you sie I still tr et ahs Set * hear it." ane ive a A and + we e shall ake had Seoar ot = an 'That was -- of * Bat I have i eeiter of it, You x explained his situatio& frankly, wi ith ow' will call on the jenjcer and he will hand you fra = +. a thousand france - & thousand oa , ** According to Denise's story," said he, | & mixture w hich, without destréyieg physi ----*4+-thet ' acuit promised! you nntil shaking bis = '+ we are not at liberty to] cal strength, will so act o& the nervous sys you receive ie millien promised you ont appose tha' tem aa to ~~ mental faculties in such a of the estate ; Se rer: reason or other they may not} Way that no deetor ¢ can discover the cause of ; ne Mv mister Ratiot, but it have told the truth to the mother when she/ the carebul atteet v FA all the sae : sented herself at the foundiing hospital} '* Exactly, wai B Rabiot; "can you get ery little '" cried Rabiot, turning red. ' te -- her © en i. by sheukl they have deceived her f "Termoone say ; but you know that the s do not willingly restore oorme tire through standonisen a gi pareits, or for ang ot "* Yes, miki knew ; but, Mourillion, we can not hope for that." _ : ** Mousienr Count, M. Joramie wrote, vi he let whiel i , aoeoe Has then which he 'ad. 'My Water of Ceylon is one of mr clearness of vision? The thought revives precious cencections, If it were known in t he two beings ao dear to me could not make enough of it. Bat one an- Ww 0 Had he: hé would Sw, -.Loriol opened a cupboard bidden in the wall and selected one from a. namber of la- beled a Holding it up before Kabiot's he anid i + Read." Ou the label Rabiot read these words: "Water of { eylon 'That is it, 'said Loriol, laconically, And seeing that Rabiot was suspicious, fe com tinued ; ost fact, received new light from fied? SWhes i pills to. Joramie wrote that, Claire snare was | discover the property of the materials from 1 still alive. Monsienr Count, Tam | Which the Water of Ceylon is made, The filled with the same light, and maining | liquid is very powerful. person who BwK telis me that Claire Goerin's dauginer is nyt | takes only two ah daily in his wine, "dead. ater wr others beverage, exbtints «acces "Ah dear Mourillon, if it were only, ively the most singular phenomena, He wo!" or Bh de Soleure. oes net looae lia phywival strength, but he "We shill soon know whether my hope has moments of laasitude fallowed by garety ie-only a false one. ill start within | edby over excitement of the neryes three di wit! w ' "Gradual ly the brain ae ant the treet Cones t ett ean = ot etnin a on patina te ill is ihilated. Then the The Count took Mourillon's hand and! pores a oan be Tet? "ke 8 CRAY hedses pressed it, sayin whatever Fy is waianeenl fo do, and sees as Y shall await it your firat letter with' im.) White that which ts red. rere iaa period tience and an of stupiiity, followed sooner or later by a Toms of reasor Baleat turoed pale, started toward the cupboard to re- SORTER visa Eerie e he ae eat ws eM Mae ae a " 1 tet prevent him frou: unflinch- ere your wer of (ey « ylon. Ne ail. arice + ingly winking the sacrifice necessary to the Price 'of that ta CHAE 1X, as ae hat is es & xecution: ot inis bold plot. He knew that Loriol remained silent a moment, loo! labs at boolpt, al then answered : i ¢ had reabtvet to risk oe reserve " feo thourand ne. = o badd th and france and bis re: "Pees thentuns aa franes ! exclaim ay xe heir of M. Joramie, bas q Rabiot, whose avarice showed itself as The marice. of th: Avenue ! as the question of pee 3 came Up. You can: Proseestions thy. = Agiinst them, for in Pe alice t Satire legs the crim We aire Denise's estinie st I repeat, my ried, Tilo not think it x sufficient basis ona a charge, We have nothitir at Pistitee + yong girk -- ettontone; at Mh oramie' Misia are ibe murderers of Beau- Sotigir; and = the latter, whom no one knew by real-name, waa Claire Guerin."S * Then, Moasiear Count," replied "Mon- Filion, « ae cnilyy the crine will remain un- puri ifs "Oh, 3 7 til further developmenta. fI hot miniaken, Josep Sobeerictnedeat: of this a gaat he-is-+tireet ing-every- wait for ki ee be re Tn my Opies we- shou Temwain fr cuddle sty on the P abiant no. BE : not attack; bat efensive for the said Mourifion, shaking his ** you es "i understand," said the Count, it _ your do mS agree with me im Spi np "Welt: € rit i unl' Jikse-t0- come-te- be y my itapnt teers ¥.a* you thes. e avenged'; she cirenmstatnices, shall , under the to act I wage, Te spite o GAY, Amil in Spite « urance that they would anawer with o- Rothing to do with the murder of -t 2 ser- vant. night say in reply Tt was fox your interest to commit the rime, for ake was ( taire. Guerin. t know it, we 'could not . would, be their reeponse. Thus, retrenched heye ant denial; how maha Jeasive toue - them? -After all, the as Com ed, not by Fount h Rabiet 3 the Parizote, _ by an un Shown a shan] beggar, whosimply appeared at the farm- house to ask alms. "Surely this unknown person w: lot's too we . furnis et possession of them: let him come, » an I said inst = re as te ready to do Me ! people who, sure of ealet¥, believe can do con thing. presence Morel the Soletre mansion ine a secre sien Rabiot must be left perfect confidence." while nase is getting ready to we to be a dialing seth: SESE fue He Pp ie 1 lai the farms and the aia would | ane Wasvaan with tee am, spl ar yrriy With a wry face Rablot handed Loriol: all be his, except a yee ye which he would two bank- notes for a thousand francs each ive to the Parizots, and anotijer million to Fademoiselle Anastasia and her father. Waistcowt 'ontented or no cousins coubl not "* - ill this flask be enough?" asked say anything. He had them in his power Rabi 'and had nothing to fear from them They "* Enon zh to prodace mentai alien ai -- all his accomplices But he had tWo persons of robust constitution, anc have a gool hgh of the -- left. "Bat will you let Soe ie ~neeau Jain anti; cote which [ have another partuer, Henry Cordier, who had | -- in his power -as sn a as Rabiot his coustas tir tiss iways- sci money and his he never gave, I do not know yet. I will see. him enough. made the coin dance 1 "Tf you want the anti lots. I mast have they way." He ts a veritnble leech," said pueet poten <. = wi Soke © tnriplgne eri weeks repare it. aioe But he had to comply with the, 'ré Sad wink et be tha price of that?" " Two thousand franes Rabi scratched his ear. iF -- ul vise yt; ""-comtinaed...Loriol,..t* to. "nui ee the order new, for te-morrow I a would a bisie bliged to go avout something ; but only ou condition tiat he will, Which wouli make it impossibie thereafter France and never let me hear +toattend te your wants. Of course, I can- not keep myself at the disposition ofa single cnalnipe r. You can answer withott a word, np! y placing two more vank-netes in 7 "* After all," said Rabiot to himself, when | tow angs. octier, ' when once. if et the millions I ¢ani easily ator? i Bet led for a few hundred thousand frat will throw thei to him aa tea dios be ive 2 ich Rabiot had hired at Ville d'Avray waa naneed The Tower, It was an old house, with thick walls, It was fianked. on the north by a lerge. my bin "Wh at: now You want pay in adr ance 2" wai square tower, or, rather, the -remaina of a It is my invariable rule when ean ' order. 'he house had been frequdptly repairest, tabiot saw x Se Loriol's purpose was to Péviventty buitratthesame L get ee Nios That ow ee PT We ten watts were docket in - » aay net de each eh combined, were at least a y bie "cides yet. "Tt i' want itl will call ayain." 1 che half thick, showing that there conk "Till we see cach othr ee 49 Communication -hetween-- the two. Lorigl. be itding: i The tower Was ¢: vtered by a cellar and Lori«: will be toon, I think, Meusdour! lighted esty by Inepholes, in which spa: As sloor is not closed to you." rows ty csr t Hs The stops steps. of Rabict went away anxiegs. But he was the stat were so shaky that a one Rt a a to reco e¢ had not parted cout venture on them without ranning. With hr 2,000 francs with the purpose of serine tisk of ne 2 lide The tower was Peering the famous water of Ceylon upon abandened to the hats and owls. the embers. He felt under his waistcoat to make sure Many things indicated that the house and tower were formerly parts of some im- that tlie ilask was safe, and, as he touched portant stractore, a chateau, moriastery: or his face. it, a sinister flash shot across abbey. In the tirst place, there were "well... * presery bits scuipturé; then io the CHAPTER XL . garden there were venorable trees, oe ina, aks Comptes