Stratford Times, 24 Dec 1890, p. 2

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sep geeenonrs 8 et Settee teen car apap yang She' Stratford Times. * set BLANCHARD HANGED. i . ' He Makers A Syrockh sh. Cader the Gallows | And, fies Braet. A Friend's Face, jend's face often looks sour and glum te of minery- --s Lillovs- A iciend from the eff: 'Telephone No. 21. Sherbrooke, Des. 12.---¥ "iltias Wallac | ness oF liver eon plaint @ tell Kam to panes Blanchard was banged here this morning! y,. & Binod Bigers and he docs it, snianenonge oc sccenstrnarinstetingt " the watder of Charles A. Calkene on | the fs sone right 'ng with returning 2 "WEDS {ESDAY, DEC. 24, 1890. tre Hh November, 15%) Toe drop fell health and he sppiness, Ba B 1. never fails. : at 906), and at 94 the jail _sargeon step nigieonen : = -- "esed forward and pros qusce i him dead. 4 Virgiaian who stele a pi le of green- Ferg: we By i Ot ee teen Tine execution was performed yj Radchive arene bark m ale seventeen diff 8 Order, as Gheaens by 3 et or Expres |'! Toroute, Who = : hanged Bers weil, end 'contessions," a@ each time impli- om ened Order. He. le prosertings were wich EB . yond lanew party and cleared hiruself. Dis owt ienaner. --- Rewietn| wr tk the sles scident Lust otut leve Alter arresting about half the town they ei' x tides by be tier when 8 9" seritnt | F wher Late re ant Fissatte kept wareh mr conclu ted that i: was « good ilar whats bia paper stepped, and arrearsges MOMt | sich the docmed main till |} o'clock, « a & poor thisf and sent him cp. le ' igs abi fo | tat te St. Bernard and Dt Charles re ha 2 Vent ; to tell vs truth, but they = | mat ved in the cerrider till morning C! we i have it ie net ded that afl sabscritiers to | ¢ o'clock Fathers Lefebvre acd Fissctte . a ied sii fre bet responsible wntll arrear- | eta 'ued, when high shad wat ie rated "King Py Tir ma = ae -- awl thelt papers ordered to b } B tue cormdes on w + prisimer's cell 7 te ann or A : per. Klanchandj ined i exarel es 2 Berors-- We ba Ct hi lhe eat | wee utir-t Troy an a vs they were Se wt Senay ire em ree | we creosote Lat if. you candot, then write to iss any way. | teat-and prepared to die He was wed. Deo net ae to a se chee, oF et it pe The said, his tence had not been com- We want an ear payers to make F408) ocd, as death wad no terrors for him any eee e that we -- the gallows was erected under a wood The Publick ail: ged in = goatee ye he thed and was of the ueaal type, with tlie z cept can be bad on application te weight that did duty for Bircial reatisie e. wAdvees islog Departarent." a "athe Pubtwher will not bold himeclt responsible 4 3 yee any errom which may im legal 4 ibetse cohen, lor views exp Tae _Puatieher WI Kot hold timesolt responsible | to ddvc 1 without specific instractions eetcriod until tartddden ond i accordingly. by Ad ieee should = reach ay noe % at latest, to ensure vabiie oeiae in Cha of contract advertisem should = 'oere sothce given that a change wil] be «wate, not later than Sata ¥ ensure the - emge bens fa! aber Addrese of the writer tse ">: accummpany a communication, mot tor publication, at as an evidence of cood faith Latters to the Publisher should be addremed to -- BJ. KN Sana 'pirecter SES CONTICLED OF A RSON- he Notorious George McCabe Sentenced to Fire Years In Penitentiary. Woodatock, Ont , os 11.--George Me- us character with a checker- 'sow: his. wana in the dock to-day presented 'a a patie able appearance, Ibis said of McCab> that the honors of murder sensations io - fet "County--are- gree crven} ivi: . tween him an petri the former havitiz, it is said, wiver--one in Seath Londen Bat nalcCabe was more fortunate than the hero ofthe tamarack sregedy, for in each of the three psc Se escaped-the hangman's rope. The jah vented ia his opening ad- dress, aaid McOabe was charged with barn- Edwar'!5 cot' 's house in North Oxford, tt - of it to him, but citer her dea aside-- The Scotts. had been fre "slabanaten ned since, and, it is said, ras, | ty ia secuving- tenant. "Atthe.