iy 3 Le 8 "arching the paige for Lucien Morel, but : 4 & mystery. Without | ay desk Feau's letter. <A DEAD MAN'S MILLIONS = |< }° ae We Writing on the envelop: as iy Lock nx until elaine that you eon! not como, aud then le Paris on the last rp a IT did not yet an « M Bee and the Yount de Siteure watit! lant ev tat not conc al f from fact that they 'Maa prore iny course, biam-| fag me for having inne young girl's tranwnility. y I have cans a "bersle " ry aml have shown me the| eg of of my fault, which involves, amon sequences, that of making perl tise s desirable marriagewhieh M: 'doen Lareaa 4 M pore are re filled with tears as [ write, for eee. clearly that Emurt renounce you, -- Tlove you! 1 owe all to my protec-| t de Seine has een a my duty; ie. your happiness I must; sacrifice my love. So forget me, Eugenie} To rebel against, rt mother isa crime ; she can have noth-| Ing but yous happiness in view. | Kugenie, aclios | 4 But helieve me! and d you the! Mt | distor an yeu svar your sno Poor elim: da A kaife in her breast would have pan her "er. ="For 1 ape than a gu ° " hour epife Then her Ieageny rene Yr vent. She -- ed on ae bet! se, Hoenn biting | i hands to stifle! ing but; ta "~~ 'She cet te the letter a see ond more carcfully reo before, and | wealized the discrepanoy betw its state- ments and Lacien's previous juntiogtion of | the Count and his relations , them Then * doubt entered oo mind re garding La the genuinenens of the letter. She stole into, her mother's room aud took Lucien's letters} the drawer. _Kaljot bad restores] heal te. Fouscl,. who. had replaced them where ire! found them. Enuyenie compared the waiting! with that of the letter she had juat receiv pod t, not having an expert's eyes, < tect no difference. i "TT know "po longer agen = thiak," she | Yet, what! Nothing G od to ad protect her. ; a ( HAPTER R VII. jeould she do? | j BEXORE THE onatse ARY OF PARIS. 'Chief: igrtedt do Sole intrusted to six of sation kiiful ' getuctives the daty of] ' eee . was searched, not Denise found thre in his Mme, Lureau's letter, asking The dato cor: ° bad "emg wo muek anxioty toall hia asthe key to the mys re sapped tose in love. But what didt -etavted.at-ouce for No._16. Rue} see bourg, the address given in Mme. Lu "*Can I sce Madame Lureaut" he asked : exclaimed Madame; [tg ze hahy, ahe and her danghaee have been absent Trom Paris a long time sWhen she leave?" "Do joa know where sho went?" f 6] know that she started forthe Sanne 'fer ber health by the advice of a famou physician, but I have bad no news from her "Jt is very singular that she has not! written to you, " "She omzlt to have wrices:, surely. I! Ihust bo that she h; ws nothing inter ting to --_-- -- 1 she - much sicker, which 5 case I feel a sincere frlessiship tor 'iatame "Lee wa and her daughter. om Perhaps. she has written to the pro- He is not e js enjoyin; ad Oh ! a am sure she has no*. in hay _ LA ike es h aan, he Ma: zriItee, 'wh ' had. et expe 'ted ach wn} his) bowed and lef te ofthese of priv' Be >was' ts 4 at ing for him with Georges and Mionne. a0 told Lis nowe. \« renee Georges remarked that Madaiwe Lt qmast have been in Parison June 22 day when she-returned Lucien's hounanei} TANnCS. ** Chis janitress must A all she knows," 'gaid the count." see her, but with out going to the ay Beanbos re. I havel ae flea. : j The next morning a half-past 9 9 the 'Count de Soleure came oat of the office of! pa pom of Police and went fmmie litte ly ary of Pélice in the 'erpple! District. Finding that functionary in, he) of him a a letter from -- chief. issary anid; = | me" | cM) seems F reasons IPeATANC®, aud explained how) The commissary rang : i to the arenes who sa i it: =* FP seud an ollicer immediately to No. 16 Rue Beaubory, with an order to bring the tress here. + she ey "<- be feizht-l 'ened let him tell her that the ab:Police has some Techints to sd is her." Tn tweaty her reas Mddane Grelut ap- ail trembling. =..