'feaoen OF ENGLAND. a MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA AND 'HER DAILY LIFE. bene ot ee 8 Secrets of the English Courts --The Queen' + Private Life--Her Bast- news Engagements and Her Private Portune--Daties of Attendant Ladies. How tiresome must be the life in which ts b, chance of even ~ mild "Fiat never koows what i Buberaianion-+ is ae for he brain. re 4 fad hope to the fagyed will and tired feart. The Queen, unhappy lady, knows naught K ali 18 onless Ta to far- ve younger days he ston on eall-bour i 3 -- pe kea of waiting," bel. hay to eniled bohem:anian brim, but as all things are relative perhaps delight in its way as we In the secluded and monotonously regular Wie led by the Queen there is only thing ing to subversal ef the oriinary rules, ler piajesty has always been something of a tight owl, and the habit. of 'late retiring flings to ber despite the progress of years tod the pees of those infirmities that years Sting. wit 0 She sekiom retires be- "Pore I Pe he mocning, and fometimes happen ion it is close on "cock $row" before the royal eyes have closed in all the guests. Now, however much the host ¥bo have been p. This means, of 'course, late rising. Qaeep seldm leaves her room until llin " he morning. By this time "WHS las" boon beard tomy with more of ae than ginality, "the world is properly aired." by no' means sob niwoset, that bas not already done ror two's good Work tetors she teft ber room. three tas eth all dua decorum bliow the sunbeams as they oa into her borning Se at the hour for rising. . We ire specially privilege | to be able to do this, oe thee ero light that beats upoa a throne' loes nut shine so fiercely of these later days, by no --- wae 1 respect achoyme before the gaze Saray mauy eyesoven blandishments of the ile ihe "pearoes. ti belief in the song right Itisno vot tt pager possible for anybody with esergy aad b fow shillings to procure access to a which he may watch royalty down ~ hie ainer> nor the c Yone gracefa x. It would be a natural thing (o sup that the sight women of the be!-chaim- ber who serve her miajes'y at salaries of $1,500 bach would bo near to aid in the = twilet, But nol they serve in turn for two weeks bach, so thateach of these sidtesestoe they : oxthes nye "dames of high degree"--serves two vf -¢ four months, ar to oer serve. AS ® matter she is not called upon excepting so her oifice is practical J keadousa MER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA, Tt was not always thus. In tho quaint cor- Heurietta, countess of Saffolk, the curiows nature of the duties ot the bed- chamber wooven is thas set forth: "Tho bal- yefoce noon, the bed women Eve the fan to he eoy in the same Manner: and this was all that the bed-cham- ber lady dia about the -- in her dressing. When the Qu t ber nda the 'page of the back stairs brought, and sat down on the sido table, tne basin and ewer. Then the bed-chamber woman #t it before the Queen i and knelt on theother side of the table over the bed-chamber lady bet-ehamber womay ye Qauesea's gloves when she could . The bed- brought the chocolate and) these more sense Siow ad ae Qura mabe ber oly ani bail maid grvants, in the oeamae may a-great eivedt iar wtrsher Hfe in © At least she is i of ighland through the heads-of the int ing 2 cabinet oe the , wives of ite ern bers refused te extend secial attenjion to the wife of-a- newly appointal secretary So thaton both sides of the Atlantic wormen had inone decade the satisfaction of openly tontrolling two ministries. ladies of -- bed chamber are fm at- tendance fora f The lady in wouting for the time rded something in the Tight of the officer of the Hay, aml rec Mires is had to her for in- formation and th Queen gives ber direc- tions. Sle is understonl to be the e his two-lecgs) s un- the robes," the lady ox coustonally obliged to give an T) nexist hor in this Inbor there are "riahis of honor," There are eight of one serving two ata time for four weeks. They are in « lec t, asare the ladies of tho de other duties companion ot wealthy house hold. 