Stratford Times, 10 Dec 1890, p. 3

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SCIENCE AND PROGIES Symptoms of Crooked Spine that Cannel fee MM let akan. ire for the most port eave wh wigs tra ree nk Os th be fr ie' the ¢ id catching at 'new iieentle Dd deceedcd ay side. Jn aidedtion to 'rally stunted growth, caldaess of ex- 21 slep. tremsities ani d Symbols of the Thaade rbholt. Nearly all peoples bave r presented the Gre lountieaks-bs a arm, sometiues also Lise bg. bicdoot skrs us a a cape Night. 3 Caalde aus bY «7 (to the most } t exhibit af att z hh tet oy ee tot thessy- onthe sor ol t who first, on ths baereliels nl « Maithai, dé baled the te fa ned it into ids fa nents acd ¢ E Fos . efter th ur sala sic iate cuy whee to Zeus Whea b s war against toe it- r remitted the tiuader it acidic sors | in ths lat centuries of oT ase nd, fey Dewi rn Abander, ee compcting " w ith oa the early fs risi "present fot This ght rete dyer word ede yie ars i Miles a seCUR slonget restraised a to revolve ta 4 cire Sul ¢ @iracieos ho _ aad it i 1 foray i ther abat that a!l here * » grouad fura svi l f ts 7 in nn Lis ¢ tf att oe aa! conseqaent | i Woeds remarks, is the inperiant peint- and ao tras is this, hak i areper | car: were taken of the di of children, Americans would be ey | aecemenen on }> oa carte---urpise is mieut and beauty the A Carious Cale uatioa. A rapid -- a can write thirty words in a miuute, 08 oO this be mast draw his and 4 haif fe ty minut travers a fac ~e ol in_fiveho third amile We make on anoveraze, sx- teon curves of the peo ia writiag each Writing thirty «ords ia a minute, we must aie » 45% to each second; in an hou 23,800; ina day of only five hours, 144,000; - and in a year of 3 days, 43,202,000, The man who made 1,009,000 strokes with 6 peu in a month was not et oll remarkable, Many meu inate 4,00,00, Here gevea strokes of the rai an average, and or nciaaps f two fow The Carait Giant Humbug. One of the mon whe made a fortune out of | the Cardiff giant' humbug pearly twenty | years ago died i ee York receatly. His, . saree He was formerly a! xeua., ay, it over the fire. | brittle eiough to Tinto square batts while soft into ditte ol eo W AYS S OF WOME N F ATR. HOW TO MAKE HOME-MADE ¢ FOR 443 EL r it grew ss t Sgiet Pa qqait saving hai Sues ut setamies made maple-sucar earatiels you evor tried then! am wy are splen- Y a tris havo mip le r to begin rom thetres in Ohe You will neeia Then into a quart of frent i break two pounds of sugar. As the sig a Belts If wilt paut toll, boil, beil,' stir, stir, stir. 4 aed if your face grows bot. One in ©. rock. ng mt thi nk it is done is co dr pa port tion ene water. If break, itis done, Pour PAT pay Wma itor equares with a kaife, » ike cre am cant ly Thre "table "SPOT! Us stirring, in a beri "it tin pana Piavor it with essence st before it is cE we, ark rir. ve Pisin Capnet Ow | aah of bre va yar, a pie ter of a pound of chovolate, fal of butter, FMT for So atm, one tertsy » Ate fot Tit Wtarwest irving all the time, test by drop: et as Flavo wich vanilla, +ff-as-you do ihe miapiecaranels, Women candy to be of good vtials, aud will sek harmful un- I t c reatity. Thea ! counts for 3041+ be seegs The Harper's Fos if our cir «at howe, mach ditatier f pri of , "The Bos" s Room.' uouter as bye - we build (ay boxes a ma tu Yr, in with brass beaded all wher er i walk uut stain préevicas t + reine ated tbe bedstead, ta a truls "opr whies the nade a handsome decorate i papered the walls with paper evlured ground, ved with a running vine with crimson by ds peeping out, giving a rich warm tone to