THE CANADIA®S BAN K OF. COmME? BIASED ior Head Office, Teronto. Capital (Paid Up). Six Million Doflars, $6,000,000 Rest, - - - $800,000 Rh £. WALKER, General Kacager. Ck STRATFORD BRANCH. A genersi bunting & inese trameacted. all potings in Canada, rine enna ities in Baga United States, Great tare 'sa visas BASE : bles REENE: Beg enema, ot a wo oy a] yard upward rece, and cur- wpe tela ake pencil the end of May ind vanes in each ye Special atte sthon ¢ Babel satiee te of commer ial p-per aod 'iuraee sales W. MAYNARD, JR. MANAG & ey £ ¢ SCOTT |; DOES CURE SUMPTION "trite First Stages. Palatable as Milk. Salmon af HOFFMAN BROS. & ELDER. We wil! close cut our entire, line of : away below cost as 'we are going out of this line. A- good stock to se ect from___in _ Mufis, Boas, Capes, Caps, ete. Bargains 54 ONTARIO STREET, The Leaders of Low Prices. We might also mention a line of Gents' Fur Collars and Cuffs. and For Gauntlets included in this sacrifice. ~sbohagesAymet wh Ror Oo @ 0. 8 ' ler, 49 6+ 50 Gata, 35 to ta, Pree BE An G0 Plone tee th. ant» $$) Oat eal r bbl, cts eel Pavers (nae, 0 per ewt x0 . @ach, 60 to 1.09. Flas per ton, : per cord, 2.35 19 4.00. Wool, 00 to 00. Among The = openings. Seribaer's Mazezice for Nie om ber con- ble iilustcated articles - C eof wigely didering characteristic', eaibracing E'ophast huat- ing ia Africa,a perilons voyage through host ---- ct the Colorado (tre first tri : mt the sctree to the mont 2h gow Banged aud ¢ iraisiag with the -- . along ood pleat te TE russ WOR. LITTLE LO! {£5 IINKED LoTs oF Concerning Men and Things bout the City --Seme- thing that will Interest ne-- Newsy Nuggets Specialty Condensed for Times" Keuders » {womunier cases are on the Ciratham Aesize jist, Mr. Db. Guthrie, Q pointed city solicitor for Gae inh. There bas been a sudden threak . of influenza in horses in the neighborhood of Exeter Joho Henlen Parentareme, an old British soldier, is starving in Windsor o4 a pen- sion of 72 cents a day. Windsor foothallists are determined to keep in practice. Every a they tale a three-miles rua: out in ihe J W -Annis, M.. A., Chatham h ived a unanimous call from St Methodist Church, Avenue Rosd, te. Before leaving Oil a Mr. G. A. Lewis presented the new Mechanics' Inatitute with a couple of fine oil paint- been ap- Toron morning the barn on Mr. Neil McArthur's farm, Kincardine towa- ship, was destroyed by fire. Insured for $300 , The Leami: m barber mamed Leng, who was arrested at Exsex for horse eteal- ing, has settled the case by paying all costs. It is reported that J. A. Scott, a Middiemisay tarmer,~ has fatlen heir to $10,000 by the death of an uncle in Montreal. The Relisnce ElectricQlight Company offers to provide Parkhill with any number of incandescent lansps for the streets at 5 ceuts per lamp per night. R, B. Compbell hae sold out his store and..atock .at|.Middlemiss to 'Malcolm C ampbell and Jonn pretnet, the consider- ation heing over 84,000 cas Tke people of Colchestor tow nship will organtze a vigilance committee and endeavor to rid that township of the army of cattle thieves that infest it. A young man named Joseph Sabin, em- ployed on the farm, of Mr. Hugh MeColl, line 16, East Zorra, ae + ved dead on Tuea- day afternoon of heart d W.E Warwick, of Windeo r, while try- ing to pick up a patcel cn Jetlerson avenne crossing Tuesday night, had his band bad- ly smashed by a passing street car, The Rev WH, Hiveks, Li. Bs of Strat- ford, will preach soniversary sermons on Sunday morning and evening, Nov. 2ed, Freewill offerings w taken a vices. --Ar, us, A man named Jones, who works for Wm. Davidson, River road Southwold, was fool- ing with a revolver, when it went off, and the bullet lodged in t his band, Didn't Krow it was loaded. Mr. D. Thompson, of the Erie and Har- on Kailway shops, Chatham, has taken his departure for Berkley, Va., where he has secured a lucrative position in counec- tion «ich the railway. Mr. W. Climie, B. A., of the Listowel Banner, has gone to Muskoka for a week's hunting. Tue Times trusts that the The stock « . E.. Teskey, of Ayr, sold, by order-of the administratrix, at Toronto on T Y, amounting to $4, 183.. 