A Eottie Pitee wo Mee Witton. eoreg A btile fee at tye ecrebow: Fae Vi the fest nipto ; Ih. « tes Wide oe Hey pore ateide S15 ass ot a ft avy know. " al ai weary wenieler - ' : eo Bs on departiag. f sommuis there waa an iand bis flancee, mninons si- iil there ad reply 'neerfbing bis initials on her prograw rersolt seecned to casei when the aa- and winds swept over the fallen --_ and had come no wo mi Mepy a ate eer seit senk place between sf i vaid- 1 would trast Ate Yam ane et; ¢ t i > zy : hor sae : Lt i "4 ; h her argur nent qatetiy y sp 2ses, A + Heh ayes 5 ¢ " tony? was thtown upoa the good : * TY i Verschoehk. * Tha ? 4 fr we ~ i f oie, for y knows wit wiindad D Trat <ancboas': at Ci wii the unt KORTE Sore we anel tos thie ' ¢ ' t + ty is imperative: necessary a BE 7 Li OF TU: SEASON, pe t, il almost sharp ie 3 at Mr Dutt hard tut we d togtay ons at Ins cardoch, . i Cant. Ver slo Kifes# ahe was there: she iy to bt allowed to remain at Ta the pris { tranny drewing-re + Yiestinn was frequiutiy malied, * Wa wh > ! Jay thos, | ing be Bile Sac cr oP tis ai M Marz r read Bat wo one « aul qive tis tin ery, taste 1 fashiovable wpeapn ng Mik ror a g 7 s at } Ty becawe Mies Macgregor's attire wasp ot obs cnet harrnin ie td Fite. "rg taetere) ty eny tosh his pe +3 « of $ ix 3 my Child aat beir a Pimbdiste; lat vy the caver taggers of own oo dliionaire--the bridegroom, Maegreser ad doe Aer: danehior , . at ene Mrs who never cmidered th tiras bad been postule s vis to £28 : . fret pit a se het ithe Va a- Vibe ohh : . » atre hen - aR mk te : pag oe Aaa he burried of te ure evet trom Bote, te spare her pang uo she a es i b then a atti © ees dee Heater axa nt rtuer, aod ir redo xl tid; but Hester advocated a ditfereat , > at +> nen ™ = . ay So eno that "by or oem at ti sa of the bicw le-zokd waiform and the _ Course, ; the ackuewledzed suey the id ge Gite hak dress he would soon Bod et ber keow the worst, mama; it is Airs, Macgregor was the bi : an oe her, be sali to humeell »« the expewtation of bearing from bim, the op thint aa), of sunexorpuoce eit 'fat sts nett byw -eleet a5 one i lms isuepeeand disappointment, that is killing . for iis: tyat ie raw det" ching out ber narrow fncome with praise worthy skill, and whea Hester grew up, e* ren" eontrivinc, with her as-istance, to mvea tril in anticipation of the tine when her beauti- ful Effie should "come out," when she Knew extra expense: ajut be provided for. Hester wis --a bright +f tt ne pre tensivi.s te preitines, but ladylike andre 'or her no effort bad ever been the er eR and she was she never ¥ --thoughttowhat others might lave consid- ered the preference shown to her sister.) Ever since Efis ind been a baby. urged Leen like a little mother to her; and, her charms expanded, (he elder itbsacire : ae Sheer tees pert keen of the same ewtor be ences of ille newer euler When Lady Maegregor, their, anele's wife, wrote to Mra. Macgregor an sdvised ber to bring ie daughters to Edin , Mra Macgregor and Hester egreed that the Liter was come to trench upon the 7 ust be well drese @d, she must bave ever sai antaye- a docis | _ ba whieh pretty willfal Edie: with ber chedetale Abientilionl aw av vet aniline lips, was indisposed to dispute. Lady Macereco" invited ber relatives te} her handsome house in thertipalies thais.arrival. began; and alinost analy th @t least a doxen of # marriagent ep of Elinbargh were completely turned by the! _Eare beauty of Miss FE ith Maecre 2. i ae Shee yo mathe! aicnna's «} bimsa@f to the tras! Rome an acum irer hal attach the' shape of « looking Youn | rty of his own He paid Effie mark ed atte alin, which she received. with ade ture salisfactio;; aud her less important aidinirers shrank back with one accord fron any atteaipt to compte with tis. eligible Caudidate for the preity Miss Macgregor's ber eee and Mra. Macgregor and Hester, Lappy; she «Highted relatives of het engagement, with Hester, who bad of all to please, was charmed, for bad won all their hearts by his Vaess ancl honest admiration of Ef tie, » The wedding was to take place in June-- tiowas March tien--and Entire way to set about ehoosing her trousseau asspeedily as possi- >. Tuere were to bo no tiresome delays, weary indefinite prceeedingx Mr. Duff would fain have hulthe ceremony celebrat- Sd.iad but tiie haul alt the Seoich sup- 'kind- * was concerned. . = June, she declared, would be soon enongh. a * Mr. Duff had one cheractoristic which his a Katee Wait Stith te discover --he was of a jeal-} ' ems dis spoeitii mm. Now that Eifie was his pro- qised wife, ke did not care for the idea of her geing to batis in the way ste had bithertz A dove. Ifshe nmast go, be decided that she ought to sent exclusively with bimself. And to « certain extent be conveyed his make any protitives on tn subje ideas to Eitie, who li ee patie ats enoughy but dia not appear quite sere way tor "1 can't vabiion everybody," she said, "it would sex em #0 stupid---acd Iam very fond of dancin; "Then dance with me, Efile," orged Mr. Daft: "Ani not enongh fer you now!" "OF cor besitating tene thit was not lost upon 4 % os ears of ber intended, J ing went, at the first two or three eco ee they went to directly after their engagemen and Effie, though slightiy restive at bav ra to refuse a number of suppliants, ved al-! together very well, especially as Mr. Duif did | bot excel in Terpsichorean art--in fact, | badly. The idea rather dampened the prospect of the s' ball to Effie. " But her spirits rose -- on the morning ut Ah eventful 4 oh be {) Perbeps L bate auauima,"' "Was quite cerfali Of Tt Whi Se She EAUT Her aes tnluckyness of the bettityand~every ehay -she rege Mr. Daff carried bis pomt, as far as waltz-! din tt r i9 Music hall," £ tiysre, amy Peers snr Mr. I ANXMA Eds Was mew conscious eucugh to edesics of her life, * she would wh is sper, with the know emember thy *Any letters! lwo they bad begun to uaeng Rs Heater ph Daif enter . ty so well j eee vanl were dioursiag "S wee it was Hester who bfoke the tidings to / hearts," and, tothe torror aod wrath of th: her. She bore it-with wonderful' fortitude; | . young tmean, whirl ing rouud clasped Vorchorie, She Was very ¥ din the arus of Capt. (t 3 g~he -must. bay a vatie t rela ence, Mr. Daff told bim-elf, as he la Na them, and then by a mighty eff rt solve: the beigut of ber lif' was dimmnsd She t. eulure what puined him so exce ssding! y. Was never tie happy, light-hearted wt sret-ter te bared ur. Bile Macgrezor that she had b-en of yore, Capt. Verschoyle lauead to perf ction, an "and Wirk dave CUBS Tor tie Kisterco Mire: | Efile felt that sae wasth» observed of al' YeGregor died suddenly, and they were olmeF ters as she floated alonz, guided by thelef® a'mo-t penniless--p mion rs oa the irresisivle Capt, Verschoyle, Wuat a caangy Valter Geirge's plungins. £ Capt "Vereiey ir Was "ervetsarntest ner daucing--~> he said. She could nol refuse him at least two more dareos befoce the eventiug Was over sdeteravnel to have them that Eli+, af be: dec! juing at first, proceedai to doliberate nut lone that, the initialing toc has ng plac sonce Invre ou ber