'The ml of cana would natur- ally be expec in the court ofan aze! Queen, are la tin "4 a acertain age who hav left behiud them the frivolities of youth and the probabilities of a hastand. The favorite perhaps, fone can say thatso dip! pensatig a has a favorite, among the maida, is the Honorable Harriet Phipps, a charming lady who abundantly deserves the confidence she has won. Sie was, not long since, the victim tis const tna where prac tically no pap wrottiel call st dence is of such ee ance, a most dreadful experience. od of hers, a lady of ex- cellent social cendtion, hada son whom she was desirous of putting into the secretary- ship Of some company. a -made man, whe ad his pockets full of such pi the mother promised to bring to dine with him the onuraiie Miss Phipps This was ) and the rich" man chuckled, ; The tight name wel ee did. the dinner aud might stand in awe of a lady who was maid of honor to the Queen, be had strong notions ad tr the dignit state...He.* therefore, instead of extending his arm to Miss Phipps, conducts into dinner the mother of "Young Hopeful, "remarking genially to the honorable Indy that, "being an unmarrie ied -worman, she would..not mind coming into dinner aloue. maid of "honor, ais cts floating off in 'the dion dists yee. Afler her late breakf»st in her own private apartments, a simple meal acc wding to our substantial American ideas, her majesty gives -- nto public business. Whe ther she be at the ancient castle of Windsor, or Isle et be -- that te-singed suite, or amid the pines and my of rugged Balmotal, there constantly follow her, great dispatch boxes, full of. docum 'nits requiring mspect: remar to. Minister Liicoln not long" he a change in the American presidency always mint y more work for her, as there were so nruy American consuls to be iy ia pew EXMIOATAES for Allsuch: acts she does joget open to the importunate peti- her firin signature, which bas not varied in batiletdore years, and which shows power and dignity. Her majesty "s private 'secretary assi-ts her in this work, the well-known and popular Bir | Henry Ponsonby, as he docs also in the opening of ber letters, This is no light task, ore she receives an enormous mail, She has ageol deal of assistance with her Jotters fro» her danghter Princess Beatrice, whose) orha nantal hasband: and are not permitted to take her entire attention. Dur- ~~ or the Queen is bright and cheer- ie srmatiy loved oF those immedi- be best om ig | ways kindly and-cousiderate. | Fobust for ri age, though she suffers s what from 'twinges of bear Wales, , much vainer and more impatient, is not always so greatly be- | loved by those immediately arouad ber as ' her royal mother-in-law | The Queen works parststentty-untit tnch-; 'eon, This informal meal served at 2 o'clock | is weually eaten in the private breakfast-room at Windsor or out of doors in pleasant a | erin company with such of the members ! {he royal family as may happen to be at i castle, The Queen is waited upon at this meal by one of the pages of the backstairs, ,-or by one of ber favorite Indian attendant, who now do" a cons Portion of "7 ork ah Pn devolving on the pages of the' nack-stairs. Oue page is on duty out-ide hee door from 8 in the morning until she re ' tires for the night, The pages of the presenico are the next below and they attend upon the lords and ladies in waiting and ars in turn themselves taken care of by the up- 'ootmen, ese footmen eye the pages every morning with interest, fora vacancy means prom notion. A thoroughly Bnglich characteristic is the Queen's love forthe open air, and sho spends as much time as is possible in this trying cli- eon her and the{ or walls but the horizen. In the! grou vorite spots of herswhere a tin erected and a table set pear There she sits ima for. and one of her companions. continues her oj wn for the open air at her Scottish home and there is less trouble taken to maintain isolation than in more crowded 4, While the grounds of Balmoral are < indiscriminately open to every one, vet) happe meth ie that a careless party of Americans tramping over the bills came) suddenly upon an elderly lady sitting al: before a table and writing away for "Tell me, madame," said one, po- his hat, 'are we far from Bal- "moral ; "You are on the Prd the and trembled, for trespas sag is a serious thing in announced their nds at Frogmore, near Win: ds . are fa-'| t= aged are obit, satiety those mews he prime minister, the other menrbers of the cabinet, the evcamnaandor-tn-chiel of the ec, From 3 o'cloek in the afternoon until the @inner hour business again eccupies the excepting for the two tain or sine el takes that ve drive, usually in the littl pony carriage, hich I suppose isso called. because