** You are. teed oltre | ot Jo, 16 Bean- Yr asked th the magist es, sir. - "What 2 bored name >" * Anette (+ Comm aie 'ary' ,Orelnt: Re q Nor mae cl me the exac your ta wants are a wido ~ijetaks her deugiter ? Vai, mys a spent from Paria now. Q pe Urtanstcly, et do uot oni: 3 Lureaw and her dauyhter started the Pyrences, not knowing' where, they traits frankly. » Madame heey re you sure that they went so ing from ig what Twas told ; Fumiee surer? : t well acguain¢ead wish Madame we tyensiewr ; Lavey bie Ld mz of a frlewmi ge ta the how ye tay eae there' bot. per yortunity to speak te. | Ane degdore » the! izme a amitte od, anid (La try the NS ¥ pean "Aoone ever aall @ and't : t ia good wi "th poo, or bird "heatus ts deat! v, all the tr tra i i ay On her dai a pea hualy work er ooh were In great distress. phan t powne 1 ail they had, aud were int "aoat all the stores, besides owing twe ---- )eerceart We wer | } cht nar 4 girl's conduct always: pe se mt think that a better oc more in-| young girl can tre fr and ; a d she} . : i" >» wit hi tien J get out a their distress," 1 came --~ 5 thele aid," | absd tren bie Some. one "Wh on good 4 ye ung man of very appear | a 'Do you know hie name 7 * Yeu, ait ; Lucien. | e That is uoly his tires name.' "Ttis the onfy name that.I know, came rue lay acd paid me the | bext day or the } after he Madame Loreas and tust are kiven an} 'Ient her a lary tm of nitwey, the) 'tradespeople were «forthwith paid | Miss) Engenio redeceme toshe had pawn nev | After that the young man oe his Sanday -- with them, rarely coming wee x 'You ssede supposed him to be tied ' young gi irl's low "Why + yes, i it was ra cay she alw ways tee tha Hel pian The, ed me was mentioned," se Disk: they notify M. Lucien of their de- Ne. He see them Tuesday morning, and < told him they et gone. He ;was.very sad ; I really pitied him. He has. been there often since to seo if T had heard: anything." ba id any one clse ever callon Madame as No one except a tenant who rented the ,fooms next to Madame Lureau"s--Madame ' Fournier. "Ah! Madame Fournier. "Sheieft the same day wurean did, Vat an hour or two lat The Cominissary and the Count cameigel a rapid glance. as Madame Grelut," said the former, '* do OU BUppae Lureaus and Medemns 'ournicr left Paris together ?" "That idea oceurred to me, sir," "I would bet that it was Madame ie i nier toll you that the motber and daughter! had gone to the Pyrences." "Tt is true. "Did _Madame visitors * as bw one ever called to see no friends sin ture an except the | sal vietoe ol the mbm whom she had known for a lon; "Ah! she knows tee propetetic: Did LT sap sometimes come lo see * Never, but she oti went to see him." 7 a hat is hia no Fournier have <a: "'Joauph Babiot," . ; rhe Coutit te wleare started fn his-seat,! and hia eyes flashed, Then the idea first! an him that the Widow Lureau --_ v¢ Claire Guerin's daughter, Neverth said to himself that the sopeiraues 'a Fabot's name in Bs es intrigue might be, p, only a st coin " Did you aut "es ena " asked the magistrate, 'to the person w -- to Marlame bk was, Paria?" "T did, and it is true; he is travelling." "* Now, _--- Geet did he not start the same ~ that Madame Fournier and aia r: 1 delivered the rents to him' 16th." ey turned to the Count, as "No, sir myself on Jui The commi: "Tdo pee Ke S that I can ask this woman; anything further. * With your permission," said peg oemnl | "*can you tall ax when M. Rabiot becen jowaer of the house where you are fend: j treme The ree years age he had just bought the house when he hire: me as janitress, fave you ever ectioed of lute any ca tention | - fis part to Madame Lureaa anc you. her dav, 1 ry severe with them when they were in arrears, One day he spol: very angrily to Eugenie_in my room. i, ido not think he éver saw Moriame bureaus"; " Than < you, mad dame Grelut ; that in, all oe | hay e to --_ 'You may go," said the comuriasary. She 'lid tot wait to be told twice, har !. "*Now," said the count, "what shall wo iy lo?" "If there has been a tragedy, Monsieur, ™ Madame Fournier is evislenily the Endonttely, and Joseph Rabiot ce . tainly lesa finger in italso, But to Mad ane Fournivr alone must apply to -- out 'wha t has become of Lacien Morel. Bu {where chatl I ind ye " "« She is not far Paris," said the Commissary. on will find her, an the same. time Lureau danghter. The old man who, gave = bis ;rooms did so that Madame Fournier migh+ have