IDEAS. i second inclosare, tacluded in Rabiot' some old pieces "of cracked wall, Sader deep he be, the internal masonry of -- When hiring the tower me , Madame Fourier, cragov had ales hired her way: himself, inthe name of Lareque, bache about 300 yards from the vi It was ravi from the public gaze by a dense "One tay I naga told his friends that he. was more "thes a aia in diameter and feet opps and its month was hikes | =. a thic! b of wittki clematis, Was ita weil Fhich ibe' ran dry, or one of those ! yste terrilile abysses called obli- ettes in feudal times * About two ee yards from The Tower gerne of oxen) age "a _ pg | The Taithou t. who waa afrai it Rabiot and did = tro delige an to nde te saa his Seiding, ot to tell thie to any} left stand a ore ee inemory of; * one who called. Henri Conder learned « The ti Py ce OEr okt tal be to' kimocll, © be sap ieall i pace zegp ics wants to Woll, tele away ---- paying ne 'Ville Ville Arey to ore She 2 oe a little rae he goes I must have a be nothing more than Se oes et jae te depen he pee Cou binvale « ets A errs, Erin bern! bo ie Hae Tltbone," "Ab! Cordier, it is you," said Rabiot ** Well, how goes it?" i ** Not badly, as you vee. T hear that you: are going ons fourney. Yes, I-start to-morrow." - Rabies hang ters, but he gat from what he heard oiiags aria pae Se Seay ate] has he WOT hare ng eae when occasion otfered. However adreiz and shrewd Anastatia» i Yeu never said anything to me! ' pai lng Te he hour iy td erties a. "\ learned Heahiilir was the: first to r 4 will here? ne te j you will ' that th ' aes thonght fal "Why, .you wretch, if I should give 4,009 franes as did the y "Un, howacnse ! arenet embar rassed for money.' ahiet, grew & 0. franc. mm his desk and threw it at Cordier. Theda' startel for the door, but before often went tapped hit" forehes 1, "turned ck suddenly and said: - " By the way, what has become of your two interesting tenants at the ue teau. do net _know. | I ha "Ah! Well, lacely I have hada desire to the young person especially, an imij ression see them ayain : 1 must confess, on me. A Sushcrossel abiot's face but ha made quite 1 » Rue Beaulour®," con tune i Cordier, ** but feand them gone," udeed ! did not know it, Madame sayibg that ber «pelis 'of nervous agita- hs anna must bave realized at last that ber "on wonld soon pass away. : ; health required her to leave Paris. That One evemng An watasl a gaibshe bad re- "The y wetted." eeivert a letter f ebiot, in which he ex- * Mademotselle Fourel has gone too ; hag PIA that he ; 2d eer cated: mway from Meee hee ney smerre-tucete ee followed the mother and Gouskt ter 2" Paris. -He sent his compliments, bewever, ness What an idea a that he might pay them «personal es * Maslemoselle Anastasia did not take " lowing morning. bey gings next to Madame Lureau for noth- ing. * Mere elianee, Monsier Cordier ; azine that ca catled her to Paris, *, what month, i show: lhe ruined before the end ot vad the back © With your houses you . » heard not hing a condition, and want havin Thi I of era Pt ud alete teen bitter against him. =f F mother: we shall ba tig : "In reality, M, Ratsot Saat sien Ano mar Rataot te chant, but was Supp © ) the wart' ste Th fs commen, ee ee lg wit i ee ; z . t z one th ie ae da +. and after every day. Saat meee Seale Se las Eas diet net take of ge po ert at ij astray Ree rors n steed * same ge ¥, ite ecret he. proposed. i< ile wife ater bored bam neta litth te: force his neater - oe <asenie B24: but what will ens not do for millions. The memory of Lucien hanuted Fayenie: ypc 3.cc0 Duress, oncing analy agh be. i posastiust > Shek. eee has wis y tend d's eyes, thought bim « bidide sien veg et ee ith pew K sade manigat be, ge landicra Ralkke nieare ian ail Werhi inewgts Her com pen lb his: mane too pininly, Wi : i te. ¢ : = bey FEOORTS gad dp aaanit thitge ies she ours pressed she Yoke. - that 'had spoken her temrs atl sigies ' wight gi 10 er one Gaull see « t hear her heir tife in bac conutry was df. the tT monotenots character here. ever was +, baked + sn pets eh c a visitor, The days fol 'Ny ¢ de Bugesio, tow do you like } RG Wet ome occ arher--- tered he Lg ee. eae «© neverwent away trom the gre wis, ' me al with her al ne aed not ° you te waite her isolation. She sometimes stop a at the little door i was always mixed went t an! Ridkiek ts hor Mapih endl cc coi cis Wis on o.