ne llemae Shes te! " j kept, nos count book. ih | before the election. trom the Bank of Hamilton, He He said. that he ad an ém-unt aah he ag the bank. | Bat when sey did net know how ! much and onty asked to ae a short time He drew by checks } He swore positively that no one had apy interest in what hemade on the bets. t Times. 'Telephone No. 21. ESDAY, DEC, Zhe Stratford =, 1890. WEDNE A WORD ro gl CONSERV 4. 7, pte that the pisciten:§ in North Perth been voided, we call upon our friends jambs the whole county to perfect notallowthe week to elapse before. you eajl your local organi tations together, #0 that you may all be found reaiy to enter into a hard fight. It testa with the Conservative party to aay whe shall be the eeu of North Perth 20 let our choice be a wise one. Aad let there be no time Test in bunting wp every doubtful voter, The election Test time was loat to us by over confidence as voters were roa broughs cut who ones have bex were disappointed; there need be si cause for any such an spprehention this election We as Con- servatives know' our numerical strength; eo that by dh éatly and vigorous canvan 'we will be in a position to redeem North Perth. The writ for a new election may _ be issued in a week or two weeks, so there fe no tite to be lost. Meetings should be held throughout the Riding at least twice @ week to talk over matters and discuss things which interest only Liberal Conser- The opportunity has presented itself to tedeem North Perth, and by the solid vote of sil liberal minded men who be- Hieve in cuuality to all classes, and speci«l . privileges to nones®* can and intend to Fedeem it, let the election be brought on te two & aeka or three menths. Céu- fervative parly wership no pattizan ulola Oo man owing t But suppert men of ability and worth, As Liberal Conservatives we claim to support sound ipies. in which party only enters in as asecendary consideration, Let the or gPvization.bye poutect thie time, cue ELECETON PROTEST. Contin hi FROM. PAGE cl. back {ron rat be: ausn I thogght it He said he had ahesdy bet its him to give me ap order He told me with whom he had bet = money as A genuire © ord e order waa given to Riggs anc he infor med the stakeholder that in a event of Ahrens winning he exprctel to evibe money, 1 was not present: when ' that was done. esso for wy weney. The stakeholder being a Con msvative refused to pay Riggs the money. a very active I knew Kego. to Keaso about how he was going te vote. | tried to persuade him to vote fer Anrens and hetold me Le would. It Was aiter tie tlt me, T pave him the | money. I wanted to make a change in the bet: Sie that it bad. got eatthat we bad given hiai money. 1 » -@on's remember ther or.not--1. tol syeecnas poome wa L_did wt ece-n layer hefore--1--weat cut,---I had a great deal of trouble getting bets fa Listewe!. I did not wantto invest that saw Kereo at his place on the th of Jans. This conversation took place one or two nights before the election. dames Grieve--I sm deputy-reeve of Mornivgton. 1 exerted myself to the beet of my ability last election. Iknow Joseph Adaws. know Wm. Mitchell the hotel keeper at Millbank, Do not know that he was an active supporter of the Dr's. al supporter, To Mr. k lingron--I never mot Pat Mal- eghby canvassing. All lL understood was that'be was « voter on the reform side. John~ Lirticn t or reformer and supported Dr, did not canvars, merely went and voted, * QDo anytuing else but vote? A--Well 1 was at ~~ =e all dey cy around talking. ooking to see t eur friends came a 1 was jast sc Just eeeing who.came in, kept it ali fm my head; never had a marked list, Can wot teli how many Voters are in that div- feion. =I told Mr. Climie, sec'y, that I was going to that poll to see that our friends were out. Iam not eure as to whether or not I had a conversation with Mr. Ciimie I was there lo vote Q-- Sed if they did not come you were toxend * after then. A--Yea. W. G. Hay--I made a bet with John A. Taner of Listowel. The bet was that Bess would not be elected. Wo made the * Lam not : ee eee bet before. bet because I oo ries ater would be whey Where did you get the money. A--The being a newspaper ed. | I madca -- with a Stratford maa | who is a Conéervati . bet with tae : spon ke max aed een pecs gai good ment at Listowel. .A--I don't know. Bate "On bo, quite the reverse . Mabee he stated that his bets lam deputy registrar. " ST hene ae all bets on | the election. To Mr. Mabee he recited what he had atated aliove. was in no scheme for the ¢ ofinflaencing. I may haye helped ecemmittee rooms, Never asked a man to vote for Abrens J. J. Weods--Saw. James Hay make bet of $20 with the ---- of the Standars. = Dr. Park hand #4) to make the be that