(ile est a 8 ta Br: : a w s oe = + qj ia ae Bi Py +z 2 a . woast one morning Sean growing for menths ripened at ast f, waaseveral weeks before these over- Ay LOK seotiys tally; ancd-made a tur eee oe ihe roxing. 'Por a year ortwo there w ABLE CAREER & tial & A REMARK "-- point the tutor interfered and led away rth} } Tai COL. FORRESTER. ce COMMAND: eee ee . oe ERIN A CHINESE ARMY. Forrester "a doomed to die. 'The man' tf of hii ath was the cevice of a Formeriy an American Setter, Then 1 t I ie is to be conte: 'Lin i, papew : es - were tote ed tohis bare flesh, ¢ Trader and Spevulstar, Sow « Tavert 5-4 take evt-on. fie. ania Keeper ta the Wilderness---A Romanth « ., a sod him boys arm i Facape from Execution by Fire hd hors vest te were to.be allowed t There isan obscure hamlet in British "VOCE 8 tm. 'oliim bia called Sicamons. Itetandsbe Next day he was led out to suffer ti ide the Groat Sh ree Lake in the horritde cx beat heart of the field Rare iranoy, been bound & » pest, the lad whos Had to the Soalhmmsheen ittineg et, catise |] the trou thle sprang forward arid tail mountains at a 'hee , forest flung lis arms about Forrester Ganie i rT ne thie h ar Byervel ty sake eel this tol the EVERY Heged te clired into the tie in theit lude to solve-new outrage, whea, EVERY ¢ iota tet --orrt--ef-theseet,To ac! amazement alike if captive, am ie sn ws, FYVERY | comimetate infrequent hunter, the boy broke into a passion: ch, » EVERY - angler, trader, or prospe little hoard declaring that be alone was at fanit, that EVERY | ash house oni and a iralf ateries hhgh hag be bad iusalted and tortured the 4 heen built in Sicathous, Its landlurdisa er, disrespecting his helplessness, tha ii an * "Ee ¢ ~2iNI tall, weather-worn man whose crave his tator had brought him to 4 sense of fs face and long, white beard make him ap his wrongdoing, and that if Forrester aS % ' ~ object of remark whenever he Lappe was to die he would die with him. The =s a variate outsidl: bailiwiek.. The littl com: immediate effect of uiis Pocahonstas-like t t the pany of me ters, Indians, and Chinamen, episode was to enrage the Tal-Ping head- rare aaevae Ora who form the populace of thie village, er. He had 'Seated himself near the & with better 9144 r Cane oe staké that he might enjoy relish sereiina and writhings of the hap- less American, and meantime he wasre- ding himself with hot tea, As soon sd the purport of his son's interference be probally do not Ste yw that *t: he Colonel," wm they -call hima, was once a tan at wealth and consequence, and that he ha! gone throuch the pleasures and perils of ¢ half asiowen or in hi three-score years and five, for he seldom came manifest, he lowered the cup froma: speaks of hime atf; and. it "woqetieee: tact hiv-lips.as he was about to drink it, and and persistence to draw hir varé, flung itscontents in the boy's face; but Forrester, for that is his pame, was one thelad did not quit his embrace of the of the Prederansons of Chinese Ge atom in capiive,-and still a ed against the gomuand of te imperial Chinese artnies, perpetration of this act of cruclty. and, had he chosen, the honors that tell, to Gordon psi ght have been his. reer KING OF WEEKLIES! -!:THEn+ FREE PRESS Established half a Century, = By gaining delay the boy gained sym- | pathy, and at last Forrester was returued ie y-ot_second. mate of 2, to. his. prison with a promise that. his LONDON, m ONTARIO. whaler, Weciaee r, then a young execution would be deferred for a day 61 man who had recently left his home it}two, Before the time for his death bad The Handsomest Printed Paper in Canada. Maine, for ma himstlf off the J&pancst boen fixed, emtuisaries from the imperial ----GRAND-- Peat