KRenoseors Book Horn e Stratford 'ime SLEIGHS I@imense Stock at Kerners Aes Sere. ae fi | | | VOL. XV. STRATFORD, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, aah _ 1890. -- _No. 779 Births, Marriages ani Deaths. HIATUS. "f et Ha Waki "tat a gar - AtM joan on the 1th uit, ard, John James Carson to vb th uf Ms tank ry Fron tay canon -MatEIS - Joulxstos* witans © of the brid at id, Man, Mies? thes yomak A. U Lara, tT r = Lathern Lyman DEATHS. Btratiors,; on thre Ist inst, Michaet Sth inst., Tiomas David Dun- David re. mm the 3rd inet. ean # moter the Sth a Were: COLWEL!,.-ta ta Miteoe aie "on Wile of Robert Colwell, aged ¥ meath hs Istiaw'. Isabella, afagand 7 titrations, ou Sunday, Dee., 7, 1990 Joveph Richard Kibura in hs Sath yout _-- AROUND TH-C1TY.- a Protest: wag loaded: at both -- a) jingle, beiis. * BSatardays Market wos the largest so far ar, A sumber of citizens are suffering from ppe. bout Model Sches} Examinations began Monday. Read a Brien Bros, announcement in this iss Mr Kd. Bronch has. resovered. froma severe sold, The sleighing has made quite an improve- mentin business. ~™Shitch's Caan mption Cure at E. J. Joho's Drag Store, Market Squar Brodbagen's orchestra has Sal eagaged * -- at the Fireman's ball Seaforth, Dec. -- wis election of officers of the C. M. A., will be held this Wednesday. A full attendance requested. The police court has been supplied with real cane, hand painted chairs. Fin will be heavier until these are paid for. Who oe . Fag * cette. Dr, er rape Pra rie, was week the guest of his ba T. Hagarty, of the Com- "The Winnipeg Free Press of 'a recent date publishes a lengthy notice of the deatif of De. Gilbert of Carberry, Man., formerly of this city. Thowe wishing tee Jeo. J. hore icthnc farms sod terms for selling ote and fer loaning money can see Stratford,.at the Royal Hotel on Mon- asy, Dec. Lith. O'Brien Broz. have removed inte mele buildiag next to the Ti oysters at all rs. Tue Tiwes hopes that O'Brien Bros will do well in their new quarters. "Ta Ufis issue ------ * Co. announce bargains can d ; they have a varied aud excellent stock to select from of all the leading and » beat ae of saaltaes i in the Dominion. \ Tue Tiwes is in receipt of the Canadi Almanac for 1831, published by The Copp- Clarke Co. limited, Toronto, t is withoat bt | Did our Grit friends here any- | Shing drep. _ COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD. Mir. Btoct Preamte « Len ~-s3 ting and Carefully SE ting of the abov above board accounts were separa fe "AROOND Tae PY. 2. LS. A, F. a The Little Seite ay oun stock is al ways supe rb; tA! it is ail | opened out at T. Wait Piting on the 'Agony The Collegiate Insti: appointed two new ¢ mercial master at @ wal lary of 3: 700 : a} moe master at $1000. The members of | he , Collegiate Instita: we Board are, Chair i tan Macgregor, UO Fiakerty, MeTher n, | Steet aod Taking off $400 from principals salary makes an increas 4a with the two recent snneiz stmeata of $1,400 | to he added to the total of the overpate a} staff of teachers. Keep it going gentlemen | the country's rich ! acher 0 "| Sorin mar. Hetra Special Souvenir | Photographic book (entitled arcund the world} contataing $1 photographic views | of foreign cities will be -- nied fo-every cuntonner for one wrek lated sugar for $1 with lib. a' Ceylon Himalaya tes Phenome nal, unsurpassed i S Progteskive, -- tor ire Tea fellows: Block. Stratford, 10 branch stores 20 agencies, Literary ihtertainmo nt Last Wednesday evening the Model School gave their concluding literary -- en- tertainmentin the Coll, Inst. Assembly Hall. It was commenced at about three quarters of an hour after the time adver- ime Ballantyne ani M h and Hill, and the solo by Miss McKenzie were especially good. Very well render- €4 recitations were given by Mine? Clax. ton Macdonald and Craib. The instre- mental part was further aided by Misses Aissns, Megan, McKoight and Mra Stone, fre etadente sang a" burr saw" chorty- and re spat ded to their encore by repeating it au octave higher. They also gave a dialo gue bat the gentlemen dil not speak loud eusagh to be well heard. 