' 'BANK " six Million Dollar er forty" yeare, ---------~he Mr, Alex: Clark;-of Embro,-was.go- or Woodatick was, the larg) weight whitch will be u-ed ia coonection with the hanging of Buchs 1, Ltn weighs BWipound and tae cénsigned to She if Perry ef Woed "18 ck. The Berlin 'Newa siys: The good looking teller of one ci our banks THK CANADILs OF WON M ERcE EsPASLISHED Siecad Office, Toronto. Capital (Paid Up) $6 000,000 ' $500, 500 BR E. WALKER, General Manages. Res STRATFORD BRANCH. a general hambing bu ines iranead ted. ee dincounte f ail pointe a | Cart rma ittes int thee United States, Gr a, SAVINGS Bane DEF 4 ate Sat Deposits of #1 00 and v pearts cashew and cur- wan. rates of interest allo Inte ext added to the prince nat at Way aud November te eart: yea peer attention give on sche ca _-- of commer and farmer WwW. MAY cai J?, MANAGER the end of THE CLASSIC HUB. LOTS OF TATTLE # LOCALS LOOSELY LINKED, Dencerning Men and ad Things A Week of Life and Secnes About the City --Some- thing that will Interest Beeryone A charter bas beer granted fcr a new yaslroad from Port huren.to Massive City, Mise Kaox,.sho has teen giving read- ings and. recitations along the C.P.R in the Northwest and Hritish Columbia, will aus yeturn to QOstario to spend the ster at her home in St. Be 'Lhe death is announced, a @ age cf - $3; 0f Mee, Thor. Hyall, of Paris, Ont., who wih her hashanl Was ang the ear | liest pioneera of Brant connty, and wes greatiy esteemed by all who enjoyed the pleas ure of her acquaintance W. HH. Millman, ot Wo siidiake who deals pereer ai in the applé business every fall, ~ about cour b-hie this year's gird af 15.000 barrels, about 10,000 of which were purchased in Oxford. The whole means au outlay of mearly 350,000. The Wiarton fisher.nen Gre,now eet ing from their ---- grounda. The J.B Jones brought in three fish boats ia tow Wedverday, with their gangs, _ also a ot-fich cars, On past ser aes haa been a fairly sabseuatel one vate the fishermen. "The 'Sirata Counci! slat' off the water, the approach to the botredy because they would not pay regular cater, avd when the coutractors found they coul in't do without it they a the "tates ask+d for and resumed old stand John Oliver, of Blenheim township, wae stricken with sary bar on Thareday while visiting a friend ¥ aterloo shag P- ine was convey : ny the power « Bote Perha no in dividaal was better known or pe highly respected in tre county of Oxford than Le ty 'ing home the other vight, «efter a day's tax ~apilessing: he was attacked by two ~would- robbers, one of them "telzed his "horse while the other tried to pall him out of 'the buggy; but drawing his revo ver be red two shots, frightening them off, thinks that oné-of them waratruck. A simple looking «1 ject, which 'will prob ably have an interesting contitction with the Benwell tragedy, was on board a G. T; R. car which went throvngh Hamilton co Bridny morning «i Fite front Dow to was Wes rly paralyze da day or tWovgo, A lady caifed "and presented a che-4--to Te Sashed. Aa che was perfect st:auger, he agaid serv politely, Madar, you will have "ao bring some One to intreddve Jou before We can gers this check" Drawing hereelf ap quite heughtily. she said freezingiy, **But I do not wish to know you, pir" oe the Balvakien Some ot those pres sent had their doubts as 'othe correctncm of dais statement, but bad he told them: that his _*piritaal not his thoulu nreful what pres may to the ur- requentiy take thin wery literally. --Berlin Bx. - a4 edge Sie turers ae vg tekiog , oP tieir The recent thort win caused pone ol teem a little anxiety. October cheese at the handsome tigu The neord of the factory this ij A number le. the} out her "claration of the terHiule crime rhe was to r aa RER LOVE. THE nee RMT OF SARAH McMULLEN'S cniInN & Tie Feit fale Letiers SKA lef: Mer Weert tn etn Atte Suicide Prustrat- mg Gir [ndlicted rer Murder. HKulfslo, ig -Last week reference ¥ 48 nade \5 colmmes WwW & Wits hurling twe children over aaree r Creek bridge at Adson 2i miles cas Bafiate. Voe of Ihe ctiidren wae instant ly kilied atch Lie ver iertibyy dnjydred. Lae meses important features in kron bridge tregedy have just brought to light. sadic MuMaulien is held i wnarder, acm ally eeif aceuced. irs i O'C.nser, the dead girl's ik was sworn, and, punctuated wilh sighs ata scbe, she told the story of the fate! night. She said that she fast sew her daughter alive on Friday morning between Yend 10 o'clock, when the' lutie thing jooked ha & from the gate and smiled at herasshe rattooking outa; her through the window, Little Neliic had then start ed to visit Delta 4 She frequently visited her. Ihe next she beard of her waa when they told 'het that shy was dead. ice her testinony she Irquently re- vated, * I eaid my child muat be fodud. i must find the chiyiren." "What was your timt knowledge of the finding of the children 7" asked the coroner. * Thad gone two or three from Akron to Falkirk. 