of PR 3907 183.5 O00eG¢0L later in the sx wr shore; atone: for-a trouble ame day, forces arrived and offered large ransom that had. jp muskets cud powder. for his release. wre outiny, aod he wees left, a stranget tuyes were accepted. Cupidity" out- a foreign land, with few & weighed revenge at last, Lowever, and ignorant of the ways and language of Forrester was liberated after he had -been the people, certain only that they were gtarved almost to a skeleton and had Gi disposed toward foreigners. At the been forced to march naked to Chapu, first village he entered he wns arrested jog, led with supplies for his enemias, as and flung into prison, where had tO 4 pack animal. He made his way to the Aaa EtCY port whore th ne British syuadron was ly- St ing--for England had found tha serrate st ne 3 belong Me. a Th or evil intent cx hoes prove ] neh wnd aa the Perry treaty mile Fabalie t, fe had HeSAN interests" required her to assi ullowed bi ror, and Forrester was = cael by Vt a ae Be as tn ches hoe fee ee ee 775 CASH TPPORTUNITIES place, sitabttaned a Hitie ae od '®* the imperial forces. He declined di sue ©ess* honor, --s sfter Major oe vine was rom: the place it oiler. America, spe Offered to the Public. the, Lospox, Weex.x ' witice strc publishers. Sis sim - ' . 4 im oe ten ya 8 ed to F wrrester, and again re 'refused. Tis Ferg Press are hap wy to announce that they fi Cis ed terres i i * © friend Ward had been killed, he was tired have set apart the su os re . "- ion years, he Was OF and war worn, he had had enough of sat can a tn hen ioe afl "his ae nag peril and suifering. Major Burgevine, a $1000.00 SUC att mit gz f His oney. » China in 1659 he landed pois . es wt tr ng: 'area (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS LN GOLD), " Sita ance to the 1a 1s, a8 Cap ul, Te- pgetinto a fresh assort to be divided amongst subscribers wh es may be found on the subscription lists Ist, 1891. teased on parole, and drowped--purpose~ pam for the ly, it_is_thought--and the place ans March ached & re --~ age sel iggpir eth rathery "The allotment will be male ay follows : 7 ched St ong Gen. Gon, Gordon, who accomplished for thal » also Ame a Ever Victorious Army a real success, ' | Grand Allotment of $100.00-$100.00 enh We The HEX heart of: Forrester--was--that Pore 00 ratherec Le Was a track hand on~-one of therail- and foreign rifraf roadsin the Western States. The man . " ile wigpeeeaple deidgged "dT ho might have commandeT the arn # # 2.00- 100,00 services to na wealthy Sha: sich u pore = erapire; was "living -in tents and $00 = = 1.06- 300.00 shanits, who were in terror at the pros -- aa hg ean = pork and hard gag = = -60- 209.00 . e saved enough out of his ject of being plundered by the revolu- meagre wages to aya gun and an out- 715 $1000.90 donists. The offer was gladly accepted, iit audset out for the Northera wilder- : The allotment will take place "ry the the merchants arming and equipping siiaatae ot a Committee, March the 2nd, this little band with the understanding that they should share, equally with the Americans, the gains of war. This re giment was the nucleus of the imperial , force that loyal Chinamen named "the Victorious Army" and- that the - fai-Pings called "the Foreign Devils.' 