4 Bospornt Went Mr. W. R. McFadden, son of Jam McFadden Esq , ot this city writes iow 'ony Montana, as foliowa :--'*I chad in tended payicg Stratford a visit Christmas bat Lam -- to do eo, however I will Vv and you next summer. We had yqeite a. thriviog mining town here business very I had jast got in a large stock of holiday goods and psid for them when mines shat down, and now there are only a very. few families left here however, better times are for in ag spring and I guess we will come out all ek fe are having some of the nicest no here at present that you can imagine. "I suppose the streets in Strat- ford are somewhat muddy, as I think they enerally were about this time of year. whea ie asthere, Idonot euppose that if I should go beat that I would know the - as,from all accounts, it bas changed a t deal in tne last eight years, you eed I have not been there since 1882. Wanted-- Aloan. of $1,000 pay electio Xpenses at the Grit coummitiee rooms. Among the Sectetics. Apply KE the annual meeting--of Tecumseh Royal Arch Chapter, Stratford, on Tues. day evening, officers were elected for the current year as follows :-- ¥. Comp. F. W. Gearing. "J. 1. Moore, G. I. B J. McFadden, i P. A. Hepburn, Jan'r. eee lodge, No! meuing year Bro. Allred Hirst. the regular m . M., Qualifiertions of aunteleet Councitiors The P etrolia Anivertiser a of the uaaliationn of councillors 1, He moral rs Beery fv judgment, broad views, <r who will L. S.A. T. ©. | hiee wddition t% sie of DIEDIN HER BALL DRESS Mretty German Gir Prom a Dhauce ' Returns ae mined tpaveseitea Need i~ Laat evening, ictin of self- lestre: rome ia streaked with an ugly as ia wet aud stained She sas ouly 21 yeare ol), bright, attractive, and with a hias py if b ay i her.g Ja that in -- which . mn ulcontrollable jcalouly al eaten sie young lite, andina mont hotrible manner. * Hin: na Fitzenmayer was a native of Ger many. wo years ago she came to this city and made her home with her ajater And apparently a contented life, Last night she allin the Gor brane building araeh street, which gathered to gether the German tada and lasses of the tows. + Was aoc -- by her-sister, Mra.' Uehry F Imma ha husband, a6.ay SHA Hi emed to av apy sted to be inte erected in « meat be made. about 12 vister noticed Emma had left the room. She the bai siding alone oa rétiirtied to hér fioine. "Wer brother n-law was sitting up for hit wife. Mies Fiteneater made a few inqairics about a child whe had been ill with a c id, and Mr. Schmidt thought her early return fe om the ball without hee sister was owing to her anxiety in regard to the child's con ithe Emma 'remained at home but a few minutes and-returned tothe ball, She Was an active participant in the festivities for about two hours, when she was again missed by her sister. Miss Fitzenmayer had again returned to her home, and alone. The brother-in: law waa stil sitting up awaiting the return of hia wife. He was su! w torn, but made no tom: ment cther than to ask when his wife might be expe.ted home Emma went up stairs to a second sory. POUR Over the kitchen end shut--the----deor, Whea Mrs. Schmidt returned from the dance about half an hour later she inquir- od after her sigte Then " appalling lixcovery Was meds, The body of the nthe ilsor Her throat was cut so deeply as to nearly sever the head from the body. From the position of the body it is surmised that she stood before the looking glass when she committed the awful deed. She bad always been «f | light-hearted, cheerful disposition, and had not, so far as known to her family, been receiving marked attention from any gentieman:~ "Phe supposition that jealousy was the cause of tno suicide is based on the statement of a person on Hy was present at the bail. This person says that Misa. ftzenmayer showed signs of uncontrol- lable pique over the indifference of a young manin whom she seemed to be greatly taderested and whose attentions to other young oe -- to give her considers ble ann: " 'WARDENSHIP 1 THE FoR "Oo! The oputar Candidate for the Position. Thomas Erskine Hay, Keeve of Listowel, ia the third surviving son of Robert and Casiarten ay e was _-- near Dun- and came a with various times and has always devoted his time and talents to every heme for its obdject the iz- ag ement of Listowel. He is a cord takes avery active part in politi bat withal Mr. Hay is Likeral i in his Silene, He was one of the chiet promoters of the Listowel "sem Mr. thay 7 at present Reeve of Listowel, and is ndidate for the Wardenship for iso ont will ia probability be elected eis a man pr ere het and -- is certainly dezervi