|. the fire McCabe lived in ck ogg a iy was da.Mr. Fletcher's nek on that' occasion, when he said he wou and barn rp ot Qa the -- of that day the prisoner was seen in ville, also in the neighborhood so the fire, the next day aeons i , 6.5 -as that was o> laid befor por re with burning the property after the information was a Charles Wesley Séott war the next aml 4 e time of the fire the property 4 belonged to his son Edward. Hesaid the x; house was worth $2,000, besides the other 4 buildings: 'The house had been unocen- z oe for some tine. All the builtiags on Tia ll ba ¥ sais down exce Pe an eee. St tha witners As --nesr--aa My tae the fire took place at 430 in the mornin the time of the fire it had been raining ce three days. In one examination the witness could net swear who set fire to the property, bat dealed that any pornon except McCabe had ever been suspect He said the prisoner set upa claim to the property Isat winte> Wm, Rivers, a brother inlaw of the previous wilcess a id MoC€abe eet tpa summer, ar but he ordered him off the pact. James Krady, of Ingersoll, saw McCabe in Togersoll before noon on the mornin of the fire. McCabe said he left To:onto early that morning. The witness told bim it was well for him if he cou'd prove that, a2 ail the buildings on oe Scott place were burved down early orning c onstable Long said he met three men about 5 o'ulock the evening previous to the fire. He met sg on the road and as he came ap to them two of the men turned into a gate and stool a until he pasted ae He eid MeCabe was- ove of nici. After he paseed them they came out on - the road and went in the direction of 33 ftom Toronto, unless it was the 4a. m. train. Lar defence called no witnesses. jury brought in a verdict of waa called on the second indict- prisoner Was acqtiited oo this oe yeCahe, when asked if he had anything to say temarked:-- Your Eonar, Tames dnn-cert as yon are." Andge Finkle, in senteocing the gore expressed his re at fioding a man o hie age consi ef snch a charge. The . he aaid, were fully jdstified in reach- Se ca Blanchard waiked on the scaffold calmly acddirmty, knelt down beside a kneeling prieat aud was abso. ved. He rove, --s torning to the crowd ssid in a firm voic EP thark ¥ God have merey yes ats on the aioe side. id ty od may I met oa all farewell Gow ' T bid "The e execut ag atjesion the cap drew the co The weight fell ana pred victim rose ia 'the air four feet and turned half round. ceptivie and nota sound was h rd, In' one minute Dr. Austin felt the pulse which Laas fuil am drapid. Itdecteased gradaally | and became Ward end. in Jt. minutes che man -- dead. The crime for which Blanchard was con- | victed was cc mmitted in November 1559, near Ayers Fists ve the two) men, Calkin and Blanchard were = together in the former's houce. Blancha had a revolver, the use of which he ng | feased ished it about in a dangerous manner. Cal- kin remonstrated with him and a ecuftle | éxsued in Which CHIKIW was-kttled--by the, discharge ot the weapon. The men es | Mra, Caikin returned her husband was i the death agony, Blanchard fled, ba | Was apprehended shortly atre erwards - ae was born at Reading, Mass., in | 1859 | "es wena ~~ee National eaten Vanguished. PE -TRICNTIS_OF A GREAT. DISCOVERY, The magnetic influetice of gold attracts the people of every ciime to our shores, Men of al! nations, and speaking all the of civilization, are to be found our auriferous plains. is point upon which their opinions coincide. Eaglishmen and Americans, French, Swiss, Germans, Swedes, Italians and Chinese admit, without a dirsenting voice, that the great remedies introduced to the world forty years ago by Holloway are better adapted to the cure of diseases in this climate than any other prepara- meee ea ae This appears, in fact, in_all the experience - Meco of the world, and heacé the univers: f th medicines, We that the buundless ovufidence placed in their efficacy by the | representa To Trany tations at. the miaes, is a striking shsntemeen in medi- = ppeculiar to their several cquatrics. remedies were connected in their intande With associations of home, and indorsed, as it were, by their national prejudices. Yet they have bern thrown