programme; and the counections "ty going out as duly bitshe was honest esough to admit to ber = Mace iut Bal es that she would have consid seed ita rent sapport handsome dragoon exjawseed hiiself to. a eerie exons gregor on Hester views 1 tue stats of affairs Recogtoeniy ouy re fi Balle found she coukl * aot care for George, ib was as well bo dine ivet rs a Pe hein Rison bey mllLacsaunte Ver, eo? wast tha goodiy supply of schoyie's woaltlt was ten timees greater ¢ inary Olive CRASS : 2 ~ Mr. Daif< He aud ven Are Elton was very kind to Effie, She | presumptive of an earl, 6 bee te (00k to her pale, delicate young governess & Countess Was my aceorlancs: wit) ®t once, and treated her from the first with ater ace ores ovaer 'Ber plata Ales; Mose thanortinary kindnes Dulf, of Ardiveh Park, One day, aboat a year utter Effie het But the mother's beart miszave » her. _Noj come to Mrs Eiton, the latter casually in- that -he disliked Capt, j formed her that sho expected a bride and mired him extrem : bridegroom t> dioner, There was to be a more polished f party of friends to most them, anl Effls was ir Meti But there was a sour Mrs. »o iastracted to appear with ber pupils in the could hardly explain we that sue div in no) evening. approve a about him: ani she was hones No suspicion ato the bride and bride- greved cry whens Eftie tinatty informe: groom erosssd her mind, uatil sé came faces vor, i ber, abut a neg inight afier the ball , Ua Acco: Bingly one afternoon he called at she aod Mr. Dutlf had said g: @i-by to eaci sregor's, when, bya hippy chance! other "ftir owns- 20 jealous, s0-tiresma, Doon! +peverhave-teen happy with him, "manmar | 4 "Voc have s ' Effie," added the widow, she confessed. tr At dgst the Hoot i Livy, ber, " sky. The dragoons werg ordered to leays 'Fae blue eyes grew misty as she thought "th avd to marca forchwith tjofherfolly. Like a scene sudlenly revealed, ster, Pale as marble, Effic--wh« shb realized exactly the part that Capt. was now deeply in love with Capt. Ver) Verseboyle bad had in ruining ber life. She | schoy ho--iliste ved to the news Lady Mav sae clearly that she had throwa away an grexor and Hes were rathr glad. i'hotest heart, that she had indeed sacrificed would bring cathe b be ater EMie, who bad pever been vers strong, and upon whew the unwontel ex Cifement hel alrewly begua to tel. Mr Macgregor was glad, too, inaway, She « afraidsic had notactol oy wise rE 'be cial. Bin bouest heart her pretty daughter bard Gisawal ! aside. She Teit certain that Capt. Verschoy)! would id » his duty; that his intentions wer Lonorable, But was this gay butterfly like ly to make a gyod stealy busband/ Bly poniered the question wery anxiously. I! Ecf«lad bad a father, or even an uncle, sh would have felt safer, and go to nla m foi counsel and support. Bat the Maecgrega lamdiy were strat gely devoid ot the maie ele y ment. Sir Robert bad been dead for severa andthe surviviag brother was in Aus | trat a Mrs. Macgregor, on ber side, lad ux rsikaek Lady-Macgregor was very Certain tha | Effie would be "all righ expressed herne at ad, gow that Capt. Verschoyle' ff departure had been tixed. tae family "--s0 she urse," she agreed in an unconvinced, seer hourly expect Effie's second engage _-- your desertion, that, if 1 ded ment to be anaounesd, Effie saw him ata flower show on the day alter the receigt of the unwelcome tidings She herself wasthe fairest Hower there, ic | her sinyple white straw bonnet, with i's whit trimmings; and Capt. Versebosle at ouca, as was his custom, took possession of hor. Bs You bave beard the news, I dare s1y! ihesaid. "Weare ordered off, Effis, Ima | have to go immediately.' She tried to smile. Sho trusted him; she was too inpoceat berse!