, "xENnER's ( Book Store for ALI KIWDS OF BOOKS ibe tratford Times PURCHASE YOUR STATIONERY AT KENNER'S VOL. 'XVI STRATFORD, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY. 23. 1891. NO. 786 Baths, Sibigns vl Dasths BIRTHS. --_--- at emctaig on the Tord i EA D.8, ofa da MULueK ny monte the Lith inst., "the wite a! the wife , the wife nous: "p> Haastaire, on the 11th inat., the wife of Fred Goebel, of a daughte TZ--In Hamburg, on srBOMILL EA tn North Eassthop>, on the e of Hear. y beegmiller, a ¥" ---- ape mine 18th inst, the wife of the orth Easthope, ms the 17th inst, twin seca Saar ene 'hter. Hist inet the wife of James Balkweil, of MARRIAGES. OUITEARD--Frrzotneoxs ne toot bye Cath. Troe 33 Caumed. ot ete to Mins of London. MUBRAY -McKELLAR--At the bride's father, Avonton. thied « aon of Walter Murray, ny Bone, --e Johan Mc Kellar, MI OTB 3ON-cAt the residence of the bride's father, on the 14th inst., by Rev. ed Grant, ~~. A Da scn.of Eaq., to Le titia A. Gibson, oeident dacahter of John Gibson, Esq . al! of Downte. " 'DEATHS. seg Fee the family residence, Olivette Pipe Lin Weatininster, en the i5th inst, ~-- of Mra. R. Box, &t @ Hibbert, on the isth tat, ears and 1) months 20th inst., loved wife of 'Thos Baker, aged 60 care. veenEy In Hibbert on the 18th inst., | daughter of the late Martin Feeney, aged * woktchiax--t. New ery! on the 19th inst., "and a5: | MITQHELL = Near si won oi on the 18th oe . Mite! ad 4 m munoava nit Stratton', om the Sind inst., the Hobert Very Best, . The Stratford Tiuzs, Onty $1 per annum. Go = Young Shannon's for fine photo- If want something new in program- concerts, call at Tux Tins office. attendance at the ieee Tasti- tute is very large this term A uumber of fine plays are booked in the -- hall for next month. on January Sth, e boa -- vinder will oblige y leiving ry at THE Tres office Stratford .ia overloaded with calendars "for the year 1891. They are of all colors, d sizes, bscribera who do not receiv i -- regularly will please call and make arr known at = ---- ie meeting '« Hoe- jini reid 'will be held 'ia tt the 'Guy ie ouneit A this Wednesday 'evening. The Central Business College has a vary number of students at present. bably the largest of avy college in Canads. ' And now that assessor Sharman, is on the warpath, it behooves owners uf curs to © store them up in their cellars a ai : Mr. Thos O'Keefe, of Dublin gave Tite Truzs a pleasant call one day last week Mr. O'Keefe formerly resided in Stratford It is rumored that several very import "ant clianges ar@ about to made in the district management of the G pecially at London. The "Salvation Car" of the G. T. RK. was oo hand last week as Tux Totes went ress and consequently the boys were ile happy. Mr. Leadley"s class of young ladies io the Central Methodist charch, spent a - very pleasant evening under the hospit- able roof of that gentieman on Nile St. The Annual meeting of 3: hail last week could be oe t passed off very The Rey. T. Nixon, of Smith Falls, ina Jetter to the Stratford Presbytery sta that he refused to accept the call tendered him by the coogregation of Knox Church of Sg rd, vs J, and C. Hoffman haye on ex nibition in ther on window, a pair cf moccasins, was: ge: was wont to oe oad in before the white man raized his tcal eaeins have been guilty of -- the mail bor = Yue the Fwardsin this ¢ sity Sat herpering with oe all g Brig in will be prosecuted. h years, 8 months | 55, -- AROUND THE CITY. Y dllew Front j is hustling trade. Servant wanted, see advertisement, Remember Bosworth moves next month. A trained nee show in the city hall on the 17th Fe The police court should be fitted up to look at least res able Mr. Elliott of the business college i doing some fine pen work at present. Manager Tracy is hustling in some good shows. Cheap Simon is selling off his goods by auction, Farmers are holding their praia for bet- ter prices, A sianher ho Pm of acaslet iow are reported in t Gs is eumeiat shes Sam. Glaister of the corner store has scored, He has po doubt been seeing the elephant, The Mechanics' Institute have added a number of well selected volumes to their already large list. Mr. J. J. O'Brien, of O'Brien Bros., is doing a rushing business in his new stand on Ontario 8t. Manager Farrow, of the Bell Telephone Company has his private office fitted u beautifully Mr. Charles Ellis, of Tur Tunes is sed. He is confined to his room im attack ef rhéumatic fever Local collections were taken op in tne RC ag bend lust Sunday for missionary work in Afric Mr Wm. Baker of the G T R. son of Mr. T, Baker parsed his recent qualifying exam's in the civil servic: Mr. S. Webb of Srushed, waa elected secretary treasurer of Kuights of Labor, at London recently G. A. Powell next. door to A T. Mac donaid's Art Store ia giving bargains. Mr. Powell has a new and well selected stock. A neighbor > se Tar Tires, who did a mgood -~ oi troppud tie = tin got Gale Mr. _ Joseph Rankin's store on Oatario i '*Tony" O'Meara's store on Erie Street is quite an addition to that end of the city and is being patronized well. Tony is de- serving of every enco A very successful concert w held at Mra Wm. 