it is gen- erally drawn by a donkey. A native of Aix- long-earned one has grown round and fat and deliberate asare nice H brethren who attend upon tie court, Auother bour or so of the after - noen may be cut inte by an atulience grant ed to sorge representative body, er some im portant per-ouage, or perhaps it may ia ineeitig of toe privy council, or the prenier hastily summoned may at eod with his por- tentous dispateh Loses and indulge in serio aferenees with ber majesty. Then als during the afternoon are the private affairs to be lor _ inte. The Queen bas an enorm- Hie "Privary fortarre; invested powell shidiy te rious kinds, high-class cattle and sheep, s developed some inept strains © whow white faces and red coats are mow so familiar evens out the United States, have attained world- wide celebrity as ideal milk and meat mak- ing machines ith every detail of the management 'of theses farms the Queen is farniliar. rh) ternoon drive the Queen fs usually 'acoompanted by the Princess Beatrice and perhaps by one or two of her grand- -children. The drive over and the elaborate dinner toilet mate the state meal of the day ts en- foyed. Seldom = the Queen sit down alone with s: mbers of ber family as may be at court, aaa with stich officinivand ladies of the conrt as are, entitled by by .virlue.of their office to this prandial hon- or, There are or more guests "commanded" to dine; for roys ality never "requests," it "orders" A ne ror todine and sleep at Windsor is he highest social honor that can be bestow ed ona subject ts-ever after regerded with due sensation of envy. The dinner menu is of the choicest possible description. The Queen herseif eats moder- ately, but t suit ber royal palate. rarest, alt hough of Iate medical man has'probibited her Indalgiig tr Burgundy, claret or port wine, of which she was once moderately fond, and of which sheis a dainty judge. Champagno was never ber favorite wice, and sbe drinks it usually in deference to tho preferences of guesta, for the Queen is mistress of the arts of tact and delicacy as hostess, Latterly a litte Scotch whisky {i ApSttinari+ water ts her usunt-be verage. Wheu, by the way, she bas fini-hed each course, the guest also mase a burried end of the viands vert them, for cours 'ehigrietre" never to behind the Queeo. There eiraiinenes the Queen's dinner table than at avy other aris- tocratic dinver table in England, Converse- tion is kept up ina lively shuttle-cock and fashion, and many a laugh ripples musically above the subdued clink of the tes, No one ventures toaddreg the Queen initiatively, but so all embracing is ber interest in each guest that con- reation is a and most edifying » The dinner service The chaning pla versa throughout the me -- the mo-t waborats description Tho Queen retires about midnight from the drawing-rowm. She then devotes an ror so to reading before she retires, selecting books of a quict and poetic ---- Who shall say that her much berea . does not often «pend that Near in reve' ~ over ihe past, when her adored husband aa accomplished friend and confident was at ber that dependent wéman's right," not of kings, but-of ali womanho: Annie ee | WINNING WOMAN WHISTLER.. A Charming Young American Who Hai Scored a Success. Miss Mabel Stephenson is a young lady not mors than 20 years of age. She has achieved wonderful success in her unique profession, which is that of a whistler. Last Yr the : A! { London she shared the hoaors with Mra. Alico the first and most famous in the pro- bel Sgephenson is now in pl and will probably tour through that country and Canada very shortly. Two chensists are experimenting at Five | port, i | points for electric lighti ig from natural ¢ | It is said that by burning the gas in asp c.a'e ly prepare furnace pur -- ia obtii ta cos: to great for practics! purposes. The sadents ot Lahigir wtlt-not-be-nable to toast of the conquests among widows in their college town. Twenty-vig cht young ladies have formed a_scelety to dis- courage the attentions of the college boys, and fur the fist time in ~~ the attention of college "men" will not be weleomed. A Carbovdale spirits! ist, consulting a | medium as to the condition of his deceased wife, was informed that she was ginhappy uae shee weii money to rep'enish the ardrobe, but pow, ¢ouvisced of his. folly, suee the money. Se ee A ink pees as the gress. "6s reported from Madrid that Cuba is ripe for revolution. country ias --- anareby. . In the towns is almost towns com- Opinion is so di.