WINTER VENTILATION. _ ELLEN diated ONACTING. * Actor %S THE HIGH MARCH DEATH ATS She Holds« to the Theory That an CAUSED BY WAN TSOF iT Must Keel te Act and be Nataral. "i re A Very Timety Article tn the Current prin cox o's Suggested--Some Pepalar Notions Sar- vivals of Igveranre. In this temperate climete the dwell bourse, are all closed ap siat th the pear, for the winter, and in mos? canes with. apie r F ig vind : Sy 2 ERR Recetas months renders the bumay Urst or ele you will pls ae Se ae ess ae. Sit ! By erer ie Saaneaiiens ae ete dowl a larg ere ci fied mp ity the } cient ; from or fs t or May wnthe bat litth of the " ire avinnes ing outer air, bat bre over: fe tt wats of sabbing Fretpecabes exclainied Mrs, at that Sey ' Keep that up April jut: vine Ty apr Just itaitate the ber tipe and " | was ami you'll ys ecapitally Hy TAY Feoare ar ane bn * ay ban ak winter freste and almost' You'll have no more trouble. everything in mature & fall of vigorous lily tutelligent eur prt ate cate we hav wi Canada, every year, assbown by T have « " yr atatictics year after year, the highest . My vandun tee wr tal li ig Chi ar rate of tie year, in all ages and clases, with it proves how essential a genning piece of the most séc icknena, especially jung disenses, feeling is as_a motel to > tind tate, i doa't ore is no doubt Whatever Mean tosay, after aran of 50) nights, that about the. celation of cause and effect in this You can Teel vour part with th The debilitating effect of breathing ty that you dil whea the pic cathing the same foal air of « oe! But you must have + vidly broke up the imdete ty that + earue inteasi- a torua. riety wart at y¥ flatly bets ® many aysiem anemsy pr vy to disease OF various nights are over. Ties tritts is, At tierend' of sorts, aivd more especialiy to discate of the @ long run you are imitating your own respiratery organs which are 0 directly af- emotions which you felt at the begining of fected by the foul over-warmed air of the it, and so the real touch is preserved rooms. The wonder is, that so many can!) There is, at the sume time, a good deal of tolerate the foul air.and that so many "sur- mechanism in our art. For instances, I vive. Thlsean only be explained by the have no more diMiculty, by an effort of will, 'weil kudwn pewer of the human organism in we deadly pale befors nry looking: toeait iteeit iva large" me usure to-circum: gite than I have in eating my diuner, No anne ahaa yA" fortwo achance of giviag the higher side the foul sir tre aihing : ¢ goes on While --the eme paren een that is--a fair chance tome cet a respite formu bour or two a day unless be woughly master the. scientific, ~ in the open alr, rnd sae the women and the caueainal vide of his art. Ifan actor mn, but roy go . And wants to gain his audience he must low him- THICH ta ary meant Of "Sept: -setfpand that be can never. do unless. be 7,0) puts , whilst importance deeply and gefuinely stirred. Why hav of keeping pure ts air of liviug-rooms some actors the magnetic power and poetic la gniaad by alarge ma- charms which others, theagh in a tc ate] classes at the preseut their acting beg te aa god, entire a Inck! ¢ are stil) Because the forn have th wat night of fee an 4 th vir mark while the ¥ is ree sens tine i inte vom ay. who by preferoncs sleep at ly at bedronmas, : ris we wis "gam ume and should be it ' rift 1 ster cal ¥ 8 very di ite vit » however, to draw the tie iy exehs aleat, probatly exac t line whe begins an] nature ends. ov ccesseaast urle eer bie to show that yor 4 ' 1 its ona in ties oreary to have learned the Tinis sets ¢ tt Nalaria-bre Secale cagnet....0i course storms this gift eames more easily Un Ua? all have to aoqu you have sto learn ty be aweae-Shes. Kean, stain,* = first leon in this very -- il sist of tie lav, caved BCU. o } r 1 ac- and spores rai r the com piistin st, One ilay- ' f, luman trafic, and eva. been more toan IL--soet eeexoation of cluse bad- her. [ was s iw * HM Cele i i ores 4 wnt