AND 'SULET" SAOLY BOTHERED. of fur om Sarmising that She Had Never Head thakespeare's Story of A Mighty Meas Thing Who Made Game * SOIENCE "AND PROL AND PROGRESS" FROM VARIOUS F.ELDS- A 'Bimpie Machine That Aurh Make Which, if User, the Che@t.and Overcome the Tendency _ Being Round Shoolderest. Will Develupe A PRETTY GIRL AT A BOOK COUNTER "INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS CULLED | nly Can? 2 axt. Tie. Tieed both t 'iekly, ' instant nesters the boiriew-headei floor-walker was ping in his Sunday--choylattitave, Snae wii. sper ed to bim and be shook his bead. She glided back to the place o beginning and said in » @ firm, -yoware-a-wreteh fone of voices: "Nery we had his other works but" they" 'have all been sold." "I nm sorry to annoy you," gentiegian, "out cas you tell me where I could get "Shakespeare's Hiawatia' in the * same bonding as this? The publisher's list must be in your house." The young lady bit her underlip until all the blood in her veantiful she isa beautiful girl--rusbed to the place of attack. A woman's intuition i quick. "Sho knew this man was intent upun mischief, and yet there was nothing in his specch or maoner which she cond pes exception. ta the ike, a M. Quad, in the Detroit Free Press os 5 fax G WOME of the down: the Insect to ne ket BE SURE to GET THE GENUINE Sess town merchaite put . : . ida stock of books . tite thr t. 250 per bottle, P* ist before the holi- are yyur bart : : Bees weno aad voll Thon ae i MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINED! * the volumes at way ¢h ber dy tig cd i ' P " ry down prices that your chest ont ° * weull make the breath _ t i x ULSIO u hors rean, brac a. 8} eimatioe these for that purpoe, rata On BHP oe Linmene SEOA, tenk counters. oF wt ' tie. t ; locreases Weight, Strengthens Lungs --_ are placed in *c hs ss all hardware: p tv $ erves. is charg young Screw them toa wail ort tor te aterer Price 50c. and $1.00 per Bottle. 'tady rat x has all plac» amd est iS necessary qualifica - thet, ond at the )over ed " . . teone fer whiting one buy, but who isutterly * ee rey nr Tires a fey i Ministers and Public Speakers use destitute of the eort af information a bayer the comma OF tie + t SPENCER'S tometions wants before he makes a par- You t ry stead 1 pas ban Chloramine es ehaw.. [t isn't the fault of the young Indy in an thes ¥ Cine tee ti at 4 CL ; She could puzzle a myn very quickly if she following i we ' ie a eeiont Strngthening tle voles were over in the ¢mbroidery departme at Price asc oe bottie. ani pa mah went there to pprchase. Bat ne h Ps Sample free on application to Druggists. she ix seat to the book stall by the«anager, ee ' » <> who ddesfit stop to inquire whether she | fi- - i * : mm DGWs angthing abeait tak, see hay reste f es pee tC - TO MOTHERS eae fe PALMO-TAR SOAP a way that makes ter cheeks ee a A gen'ieran was at. one re the ©. book- Is fi } chi ndispensable for the Bath, Toilet or . Stalls "looking over the bargains." - fers | teed. ple ng ip or Skin. "Have pou seen the beautifal books which _ ane 4 THE aesT BABY S SOAP KHOWR. We aivertived teday?" asked the young-laty ge. 5 oy Price 25c. - behind the tanekes, 4 Py j a Tie gentleman sips be bat wen the ad- | | | Tet tiemeut, but not the bes se) 14 ee on a "das the Yui indy epic "Wat, |, hone s Malt Extract, they are he te, * A pit you seen our beautiful ios : Ciquid) 'Romeo art Juliet carts itt Only #3" 7] over thi f ay al per --and the mid cont hatever ther wers, {tit plore, at tion: te imerore the appetite. to aan Die . ihe gentioman «ciiode! be woe'd have (working: ti ona gestion, a valuable Tonic suns. fan quietly, so he loves! over his Qouiders Cente per bottle. qrlasers at tire Fong lady an i: = "Whi: is the -paiater sais tomeo aod ifte S 38 bint?" en Any: ng? tit The most satistactory BLOOD PURIFIER te __ *"Pacates!" exclaimed 'the youmg x lady. "Tr was, NO sion pall ' ' fa, oe een fe Mick dente We "Chaimteg 's Sarsaparil "Abel teg four pardon, Who ix the Gnd fusit (or any "tell t ocartbstec 1tis a Grand HEALTH RESTORER. pro i mn mete ts ' Mae tak 1 -# bs . 