- ruined, ,}Cournerl that hope for the future is abandon- z}ed, pc sabrbeerbe sin hectand omy ist THE one: 17 BN: ae "ae UF LABOR A New View wo cite Subpet cai i Af atie® & . ' + ad repre wad HOLLOWat> Folvcdley arc +e . viable Meo ktaes in atl diseases of sate thet of the peteona » fickt etages of mokne-s, ve od un cossary to abaad- vn theit daily avocatoua , aud that of tbe tk sbo resorted ty then in the crits of bet oi-erders, « get number have been cured than » all other preparations com- ed utnbeg in U ie ab-ence of rebutt- a in cunlenintie thatthe etatcment is true the huumen-e popelarity which Hole ae . Pitts aud Oiatuent have acyutred in the West lodics nod other tropical i tar is pot ewrprising. The prestige «f their eputaiion tu Exgiend, Midi ryiead eolctest «of Fee ty rieeiebeem. Ls ar put 2a tinat Ubeir fe me hss bren relt- 1 vitab eon a fowl is remedy fror tive whi Teh Core reittrerr ome atulate Ueem on their ssyacty doping two aivertived curatives iu pre- tetnnee to urdadvertised abertions, which consideration €Xce pe p vt. We eveut respect Os, ume Kr f the re aie enticed to ir, ut wet the rlfhtest vereration for the at jquities of erier, wi iin wric h category a multitu e of regular preacripfions are inciuded. --Lauacestom Acvertier He"ow.s's (natwent Pel There wort rer owned remed ce are comtidenty recommendcd to nivers, ond all 10 haveto work wade rgruur dy or Where jxb.as arm is munute put tivine-of-ecal.or metal. abi ich 1 to i ovk up the view riee to bron wast pre ating nof the heat. I i slaving' a remedies wil be found a tefe rid easi'y ured medicss ent, for ihe penetrating prcperties of the Ointment stions acd the mildiy ose the jiver and avyies, «res exist ebeigg Ss, to act ioe v, unembarassed remedies mauy averted, and ron: trinee by eat a rerious (ness may l nd-ers' of health maiz- Cheap Simon The spot of all spots in the city to secure barzsins, is ing grext Drives in Joos and Shoes ht befor Simon ivi and Gents' Farnmehings. He dors net say one thing and do another. Simon CHEAP SIMOW CLUSTERS AN ALMUIVA SHWIGNG of all sizes cf watches in gold and silver cares which in bewuty of finish 'canaot--be surpassed." This fail our stock in watches ofall kihds wiil be very complete and we are confident that we wll euit 'all tastes, and purses.' We shall continue to devote our special en - this branch of oor wusiness and offer the public an artic! e7 that will 'cause nwo to its owner Our fall purchases are coming in can we atany time; we would ie 'e you our-new_gooda, come uf them never Saeeobuent before. "AND STILL THEY COME" --_~. _Pequegnat Bros. To -- ANY: 0DY . EVERYBODY ? Call at H. Brooks' for good cheap pipes, permeate | Around 'This Litt'e Bila | | fee Minckine. States 1887. The workl it takes the a Et £00 already t wherever introduced, ha 64 average size mn fe males, sheplicaty, durstility an With it a de a arti: washed oad * cut actical aia, . neapnese are woorts of. No machine died domestic use is so mach neoode 4a witht ppre canter na we "ring er and artyote cena ar readily noon 'an appret dated by It washes vf bing, yet so x gently » mratraner 1; is self-sdjusting aod argest blanket with equal ease clothes leaving the ery de as hand rub- then and complet doing away with th © wash-b and hand elie altowetner -- ov mete articles peas get aocut plist: work as would otherwise secupy the whole day For further particulare apply to JOUN WALSH, Ontario. 765-30 P.O. Box 345. Stratford, Sept. 2, 1900. | | 12 6h| Tor. & 8. east 8 "| 12 45 {a -T.K. Kant of Toronto 1a oo ¥ 12 45 Hastorn fsa STA OB Walla. - io "Datiy) Gadsh i), Aas | , Ho ny ed ae | 9 30} 30-4 20) m OLD 'COU NTRY Mail via Halifax Packet closes every 5.00 a, m Mail'via New York, closes cvery Monday, _ day and Satorda, at 5 . m. and 7.00 The Post Office is open to the public irom 5 m. until] p ™ Lobby will rey ypen to box holt. ery until 9 MAILS. a from 9a m wil Laas BLAIR, Postmaster, A. MO KAY, Assivtant. Stratford, Nov. 4, 1336, STS.ly All parties" havin: the late Andrew thilon, of tt the & quested to November, with the Executors, TERENCE O'BRIEN, THOMAS O'DONNELL, Merchant. Stratiurd at Confectioner. * Stratford, Oct. 2, 1£90. Unreserved Auction Sale Farm Stock and Imple- ments. W._8 Cownn Anctioneer, haa received inetrne tions from Mr. Henry