1. can't :emember all for I was about crazy 'They say it was alvut 2 or a o'elock that I met Patrick Brown and he told me that the children were found vet that my child was dead. I next saw my child at Mr, Brown's. There was never any trou: le between Sar © Mullen and myself or my child. 'tAre you acquainted with Simo Brown?' Yes. " Did you ever here of Sarah McMullen -- engeged tohim?' *-No sir, and t believe any thing ef the kind." "t W hat do you think was Narah Me- Maulien's object in throwing the children over the tiidge®' "I th'nk she was possessed of the devil. Ian say nothing else."' thes ee wi the been Hannan Brown, aunt to little Delia, waa then aworn. She keeps house for her brother, Simon Brown. Ail day _aey she Was &t Brown's until 7 50 left with Delia Brown and May 'Onna: Sne intended to go to "Falkirk. I said, "When you come back stop at the store and get some butter." Sarah aaid she would be beck 1n fitteen minutes, The distance to-F ukisk is at least 25 minutcs' walk, Over an bour after that the front door opened and Sarah came in. She held rand ead = Elcoked up at her and said: are you a?" She replied, "If you don't want to shake code with me, all righ " She went out and +hat the door> The children were tot with ber, Simon came in and I told him of Sarah's actions. He went into the bar-room, and the next I was someone crying out that Satah was in the water. I :an over on the bri ard took hold of her band ani hel pal her up from the water. a we get her tate the house Lasked her where #! left Delia, and she said, Was Delia with 2" yes. Then she said that the inst ahe saw of ber was at Bruce John- son a store. Miss Brown then testitied relereoce 4o the mysterious letter that Baie received ; of the trey: dy---the jetter which is tupposed to be the oue written by Jessie J&@suiond, of Rutfalo, in which Sadie was accused of stealing, . Miza Jesamend Was a ee: vant at Mre. Dunbar's, where. Sadie had also worked. Sadie at once began writing a letter to her aunt, Mre. Morgan, io Baflalo, ancd-mailed at that "Where commit within an hour. The Jiasie Jeas- mond letter, it eecme, has Leen destroy ed, Just as the testinwony was being closed Na tortey KA Hays eand ar ag Shrerilf c owded H t tv ui Coraser Mi ler. "They were fsitten by Sadie to ber anal, ¥ io Balk. rs. Morgan, , ove eof them Letog as follows: Aan, N. Y¥., Oct. 29, 1300. wi? r, Morgan : jou know that ie nes Tie x tat athe Yoet were Feu ye an yeey 1 hope Write secon essen, Scotch Lassie. The other was written tiv her not an hour before she murdered Neliio May Con- nor. Followingis an exact copy of the letter ; I mnmain your loving nice Oct. 81, 1800, Mra P Morgac Dear an Wien you edges will be far as 1 will" Frem Sapir, senle td 2 was then cleared, and Sones ome 'to her death by Mcallen at Akron, Linas» 4 Seleck in the evening of visiting her devgt ter, Mre, Gibb cf St, "Marys has te urned, She is in feeble 'health- Miss Ii. Carr accompanied by her wrother visited hec uncle Mr. P. Suir on deen residing at . epelog and enews has feturned to her home. The w siaand around this tia vi- ited 's ratlord on Thursday riday tset to attend the Convention. Me. MeKeilac his improved the appear. oplathe tin iafrent cf it. peandir got the pajile of S..5. No, 6, Down's who have teken whe igh: st nisrks at the @viober ex mia i ms.--Fifta capil" shoot Boxbs gle ; Sicior Fourth, Nettie Wood, ak tas pda wheson, Thoma: Murray. 'TFORD-- Feil W leading 'rom the N.Y. C. Matvoet or raid Nel Consors in minner and torm at CB The name of the s'ugsich little stream will have a new and « horrible significance to thé citizens of Akron until seme other tragedy obscures the memory of poor little -- May Consor. Withina few yards {the spot where Sadie MoMallen atten at i te take ber owt lifes wee enacted th tr-gedy which gave the sireim its grin 4 rte. = oe ¥y ®*70 46 calthy ged en Indian guide to conduct him 'rom Claret 09 he Generese valls tie etre pm at a place 2 . Akron, there ix « beantiful spring, ond near this place be traveler and his dusky guide camped fer the night. When the gay Cawn steam- «1 in thecagh the tree tops in the mormin why the creck. WARE! HARD STOVES, STOVES, BASE BURNEBS, COOK STOVES, RANGES, also STOVE BOARDS, & COALSCUTTLES. Large Stock, First Quality, Low Prices. JEFFREY BROS. SOME OF OUR PRICES. Goat Robes, $3.50 up. Buttalo Robes, lined and trimmed, $10.00. Bul- garian Lamb Coats, $20.00. Coon. Coats,.