ONE PRICE. bees LORD 85% si a PRIRI Furniture --AND-- aint taragrnennianpare ieee 4 sey No Rae "and seventy-five ready-made suits in "in mind tliat we stating facts and egies Neve: er in the history of the. clothing trade -of Stratford, | have you been able to see such a large variety of styles, and prices in Men's, Youth's, Boy's and Children's Ready- made Clothing as we now have on exhibition on our tables We are showing over three hun- drei. and tweuty-five ready-made overcoats and over seven hundred ' men's youth's and boy's s:zes. Bear LI 1 feet lhe saying ere WILLIAM Dealer and Undertaker. ONTARIO ST. can vhow you when you visit us-the clothing we advertise. "s cape overcoats, $2, 2.25, 3 "Men's" Svercoats in disgonal at $5; all wool cued: nice coats, $6.50 and 7. Fine black, bound,, worsted overcoats $6.50, 10, 9-and<10, . Heavy..sll-wool. storm | ts, extra aera with deep} jis 'Ont overcoa collar, $7 and 8. Fine, all "woo, | melton overcoats $10 and 14 ; blue' nap beaver $10, brown nap beaver $11. Boy's 2 piece suits $1.75 to 5. Boys 8 piece suits $2.50 to 6. Boy's and youth's suits, long pants, aie 75 PenwDlen's sack, suits 30 to ll Men's skirt suits $11, 12 and 18. We invite. yon to examine the ma- f .ntepal-ond-meking,..trythe-fit of our mon's suits and we are sure your. judgement will be that they are' nearly equal to ordered work and by far the best ready made clothing you've scen. y and 3.75, without capea at reduced CR 50m 6 -_------. --- 0+ -------- Thornton & Douglas, | Manufacturing Clo- thiers. __4_ Market St., Stratford Ont. -HOTIGR-70-CHNTRAGOBS.- Seale 1 Tenders addieeet 1eae ""Tornde fersigned, and end ctr Date y, 'aya 'mi: ) tary Co ee St Kingston, Ont.," will bi- received this « until " Dees oy ae Pa ths eetenl & orks required in the e cction of Dorm. Building, Royal M litary Col'eze Kingston, Specification: can be seen atthe D partment of ae Works, Dpanwe, pad ot the offs af Messrs. architec's, King Fite Nov. 21, 1500, and con. siden d uo ew mate oF the form supplied, agd --* with the Apr ugertey lagg of tenderers. ed bonk chequ , payable to the order cfthe ¥ Minister of Pablic W ri equal to five per cent of amount se a "yy each s party. Bi sip the € outract, oF ae brennan kr ae --s racted for, and will be retu in wap acreage tender. department doe not bind itself to accept Sie lewtet crany orter Fy onder. A. GOBEIL, Depntinces of Public Works, } istiana Sancicaasdennianiacle "st For Sale ---- | Bits fice saree Water 'Bpaniel. Inquire at Tur RANK OF MONTREAL. A tay vi department has becn- opened: incon nection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates, THOS. PLUMMER, _. Manager Stratford Branch. ide 'form scpplied,.and ened with th FENDERS "WANTED. Bealet Tenders etic'. to > _ Badersign ender gh st --_ bank cheque payable to the order of ae io' tr ee warts, amare to fiveser cent, of am san'. of ten # wapany each tender. 'This thes qee will Pe, forfeite a if the party decline the contrast or fail bo ee 'ete th: work con- traci-d for, ant will be reiurnot ia case of non- @ coma of eh. The D putment die not bind it olf to accept the lowest of ony tes der, By crder, Sccretary. Department of pie Wo ka) Ottawa, lvth Nov. 20k of NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS. In the matter of thease estete of Wer, late of the Towmhip of Bliice, in the Cinnty of Perth, yeoman -dee. ane, Pursuatt to the provis ion of Chapter 110 revised More, tintario Is-7, = ction 36. All creditor and agg + having distin against the estate of the said 4 died about Tith day of oc « chee 1493, are on or before the Sath day of December 1690 to sound by ye post prepaid to Jehn nu, me le O, the eoutor, Christion a d © eee' tien, full particulars of their clairas and of thre nat- ure of securities, if any, be} y them, after which time the exe estate will "I Wonder What Would be Suitable" A comminn 'remark in buy-/ ing presents, and how true it Christmas presents are up- permost in your mind. We can aid youin your search by just suggesting a call to our store, the call will do the. rest. No prettier or more useful rs any wher, "Exquisitely the ark a WO yoo St], saoop ssrud a0 7 ae { 'SO0TIgd AO'T JO SdopBery oy, Meicie 0 ANY SHaHLOWA NVWAAOH + . WAINDOD NIVONVA WO _ pees the be NOW onsen To secure one of the-best Carpets made for very little money. |) We-will- clear cut $2,000 worth | against of Wilton and Exminster carpets at $1.50 per yard, just 150. more than five frame Brussels... Manufacturers prices for these goods was 1.70 and 1.80 per yard. Regular price 2 25 HYSLOP, | Market Square, Importer of Dry Gocds, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Cornice Poles, Wall Papers, Stair Reds and Brass Goods. 