'a, under ie auspices of the St. -- Church Musical Association, on Monday evening Lae Mr. C. J. Tracy, seomeiie of the adver- tiser has been offered a first-class position on a New York paper. Conn. is a first- elass workman and worthy of « good ar current that the Grand Truak« officials' will build a handsome new depot in place of the old one next spring, Tux Times that the rumor afloat will be brought to a successful isaue. Mr. Chas. Worth, of Toronto, gave Tux Times a pleasant cal! last Saturday, Charlie is looking well,and like a good maoy more Stratford boys who have gone abroad is making his mark in the world. Give Tux Times your work. You will receive good work at reasonable -- and most gentlemanly treatment. Place our orders where you get the best at the jowest. price: The Ladies' Auxilary wre iving an entertainment ia the ¥..M.C.A..rooms on Tuesday evening next. Coffee and refresh- ments will be served and a good time may expec J. M. Buetter, gold and altver: plater, has worked up quite an extensive and paying busines 4.tepairing watchesand clocks. etc , he stuffs all kinds of birds &c. John wiil do we'l wherever he goes. We understand that Mr. Riceka, of At- ~has leased the Palace Restaurant, coset by Mr. Robt, Woolfe. Mr. Woolfe removes to Stratford this month.. Robert will be greatly missed in town.--Listowel Banner, The inital number of th the Canadian Dry Goods Review published at Toronto, ee been received at this office and pi fine: ce. The publishers of thet -- show no lack of enterprise and should a be rewarded bya large sub- cctigtion is The doors op entering the post office are vot suitable. Complaints have time and aon ee n lodged at this office, that school children have been hurt, some of them very badly. Tue Trues trusts that the proper authoritigs will see that som improvement is madeor more. suitable doors placed there. The firm of Pratt & Tracy has been dis- solved by mutual! consent, -Mr, C. J. Tracy retiring. The business in the future will be carried on under the style and firm } name of F Pratt & Co., while Tuk Tiyrs regrets to hear of the 'with drawal of Mr, ban + We trust that the new firm will re- the same support that has been so liberally beatowed upon ite predecessors. Tur Trves calls the attention of its patrons'to the advertisement of Hyslop, the nerein dry goods merchant of ie e has commenced a 45 days sale and eat continue to give barrains poe thattime. Ifyou want bargains roper treatment be sure to call on Hiab, Market Square, who always kee choicest lines in carpets, dry Foods, bed A gang of avietion are now at work with a new wrinkle nen ne Miss Maggie re sr Palme rena the city bid § tween returned home lect. | saan nel of AROUND THE CITY. Police Court. . Several little "kids" appeared before the P M Toursda mangas charged with api The evidenc to be clear as to the boys guilt. oe ftis Worship remand. ed them for eight days. i Mein was allowed to go on suspended sentence at the police court Thursday. His offence was arenlinge mitts. Theo F Me. Clark, of Granton, D. D. H.C. BR Canadian order of Foresters, is in the city leokin a the interests of that excell: ent o' © purposes inatit court in the ry i -- all who. wou to join one of benefit societies in Canada, or ri di information con- cerning it, will profit & having a talk with that gentleman. The Cansdian Bank of who the coming exhibition to be held sland. Evening classes for Shorthand only will in the Business College rooms ay, Feb. 2 Parties interested will please apply at the office for general information, and arrange to be on fiand for first lesson. The Bell Telephone Company have added two telephones to their number since the last book dated Dec. L890, was printed. The new telephones are: EF. J. Kueitl, . 75, residence, and Wm. Collins, cabman, No. 39, residence, on the Itis rumorea avout the city thata twine factory ia about to be established in Stratford. A few good manufacturing establichmentas located here would boom the city. Tue Tures will throw more light on the locating of the twine factory later on Some of our sabecribers who B porn hold tions never think for Tue Timzs but year after year t of post office without posing fort, "lan Gar Oc uae bilia Lap must be pe and cod if om Ln ol wants to read a paper, they onght to pay for it. Tux Times wishes to call the attention trors to and elegant line of type recently a. in stock at a cost of several ---- . That Tue Tres is in a position : turn out work equal to avy of the