his footsteps vo that I should avoid the shee HE PORCUPINE PL: ANT. te ni au quar : ev fed im bie its soakerlike fol4s, and lifted the BEAUTIFUL FLOWEA THAT 15 SAtD. ag tomy tuoulders. vat ® ator + To GRow WN GEQRGIA ONLY- & I was nboat to retaro If a that I = Ste Strange (haracteriaties---it was with ur {t waeo dilti al big efigeer myit Tatil Kills j. jout my aie sf off the Ul rite ; Man and Changes its Appearance --Sep-) "The fi ig fifth petal writhed like'ap 'f erstitions of the palnise Counce: thee it |acery » woake, and the i stump of the id y erutted @ hissing sega. ; --An Awfal Rugerienes, i os ad ory ot fur the negroes -Cperirandgerre tis w wiet ¢ ed ale | hOPS i magut *, Siriekiny Prof.) Legare of Georgia for go pol thers ern | ae th te we -- ! ™ ire ubt that ewes _ p aa 4 Uhesn, 2.3 ant' fhe i r the mies: rectiriable op if 1 vy (Jaye flora." [i is Mand only im the soathers par Af curt he flo i retraced iny 08 Genrgia,- where it grows in great qtaati ' MY ea thes, It he'onrgs to tue facni f Ovchis Po cu r, aud mouating atecd, rod pina, and is mil to bave formerly grown back to the villa slong the. ban + of the Upper. ae damp mos, for The Coloue! went on to say that 'th * plant Ume It was the wi Grows penet +a heigh fxar fast, but | because of its that snevinens have beer wees ns tall aa six | Ped tt to the Smit bso nbare Ertet feet. The leaves are long and trax first, (744 pe mounted to be the fiveat specimea hat re wen Lecure but after the cond year they awuiea fan- like shape. They look dark geen during the day, but after sundown they becouse Sith red and whit @ dots, Tie eo da ' are Wigtindsct white and red bags that Tec Dupo: | t ness," hi "ume of the nigger?' asked Ma-* "= are ee, as he cut a piece from his navy plug and offered it to the Colone "Ohr becdied ars frer-benre fromthe mad dain replied the Col mel, ashe cat off an- Swern in-all directions tram the poate 4 2 her piece fo @ro thoosands of thin, wiry teudril4, To The Majer bis si intied: Na rv York Ran. = Hie abou' a Se era geen d extremely seus tive t+ prewure from above, | A hla WITH A A MORAL. Ali of t.ucoe tendrils, or, properly speaking, | patonne * Derves, treet at the root and rua ty it ther up | rhe Great Value ef Good Manners In AN Fo-the-mitdisaf the travk:--Thwe thay are | Walks of Lite. jolned te a rony palp, which may os called | * the brain of the plant. | John Wright was the soa ef a day Inborer, "Each nay is studded with anal grees Taman of dissipate al life and Coares hatirs, Used both internally and externally. .-~ ming ike severest pai 'pe SURE to GET THE enol 25¢ per bottle, MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINED |! 'Q4ZEMULSION OF COO LIVER O18 & Aree or Lint ane S0OA! Increases Wel, Strep Wetens,t gthens Lungs Price Sc. and $1.00 per Bottle. Ministers and Public Speakers use SPENCER'S . Fo: beni Le voices. Becca tara) Price Bample free on application to Dragglsts: TO MOTHERS PALMO-TAR SOAP se letaraa fe, Bik Ee THE BEST.IN Sy) THE WORLD. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY PETROLINE, tie New Patent Process Iluminating Oil, ix the best | Oilzin the Market, and e yeal to American Water White. Fer sale by all Frst-Class Dealers, Gar BRANCH OFFICE--At Stratford, near G. T. R. Freight Sl eds. JAMES STOCK. "Wholesale and Ketail, WINES AND LIQUORS, Has the best assorted andchoi- cest brands of Wines and Liquors inthecity. We defy competition in any line of our goods. Sole agent for Davies celebrated i | | i om Tuesday, Wednesdsy, pg Partin of cath werk. hours: Ws. DAVIDSON, Co, Clerk, Davis & VAN BUSKIRK. | Eoin woobetuc KVEYORS. STRATPORD and WOODSTUX Office >In Idington's "pisek, Market and frie } se: Otte, Stratford --- Drainage, Roads, Bridges, ete. i+ly