{ to believe that br meant to go avd forget her. ~ fay, Mr. Dutt p " erystal heart-shaped locket, set round with Siamonds of great beauty, and surmounted by a lover's kot, also in diamoadsa magnificent decorations, the blaze of light, the gliteer of military trophies, _ fags, arn . rere couches, foustaine--what had been "fed thea they joined the tak ing with) tion: bul man, cerns | lsacagend face that anotuer cr sis heerfsiness--confiden: ---- his truth and honor. He hada certained from her all particulars about be: Highland bome; he had also made a note o | soon as be couls wba Certain matters ty which se ccs vagual impressed upon ber that for th: | present a must heir arran ts | aml bopes of fature patti Se strictly to ber! self, A there yet had a secre! 'neat bee motner or Hesie:| Eo cuact ahcueae ter sth monae \--she could not kesp ove fron them now. "i 'why! 9 is feos Sines the Seal after Lady Macgregor bat gone to har roo jto dress fordinner she confided to ber ik: Mr. Duif escorted _s round the rooms, fous listeners a good deal of Capt. Vers iteen pounds, and basa cavity in the bottont dancers, 'into 'or the choyle's courersation. seetury. After that Effie was { About a week later they left Elinburgi: Sequests for dances, many of whicl: abe de- Sed returned tothe sditude of their ok' dined re! enough. t presently | -- + a Lady Macrregor came up to and intro-| Arrived there, Eile began het 3 one of their hosts--Capt. Verschoyie-- | wd waitinz of the post. "" Cap: te wished it eo , t wisp Verschoyle's letter mo comme some day. 7 and g sky giance nothing convince ber to the contrary apesrd, me handsome, boid, dark . though the June and ; as eed wits deers . gaan gmaebomnag ll é = Mos, Bad he askal Every morning the anxious ex etek Br an testelih: George Duis | pectanay shanged jears ao ee ee "That ts the Lanc- eppointmest, aud every morning the paid) said to herseif:~" nt "Temorrow be bebeld bis beasntiful EM and fron that day ber 4 never repeated vi with cure a Living pang to say good-bye to Inverardoch, and to He was = earnest, face the Ellie a post w ia la bees aut cousin of her own é.protiy girl in bridal splendor, en some one you like y bette r pat ", 89 contented, while she-- t with uo oue save far off Hester w care for him indignantly. her address, for be mornt to write to her a &t-- -- old a ry. = did not die Sie strazgled eae hanks t» ber youth--in tealth again; tut unty of Lady Macgregor, hows lo exert themselves personally to pro- What a change it was to them--what a world aluono--for togetber they could not be! rane Macgregor -- to be --e ther hushand's nieces for disgracing the governess PPro "tO hate treet to and sbe was kind enough to procure for to face with her discarded lover. George Dut, whe, tookig7 both handsome ated harpy, was leaningover a low chair occupied by a A cold chill ran though Eis Macgrezor's veins, 'the girl-like wife looked so bri ght, E.lie--was serable and alone, a governess, a dependent, the substance for the shadow. Bai what availed it to revert mournfully to the past-- she -- must so bravely try t» face the lone- lv fu Mr. Dat came forward -- y to Effi. He held ber hand perhaps a secothl longer than bo need have dove; and then 'on would have seat away. But he was not to be repulseL Her pak, sad face suw'e him to the heart; be guessed her story, and his whole desire was to utter Che sentence