4 i a Will cure the worst form-ef shin dissace ¢ wild author were, THiy At wets #5 <fc:th sd eare Kheumatism ; will cure Salt Rieum f The young lady blusked aad then rallied img. It assed wi aiat Se 8 Large Bottles, $1.00. "Weil." she anid, "il you dun't know whe | Spirit he Uberti | Wrote 'Romeo and Juliet [don't think there | Coafess that i pierces JRSH is puch mr Ss owtag you the book." vague orul 5 ak gael ep ae ha AL EN' "Powibiy Get," the gent iven aan replied. fine, He m sham TG tt sie x | "But lata a strange in the city aud Dhave BAbIL of accur atk MRAM A LU NG G BA LSA M heen fooled so ameh since I eae to Chicago Matters of fact, ea AA. nae. EAS PERC? . CONSUMPTION that 1 theugat I might venture to ask who Mant that. temoer of vee t+ Bronchitis, Asthma wrote the Leautifit book which you have for conclusions, buh dey pet ja ae 3 ese adveriient which is equally oppose! tiny ned 25c, 50c, and $1.00 This was along speech. The gentiemen | noreddtil ity. ef digs rane reins t TIA T i rth | Le For Wartag ited Potder whieh tr coil a err te livery the young lady peepel inta the front the rever ie ul credulity wich aoc as | POR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, ofihs book aud uz it-spsickls ssid in, a¥ sta Lb is fs re = im a adec dead way: "Mr. Shalespeare wrote oF Bit aa hort CWE Sats it. © May be you have beard of ina" differenti sin coy Be witered the Jast seatoues in a mean | 80d sound fren ' way--tt ay t Sieg ly- 3 some prev Listy fest oft jue Foe Lumbago, Scistica, " Cricks.~ Tic, " suchen? utter a afin ate tt ' om " ey aud dice, does no mrwgat fianetation af pe rrnapl ts cieg chase lp npr pam batetulness, and trim ail ina beap. reality Mat theory roats, 2 The yeu leman re ix t sects + to me I That the w rich i we Vernet by ian . hate: Hate you kis dither. wutks! ee te, Sener eet: ab '| DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim, There was no im ro; rr "ty in toe query. ee Eco ea acca a gs . and yet the young ide blushed again and Seeaiy es PRUE IF ty onte ths £4133 : ® MO Ostaty that we inn youry, a ee) : Soin svacteirrte man as if rao kill bien, img ut iie thecn--taat wa. whe Fa wastaxen to | Proprietors or General Agusta : look of triumph came buck to hor nie th be the outcome of seieaiiie teaching, avd if as bear indir larte ep NEE which comtes into the cat's eyes hie anybody thought tidt a aeeless or ain uiGtn- ------ ti dicovins that tha canary i fa usiod portant or unnecessary lesson be dia not Toilet Articles aad Perfumery. "I will see". sbe stid, and in ber oe whe agree with him. Something else sc.ciice you-baven't-got-. «yet expression. Then rightly waderstond, World teac) us to kio as i ~ aod to understand; and _to ree + how" dei t- ater , she guided t- the end of the counter where little that is, and bow niuct Tes, amd pros ° pioaw him in « hurrying way that this "Re and Juliet" was the only one of Mr. Shakes- peare's works in the hoqse, and that tos house bai no pablisiser's list. look at this, if you please, and Version it is, if you have sab obhectians? "Certs va rhe see whose abe anit He msm a oung Indy - "oon he said to her: cf "¢ e+ itis not your fault. I dou't