ROOMS TO RENT. Sun TTABLE for oe mmeurance, of Medica fices over Lae Tinss office, Erie streot, only piee varastoun the Pest Office, Enquire of J. FRANK PALMER, The Outario Wood end Pump Company. thorns wich ace as shorpasstee!, Behind says the Youth's Companion. John had no @very thorn isa smallenc. This sac is filled lhome teaching, no fami ly traditions, no asso with compere otf alr which tas forte enourh " |eiations to lifthim apward, . But ho bad ta- to-drive as cmlinary bullet one mile, A hard, ent, great vigor of mind aud body,aad muco sti ph ate of a peculiar metablike sub-; lambition. Heberan asa newavoy mee exteris {rom eud to end of the leat. = Way throagh woland into college, = 5 Punpiare + clinical with the brain. pulp n his fres hman a year be wrote toa friend: Son torans of cdeticate Bae nerves is i such a uy can i em rany dificutty before me as a I am not afraid of mat'iematics or THE BEST oer A al KHOWN. white Label Export Ale in pints and quarts. Very old Basses' ale and Gut- ness' Stout always in stock, we SHAKESPEARE ONT. FREDERICK BAGCHLER, Prop. Pump Dealers Supplies Gene- ysicians strongly recommend Wyeth's Malt Extract, worked Glam tn sin sym wit En ter fol uke rats aig rm ners ena led d © diriin wick rua ia tes save dicots us the fotlanzaages, dow Lor livinz,-hut-to-cutor a}. Seetonserelusble fants also handle Dows' bottled ale an Tpiicinn: |room with = well- bred woman in it makes _ 40 Cente per bottle. ; rally. -Dominion,---Cosgrave's "if'an = hing falls upm the groan ul "above {me trembla" "T cin tiot eat a hisal; T Gan nit without Labatts:,- atendri!, the fect is communicated to the | meet an acquaintance in the ba : DP TER te s eclaiticn are »Thse Weil Pumps, ee a wuienmoormm» land Toronto Brewing ales and|,,* e : r percussion |S ~ PRN or : i _ "Channing 's Sarsaparilla, Porcelain lined Pumps with improv exploly them, ! "The thousa dt one ng rules of ot < wan Yor Beruint m2 } ue nm )quet terrify = "I ripe wi ada whe It isa Grand HEALTH RESTORER. porter. Give us a call and be sat ae eins bi 'Gparanteo every Pump made "Phis-witl make-it-quite-une- ot ben stave- tn oats: Teuk hie: sa idown uy nde rinen, Twill boa scholar and I shich it may jan booest man aod bri' aas ids 'Witt cure the worst form of skin disease; will ours Rheumatiam ; will cure Salt Rheum. isfied. FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, 'fal ) butter and. who keeps bi s hat on peta alam those cobweb Large Bottles, $1.00, noteuery for us to prevent any com- ant "gle at h ae par Stik ieshathon in uae 2 Ww orth' S Block Market Square. parison of our work with that of our * ot 4 tiat vbn carried out bes resolution, % . is nlen ditigerctts tes thie dn pon. Realf, moral wan, eariest in his purpose to livea AL N's' - - - : competitors, #8 our guaranteed sat- "Norsitietauding tr dancer, bowever, pure and honorable life; be stood at the head : . isfaction makes it imp agree for any the fe: ihe [Pant 8 mica song rhe by nate lof hisclcss in'pollege. But while the other 'one to suffer loss by orc ering c fale te 1 nuteft. ite fuw fits is a men it the class were, invited into the homes LU NC G. BALSA M us, y pain' ego SEE Se aT mart ty id onthe esrvors and made friendships with |. J -- due <miny A ctch plant, bat thatene makes up in educated men and gentlewomen which holp- Cosehy peated Cty Bronte, -- ; ; ' : "Yours very truly Qa yy eat ther pint! tert $5 pan + Heed them throng bout tite, he way nesiected: eizet 25c; $0¢; and $1.00... |. exemsemnenteciiteenis Rocmadentntt tories foot frou stem tocup and | "He may be a_ good Christian," said' the z x 2 : : , . The Satario Wood Pama Co, 'i iy inesd, Wike OF the presnt ut "putt wittrotwstr te + > a s te mn oy