wm atmosphere often Kean ' + can amd exci nthe early morn jatead of as I was wel | wr thet a terrifyi fe i ' tly t sod mock ef the et tebl you you were to pay O; phelia, « ould - fe tantiy met Fyoutell him you coubin't sing? Go and nacily be credited to the sans May Cais Ferry meairet Laything--*Yarkea ' will take the trenule to Dood any tui s Ouly siog Aad pag I fter spend- bad to, amd was couvines? by Mrs. Kean | fut up belrooun ing air that b be a weld-tonstiows {tbs sep { how. Fach avt » be the ater vse re in ticular, ar oki bitte re tt 'titth mal pu - tie fast eect or nine his suice unmanageab'e, an»! : 'andther this, anoPier What. For myst vs mody Ventilate--provide can perambulate freely enough, and alway tz cat or drawing off the regret Ll vever learned daneing--stage dan foulair and letting inthe cing, [mean. My particular " tiffScutty" is, slinple_process,.0f rather was my bands; bat I manage them bo scure. to warm the better now Was once rehearsing a part tromou. oe' doats, but as we With a man, 9 very Clover actor, who used eat on former oceasions it Mis hands exceedingly well--but be bad his -laitor. warsalne. pare "difficulty." We were discussing the best pag apne « aie ,™ one vrs" or a "doctor's ) rive era tower, iit wide at onee an opening through "Why not do it - this!' «ald "Yes, : very oocapbal 0 yom into achim- that is very well," plied: "but, you see wey duc Usat will be uaraliy warai, of cat I shall bo there" ot in > touaspot about : and how shall | a stove pips, if one _ five feet off on the stuge-- aw off t vet to where yoware f" "Take « bansom," I " opeD joes osely replied, thinking he was in fan, and it was a long time before I came to realize that it was « wrious matter to him to stir five . © fire, snch an n ope aing iuto the chimney above the grate whi be vary usefal f you have drut ce fie, probably s.stoye, din the dive!-_feet on t 1@ stage ules be had plans 2c out ling, ba-e a goxl saad o ypoaing _ by & bis movements beforehand. . inehe } cut in the pipe,-Seiti'a, zdoor But other qualities are necessary before ts partly ¢ in very 'cokd we th er "whe 1 the art of emetion can make itself felt; and you bas aa large fi In many hous these are imaginatt no, individuality, a in x 1 wegther Pty this ---- inductry "lmazina ot will give tari diult«< tinged vaca . "apt rapured to make an actor on air «ih eon: io tt rel th » cracks and character he is assuming; individaalty a his z, but without that no ous ever becam> a eor in the studio. I 4 a to aay that beauty is not an isome ne Wine sare outer aid to an actresi in a succesful theat rical » foe so arracns zed a8 career. Still, you can get oa without beauty, 'yeatilator' ia but it is imposible for an actress to achieve ts bardily worth any distinction without imagiaation, indi- n mon all dots and viduality, and industry. After all, as fa bai ! flac the roonmma asthe stage is concerned, beauty has not yy Ppt a tart ny iw octoager, much more power thana Iavorable critica ; dsiiy, when the fresare 5 vl walls ai! it can attract people---it can make them, Wooo, and litt or no dise unfort twill be felt, perhaps, come once~but it cannot make eves by an infant, -W mi do Set thom stay.--Treasure Trove. the (Cr: sh wir to bereits cone vin ome way . dancin Lesauie Advantages of a Lace Gown, la A woman who selects a lace cress now, or " at any tim>, todo double or triple duty, is Jobn Moriey is called the "grand young, Fine and del:cate | man" ian England. He is only 54 years wise choles, 4 pase; Shower, = Den ver bootblacs, is ith water in | worth m E20. 'He has a farm of 3S) acres, loves bave tee boiled, a fat bank accsant and works fiftesn hours pressl and male iute.« trained prince <«jaday at bis fade. slip or a sveath skirtand bosice, anddsaps!