® eoapect 4 ane - were s , Pa f y oS Winey lord 4 Gites ony afterneon, after ancompanyt ai ro Go i nwo on her work she ai " te acy stasia with surprive, "Is , arden, whic aseiatste ept closed, Had sie ever { und it a le oo: sie would have goue out to take @ 4p, ook wt the PEA! eee country. She did rou tn hot suspect that Fearel Wie witening ter: 43) Tn "the garden wher at eather, where abe: to work after the " heat day: Anastasia -teokadvithtage. at than occaMons to talk to Madame Lureau tt abiot, x muding his praises aud exypx surprise that he hal not been | to see them, Loriol's "Unig mentite wae dotig: its work satisfactorily. Anastasia went to the phitaden exery tto pour the ia herself, "wad whe Herer falet ts pare tw. "7 -- of the} terrible liquid into Mad stn i It took hut ten or twelve dh the water of Ceylon was n acted exactly as Loriol had pr tiie rem apt. wiadee als vite ae } for bat Madame Lureas Fou id net allow hes Engenie compresse? her on but hetrayed jy, neither satixfaction nor ve ais yruing git! thought Avastasia. hav bs Rue Henn ihourg | Ra * And your Sade went so far as to! happy to make his acy naintance. induce you to bay furniture vor hee her? Cer ot "oa secehe Kabiot began to fee! siiharremets ; never- soon theless he answered with a certain astur-) mane 'Fam Poet! Sieh & project that I long! Lt "TOOT OnE! -etepemmel" per foor are vacated, (100. tock the flask and hid it under his aia them and ren: them ia that condition, wan ore make four times as much in thin jnvenile. fui He was dressed in the height of the gooret < His easy carriage, bright eyes ani j,. cor twisted moustache gave him quite a cava- 3 "T simpiy look out for myself, that is a ap rer aoa wa 2 Not n bad idea ! business.' all." <--She-wmt- toe Sathor-aad-pes the Parizats at Grandval, es stay helance of Sad Des son.' miling, bat silent, ~aee respect fuily 1 with hiv own eyes if yon really merited ¢ * That very well, but why did the young gir interest, = mpathy and affection with wh | Mtadeimpinette 'Fosel be herself Madame Then-he talked of Paris as one who ku? you bad iuaps aol in him... Se, forcing h 'ournier =" it, of the pm aya, renowned artists, A pelt te appear very differe nt from w This time Rabiot was naa and it little of evervihing. He did not appear to re lv is. he sutaatit sod you to a test wh ied : wnt forgotte change hie neme in order for her Aon succeed in her business clesigus * Good ! thought { 'ordier; "now that I am inform can have ne-more bus," He Tanghed in hia sleeve. ho of wad x ASOML. "Wh you frow ly *¥ou seo I thought---" "Well, w he at "ad ron think ?" driving at tasked Rabiot, ¥ "Considering your 'agelr interest in Madame Lup irean "aad the wa MademeisHe -- Anastasia --eajoled" he one that your tenant 'at 's daughter 'and the heir to M. clio" * Inde exclaimed Rabiot, with wu thought that 7 seit sickening smile, ig imag: ned that gnch might be the him, Rabiot was very attentive. case "Ha! ibe? should pack st your ively imagination, e * Phen [am mistake "Ae much so as if vou had taken a spare row for an ostrich. daughter a that Rabiot is hate ching some lot, [must keep my ae open. Then he aid alon ant journey ant coal hi J partare, ** that the Widow Lurcau 'my plans. Well, he can tind out nbthing, ne bar: nevertheless he becon mes more and to; day Rabiot established himself ho a Ville « é fAvray with a servant of ripe age in \ { procared at an intelligence office. CHAPTER XIL . THE FALSE --. All gar well es ay tow M * Lurean gent seciiite n ped Ege oo atea! work, Fourel, rdener, going to 1 intend to fur- player, of old men's fou have an eye tol fashion. * Then Mademoiselle Anastasia is no drawing room. ger in Part the suost patural manner, was introduced ta fc shably-sotaty the ~ retnin of her anid ber, 'she canld hare had oT: "tient, could not be Joramie's her. you don't take care = ck! i use, ae convinced, mitrmurel Rabiot, pecs * «for a bachelor' Yeu after Conlier's de. forta ne, I hear, M. Rabiot, and yet you live moment? is Claire: @ ' Gue rie' 's danghter, but he knows nothing of every PrrekiDagel to spa pv finished taand bringing back the pay a 'girl ha: uo. OF ye Pe new hich ounegnnans "4 ran-to be i my omg wi i ~ avs . ta Linst efl you, mtdame, 