Soeemcces OFLAHERTY & QUIRK) as) in ' lo- (spe king to bio ees a si ieee tao, 8 mci te Have just received a fine assortment f ety int or « g * i xy & rs aM eh, . a tha aecreanonn of ae whic thts anc way repewtel to him. * ° | eerie ceaench hans cores a] Byte Jetta" TRA NCY CROCKERY the pe isa i rood by ai wy H 4 te of wer When | eatered a "Bach plaster ia am air-tight tin box ate . j irrower profe nica Which they will seil very low for the next 'nt | DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim., y + Very ae oe days. ; sis long Urove fwidia away from him fane color, Went. Hitrabiery brought him clients, but his rudeness and c sianuners made hia a their comtempt'an | ridicule. ay SE Gea Whe the porcupine ple in @ healthy (suiject of ; coilition, tie flamme-coteed petal stands t-te removedtoe fows in the fac west hop- etors or General GR AND TRUNK RALLWA Y, erect and moves in ths wind, But whea the ing tolave pr pajodicn behind him, but his MOST OF 7 A Large Stoc 0 'Sugar on an to meet plant is sick, the pety al loses its Uriilianey and pe ¥ nn + pt 0 julie ae vulgar 7 {rts ed Prt Medicina, Traiss at Stratford as follows : = dr t after five minutes' intercourse, and uever oitet erfunrery. th d th P ; Arrive trom De ' tlona connesiod | Offered to bring him te theirhoues.or-iatro- -- eriiikcesteceraencimaiiibenmmmenitaa. +] emand durin e reserving Toronto and Fast P fsa exp 4 tha with the bicoa of the pore -- ne plant. The -- pate ahi -- ot wach athe gS are eee 6 eason, _. 1... ---- 1 sem 8 3 pa #34. --pesrocstieclare that a drop of dew failing ut o 'om the society of we S$ 8 1dpur exp opm ai a foto the cap of the flower will be tari Wf into' taiter-clant be-sres-tecaed-te- -choose-an- 7 19 Marbie and Granite Works bd Point Edward & vest SSlamesp 3 at spe , ctltteat . ru 10 ai 7 Kis dof paca! iar. brililancy, an ~s vated wife is children aro as rude ADARY £ SHARMAS, Imrorers a 4 Also. all sizés of PRESERVE JARS: am mix aA few tratition to the Mata simer an- Mibungentto ts = ~ Mahulichites ot Pe She oe ten ik kee once dive were i a ti rune in emeralds in Se "I re old a tao woul -- aid en dian Mardic wud Greuite Menumente, Text. we iam § Mamexp 10 the tlessecs ofa porcupine plao bp peo sittorly, "with geotlenien sut the stone 'cl Pieces, Wash State, Ocaries 345 ' standing t iste bes thee, howev nu of them |me by my cx ode of manners, and mistook me Fb . gg Enclieh and FULL LINES OF CHOICE WINES 7 teres exp can Le induced by bribes and uel its to ap- |for a footman." spt. 16, 167 264-49 29} Goderich + + + + § fam exp prosch within a bumdral fest of it. Mauy | Ifa gentleman voluntarily woars tho livery and Brandies, Hiram Walker's Old Rye, Mal&*/" SSemey 11 thoes, however, are var every year by [ofa yolmnan should not complain if he is Shri __ ; _ - oy me the les ant through carslos imistaken for one. Too many boys, corfi- LAGEh LAGER $ Club and mperial : V hiskey, also Brantion! & Buffalo 11 Mam exp : "The flower emits a d Mi cutfal odor, closs- [dent of their own high purpow in life, de ' 4 . ' "45 60pm ani ly resembling attar of ros. Dut when'a |ppine ag petty the observances of good broed- GEO. BRCK, Market Saye re, Stratto: batt Ss Carling s and Cosgrave s 9 10pm «xp or i peapine piant bas onee killed a hioasaa be- ig They for zet these observance aa are th: smell language, the signs which gently-bred peo- and ple inal nations have d: 'vised toexpress their good purposs ia life, They are the esseuce tion of & of common saiae and kinky fooling. 