Stratford Times, 12 Nov 1890, p. 5

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* ET i ONE PRICE. i --------Ready- matte overcchts, stylish --in---- cat, made from good materials, with 'the making eqa:l to most ordered , at a saving of from $2 to $3 percoat from what you'll pay else- where, should interest you. We are 'enabled to make this saving by man- Rfactafing the greater part of the 'read¥-mace clothing we premises. sell on the $ . We see that nothing bat. reliable material eviers into the clothing which we manufacture here and give With each garment that quality of the goods is paid will he refunded. f $6.50 buys an all-wool tweed over- | coat, not fine material but heavy | strong and servicéable, $7 buys, @ --eh-overcoat of the material. ~ but. longer in length, with deep collar ; | $7 and $8 buys largé-double-breasted | and. heavy wool tweed, county of Perth, eaten Loe mpes NISHINGS, Patronized. -- OUR-- SALE sion of so much wisdom. the finest and best sel- ected stock of BOOKS, | STATIONERY ; MUSIC and FANOY GOODS --IN-- Stretford. *, rN _- 82: Do mie St 7 Market-St.. Stratford Ont. Which closed Oct. 31, we can only thank you and con- gratulate you on the posses- "We will continue to keep A. T. Masdonald's » storm overcoat, made from all-wool | Etoffe diagonal | Fine black worsted over- e 'bond, at $8" $9 and $10. Fine all-wool meltons at $10. Blue and browr nap beavers at $10 and $11. We are showing the largest Stock of cVercoats, with the greatest variety of styles and prices, in the WILLIAM HEPBURN, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. ONTARIO ST. our guarantee re- as presented, or the full aniount of cash COMBS AND ~ " BRUSHES. Just opened out, a splendid as- sortment, Quality good, prices low, at 5. J. JOHNS re Thornton & Douglas, Cuorngs, Hats anp Fur- "Drug Store, MARKET SQUARE. ' ' GAIN COUNTER Is proving itself a big plum for our customers. This week we will continue the Ribbon Sale and also include a fine line of Flannel Embroideries and Wool Laces in the sacrifice at The Leaders of Low Prices. i HOFFMAN BROTHERS AND ELDER OUR BAR | 4 o All wool 4 Ib. blankets at $ All wool 414-lb.-blankets at_$: 1.65 at half of cost price. 89 yds union carpet a: 38c , 4. 300 yds canton plush at 20 per cent discount off cornice 5 patr~Eerw dace-curtains 9 pair Ecru Jace curtains 100 pair silk, chenille and 40 yds deep wool fringe 35_yds deep wool fringe 80 yds deep wool fringe at 29 10 pair wool curtain tassels nt $100 worth of dress braids and jacket ornament 50 yards union carpet at 18c, regular price 100 yds union carpet at 28c., regular price 4oc. regular price 55¢ g2 yds union carpet at 46c.,, regular price 6o0c, 3 pieces Brussels. carpet at 63c, regular price Soc , 3 pieces Brussels carpet at 77c , regular price $1.00. 161 yds all wool carpet-at 65c_, regular price goc. 200 window shades at 60c., regular price 75c., 100. window shades at 75c,, regular price $1.00. 65 window shades at_85c, regular price $1 25 23¢, regular price 30c. - poles 6 pair white lace curtains at $6 55, regular price $12 § pair white lace curtains at $5, regular price $6 75 12 pair white lace curtains at $5, regular price $10 at $8,-regular price $16 at $7, regular price $12 colored lace curtains at half price at 65 cts, regular price $1 00 at 35 cts regular price §5 cts 20 yds deep wool fringe at 45 cts, regular price 65 cts READ THIS ~ CAREE ULLY. per pair. $5per_pair. . j sto be sold 25¢. . cts, regular price 45 cts CURTAIN TASSELS. 10 pair wool curtain tassels at 25 cts, regua_ price 2e-pair-wool-curtain-tassels-at-36 etsy regular-price"7 5°Cts™ 20 pair wool curtain tassels at 4 20.pair.wool cur.ain tassels a: 65.cts, regular price $1.25 10 pair wool curtain tas-els at 60 cts, regular price $1.00 73 cts, regular price $1.35 6 cts, regular price 1 00 hos *in-carpets-#mi-oil- cloths» we-lead HYSLOP, MARKE¢ SQUARE. stood the test of public approval for standard of excellence.and purity. heretofore. 9 branch stores and 20 avencies. HERE'S 8 Ibs. standard granulated sugar for 50 cts; or 10 Ibs, bright sugar tea, coffee, baking powder, cocoa or cocoanut purchased. We buy in car lots direct for 9 stores and 20 agencies. We seve yon all intermediate assessments. Our qua'ities have years, and are acknowledg:d the Placing sugars at8all our branch stores should and undoubtedly will in- crease our trade over $100,000 as the great burying public now have the 40Ption or privilege of accepting as premiums extra values in sugars with our famous, profit sharing, any prite tea, coffee, &c., or the premiums as BMPIRE THA Co. Oddfellow's Block, Stratford. STILL IN FULL BLAST BANKRUP® STORE! trae : ite 5 for 50 cts., with 1 Ib. of any price }* Cirudusbind. a Lie rate <aoitand- «okt Meets lat dk Wee ee ca | WUODSTUsK SAsNsERY SULTENRS. te " | Ta # NOTORIOUS CASE OF TRIPP Fs | POPE DISPOSED OF. AR Interesting Case Concersing «@ Former Hesident of Stra'jerd--Dr Tripp: De- javes dle spgs the Victim of a Dicndish Couspirecy iSentine! Review) At tie Woodstock Chenoery Sittings last week the Hotorious « Pug was dispoeed of, 7 fot trinl at the Fall Assizes. bus owing to odani, through il wae jaid er the Chancery Sittings. The plaintiff is Dy. Tripp cf logersotl, and thedefendant Mra, Pepe of Detroit, When Dr. Tripp was in Dotreit a year or go ago and arrested lov ked Up on suspicion of hiving been tuvelved in seme trouble with e woman, he wae Visited i r » clhimed to be a distant relative af and on hte Teleare he boarted with tier fore time: ed with | war the $15,000 teee the 1. S00 mortgage whieh she ateumed. Whi-h atory ia corfect it is unpoasbie to+eay ior the mortgage ever registered and ¢annot be produced Ina fitef gl wiegeutha loch Tripp hand ed the mortg ce hack to My Pope and said that the document was subsequently burned in Wooisteck. The plaintiff claim- ed to be able to prove this, and not ouly that, bar they claimed to be able to prove that. Mec, Pope endeavored to get an loger- soll lawyer todraw up amortgage for $11,200 and file it in his office, so that if attend owing to illness, and be read several affidavite as to the ttate of the woman's Ith. Mr dichecn ut Ingersoll, obj , toan adjournment ow the ground that the order of trial was peremptory and by con- sent. He declared that Mra. Pope could have attended court if she had chosen to do so and that she would always be sick when the case came up for trial. He de- clared too that it was whisky, more than anything else, that was the matter with the _ ptaintitt her, Hy niadie' ait afiidavit to the effect tnat Mra Pope was in the habit of drinking a quart of whiskey daily and of swallowing three teaspodna of laudanum, "Hi ¥ case must go on and adjourned till ten o'clock this morning. When the Court opened Thursday morning the counsel an- nounced thatasettlement had Leen arrived et whereby Tripp is tu pet back bis farm," The question of whether or not Mrs. Pope had paid any money on the purchase is re. ferred to Mr. F. E. Maron, Deputy Clerk of the High Court. Windaor, to take the account, The evsts of the action are also referred and are to be deducted from any sum that may be found payable by the laintiff tothe defendant, ifany sum is ound to be payable. Dr. Tripp declared to-a reporter that he had "been the vi of a fiendish conspiracy, almost as bad as that which resulted in the death of young well, the ce_heing that io hi case it was not successful. -He says that Mrs. Pope ina moment of weakness got her clutches on him and his property, and was willing to do anything to maintain her hol lis arrest on the charge or murder: ing his mother not long ago was the result of that conspiracy and he declstes that it was a lucky chance that kept him from going to the great lone land by way of the Detroit river. "Ie naturally feele~ quite jubilant over his victory after so long a ie. As stated in Tux Times a short time ago Dr. Tripp was o practising physician in this city some 22 years ago, and is well known fo the *' oldest inhabitant," ~ ev DOWNTE, noe en James Mullarky offers 8 reward to any person that will give him jeformation that will ad to the arrest of the party who stole the cun out of & The rifle takes No 2 cartridge, rim fire hy person found with this riffe will pe prosecuted atcordin, to law he pariy eas tt wil sult his own interests by returning it at once. Ptaff is an ex and com is well qualided to make a « His store fs one of the most attractive in Milver- » being nicely. fitted up with fine wall and &c.~The business well cou: large patrouage. PALMERSTON. At the Brantford sesizes Tuesday last the case of the Watrrous e Works ¥. Vil of P, waa cer eens fi Mr. Justice Rose. vs F ileon, Q. C., for plain- tiff. Lb Pek com Qc, Clark for defendanta. Last the fire aud ter committee of the v: council sub- mitted 2 report recommending the pur was aleo of the fire and water committee and took an active H FF gf re fi TE ul i Fi f it Hal li il i i His Lordship decided that the} Testimomal: Prom Promiacat Citigens. Having been solicite] to patroniae the Ontario Ledge and Wire Fevee Company by several Agenta of the company we natu. Sliy concluded it preferable in order to form. a. just intelligent conclusion _ prior to entering into any contract to visit the works of the conpahy. With thie ob- ject in view we were urvited to take a trip to Niagara atid inspect their work om Thuvaday the 80th of Oct., in company wih G. P. Nath, We arfanged to go to the bonipany's heacquarters at Ohiften, We were met atthe station by several of the leading stockbelders and their agente "ar 1 we were treated with the greatest es pitality and courtesy, ~ho placed fer our inspection. without any teserve their obarter from the Ontario. Government; the Patent from the Deorrnion Government alliwekeand contracts. Their re- § ture up to the cate of vider we drove to the Netreery onreat beret heme, cethaeing was thon that he part th bis farm in | 15 of 20 acrea cu which were grou ing fram West Oxto,d, selli:g it to Mes. Pope for] one aund.w half to tao miilion pania, the $15,000, The farm is ssid to contain 210! growth of this samme, The ptante were actes. Sirs. Pope ciain she paid | ect in rows 40 rte in } Bath about eight $2,000 down anda 1 sortpage f inches 'apert lavieg aiteind # vigoroam $1,500 already Gn th he #4 tygrewth of 12 to 15 inchee te th, The the gv morty lanes, tiz. | Coutractov furnisives tie me', fitend.