Stratford Times, 22 Oct 1890, p. 3

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>. "Ss 74 "warning - vented from replying. of presence by smoke will be of immense ing. her stay in Paris had the effect of ex- golds County, bound to "maw"s folks" over in Shannon Coua.y, writes a cor respondent of the Denver News. Th HE WORKED DILIGENTLY. A Negro Who Simply "Kept on Wisite A Fisherman Believes That The Washing the Chicken Coop. For cod self- possession or & remarry tle diaplay ofi-im litte renor in trving aq Ha DO FISHES FEEL Pant Sensible to Ite Mang T hay ¢ ie TANT ATT: emma =Ule + ' tl OK, Tee pratis « i rount, : 'face SUrtiseiris re merely ther f Sdeot HR Meeruxcives fast. Wich a great deal . oe ni e outi connected with the recent trial of v and ' r Page ¥ Serer ark kerel: ¢ hav ' Chambers case at Ironton. It will be SP seretand hae ' ' TememLerod that one of the prinerpal °°) sieges ' wit tem rt ge we ' aT ' upmy mind from . ' ¢ oe WwW n fi , us i t Ko kins, a neero "y eye-witness af the ""*' . shes ' a iS 4 ' UHeT { fi-h , t tragedy Frank waa whitewashin : ' obs Mais ' 4 ' coop only a few feet away when the e ; oe Cand a tis. slooting ace pore + On thedi F > yr i te tweinstanees that show to n foeatt miirly ¢ t be hat ive ination he told his story in a pisi | Pmust be right in ny * : 's 4 « I isiunsens tt staliy t étraightfor wart way, and his evider was very material. The cre saminer Last Ostuber, while fist e pleset: | propounded the usual questior diande Clon Lake Cary, Wy ty, Be. { a @retucns at taetpt toy. teepcis eo .wit- | 5} hoa con i tiene | ness in giving his testimenmy* ¢ ernit wr fish ut ashe a | jhe facia imyediately precedin vd at tat hd wey meat fi juite, the tite of the shooting a qu vation would *" Pp i i be u * ? , f ; } be asked Frank, to which he would give @44_ 45 it came oy tothe top baw about a prom rently, and then the attorney twelve fect of a very coarse brown lit woul) yy bunging to it & pon inspecting it more "What did you do thpn?" closely I found that the fish had in its Ef ent on whitewashing the = a very ion and coarse hook, to chic ken « oop. " which the piece of line was attached. The wound niust have been made a very "Hut when the defendant appeared with the yer vareiy it appeared as if some x to be hurt, what did you tept an sohtinetaabiioae the chicken coop, Jt was none of my business, am where | came from in Woodward Coun. ' ty, Ky., T long ago learied fot to inter- fere with two while eentlenian engaged in settling a question of honor, 1 tura- ed up one end of the coop and kept right on with my whitewashing. "Whe u the shot was fired what did you aid "Rept right on white wishing." "Dit vou de anything when they re- "die ody?" Ve ke: Mright on whitewashing." The judge smiled, the spectators titter- erento Whar ey TROT A pprectated this wortertal display of disposition to attend stric tly to one's own affairs, urt Smokeless Powder. Itis dil the effeet of | the adoption of smokeless and compard- tively no scless powder. Lord Wolseley enlt to forecas says that it will be necessary for flankers, "advanced AMras "and pieketstocadtopt} "some other method of convey ing-wartiing his to the main body than the dise ue nrge of --Lvontess: that Ecanaot. tase "same. view, for it will onl¥ benece @ary to supply thy we watching over the secur- ity of tie army with a few ordiuary eartridces to enable the old method ot to etfecti Smokeless: and noiseless powder will, however enable a body of troops con- cealed behind a hedge, bushes, ete., to fire for several minutes before their exact position can be discovered, and during that time the