9¢ Was some pretty" jard fieliting,and the Ever. Victorious Nid not always have the best of it. After the captureof Sing-Poo by Ward Je wished to follow up his advantage, 88 Cold rain water and soap will remove ie left Forrester in its intrenchments te machine grease from valuable fabrics wold the placejwhile he pursued the memy. qh he garrison was insuflicient, " md when another wing of _the rebel @my appeared before the town Forre @rwas in sore distress. Ho could e& 1 no communication with Ward, wad the best he could do was to make a desperate "'biuff." By aid of the Quar e@rmasier's stores that had been left in lischarge he succeeded in arraying all 'Ws prisoners in his own-uniforms, alliga aithem on a field with his own men, md making as great a show of strength @postible, he admitted a' flag of truc fom the Tai Pings, ina hope that they vould be impressed by his preparations | ness, for reports of gold discoveries there lad been noised about, and he brought py upatSicamous, There he "anchored"; i to whom the allotments may fall and there, in the enjoyment of nature's jj) therenpon receive & notification of the beauties, of inany things that miuister fact, and a coupon for the amount wi to his tastes, of a sure though modest caeell md at the counter of the Frez income, he has found peace and rest Purse "bao = ut -- March 6th, and ter the bufletings of a stormy life. will 1 Tinean are os a uring which persons wishing to be web in these hand- some allotments, may come in to share by subscribing to the 'wari Fure Press. Price, One Dollar per year. It will be seen that by this scheme o DIVISION OF PROFITS, sy first dippi 1g them into boiling water th reons to the number of 75, selected oF a minute. mal ths names oa our subscription list, will resh meat, beginning to sour will an a handsons ving sweeten if placed out of doors in the cool plowed to their credit or paid air over night. jet mmomey varying from 50c. to $100. .00 'each, Milk which has changed may be sweet- "yer is the time to subscribe! cued or reidered fit for use again by; ee stirring in a little soda, CHRISTMAS NUMBER. e magnificent offers Atable-s ful-of--t : : In addition to the above ; ; i ae ge A ose notled all subscribers to the Werxty Farr Press with your clothes will gently aid the whose names may be on the list December 31st, whitening process, for 1891, will receive a gift of our forthcoming Boiling stance is much improved by 'splendid Iuivsraatep Curistmas Numogr, iH the addition of sperm or salt, or both, dy 20¥ become so popular throughout Western s + little gum arabic dissolved. , Ontario ; but no others will be entitfed tos for defence. Theyowere; but only enough * Ke 8 soft ae Lei 'free copy of it. ® make their own plans the more care erosene will soften boots and shoes Therefore, now is the time bscrii Sally, for after a brief delay the town that have been hardened by water, and' edadng the mabe ptiae ists ot or was besieged. The slenderness of hig Will render them as pliable as new, are J api Soden next, will be en- USEFUL FACTS. Fish may maybe scaled much easier eras. aud the fear that a revoh Thoroughly wetting the hair once or titled to. the DOVE: + V; Poy of €his coy. might sertewrecg. in- twice with a solution of salt and water a copy of the Cuxistmas Number, - faced Col. Forrester to violate the rules will keep it from falling out, os well as participati: the beufits of the civilized warfare--if warfare ianete. One tea-spoonful of ammonia to a tea-| a Sbe called civilized. He shot some of on Oe Fee cup of water applied with a rag will steal as Essien set forth. Wis captives. silver or gold jewellery ok ery perfectly. meee gh Ro whose name is not At this juncture Ward appeared with 'gait Se bil new milk, hence ee ou Dec. 31st, for 1891, iy will force, but he could not . gravvies, etc., sal it be catitied to ¢ to thst condidonnticon ito the city, and the only service nthe Sanita sunt be ad aulded until the dish is pre-| Therefore, now is the time to subscribe. wald render was to protect the re <@ the garrison. The rebels, who were wer™the walls before the evacutaion Yas