Stratford Times, 17 Dec 1890, p. 2

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Fr * KY, The ? soasibeoi Times. SUicl uN 4 i BACK 15 ENGLAND. A POTITIOS To THE ane hoe with Ok uF A HAMILT fa. mire and , Mre West ones at N "ar oocrteen Want Anneenty With J. M. BEUTTER, | 'pe Your Hair? 'Telephone Noo tt: snake ? PAK, CHICAGE 3 bute Adecrt™* cats eboald Menday noo urrent is-we ttl Changes of barge being inade, doce: eas s Lee te contract adve Aridress of tha comuastiieation, not far shir rare 'ation; an evideure of oud faith kt Tabtche? shoal' te at@remot to E. J. KNEITL, Mauaging Director ofioe a at atest to enenro publicstion ir by stissmmonts should be handed in or notice given thas a chance will be -yaude, net tater thaa dacurday now, to ensure Her Baedy Identified By the walks d 'aiialy away ont] the errand of seit } deatruction, She said goo! by to hn? one - not even ty the c Hil iren, why. wee her fav- Horttes ia the house. sie Went Gastward™: till che reached a spot facic eis the park oo North Park avenue, betweeas Belden-nud West pene There on the sidewalk the hal She put the pistol behind her right ear an ad tired. Her death must have bega instantaneous, Une ol the park gar. | deners heard the report end notified te" lise, Tne only thing to ntentify the gil was a fragment of an old envelope contaising= her name and wldre.s- Tie: THE NEW GENERAL. MM. ste pt ters AL AND oe or THE "HERBERT, EO CANADIAN ae. URES AUR) In Chief in Active A' slightly about thi: ty- sith RR mt Sh 2 Herbe rt, a8 he cat Montreal and ls Qu Mla Snap --The we ite Pleased With the Commander-in- zt (Montreal Star.) built, te gaat! of -five, straight ax a soldier and estep as ro elastic as that of an atalet is rng atly Sava slightly bald, and wearing a °° chs with a very pleceant snd in was Cansda's. |. Sil ubaneeetares Map fener! coM- was found im the front folds of her trees, | aud had evidently been pat there for the | porpose which it had served. The beud- \ writing on tae envelope was thas of Miss | Mason's only lover, a youag man living at | her old home in Hamilton, Canala, Die Le wae pitiniy bat weeny canitea ge down to tha Windsor rotunda Wednesday break fist, to chat with a p ery pleasant anc fresiy epee a umber of topics. it He wae ¥ tive. Cours wealle recentt & alfairs thers were in unrest and suspicion ex orywhere respects @& plot were certsialy in many Bs y people the Afgian" tre ables moro (eat Tepresenta- rem arked 4 th at he hada a bit of dian winter to welcome his arrival bat I re muy were it ~ lay ; minded (ong 1 Speaking of that country 'ha gee oral gail re very an be fore talked The 1 an real ' year state i €: mnspirac ys ver 1 was aris during xod- ound the -- testing far from ceotile to Eag- d, There is vo desire fc war with ue on their pert and I wet rit od many evi military about thie reiport that 2d hed Cree from St. Petersburg, where he was & attache to the British embassy, 'at the request ef the Kussian Government, neck was « slender gold chaits, and on his | chain was @ small locket and smail charms | ia the forms of a croas abd a heart. Sbe, vre po other oroaments, Wan real sgn ir grief. when she heard | the news. er dead sister. she said, had { never hinte t a + aalaile, bat on account of} her long sickecss she was deapondent. | § Mite" 'Mason cere four. years ago. * | Sinus Faaday, last ae had been more de snort MERSELY Ix LINCOLN iddreas on the " erdinery pertinaci'y. Licorp however, in this age of progress, seem to master all donee ; aunt even thie paimz- eoched ningug sho muscles, and interk« sit, as it wers with the ate aod tendons of var fremesy is eoimpel yield to the curatives they. have prov 'ded. We have it on unjuestiondble 'authority --the testinsony uf paces ene - that-rheumatismn, however deeply seaterd may be eared by the res gitlar ond porsintens