large job printing offices in -- and elsewhere is an undisputed Chas. Bochanan Klophel of Chicago Ittincie son of Professor J. W. Klophel of Downie street had the choice of two chairs in the College of physicians surgeons, Chicago recently, Dr. Klophel is one of the many clever young Canadians who are pg reo in making their marks in eo U. only a young man of unt, this = - ears creditable showing. Merit will te A orshens in this city who has been in usiness for many years remarked to the proprietor of Tue Times the other day, that he received more direct benefit from advertising in Tur Times, than all the rest of the papers in S Stratford put to- gether. This speaks well for Tux Times pe merchants and others who wish ie find out which is * the beat" should Tuk Trves a teat and see for themse rey ae it ia the very best advertising medium which to advertise. ** Moses Oates," the weather prophet, says it will be so warta towards the latter part of February that the moths will fly. The latter p-rt of March will be rather cold. The above weather will eventuate, provided it ia cold Jan 2 ate Feb. = h. The Northwest will h ari winter, and it will be decidedly warm in the W mete States; but cold weather will be ienced op the Pacific Western eters will be average with heavy precipitations of snow Doa't be as foolish as to give twice as much for an India ink portrait or any other kind of picture to outsiders when you can get it from an artist in your own town. The artist referred to is Mr. P. Digrlamm, whose studio is upstairs in the Worth block. Mr. Dierlamm has made several pictures which have been bighly praised in the press of Toronto as mes ged of other places. Tue Times ronments Mr Dierlamm to th» public. He is a Nb. 1 artist . In looking over the records of the local Registrar of births, marriages and deaths, it is surprising to see the afrange names = some parents bestow upon their little . The good old fashioned names are val entirely eschewed for medernioms, such names as William and Mary h al- most cusps being changed into Wit lies and May's and other names are ev worse mutilated and one child, and coal one, at that ia afflicted with no lesa than five given names. Tux Times hopes that it may live to grow up and do honor to the heavy eo Mr. N. A. Bosworth rem to the stend now occupied ae ae. teneh R Wellington --_ th» city will he will occupy will prove s paying invest- _| ment. PERSONALS. Mist Graham, of St. Marys was in' the week visiting friends. Downey, of Seaforth, who iw Pear, of Stator, was the guest Miss Garner and other Mt. SOCK A DOODLE 0, NORTH PERTH REDEEMED. THE CONSERVATIVES WIN 4 GRAND VICTORY. Never in the history of any riding there been such a chanze in public Cpinion in suche short time as nas been witnersed here since the Grits by. political intrigue ed North Perth, as witnessed this While the easertetives were never for ninety-two votes Ih was conceded that North Perth electors, 2 their own free wiil were Conservative. We mean no disrespect to the electors of North Perth when we make the asertion, that ucprincipled politicians notably from a pure and infallible oy svught to divert the express will o people. To the credit of North Perth etiking examples have been made ef Reform boodling; the pin tothrottle the public will with any other sins without either number or limie ey the desired effect on Friday last. the election of Mr. a wf. émonium re ifs) Stratford = haired men = added to or hours in the sia of Bde sucha nies ony as the following, re- A large and enthusiastic Conservative Fer'on Setarday"afterocoe on, tah o on eo Mr. M.P.P. The Listowel wi bend cont deen with their full y: , likewise came and exerted ¢ fulle:t capacity. Followi: came , M. P. P., in an open Sereache' ors a rote of Fromineat Conservatives. Mr. Magw circumstances, 46 of a majority. mediately after him in carriages were other --" Conservatives of the city and co And "folio these came one of the best natured most enthusiastic pro- cessions on foot, Stratford has witnessed since the days when the Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald favored his distinguished presence and & Stratford audience with his speeches and itticisms, w Saturday's procession genuine Tory one. Everyone s exerting his fonw to emoustrate such a sweeping ge The torchlight processionof Monday evening was arepetition of those large and enthusiastic gatherings characteristic of such a loyal band of Tories as Stratford and the gurroundiog townships of North Perth can always be proud of. hey had the 25th battalion band, innumerable, brooms and flags, at the close patriotic and congratulating speeches. Result of the Election. STRATFORD, Avon Ward........ " ae - be : Shakespeare ward..N tomeo ward......