complete, captured ~-- men <a Forrester, ': ' the best farally equ it 8 noted feature of " Free es always up to the times, and conducted in Varm Work. The WeEKLY nea od yoy bah By applying kerosene with a rag when B3f* pore paper, ane ccoe the A you are about to put your stoves 'away) for the summer, you Will prevent them and the Pome) peneticnlt ekilleg icing: toece to the 'Teitish shipa thet pag (Tom rusting. reek, All the 3 the teal an in Full, by "Tele ere approaching the scene of strife. Paint st.ins that are dry and old may Telephone, Mail ana to The discovery of bullet marks on the in- be removed from cotton or woollen goods aay Dableaiton, apecla. aepest dde of the works led to a surmise of the With chloroform. It is a good plan toh oe Humorous fending. J hassacre, and Forrester was thrown into first cover the spot with olive oil or but- Sousebold for Tu pe LR et Bn pees: Sala wretched prison, confined ins small ter. po without bedding*or ee clothes, Clear boiling water will remove ca LARGE $1.00 PAPER! is wrists tied with cord, his ankles en- stains; rthe water through the stain' In Clubs of four and upwards, Tc. each, cig by gyves that were chained to the and thus prevent it spreadiag over the _ BALANCE OF 1890 FREER. door. fabric. estar ~, Theson of a Tai-Ping General visited Charcoal " recommended as an ab-_ Send your subscription money sorber of gases in the milk-room ta tues Pause Orvite, Lond Ont pet foul gases are present, It should be aly and socurely mailed, will beat ovr aisx, ad, and it was a boyish thoughtiessuess| freshly powdered and kept there contin- Bacay write your name and Pest that pted him to} ually, especially in hot weather, when | distinctly. es Teas ee ete the etek pipe haus nwholsome odors are tnost liable to. in- Apoanes : = : smoking and press of it to fect the milk. |» PREE PRESS PRINTING 0, he naked chest of the . 'A teaspoonful of borax put in the. last LONDON, CANADA, water in-whjch clothes a8 rinsed, will! Pound the, EVERYWHERE. borax so that it vik dentro euliy. This acEnts WANTED & ae on ti remove the yellow Send for Seimple Copy. BRICK YARD.|: FASHIONABLE AND ARTISTIC TAILORING. | | | YM CA BLOCK. Our fall stock is complete and we are showing some excellent lines of Dealer in gil kr West End | MEAT MARKET, Ontario Strest, Stratford. JACOB B u op, Poult neW snitings, trouserings and over- ot Tom. c tnd to see Fort, old fell ov! ait an © S ole ot n nce WE marri coatings. down: tet" shave hy experiance mex ting. He ow . the w er" Ve invite inspection of our goods, our pr ic ] 3 are exceptic nw y close. CLARK'S Ihave just opencd a new iln of % Well and well manufactured, being mode by Kelly & Sons improved brick machine. T ba alsoplaced in my seed the sce and ell: saown #00 "Oh! she's e029, o. saae ne newal, --always want- ta Seg somestieing 5 « ford -- went somethin, g more than we've got. bo in" bie 'Ye "pai 1 ese * want wil be my master.' I narted to keep do L a ut ihe a and otue. re ek Ts married, we boa "ve ay car ale. wonld Lave! secret." W knew we shonid have to be onecondit And she was tig she! Tr wouldn't d self for double t i rt ; and she geta all her +r pati terns fe a nothing. with the Quaker br.ck machine ea jarke | Magazine; and we raved Joe when he was go sick ock of that class of brick on hand aso. 'armen | with the croup, by dotng just ry "a rected fn the nd others wi Sanitarian Departine t. Tut Tean "rte! oi ouba fr "What wonderful Magazine is it ~. " Demorert's Farm iy Ms a cazine, nd-- DR A IN { I | I: " What Why ti Tat wanted #0 bad, an ALtoid ber it w anc exis "Weil, friend. mI mistake ¢, and ter will be able to get them in all sizes. Apply to A. J. CLARK, At the Yard, one mile south ~of-the-G..