11, was knocked down to Mr. Ernest, of New Dundee, at 73 cents on the dollar Lambton tarmers have decided on a line of unanimous pre est of sportemen on their by so doing to pratect the game as well as prevent poseible damage to personal prop- The Rev. Mr. Winchester, Stratford, preached a very interesting sermon in the First dgrepyr lage chureh, on Tuesday evening, the 14th inst The occasion be- ing the service following the eacrament.-- Argus. At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, ia re Sarnia Agricultural Implement Con. at « -- for a creditor with- standing liquidation proceedings, ~ bring an action st the company. Urder made. couple of laborers empto ed by the Michigas Central Railway cphers got into a quarrel Tuesday and oneo named Daderichs, of Detroit, was "hit on the head with a coupling pin, making an ugly cut. Martin Doxtater, an Elgin county rho dian, who fought in the American" re lion, being wounded on the at acon nsh, has received notice that he has been from the date of his jied for m ednesda: were sr paren? John Noted 2, Listowel, Can., and Clara L. Cook, 22, Midway, Can., Charles W. Hunter, 20, Sarnia, Unt . Boge Lillie Vobie, 19, Wai laceburg, While ens L ear of St. Mary's was arranging a rope to a postin front of their stock bull the other day ia 4 car at the town station, the animal sprang at him and crashed him against the side of t car, breakirg two cf bis ribs and crushing his lungs somewhoet. Superintendent of Fish Culture Wilmot has finished an inspection of the Sandwich et and will recommend that the enlarged to twice its present caps- city, Two years ago on ly 50,000,000 fish egas were batched, buat this year it is hoped t> hatch 100,000,000 eggs. The intesior of the Catholic church at St. Aagustine is undergoing a thorough overhauling. The seats, window frames, &e, are beng repainte? su grained, the ceiling papered, some new ta he o oe in, anda new vest sorry Rev. cGee, formerly of St. Joseph's gosta of this city, is tee popular pastor of the above a The maxim ** 'Tis better te 'be "born has demous-rated in the case of Walter jibe aig a St Marys boy who resides in Teron A few weeks sines be ingested one otlae in the pur- chase of the twentieth part ofa ticket in LOOSELY A Week "ys g@manmay come back loaded down { CAREFULLY. All wool 4 Ib. blinkers at $1.65 per pair. All wool 44 Ib. blankets at $1. $5 per pair. $100 worth 'of dress braids and jacket ornaments to be sold at half of cost price. 5e-yards union carpet at 18c., reguler price 25c. 100 yds union carpet at 28c., regular price 4oc. 89 yds union carpet at 38c, g2 yds union cafpet at 46¢., regular price 55c. regular price 60c. 3 pieces Brussels carpet at 63c, regular price, 8oc., 3 pieces Brussels carpet at 77¢ to yds all wool carpet at 65c., 200 window shades at 60c., , regular price $1.00. regular price goo, regular price 75c., 100 window shades at 75¢,, regular price $1.00. 65 window skadesat 85c, regular price $1 25 300 yds canton plush at 23¢, regular price 30 20 per cent discount off cornice poles 6 pair white lace curtains at. $6.55, regular price $12 8 pair white lace curtains at $5, regular price $6 75 12 pair white lace.curtains at $5, regular price $10 5_pair Ecru lace curtains at $8, regular price $16 9 pair Ecru lace curtains 2t $7, regular price $i2 100 pair silk, chenille and colored lace curtains at 'half price = yds deep wool fringe at 65 cts, regular price $1 00 5.yds deep wool fringe at 35 cts regular" price $5 cts 20 yds deep wool fringe at 45 cts, regular price 65 cts 80 yds deep wool fringe at 29 cts, regular price 45 cts CURTAIN TASSELS. 