acre and that without the knowledge Iconelude that there wa: jan un aratandiog between the tenant ani | the landlord. " "Ves. a a Count, dreamily ; '* that * It is the logic of the am. Bat what was Madame Fournier's motiv The Count's cyes sparkle: "Oh! I will « iscover it." Then he remained silent for a moment after -- ney resumed san 2 ** Monsi Commissa lio you believe ~ scien More! has ve the victim of aj "the oficial looked at M. de Soloure ix silence " Ww Vell," said the Count, "you do not an- swer me." * Monsieur Count," said the Commissary, 1 do pot dare to answer you. ¢ Soleure let a oon escape him, and his eyes moistene:t. CHAPTER IX. WHY DOCTOR MAUGARS DID NOT DINE ag cae "Francis! Fran it was old Dr. Mlawgaey --_ calling from. he kitchen te the taad scr? o anawes i =i servant. oor, Francis is a oy a oeoro agg fellow, et frank, o He had been he care wank lore ove he ss soperd horses. tir Fraccis wos ant, bai-' ler, hoatier and coad " Bring up a enti me) Santerne for the ml euntinned the cook to F at Grave fon cacenlvee, ic one woud think you had seen.a ¢ host, Where is abe' hn that -- | will iITw i rt locter, =f "sight of the anidine corves it, 'the next = caved th be Te wae. 8, oa one is ever seen in the enelowure, and, I do not be Heve that L Any pe teit ik enee t wall, tell kyown te thene seh thr: f tere, thin ing tw "No, sin, no; bat if yoa k ew "I shall know when you "I have jast come from the ce ilar, sir. *Conld you find so meor+ aed Th. - Maygers, stuiling a will set their in- e vocab be ~saie Ut Prat ably rthe st a Bat 0 thea' foun laiezé peor Francis, sett ot if we we yards " waid the doctor, "ins ower duw wa, and vacua Gxtrves ats bidden t dogs not ape ak, an! of 'dotine sty |' unter all this cag Iain. seni words, which nee to corre * WR your permission, 'Help! help!" turn this fier rrocen and thud ut, eres candle, and T will £0! have to remove ec very: Acid lea' now living | here. ° "T hace no obection, Fran heard jou oi the ground : * Well, ner, a dows: with y Reaching rhe cellar, = listened. mone nt they hear alow wail . M. Mangara tremble nf Fre ocloek to balf past 6 Francis Then came a groan, fallowed by cries of! worked. he h ad indeed undertaken a diffi- s a help! sali task, having te han he doctor turned pale, hens ystoues Lat he was "Some poor fellow dying," naid he,' searchel sep lount as ed coun cymes through the wal great proie rebing the wall, they soon found a wat M. 'Vb ware that there really was place ohare pong appeared to have been @ second subter: vuean 2 Rae act ole at one tim 19 stones Were loosely the first and seemi ng! sir, In a, rewoandes ontipnuation of on! cemented and "had fallen apart enough t@ Po had walked himarks it until he came to a a gear stone staircase, upon which he had ,.,,, admit a hand. Upon the doctor's order Francis brought pickaces, and they ated hot ven ed the wall. Meanwhile the groans had at ee was only half surprised. eased " It is woll," said he to binmself ; The cook not knowing what was going on, cig' discovery descr ves attention. and fearing that her roast ies © dried up, at last lost patienc 'Your dinner will be spoiled, al she cried, " and it will not be my faa " Then 1 will havo all the Letter again for supper," siad the doctor, haonemaly- "Now wae eae mick to your kitch e cook went of], murmurin 13 "IT should like to know very much what they are tearing down there In fiftéen minutes seg hada ai through has. the wall, ané g passageway ope: before them. "Ah ! sir," cried hirer "Eee a jan atrete and he does not =~ Crawling through the hole tiny ket iw The servant could = a a cry a the sido of the unfortunate Lucicn, who ia joy, at which spatial this ed ad porn had fallen fainting from, He little, CH APTER XL AN END OF THE TEARS. The doctor's predictions were bor i cien became delirious that night p= 7% sel throayh a spell of violent fever. v ec the doctor arose in the morning he| was still sleeping. \° "Co. said the doctor, "that is what | ; Wanter He: kel silent a moment and then' lesen continued : **Francia, I think that now I can say coe) fidently that he is saved." le ] H* teed hia bead F) poked around 'an, and feably 1 mur ois trendy cold," said: Francia. " Yen l vat it is not the coldness of death, 7 ee the doctor ; "] feel his heart beat- Tt oW om am I?" His big eyes rested on Francis for a mo ment, and then fixed themselves upon Dr,! aces: A 7; ears « Francis xr ci . he took his arin out from under the | cover- ing and held out his hand to the doctor, il aan who essed it he hermes stopping to examine the passag " anid the old wnaal will have recovered can see your friends or h¢ Pressure, | gave the doctor's hand a sli oh t peak, Lowerer, | a fell back af he, po oat. spats at -- "black on his oe vi tin. ai fiitaaeen and cloucd tls : * very ¥ the wound while ts to rubbet Leen' 's = S Seon the wo- rested die : Frans, te. fib! annals at, ate into his fee -- pyaandg At tin --- ok on ayes, but the doctor saw that he 'eax alt 2 apenaael unconscious of what ) ag t sai *- For some time he out of hie! gen Moret. :-- V bew said t yen cs give hime e ©. of coca," he Maral 'recelval "thas Ply ssa the Mayor of V ignette, | ¥ Denise came. to me two y . sigs about her trothers: T on were a soldier, but I could - er the number of your regiment. te the police have been as y y ai oak . receive food. You will visit into Denise's anteccdenta cg has sone questioned os | head," ' Then addressing Francis, he wale '* Exhaustion is his principal t tronble. In aan or he would have Pg of inani-! prepare been imprisoned on I told the officer w rier'é, =e But do not speak of this to any t I believed her taapabl! of doi CHAPTER X. THE SUBTERRANEAN PARSAGR, As soon as Francois poten with the near farmer you will tion than I can give you. is know that that your brother lives in Paris,! i more complete ihforma- from M. Monrillon, who also lives ete! Rue Saint Dominique, Saint-Germin, No. 44.! Craries Gave WER, a of Vignotte. Francis," ngare, | after Tistening to the cay | firat look for your brother ; after r of can take the first train for Paris. «ly him. You "and. the -- does pot ue far from the station.| © "cook mt watch alternate nights" will give r brother's address, Vith your permission, the cook need' ant you will "ne 2 Yat be ra together, oot be deprived of ned sets I will stay with |. = sure to return at 10 o'clock to- the patient every n ly "The fat | stimulant ¥ and maile the patient drink 'it He had| f ye ments with this liquid, in cases of exhaustion, he live?" caked F rancois, man and knew its oth cacy "Wil 'atigue aes be too much for," at 3 a'clock in the afternoon the Count Soleure, his son-in-law and his daughter, "Oh, never fear, sir; Iam used to goir and Mourilion and Denies, were sitting in ssa sleep ; I have been a sl: lier, "the a reception room next the dining 7 know; Task aaa favor that you will t Sorro' to be seen on all their the mtient to me feces. The Couil was. about to start fot ery well, Chen, "Franeli: T will not a - prefecture of police, a a a ser: Yau see I feel a keen interest in the w feliow ; L cannot tell why. nt opened the door and sa "A young man, who secms to be a ser- use, desires to speak > nen I 'helped to save him, ea --_ than Perhaps it, vant, in some fine And yet! M. Mourilton, " > wil langh, sir, Was not a eines," Ce | ou! 'he old man went out and) found himself "Such effects are sometimes prodaced sd Da feel as if this young: face to face with Francis * What can I do. for you, ay friend?" he reps. ad v or oO! " < cr) And om, I will tell you, sir, J have a |" Hfavo fh ~. 'oa laa cmaaia *| brother w ave net seen for man "Yes, my bey, Tam M. Mourillon." ears. I think he is in Paria When I saw "W ell, sir, I have comme to ask you of "v this unfortunate youth, I at once ---- of! brother's "eildress" my young brother pair ad 3,, besideshis face, Your remin<s me of m ** Francis, Aig few told me that you had a broth . 