4 ey kuown to Shannen, TRUE LOVE RUNS SHOOTHLY. BDetrothed in _--_ Five} Fears Aye and Mar- ried Near hramesa. Eramows, Nov. 25 --A wedding sttend ed by considerable romance occur the Catholic mr teh at Oustic. searaego Vasconi Plo and Carlotta 'Ow sola plighted thelr troth in Lomberdy Italy, and the-youbg man came to Era mors to start life inthe pew world By iudustry if waa not long before he wa 'ready to send for hia betrottied, and thi fall faithful Cer'otta and her fsther ar- ied in-New York, where they werp met by Vaacon al, and the father handed over hua daughter to. the care <f her lover and retuinelto his nstive lacd. Tae young conple came on to their new tie wedding ceremony was periocned by Father ter Is wes @ text casion, the Italian Colony in that neighbor hoed pari in fnll force, along wit: i 'Fire rewsedd ote ie picta peouen onde me of her country 'nd sue party fovmed a » pretty pic oture, ve THE EAsT | Zone CASE. Hrumtnution oe John Shannon on the arge ef Shooting Uroryge Mamma Woopstock, Nov. 28,--John Srannop of Eost Zorra game up fur examination at the Police Court to-day on the shooting with iatent to kill Geo, D, fem, the Jenne German schoel teacher of S. 8. on the evening of the 1tth inst. : aor isa man about di years of age, and isunmarried. The story brought cur at the examination is one cf considerabl interest. There is hardly any evidence nop, und turpicion. points te him simply and colely becanze he is the only man as far as known who could ei a motivé. 'That motive is said to te jealousy... Shannon, though o'd esougho- be the father of a :¢ pectable family, has for some time becn deeply in love with « pert aod aay littl German susie nam an Woegester, not more than jnlt- hens Send has efforts to secure her love in etary, always repulsed him aud rejected his presents end his professions Shannen tooa his faiiure very much fo beart, and brooded over his troubiea in silenie and solitude. Strange stories are told of his having been found sitting alens in the woods, weeping bitterly and alond. He has spoken of his sunow to M their sympathy and aid. (eo the young school teacher, is the actepted lover of Stise Wagester, and the fact is generally known jn the neigborhcod w here the parties that. is..was Theeare the fects | on which the theory of the Crown js based, and there xre about all "that have been vent ine Tt waa not even proven that Shannon knew ct the engagement of 'Damm and Mies WVagesier. The only other evidence was that furnished by & lar named Humphrey, who awere tbat eo saW a tran carrying a gun on the concession of East Zorra on the sy " -- shooting, about a mile and a Mall trom ere Damm was shot. He swore that " the man resembled Shannooe, and the gun odked like a gun produced which was pes) in Shannon's barn, Damm was shot with a charge of slugs, nine cut of fifteen entering his head, and f*em_ the powder marks left nthe window chroot which the shot wus fired the muzzie ofthe gun could not have been more than a foot or so from him. He was = enough to NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Inthe matter of the estate of ba Crick, late of the Toerehip ot § aententon on int! he County of Perth, Farmer, Notice is he eby alven in apo 6 Chapter 110 of the Revised statutes of Ontario Crick (who died ber 1:0. at the City of Stratford) are hereby re qui send by prepaid, or otherwise de- liver to Richa d Puddi ombe of th of Strat- tord, Gentleman, the cdminktra Estate effects of the -- tiem Crick, deceased, on or before the Joth di 7 becom lesbo, their Chris names and de- ser ma, the fall parr icula cf their claimsa statement of their ac a the nature of the