$30.00. _ Astracan Coats, $35.00 up. ~ Brikalera tanb- Coat.$50.00. Persian Lamb Coats, etc. Ladies Astracan Coats, made to measure, from $25.00 up. Ladies' Coney Capes, $3 50 and $4.50, Imitation Becr Capes, $8.00 Greenland Seal Capes with Storm collar, $12.00. Astracan Capes, from $8.00 to 12.00. Beaverette Capes, with Queen Anne Collar, $16.50. Beaver, Monkey, Seal, etc , at very low figures. A. J. MACPHERSON, Manufacturing Furrier. Bargains also in Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks and Valises at 64 ONTARIO ST. POWELL'S Market Square. THE CLASSIC CITY Barber Shop, MAFKET STREET. +. (Oppowite Corcoran's Ol} Stand.) rtley desires to inform the public that b has secured the serv of ype and is prepared to do Heir cut ae aving the best manner pestle. addition to athe in the Barber shop he has ¢pe oes outa beanoh uf th BRENTFORD STEAM LAUNDRY, and hopesto receive a fair share cf +o Parties requiring done shionld he ave ¢ pine i at the Clasie City ber ric ® right. "Corda Called for and a = anv partet te city aw € at ~ a ci Steam Laun- . + . ° e Surprising Bargains in all a ha asi lines of Dry Goods. James Hartley, -- Prop. NEW GOODS, : TON BROS. GREAT SALE OF BOOTS & SHOES A decided success, Barge 1ins in all lines for the balance of 'this month, A few pairs of Men's Long Boots at $1.85, | in stock yet. They are a bonanza. ' Goat and Buffalo Robes. We have always given good value' "ii goat robes; but" this year we have extra value to offeryou We do not want furrier's profits. We -are bound to clear out before New Years Cell and inspect before buying. Remember 'the place, HAMILTON BROS. Sole Agents for'S Sabin's ofl, the best waterproof ite JAMES STOCK, Wholesale and Retail, WINES AND LIQUORS, Has the best assorted and choi- cest brands of Wines' and Liquors inthecity. We defy competition in any line of our goods. Sole agent for Davies celebrated white Label Export Ale in pints and quarts: -- ; Very old Basses' ale and Gui- ness' Stout always: in stock; we also handle Dows' bottled ale and Labatts', Dominion, -Cosgrave's. and Toronto Brewing ales and porter. Giveus @ call and be sat- isfied. Worth's Block Market Square. You Don't Know ' Me, Eh!.. Boarders Wanted Several gentlemen boarders can aied within afew minutes wale pe the post if you don't, just drop Warm and ccmfe arta ble 1008) into Apr i ipl at Tw Traps office far ers Shav- sna ing Parlour, LO ST. opposite the Post Office, On the @th inst. a "Yackord ton t Sd Bcomet krepe t the best months oid, ¢t od fr tae premi cfun y workn Liv chop is the signed. Any cre cetur jars be .»thieit berber' hop. a the Weat, yewarded by HANI: OLOANE Make no m pista about it, ' Strattord, Nov.,.2Qin Tet). | JaMES BLOOMER, _Pa ropeletor. 'DRAPE R AND. JW. Glatke, "sso: Specialty $1. Kid Gloves. NEW PRICES. Prepare for the cold weath- er and buy your Flannels, Blankets, Wool Shawls, Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Underware, Gloves, Hoisery, etc, at Powell's, Market Square Note these prices: -Heavy pw Flannel, 18c., worth asc. ; Heavy Grey Flannel, A. Happy Thought Kange 20c. and z5c., cheap at 30c, ; Iu its tw and handsome dress. Feather Ticking, 1oc ,. worth. Mca 12%c.; Feather Ticking, Radiant Home. 1244c., - bargains ed a, ge ate ae Table Linen. 25c., teat . regen COR rie cs 30c,; Table Linen, 4oc, e a8 eee RICHELIEU, - Big bargains in Men's|*°" holed eninge, ls Shirts and Drawers, Heavy i velvet finish Wool Shawls, Lace Curtains, Velveteens, THE RADIA NT OAK, etc. A coal and wocd heater. ; Comr-Anp Seer Us. PER ING -F, EP . i r 4 * Bargains in Millinery at LOUR GRA? - G. A. POWELL'S,| and -- Market Square. UNSHIN = a ood Parlour Stev e fers . pai. 2 "9 x . * 3 . ar hana dy raged. Boa § i ae door to Hamilton; The Master coal heating stove in. we Titled of the money. - So this is rzs. Shoe Store. six sizes. rs the little stream is called M ' ---- Ce oes son' looper than were ie oe n 4 a manufacturers furrier, = SMITH Has again the largest and best display of BUCK'S STOVES AND FURNACES. 35,000 Thought aPey now ip usé in Can- "geal the de- oi operation and ) eon] 1, Ei