1 also hava, orel.' oh" said he in a as oe voice, Thea, recovering himself, he man, mt sly true," he said, 'that you, ate Francis Morel? Who told "you thet 1 knew Lucien 2" i Mayor of Vignotte, monsieur." | ** Yea, believe you," he stamm eatly troubied ; pp tI proached wi " T never ieediavciion taal a sister three years and a half younger than Wi Where does she live a "« T know little more about her than I do about my beother. All that I know of ber' is that she visited Vigonette about two ears ago, and that she is a sary somew where. When I went back Yes, yell, my boy, you shall see your ie ie I have cer- hose aid I can en- 0X, shall soe my sister!" exclaimed Francis, bewildered. a "Yes, yea, directly, And Mouritlon called : * Denise, Denise :' |s The young 'a rushed out ofthe reception: tain {ofineuti list. "* T wrote myself last night to the mayor, of Vigonette, asking if he could tell me auy- thing of my brother and « Well, we will wait tog his re The next morning shored a slight im-; provement in Lucion's --. though he man is your brother, Francis." waa a still very feverish and w 'Fie young girl yavea cry and rushed! ee Fe, ie -- hie be able to talk tome? Y" asked her brother's arm | The count, Ge cotge - Probably not for three or four days by the di hich yet," said a tanye "* Hid brain is affec- aie 7 oom © > t him to be. delirious to- ! ¥ recognize night or tomo neue -but that does not 'ted = Mionne. troubie me." 'rancis," said Denise, " we are all in ** We shall have to stop up the hole we sorrow here; Lucien disappéared a week 'made in the cellar wall. You need not ken ni aco, ant we cannot find out what has te- for o mason, I will do it this aft« "TROON. ! ae brother has been muz- y e youn, man aoa motionless for a 'eames mt, xg mouth and. eyes wide open! | Suskdenly he grasped Denise's arm and: ed : * Has Lucien long, thick, black hair and <a lictle brown moustache *" * Yea. room. ** Denise," said Mourillon, "this young had not hhn-00 3 -senigaiet! "Do yor know how he was dressed on the: of his disappearance t brs man must ee nigh wm wate scam white, acme 32 oer e Besily oang -- face became radiant, te Th is bey' he cried, * it is he, it ia ray trother." He urew ie cme ot sate nek, while the g cppregiom aes ~ the. pas- sage, the servant carr lentere They scon reached the well, . ~ i oat your down mri . v is, bat it will a thar he came - a ce wie Mon * Fran.! us I will ould aaa visit the place myself." | ta atid @ nies widow, but in no wea aud Micnne some w always with you ane tt placed under yuor reetion. "Ves ; answered! the count, Pe ae vandinuw. ss always, Fe oguite His Ourst Mourillon, fou will. aceom- aay F rane is Morel to Ville d'Avray also. oe Nf tie eruel not te give you this satis friend, "i ank re count, on fi --_----_- fo * and then, I should bo take care of L acien, . tah hall be as the ddctor aa ys" On tie way Denise © up te en horse receive therm. M. Mane: pyrnare Mourillos lieecl hinase!t Shecter." sad tillen, s g te . my name is Ambro- 1 have the pleasure of ou Ma ler noiselle Denise of Friis Morel, We have afer the pod cate yor are en Morel after saving r berate. Denise thanked him with tears of grati- tude in her voice. When the doctor had soa egar from his m. paces prise he took them into the s i cien was not asleep. gonna i "sister and Mourillon at once, and bia eyes shone as he spoke their names feebly. 'cniro.threw herself upon the bed, and then turning to the doctor, said in a voice be supplication "Lhave a favor to ask fy 'if it iain my power to grant it, [ do so adv ance, Ah, Doctor, can you keep me here? } sh ai be so happy to take care of my brother," "Can Lkeep yon! If you had not asked 'to stay, I wonld have begged you to. a thank you, sir" Maugars opened th Thee Mademoiselle your reo, 'Now, 1 "sail Mourillon, "if you hase time I pow: Vi like a word with you in door. Dentse, shall be * Bladdeenelbdtbi will stay with our Patient and Francis will soon join her, so at Please cumre inte my pelvane CRAPTS 7R XIT. | bllice," A NOCTURNAL EXCU og said Mourillon, " from what Francis had told as there seems no doubt that -- Morel has been the victim 7 'ia am convinced of it." - '1 appeara Lucien M. oa TY pretty young girl O55 suddenly left h€ Paris with ber nother the latter or of last June, It looks as if Lucien had a rival wie Wands pray a him. . But . under. |. auch circumstances assassination is rather | an extreme expedient ; so I am inclined to think that interests still more serious are at ata sich >" « iNet Eis jee et working- gir." " Then it t be avarice. ** Who keane? _ replied Mourillon, shar- ing the Count's suspicion that the