} " mh tse home Majority for Magwcod NORTH EASTHOTE. ELMA. Trowbridge........38 Grange Hall...... 43 Srit oe PMS owe os Majority for Magwood, . MORNINGTON, No. i Attridge's....... » Poole... ene : Newton....... wate , 5. Mack's...... seseee 6, Millbank.. ... Lansdowne '* Majority for Ahrens, MILVERTON, Village Majority for Magwoo, SUMMARY. agwood. Ahrens ears - majority. lt 69 74 Total majority for Magwood, 46 OBITUARY. Another young "wife and been taken from : loving b creation cate ful d off lo Sie infu uty oll ming to eo last ioeaeiret ees y all who -eeiceay bac hare Sone An Wil- as just 26 years had been married only about five years. She leaves behind a family of three little daughters, the eldest of whom is about four years, and the eve sb infant of a ~~ -- Her iilness was brief, but ber 'al and only such as those al tome their faith firmly fixed in their Redeemer can enjoy, and her friends have. the sweetest consolation that can be vouch- safed under such circums was conscious to aad she was told that all hopes of continued life here must be abandoned, it did not seem to dis- turb her in the least. She had her litte ones brought to her, and her eager relatives surrounded her bed. She to them all yg and bade them all -- bye. By « many of its terrors. Mrs, Wilson ws one of the most amiable and exemplary of woman. She always bad a kind word and a pleasant smile for every one, while every good and Christian enterprise was sure of r Warmest sympathy and support. Her early ee is not only a to her family t to the community, as she i doing usband, however, the a will fall most heavily, and few hearte comprehend what a terrible bank will be I left in his life. To him as well as to th r from the Society, of which "wire. w feos " active and useful member, and to the members of this Society- she was greatly endeared. Her father, mother, sister and two brothers'from Grand Rapids, as well as a large number of other relatives and friends from a distance were enabled to attend the funeral. Mr. arrived home from the old country on Sunday night, a telegram acquaintin [ain of his daughter-in-law's dangerous having been forwarded to him to New York, and was received immediately on his arrival there by steamer. He made all due haste home, bet failed to arrive in e*place and a to Mra Lang and Mrs. D. B. Berritt of this tn vied new visiting the a partin and coarewial os it saath. be death a cbbed of the peculiarity «bout the " 1891" is that CARNIVAL, The Skati Carnival held in the Strat ford ae vesday evening of last week p ° & success, large number of naricdion turned out on this occassion no doubt tosee colored faces and comic costumes. The following is the Niet af of prize winners : LADIES. an pad nae ~A photograph album, awaed- ennedy represen ting Ja Lady. 2nd aa nag jewel case, awarded to tne Nik. Leary, of St. Marys, represent- GIRLS, itt y'acompanion, aw.rded te aise Kiba wig representing Littie Old 2nd prize--lady's companion, awarded to Miss May 8 representing Squaw, GENTLEMEN, . st prize--collar and cuff case, awarded te gg Waugh, representing Spanish i ise and eae? awarded to D, am an Litt, re 1 esen' Irish Tourie "s pots. companion, awarded te +e soi Peprwenting Santa Claas, ob ie mpanion, awarded ter Dotan, coprassating Page of the lith cent JCbGES, The Judges selected were, for the sini T. BP. Trew-and Mine A and -- the boys, Mr. E K Barasdele and and » Shaver. Born in a | seeewony Car. Lyon N. Y., Jan. 21.--Mre, J. EL Todd, ut Conmre, who wason her igh and son are doing Died Fron r agreed Bite: Charleston; 8S: Cc. Jan. 22.--Nim: county, some time tae teh io 6 fon wile a "ten m" negre named Tom Si ond fe the the fight on examination, sa, that Brown's death was caused by the bite. The Business Tax Stratford, 'orld. hp os h, Ottawa and tario are likels grea uali This was iene when the troduced and it was hin "that a man anxious to c«qualize his assessment with those aroun him to resort > oe fuge or worse. This- is the rule where. " Let it Come to a Focus, er Tux Tims, os Ages? last issue a letter tizen" com board of aldermen to make the ae hall at least comfortable for the future. Yours traly, - A Ratepayer. Stratford, Jan'y 22, 1891. Stock-Taking in January. nn ekeepers, now -- the holiday j@ ie past, should make their time pro- table by taking atock this month belore the spring goods arri One reason is Besides, per, by carefully going thre his ap at this time, pe also utilize occasion by marking down for quick sale such goods as he does not mene to carry over,.to another season. y retailer wil! make money by running off ale unsold atcck at cost, ause the ure of the money thus secured will give him oppor- tunities to buy more advantageously for future trade and insure him greater pro- fits. Marriage a Hundred Sever? Hence. At the present time, | @ popular p tion exists thatall girla wish to marry, fail to do 20 on they lack