securities (if any) he! a by. "th And Notice is torther pe 'that after the ssid Taxt mention an said aden ; proceed to distribute the s of the sald de. ceased amongst t ies a ing regard only tothe claims cf w been given as above red. And the said ad- E. Syd Schicitor for Dated at Seratford this ist day of ee MEN 'WANTED. T® v. 8. NURSERY Go., # Rochester N. Y., haw ©. Phillips President, hate good reltabi recry Stock, which is as good will pay salary, cou and ex- week; give permanent here cou hoo it trea. All letters of envuiry addres eceive prompt #GLAR, wenetal ia hee "* Courtland Ont. Conservatives" Attention A special meetibyg of ea Stratford A*sociation will Ye eld ee by ny nom Hotel on Thuredsy sharp. A large attenda D. SCRIMGEOUR Presidens. Found. i euidll gum al naenay on on Monday Nov. Sith, 1990. Owner can penn § by and paying for thie advt. at office. ue. Stop that Curonic Coven: Now! secur board th attend the-exsmination; -- ie -eren was thiraculoce. A good deal of merti- ment was caused while Mirs Wegester Way On the stand. "Sho wad Shannon met a -- morning 'n a turnip field and ed to kiss her but ahe refused, and the ne prisoner began crying Afterwards he a3 5 ya precents on her. Detective John Murray been working cn the case fora day or 80. a ANCE FROM REAL LIVE An English Emigrant Girt an& How She Found Her Husband, Baleville, Nov. 26.--Miss Ada Gunn, a handsome young English immigrant who came out te.this ccuntry a couple of weeke ago, isin rare tuck. On board the vesrel there sailed with her from Liverpool an pie man, who was coining out to Canada to join his son who had established him- self in Port Moody, B.C. The old gentle- man euggested that his eon might want a a such a one as his companion-- deu't an mind he would bioach the qu to him when he arrived fn British Columbia. --Miew Gionn- came onto Beile- vit ite and secured work as a domestic with True to bis promise the father had Inst no time in bringing up the euh yect of the young English girl whom he had interested to mail cast bronghs an offer of marriage Mies Gunn and enclosed in the envelope Was mncney enongh to pay her expenses acroes the continent tothe lover whom ashe had never eee r the congratula- tions of friends whom she had met, during her atart sojourn in the Bay City. i i Methodist ae Senter. The 66th anauval report of the Mission- ary Society of the Methodist Ciffrch has The total income for 889-90 amounted to or a net over vious year of $4,251 02; this amount the Guei _con- of tributed $17,383.13 { this 'latter sum St. Marys' cistrict gave $1, 866.19, coming third in the conference, as }eontributed. Stratford district gave $1 rie 313.70, The different stations and cir- For it do not it may Géeome a er $1,692.01; district, ot 083.61, cme et 2 i ss 'BY AND -DUG-ARE OWE... | @ "numerous tT A CENT SAVED IS A-CENT GAINED. _---- i will not only save you cents but dollars, if you purchase fre mime I aove my drag tock to Rankin's corner eatly m 1891, and retire from the other lines, conseauestly Iam offeung my large stock of Stationery, Books, fexcept school and annuals) Bi- bles, Prayer and Hymn Bookr, Fancy Goods, Albums, Xmas Cards and Booklets, For eas only) at special discounts which will be enumerated next week. The Sale Commences To-Day De- , cember,:2, 1890 and the place is BOSWORTH'S 17. MARKET STREET, STRATFORD. TUE CITY ALDERMEN, { 4 Citizen Aska for Damages Done to His Deg The ne 9 ho ware Deing Nicely Under Their nace & Kn farce Kestraint--1he Operation nit A com trom € has Jones and Thos. f Seen re bea Su cleaning = a ditch was 5 velerved ie the B. of W t J ri arked New-York, ae 26.