use of Retlowse ® Qintment. This, we {.el aseured, will be welcorse imseDigence oe thomas of sufferers, ted-ridkden by with stitened ihe pace: jointed | along the sachway tw the tomb, [In & climate where the quicksilver sometimes marked 4 leap of thirty degyvus up or duws, the complaint is of couse » prevaleut une 5. v and is our Dew setilements atthe West, ny the alluvial ty bok of our ares riv- acs, = the hem!ock sw. j anal io -- low anid damn Scone tow per- each the age of forty years without Lt ws clear. there- sonia reasons! doubt, in view o he woll-Attestod sritements, Which tive oun laid before us, vustained as they are wersed than usual She did not want b "i within our own knowi- apeone to talk Ae bets. She. éoldars went. y circamatances n 9. ATT Exae pe ear ren, whéai ake tur Dintment. referred to. 6 low. She & creegented verulechs witht eilect that object; and among all the bene- her lover in to whom she waxen- tits which the discoveries of that celebrated gaged. Til. inealth i the only cauée known | physiclanand philanthropist have conferred not the for her suicide." M ; the daughter of G. T. Kt. ¢ Teddy ason, who was killed ta a collision cast Hamilten several | years ag fer mother is marcied again, Seaforth' '3 Marviog Doctors. Toronto, Dee , 5 Ba fore the master in piece yesterday a motion was made in the nin net Oampoell v. Seeis ios ant for disc ovary. be cha ee rly ascertained upon a post- Dz. Ssott was never upon mankind, this is certutloly least iurportant, Alany an indu-tiious ttl ex of tne soil, whose services are needed in the field, is at thig moment languishins on am bed of sickness; the hand that shoald guide the plough or grasp the spade ren dered powericss by [heumatism. Many a toiler in every branch of productive la- boar is similiady situated ; apd we can im- aging witn what joy these sufferers would hail the means ot + aa cure. To all sucly we feel tified recom thia balsamic remedy, the mpgueetion.< e which, with the aid ofa few dosca statement of claim, This is a fight be- | jfoilowsy's Pills to seguiate the internal tween two dostora of the town of 5S ana would; we asst restere-}-2-Serial_Novel_by _Babert Louis Stevenson sit who have never bebn" very fart intends. Paes to he alth aad vsefuiness Daily Ar. aS mate varie sulert a+ om Last June oe Comp was calicd 26 a! gus. by Frank R. Stockman «itl alvo appear, )tend one. living near Sen nese bs forth irclaed" cet frou tuilure of the pR.CANSON WILL" COME: _.. Ero, James Bry Roe Baties 7 = tories of atticiG t on E. Church of Can Lavsxpool, December 4.--Mrs. agg |e rtuw pal tt e Spath, Tt" me Beaeten for Wundeareing From the The Herald «i? to ii or Hali fax, Dp <. ' peasirg to the | Cae 'padie un governments, ithe Ve WTP gent Hrsee Bee dab divpate betwrea Bugiand Prats regards the Prenat shere _ #t view of these facta, the petit themmeeives 45 the 5 ot he bosvech fer msi ey t ercise aud throne her prerogative, amd > he va h Steps Ae smay be a: "9 néceseary (6 Wake tire west coast of _-- foundianda part oPihe Canadian conieder tion. Toe Hors! ne wil alse pablish a letter Troms Rev, er wey, vidar api stotic ofthe west coutt, stropgly supperting the prayer of the petition and expensing the had at every drag otere, is nod very _-- 'This peerless pain svothing temedy is a prempt and plossand cure for sore themehs seaic cul lds, rheurmatism, lame back, etc, Price 25 cents, meena) Pe *ftlow peter' fr aprety Rr ad hapyp | SCRIBN ER'S MAGAZINE For the coming year will le ng pag not 4 Sir Edwin Arnold contribntes to the Le scties of to raw ing rs to ilivstrase bis \" les upon the recent sapenene Festival TY Suow, Filmetretes t 1. Ar Henry M. Stanley haa prepared for the aes ary aut article npan "Tie Pigmies of the Great Aluican Forest" Axother contribution in this fh id will be Mr. J. Scott Keliie's account cf the recens African bes! beid in London Poth papers will be amply iloctrated, The Wrecker bape * « the results ot bis rocent tg and stucics on this land of never-cniting interst. 