« to $11.20. This D He de- | the cultivation and raind the plants packs Clares thatehe neves pard ene cent down | th minto bundles of 200 each ready for but gave a mortgage for $13,200, that is | ah Pyaoy uext spring to various points to oxiry out their large contracts, The com pany have amuch larger Nursery across the Niegara River ia New York, captaining some 50 acres. After ex anining the nursery we were driven to the form of Dr. Ferguson, M. P. for Welland, ac joining Clifton. The Dr. seems to have bad aamania for honey locust and their shrubs and bas been suiirarieg pedge fer ces for many years, several of whic have a healthy and rapid growth 5 or 6 feet in height uimmed well and forms good protection to both horses and cattle, but having hog holes between the plants. lower portion of the fences having rotten timber and giving no protection against hogs patacial residence having Peet pldahed by the Ontario Hedge Wire Fence Co., wae an ornament to the place having a regular growth filling in besutifally at tite base ocupying about a foot in width. This fence wre tak he rough; stripped -of- ite. _ bracches, the soil dug away from the roots and stalke, the side roots cut then bended over to an angle of 4 degrees. Four wires were then atretched and fastened with staplea to.the stalks, making the fence that permanent that we were unable to away it but an inch or two at the top. This fence prior to the company plashing « orshape. ood real timber is becoming scarce and very expensive in consequence ot such expense farmota have of iate years: 'utilized old rafter in the» - se] fence, which is only a temporary make shift and cannot last buta few years, The wire fence we coneidcr a dangerous for +. «ven the best new ih temoe® ise et pears be- blown: down. y repairs. We con iver turt e bility for if properly and regularly praned, will stand for ages ; it takes up but litthe room ; po epare room for the growth of Boxivus wi ¥ crops will grow better" in consequence e shade it affords ; the plow can run up closer thanto a rail or wire fence. Further we oruament to-the farm ably enhance the value of the farm mn terially. Some object to line fences, that they occupy too much ground and exhanst the soil, Tse Outatio and... Wire... Fence Company Lave removed this objec- tion, for the wide straggling fence as seen in Engisnd frequently trom 8 to 10 feet in width ia narrowed down to about one foot. in-width.- After w thorough' investi of the system in ali its branches we are P give an unprejadiced opinion, that the honey locust will make a substan. tial, durable, ornamental und cheap fence unsarpaseed to our knowledge by any aystem of fencing. Jamus Turow, M. P.,. W. Mowat, Banker, Strationd, Oot. AO. ISIO. 00, ~ a4 The Public Scheoi. iistomeiaagis The following shows the namer of the boy and girl who stood highest daring Oc. to Jaurx MOLLARKY, AVON WARD. = Sinn ee wack Miss Duncan's room--Senior, James 5 ne N MILVERTON, Gay owt pe te re gs Roy Na- The jeweler, att cans ted by the e -- its Leipipacr a SNe ene eee NEE ay Gcettler and Ethel Salvadge ; junior, Lind- business carried on by Mr Geo Xo line of f business in the village is in better hands cr is in a | 84¥ Malcolm and Lillie Foote. -- anvane ition, ot P established FALSTAFF WARD, about fire years ago her. © has done a uniform io" -- Bertie ly sucressful trade, and has made hix bu. a ae 3 room--Bs Selvadge of the most popular in Milverton. He carr: sae: em Mone and, : excellent stock, cons of gold and silver] Mins Lydia Dent's room--Albert Thorne 2 of best makes and jewelery i ard Emma Schweitzer. Miss Craib's room--Senior, Len Wright and M. Barniiam; jonior, Wm, Cane and Daisy Gordon. ; HAMLET WARD. ' Misa E. L. Walker's room--L. Scrim- innie geour and Minnie Ross. . Misa Greenle Miss Pattersen"s room--L. MoCullough an * Misa Foreman's Cook and lime ' HAMLET WARD 2. Miss Garden's room--Frank Gadsby and Gertie Gook. or towle, One fence near the member's . it was similar to the others on said farm, consider it'an Uny Gestion. --- ~ Mrs. Warburton's room--James McIn- al

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