3% an Rahiet was not play! nga role here." ¢ maintained the fee * with a key by Anastasia, the latte , towards you, especialiy, a0 OT wa > SE bas am Tim hi iN ; é ce. ' = yon SRE beak ia ity } 'Wh * Act. igs *s sive Sarna game i _-- jeer ine him. However cleverly x i if £ the arber where the young girl ay am? sat down beside hed: raised her head, 'joked and : answer ) fet know he not gay, witty, well-behave gracious ar «> the contrary." why, when he speaks to you, ¢ i») maeh dinicalty <n anewerks 'acai pai eahibit w certain haber ee aurecable | mother ; if Lam not so polite ro fault. BE. Tyr liber itis net my bat ean wt he to him £ at cag it be to him !" ? Nothing. ken ate' You show ar, "thet NM Rabiot feels a gre nang Sane Re MAINS linary interest if y¥ * ironical amile Seale the yeu: vou tell me surprises me," a6 ou must see that he looks out { ae ar wants, for your futare. i how sad he becomes w wy il} humor too plainly." ang airk sayy in again. It = y ara than in his coity or his interest herorme't ba ly a poor ine ' el girl, but there is an instin 1 see affectation. Ihe On, : de ws will give ns trouble ased myself more than once whether : nd not the houcr of knowing JL on iG." SeeErhe" teat 4 wat a : a what are you saying? *Tknow you have prejudices against - Ralict; you are, unwilling to forget CHAPTER. XUL " niatter of the past: you have still in UNDER THE MASK. The meee diay at I teach AS spruce pol lively asa 'to try once more the role a tirst him in Anastasia dies were He awaiting greeted surean and congratulated yealt "ant . with Madame L aying much attention to Engenie, bit ¢ + vhanenadroitly.to.slip into what bs. was aayicg a flattering alivsion to the you 'girh «At will he bre aan tears to the eyes of the widow cr forced a smile ther Lips. The knave was snperh. Mactame Luceatr'treneht hin charinis: Made per le AnsapeaaE way stupitied ar her cousin ink : t the Ri K chen + Rhe Tenuta arg, the verrible, re itiless 1 the Raliot tiaw Te are And if it really were he, be levi unde: At lancheon, to which Anastasia invite: ania all the want@ot~the nel oa prurderit shown over the house, ow different it was, he remarked, freon that frightful, suffocating Faris, where there is so mach noise and so Hittite" ni ae é alone:" +4 Bigs dear madame, I should like a 5 ; it ia not very cheerfal to live as re £8 That the difficulty isto find the woman: i -- te another matter from finding 8 country, ba, Both can be found, so ni ca "The house sily woman." " Mss " oi cont 8 zi |" There are plenty of pip ig girls. hal --" * ae : i . You. but you must meet one in rea * 61 desired what" es own Tama bad hunter. mT have i * You fature, which is your mgt) e Fournier! You _-- atd aa constant anxiety, would be soon assured a we Well, Teil try," answered } el =o in va vase baa ' , 2 somice sing loudly. mas " che caid yw jame Levees smiled. cally. per lap ep er a toe Rabiet! went away, -- them an eccasioual visit. Of Anastasia, who escorted him to ju n ' Oo ctock Rabiot ; r oes parts 1 iy why, ; the jy aving iW te 1 ie 'Z pr poo ® " sbiat that she knew, bat another ¢y the laudlerd in the hoase of tho , he little s ty im dite ask iy we "tie srngaitl a rie assumed a a bitter « _ inter a Te m * cortess tha gone a nietamorphosis, he had made himscif a ely foreign to the littke, good that Phe a | hew skin. ainer widow, and pus, iiadatme. 5, vou aafehy Tsec that he persevere *YVe about your fe tare aud your Te eee girt ui her head work fer ** I for madame." * And Liga will fowget t* -" Ih eee "- CTH be said she, in a singular tone, * pr asl a ao Patt 4s re a fine reas Thefe, now, you sre m aie ngsin' Wicked head oo good aration escent oh Geena iS aa ene 2 in Paria-wheae pe kage: you bad, I thus found . Kabiot: had long felt im your wae: = Bx crys! : re two G et was Led | hae psig b n often decelv red, he ha dl beg ist his heart somew hat, and the * ed himself ficat whether you wr orth', © had tt r ¢ Wrong, Twetortt thought * he *" thy that ir the werd greatly st, WUpe Fre nt that time he haa Sail Eugenio, "IT begin to ond -- wer nidoat fe ity owe to a Rai etamlatection which you h sat, his ward were soe Nemiee ne your eit: ps Mo Raleet Lav mot eae HORE ofa s, Ragenie, and be. thinks more t * rishiy he did you tn rie Benes youl. orgive him, Agate pad ee made