Hay made It wason the recult of the election. To Mr. Idington--I saw Park hand ates money, who handed it over to J Hey: ow the money was bet; ors C. Hay. testified that he did his ut- moat to elect Ahrens. He made bets. He made a bet with Collins $5, G. Pierce, Mitchell 81; B, Armstrong $7, A. Nt. Geo Hawkins $20. "Did not nse my own money Bet was made on main St, I had et or 0 9 my pocket In the made oo Haskins Thad the money lipped at hand veg Hacking. a" not look csaad where itcome from, Kuew it was Hacking becaure he was standing behind me. I canvassed for votes To mel Idington--Hacking put the $20 in my & Never. t putting money in my band. W. G. Hay was ine stake holde?. Chas. Stock to Mr Meredith, = an sotive part, very ac active. He ma: atholnting to $250. Highes' to me, Mr. Je bets t bet being 1 got the money from Bank of Cc ae it was my own money. The first bet was the night of tirat- conven: tion. The bet was made about a month before sa polling day. I may have offered ' be lg A pumber ot my beta were a ta To Mr. Idington-- ~ Could not tell all the bets. 'They were from #50 to $25. The $50 bet" wai With KM" Stratford man. T mide a bet with another 5S. man. | had a great many bets. Had a $10 bet with ancther Stratford man. Neve were male wich doubtful voters, I wasin nesrly every cas¢ challenged to bet. I was known to have been taking so sciive part in the election, I make a practice of 'be tting on ing .gving.on, ouch a4, { Buy thing base ball, lacrosse, and anythiog else of that king, im. Brandenber ker -Was a voter at the iast-to may have aid, 1- will not eay 'thet "Latated that I -- support Hess, I was asupporter of Hes: up to about the middle of May 1 ms have told people who talked to me abeat it that [ would+upport Ahrens. I bet 20, 30 and 40 dotlars on Ahrens Noone had an iatere:tin these bets. No oo provided any cf the money that] bet. I got some money from Dark Hay. - He gave me 315 Previous to the election. I borrowed the money from hin: for the parpoes of betting I paid the meney, $15, and what I wen, back to Hay. Hay said he vad the oppor: tunity of ----s it up and that is the reavon trowed it. Ll may have said I borrowed it, a did uot mean it. I know Shaw. Swear that I did not say to Shaw ne no money tent feo, Bookless- any To Mi Mr. Idington--I was ¢ party to no scheme for upsetting the election. . Noth- ing busiies loca! «flairs politics ia fact I had no strong political learnings I had made up my mind or vie to vote before I received the $15 f John A, Hacking v Hebel. the cvilienen in regard to the $20 matter. The money was handed to me by Dr, Park to bet. He did nos say anything farther than to hand ittoJim. I made 3 bets. I bet $5 with Hawkins, $10 with Dr. Parke and $5 with John Watson. It was my own money I was betting. To Mr. ldington--Twro of the bets were made before the..pollwas.closed: and two. after. Dr. Parke--I bet 365 in all, He acknow- le" net having furnishe] Hay with $20 to bere To Me. Mabee. Riggs explained that was rotencugh to have a good time $2 would, that is the . I was with Messrs. Hacking, Riggs and Kess to Keaso at first about vlaing. o did not tell me who he wes going to vote for but gave me to understand he would vote for Ahreas because he did not like Mr. Hess on gg of bis having ent the price of saw Keaso not having any money Kiggs one him $1 and they were ave a good time if he won, anil Hack- ing gave him $1 on tke eame = terms. "The question ag to whether the money was _-- because he had cota to vote for Ahrens" waa not allowed ter the money was given we all left the hotel, To Mr. Merediti. I live in Wallace. I had not seen higgs, or Hacking gory that day. Kesec and I commenced had Rings the gare hi $1 I think the treat le Watson for the money and he told me i ce gg itto -Kesso. The order. was afterwards sued Kelso for $1 t not snot being able to attend t the case was pe of Mr. bet with Wellington Hay. $1 with Bor 'nad po inten tet n n of intlarncing the | elec- tien when 1 made Ages bete. I did not near of any schem To bir. Meredith. Thére never was 20 ouch betting in,Listowel to my Know: edge 7 . Mr. G. G. McPhereon recalled. People were going in andout of "the committee rooms day and night whether they were members of the committee cr not, To Mr. Meredith. There was no entry ss to how Mr, Brardenberger was to te. * | J. A. Hacking recalled. The commit- tee rooma were in « store which we bad "They were open till a mut 0 Ab y perrone sonld-g + cnnges of bribery rand. betting Were now taken u Alex. Morrieon, 'Atwood. I was help- ing Mr. Graham in the bar one evening There was a meeting of Dr, Abrens' sup- porters inaroomin the hotel. I know by sight. He was there. I Jonaldson, he was there. There would be twenty or twenty five people pe Dr. Ahrens csme out into the bar them and Mr, They had sade. In the first drink there might have been fifteen or twenty there, in thelast ten or twelve. I donot know who treated the first time, Dr. ~ a two doller bill for it. Dr. Abrens, De. Patk and Mr. Donaldson drank on this occasion. I was told-Dr. Anrens gave the $2 to treat the crowd, liington, 1, have ------ Am a Conservative. 