Uw room, bad a ll ingrain carpet, drab ground «ich a pat- shades of wool color in cov lesa toan five « brother's roon is pret- nd I am repaid fur my enjoy ment,--Cor, ituishiug ao Fr, amd it ail cost Tie girls say their tier thas eo ra, a ial in w neon his Springtle al Hor m0 steal, A Real Hetpmee Nhe f » morning housework x | she takes oh saxo and goes to clearing, chop- et} Plog au d berainag brush. She can chop to | the heart of a tree nearly as quickly as her | busband can. Sire is well edacated, has had n» experience in roughing it, bat is de- termined to aid her busband all that she ean to secure a comfortable bome. FRILLS OF FASHION. ured materials are in high fashion. The black marten is the darkest natural fur. The fewest stockings are all in. bright colors, ° Pockets in reefer jacketa are cut on the cuteide, Astyakhan is being used lavishly on cloth costusmes. Boos are not knotted, but tied with a nar- row ri or made gowns are the rage for out of door costumes A widow does reof*linve bridesmaids nor does she wear a veil. All the og drases have one flounce around the Any pose "of trouble and expenes is still lavished on shoes, Feathers play an important part in the garnitures of the season. All of the underwear of flesby persous should be made with yokes. CARAN- | For CRAMPS, COLIC, @ 0 all Bowel Troubles, PERRY DAVIS' RE SURE to GET THE GENUINE 950 per bottta, na aia and FOOD COMBINED! DILEMULSION F CODLIVER OK, 341 Me Price 50c. and $1.00 per Hot as ad Ministers and Public Speakers use s io Clearing and Sire asthening tle goles re Hoarsgne and Soren ce 25¢ per Pr tt te F hementea free on application. to Drnggists. TO MOTHERS PALMO-TAR SOAP Is Indispensable for the be Pu. Toilet or Saureery, for cleaning the Seal; THE BEST gaeré soaP 'SHOWN. Physictans strongty recommend Wyeth's Malt Extract, ~ ents vette exhaus- frm perroae tw assist Di- 'onic. ten ae isuore ay oO ashe per bottle. The most satisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER ts Channing's Sarsaparilla, Ittsa Grand HEALTH RESTORER. Will cure the worst form bey disease; will oure Kheumatirm; wille it Rheam. Large Mlosthas, a, $1.00. _ ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM For CONSUMPTION, ar fens, the Lalisy Frepehitinn Ashe, In three sized bottles 25, $0c, and $1.00. _-- HEADACHES AND BEURALGIA, DPN ENIHONP ast Rhew macic * abty sand Bach plaster a an ode eotight tin box, DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim. | PQe moet or7Tus POPULAR I Bledieieesn S Marb! eand G an: le Wi rks 2 on wae 5 y ADSEY RUA » Im corte we H G ue o sad OO yasre, Stratford, '7 AS hé sale of SLERMAN'S fia CeLknnad EDL MEK, ALE and FORTER, : gael Hi] bp * fager ts 3 yb ratford Market hn Tar 'ur der 'the raifcrd, April 19, S7-ty NOTICE TO CREDITORS Int od ft ~ esta u tate of Wm. Crick, fate of it eTown rt opin the County of feuance of Section i «f a clothes again Crick (ano lee tthe ¢ and ttle ts ts rad Win m vi rick, deteas od, tay ~win ber 20a, their widiexeou and de- 1 op ariic vulays «! their claine a a ct nature of the 'the % admin tor wil proceed to distribute the aseests of tt d deo creed amongst the atten entitled thereto hav- ' jable for ae said assets any re ft to person hore cliim nee: ice shail not have been _ eaeas ed baae himat the tise of such distribar peraeé indeb's 4 rm the Estate of the said © are aleo motitied to pay the amount of au jndebtedne-s to the said- adminis- E. Sydney Fmith. Solicitor tor administrator. Deted at Seratford this Ist day of December 1£90, a MEN 1 WANTED. BE U.8 NURSERY Co., = Amn ipoeey x. Y., 7H. C, Phillipe Pres reliable to sell their Nursery Stock, ager gland ns ment lette: ce ressed to stigned = ceive prompt reply, GLAM, General Agent, Courtland Ont. NOTICE FO 0 CREDITORS. In the maiter of the em te of W More, late of the Townrhip of Bilie, in "he County of Perth, yeoman dec-ased. he will then hare Kihce, Deo. 3. 