4 A tnan cannot quote Gress or declaim poe- aman , try ata hotel (able te establish his claim to tod shoots educat flaement. Bat be cau do i ind. in or- by his quiet-veice, by lis unobtrusive and Palmerston & Wiarton 10 Ofam exp Southampton & Wiarton 2 a = 12 0pm exp 7 2pm exp Ales and Porters, wgrance vaniches, and the rv is like that ofa chiraecl hows), its fr a nto Fxhibl- Ceilar--ender the Strdtiord Market 7-ly ---- Woodstock & reeled ra cp 9 Oam mix mix Loolz Before You Leap | ========"" " ral wailed, AL nil 10, errors NOTICE. TO 'CREDITORS. moor Pr i os Tusse man- Simple bearing ne the catate of We Ke 0! STILL. IN FULL BLAST its. He caun st anronnes to acarful' of peopie Pi : oes oe . eats * at tim ip » "Try vl iiere I was do vo in the the kind mpathy towanl all maukind erg "Tex os = : -- min te of ts 18 haere! cata te ho riners grain, "regnine plen On @ Lares t his heart to burs img, --But-the Notice rmuanee uf Section a6 --- 1@ Dee-moth spouls His Loney ; ; Thad ming a a ee le is sont for an old | cf Chapter HOt the Wa «4 tute SS ie The chigger fillshing full of pain, t - : AL s7 om owiether pene it : phy » id wag and solita ic withou eal ' cetate ef the above But Leishman, Maundreli & Co. rice y nsar aca is no tasnall mat~ 1% Ot Gise you the worth of your money w the crowd and you will go right to the ativ i Ne j er ra boor * i okie ithe che code. What evéry body says of A . " te tn pt te ee en ete, sunset be true and nearly everybody ays Kastner ie os » 5 ' selling off chea not take y . 1 flee pacity Friends, open your eyes! Don't be scooped any longer! But go to| vice, bu: ht to the store yourvell sud we- ot. oT} 2 rinary Beaths, will save ) ou from 25 to 4) ce very cil ' ' , ; : ; t € itt geen | gh tater halon' os same ti LEISHMAN MAUNDRELL&CO'Y [iii Sere @ clumy Martini-Hours, wisiea ties boy | Go. trey Kuetl And bay your---- #ee our l6c. ali wool flannel. Big bargains in every dJunine wed benef, bof course, oats hat _Exastome di a 'of a obey ken heart over ent, nee be ¥ * «|LUMBER, LATH AND SHIN GLES. "One Saturday niownia > trrived at 7 w F di rh ae TL dua his son; rd-< : Millinery, tyr OO mil e-tot Sava bg . nk, h a fia'. trons wate proceed to dhvtsibut e the ase Tw : nen i 4 there PUG - rads 'eS ceased amongst = ne partion ent vitled thereto hav. ¢ We always keep on hand an immense stock of Dress Goud: . a i : beartily of melons. tog regard only tothe claims of which nice hes Cr ~ at $ » Ba atts #Roanish theologies. dia been given a een yenuined, And Ute ioe deste Cpt Nateath>, th » Bparcih theologian, dinit be- | bere cleanse abore veguinnd, Aed Ue, said, ad- PINE AND metre BILL STUFF, grraed Lene "a . cause ho was aces NS by the pow: of having | any tart there f to any person of whore cliio not- cinimcasnanin JA TS roceri¢cs, te. S ny tr falsified a passage in St. Augustine. ice sivail not bave been rcelved by bimat the i ait aia healae ot Aft ¥. while I was si iz oS _* Statins ' bare: of sux hh diststba the It issaid that after Malherbe, the great large le r 4 , . Wg et) bi he Pstate of th fi ND gona which we are of cheap. We a a : *_" ae a me Woman French writer, had been deal over an hour, wane Oriek indebted tot inh ro eGuified icon one xx A xXx C+LI, BB - invitation to and our give you este -- iar pet, Sg vu ny] [be raised thedrapery amd reprevet oi of nt of such indebiodners to the said adminis- | Which we offer at the meet best terms. Give slo a call. Remember we are still here PS Se RO eae will be no harm done. ee Sil waphan " the watchers for using a word that was bard- and doing business on best principles, ss produce .