1 have © meet- ing was held in the Inione end of May. The parties --were in the barroom for about a half an heur pe perhaps ip hour, I left about. ten o'clcck, Don't reme when my attention was calicd to case. Mr. Morphy spoke to ne about it shortly after the election. There was pothing, to call my attention to Dr. rens drinking or taking « Did not see where Ahrens aid not know him before Mr. son introduced me. Mr. Donaldson did not treat more than once while I was there. Dyn't think Dr Park treated more than 7 n_of volets' Some wert away after the first drink Dr, Ahrens, Mr. Donaldson, Dr. Park, and Mr, O'Neil, were prescnt at the jast drink, Alex. Stuart. I live in the township a 1 heard there was a meeting hotel shortly Tiere-were-prohably filly or seventy-five people there at I o'clock." Some wero" inside. ond some were out, Dr, Ahrens cinie there that night. x pected Dr. Ahrens to was treating after be cate. wag in the bar then. I was- go in, they aaid the dancing ranate £ (19>. Abri ns) was treating. I saw standing ia the hall shortly ~ IT saw Jame+ Donaideon talking I saw Dr. Abrens yive Mr. Donaldson tomething which he took from his vest Liington, I went doan tu ' when I got to Atsod. A =? -- of the clectors were hold- eeting there. © a wretiy fell Mr. Davis and Mr. Mabee had a wrangle as to who should have the meeting and a large part ot the aaee bis Dr. Ahiens about twelve o'clock. Mr. Halt met~ him, --t Ahrens gave Mr. Donaldson something. 1 "ata not" hear The, suspentare of om culty arose between 'MMe. Davia and MM abee, The meting at M»kton.--Robst Wood. I am an elector of tne North Riding of Perth, Kemember « meeting at Gowanstown of Dr. Ahrens' ere Were a meeting. Moet of those who were at the meeting went to the hotel Mr. Mabee and Mr. James Hay the crowd, Ido not know where Abrens was whef Mr. Mabee treated. To Mr. Idington. The hotel about twenty rods from the hall the mesting them had gone before Mr. Mahee come, was going Mabee a drive home, + Mr, I think svideaes in reg oe to Mr. Donaldson treating at Atwood and also at Monkton when De. Abrens was in the vicivity, though without the latter knowing it we have decided to admit that there may ave been sufficient to vitiate the election. It involves a yery doubtful psiot in law but rather than go into a contest which might result in an appeal to the Court t Appeal we have iecided. to admit that these acts would vitiate the election. My area' friend, Mr. Meredith, is satisfied that the election was generally conducted fairly, that there was no generel corruption, that there was noth- ing be what your Lordships have Mr. Meredith. ve I may add that under tances the tioner will not the state there general corruption in the ala," 'I fect that I ought to say that after hearing Mr. McPherson's statement in the box in regard to the amount expended he is free from any imputation of having ex- pended more than thown by the accounts produéed es Their rdships ave P aeaod the election vetted without Oh Yea, he Came down. bd --_--_-- (Bertin News.) Dr, Ahrens, nee nee lhe Davy Crockett's evn, came Yesterday Without shooting. Ris vacated b Peevicsir ithout a trial, Tae Heathen Chinee, For work that is neat and doe* very queer the Chinee is peculiar. If yoa don't believe at * Nee Ben" and sre their lay of are toa Jap wneess and Chinrse holiday sxoode. oelling off und must clear theai out by Xmas. Dopaldsge, | 'THE DAY-LIGHT 'Christmas Some of your needs. DRY GOODS MAN. -- Wednesday, Dec. 17;-1899, What a pr-ssure of ghem. How you'd like to be rick just for one ( 'hristmas. What fun, what real pleasure it would be, be able to grautiy your heart by once, you'd like to give to, and Do those that "he ive the big bank acc sor: of ple assure? Don't to, for g ving to all jike to give. t indulge in that So, be content what es think so. with your purse and though it will only let you buy a few gifts and low price that recieve them will loo though of hght dollar value, 1 at that, possibly those k Levond to the motive, and yet weighty with your appreciation which are better than gold, s usnal, many will seek the drapers shop and try to get just what would be most useful and inter- esting Do youkn-w t hat people sort of tumble and sre at sea a good deal just for want of a tive