aside an utterly repudiated, while Holloway's Pills aad tment have been ; common impulse throughout the eatire gold regions Thereisonly one way of accoumting for this movement. result of coaviction--conviction. grounded on pecsonal observation and experiences he Ointment is -- with such wouder- a saing for wounds, cg and sore legs, " for all the e ternal diseases and casuaities to which gh § the-sttventuroua gold hunter is peculiar! liable, that scarcely a digger's te: a tea te found within the vast areca cof the gold ficids unprovided with a stuck of this cooling preparation. digger, and sume times his habits, tend-to ving the org: and develop running sores ulcers of the body and. limbs. ging', and seriously interfere with the labors of thd diggera. The worst cases cf this class are cured by the Olutment with ex waortivsry rapidity. The best method ot ing sore legs, and sores and ulcers generality, is by rubbing tho Ointment into.the infl tee! parts around ~~ _tcs tirst opening the pores and a fte flesh with warm fomentations The Ross affected is then dsewed with lintor hinen saturated with the Ointment. Such is the external treatment, but it is aleo proper to give the oe ry few ". see Cn the Pills ducing the progress of t aa thoy serve to purify the big nd ar +f dis. arge morbid matter from e syttem, whe the Ointment is doing its 4 tani on the surface.--The Svientiic Witn a ee R capstan 41D NEWS, The Grand Task': Sled return - trafic for the week end a Déceen r 189): Paew Rare "esrvings, 800° $107, Jee)! oat $102,587; freight train 1889, $27s,. earniugs $263, 3 648; tetas, "180, SI71,082;° 1589, $351,- 236; decrease 1500, $10,154 The principle of steam heatiog ger traia cars has Come to stay _ the Siates there ia no docht shiek "it; Oana- d somewhat elow the very con aa nown. A'prominent Grand Trank official is reported ag say ing that upoa the comple- tion of the tunnel the er ferries at De- 7 ' ror altered "yo to be very proficient in, and four. la | efficient medical aid. tg in the house at the time, and whe ot t bt me nt on abi slication to , Landon, 1 wn. Ih be« Printing: mente: Caugh t. Croup, colds, tore | theens and many painful ailments are easily caught in this changeable climate, never- failing the best of all the many remedies offered for the cure of colds or pains. Holloway's -- and Pills -- Travellers and Emigrants.--Those who cross the seas change a climate, but they 6. not change the constitution, The With these asso-iat- ei an at-hand they may be ssid to Hive « physician alweye-at certain that situations will ing in wh require @ read Li directions for use which se box and pot of Holloway' - Eis and Glatasent are written ia a2 aad simple language. and are applicable in "al casts, ~~ * Just why so many people 'suffer pain when a remedy of ksown and certain effect like Hagyard's Yellow Oil may be had atevery situg-stere, is not ver clear, This peerless bala soothing remedy ts a prompt and plearsnt cure for sore throat, crup, culds, rheumatism, lame back, etc. Price 25 certs, Reise The. Flag" We are glad to notice that the words and masic of the pat tuiotic song and chorus * Raive the Flag has boea published ia sheet form by the Empire. Thereis a tone anda swing about the composition which ae recommend it at once, both from the masical and the patriotic stand- place i schools with Maple Leaf. = The 'words and music were written by Mr. E. G. Neten. of of 3t. John, N. B., in connec- tion with t the the craaiien flag on the echoolhouses of the Dominion. In order to put it within the reach of all, 'the Empire place: the! price at 10 cts., and hes put the song on. sale by all newsdealets, ---- DOWNIE, The C ouncil te i Lip i. Men sake for a refund uf ng " labor money on lots nd 757 r bor had Tete perk ned She a ed to pros ure a certificate from the t. He refused to vive the Comneil therefore teok m 5S. con 6 replaced a that he would take out the pre c arate and 'leave the tile at the hall, oe build the new one grats if the Counci] led the Bos) ert: = feation graniod. tate non asked f ra reduction on his rer through T his hotel teing barae a on m an if Messer Cly ~ and Moses they we reinced one-half, T sornas Ceone "applied tor cue bait cost of dig ging ditch oa St, Marys road, thereby aaving im building of a culvert 7 wise benefit the time for the re- fern of the colic " as e eke mae to. Jan pa, isan "> $3u 1, No pj t eet Py tis ©. 