Step: ter 6 eclt by of Auction on Let 11 Con. 1. Tow vd. { Stallion; fur years et, Young Str Colin, 1 Mare 12 yeatw old, eup »posod to be im foal to Decec 3 yeare old, be by Goldsmith. id. sired by Goldemith, ' Yearlieg he er, " yea sow site lite ant nay racks "dou ble eee oa, plow h Aarne *, lo Sagging i eogar i fraps pet do "i 'and «yaa rming. phishing. avpror. en Joint notes. That amoun iseountoft 7 percent fer os Henry St«ppler labor. Strasford, Oct. 6th ts00, sume 1 <a rir "3. Cowan, Auctioneer, _ MORTGAGE SALE of BUILDING LoTs | in the CITY OF STRA FEaRE ise : i ink } ; North "afnoricea., Washing | ros Patented: in Canada in 1885, in United | di ive, t Pavtect Was mateee- enntt-Westngne te thet can be! : . n that win ite way tw public priv atit eke # inj Te even the washes even the tovet | K ork perfec! ty | roard at once, Ing in an hour of so as much Post Office Timme-Table Thurday at "Money Onket and ---- Bank Office is open EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. te of mon or E betere the first day of Public Downle on Thursday, October 23rd, 169), att. o'clock P. M.eharp the following property. Li Mare sre & years old, supposed to be in foal to Lord Siaee t reserve, as the proprietor etiton ail sams over 910 - att a Whatis a aay's labor? ~ One day's work for « bealthy liver fs to | secrete three aud « haf pends vi bile, Hf | the bile roses Ledeficient, ree epiase, biliewenest and an- Bordeck Blood Bitters is the Ovt perfect liver regulator known In med- } caine for preventing eul curing all liver | trouble i danhrerprecanauttsoreninss ballin eee Mining News. een | Mining experts note that cholera neve | attacks the bowels of the earth, but hu- eney in general find it noceeeary to ase Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Siurcawherry ad bowl complaints, dysentry, disrrhoa, It is & eure cu 4 maconeteaciemnpeeen * The People's Mistake. : Pecpie make asad misiake often with $ & com i ing that Burdock Elood Bitters is an eflec- tuel care atany etage of constipation, does j.Bot warrant ua in tecting to nee it at T the right time. Ureit » oe imperial Feder ation. Will present an opportunity to extend the fame of Dr. Fowler'a Extract of Wild Strawberry the unfailin era, cholera morbus, thers, dysentery, and all summer com laints, to every part of the Empire. Strawber cry never fails. Equel Rights. All have equal rights in life and Ii and the pursuit of happiness, but 'eran handicapped in the race by dys ly removing these complaints "Bardock «i Bitters confers untold benefits on all re: : : 'imely i amar Greatand timely wisdom keeping Dr. Fowler's Exorat Strawherr band...I+ has no cqual for ' ene eyes morbus, diarrhwa, dysen- 2c ramps, and all -- com. to | ek or isenenees of 'the b bow in shown vy 1 eagaal the " Toronte Daily The 2001! Mail is noted for '* W ant" advertisemen te ae} Hf yew want a vit Meehan po ' businers, machinery, lodging, if you have 30} lust or found any thing, oril yon want to fin gb out where any Totanto Daily Mai! =e aa ee Freeman's Worm Powders are agreeable to take, and expel all kinds of worms from ebildren cr adults. , canna one ie, advertise in, the a eee DAVIS & VAN BUSKIRK, NGINFERS * | Ea sre cenate EYORS. STKATFORD scone te ene Block, Market aod Erte EF Deskenge: Roads, Bridges, ete, OT4-ly B. F. YOUNGS, Builder and-- Contractor. Morinda ke, "of Ra =~ Building Supplies, SHUO...PLY... SCREEN... DUORS.. AND. WINDOWS, all sizes, made to order, Fitted and hung ia Regular sizes in stock, Factory, 38 & 40 Bibert-st Stratford, Jupe 17, 1899. Wi ITE} MEN. Laie Boe or iraveltirg peda mv mteagegeecsneti esd Steck agg hte * ipacial atten, tion giver to becinors Workers never fall to 7 sagen. . Write. for. particulars. EF. O. GRAHAM, Marry man, (This house is retiable.) Torvnte, Ont, STORE TO RENT. HAT Pane Store om Ontario § lately occupied by A. Macnair & Co The best butiness anit in thecity. Every convenience, Kent reasonable Posaes- sion given immediately, For further par ticulars apply to ; MRS. CATHARINE KNEITL, 108 Norman Street, Stratford -- SIGN OF THE -- BIG BOOT. THOMAS LAWSON has his fall stock completed. Men's loi boots, Kangoo boot, _ Rubbers and Overshoes in great variety. ia | Ladies' and Children's wear at ss reasonable prices as possible. A quantity. of Water-proof Bal- " morals on hand. Pepsirs of all kinds done neatly and on-short notice, ~ THOMAS LAWSON,