bk y> your . You. coukt nét has + Uais, of course, You will par- dou i course." This was one time when she had nothing yy. She stond bke a piece of stateary that isto b> raffled off for a fair, The geatleman seeing her pesition con- tinuel: "* meo and Julict Juliet kills herself, truth is she was smothered to death by Owes with a pillow. fraai~ "I had not sah it," the young lady an< swered in a subdued manner. "I am here to sell books not to read them," she con- "» eluded. "Ot. course not,"' the gentleman "Have you Mother Browning's = Melodies?" ho asked. The young lady put a pin in ber hair said something about such tsacheseca™ "Where is the soap counter!' asked the! wretch. om ; _ "Maybe you have it, bere," be sail a book of to power on the bably always will lie, beyond the reaen of of our facuities. ine worl only be would add, that, baving kiowa mea of ayy pro fesstons, he should sy, as far ashe ¥atiou went, the appost dives --weretrowe which had been devoted te science. ""Eeory step," sys Lord Derby, * id tg d > the sucerss of those who do succes! ts last. ing.--Lord Derby at Liverpo. Washing Out 'the Stomach. During the past year several piysicians in New York have tried, witha gratifying success, a novel treatment oad big wa oO vd cancer of the 206s mach by washing out that organ. The proces is very simple po not dangerous, Hg 'tae gf flexible pipeiis pawed down the throst es one eat is in, the | stomach. The upper er asa funnel at tached, int» which t& "s Water is poured until tue stomach is flied, The w of the water in the pip and fanne vos 8 hydraulic pressure sufficient to dis cod the stemach. Toe pips has ai aperture big eaungh to hold a lead pencil, After the And the way re heat at the copy for a half hour--tt--pur, and the hot water closes the blood whole afternoon to the wding to this edition of Ro-! fitted; tie faucet sunt Of ths pe is turned et antilitts lower than "Very well," said the gre "I will Awe bottom of the stowach, and the sto uich is eniptied asa barge! of any fluid is enptiet the usiligested food an nd tucus are washed Vessels and reduces inflammation, Tie relief is immediate, The dyspeptic my have his stomach was1ed out before a meal, "so that be can take a fresh start After tno ofa ° time for ordiaary di- gestion, the stomuch moy washed out again. This pr: -- bas boven in use at the New York Hospjtal. we are informei, for some time.---Ne uae American. Another Successful Inventor Gone. Rev. Robert Dick, the well known provement efter Pps seg till the capa- city of one of b chines will run up to 15,000 or 30.000 ae adap of labels ike the subseriter's name on the wre Tappers of prb- | licatious sent through the miaik Mr. Dick a Canada in the Progress tn Sci If a tuniag fork, wijen vibrating: is made | to touch any partot a spider's web or the IH fi it : § i | i i | t ~~ tae es =. Xe here fer festion FREI. "KI ge 4 to. seusia, male. euptata National M Prrju ic ic es Vanquiched THE TRICMPHs OF A ChEAT DISCOVERY, The magn: tic i: flacace of gold attracts tie prop-e Of evcsy ciume ty our th, Mooi ai nations, acd spesking all the ioByuape +f clViiZ.tion, ase to e on Differiu, Cust ur, batits, sud seh bk ut Gpou which ae r opinions cum Evgustmen aod Amesteaus, Fienwn, Grimans, pony lisliase, abe adnut, without a dissenti:g vo ce, that tue creat remecics introduces 10 ihe World forty yours spo by Hoile.ay are better auapiei to the cmesf diseas tw otis: cide, S «tse, tue €Xp* Tieace hiwaner: that th pieced iv their efficacy by the represeaia tives of so Many nati ne at the mines, isa Siiking pienowenon in medical history. Many of there people in