'Ocean nteamships who feared the agreeable young British 2 -- was learning too. much of the called to attend Tela land 'or to consult oe b wiil be the subject cfan im t series sone 3 Russi ce, General Herbert said ne | Ratding bis case, but notwithstanding + Kixasrox, Ont., Dec. 3 --The board of | whe upon the tines of the aan ceeeful Haile i Art os knew 'sothing of thia further than what he | be had no knowledge of the case it ep = First Meth ndist church -has accepted | ic ce . fant Se "ibe Le of Officers % had read in the newspapers. leged circulated many slanders regarding ation of Rev. W. W, Carson, who ageaseut," "pe vubj. cts touched "upon zy The. Geacral aed the Hoa. My Dr. Campbeil's treatment of Ireland, aud cat lene for his new charge in Detroit at} aod itlustrat Bh Rashety their two cbiidren and @ gover. goivg ao far as to allege that he had killed | te end of tre ecclesiastical years The Great Streets of the World "4 me outon the 'Sardisian," and The alanders, it is alleged, were pub- reverend gentleman, in giving vara board | i, the title ofa nc vel call. ction of articles on which seadet. at Halifax. They arrived at the fished by Dr. Scott to his owa patients bag reason for leaving the methodist church the author and a win col'abor.te to give the a eae, on East to Ottawa byt the and friend, and from these aria it - in Canada, said that he hed grown = wealy ard Herding , : get. informa at constant removal every = yeara, He ou Brenda be, wn pen by by y thie hard , Herding * pg a Coleeel % the "famoas ~ Grenadier as they do not wish to be drawn into the Yetr that much of the work ins,the will follow fotew sa bioecamael Londou-: Donkonasd-tatiet 4 Geands, and hist "seen cocsid erable active | wnatter. The leara¢i master said he church was wasted by the constant chang- | The service. He took an active part in the | thought it was a case ia which che appli ing in ered poor In Jane last, he waa] = The price af Beri ner's Magecine ery of add- = Ezyptian campaign. of 1892. Mich aided | cation should 'be gran' aud made approach with reference to taki the sl cones nad Be tat ware. ii 2s F in the overthrow of Arabi Pasha. He = forthe examination of Dr. Scots. pastorate of the Detroit church, but de i cas nS x as Brigade. ajor of the first ae Pee ey unt of damages claimed by the rey hoping that at the recentconferenve <i Tel-el-Rebir, and w brigade at | rit is $5000,---World. { the methodist church the pastoral term Charles " Seribaer' s- Sons, Publishers, : gallant pret t that - fterward io Canada would be extended to five years. rs B N e SOS CEASA: . ee _ Had this been done he would not have ac- 48 745 Broapyay Naw CK He went with the Soudan expedition of 1884, partin the engagement of Aba here he won two Herbert Fitz Herbert, son and heir of ec was Adela, daughter of William the Conquerer. ------ EGGS AND POULTRY. The Special Commissioner's Opinion of the Me Ottawa, Des. Th i in a 2 seared ritle was in the hands ofa young = Fs was most fayorable for the establishment A Friend's Facs. man named Poweil, who fornmrly worked Thousands praise its mezits. ofa = trade Eng in the G. T, K. shops ia this city. inccciaatis oan". aoe A friend's face often ten looka + tT market, All the and ey and glum R A try of cis we'lee: ond from the of billows Basily Caught. IC H E L I E U e%) 'sbteinable will | Detter liver complaint. vite we at him to Peo 1 ee use Burdock d Bi nd he does i Crone: Four-holed range, with water front, od Resin th past hasbeen' very a Sons soon brightens Ad Bosanris pal inful cil men are neato, ia thi is new and handsome, e ported to Eogiand -have proved most ac- A pew time table came