om o The Neig Deighing of of the Reinders. An old gentleman wi was observed driving down Erie St rather late one evening last week, c in snowy white fur. -- whiakers and bent form His presence about town caused a cipete of excitement. yn in thought of their cutters and r The -- boy wished for Thursday, the 25th. Qin! The " boozer" sighed for hot rum and sour whiskey. The Avon ward ' belies" thought of sealskin jackets and echionate parties, The Aldermen wished their time was hoki' and that public opinion was not so The poor sighed and prayed for a mild wrth married ladies sighed but did ve wnt yor " sek edirint "postions Buawles sighed "aod Lbs ed for their wo Society itself snd Count Tolstoi ac re Lord Picadill we weal rade men. managers wished for a hard **| tax fo ser "ot East Zorra, has skipped TELL-TALE aChars | -- H Trial of All. Egan, of Windsor. on tw | Charge of Robbing the Waits. Windsor, Ont}. Deeember 5.--Charies | giet, a registered letter clerk, testified | + e Bgan case this afternoon that on | f' Nove r Jl, his aatentio had ¢ Vindsor letters, by "the tearing rope pened the alot of E gan's compartment, and saw Fgan had pie in his hand, -- _ Ndant threw in a rabbis h t lobby el ap « fice. hed eut the piece apes, his desk and examined them. he capital letter" E" was one and thé. words "' five dollars" on anc sth er. Witness calied Cterk Conway and gave t vita the pieces of paper. Conway took nem up-ataira, Witcess joined him after ainaee, and they posted them together The result wasa letter written by Wilham Horne, of Geeto, to E Rodd, of Windsor. Clerk Conway, of Windsor Post Ottice, stated he received the pieces of paper frum Beuglet. He went to Inspector Barker room, examined them and began pasting them together. It teok them four hours to do tha-waork, Examination etth in pro Huater--Ald Egan beep com mitted for triat. nbd } acted to Egan, who harge of | f paper. cn of paper ot or ive To THe on the Day Ajter Day SHKRbROUK K, Nee tague, who is te be hanged on for the murder Latron- the 10th and seems to pay little attention to any- 2. thing going o Alice Smith Married Buffalo, Dec. 7,--Pretty Alice Smith, one of the most interesting of the witnesses fot thé prosecution in the Birchall trial, is now Alice Smith Blount, havieg married Joseph Blount, the Niagara Falls police- man, 'he marriage was ae in ry Hall at 4 o'clock y a afternoon, and the old-timers whe wit- nessed the brief bet impressive ceremony say the lady was the handeoment bride who ever graced the City hall, --The groom crepe ed a two dollar bill into the mayor's charity box, ome the happy couple left for Niagara Pa Who'll pay the costs. Tone ph Watson's Death. In the case of Joeeph Watson, who wis found lying on a Pt. Huron sidewalk one night last week with his skull smashed, and who died shortly ee the coroner's jury has brought in a ve that the death was the result of his acc a dentally fall- owe staire while scullling with an old an named Morris Powers Sun, in iti from Way- Back. Boneo, Ia., Dec. "2 By ron Devereaux, who has only been in the city «short time, was a week ago last Sunday nn and he joined the chrigtian church. On W -- night he eloped with - of the ra, Mrs. James E. Davy Mra. Davis left a note to her husband, ing it would be usetess for him to fullow her. Save 2 me from my friends--Dr Ahrens Eleped to Toronto. Woodstoc Dec. 3. 3.--John L. Brown, T oon Fri- day they appeared to be henntiiy enjoying their vacation, ORT ich = ry, Tux Times regrets to learn of the sudden death of Joseph R, Kilburn, -- this city, which occurred Sanday morning. The deceased ailing - a a wumbee of years, Hews a good a man universally esteemed sod pote The many friends of Thomas Cale, will regret to learn of his demise, which occur- Friday of Soi late Mr. ari Protest take the pre profit out of dentisty. A sc aia ¥ ¥ BVENT. 