their, youth, and even at matuiity, were accustemed tothe upe of dings auc uoalrums peculiar to their Several coudtrie, Llcee remedies .were connected in their micds with as-cciations of home, and inaoteed, as st were, by the r Yet they nave been ie and utterly repudiated, while = *y « Pills and Uintment bave been adopted by a common inppulse throughout =o entire gold iegions. is only ope way of accounting it is the reculs of couviction --OOn '¢g en and exper tence The Ojstment is Geed with tach wonder- fal succesw as a iremivg for 2 and sore legs, and for aiventurous gold bunt-r is peculiarly liable, that searcely a digger's tent can be *fousd withia the vast area afew dores ek Shere d.. SNOW SHOVELS, CATTLE TIES, ~ APPLE PAREBRS, MBAT CUTTHRS Best_and cheapest at W.& F. WORKMAN'S "oe JAMES STOCK. Wholesale and Feta, | WINES AND LIQUORS, Has the best assorted and chol- cest brands of Wines and Liquors inthecity. We deiy competition in any line of our goods. Sole agent for Davies celebrated white Label Export Ale in pints and quarts.. Very old Basses' ale and Gui- ness' Stout-always-instock,_we also handle Dows' bottled ale and Labatts, Dominion, Cosgrave's and Toronto Brewing ales and porter. Giveusacali and be sat isfied. Worth's Block Market Square : 'Rooms TO RENT. SUITABLE tor , or Mt om over las office, Erie street, stew yards from Enquire of The Ontario Wood anu Pump Company. SHA KESPEARE ONT. FREDERICK ° BAECELER, Prop. Pump Dealers & Supplies Gene- / va ally. Specialtios are De: p Well Pumps Porcelain lined Pumps with imorov d dee p valves. --We- guarantee every" Pump-made> ~~ by us. This will make it quite, ua- necessary for us to prevent any com- parixon of our work with that of our = competitors, 48 OWF guaranteed sat- isfection makes it impossible for any one to suffer loss by orderinz of as, Yours very truly The Oataric Wood Puno Co., Shakespeare ,Ont Whatis w or with Yours He irP Faded of were! ers? Having dandru! Hair falling oo EADMAKE'S . Ls ¥ D t f+ Dr. Dorenwend's y GERMAN HAIR MAGIC, | Ie the only sure cure. i aroaxiets or by $1.00 pe bottle, For sale by al ee . ENTS. ok, 2. fi PRICE Five GRAND TRUNK AL way. Arrive from Depart tor Toronto and East Ifamexp 5 Sam exp 2 02m ex 9 am exp 42%cmexp 3 55pm § 10pm exp 7 30pm mix Point Edward & vest SSlamexp 3 Sam exp 9 l0am mix 7 36am exp 3 45pm exp - 12 lipm exp . 9 10pm mix 4 30pm esp London . . . . « «8 Samexp 10 06am m 3 tipmexp 435)m exp 7 ltpmexp & lipm exp Goterich . : fone exp A fnwenipa a ¥ exp < b Fp < S0men cle 8 lipmex Brantford & Buffalo . ar rewnchex 2 8 00am mix 15 00pm mix 8 Sam exp 9l0pmexp 3 50pm exp Palmerton'& Wiarton 100Mmexp 6 06am mix Southampton & Wiarton 3 30pm exp 12 05pm ex *O# atx 7 20pm Woodstock & Port Dover li d%emexp 9 OGam me es Look Before You -- --_--_--_-- The chinck-bug eats the farmers! grain, The bee- ney The chigger fillshim fuli of pain, But Leishman, Maundrel. & Co. Give you the worth of your money. -- te ee tee Friends, open your eyes! Don't be scooped any longer! But go to LEISHMAN MAUNDRELL & CO'Y¥ And bay your------ LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We always keep on hand an immense stock of PINE AND HEML(CK BILL STUFF, ALSG----_--_-- XX AND XxX SHINGLE ee wee ees Give us a call. Remember we are still here and doing very best principles. business on the Leishman, Maundrell & Co. Wholesale and Retail Lamber dealers. Telephone connection. Front St., Stratford yg Passhaows chould lok to tho Label on the Benes and Bots. ow. me (BANKRUPT {Between Strationd and Brantiord only. STILL IN FULL BLAST -- STORE] the crowd and Follow to gonds. i2s | fut ut it a ii