& tod bald bees canght by ly pare Freaeu Sittee vane Syd et oe 'devil plst,' and woukt soon be kiled w- . lor adi L -- a ai 43 nt to hiv ase tines dlc ie . Alenzs Cano, F rench mainte? and sca'ptor Dated at Seratford this Ist day of December 1 1290, eish I Y ian * Maudrell ' & Co. wenn vWastoo eabaustet to return [of the seventeenth centary, is sald t» have : E. K dla mae ee eee ne leslie nan |hhnd tatehin fixe 4000 of .procislat and ym Wholesale and Retail Lumber dealers. Telephone connection. Front St., Stratford A. Kas TNER, the pliant we tioun'ed three mules that wers | metry that he refine 1 to kiss a poorly ex -cut- cand N WAN TED. . tled in the wagou sbed acd hastened totie ed crucifix, even thouch oa isdeitiond, =A um ein acene. "Angeleri, a Milanos® aclor, was so orem T eos § NURSERY Co. of Rochester _ Y., "Long before we arrived there we marys come by the enthusia-tic recs; rion accorded ° Har ge ge good »> that we were in f6F dcleedtalesporienc, fr | bim on his first appearances in Xa me s that ke pray bahoneeg Kurev 'tacky 'which as os < & as @ AS AS AY 2 af the most frightful ees for help were shorn literally died of joy Ueforo the cyucigsion of penton seen week; give _veranens sidreted te RS eS we A Cod < digi the bilmy tepayrsof the twilight | tbe eveal nga entertains nent. neat f ; J of enzuiry addressed to & Sy $s" RS - bour. 28 MEE Post pent the nrost sae Sabie the undersigned Be S. Heowas, Ueneral be Agent, > » terrible tt Ive eve heard, aad reveuiied A Hawk Retrieves a Duck. Courtland the cries of a horse mortal agony rather A party of yorng ten froin. Wittens. at than those ofa human being. Woe hurried | Marshall, were out duck hmting a few das forward as fast as our rather halxy steeds [since As they were nifpomoniier the fish f NOTICE TO CREDITORS, would carry ua, and shortly arrived upon the | the ducks over the lake, one cam «* hia eel nadiid aa a shot of them. It was shot Uy Harry M In the matter of the estate of Wm, More, "An appalling sight wet our gaze, _ Before vin and came down into the wat + tate of the Township of Ellice, im the ms, and partly surrounded by a littie thipket, | frou the share. _ It tay floundering : County of Prrth, 'yeoman decva Was a Moeneter imen of the poscapine | banters weving nme way of get ing sd Pursuant to the provision of Chanter 110 revised plant, (-s Syraing fifth petal waving angrily | WAS lame and uo boat was at taunl.. While | oa parties having: ebsites srehuss sie: gonane of te inthe wind and its whole attitude betraying | pondering and | trying to devis> sxne moans Wm. Moore, onor about 27th demoniacal fary, wile, about ten feet away a | aah a game, a logge kaak came fying | day of October 190. are on or belore the day AGY ARD black ug ley epon the gronnd, writh- | Overhead. TF bawk spied the duck and 209m, | of Decemsbur 1600 $0 send by post prepaid to Jobe SS A0, fag. bu trighttal agony. commenced cireling arcu and in in.a few m>- | theie Darioting 48 corvomen are : zs y "Que of the tentiriis was, wrapped about | ments shot -- ont of the air, -- = | Mam, fall particulars of their claims and of the nat- "this body and pinioned bis arma His lips | Oommen ying over - " ® yousk = '3 | ure recurit any, them, after were a 'with a bloody froth, and bie: heed. Thereupon Mr. in biased "s roceed sa duteate the ik ov'ae acmarding -- eyes Pollet ia a frightfal wey, He nad. boos } at the hawk, which came rin with «a 'that the having oats to the Ben! Si ot wo Seg CURES picron! by EN 5 roach those sonad tine leaves, | § few fect away with the duck, thereby ell | he will then have ami the teadril ras slowly crushing him te. all trouble of wading or natire. or swimming af' Jeux Prarsox, Executor, Baath: Who will say that Winona Sebrings 7 ite, ~ Elhee, Dec. 3. 1800, i, Sn hin wm ct Rta ¢ Was hota moment to spare. Hasily ; Rew vines eertoner: eonteipretianl aise frente axe giclee le erate vee Be boty ae Se Purchas*rs should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. Ss a rithaatées 2 ee ata ja sion. Pores and ; atic Quinine Wine. SE oo ener Seren t