-T Station, Stratford. Strattord: Jume 04, Levu. Thiet Lae KEY 10 HEALTH. Unio: 23 alltha cloggod ereaue nues of the idneye sad rant wreahating ing oft ee anlly wit a the oubtaner een tell aie wh wy you Ww it isa tack-hammerora new carria eibnee. dont skh parteash, Better subecribe richt off ae *. Tom Only $2.00 4 » year ' iH] ~ 1 * ' BOTAN ~_GRTENUAES. system, all the Poe 2 and foul During the next 8¢ day. in onier to make room : erotic 12 BAIN | for winter fowerins ts. L offer my entire stock the} of Ge raniuime, Pus 'iam, Coleus, Pains, S = eto., at prices that dep te grent eS mp Dys 8 lot of rubbish Pac tryin to ret tet of, but tint epsia, Hicad , AT1065, claas st me and eve mo and have oethr eartbern, Coasiipaiu.. "1086 | evidence. Boqucts ¢ Major thea_you can deg of Skin, Drops Fa Mig cr | them. tints ot white fl ao 'Faxthias, 2..fcet Vision, Jaundica, Tt hems, gh, 10r. each, | for §1 7 Erysipolas, Scrofuls, 3 Wiutterigg ot | Stratford, July £5, 1-20. 70 uf the t, Mervous ness, and Gem Po € bility; # 188 2 y ouany ha -- similar Goroplemis y ¥yicid_ to th his influe: anca of Surncts EB sO BITTaERs, 1. BILEOWN 4A 09., Proprietams, Duvale We wish to keep before the mind ar customers the fact that pew 'ods are being added constantly to our lar: re stock. This week we received 2 choice fot of Sitver Jawelery from England which will sel wel. In American Jewelery we have already added to our stick some of the hewest styles, anong others a line of rolled plated bracelets and necklets the latest out. But in fact we hope that very soon oux stock will be so complete that it will be a delight both to us and the public Our Gold Watches, Our Gold Rings, Onr Table Ware and Our Hollow Ware, are speaking for them- selves ; they don't need our praise. ome and inspect them. Pequegnat Bros. . D' LOWS Worms ee Stratford d Building --AND-- SAVINGS SOCIETY EAVETROUGHING | PLUMBING, STEAM & GAS- FITTING. HARRY O'NEIIJ gee © coe: ek SS bove Lines on SHORTEST NOTICE! SHOP NO, 999, BOWES' BLOCK, Temperance and General Lit e Assurance Company has. Full Goverinncit deposit. . Low" and" tow "EXPeTisEs } aca th rate. Its plans cannot be ° sur- passed by any other com- pany. If you want your risk car- ,ried cheap for the protection 2 of your family, get the T. & |G. installment bond; its equal ; cannot be found. in life agsur- ance and investment com- bined. District Agent, =» 'Box 566. C. Walker. Agent, Poole. | VALUABLE FARM FOR SALB. --_ mena For ele that valuable farm known w~ Farm, being Lot No. 2, Con- he Townshi of Downie. Inipe ceaglcn of the jissaledd Stratford Sept. 2, 1890, WAGONS WAGONS, r[ ME OLD; RELIABLE sul eae pee fort, and are admitted to be tand Lightest Running W in Canada, Oiling Steel Tubular Axles used cn Farm and Spring Wagons when" Ordered: Feamned oa et se cara a FX len Weewes ot Saat, aes ---- ~ee ode le Gotan uit to order on GEO. MINGHEND ohakespeate, March xine WANTED... AuzEis és tt mee, . irom, rubbers, copper, bea '78. B. MONAGOMERY, | hae be # 87. JEROME 8 COLLEGE, BERLIN, ONT. T "e stent tat he OLFEES pagel bj Cownens ; in SuextiaxD 1 rans. be -- ua :-- Including weet on TUITION ep Beatloness lemery, ies.0 per anni. gs particulars = Rav. THEO. SPETZ, CG. R.,D.D., President Berlin, June 17th, 1880, -- SIGN OF THE -- Ladies' and Children's wear at as reasonable prices as possible. Pepairs of all kinds done 1:22 ly end on short notice, button won scarps sey non tak ae ee price. ree th anon "TOMAS LAWSON; Sign of the Big Boot, No, 80, SHAKESPEARE-WAGONS Iron Axles, and the Celebrated Selfe DEMOCRATS cf wuperior quality -- BIG BOOT. Just received, a job lot of wilten's a A. WADELL | ae | 4 quantity of Water-proof Bah)