'halt = oh, An) a 4, 86; eravel, statute tab TL iy Seon ase br », P Nol Robert merrns me, PK Ate hesun han n Ls i cia' s Morris t=), a "Ma wiring cn ¥ ae TE. Da an ot | it aaa Plank. S17); P -- 0, ha alf taxes re fi -- tg t i. ne, site nat, a oe Aa { 20D Down on The Nail. This t+-2 . well-known ~~ u tend for a cish a payment, sa; tne ' tht be orate Fed re qui iis -- ot carieg ia super Par * ep Demourest's Faxtny Magazise awarded ae A as the --a it, Mrs neil wiomost gr -SHIHRE? 4 at nN " Mt po i oa crus aoe Rv wv, "VO SON sae tm sa Brac Cit « ncn taamiaee (I and varnish & Grat Giaee AND Cri mawane Wree . " at the Wrens acne we time. ente for Canada, Unt. ob keene w. T wroDmtis, 4,000,000 Miles. Ina life of 70 years the blood travels 4,000,000 " "nl a. -- and unhealthy" it carries wit ip. Purify your blood with ne re B day with a bad arm, and coud find no cure from dacto re" med- icine, so 1 t yok two bottles of Bb. B, which cared m Mirs Gertic Church, Alymer, Oat. ty sep The th a page af the Toronto Daily Mail ia noted for ** Want" advertisements lf you want a situation, a mechanic, a business, machinery, lodgiug, if you have Jost or found anything, or if you want to nod out where adyone is, advertize in the Toronto ii Mail "Go SNowstonixe 2" Yes, my dear madame, why not Lg rt ge 'the heavena be propitious and furnish' the snow, and there is every prospect of plenty this winter -- shoeing is as easy as sliding dorp bi you-kuow bow, ani you will kuow how, ae how to form s "¢lub, and what to wear, and all about it, after reading 1 the breezy cS on ** Snowshoe- EwoREst ss Past jag ny Macazisx for Janus! igs pand it you don' t become en- thusiastic ioe mat the -- t, we are imis- taken, if me are artistic rather thao athietlo, you will be delighted on * --- numerous faerie ol col including a ie full-page portrait of the eminent Ameri- can sculptor Hartley ; and if you have never modeled iu clay, the or for amateurs and beginnera will be oi "Sege Maidens e University" is sae handsomely ilius- article, w mn by one of them, teliing cf-some of ute trials and m -thé pleasures of the life of a '* thes noted seat of Jearning ; ixated Chinese story is particularly inter- esting ; the other ---- are all x sthe- * Sanitarian" has seasouatte articles: about the " Effec Aa of C Cold, and how to take sitz, fovt, ana other ry: for 3-1? Chau" * The purposes; Ww orkd's Progress" of good thingr. Indeed, for beauty, varicty . and cotppletcness, must be the palin of su Family Magazine and should be in--every heusehotd. Public-hed by W. Jexnines Dewonest, 15 East I4th Street, New York. A Successful Mission The medical mission of Burdock Biood Jitters in curing netip: ree markedly aucomellisl No possesses such peculiar power over this disease. Was very bad with costiveaess, aud one b _cured me, would not be Bays. Vin. Fialey, Jr. of Bobcaygeon, Ont | | i i are ie attrac. -- Deater in On Gold and Silver Plating ery bo can wear ilver wat ! chains, since t ie5 'an be sioed ed in «old and to lo suite I all wold work. guarantec & | SILVER PLATED knives, ipoors, candlesticks, tea ¢ poty, fruit stands. hreeelets, | | ete, : j j j SKATES, bring them ONTARIO. . STREET, a _ LAGER GEO. B BECK, -- Reaperng bas In Wood or Bottles. "This Celeb ed the Only Meda! awarded at the T of 184%, Ucliar--unde: building. ratford, April 10, satel Lag WANTED. au kinds of rags, irom, rubbery, co; ,aine, bottles and Hwy ere. "al kinde of ye stoves for a. aa itvia New York, Stratiard, New. 4, 1464, J. M. BEUTTER, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, etc: | along J. M. BEUTTER. Opposite P.O, in the Fire-Proof Block. 