into force on the remedy, is 'ust rite essily celled i ae ' ceptable to the Mr San- | Southern Division of the G."T. R. last) vari' veils Gil, which is undoubted! THE RADIANT OAK ders left, he seat a shipment of Monday week. The only changes ae ; back St all eae bores in andoukiedly oa : 'of him. They arrived in excellent con- | ing Sarnia are that the mail train leaves | jor the cure of colds or pains. A coal and wood Lester dition, and were praised by the five minutes earlier, and the Erie a : : § dealers. | His report will be handed to ST. | Sosy "The lal train to. Petrol. has THE INGLE PAR B mn , to-mor- | earlier, to A year, do for his adv = and a bu will be issued in a few | been discontinfiéd, the reasons for put he doer heeasaai ees s fo Sisk] LOUR GRATE are 4.--John Sandera, Kemptville, who was sent to England a enq anxious to have the result of his to the public; -- ba _ presented of the Editors' Table. pos taps the publishers wiil send the Deconibne isaue of their magazine and rules for the error contest to any aidress. Bee prizes they offer are certainly ex ly liberal, and the competition is not at: al difficult. cepted che call to Detroit. ur Homes ie the name of a new maga- ages zine issued by Our Homes Publishing Co, A Successfal Mission Brockville, Out. ; the first number of. which we have just received. magszine is| Tho medical mi-sion of Bardosk Blood well printed on heavy , and is de-, Bitters in curiog c-nstipation, has been signed to occupy a field hit erto untouched other remedy markedly successtulaNo enarnage Was ¥ ery bad with costiteness, and one bottle of ri ce m cured me, woald not Le without it, se: The handled by two young oa at the depot. ballet 2 -both..walhs ke beilding cad Coates striking the srg' came clote enou oak, The accidentally dis such peculiar power over this aliu--ol -- Oraler is -- | Watches. Clocks,.J ewellery, etd. ty , J. M. BE WUTTE ONTARIO STREET, trprevte & O ,im the \ae-Preot iilocds.. --THE iti lngag loantia. OA TARIO, Proves "Nor 25: eres thu a Dis Nos i b a i belief that a means wilithus be found to] tie mabe on wearehy sent st aetuie a dangeroxe internatioual aueslon. -- . . a ame Seven Per Crest. maegpeneagne _ pergreors ee thy api nat whe ar t neormle 5s ' sf. Jast why 86 ' poor-e wifer pata Qampany, Jor the hall sear ending tia Sist De na remedy of koown and certurn | gember, t, has thix day been dealared, and effect like Hagyard's Yeliow Ol. may be Lise wane is pasa to a effice af the Cou» Peny, to the City Sg or and afte2 Friday, the 2nd day of anuary; -next. 'The transfer boo pr at be ee rom the l¢th AG Scat (natant, io tiusl y or the Boasd. ens NG anid noinbet ol spaced Jeatucen. each. be ~cheve are ct ars Use Th iterent; ind tiene eS. he tettowrec many te menticreds old Daurvuar. MALL | Cvosire ers ee sx 2 { 8 45] } | § 02) 12 45) Torvats goo Fe ' 930) 1% 45| Hantiton ame j } oo 4 5 8 1 $ 2 London comet SS 930) 4 20, St Marys ..........-. 1110, 7.00 | Gucipts, Bertin, Shakes: fon! 19 asl Waterton. ae) ved 300 } @ 2) Tor. fs Seraticnd west... la 19} 2 { 2 65) Tor. & 8. east .. ...... | 3% =a sO et Pt $8 50 ; 12:46) B. & La. H. Eash......- 18 60; "ea | B&LE. wee piri | eo "Clinton, Bes: | { aimee forth, i itobell, and | re \eneete t peD and Siesitord By, | IG. B. and L. E. B'y i 9 "| 12 45) Buffalo......... +--+ Jeatern 8 4 20, W an econ} 9 bad 12 45 |Rastern States......../ \ | TAGS MAILS. H }Daily) Gadshill, Am- | r |. ulree, a and | | Nithbarg..... =| wd a, oe 430] oe ooetey enday Nets | a OLD cou NTRY MAILS. « Mail ag Halifax Packet closes every Thurdsy at 8.00 a. Mail vie New York, cloves every Monday, Wed~ Saturday, at 8 00a mu. 