ininute think before start nes-withaa and tay it? Not many. object ing out. Now many. leave of Usually, people are content and best pleased to run chances of seeing something to claim their fandy- The difficulty with that sort of buying is that when you put the gift in the cooler and look at it with a you er it is not just been t eal] out few respects and less feverish mund it strikes the most suitable. You've ere Now Tn give you a s raight list of some that will that can be bo't with-ad- vantage at 21 Market St. A fur sto m collar. cape. Fur set, collar and cuff, fer gentlemen. Storm.collar, muff, cut? and cap for lady. Silk liandkerchief for a gentleman, he same for children, 25ets up. Half dozen or three linen hdkf Embroidered linen hdkf. Fancy hkf. for children. A dress for little daugliter. A. dcess for your wife__ For bie sister, a dress A shaw). A taney woollen for Wool caps for children, Kid gloves, for the Xm * the neck. or hoods. as trade. We are running a $1.25 line for $1. Lined dids.for gentlemen, __. A sik tie for gentlemen. Pair fine braces {cr gen Cathrand-collars, Qae of Gur handsome dca York goods, One 5 ote nt handsome dresa tlemen. Lv tuchiogs fer the neck. NS robss $10.00. Anice tight gown for your maid. A pretty apron tor your maid, A Gress length for your maid. Some r e neck wear for your maid, Some f ty Soureelt too Cs shun glover lpaderves ta and drawers. Coreeta Pies ce of nice ribbon for a bow. A ribbon for sash for girl Boutees for babies' toots Wool mitts forbis nibe Oar fancy Japanese hikfs. Pair of lace curtains Table cover. -- Some table linen, A doz) Hapkins, One efsour-cloth- jackets Tweed for pante. > You-know-all_the reat. W'. J. FE TH bh for boys, or --_. RGUSON. DAYLIGHT ae GOODSMAN, CiTy ELATT Friday, December 19th, 1830. Entertainment in ald of the Citizen's Band, The program{will consist of: ind. A " AS aK al elas jet eonciude with the Teuctal x¢ Burles: "GUY FAWKES." 'he only true andautheaticaccount of this me u euahte histeric event Tickets 25 cents. Seats can ne iii exir. at C.E. Nasmytn's dra ¢ "and wit ft df. roe at oe rues ae :| MAIL 2 er SEALED THRNPERS, atirens ed to next: ao ug and Stratford, Pties per 2. Drewes Mitchell and Rirsseldale, 6 times per wer each way . Bot cin Gowrie and Munro, 3 times per week ag containing further information proposed contracts may be seen prs vee looms npn aes way be obtained at the Post Offices along the respective routes and at ths H. G. Hora, Post Office I office. Post Office Ins ctors Office, Stratiord, Dec. 10, 1890. EMULSION DOES CURE. it In its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon eglor Sr sold by all yale % at 50c. and § SCOTT & oe Belleville, "er ELEGANT PERFUMERY FO: XMAS. A'l The Popular Odors AT The Market Drag Store. H. J. JOHNS STRATFORD. XMAS CHEER. Why the happiest of the year " be- cause everybody thinks of everybody else at this season. While you are thinking that way take note of a few lines of Christmas goods which we handfe. We can supply you with watches in any kind of case you wish, suitable for Boys Men and Laties, Chains and Charms to match. For Young Men--Caif Buttons Scarff Pins, Rings, Shirt Studs, Gold Pens and Pencils, &. For Ladies-- B <8, Ear-rings, Neck Pins, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Ringa, Bracelets, Necklets, Lockets, &e. Clocks of every kind--wood, bronze, marble, «plush, &c. SilverWare,---well 4Iwe do not attempt toenumerate, but would like you to everything thai is to be seen in our store. Everything Guaran Special attention to sitting Gold and Eye-Glasses just now. JOHN weet Stratford, Dec. 17, 1900, Bt stock of STAPLE WOOLEN GOODS than can D WOOLEN MILLS ' F ; t ' FTON AND SONS. Other place in the County of Perth. We divide the profits 'with our customers. : | STRATFO a 'Have in a larger and better be found in any ' | } | THE ALMIGHTY How do you "size up clothisg" ? By a judgment of quality, or by the price._you-are. charged._The--Al- mighty Dollar has never never com- manded such overflowing and over- wh:Jming values. for clothing as will Le offered every day this month AL THE YELLOW FRONT. The purchasing power of money has never before besn illustrated to it extent it will be this month. With 10.00 in. your pocket, you - form wonders, fit yourself Gat with an overcost or suit for which you will pay $20. 00 anywhere else. , HOLIDAY FURNISHINGS, all the novelties are to be found with -, Remember the Stock must be Our Loss is Your Gain. Ordered clothing unequalled in vir and iy su, finest of materials, thousands of yards to choose from at the price you be asked for ready- made clothing "elsewhere. Your chance is now. Come and See. 'TOLTON BROS. Leaving . Stratford, YELLOW FRONT