'LAGER ragtord, H* To AS sale SLE CELEDnA ED L. AGER, ALE and R. B fOS2 2ONERT, Victoria Carbolic Salve is a great aid to Post Ofice Time Tale closes "every Mepis, Wed | Waa: i3 <O ag 1 with Fone fii: i } i "~ | » €16, | a: wy eo es i 4 t j i ¢ Ta - + ! foras, j ockets, sea Te 1 '| Dr, Dorénwemd's~-- now 'GERMAN HAIR MAGIC, asconly a very limit d amount can foe mly eure © ai dog Rive Price £1.00 per J ves) 5 or be done. They look Leautiful when t matic, For wale 87 8 rey pune: MWEXD, plated. Sole Pro} optiator, % a ~~ ~ Phave a quantity of second hard WIDE AWAKE, gold and silver watches, cheap. 100 Pages,--I891. Beginning with the Holiday Number, Wide Awak is permanent: lant with new and larger BYES, & ROT FF Bty le ot page: amd fresh, oe literary and pictorial cesraction s, M ton Harrison, whose story ot "The iupuneeel" has been the sen- sation of the season in The Century, has for. Wide. Awake | a_story called * wn «Diamonds and Toads a er obtain: Hon. John D. Long ex(-Governor of Massachusetts) furnishes six articles, under the geveral title of Our Government, for ST-ly the enlightenment of Coming __ | boys and girls of to-day. Kirk Munroe, who lately lived fore time the life of a railroad a in all p -- parlor car to cattle , bas put his __L experience into « thrilling sanrtak for boys perzbra «| catled Cab and Caboose, striking pictures by -- H. Garrett, are: Exauey 8 new serial,, Five Little a rown Up, will tell more about Polly and Jasper and David and Joel and Parusic, and others, as it runs through the year, -- charming illustrations by Charles Mente Le lo. internal medicine in the treatment of scrofulous]_Marietta's Good Times will chron- all kinds, idle lu her own' 'from her own manu y-: script, the chilihood adventures of Mari ee etta Amb: ' *~ Miss s0a-Archamhied Ven ae Ma lite " 'gitl who had a gre ancestors, is an irresistible little talks' eer. ial, by Erizsbeth Cuming. | Unusually Interesting Articles, Dunvant... | MAIL. |, Comme. | some eiabo aetcl + Fu | a wu. |», Vining with Gladstone." by Mra. .s | al |" * ! ar Joh A. Logan; "Amy R >bert's Emvroid- 8 09! 12 45) 8 eo! 4 a | erys" by Frances A. Humpary ; ** a 8 @0|) vose"s Pets," by Ktepplier 5 ""Gyp- 0 80) 12 46) | 11 6 i 09 | sies od Gypsying," by Reg abet | 00 | Pennell; 'Some t a," H > 13 20; $ " }t oo | by Maud eb 3 ons ine Oe 9 30) 4 0 1110, 700) W bal ag roeg B by i Adama; ** } | ton's Girl Sealpver," red ra. win so 8 OO! 12 45 goo 3.00} 'The Sugar Crank, RR, Jen- EE mare s i300] Some Problems in Horology, by rae HESS | eat thewtey; of the "nai } a2 «8. 8 oe thon Ww antéreat High 8 dined at | students. Three sets of Cash Pres. a. 7 | - j i The Bestof Short Stories from +~ Mibes F vee 1 £0 | thousande offered and solicited the | Pest 300 on 10) 2 00 | Yeat--some by new authori." ai, 190 P| B pcan | eel ysw| Figure Drawing for Ohildren, ia = a Mee sineantiberenewae $7 twelve iuiustrated -- out by Carotine onli ob ee ee Se oo wore) 700 | Rimmer, with few "rseach month, {| sesen mane | "| The ever ai Wuute do Things, the | 'Da } | School and Playground Stories, T. | ulree, Hampoted and | 1% | Post O Ollice'and Men and Things. ' gee p | ° Wide Awake nae $2.40 a yoar. view,on Monda Wood | "4 90|_cesday and Friday...| 00 | ip OTRO 'COMPANY, Pub OLD COUNTRY - MAILS. re, a cag Hatifax Packet closes every. Thursday | at Tin "OF MONTREAL. ag ey and Saturday, i ap mat 7.09 p.m, ANK wea Post Office is © to the, px aie inns he ry m. until] ». - Lobby will reo open to box 'apital, ers moti est, Money orer _ me ings Bank Office iy open A savings from 9a | Bection with ee WILLIAM BLAIR oatenaster. | curren? rates, 7 A. M. KAY, » Amivant Lt me HOS. PLUMMER, 7 anager Stratford \BuCK's Happy Thought. Range new~and-handsame dress, fr-its Thousands ieee its mesils. RICHELIEU, Four-heled range, with water fre is new and bands some. THE RADIANT OAK. A coal and wood fester. THE INGLE PAR- LOUR GRATE and SUNSHIN] Wood Parlour Stoves. The Master coal heating stove in x sizes. Radiant, Home. | Has again the largest and best display of STOVES AND FURNACES. % F ¢. | Fall variety of isiol atch att ee aad ial Hot-Air Furnaces. P GOODS we have the Wanzer, and also a choice line of a, Btand and: House Plumbing, 35,000 sags in pe:rfec operationan econom

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