'and' 7.00 p.m. rad wet © Oatice le m tothe public from 8 a. m. untiiT p.m. Lobby will be open to box hold- gg trent ly Money Order and Savings Baok Office Bag open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. WILLIAM BLAIR, Fostwaater. mistant. Syaly A. M. KAY, A fitratford, Nov. 4, 1886. | year-- some by Kew authors " mah i eae Eurelope of ier Lover's Letier From and Mrs. Jouea arrived in 4 oof the west ) a ZONESD at, 3! ; ' i WEDNESDAY, DEC, f7, "1590: | Headathton-- itt 'ealth th aed 'Deapondency, © Majestic. Mra. Hircholl is sriaake }2 Newk nodiand ty the Queen, satinn tobe Gold and Silver Piating, ete, 3 changed in appesrauce end looks very ; divided from the eastern part cf the inland : fay rangol fer the an tom Te ail 7 paleand worn She wae dressed' in deep end érganiz ed ae a Sepatate goveramen? ' . i bil shonid be cia by a Money | It was te tty announcet that Miss : SoUrsiag. lhe passengers state that | Tre petition sets darth Hx the populating, Everstody ean wear poli and | : itor) t . j , : , eset Grice eee bri ot Expres | Mand 5. Mason, of iismilten, "bad died although it was evident +" gy her post: | so me 12,4) in num ber, ere livieg on whet | silver Wat he. chains, specs, now | ee suddenty at ¢ hicages The tect jwthat Miss SP scutvlz, sbe dids, hesitate to"! ix ken & shure, use mnee tl pe suceesafully plat-/ . 7 oe ba ta meter that the pubilher | Magn died by Erewn hand. The suiciie mingle with dhe other travellers which the soroplete and os cad ag soa) "hike © ot # behwe his paper Bre Bho gpa aoe ves ae feccurted on 'Torsday 25. This hatt the efecy Of keeping Up her spirite. he lant, and the ed m gold and lo s00% like the | i 4 itaat c = "a at f e H - be paid | account of the iatapp) \waér-is taken fem ira est'Jours wax chees ful, amd con aged ta Creat ) genuine. 4 Bi ofthe Postrfice to' the Chicaga Merald « tthe foliowing diay : a to are! Aen songs at tie concert cere era TT © . = t Aa ie ; = Sout § Mason, eighteen years ene? d the sieannahip. Ry making e etverness 50) 3 venue, ehartiy . PPecis! srrangepenta the wore escaped " ile the government L guarantee ali gold worl j Ry ; aH ane Linvotn Park inion re and left for Londow at 13.05%} 5: Sr Jomn's exacts the jagt tent of taxa | { x his morning. thon from the people. the ¥s net afferd | 'ones vers R . j E death entered eRe ___ ie y eta the | SL VER PL ATE D knives, forks, | Be 2 Ww c ' ° a - aht hefp her, dtins The Worst ot Ali the tk wthiew and | spoons, eandlestic ort tea and ¢ flee | : % ry fs wood pins ere th | px f sds locket. | = Latif you cannct, pels erie A ue any ay te pan marricd etster, Sita. 7 ; Pita al ports, fruit stat is, brace elet rwxes i ; Do net complain to any e het it. paws, | Charles Ov iatt, at 2) Bissell street, Don't talk © me > abo ut your politicad *¥ | ete ' We wast an early ns + to inghe Fight ¢ ta tattle id and Webster avenues, Ir, "isms," enid o tiowe vid valetaciaar fr re of Nt ' arly ope * F ; Jar Parten, | * j vem Dp. D ony lojustice that we eos , and Mra, Oristt occupy acomfortable flat" I tell puu ional 'ano tem as bed Be Pheu | ' shed 7 ' sdenwendl | The Publider will accept © ad» artiant hia and dil all they ¢ coald to make life ples ine tian. The "venerable sufferer wos i ' eon te od SL TES, L rir iv them along now IG GER MA dq é vetlel > abi Gan pli ius souni es Beveertes -- several years oti gli, Ti Lam ice 2 gudiron or Qyeti- | eed th asonly a very bmisd amouss can N AIR MAGIC, +3 hd wa are] ee va bs * advertising Be one e young yoman has beenow ate tg! froma, anuzin's # ; pa fot of fre was tot Wore we | be dene «Ties. look beautif the oni rwe a Try it. Price $1.00 per ~ The Pubbahty will vot bold bimelf reapers sible nervous debility | and vi fance sgaticaliy a bed a torment than the coreh a. she weer lated ' ul_yhes a sae." #o2-salg tail drucgiena GP acsind tree for auy ecrora which cuay appear. ia legal | Yesterday moruiog about 10. 