{ Willian P. Soathworth, of C leveland with some-of the rich «1x le@hs will look as} has given 80,000 for a ward or wards in the if it bad posed through a magician's nil | hospital there to be devoted to the care of aod been torned oat now. A black lic: | sick and disabled children totict and ene of white lacs, witha stylivhly Lard Tennyson has recited "Toe Charge tieedle black »ilk gown, will erry a lady who of the Ligat Brigade" and the "' 01 the "ges out but ltil durimz the seasm' | Death of tue Dake of Wellingtoa" into a through the entire periol of gayety, if tho | ograph, so that the sound of his voices owner of these siaple three gowns is deft and| may be beard "ih summers that wo faygesiows in the way of ace sorles, by the us? | not see." of varied tedices, laces, ribbons, and flowers Dr. Brooks, Johns Hopkins, professor, with alway's fresh gloves and slippers Sle | says that either dretging must stop or the must likewi« take the best care of her black land oyster will cvase to be a factor in ) gowD, wi not pati: on and "whip it|the market in three years There will be ent" on the promeuade in wind and damp- | thesame old oyster-soup joke, but the Mary- ness, as huudreds of wome.s do daily. It will | land oyster will not be ia it. take only a fow weeks of the cocstant don-| Among tho who a ball ing of even the most elegant velvet drew to gives at Brussels on the eve of the battle of Kive-it a wornand even shabby aterlos wag the , Dowa- appearance --a drew wh ge with care, would last for years: ow shabby looking worn, in tales latter days of cheap and really beautiful fabrics and trimmings, iy an absolute disgracm. There is positively no ex: ; iy Mbobk at all, uate c of ; = a 5 i Shick 1, ats meat pid na ciel den and ehewbere, Mr, Giadstage wishes it tan ne more Le benetited by the y¥ trifes to be known ms a ee Ja the shops aud the "beips and bints" from Hes are. Aa _ - Ev aydtbecnie Pwar fers cp riers than can the Ethlopian or nds peta ihe Podiay sloteed leopard changs in their ap- oollecting "8 ee neon Bf tee the of uatare, novels, wee ---- ory ra a is «a fabric--a most excellent eally tex ne Say --whieh for darabi- |. There is oue woman iq America who is a e ee For CRAMPS, COLIC, and all Bowel Troubles, use PERRY DAVIS' AIR-KILLER Use: t both internally and cieenusti Tt act's qui tekly. affording almost instact 2 pain. BE SURE to GE#IYE GENUINE Q25e per bottle, MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINED! QWEMULSION "OF Cop Liver Os. & NPD or LinEawe 50D Increases Weight, Strengthens Lungs and Nerves. Price 0c. and-$1.00 per- Bottle Ministers and Public Speakers use SPENCER'S . Chloramine Pastilles For £ Caring and Strongthening tle voles ess and Soreness of Throa' Price a5c per bottle. Sample free on application to Druggists TO MOTHERS PALMO-TAR SOAP Is Indispensable for the ae Toilet or Sursery, for cleaning the or Skin. THE BEST BABYS SOAP cHOWN. Price 25c. aie. ""Sigelaiabaaaeccaaaiaaaabl = Wyeth's Malt Extract, * 'To pat Aion; to rye gestion, a val are to smite iA Cents per bottle. The most setisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER is Channing's Sarsaparilla, It isa Grand HEALTH RESTORER. Will cure the worst form of skin disease; will i will cure Salt Rheum. Large Bottles, $100. ALLE LU NC' BALSAM For CONSUMPTION, Coughs, nexlected Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma aod all diseases of the Lur In three sized bottles 25c, 50c, and $1.00. FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, ct 3 Each plaster in ra an airs tight tin box. ihe DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim, Proprietors or General e ~ FOR MOST OF THER "a wee a | Ancien sentSacz ea Ma trace om Caen Marble aud Granite Works 5 gee SHARMA, Pet cal hee end Oraaite Tort. dian Marb ra wen stones. Manto) | e uh Stunde, Cous.tes Tops, &c. Inseriptiins cut in English sad German. vant 8t., Stratior¢. Srpt. 15, 1871 ty ELEGANT PERFUMERY XMAS. All The Popular Odors AT The Market Drug Store. HE. J. JOHNS STRATFORD. MEN WAN TED. 77s % -- NURSERY Co, , of Rochester N, ¥., ps President, want: good reliable men to to soll thete which is as good motheatpane yaad drm aod ex penses