Widow Lirean might be Claire Guerin's daughter. * Francis told me that this well is in a plece of | + d adjoining your catate, see it from this window." ou can Mourition looked on ** It isa closed 1 re "and Face in the walle, there isa large lattice-work door at the back." *: This is the entrance from the street." - mJ hat is the door opposite us as Nothing at present. It opens into the | neighboring estate, inwhich you see a house very similar to mine and havinga truncated re 'The piace tycatied The Tower ant piece of waste land belongs toit. T thin the well is in that mass of brush- a we Feobably, but fow gee in Ville d'Av- Fay know of ite existen **T was ivnerant of it : omyeelt," ** Well, [ believe that' the assault was committed in this enclosure by some one acyoainted with the «pot, And it occurs to me that the amassin and his victim may have entered the cneloeure by the door Opprsite mn De you know the proprietor of 'Phe owe "\ No, but He lives in Paris. The-Tow was anoceupied for over two years, but ore it is rented to a widow, who lives there with her sister, also a widow, they tell me, eo, & yon girl semew he. tween Ithand | Mouriilon's eyes sparkled. "Do you know the lady's name ? a Madame Fournier ; ; she is A isiion seat, vy we have it,' cried he, 'Doctor, I os o not need to ask the name of the' other "1 could not give it to you, for I do not "know it." * Her name is Madame Lureau, she is a related to cen 3 her a is poll jie, young giel which Tncion Store "Ob? Oh !" exclaimed M. May * The light begins to break in apes me," continued yaaa ; C nee discov: jared her ad ng a bold amg -- 3 afiniz bamMe Mad: play ying a sorry role in this serious Sad I should not be astonished if her | were = -ecapesid at * True winks -- not consist ii be! we the altar w head | Oh, religion ! how a shietd' ! Ba rascals use you for t aig is ot the time to judge alae Fournicr. 'Ve will wait. If she amark, I shall tear it off. There will be licht enough when Lucien Morel is able to speak, Does Madame Fournier re- ceive many people' | - * T do not know, sir," answered M. Mau- gare; "Ido not attend to my neighbors asics. T only know what the prie:t tella mey and he ways that the ladi€a at T = er live very retir: he two old men i Oi Moorillon told Lavien of the ap- roaching visit of Goorge and and + Maugara that of the Count, afi» _-- esd | accompanied him to his car 'M ery Marton, 1 et | a to keep this ctor," goes -- eed to ask y« pets know the valne of silence," answered M. Maugars. Pesaeocny. to Paris, Monriilon saetennd to reassure them ail then he « long versation with M. de Solver: a re '(fo Be Coxtixvep.} os _ Kotels, Commeratal Hote Kooue fer Cai Cae Geo ool sling ad "stesntiod" ve hosters, 3. HAG. Sirhutons, Oct. 10, 1e88. Ry at wat 406-ly Jersey Hotel. wai Defoe ma 2+ My Sted ae, Tesente, We font ne Pati Bert sccommeds ox the Tra prabes Mr. ita "ben, Tat wil © the Guess City Ml ANSION BousR, a, Stratford, O*E OP THE OUEST rs Dy HOU in the cit Stratford, r ey 11th, 1890. mr T36-1y The Stratfora Hotel. o_o Se MICHAEL street. fitted th t, and fe ae ance drinks. Give me a call. Strattord, June 6th, 1588, ON TARIO HOUSE STREET, STRATFO: cr ry HOTBL, Stratford. Ravea, $i fea Dar - - J, H. Kiueen, Pee Te table ise with the best. The chetr brands of pli wit kept bars. "Gocd otabtiag ond ceeine Coan sales Stratford, Aug. 13, 1890. 762-ty. Aegal and Sinancial, BK. SYDNBY-3SMITH BBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 20, Idingten- Stratford, March 5, 1889. catty JOAN B. HARDING, Bir W. i. Hoberta' New! jew Block, Dowots' Ste Stratford, Nov. 26, 1880. T-1y MABEB & GHARING, ts . roe y Money to loan at Six per cent. G. W. LAWRENCE & SON, Attorneys at-Law, IDIN GION & PALMER, ARRISTERS, Oc.. STRATFORD. JOHN sate Gonaty Greve di Attorney. * &a@ Moucy m Lend Stratiord, Jan. 12th, lees. - Money to Lend, Dr. DL. M. SRASHR, OFFice t~At bis Residence om Downie Btrest Btraiford, Oct. 10, 1585. -- 40 LA, J.G. YEMEN, M.D., L.D.S. ()FFICE :--Market Street, Stratford" Oat, Sa, Tad-ly D. D. BLLIS, M.D, CO. M. OFFICE--Over Boeworthrs Drug Store, Mark. Stratford, May 14, 1£90. TéO-1y Drs. HIPPLE & BIDT, * atest 353 ote 2 WHERE Whee: DAE pe! 9