10 pair wool curtain tassels at 25 cts, regular price 5octs 20 pair wool curtain at_30.cas, regular price 75 cts 20 pair wool curtain tassels at 46 cts, regular price $1.00 20 pair wool curtain tassels at 65 cts, regular price $1.2 10 pair wool curtain tas-els at 60 cts, "reguiar-price $1.00 10 pair wool curtain tassels at 7 = « += In carpets and 3 cts, regular price $1.35 ai cloths we lead, HYSLOP, MARKET SQUARE. HAMILTON BROS." GREAT SALE OF BOOTS & SHOES Will continue for 60 days. Do not forget it. Ladies' Button Beots at $1.00 going fast. Men's Soot, long legs, at $1.75, a fine solid boot. BARGAINS IN ALL LINES, No Long Rubbers in great variety. We sell the Goodyear Glove Rubbers. one else sells them. They are the best. Tr; them. Remember the piace. HAMILTON BROS. The Shoe and Rubber House. James Stock, Wholésale Wines and Liquors. I wish to draw the attention of hotel-keepers to the fact that before purchasing their fall supply of Liquors, it will be to their advantage to consult my, price list. I have the~-choicest brands in all lines and will guaran: tee complete satisfaction. POWEL DRESS GOODS A IN D MILLINERY HOUSE. We are now open and}: ready for. business, Our motto is bargains, cash and one price to/all. Wew Dress Goods, New Black and Colored Silks New Rough Serges, New Almas, New Plaids, New Cashmeres,' New Henerittas, New Flan- | nels, New Flanneletts, New) Table Linens, New Table) Napkins, New Towels, New} Towlings, New Sheetings, | New Pilow~ Cottons, New Lace Curtains, New Mantle ! r Cloths, New Millinery, Everything New! New Goods, New 'Store,! New Prices. All are invited | tg call and inspect out Goods and Prices. You will find us next a to Hamilton Bro's. shoe: store, Market Square. G. A POWELL, THE CLASSIC CITY *\| Barber Shop, U! MAPKET STREET. (Opposite Corcoran's Old Stand.) t. Hartley destres to pee the pubilc that he ber cooured the services of a competent workman = repared to do iate entting, ene, etc., in manner possible, In Barber shop he hat opened out a branch cf ed BRENTFORD STEAM LAUNDRY, to receive a fair mars of patrons work bould repr por anid hy at the Clamic City Bar! Shap Goods called for and delivered to any par yy city free of charge. The "sage ford Steam dry's work speaks for James Hartley, WANTED 500 Live | Pigeons by. lst NOVEMPER ™ ASH wiil be paid for 600 live pigeons, de! © to the undersigned by et Secmhae, ae further particulars Boarders Wanted anders can be accon mod- Several geuticmen & aed within afew m ton utes walk from Warm and comfortable roome pply at Tye Times ofthe re. Warted. rhe Al tminediately, ROY Al HOTEL, J. M. Seorr, Pro AW. Gla Specialty $1 G ood tae aleo nurse Apply at ix DRAPER. AND y TAILOR. Kid Gloves. SMITH Has again the largest and best display of BUCK'S STOVES AND FURNACES. Happy Though: Range In its pew and handsome d:es:. Radiant Home. Thowea ite. nds a L© ir holed range. is new an d hand THE RADIANT OAK; A coal and wood heater. THE INGLE PAR:' LOUR GRATE and SUNSHINE Wood Parlour Stoves. es eis me HELIE with water fr soine Boy Master coal heating stove in SIX Size, } Fo ll variety of weod cook stoves, also Buck's Garnet 'Hot-air Furnaces. In LAMP GOODS we have the Wanzer, and also a choice line of Hanging, Stand.and--Hand - Late with David 5 Hogg & Co. : ot amanenmenlie Lamps. Tinware, House en oe Steam and Gas Fitting and Hot Ait nee Furnace Sika specialty. a nes +i saree Ht <p oe cence Sa a ae