living targets will be pre- This non-betrayal advantage to rearguards and other com- "paratively small detachments. Hitherto it has been anaccepted axiom that detatched troops unprovided. with apecial orders should march to the . cannon; with the introduction of the new powder the cannon will not be heard or seen nt di<tanes, «othe axiom will be- come obsolete, Another effect of the adoption of sach powder will be that there being no sninke~ to bafile the aim and conceal the object the tire" both of artillery and rifles will be more destrue- tive. The number of casualties will also be auciwented by the increased range and flatter trajectory of artillery and small arms, which will cause the assailants to be alonwer time under fire than former- ae Witt the-ineremed-cdestractive tire af weapons increase the nanmber of killed and wounded in battle? -It is difficult to foretell, but judging from the facts sup- plied by military history, J am inclined , to think that the proportion of casualties will, if anything, diminjgh as regerds the whole army, as regards particular divisio even army corpe, will be infinitely greater; indeed, we may look to certain regiments being, almost literally, annihilated, That the proportion of killed and wounded will largely increase Iam dis ad to think, forown new. rifle, if the iliet does more than graze, i. e., if it encounters any resistance, iuflicts ter- rific wounds, and if our rifle turns out to be sape rior to any other It will probably before long bo installed on the contineut. This is not: antunmixed advaatace, for it is préferable to give the onetay eae caumbrance of 100 wounded th the ground with en-eqval nthe: corpses, --Col. Kuollys in the ly Re view, Lit towt ot Fortai-cht 4 = GOING TO SEE "MAW* Ss" FOLKS. Whey Kept Their Trask in and Thonght Everything Very Fin _ Afew weeks ago a bridal c on areal in from over near Pine Valley, in: Ruy- ge pair got out of the wagon that trea pulled up by two sleepy oxen. "Th, man took a box" from the vehic lo ance T. j it from fakin ia biercouleur, bilsendraut, bitterklee, buch- short.time previous to. our catching the fish, for! cas bleeding quité freely and hk» kod vie fresh, and if the fish could feel pain ic would certainty have deterted our hook so soon after Tiero s onty partystishing on the lake the tid Hey, it wos cold and that piekerel eonnt have received his injury from them anihaveeome nearly acrosdt the |: to us, dragging that piece of heavy line with him, such an injury. wm one other as Windy, an The other instance oecurred in this way Wis ThE Witt a skippine bait"--1o0st of your readers know what tis is; 9 | gobo wk rind ora pickerel belly: i stne a friend whe, though | He oo brigade* under a heavy tropa not up to the trick -of catching, tists that way.) was brewing fairly good sport, but he got hmpatient, and finally when he had a good strike, he jerke Vsohard as to break his line, and away went the fish, and he at proposed to go home, but I told bins in _ if he would wait fiveor tea min- tes J would catch that fish and get back ie he wk. So we sat down 'and had "a once strike and to our mutual surprise out came the General's.tish, with his hook well tasted in Ra "Sart don' t think the fish would have taken the Lait so soon again had it been iv any pain from the hook. SHE PREFERS OBSCURITY- The Empress of Austria Becomes 'Miss Simpson' in Paris. The mystery with which the Empress of Austria chose to surrow! id herself dur- citing grathe *r than allaying the curiosity of the Parisians, t was far more in- teresting to have the chance of meeting _ sovereign alone and on foot than to