th herear; white the bright ered Mis, Duff gazed with some curiosity upoa Mr. Daff's newly found friend. He asked after Hester, and then referred lightly to herself, Was she well--anl happy - Hester was in Es agland, and she herself was well and--hap; "And, Effie, have you not relented?" he asked. Relented! Was be mad! She looked. at ve never changed," said Goorge Daff "Tlovel you from the first day I saw yor Effie, Tlove yotstill I riade up my mind mot marry Fou, I would never marry any other wornan. "And our resolution broke down!" "How!' be inquired.* "What do yos mean!" : "That you married som one else after all."' Then Effie fousd out her misthke Th- * pretty bride cabot ag cousin; the Incky gpa airee~ was not Mr, Dull, months later he and = » were married; and Hose crowned her sister's happiness by ing up ber abode with them until she uged-it for one of -her own. _ Effi» looks Diese tho ¥ that she did uot she has been providentially i «i to ber own cate haven in, and shudders when 'she-recalls how waakly she at one orga stray- ed from it, For, as she once mid to Hes- "There are too many Capt. V Meriden in the world, and too few George D -- Balti- more News, Heaving the ae wud has # E expression "heavi How oe it dove and for the purpose, and is a bexagonal pyramid varying in weight from five to of FASHIONABLE AND ARTISTIC TAILORING. YM c A BLOCK Our fall stock is complete and we ome exeellent bnes of new suitings, tro Usgi wes an d over are sow, & coatings. We invite inspection of our goods, our pr: tees are excep" ionally close. CLARK'S BRICK YARD. Ihave fist opened a new kiln of DRAIN will be gble to get them in all sizes. 'RED PRESSED "pn wen areas and well manufactured, being mate the @ Sores bay attr im my yard the po ye aud well Keown a infty soo bare pverhape br ck mac hive = will stock of that « x ow hand also. Farmais and ethers wan Apply to A. J. CLARK, At the Yard, one mile south ~ofsthe- Gio Ty R= Station; Stratford. Strat'o: d, June 24, evo. harpy BLOOD DE THE KEY 1G HEALTH. Tnlocke a the dager arvennos of thse Is, Ki sand ne carry poli 4 4 peri oniet: C) pecrotions ; time i Acid tp or $ a cur ne 4 egy mses. Rib oa pein, Yiraimess, amtipatiou, "mesa Dinine.4 Si eart, T on on Debility; all these and many other --* Complains beet} mada T% MILSCRN 4 CG., Proprietens, 2uvals about esta of the teiligence metus of a Bis people agree with Tax S it mon and "things, sete come shane don't; but every! odd hhe hold of the newspaper and never afraid to ¢ pete "ts mind Democratic princip'es, nev weakening in its loyalty to the tine inter rty it serves with fearless in and disinterested vigor. times opinions-hare difeved as.to the ber plishing the common pur pose; itis net Tur Sen's. fault if it seen further into the miiistcne. THE SUN. 1891. ich is never Democrats know that for twenty sear Tr Sew has & sucht in the front line for er Waveri com oy seer hundred and ninety one will ear in American cing itics, everytedy Shonda read Tuer Sv 2 West End MEAT MARKET, Ontario Street, Stratford. JACOB PAULI, Prop., Dealer in all kinds of Meats. Poultry in Season, Ete,, Etc. TILE reo iela_to th °K opin és to ie au mg Ot bis W BR: TIFFIN. "i akin Ret THE Stratford Building "Helle! Ton filed to 200 yon, at hey it's sion atten Bit dow Rape xpath cr menting. "Siew's SL Scueaniueis os netal,~-aleays want Ba, 4 gi' 6§ seamed er pe Wher knew we ebonld have to be «What 9 wor nder! ul» az "~Persrcet"s Panty Mouriee: Basi ad "What! Why that's what bt want ed so bad, the publisher tell b ' -ltisa tack hammer ora new