--Se sornnie:t ovthern nt "a ex perniiselon to erect a tile deatn have oretned the. remarkabie. surgical... + ccarding n ditch, Thee Me joCarthy.conm- operation of transplanting a bone from a Lappe that y desired the council to have it filled dog to the tegef Johnay Geth ur, which ei as read from E Ryd Sai was saviicmed by Dr, A. M. Phe'ps at the | atten tr a ie cast end - ye ee ebarity hospital on Blackwell's Island | Ald y. wands thourht the sect vasa little vemature aod a tetlection upon the polic Torte 'i ago, Boyamd dog are one. | fit f tho come cplnen bie OD tet bas: to prevent any lahereeaiien about the | astrd to have fi patient being given to the public. The | Jedd --t- ran boy and the t dog were set in a room by be Coilerte on his houses occupied until recently by cle ve Fe taxes crn. oma mitted: Facer wears a w6C of Rk except iishoun aud nurses and ee fire limit by-law ze was remitted in Ald. mais he case, wm occasional friend "of Df. Phelps. A man last right, however who isalmost as | well informed about the case as Dr. Phelps he. knew. about.the bone A pres ois as read oe the Capt. tf the Salva- and the ca: cK committce to expend Revs BE. w and- Mr. himesil, ive he ena Stone asked that the ueual rant REMARK ee aeKate. eee Oren«A- i pert --RKomee Park on Downie St, to | be Advertiaed for Sate-- Other Matters of en ----ieaeer Finpertimce: en The IS ae fa Deg aieting to the Bont of hi Ashes te sg Le _ tegulas teat of the City Ceuncil was held Per janes ae appiied for rertaston of taxes nO efit "Thos Or ine Le posed re fire lunit by-law ro. John Morris asked that no taxes' kI can safety say," he said, " tae PT) af the indications are largely in favor of success in the attempt to engraft . piece cf the dog's bone into the leg of the Mee hapies' Institute | £3 "The matter of the $. G C. was referred to the ot KR, Pratt + be made to The usual grans of $120 Sees Stratford, #83 16 be Lael be the city to Pratt. The cit ty's costs amounts Keferred ta Finance Comittee. boy Their tleeh has geown together, and uvless all signs fail, union has begun be tween their bones.' Th } a ibed th 1 te FINASCHK BEPORT. | @ man then descri he plaster | »; . 'casts, and raid thet there was no trati in the assertion that nothing reliable could he - Haake, | rica cvileoe @ 0.09 learned about the encceze or fai ure of the Dr. W. N. Rebertson, medical operation until the plaster casts that ovidi Potter,....... 10.00 hound the boy and dog together have bron | Bernt of Works, ees 4 removed. Nota day bas passed that the t phpicinas hase pot inspected the wound | if need be, the exterior of the connec- Cg iy Goulsing. . supplicn ticn between ave dressed Scrimgeour planing... 8.09 without pao ce Tors ~ ro cast on} Fire Water and Light fpr ken, o ages _ = e dog, Joho Mores, emg cree seeves ¢ 46 or the plaster ctidla that yet gt ge 'arvin, COM)... .-essenae 6 o% firmly together. Probably the most certain Electric Light for -- paiecinsie pee indication of -- between the bones and 4 pint upon which great strees is always laid by aurgeous is the fact that ever since the operation the temperatures ot both - boy and the dog have been normal. Fey indicates that the union of broken Seuss is not progressing favorably. Market and Police. M. Bidwe Tegining od edbninndymens Sikidle and the dog Braet Ih ay tg be made for at least a couple of i ii _----++or - --__--_ AVONTON, ' ' The farmers who-have beea slow have thon of : a chance Of catching up autumn, the bee weather has been exceedingly favorable, enn --At 8 meting be ee noe «++» Mr. Alex. Hotson, a genial bes finished threshing and the yield of the grain is above the avert: Pies tr. eg Th mpecon bas for some ti eas agheee Mitte if int vt t H z 4 i with a severe cold and are glad to kuow that he is abie to be a bout again... nearly all the peo that we have vot crop for several year township... The time ot b rags will not be l-es helt gs i t aiitenk te ia about csapletele This new structure has a very commandin; ¢s the traveller thine. call to. Mr. McClaren His sermons as preached at Avonton it ex- of Divine truth.,.. Following is the of the three pils in classes of Oct. | and Nov. in S. 8. No.7, Downie. Sr. 4th, F Gibson, Newton Hi. Jr. 4th, Herbert White, Alexander ye Lamb, Willie Murray, J oe array, 'Jr. Sed, Rerniy, Bors Willie Good, Fred "White....Mr. Robbie Robson, formerly a pu Not until the dog's u forea cut O'Flaherty & "Gui 8.00 away from the boy's leg wil ib it be | haere Park and Cemetery. . beyond the ity of doubt that the Cemetery Pay Sheet.....+ -.-.-6 $450 canine bone become aaa pumated with Pay: Sheet... 0 e boy's --The committes reported the lot on The final o of separating Johany Seocne Bt be veld and tenders advertieed ore: E i