1290, Tonvigerate toth the body, and the brain, use the reliable tonic, Milbura's | STERLING MACHINE OIL. MANUPACTURED THE BEST IN THE WORLD, inating Gal, is th » Water White slers. Ha Now Patent Proce: J sol equal to Amer tale by all Fret-Class EG VRANCH C FFICE--.A: St-atfor JAMES STOCK, Nholesale and }ictail, WINES AND LIQUORS, Has the best assorted andchoi- cest brands of Wines and Liquors in thecity. We defy competition in.any line of our goods. Sole agent for Davies celebrated white Label Export Ale in pints and quarts. Very old Basses' ale and -Gui-} ness' Stout always in stock, we also handle Dows' bottled ale and Labatts, Dominion, Cosgrave's and Toronto Brewing ales and porter. Give us a call and be sat- isfie Worth's Block Market Square: SPECIAL NOTICE OFLAHERTY & QUIRK. Have just received a fine assortment f FANCY CROCKERY Which they will seil very low for the next thirty days seem'; yoy t yu m > ac at Fir De Pi A Large Stock of 'Sugar on hand to meet the demand during the Preserving Season, Also all sizes of PRESERVE JARS. FULL LINES OF 'CHOICE WINES and Brandies, Hiram Walker's Old Rye, Mal® -Club and mperial Whiskey, also batt's .Carling's and Cosgrave"s Ales and Porters, soversremeeccmcene---- | COUNTY OF 'PERTH. es OBL ROTOR | The Warden will be ip at- tend spesee Sgecvich ipgremhayendwes os: mee DAY {DSON, Co, Clerk) ae tgp STRATFORD . Market afd. Erie evt-ly ROOMS TO RENT. +- DELICATE C The Ontario. Wood and Pump Company. SHAKESPEARE ONT. FREDERICK BURCHLER, Pp Pump Fecien yey Gene= rally. Ts -a are Deep Well Pumps, Porcelain lined Pumps with im rov- ed deep valves. We guarantee every -Pump made by-ua. This will make it aut was necessary fer us to-prevent any com- parison of our work with that of our = com petitors, ns our guaran! eed sat- isfact-on makes it impossible for any one to suffer loss by ordering of us Yours very traly The Ontario Wood Pana Co,, GRAND TRUNK RAILWA Y. Traios at Strarfo rd asfoliows Lendon ~ 8 Mewexp 3 iipmexp xp sath €X Goderich . : 3 cSpmiexp 6% ix Brintford & Nofflalo. . 11 tras fol tac owix 9 lOput exp Palmerston & Wiarton 10 Olam exp Southampton & Wiarton . 20pm exp 45pm mtx Woodstock & Port tnisettsk sam «xp 7 Opa hs A Bebe "Ter Btenttard Leolz Before: You Leap ||: The chinck-bug eats thefarmers' grain, The bee-moth spoils his honey ; The chigger fillshim full of pain, But Leishman, Maundrell & Co. Give you the worth of your money. iio, 5 ANI acinar ae alan ai a alin, ana cting, Friends, open your eyes! Don't be scooped any 'onger! ISHMAN MAUNDRELL & CO'Y ------And buy your We always keep on hand an immense stock of PINE AND HEMLOCK BILL STUFF, ALSO xX AIND "XXX SHINGLI very Leishman, Maundrell & Co. But go to LUMBER, LATH AND' SHINGLES. Whisk we ite at Uh wiry Sat tee. Give us « call. Kemember we are still here and doing business on the best principles. Wholesale and Retail Lumber dealers. - Telephone connection. Front St., Stratford {Between Stratford and Brantt ;rd only. STILL IN FULL BLAST BANKRUPT STORE) ow the crowd _ 7 wil go What eve' at the store vou will raph thnk gen 2% to 4) Soran euiee worth of ; fand ail car 'ale are Bp eee onr Io. all wool flannel. jepartment, ' Sic barcaios ja ebeige : Millicery, Tweeds, Shakespeare Vay

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