rarriage. andl be « make spec la. terms for yon, either fora cieh, or art cash, Peties 98 pon right oft an es Tem ly $2.00 a ven ' that in six mt) or cena 9 tWcents rect te the pidiisher, W ae = Qe #t, 1 East i" ith See New ? Pecenid be Premium iiet CLEARING SALE or PLANTS AT BURNHAM'S - GREEt HOSES. During the next 80 dsys, in ¢ ae + to Mieke Troos for winter flowering plants, I offer my « poten stock Be creed he nT Beger tos, ge ~, Palme, t witl surprise ye This ie not : f os i rab Sian T an upline tages a Of, Dare tires: aw» Sotue and sce me and hare ocular avidenes Roqueta cheaper me ye u cash "ee them, Lots ot white flowers bias, 2 fee high, 10¢, each, 12 for #1. weet SA fe. ren | A. H. ALEX NDER, CITY TICKET AGENT. cial cone way excursions to British Columisa, Washington Territory, Oregon, California, ac, Octoter lith amd Jlet, November Lith and Dth Gecember .2th and T6uh. Tick ets and Market Street, informaticn to be had at my ¢fler, Stratford Co. PERTH MUTUAL F. ECO ROTASLiaUED S068, BY ACT OT PARLIAMEDT, lasures ponies Merchandieo, ¥anutartories an' ci rice ot frestirable | ts r wat ny, m the coe of peemiun \ ROARD GF LIRECTORS: james Trow, Esq , M. P., Presiden °"W. Mowat, Esq , Banker, Soe Pry Thoinas tre, Eas © fore miter t, Strarfora 4 . SS a -* ssnleoacterd re oP . Cromatt: Bott: ites -- pete Mt iat & Hae dan, CLAS PACKERT, Ser, Treas. +3 Stratford, aug. 4. > 83 FAVETROUSHING | | PLUMBING, STEAM & GAS FITTING. HARRY O'NEIL a aac abave Lines on SHORTEST NOTICE! + SHOP NO, 999, BOWES BLOCK, Assurance Company has. ~ oe Full Gov emment deposit. 5 Low expenses and low death rate. cannot be sur- any other com- | Its' plans passed by pany. Ifyou want your risk car- ried cheap for the- protection of your fami, get the T. & G. installment bond; its equal cannot be found in life assur- ance and investment com- bined. ;|4. WADELL District Agent, box 066, Stratford C. Walker, Agent. Poole. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALSB. gy fe road mie distant femn the tie ney of the cles of stratford further teith. Exquire, orto E. Sydaey "Sutch. 'Barrister Stratford Stratton' Sept. 2, Leon, Th 5-08 Ww AGONS WAGONS, HE OLD, RELIABLE SHAKESPEARE WAGONS Still-beld the fort, and are abe. to _be Strongest anc ag Kucoimg Wagone I fron Antler; ont ts Celebrated Self------- Oiling Steel Tubular Axlés used e. on Farm and Spring Wagons Bs when. Ordered. Pic ine on paid . ax "a the ver weamty of a prep ace whecee, erp ror wnen Gauned celled and at LOWE ICES -GOLES aoe vEKoC RATS of superior quality and finkh abw on MILK WAGONS dase athe sega TRACK SULKY made in Ontario, built to order on short notice, GEO. MINGHIN een March 11, 1890, errr, wr NiED. err Aut i adas of reps, brer, wits, we wa lead, "tine, bottles and pape all Mods ef persis baad waren tor site te 38. B. MOXAGOMELRT,. 'ST. JEROME kg COLLEGE, --3 BERLIN, ONT Lerten ee OFFERS eplendid facilitiee ite CLasecal, Puthosormical end in Suonra. 6 asi bid ome . vee "Cor Tyravarnoe Trex :--Inclodirg BOARD, TUITION aed all ortereary ctype excep Books Sationery, €122.06 pe | Kay, TREO. SPETZ, OC, R..D.D., _ President Berlin, June 17th, 1890, BIG G BOOT, THOMAS LAWSON has his fall stock completed. Men's long boota, Kangiroo boots, t Rubbers and Overshoes in great variety. -- Ladies' and Children's wear at as reasonable prices as possible. A quantity of Water-proof Bal- , morals on hand. _ Pepairs peepee zee - an short notice, <é Just received, a job lot of women's batton and laced boots, slg al pec pe 4 | THOMAS LAWSON; i _Bign of the Big Boot, No. 80,