2} ' HMUMEN'S PICTING Murriage ef Mr WHE Turntetl and tlice A. Burk, (Bracttord Coarier ? those plestant os etert sctie'y tock place * te marriage ¢ fr. W al mma- | " * The | bay midence of the if ocloek this | luxario naely ter tor whi by de Ss, chryranthe anda in th wathee the orks ony, ove "br chewnr for oat cotlent repent sen th rota waneee ¥ vane -- Tecetred the hearty 23 ol. thete frion: too pBitme orcas 66 <f of au eager ster! entitled a McKay and Miss Tarn! yall, the two attended the K Mr. at td Mrs ladt'ce being sistere ¢{ the groom wedding Somebody hit me in the neck-- A Grit organizer. STRATFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Rest Pupils for the Month of Necember. Avon--Mise Drinvan's teom: =~ Seniors Percy Barker, Jessie Wilson; tanior, Roy Nasmyth, Saat Dinwe rdie, , Leon Goettler, Magi Wied. say Malcolm, 4 pete ueelaonis Farstarr -- Miss McKenzie's room -- Chas, Yorick, Anbiec Perry, Miss Lydia Dent---Geo. McMullen, Em ma Schweitz Missa C tor room-- Part U,Len. Wright, Mary Burnham; part 1, Wm. Cane, Daiay Gordon, Cextust--Miss E. Lo Walker's room-- Mailison, E, Brotherhood, Greenley's ro-m--Wm. Stevenson, R. Addie Tout Miss Patterson's room--Laidlaw MeCul- loch, Mavd Blam, Miss Fo raked, room--Pait IT, Syduey Cook, " leas McMullen; part 1, ucButney, Lily. Laweon. . Hamuxt--Miss Garden's roonr--Frank + Gertie ; Mra. Warberton"s -room--Fred Killer, Hattie Varner. Miss Jessie -Hepburn's room-- --Senior, Thos, Edwards, Aggie Johnston; junior, Fred Beutenmiller, is Brown, as Embling; part 1, K. Huichisoo, Annie A Romzo Png org Johnston' 's room -- -- Harrell, Nellie Packert Eleanor Walker's room -- Fraser Scott, t. Mabel Farr Miss Hay's room--Frank Rowe, Lizzie Miss Bessie Dent's room--Wm. Ken- nedy, Aggie Barnard. . Misa Alexander's room--Wm, Smith, So; Waril Sipes, Miss par Mepbers's room-- Anthony Allen, Dora H Miss oe 4 ~Aubrey Hamilton, Ethel Yan Soucieie~iite McLennan's \ Fred Cade, Harry Balch (even) Annie Ft For- Miss Tretheway's room--Alex. Hope, Lillie rk.* Miss Henderson's rogm--fas. Bradshaw, Beatrice Rooke. Miss seats room--Ermic Smith, Annie Als The fiowers that bleom in the spring tra la. Have nothing to do with Ahrens' case. , . CUPIDS CAPERS, aaa s In blazing summer or freezing winter Cupid never takes a day off. He keeps nghton at work every day ij tin cont, oe Suodava, and his are -played on folks of all ages It was a i i ity Keeps oon do:'tit I'nere fa funeral procession. "UNSEATED (DR. ALPRED EMMANUEL ABRENG GETS IGNOMINICUSLY " FIRED The Blection Coutt Finds That He Was. Guilty Of Corrups Acts "They Langh Best Who waugh Last" --~ihe Tor ies Time To Laugh Now. rr "OWED" TO DR, ABREN.S Annrxs, " Prophet," said I" think of evil ! prophet stil? if bird or devil! What Li et nent, cr whether tem totaed int here ashore. om ae yet oi eedeunted, in this desert end enchar <d, On Pre heme by herror (politics) haunted --tell me truly I ieplore, . Is there, ie there, baim_ in Gilead? Tell me, tell me, Fimptore Qroth the raves; * Hensem ate! When Tur months ago that Tires ated some 6 Dr. Alfred Em- manuel Ahrens' seat would be pro- tested the" Grits "set-up a great" They pooh poohed the idea. Now sadand sorrowful they sit, while the December bixsts blow throngh their whiskers. A more sick and scrrowful looking lot of Grits you_eould not find outside of They are as mum as oysters and as glum as glow worms, while it is currently re- 'ported the "Dr. Wiad taken to the: woods, However, Dr. Alfred. Em manuel, the silver torigved orator of the Grit™ party "has received his -- ticket-cf-leave, Tax offers its sincere sympathies to our Grit friends~ in TL8&A aro their hurrak. Trvns their hour of tribulation- T. C--Too late; sad countenances, Messrs, Wilson & Wilson. This isthe name of a new mercantile * firm that will open butiness in § on Satuiday neatDec. 13, The Gemis composed of Messrs. gpa Wileon aad Mclaones Wilson. ag come to Stratford from London, Ost. a the cay mertioned they will open the Chine Hall and Silver Bazaar in the legge store in the For " block. The comes to 8 will have abundant success, ady't. in to-days Timxs, LAAT. EC If you di n't know what that means, ask " Log' aid. ; aed Qtr The Proper caper. (Exchame ) X-masa-tide is full of $10derneas, 2 Is Business, =~ Lady--I tena et ae Apothecary -- ee miles ; complexion or aa es eee " They sa: Dr. Koch's iym mph is dutiable under the McKinley bl Now, why shoule it bet* It interferes with home const: mm ption. One Person's Earthly Career, From the Globe- 0,, Nev. 29.--The Poe pry ves sath So it hved iy ne homes Was that all it was van preteens Se Wonders oz the Hotidays. ae ger lived 'Tainan tut tx every Bate But ni binshed, and desdidsd kasha ick casts they asked her to star in the '* ~Cane, : aie "E ip i i.? fli i ] F £ Hi oat i ali i > ~-both--ai stapes ae of wide axporteucs ia their line waat business.