cach week: give pe " ony tment a tree. Ad Settee oT catalty shoes te we topos Laren' ens veneral Avent, Ont. NOTICE TO - CREDITORS, In the matter of the "ext of Wm. M ore, late of the Teowu:hip of Ellice, in pe County of PerthS pr al dec: a Pursuant to the provision of Chanter 110 revised io I~*7, seotion 36: All creditors and par mg ch imat the e~tate of the Wm. Moore, whe died om or shout the 27th day of October 1/00, are on or before the Ith day 1890 to send by post prepaid to John Sehringville F. O, the executor, ir jan ad address and deacrip- tion, fall particulars of their cletnm and of the nat- ure of the scourities, if any, beld by; them, after the exectitor ef the estate will ; MANUEACTURED SPECIAL NOTICE OFLAHERTY é QUIRK. | STE RLING MACHI NE OIL. THE BEST IN ONLY BY THE WORLD. Vil, is the best White. liluminating Patent Process rhet, and equal to American Water PETROLINE, tic New Oil in the Ma Fer sale G2" BRANCH OFFHUE--At Stratford, wag G. T. R. JAMES STOCK Wholesale and Retail, WINES AND LIQUORS, Has the best assorted a ndchoi- cest brands of Wines and Liquors in thecity. We defy competition in any line of our goods. Sole agent for Davies celebrated white Label Export Ale in pints and quarts. "Very otdBasses'*-ale~-and---Gut-} ness' Stout always in stock, we also handle Dows' bottled ale and Labatts, Dominion, Cosgrave's and Toronto Brewing ales and porter. Give us a-cal and-be- sat- isfied. Worth's Block Market Square: |; by all Fret-Class Dealers. Freight S! eds. ave just received a fine assortment f FANCY | CROCKERY Which they will sell very low for the next thirty days. A Large Stock of 'Sugar on hand to meet the demand during the Preserving Season, Also ail sizes of PRESERVE JARS FULL LINES OF.CHOICE WINES and Brandies, Hiram Walker's Old Rye, Male Club and mperial Whiskey, also batt's .Carling's and Cosgrave's Ales and iii Loolz Before You Leap! The chinek- ce eats aiisey? grain, The bee-moth spoils his honey ; The chigger fillshim full of pain, But Leishman, Maundrell & Co. Give you the worth of your money. ht, a tn ee ee, -- Friends, open your eyes! Don't be scooped any 'onger!, But go to LEISHMAN MA UNDRELL & CO'Y ------And bay your------ LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We always keep on an immense stock of PINE AND HEMLOCK BILL STUFF, -- ie ABO ZX AND XX SHINGLUD Wiha we wii eh Che tory Desk eae, pt aaah word Remember we are still bere and doing business on the very best principles. Leishman, Maundrell & Co. Wholesale and Retail Lumber dealera. Telephone connection. Front St., Stratford ours. Wa. DAV IDSON. Co. Clerk. DAVIS & VAN BUSKIRE. B NGINFERS ard SURVEYORS. STRATPORD aod WOODSTOCK. a agton's Block, Market and Erie Office :---Is Streets, Str ~ - Reyna Roads, Bridges, ete. ett-ly ROOMS TO RENT. Su iTABLE for Legal, sntcrance, oF Medica oes ~ clus 7 iste office, Erie s:reet, on} a few yards Utice, Enquire of . FRANK PALMER, The Ontario Wood and Pump Company. SHAKESPEARE ONT- -PREDERICR BABOBDEB, Prop. Pump Dealers Supplies Gene- rally. Specialties are Deep Well Pompe, Porcelain Jined Pumps with improv- ed ie p vs Ives: ce We guarentee every Pump sande by us) This wiil make it quite un- necessary for us to prevent any com- varison oftour' work with that of our titors guaranteed sat- is sf rct'on makes it impossible for any one to osuifer.-iees: hy. ordering, of es ou Yours very truly The Octario Wood Puma Co., Shakespeare ,Ont GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. mbes at Strationd as follows; Toronto and Fast Pont Mitvarttwrest Sane ' 3 45pm 9 10pas mix Londsa 8 iam +} ~~ --F ep Goderih . 8 fam exp 3 36pm exp @ 55pm mix Brantford & Puffale . . : SOam exp Paluerston & Wiarton 10 Oiam exp Southamyp'on & Wiarton 3 30pm = se Pam an am ra ) Ofam enix 7 Ope mix "Between Stratford and Palmerston onty. eR Se STILL IN FULL BLAST BANKRUPT STOREY Follow the crowd and you will go spotte buy cheap goods. 7°Svhat be tt and heap. pearly every bod, Se wat tae oe