30 ahe told of the martyr to rheumatism. It is gen sectinns of th ; vee = "Sabarie ~ Aseria | {her sister thet she war going out shopping rally considered by the iseuity one of the | ---- Torotito 4 The Publicher will not hold hisnsell ny ol a No one in the houte waw the pitt open ay most ohatinate ae the mas, | MOPtaiue forme eens a - § t Lhuye a quantity of seemd hand no ee for views ex prewed in the coe private drawer and oa Mr. Uviati'e revol. paintulet maladies, and it ceriainly dose | SPSratied at J boundasy Tre. bow cr ld a WIDE AWAKE, "4 Advertiemcnta eithont specific Th ite tes in sachet. pock Miss Mason. tesist_all ordinary remalies with extra. tion of » now pravities and ate incerpor | gok and, silver w atel 06, hea ee p dette? quul torbiddea and charged, accor hapty: Skil end actetiac | tes tet the "es aeriniow of Canada masala 100 Pages,--1e91. | Bexinoins with the Haliday Number wi ide A Awake } rad- ' | wah with to « aad ba » week trewh, stemmed Pes hyd-s So ten aaie ope Mires. burtoa Barrison, whose atory ai lhe Angle maomece"' bas men ae sation of the seasos in The Century; wrisien for Wade Awake a story balled Utcmonds and Peads." se i fion. Jonu DL. liong ex(-tioverner of Naseachusetts) furnishes 01x arveles, under the general iia vt Var Government, the catigh enmeat fe ining cluteus--| boys and girls ef today Kirk ow vuroe, aed lately lived fora ticte the life of @ rabiroad man, inall phas neces n patio: car ty eattle cage, has put eXptrience snto a thrilling rerial tor beye. rated Cab aad Caboces, Striting pietarer treet by Fdmuud H. Garrett. ; new serial,, Five Little Veppars G 'ti tell more about Pouy aod Jasper and David and Joel and Pormsic, aod others, as it rans through the year, vag charming ilxetrations by Uhales Mente. . Marictia's Good Times will chron. idle Ti Her own Words, from hér wn mann ~ script, the chiliigod 'adventures of Mari- a Ambs esi. | Mass Manida Archambeau Dora, tit-ts xici who had a great many apcestoss, ty an arresistible litsle folks' ser- ial, by Keizsbeti Caminge. Unusually Josecantng Articles, some elaburately pictorial : > Uinioy with rise bg Airs. General Joba A. Loyanj "Amy Koberi's Emvroid- ery,' by Fraaces A. Humphry ; *'Mother Guvae's Peta," by Agnes Repptier ; "uy sies and Gypsying," by Enzabeth Rovins Pennell; "Some Ht by Maud Huwe ; "Seinte Marie College of Wyxcnestre," by Oscar Fay Adams; **Bos- ton's Girl Sculpcor," by Mrs. Newberry; "Ths sugar Crank," by Theodora KR. J nes. roa Seme Probiems in Boece? ae i is -+-E--H. Hanley, ul the Sumithaopian ten, students, Taree | seta of Cash Pen Tre Best ol Short Stories thousands oilered and solicited the a Pagure Drawian® ~~ Children, ia tweive iiustrated lesso Caroline H. Kummer, with four eons eac a Ways to do Things, the School and vareseens 5 Stories, Tangles, Peat Ofice and Men and Things, Wide Awake is only $2.40 a year D. LOTHROP COMPANY, Pub. lishers, Boston PANK OF 'MONTREAL, Cap custent brinch THOS. PLUMMER, Manager Stratford Branch. \ architect: and specifications for} Mrs, Wm. Finley, Jr, of Bobcaygeon, Ont residences for people of moslerate means Sealed FLEE The publishers, in order to increase thei ' 3 ---- circulation, offer an error ebanpattiion; Detroi; Newe:--Recently Dr. N. E which cash prizes aggre $3,050 with} Corell, of Ikton, Alich., = be given to discovering the -- be aon Phot Bad ee = a est number of mistakes (wrong! 'on, & mo £4 ; speled words) in tha December issue ot through his tale cod o-- a ahh ner Happy Thought 4 * 5 ' t F rc pager On receipt of 15-cen ¥ being carclessly | ange Meu ac| Radiant Home. SUN SHINE ood Parlour Stoves. The Master coal al heating stove in - gix siz : é In its mew and handsome dress. 4f A SMITH Has again the largest and best display of BUCK'S STOVES AND FURNACES. mand increasing. _drvary : -@ Happy 'hought ange strongly re- lor. eet a pn ae nner -- ce soars e J . #

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