ter dashing along in one of the Em- ben ssy Carriages. Many @ lady in deep mourning weeds was scrutintzed by the passing observer, seeking to discover if the features shrouded in the long crape veil were those of the Empress Elizabeth, whose reputation for beauty, joined to a most decided distaste for poptitarity, had always rendered her an object of peculiar interest. The journals announc- ed that she not only frequently walked out, but also that she did so entirely un- aeccomnp nied; and, moreover, that when she left town she started on foot from the Hotel, ler Carriaze Navi heen or to wait. for her in the Rue de pre ee thus 'ontwitti the im mt cager curiositity, [bp is mathe one at the Emba ay WI of her arrival. Count Zichiy, wis acta as Charge d'Affaires in the absence ot Comte Hoyos, only heard of it through the papers, and was not admitted to an audience; nor was the Ambassador him- self--who came back to Paris on learning the news--miore fortunate. As a furthes precaution against the indiscretion of th public, the apartments at Bordeaux were secured «for a "Miss Simpson." The Empress only spent one night in this town, and proceeded ined hext morning to Arcachon, putting the Grana Rotel there. M. Jalbe's y oa is in wait- ing at Bayonne, and the royal lady is ex pected to join it, as soon as the weathei is tess tempestuous, for a cruise in th Mediterranean, Before leaving Pari: * the Empress sent a considerable sum te the embassy for the poor of thec ity. There is a project of marriage het weer the granddaughter of the Emperor ana ---- Austria--Princess E! Bavaria--and the Prince Royal ot thaseaite. The fiinose-eleet witli have attained her 17th birthday in May next, when the betrothal will be officially announced A Glass of Lager. A writer ina German newspaper has had the temerity to jot-down the ingred- jents which go to make upa glass of bee, in Germany._The pharmacopoeia of the beer barrel this scientific man spts forth in alphabetical order. Wegive the Ger ct bro nomenclature for fear of spoiling the brew. It consists, says the writer, ot alechel, -althopfenol, aloe, belladonna, oar kokelskorue j Are Mot | For CRAMPS, COLIC, sail | all Bowel Troubles, use PERRY DAVIS' ' Used both internally and externally. et from nis severest pain. BE SURE to GET THE GENUINE 25c per bottle. i. and FOOD COMBINED! @sLEMULSION 'af Coo liver Ci. £ He ol Increases Wee eeetvene Lungs Priee fie. and $1 56 per Bottle. ' IRE Ministers and Public Speakers we | SPENCER'S "| ° Te bt Chloramine Pastilles For Fer Ciscins on and Strengthening pe soles aud Sorene - of T price asc per botti Bample free on application te "Drugegists TO MOTHERS PALMO-TAR SOAP Is Lg em for the Path. Toilet or Jursery, for cleaning the Sealp or Skin. : THE SEST pAaY's SoAP 'THOWs. } Price 25c. } ' Wyeth's. Saale Extract, | To patien raitie Appa thon; ie lemnete the \ppetite, to assist aor. gestion, a valuable 40 conus aaa bottle. "Chaning's Saraparil, SPECIAL NOTICE Will cure the worst form of ae pens will eure Kheumatism ; will eure § Large Bottles, $1. oo. EN'S LUNG _BALSAM.. For CONSUMPTION, Sar sc Rowe, te Ear three sined bottles 50, 50¢, and $1.00. + FOR HEADACHE AND NBURALGIA, NTA D ee Bach anes in an sated tin box. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim,, par aT Proprietary or! AE, CUUETY vu PERTH POUBLIE NE r1 Ye Wares bh sti te Bf ter ctninoe at ties lee en's Off --_ herd Tus tay ir i e re sete he ler wth 'eet att 86 a al ibe Wodr aye bh week Fressurc: Maree Fest --- We, "DAVIM<ON, Co, Clerk, DR. FOW 2: "EXT: OF ee NAST oe "ul | 4 T RA { Binhy URES ro 57a eee i a> TARRHCEA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. What is Wrong with ¥our Hair ? " OVAINKILER a*iowtiy, avd in perepeotive, ated, it ¢ | @reamental « TATED STERLING MACH! NE OIL. eZ. 1 ' MANUFACTURED IMSMILLAN] KUTTIRED THEBESTIN | ONLY BY detantarbadeabe st THE WOaLD hs h ¥ we a ES ee eS : 'PETE OLINE, the New Patent Process I Oil, is the bs} Oil in the Market, a:d « it to Ameériog: W r White ' For sale by als st-Cl I . j GET BRANCH OFFICE A+ 8 rotford, G. T. R. Freight 8! eda. | Garden Hose and Lawn Rakes Refrigerators Wire Screen Doors W. & F. WORKMAN'S LAWN of Ice-cream various Vi OV A Old change z 7RS kinds, es taken in i-xc O01 ~ Iveezers, Ice Ice Chippers. Bottom Prices. Wire Window Tongs and at and Screens at A Large Stock of Sugar on hand to meet the demand during the Preserving FULL LINES OF CHOICE WINES 'and Brandies, Hiram Walker's Old Rye, Mal' Club and Imperial Whiskey, also (ia- batt's .Carling's and Cosgrave's " Also all sizes of PRESERVE JARS, OFLAHERTY & QUIRK. Have.just.received.a fine assortment.of FANCY Which they will sell very low for the next CROCKERY ansESy days. Season, Ales and Porters, LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. --_----aisc xX AND XXX SHINGLEs ! Which we offer at the very best terms. Give us a Leishman, Maundrell & Co. Wholesale and Retail Lumber dealers. Telephone connection. Front 8t., Stratford 'Look Before You Leap! The chinck-bug eats thefarmers' The bee-moth spoils his honey ; The chigger fills him fuf pain, But Leishwat, Maundrelj & Co. Giv ee eae ao a " ee eer Friends, open your eyes! Don't be scooped any 'onger! But go" to 'LEISHMAN MAUNDRELL & CO'Y We always keep on hand an immense stock of PINE AND HEMLOCK BILL STUFF, gra, e you the worth of your money. And bay your. +) a 3 doing bosiness on the very best principles" mer me AS) Se xe ORO Se fs "Dr. Dorenwend's GERMAN HAIR MAGIC, te. Pe ha 2a 'Try it. oe -- Sole Proprietor, LAGER lengtts of time. ; beauty to the hair. PREDERICK BALE, 3 A. Hepourn, | ANGHUTECTRAL Deg, Fone aca idings drwa went srabes, oR rork -- with" i a RMrationl. s05-ty tetail Strotford, Oct, 10, Porttand a aed The ret Cem Sewer Pipes Culvert Pipes FIRE "WICK, &c. TARD&OPFICR - ALBERT Sr. STRATFORD ME ee CHANGE OF TIME Tre a te ¢ Biratiors e+ falin-ws eGR MAIN Lis FEAST FOR BUFFALO. shape r ALMEUST OR, 4 wha Tn Me cPuaketos ND BINCARIINE -- ¥ ' FOR PORT DOVE -- 1 vy = Between St re Hord an ' rant tact wring fy ; J. WIC KSON: eT Manager, -- F. PHILICE, Avent ot Stratford. Marble and Granite Works. ADSLY & SUARMAN, impor ers aod For i | manufaetu rere gn and Cans dian Marble end G Mesuments, Tem b- ante) Piee oh Standa, ter Top», riptir.ns « - {s Ecgliek and Tr: German, Markets, Stra' Sept. 15, 1s76. 2é-iy DRESS MAKING. MF. :; ACY, ted f ba. fitness, bas PET SYST Ie ie," Se a . © the wants of the publie ane porter Bs the poron of M vperiences deeremaker, she ls betteg to attend te her pee ome and new, thens a cat Satisfaction guar Ontario Street, Having recov ate De a ae 1 Stratford. ROOMS TO RENT. UITARLE for Logal, savurance, Medica tees ae ares Se boy office, Rite eines por ake yards 'fice, Enonutro of J. FRANK PALMER, CITY BARBER SHOP; James Hartley, Prop, SHOP thorsugnty A8 4 am ra and is better prepared to aticnc to Qpemwante of his customers A so pata hg His Workmen are the beat, while every hing is neat and clean about his shop. Stratford, Jane 19, 1890, Dorenwexuc's Adda lume, tte hite ST. yr 8 GOLLEGE, RLIN, Od Ts cer splendid a Trrewnrnxe. --Loctuding oan; TUMmIOS and Pump Company * SHAKESPEARE ONT: Pump Dealers 81 Supplies bane all

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